Target: April O'Neil
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
Here we go!
It's the lean, mean, ninja team
On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things
So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams
Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza Kings
Can't stop these radical dudes
The secret of the ooze made the chosen few
Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves
The good guys win and the bad guys lose
Leonardo's the leader in blue
Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through
Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines
Raphael has the most attitude on the team
Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!
Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!
Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need
To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
(The brothers were in the living room watching TV, Mikey offered to make some popcorn while they watched more SRMFF. Mikey sat down in front of the TV, munching on his popcorn. Y/N reached over and got a piece for myself. Mikey then tossed a piece into the air and opened his mouth to catch it. But Raph reached over and snatched the piece out of the air and ate it. Mikey opened his eyes and looked around, confused. He hesitated before tossing a few more pieces into the air, and Raph once again caught them and ate them. Mikey looked around carefully as he took out another piece. He tossed it in the air and immediately went to eat it. But, Raph had reached for it just as he did, and Mikey accidentally bit his arm. Raph yelled and went to swing at him, but Mikey panicked and sucked himself into his shell. Y/N snorted as he Mikey's watched his shell spin around slightly.)
(At that moment, Y/N heard footsteps behind him. He turned to see Donnie walking towards us, and judging by the slumped shoulders and the depressed look on his face, his "patrol" hadn't gone too well. He sighed sadly, standing over us rather than sitting.)
Y/N: Hey buddy. How'd your 'patrol' go?"
(Donnie glared at Y/N slightly, and he shrugged apologetically. At that moment, the show started.)
The giant robot was fighting what looked like a space squid. "Unleash mighty super robo mecha laser force energy blast... NOW!" The robot released a sudden blast of energy from its own form, and it hit the space squid directly, causing it to fall back off screen, squealing. Four out of the five characters started cheering and hollering in victory. The princess, however, folded her arms in distaste.
"Why not laughter in merriment, princess? Eh?" "You have all forgotten my glorious royal birthday, Dr. Blip." The camera cut to all four of the other characters looks of horror. The monkey squealed loudly. "I am hurt beyond all recognition! I never want to speak to you..." The camera cut to outside the robot. It showed the left leg suddenly parting with the rest of the body and shooting off into the stars. "... AGAIN...!" "PRINCESS ZE...!"
Mikey: Wow dude. (Looking up at Donnie.) This show, like, totally paradoxes your life. Kinda owey in the corazon. That means heart.
Donnie: (Groaned) It's 'parallels', and it does not! Okay?! It's just a cartoon!
Y/N:I dunno... (Scratched his head) It's been similar to us one too many times already...
Leo: It's probably just a coincidence. Besides, the princess has quit the team, like, 27 times. She always comes back.
Raph: (Sadly) Yeah, but let's face reality. April's gone for good. We'll probably never see her again."
(Y/N stared up at Raph for a moment before turning away. Never see April again. Could that still happen? After the phone call Donnie had with her, she had been sending Timothy one or two texts a day. Just to check up on him. Y/N assumed that meant that they were getting better. But, just because she was better with him, didn't mean that she was better with the others.)
(Y/N turned and was surprised to see that Donnie had left. He looked to see him slowly walking into his lab, his shoulders hunched. Y/N was thinking about getting up to follow him, when he suddenly gasped and ran into the lab.)
Donnie: Guys! We have a problem!
(They all looked at each other before getting up and running into the lab. Donnie was standing by his desk, holding something in his hands. The Kraang communicator was active again.)
(As soon as Donnie explained why the orb was going off, Leo ordered all the brothers into the Shellraiser. As they drove out into the night, Donnie continued to translate the message coming from the alien sphere.)
Donnie: From what I could translate from the orb, it seems the Kraang are building some kind of advanced heavy weaponry.
Leo: Any guess what it could be?
Mikey: Ooh! Lasers disguised as burritos! Yes! It all makes sense now."
Raph: (Stood up from his station) It does make sense..." (He slowly turned and walked over to Mikey.) "... If you have the brain of AN ALVOCADO!"
(Mikey glared up at Raph, raising his hand to point a threatening finger at him. Raph slapped it down and poked Mikey in the forehead hard before going back to his seat.)
Leo: Alright guys, stay focused. We find the weapon, and then we destroy it. And then we get Mexican... pizza.
(Y/N was just checking to make sure the cannon was ready to go when he felt his phone vibrate. Y/N took it out and saw that he had a text... from April. He was surprised, and relieved.)
April: Hey.
Y/N felt a smile grow on his face as he replied.
Y/N: What's up?
April: Nothing really. I'm at the skating rink with a friend.
Y/N: That's cool!
(Minutes passed, and Y/N received no response back. Should he have used a period instead of an exclamation point? Y/N waited a few more minutes before texting again.)
April" Have you been doing okay?
(A minute passed. Y/N saw April open the message, and after about 30 seconds she started typing. But then, she suddenly stopped. He frowned.)
Leo: We're here.
(Leo parked the van in a small, dark alley behind a tall building. He and the others stood up and started to get out. Y/N quickly put his phone back in his pocket. He stepped outside and a chill went up his arms. They climbed up to the top of the building and made their way around to the front. Leo walked ahead, pointing down at the building across the street, which was guarded by four Kraangdroids in disguise.)
Leo: There's our entry point. We just need a distraction.
Mikey: Dude, I got the best plan!" (Mikey climbed up onto the build board on the roof and leapt up to grab one of the lamps.)
(Y/N stared up in confusion and Raph huffed.)
Raph: Why do I feel slightly nauseated?"
Y/N: (Elbowed his arm) Come on, give him a chance.
Mikey: Check it out, I've been practicing!"
(Mikey turned the lamp so that it was shining on a wall facing away from the front of the building. Some of the droids turned their heads. Mikey raised his hands up to the light and started moving them oddly. Y/N was surprised to see him doing shadow puppetry- he's never mentioned doing it before. He watched as he first made a rabbit, which managed to make all the droids turn to look. Then, he somehow made a really good elephant, and the droids started to walk towards the show. Leo patted Y/N's shoulder and he saw him and the other three take out their weapons, slowly going towards the edge. Y/N pulled out his claws and slowly followed them. Suddenly, Mikey twisted his hands and made a realistic belly dancer dancer on the wall. Y/N had a second to admire his brother's amazing talent before Leo hissed-)
Leo: Now!"
(They all jumped off the edge and each landed on a droid, one after another. Y/N sliced one in the back of the neck as he kicked him down, and sparks flew out everywhere. Once the droids were down, Mikey finally jumped down to join them.)
Leo: Wow Mikey! You've got mad shadow puppetry skills!
Mikey: Like a turtle do!"
(Donnie climbed up the building first, going through the middle window. They all followed him, keeping as quiet as possible. Once inside, they pulled out their weapons and began walking down the hallway. A few short minutes later, they made a few turned and ran into a newer, bigger room than the others. Leo went ahead and gave them the all clear to come forward. It was unmistakably some sort of lab. Several undisguised droids were in there, along with a few floating aliens with no vessel. And there, at the very center of the room, was what looked like a very tall, very large droid covered in metal and ninja armor. This droid looked much more intimidating and threatening that the other droids did, by a long-shot. Though, it seemed to be deactivated. It was standing completely still and was connected to several cables and wires, almost like it was charging.)
Y/N: Holy mackerel...
Donnie: (Whispered) I'm guessing we just found the secret weapon.
Leo: Alright Donnie, we need you to shut that thing down.
Donnie: No problem-
(Suddenly, a soft but obvious buzzing started coming from the back of Donnie's pocket. He froze suddenly, looking like a deer in headlights.)
Mikey: Dude, you're vibrating.(Pointing at Donnie's shell.)
(Donnie rolled his eyes as he took out his buzzing phone. His face fell then lit up within a second.)
Donnie: It's April!"
Y/N: Uh, Donnie, now might not be a good time-
Donnie: (Cleared his throat as he answered his phone.) Hi, this is Donna... Denner-Dinner... Donom-" (He stopped his stuttering as Y/N heard April's voice on the other end of the line. Y/N leaned his head in and managed to catch the last few words.) "... Things are really out of control right now!
Donnie: She needs me, guys. I gotta go. Hold on April, I'll be right there!"
Leo: Donnie, we need you're help!"
(Donnie ignored Leo as he hung up the phone and instantly started to run in the opposite direction.)
Y/N: Donnie, hold on! I'm coming with you!
Leo: Wait, Y/N, no-!
(But before Leo could stop more or call Y/N back he was already hot on Donnie's trail.)
(With Donnie and Y/N)
Donnie: She's about a block away from the rink. (Looking at his phone.) We're almost there! We gotta help her!
Y/N: You watch yourself too, Donnie.
(They were just sprinting across the edge of a building when he skidded to a halt. Y/N saw April standing in the middle of the alley, surrounded by a group of Footbots.)
Y/N: Donnie!"
(He stopped and quickly ran back over. They looked at each other for a moment before pulling out their weapons and jumping down to the ground. They each landed on opposite sides of the circle of ninjas, and immediately started slicing at them. Y/N grabbed the back of one Footbot's head and sliced at its neck, tossing the body at a second bot while he threw one of his kunais at the third one's head.)
April: Donnie! Y/N?! You're both here!"
(Donnie swung his Bo staff at a bot as he kicked another one at the wall. He leapt onto the swing set and pushed himself off, raising his staff as the blade shot out. He stabbed the Footbot that was holding April right in the head, knocking it away from her. Y/N picked her tessen off the ground and handed it back to her.)
April: Took you long enough. (She sighed as she took the fan)
Donnie: I'm sorry, I had to figure out your coordinates with the T-Phone and-
Y/N: Look out!"
(Y/N shoved April and Donnie forward as a throwing star suddenly shot through the air, directing where April had been standing. They turned in unison to see no one other than Karai, wielding a large spear, and both are surrounded by more Footbots.)
Donnie: Karai...
Karai: Well, I was hoping for all five of you to see this. (She grinned)
Y/N: But I guess you two are good enough. What's the deal, you? What do you have against April so much?
Karai: Don't pretend, kitty cat. Your rat master took away someone I cared about, so I'm returning the favor!
(Y/N glared at Karai , feeling anger staring to course through him. Donnie and Y/N instantly stood in front of April, raising our weapons up in front of them.)
Donnie: Stay away from April! Footbots, keep the turtle and the cheetah busy."
(At once, the rest of the bots charged at them at full speed. Donnie swung his staff and Y/N swiped with his claws, keeping them off of him and as far away from April as possible. Karai suddenly leapt up, running across the back of the Footbots to go past them and straight for April. Y/N turned and was about to run after her to stop her, when another footbot crossed his path and swung his tanto at him. Y/N had just enough time to raise his claws and block it before it forced him back several feet away. As he pushed the other bots back, he could hear Karai begin to taunt April.)
Karai: Your skills are weak, April! I've had years of training!
(Y/N looked up in time to see April's tessen fly by and smack Karai right across the face. He felt so full of pride as he watched April catch it easily, fanning herself as she smirked.)
April: You talk too much.
(Suddenly, one Footbot grabbed him by the arm and punched him in the back, knocking him down for a moment. Y/N gripped his claws and slashed one up, hitting the bot square in the face. Y/N gripped the handle and pressed his foot against its chest, pulling it out. Y/N heard a yell and turned. Karai had charged at April, but Donnie swooped in at just the right time to block Karai's blade.)
Donnie: You're not gonna touch her!" (Donnie spun his bow and smacked Karai's weapon out of her hands. As he began swinging at her, Y/N sprinted over to April.)
Y/N: Are you alright?
April: I'm fine. Thank you! You just-"
(But she was cut off as a loud noise reached their ears. Y/N looked up to see a figure suddenly fly in from above the buildings and slowly land in front of all of them. He realized it was the giant droid from the Kraang lab, and he felt his stomach drop. Did that mean the others hadn't managed to fight it off? Were they okay?)
April: Um, guys? I'm thinking retreat.
(Before Y/N could respond Karai suddenly kicked Donnie's staff away from her, and back flipped over to the machine. She had an evil grin on her face.)
Karai: Like my new little toy?"
Y/N: (Scoffed) Little?"
(She smirked at him before looking up at the machine.)
Kaira: Robot! Eliminate the red-haired girl!"
(Donnie ran up to the robot as he swung his staff at its face, but it just raised its hand and smacked Donnie out of the way. Y/N unshated his claws as he stood protectively in front of April. It whipped out a neon bright rope that wrapped around one of his wrists at lightning speed, and suddenly threw him out of the way. Y/N landed on the ground and rolled away. Y/N watched as April was snatched by the rope and pulled closer to the robot, who looked at her for a moment. Then it stopped.)
Robot: System override. Do not destroy April O'Neil. Capture for the Kraang.
Karai: What?
(The robot suddenly started to take off again, holding April in its arms. Y/N pushed himself. But, Karai raised her blade and sliced at the robot's feet, causing it to fall and drop April. It stood up and turned to face Karai.)
Robot: Threat detected. Eliminate threat."
(Y/N got to his feet and ran straight for April, who was still laying on the ground. Y/N put a hand on her shoulder and she turned to look at him. They both smiled. Donnie soon ran over next to us, and he held his hand out for April.)
Donnie: You okay?"
April: (Nodded as he helped her up) For once, I'm actually glad the Kraang wanna kidnap me."
(They heard a loud smack and deep groan, and Y/N turned to see Karai on the ground with the droid standing over her. It turned its attention towards them, and they all held up their weapons. Then, from the alley next to them, there came a loud screeching sound. The Shellraiser came zooming around the corner, and as it spun out it slammed into the large droid, sending it flying as it smacked into the brick wall.)
Mikey: Aw yeah! Firing manhole covers!"
(Suddenly, manhole covers started shooting out, hitting the droid right in its head. Mikey cheered.)
Mikey: Eat it, Chromedome!"
(Suddenly, its eyes started glowing and lasers shot out, slicing through all the manhole covers that came out. It took out its rope and wrapped it around Mikey, pulling him out of his seat. As Mikey went flying, 'Chromedome' ran at the van, grabbed it, and suddenly flipped it over onto its side like it was nothing. Leo and Raph both leapt from the van and landed on the ground with the rest of them.)
Leo: Aw man, I just waxed her too!
(They heard more grunting and yelling, and turned to see Chromedome still trying to fight Karai.)
Mikey: Dude, I so want plasma chucks! Donnie, can you hook a turtle up?!
Y/N: No offense bro, but I don't think you're ready for plasma weapons.
(Chromedome took one of the smaller Footbots, and suddenly ripped him into pieces. Sparks flew everywhere as he tossed the robot pieces aside. Donnie gasped.)
Donnie: Guys! I think I know how we can take that thing down!
Raph: Oh, are you on this team? (Raph runs past him.)
Leo: Yeah, way to ditch us, dudes. (Looking at both Y/N and Donnie. Mikey blew a raspberry in our direction as he followed our brothers. Donnie turned to look at Y/N, and he shrugged.)
April: Go easy on them, guys! If it wasn't for them I wouldn't- (She was cut off as Karai suddenly came down and kicked her in the side, knocking her down.)
Karai: I don't need that stupid robot to finish you!
Y/N: April!
Leo: I'll help April! You guys take down-
Mikey: Chrome dome!"
(They all turned to face Chrome dome as he popped the head off of another Footbot. They all looked at each other before running straight at him. Raph swung at him first, then Donnie, then Mikey. At the last moment, Mikey suddenly tossed one of his chucks to Raph before taking out the chain and tossing it forward. It wrapped around one of Chrome dome's arms, holding it in place. Raph did the same thing, wrapping the chain around the other arm to hold it. Y/N ran forward and jumped in the air, landing on its chest and stabbing its robotic eyes with his claws.)
Y/N: Donnie, now!"
(Donnie leapt up and got onto the robot's back. He used his blade to open its back panel, and suddenly yanked the wires out. Chrome dome went stiff for a moment before suddenly starting to spin around incredibly fast. Colors and shapes blurred in front of his eyes as he head started to spin. Y/N could hear the others yelling in agony as well. As Y/N got more and more dizzy he felt his arms start to lose their grip before he finally slid off. Y/N rolled around on the ground before he stopped on his side.)
(Y/N heard loud thuds next to him and he saw Mikey and Raph had landed next to him. Donnie was still holding onto Chrome dome's head for dear life, yelling as he continued to spin. Now what? It was at that moment that Y/N noticed something glowing in front of him. Y/N saw it was Chrome dome's laser katana, sticking up out of the concrete.)
Y/N: Hey Mikey...
(He groaned as he raised his head to look at me, and Y/N pointed at the sword. The second he saw it, his eyes lit up and he instantly sprung to his feet and ran for the weapon. Just then, Donnie finally managed to slip off of Chrome dome's head, tumbling onto the ground. At that moment Mikey sprinted forward, katana in his hand and determination in his eyes. He ran straight up to Chrome dome, and stabbed it straight in the back.)
(The robot was still for a moment, sparks flying out of its chest. Then, it fell to its knees before falling flat on its head. Mikey reached up and pulled the katana out of the robot's back. He raised it up, staring in awe.)
Mikey: Whoa! Can I keep it? Can I keep it?"
(Mikey was so excited that he started dancing around, swinging the sword with him. This caused him to almost hit Donnie and Raph, who had to duck to avoid damage. They then snapped up, fire in their eyes as they glared at their brother. Mikey quickly dropped the katana, laughing nervously.)
Y/N: Stick with the nun-chucks.
Leo: Easy does it, April. It's over now."
(Y/N turned to see Leo helping April to her feet. The brothers all walked over to them, relief on their faces.)
April: I just... need to catch my breath.
(As she breathed heavily she turned to look directly at Y/N. He grinned at her. Suddenly, she ran forward and threw her arms around him, hugging him tightly. The others stared, half surprised, half happy.)
April: (Whisper) Good kitty.
(Y/N grinned as he hugged her back. They stood there for a moment before they separated. She smiled at Y/N for a moment before turning to look at all of them.)
April: I know I didn't deserve your help, after what I did. But... thanks guys. I just... I wanted to say..." (suddenly, she gasped.) Oh my gosh! I forgot about Casey!"
(And just like that, she pushed passed the brothers and ran out towards the alley they had come from.)
Donnie: That's what she wanted to say?
(Back at the lair, the brothers had finally gotten to finishing that episode of SRMFF. Towards the end of the episode, the princess had, of course, returned to the team. She went back to being the left foot again as the team rod off into the stars.)
April: Hey guys..."
(April was standing by the edge of the pit, a smile on her face as she looked at all of us. They all stood up at once, too happy to sit down.)
Y/N: April!
Leo: You're back!
Timothy/Raph: Dude!
Mikey: What uuuup?!"
(Donnie remained silent, but stared up at her with a smile on his face. Ethan raced over and jumped into her arms.)
Ethan: April, I missed you!
April: (Rubs his head) Missed you too!
(As they all stared, Splinter came walking out from the dojo and down to the entrance. April turned to face him, dropped Ethan, and Y/N noticed her posture suddenly became straighter in his presence.)
Splinter: Mmm, it is very good to see you April.
April: I missed you, Master Splinter. (She raised her head.) I... hope we can start training again with you and Timothy soon?
Splinter: (Nodded) Of course. Whenever you wish.
Timothy: I'm in.
(They bowed respectfully towards her, and she bowed back. She turned back to face them.)
April: I never got a chance to tell you guys that I'm sorry. For everything.
Leo: You're sorry? But, we were the ones that screwed up.
April: (Shook her head) "It was an accident. And, more importantly, you're my friends. I don't every wanna hold a grudge ever again.
She smiled at all of us. Mikey leapt forward and landed in a kneeling position in front of her, giving her a thumbs up. "You dat best, April!" he cheered. "To mark this day, I offer you the slice of eternal reunion."
And from behind him, Mikey pulled out a single slice of pizza. It was hard to tell, but from here it looked like it was covered in garbage. April leaned forward to look at it closer, and grimaced. "It has lint and dead bugs all over it." Close enough. "I know, I just found it under my bed," Mikey nuzzled his head against the slice. "It's eternal." And just like that, Mikey shoved the entire slice into his mouth. April winced slightly, but the others all grimaced loudly. April rolled her eyes as she stepped into the pit and walked directly towards Donnie. She stopped in front of him and smiled up at him.
April: Thanks, Donnie. (Pushing her hair behind her ear.) For... always being there, even when I didn't want you to be."
(Donnie smiled, shaking his head. But, before he could respond April threw herself onto him, wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug. Donnie smiled contently, hugging her back. April took a step back, but instead of stepping away, she held Donnie's face up to her own and kissed his cheek. Donnie let out a soft gasp as his jaw fell and his eyes widened.)
Donnie: Aw, so aweome.
[Donnie is so happy that his dream about flying around the world.]
Donnie [Happy, joyful and triumphanted]: I LOVE BEING A TURTLE!!!!!!
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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