Tale of the Yokai


(Y/N jumped over a fallen log as he dashed through the woods alongside the rest of his fam, pursued by the red-dressed ninjas. He skidded to a halt as he noticed said ninjas appear in the trees ahead. Scanning the area, he noticed the ninjas had surrounded them.)

"Where are we?" Leo asked as they all gathered back-to-back with each other.

"Not where are we, but when are we?" Donnie corrected.

Y/N: That's such a cliche line!

(One of the ninjas jumped from the trees and threw a chain around Leo's sword, knocking him off his feet. This started the battle, the other ninjas taking action.)

(Two of the ninjas came at Y/N from either side, raising their weapons to strike. Metal clashed against metal as Y/N brought out his daggers, blocking their weapons. He pushed his arms up, forcing their weapons from their hands and into the air, and slammed the pommels of his swords into their sides, knocking them off their feet. He took a step back as their weapons fell back to the ground and turned to see how the others were faring.)

(Ethan was somewhat holding his own. Despite being able to block and dodge, the movements of the ninjas were too quick for him to retaliate and fight back, and it was obviously beginning to make him mad.)

Chloe ducked under a blade and jumped back. The ninja's blade managed to catch her bangs, and she skidded to a halt, catching the strands of her hair. "These guys are good."

"They're not just ninja, they're Hamato Clan! Splinter's Clan!" Leo yelled, getting their attention.

"But the Hamato Clan doesn't exist anymore, right?" Raph asked.

"Technically, we're the last few surviving members," Timothy said.

(Raph was knocked back by one of the ninjas, who closed in on them and began talking among themselves in Japanese.)

"What are they saying?" Chloe asked. "I-I'm only catching bits and pieces."

"They...they think we're Yokai," Ethan responded. "Sent to curse them."

Y/N: How do you know that?

Ethan: I studied the Japanese language.

(The ninjas tightly gripped their swords, moving in to attack once more.)

"What is going on here?" a voice snapped. The ninjas stepped aside to let the man through. "Yokai?"



Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

Here we go!

It's the lean, mean, ninja team

On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things

So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams

Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza Kings

Can't stop these radical dudes

The secret of the ooze made the chosen few

Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves

The good guys win and the bad guys lose

Leonardo's the leader in blue

Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through

Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines

Raphael has the most attitude on the team

Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!

Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need

To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

(Mikey came to right at that moment, throwing down a smoke bomb and allowing them to flee. They abandoned their LARPing gear and headed into the trees. Chloe was on Ethan's back as her armor was in backpack mode.)

"Phew! Close call, dudes," Mikey said as they jumped from tree to tree. "Awesome save by Mikey, thank you very much."

Donnie dropped down onto the forest floor. "Oroku Saki was part of the Hamato Clan before he became the Shredder."

Leo slid down a tree to the ground. "So, we're at least 16 years in the past. But why here? Why now?"

"Who knows?" Raph retorted. "But 20 bucks says it's Renet's fault. She doesn't know the first thing about time travel."

"Maybe it was the timeline trying to fix something," Chloe suggested.

"Yo, guys, check it," Mikey called, pointing to a building below. They all headed over to look. "That's Splinter's old dojo, right?"

Leo started toward the dojo. "Come on, ninjas. Maybe Splinter's in there." He made his way to the doors and stopped, spying on the people inside.

Saki was kneeling in front of an old man, his adoptive father, maybe? He was recounting his encounter with them. "I saw it with my own eyes. They were small green men, and furry and men and women in strange costumes. Clearly the Yokai of legend." He paused for a second. There was laughter and a human Splinter--or better known as Yoshi at the time--walked into the room. "Yokai? Your imagination runs wild, Saki."

They all gasped, ducking out of sight behind the doorway.

"Whoa. Human Splinter."

"He looks so weird without fur," Mikey said, leaning out to get a better look at Yoshi. Raph grabbed him and covered his mouth with his hand, pulling him out of sight.

"Small green men? Furry creatures? Spirits? Monsters?" Yoshi seemed to be quite amused by the whole idea. "Your head has always been in the clouds, brother."

"Do not be too dismissive of the supernatural world, Yoshi," their father. "There are many dimensions, many beings that permeate what we call reality."

Yoshi bowed before him. "My apologies, Father." He sat beside his brother. "Please, continue, Saki. Let us hear more of this interesting tale."

"Do not mock me, Yoshi," Saki snapped. "I know what I saw."

Yuuta coughed. "Some legends say when the Yokai arrive, tragedy is sure to follow."

"Dudes, these Yokai sound like trouble," Mikey whispered.

Raph smacked the back of his head. "He's talking about us, genius."

"Yokai are mythical Japanese monsters," Donnie explained.

(Yuuta left the room, leaving Saki and Yoshi alone, the two men getting up and facing each other.)

Saki sighed. "I tell you, Yoshi, we all saw them." The two bowed.

"It reminds me of the Yokai friends we invented as children," Yoshi said as the two took fighting stances. "Remember, Saki?"

The two ran at each other, beginning to spar. "You never listen to me," Saki growled, locking together with Yoshi. "Just like..." He slammed his knee into Yoshi's stomach, knocking him away. "Tang Shen."

"Yet again you speak of Shen?" Yoshi retorted, blocking Saki's kick.

"You care nothing for her. Only for the Clan, only for yourself."

(Yoshi swept his leg down, making Saki fall. He slammed his knee into Saki's stomach before he had a chance to fall, grabbing his brother's wrist and throwing him over his shoulder onto the floor.)

"That is not true, brother. I have always been there for you." Yoshi offered Saki his hand, though Saki slapped it away.

(Y/N and Chloe slid the doors closed, catching the attention of Yoshi and Saki. They darted off into the woods before they could get caught.)

"Ugh," Mikey groaned, hanging off a tree. "We haven't had any real food in days." He fell off the tree, landing on the forest floor. "A turtle can't live on berries alone, bros." He crawled over to Raph. "I'm feeling weak."

Raph groaned, shoving Mikey away. "Is Renet ever gonna find us and bring us home? Seriously, I hate time travel."

"I've been giving it some thought," Leo started, adding more logs to the fire they'd made before sitting down. "It kinda seems like more than just coincidence we're here, right?"

Donnie thought for a moment. "Well, the odds we're in this exact time and place by sheer accident is like 879 quintillion to 1."

"But if we're here for a reason, what is it?" Timothy asked.

Y/N: Yeah, I'm still wondering why Lord S said that I could succeed when they failed.

Chloe groaned, hanging upside-down from a tree branch. "I'm so hungry..." They'd been having to forage for food, since they couldn't go into the city to buy any.

Mikey's humming caught their attention.

"What the heck are you doing?" Y/N asked.

"Baking a pizza," Mikey responded, showing them what he'd created. "Berries, spider eggs, and worms on a thin slice of bark covered in mud sauce. Mmm, mmm mmm."

Y/N grimaced, ears folding back. "Yeah, I'm hungry, but I am not that desperate."

"Here, Raph, try a bite." Mikey shoved the concoction into Raph's mouth and the hothead quickly spit it out. He tackled Mikey to the ground, rolling around.

Leo froze, ears pricking as he heard something. "Both of you, stop it and be quiet!" he snapped, ears swiveling. Raph and Mikey froze and the noise became clearer. Leo and the others perked up, looking more alert.

"Is that a baby crying?" Y/N demanded.

"Out here?" Chloe asked, flipping around to sit on her branch.

(The noise got louder and closer, and soon a woman became visible through the trees, holding a baby in her arms. Y/N's eyes widened, quickly recognizing both of them from Sensei's photo. Shen and Miwa...)

"Yokai!" Shen exclaimed, holding her baby closer.

"It's okay, it's okay, we're not gonna hurt you," Leo said quickly.

"Yeah, we're friendly Yokai," Ethan agreed quickly as Raph and Mikey got back to their feet.

"Check out the cute eyes." Mikey gave her the puppy eyes, trying to make himself look as cute as possible.

(Saki suddenly jumped down, slashing his sword at them. They jumped away to dodge, taking shelter behind some trees.)

"Mikey, we need an exit," Leo said.

"I'm out of smoke bombs, dude," Mikey responded.

(Timothy lifted one of her Bo shuriken, gasping when a blade slammed through the tree she was hiding behind, Saki grabbing her and throwing her to the ground.)

"Fear not, Shen," Saki started, walking over to Timothy, blade ready to strike. "I will destroy these wretched monsters."

(Chloe activated her armor and wrapped a cord around the blade, preventing Saki from attacking as Leo helped the vigilante back into cover. Saki slammed a kunai into the cord, breaking it before throwing said kunai at Timothy and Leo. Donnie ran out from cover, knocking the kunai away with his staff, Leo and Timothy having disappeared from sight once he back under cover.)

Saki looked around, grip tightening on his blade.

"Now's our chance," Raph said. "We can change the future. We can take Shredder down."

"No!" Y/N yelped. "Are you crazy? We can't screw with time like that. Worse stuff could happen!"

Donnie ducked as Saki slashed the tree he hid behind, cutting it down as Donnie ran for cover.

Miwa's cries caught Saki's attention and he walked over to Shen and her daughter. "Are you alright, Shen?"

Shen nodded, finally managing to calm Miwa. "Yes, thanks to you."

Saki gently ran the back of his hand down Miwa's face. "I would never let anything hurt you." He turned his attention to Shen. "I overheard your conversation with Yoshi. It is futile, you know. He will never leave the Clan."

Shen sighed, turning away from him. "Perhaps you speak the truth."

"Shen, take me back," Saki said. She turned to look at him. "I will help you take care of Miwa." He placed his hands on her shoulders. "We will go to New York together, the three of us." Shen looked away, silent. "I'm a different man than the one you once knew." Saki gently hooked his fingers under Shen's chin, turning her head so she was looking at him. "Believe me." He kissed her forehead.

(Shen gave him a small smile, turning and walking away with Miwa.)

"Whoa," Mikey started from where they'd been watching within the tree branches. "Young Oroku Saki is kind of a good guy, right?"

Leo scoffed bitterly. "Yeah, right."

"Are you crazy?" Y/N retorted. "He's a total creep."

"Maybe we should take Shredder down," Leo said.

Y/N growled. "Are you serious? Think about everything else that would happen if we do something like that. If we interfere with history and kill Shredder, then Father never moves to New York and buys four baby turtles. And you guys don't find me, I don't adopt Ethan and Timothy doesn't become apart of our family." He shook his head. "Not to mention that if none of us are in New York, there's no one to stop the Kraang from taking April and starting the invasion and who's going to save the world?"

"But we've already interfered with history," Leo pointed out. "Shredder just saved Tang Shen from 8 monsters. Us!"

"Wait a second." Timothy pulled out her T-phone, pulling up a photo of the ten of them with Casey and April. Y/N peered over to see Casey's photo beginning to fade away. "Casey's picture is fading away...like we never knew him. Time is already being altered."

Ethan: (Looks at his hand) Uhh, guys.

Y/N: Kiddo! (Holds Ethan close) He's begin erased from history!

(Everyone begins to get worried about this.)

"It's just like that movie!" Mikey started to panic. "We're doomed, dudes! Dooooomed!"

"Calm down, man!" Raph snapped at his brother, startling him. "We just gotta make sure that Tang Shen doesn't like Oroku Saki."

Y/N nodded. "We just have to convince her that he's the evil jerk we all know and hate, so history stays on course. Shouldn't be too hard, considering he's already an evil jerk."

(Ethan's hand begins to come back as everyone was relieved by this.)

"We're gonna have to 'Back to the Future' this, aren't we?" Ethan asked with a sigh.

(Night soon ended, Leo and the others watching the woods from the trees. Finally, they spotted Shen walking through the forest with Miwa in her arms.)

"Here she comes," Leo said quietly.

Donnie, Chloe, Y/N, and Raph jumped down in front of her, startling her. "Shen!"

Shen started to run, only for Leo, Timothy, and Y/N to cut her off. "Tang Shen. Hold on," Leo said.

"We come in peace," Donnie added.

(Mikey slid out, humming as he started to dance. Shen stared at him in confusion, looking to Miwa when she started giggling.)

"Tang Shen," Y/N started. "Please, we mean you no harm."

(Shen stared at them, Miwa giggling and reaching out to Y/N. Y/N smiled, leaning down to let Miwa touch his whiskers, as that was what had grabbed her attention.)

"Gentle, little one," Y/N cautioned. "Those are sensitive."

(Shen blinked, smiling at the interaction.)

"It's okay, Tang Shen," Chloe said, coming closer now that Shen was more relaxed. "We promise we won't hurt you."

"Are you aliens or Yokai?" Shen asked as Y/N carefully removed Miwa's hands from her whiskers and took a few steps back.

"We're, um, friendly Yokai, Shen," Donnie responded. "We need to talk to you."


Shen took them back to her home and began preparing food for them. "I was raised in Fukuoka but my grandfather is Chinese. I moved here to be closer to Yoshi.

(Leo was holding Miwa in her arms when he felt a soft tug on his bandana.)

"I've heard Yokai are always hungry. That's why I made a meal all kappas love."

"Kappa?" Y/N asked. "What's a kappa?"

"Turtle Yokai," Shen responded, setting a plate of cucumbers down on the table for the turtles. "And your favorite food is cucumber. At least, that's what the legends say."

"Cucumber?" Mikey questioned. "Little known fact--our favorite food is pizza. Thick crust, thin crust, no crust--hook a turtle up!"

Shen laughed, setting down a plate of mochi--rice cakes--for Chloe and Timothy. Shen handed a ham sandwich to Y/N and a carrot to Ethan. "Meat for the Fengli and Moon Rabbit."

"Fenfli?" Y/N echoed.

"A cat like Yokai that haunts mountain passes, forested roads, and similar locations," Shen elaborated.

(AN: Guys, it took like half an hour of research on Google before I managed to find results on cheetah and rabbit Yokai.)

(Y/N takes a seat and decided to take off his beastia fang claw and put it on Shen's kitchen island. )

"My grandmother told me the story of a kappa that came out of the river as a young girl was fetching water," Shen started. "The kappa terrified her. But the girl always carried cucumbers with her to ward off Yokai. The kappa was so thankful, it told her of a great hurricane that would devastate her village. It saved her people."

"That's right, and we want to save you, Tang Shen," Raph said.

"Which is why we, um, Yokai--have come to talk," Y/N added. "We also bring you, um, dire news."

"You can't leave Hamato Yoshi," Chloe started. "He's a good man. Oroku Saki is evil."

Shen shook her head. "No. Saki is a good man."

Donnie nodded. "Take it from us, the Yokai siblings."

Shen looked at Miwa. "Yoshi is too dedicated to ninjutsu to raise a family."

"That's not true," Mikey responded, eating the cucumbers. "Splinter loves little Miwa. She's so cute!"

"I don't know who I will choose. I must do what is right for my daughter."

"Follow your heart, Shen," Y/N said. "You know who the better man is."

Shen only smiled. "Please, let me get you more cucumbers." She started to cut up more of the vegetable.

Timothy gasped, pulling out her phone and bringing up the picture. "Um, guys?" She held it for them to see April fading from the picture. "What's the plan now?"

"The only noble thing we can do is finish Shredder...once and for all," Leo responded.

(Shen was making more food, but saw the beastia fang claw, picked it up, and looked at it curiously.)


(They left Shen and Miwa before much longer and headed out to find Saki as night fell. They found him standing on top of the Hamato shrine, holding a torch with a group of the red-dressed ninjas below him. Except...Saki now wore the black of the Foot Clan rather than the Hamato Clan red.)

"The Hamato Clan has gotten weak," Saki began. "It is rotting from the inside. The Foot was the oldest of all ninja clans. But it was wiped out by Hamato Yuuta when he slayed its master, Oroku Keiji...my father." The ninjas gasped. Saki jumped down from the shrine, walking down its steps. "I was adopted by the Hamato Clan as an infant. Raised by my enemy in ignorance. I will have my revenge on them all!" He threw the torch onto the shrine, setting it ablaze, and picked up a Foot banner, holding it for all to see as the ninjas knelt before him.

"Damn," Ethan whispered. "Just like that? Yuuta takes him in and raises him and he turns against him and the Clan that easily? How can he do that?"

"He's crazy, son," Y/N hissed back. 

EthanL Fair point."

(One of the ninjas looked up at the top of the burning shrine where Leo and the others crouched. Several other ninjas looked up at them and drew their blades. Saki turned to face them and Y/N growled lowly at the sight of the long silver blades he'd fitted over his hands, recognizing them.)

"Yokai." He turned to stalk between the ranks of ninjas. "Finish them, quickly. I have business to attend to."

(Leo drew his swords and leapt down from the shrine as the ninjas got into fighting stances. Her siblings jumped down behind her, pulling out their own weapons as the ninjas charged.)

(Y/N tried to pull out a claw, but didn't have one on his other hand, he used the other, to block a ninja's blades with his own, locking them together, and shoved him away before retreating back into the shadows. He spotted the others doing the same. Their aim wasn't to fight; it was to give the ninjas a good scare. The fire Saki had set helped with that; it allowed the ninjas to see them, but only their shadows.)

(They all started laughing as they ran circles around the ninjas, Mikey knocking one off their feet with his kusarigama chain. They climbed up the stone statues in a rather creepy manner, still laughing at the ninjas. One of them started speaking in Japanese, throwing a cucumber at them before running off.)

The cucumber landed on Mikey's face. He pulled it into his mouth with his tongue and ate it whole. "Mmm, mmm. Mmm, I'm starting to get a taste for these things."

"That's right, ninja," Leo started, the remaining ninja turning to face him as he jumped up to stand on a torii. "We Yokai will steal all of your souls...through your butt!"

"'Through your butt'?" Y/N demanded once the ninjas were gone, turning to face Leo.

"What?" he responded, sliding back down to the ground using a tree. "That comes from real Japanese legend."

"Can confirm!" Timothy called.

(AN: I actually did look this up. In Japanese folklore, Kappa are sometimes said to take their victims for the purpose of gaining power by taking their shirikodama, a mythical ball said to contain the soul, which is located in your asshole. I find that myth hilarious.)

"Come on, let's head to the dojo," Y/N said, taking off in that direction.

"Anyone else smell that?" Chloe asked, making everyone stop in their tracks.

Y/N sniffed the air, picking up an acrid, ashy smell. "Oh, no."

"Guys, look," Raph called, pointing toward the treetops where heavy smoke was rising. "Fire!"

They quickened their pace and soon the burning dojo came into view. Y/N spotted a familiar figure running toward it. "Tang Shen!"

"Shen, wait!" Raph called. They tried to follow her, only for the supports of the deck to give way, collapsing and blocking them off.

"We have to get in there," Leo said quickly.

(Mikey and Raph pulled at the burning wood, breaking it off to clear a path. They managed to make a path and run inside, avoiding Saki, who was running out of the dojo.)

"Father!" Y/N called, he, Leo, Raph, and Chloe clearing the debris around him. Raph and Donnie grabbed their sensei and pulled him out of the building, Leo following. They begin to drag their sensei out of there, but for some reason, they couldn't find Shen.

Y/N: Where's Shen?!

Leo coughed, waving a hand to clear the smoke as another piece of the roof collapsed. "Guys, we gotta go," he called.

(They ran from the dojo and took cover in the trees with the others, watching the dojo burn. Soon enough, Yoshi regained consciousness, looking at the flower in his hand before screaming Shen's name.)

(Leo and the others stared sadly at their sensei, backing away into the shadows of the forest and fleeing back to their campsite. Come daybreak, none of them were celebrating. They'd fixed the timeline, but at a cost.)

Timothy pulled out his T-phone, looking at the picture. Casey and April had reappeared in it. "Everything's back to normal...finally."

"Except for the part where we're stuck thousands of miles from home and 16 years in the past!" Raph snapped.

"We might as well get used to it, guys," Mikey said. "Maybe being a Yokai won't be so bad."

A time door opened above them, Renet floating down to them, only to fall the rest of the way. "Yes!" She jumped back to her feet. "Finally, I found you."

"Renet!" Mikey quickly hugged her.

"Heh, it's good to see you, too, Mikey."

"Where have you been?" Raph snapped. "We've been stuck here for days!"

"It's not my fault, seriously," Renet responded. "I've spent, like, the last six months trying to hunt you guys down."

"Why?" Leo asked. "Why did we have to come here? Of all times? Of all places??"

"It was the scepter," Renet explained as Mikey finally released her. "It brought you here...to make sure Splinter survived."

"Wait," Donnie started, "so it's always been this way? We were always destined to come here in time and save Splinter's life?"

Ethan groaned. "Ugh, can you just take us home now? My head is starting to hurt."

"No problem. Future New York, here we come." Renet held up the scepter, opening a time door.

(They fell back into the portal, landing on a rooftop in modern day New York.)

"Will we ever see you again, Renet?" Mikey asked.

"Let's hope not," Raph muttered. Mikey growled at him.

"Maybe someday, Michelangelo." Renet kissed his cheek and he fell to the roof. "Goodbye, Warriors of Legend." Renet waved at them as she flew to the time door. "See you in history!" She flew through the door and it closed behind her.

Mikey: Let's go home, guys. It'll be good to see Master Splinter.

Y/N: Yea-(Looks and sees the whole world rumble) What in the-?!

(Suddenly a wave of time energy washes over them and when its over, Y/N sees that he was the only one left on the roof.)

Y/N: Guys? Leo?! Raph?! Donnie?! Mikey?!

Y/N: (bewildered) Lord Simultaneous? What's happening?

Lord Simultaneous: (calmly) Fear not, Y/N.

Y/N: (confused) What's happening? Where is everybody?

Lord Simultaneous: In the future, a grave threat will emerge, one that will ravage the planet and bring about the end of the world. I have used my vast energy to rewind time and create a person, a mutant with extraordinary abilities – you, Y/N – to stop this impending catastrophe.

Y/N: (astonished) Me? Stop the end of the world? How is that even possible?

Lord Simultaneous: Your potential is greater than you realize. I have bestowed upon you the power to alter the course of events and prevent the destruction that awaits. The fate of the world rests on your shoulders.

Y/N: (processing) But why me? And what is this threat you're talking about?

Lord Simultaneous: (mysteriously) I cannot reveal the nature of the threat, for doing so might risk further alterations to the timeline. The less you know, the safer the world remains.

Y/N: (determined) I need to know what I'm up against! How can I stop something if I don't even know what it is?

Lord Simultaneous: Trust in your abilities, Y/N. The answers will unfold in due time. Your destiny is intertwined with the survival of the world.

Y/N: (shocked) The timeline has been altered? What does that mean?

Lord Simultaneous: The fabric of time is delicate. I had to make exceptions for this. Be wary of the changes, and remember – the world's fate rests on your actions. (Vanishes)

(Y/N, now realizing the gravity of the situation, turns and runs towards the lair.)

Y/N: (urgent) I need to get back. To the lair.

(Cut to Y/N making it back to the lair and he sees his brothers, son, Chloe, Casey, and April all hanging out.)

April: There he is.

Y/N: April! Casey! Ethan!

(Y/N jumps and hugs the three of them as they were confused.)

Ethan: Dad? Are you okay?

Y/N: (Lets them go) Yeah, it's just good to see you all. Hey, Where's-

(Y/N sees Splinter come out of the dojo and slowly approaches him.)

Splinter: It is good to see you my so-

(Miles is Y/N)

(Splinter is shocked, but smiles at his son and reciprocates the hug.)

???: Will I get a hug like that too?

(Y/N pulls away from his father and the familiar voice, he looks and sees a female rat come out of the dojo.)



(As the female rat gets closer, he begins to see familiarity and comes to the conclusion that the female rat it-)

Y/N: S-Shen?

(The Rat or Shen looks at Y/N confused.)

Shen: Y/N, (Caresses his face) is something wrong, dear?

Y/N: (Sees everyone looking at him weird) Uhhh, no......m-mother.

(Shen smiles and brings Y/N in for a warm-hug which he slowly reciprocates. They separate and Shen walks over to the others along with Splinter. Y/N looks and sees his missing Beastia fang claw on her wrist.)

Y/N: Oh my-


[Saki kicks Yohsi to the ground, then jumps and prepares to kill Yoshi. Shen throws herself in front of Saki, and then......]

Tang: Please, stop!

[Shen pulls out the fang claw, which block the full blow of the blade, but does slash and knock her out. Saki and Yoshi watch in complete shock and horror. Yoshi yells out and grabs her.]

Saki: Shen!


(Yoshi continues to weep until he hears grunting and sees Shen limping over to him.)

Yoshi: Shen?! Shen!

(He runs over to her and cradles her as she rests her head on his shoulder.)

Yoshi: How?

Shen: (Looking down at the beastia fang claw) The Yokai saved me.

-Flash-Back Over-

(Y/N is shocked over how he changed the timeline and Shen peers back over to him and winks at him as she knows who he is.)

Y/N: Oh, crap baskets.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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