Slash and Destroy
(Donnie and Timothy were in the lab working on making a retro mutagen. Donnie slowly added the blue concoction to the small beaker of mutagen. He backed up in his seat, waiting to see something happen. The substance started to stir and turn, and both leaned forward excitedly.)
Timothy: This could be it!!
(Suddenly, it started to bubble and sizzle, glowing an odd aqua color. The bubbles popped and sparked, starting to fizz and fill the beaker. Donnie groaned.)
Timothy: Darn it. Dump it?
Donnie: Dump it.
(Timothy picked up a pair of pliers and used them to pick up the beaker, which was now foaming so much that it was overflowing. He quickly dumped it in the garbage before it could make any more of a mess. Donnie fell back into my desk chair, leaning my head back and sighing. He just couldn't understand what I was doing wrong.)
(Timothy brought over the remaining mutagen. There were probably only one or two cups left in this thing. They probably had two chances left to find a retromutagen. Donnie reached underneath his desk and pulled out another beaker from the large collection he had in his side drawer. He placed it on my desk and picked up the canister.)
(Donnie clenched his eyes shut as the doors to his lab burst open. Donnie and Timothy looked up to see Raph stomping over to them, looking as angry as ever. Huffing, Donnie set down the canister and gently pushed his supplies out of the way in time as Raph slammed his hands on Donnie's desk.)
Raph: Where are they?
Timothy: What?
Raph: My vintage Modern Ninja magazines!
Timothy: What makes you think we know?
Raph: Mikey borrowed them hours ago and he hasn't given them back! He's probably screwed them up and hid them somewhere. Did he hide them in here?
Donnie: Did you check your room?
Raph: Yes!
Timothy: They might have fallen off your bed. Did you look underneath it?"
(Raph glared at them, not responding for a moment. Donnie smirked. He smacked the table as he turned to leave. Donnie felt his brows furrow as he watched him reach the door and stomped off.)
Donnie: Let's get back to work.
Timothy: You got it.
(They spend the next half hour experimenting on the mutagen, trying to find the best cure. So far, they were met with dead ends and no other leads. They could just start throwing some things together and hope that it works, but they didn't have enough mutagen to start screwing around with it. Timothy walked over to his lab fridge, pulling out a container full of a bright pink chemical to test with. As he turned, he heard Raph's voice through the still opened door.)
Raph: MIKEY! You got pizza stains all over my collection of Modern Ninja Magazine. They're ruined!
Timothy: (Sighs) Raph's at it again.
Donnie: Stay here, I'll check.
(Donnie walked past the doors and peeked his head out. The others were all standing by the pinball machine. Mikey and Raph were facing each other, Spike sitting on Raph's shoulder. Y/N was standing beside them, looking ready to break up the fight if one came up. Leo seemed to be minding his own business, playing the arcade game with Ethan watching.)
Mikey: Dude, those things are like twenty years old! They're not exactly modern.
Raph: They're vintage! It took me six years to collect them. Six years! (Mikey rolled his eyes and took the magazine from Raph.)
Mikey: Chillaxe, bro! I'll clean it for yah.
Y/N: Uh, Mikey, I don't think-"
(But Y/N was cut off as Mikey started to lick at the cover of the magazine.)
Ethan: Awwww, gross.
(Raph's face started to shake with anger. He grabbed Spike, took him off of his shoulder and placed him into Y/N's arms. She backed up as he stepped forward and snatched the magazine back. He quickly rolled it up and smacked him in the head with it. Donnie rolled his eyes and continued to his desk.)
Raph: You mess up everything, Mikey!
Leo: It's just stuff, Raph. Meager possessions. What does it matter?"
(Donnie sat down at his desk, with Timothy standing behind him. Donnie picked up the canister and started to pour it into another beaker when he heard Raph start to yell again.)
Raph: What about your precious comic book collection, huh? Or Y/N's T-Pod? Neither of you would be happy about him getting them dirty.
Y/N: But, we wouldn't try to beat Mikey over it.
Ethan: And besides, it's not you have much options on comics, you know.
Raph: (Groaned) You guys always stick up for Mikey. Try seeing my point of view for once!
Y/N: I get it. I just think, like Master Splinter says, 'Material possessions are fleeting-
(There was a loud crash, and Donnie paused on his way to grab the chemical. It sounded as though Raph might have punched or shoved the machine.)
Donnie: Alright, enough! I'm tired of you four! You're always messing up and I gotta pay for it!
(Donnie stopped for a few moments, waiting to see if there would be anymore yelling or arguing. Ten seconds went by in silence. He took the opportunity to continue me and Timothy's work.)
Donnie: Can it get any louder out there?" (Picking up the chemical.) We're never gonna find a retro mutagen at this rate. Who can concentrate with Raph exploding all the time?"
Timothy: I guess that's just the way it is with family.
Donnie: (Sighs) Yeah, you're right.
(Donnie raised the container up above the beaker and tilted it. He put a single drop into the mutagen. Not even a second later, the consistency of the substance changed and it suddenly started to glow brightly, letting out a loud whistling sound like a teapot.)
Timothy/Donnie: Uh-oh..."
(The room suddenly exploded into a ball of light and color. Donnie flew backwards in his chair, falling out onto the ground, while Timothy landed. It sounded like fireworks were shooting off and exploding in the lab. They heard distant whistles, and they realized that the sparks were out in the living room as well. Timothy dove out of the lab, while Donnie crawled on his hands and knees towards the door. He raised his head and peeked out.)
(Lights were exploding and popping all over the room. In the pit, by the ceiling, and even hitting the walls. Several of them zoomed by rapidly, and a few went right for the pinball machine. Leo ran away from it, and Mikey was ducking behind the couch. Ethan was bouncing from wall-to wall, and Y/N tucked by the turnstiles, still holding Spike in his arms. He jumped up and made a run towards the kitchen, but one light landed right beside him and exploded, causing him to jump back in surprise and fall to his knees. He hunched over, cradling Spike in his arms protectively.)
Raph: Y/N!" (Raph yells as he runs towards Y/N and Spike.) No!"
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
Here we go!
It's the lean, mean, ninja team
On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things
So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams
Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza Kings
Can't stop these radical dudes
The secret of the ooze made the chosen few
Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves
The good guys win and the bad guys lose
Leonardo's the leader in blue
Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through
Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines
Raphael has the most attitude on the team
Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!
Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!
Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need
To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
Raph: Y/N! No!"
(Raph seemed to appear out of nowhere as he grabbed Y/N's shoulders and shoved him out of the way, just as another light fell and exploded right where he had been. Once the smoke had cleared, Donnie slowly stood on his feet and walked out. He looked around to see where the others had gone. Leo came out from the kitchen, and Mikey poked his head out from behind the TV. Sonnie turned my head to see Raph and Y/N crouched beside the pinball machine, both looking shocked. The three of them looked at each other before we all ran in unison towards them.)
Raph: Are you alright? Are you two hurt?
Y/N: No, I'm okay. I think Spike's just a bit freaked out."
(They both looked down at the small shell laying in Y/N's lap. Raph reached over and picked it up, placing it in his own lap. A moment later, Spike had poked his head out. There wasn't even a scratch on him.)
Raph: Aw... hey there, little guy. (Patting his small shell) You ok Spike? You're all good. Ol' Raph won't let anything happen to you."
(The smell of smoke was still heavy in the air, and Donnie coughed slightly.)
Timothy: Wow, I did not see that one coming. Is everyone else okay?
Y/N: Yeah, I-
Raph: Are you two crazy?! No! We're not okay!
Splinter: What happened here?!"
(They all froze and turned. Donnie felt himself gulp when they saw Master Splinter standing behind them, a look of irritation and concern on his face. Before they could say anything, Raph walked right up to him.)
Raph: I'll tell yah what happened, Master Splinter. Donnie and his crazy assitant almost blew us all up. AGAIN! And worse, he almost blew up Spike!
Y/N: Raph, they didn't mean it.
Raph: How can you side with them?! You'd be in bits right now if I hadn't pushed you two out of the away!"
Timothy: Raph, dude, I'm really sorry. I-
Raph: Sorry doesn't cut it this time!" (Raph turned and pushed past them, stomping away towards their lab. He went inside and walked back out holding the canister of mutagen.) Until the mad scientists gets their act together, I'm holding this for safe keeping!
Y/N: Raph, I don't think that's a good idea.
Donnie: No, Raph, be reasonable!" Man, that's our last canister of mutagen."
(He ignored them though and continued to stomp over to his bedroom. They heard the door slam shut.)
Ethan: Well, that went well.
Splinter: Perhaps things will be better settled once we have cleaned up. (Pinching the bridge of his nose.) "Michelangelo, please tell Raphael to come back out so he can help clean.
Miket: M-me?" Uh... are you sure that-
Splinter: Now, my son."
(Mikey gulped, and nodded. He shuffled nervously to the bedrooms while we all started to gather up broken pieces and trash. Ethan was already moving stuff around. Y/N had already gotten us some trash bags by the time Mikey came back out. Raph came marching behind him a moment later, looking just as mad as before.)
Raph: Sensei, this is completely unfair! Donnie and Timothy made this mess, how come I have to help?"
Splinter: Allow me to make a suggestion.
Raph: (Rolled his eyes and glared up at him) Suggest what, Sensei? I'm sick of suggestions! What could you possibly suggest?
(But, as soon as he stopped speaking Master Splinter reached a hand forward and poked a spot below Raph's shoulder. Raph's whole body stiffened, his face contorted in what looked like pain. He groaned and whimpered for a moment before slowly falling backwards and landing flat on his shell.)
Splinter: Perhaps you should sit and meditate for a while
Ethan: You've got teach me how to do that!
(It took the fam about an hour to clean up the mess the explosions had caused. Raph was down on the floor for about twenty minutes before the affects of the pressure point wore off. He was still angry, but much calmer about it now. No doubt, due to Splinter keeping a close eye on him while he cleaned.)
Y/N: At least he just put you in time out. (He whispered to him as we both brought the trash bags to the garbage.) He could've given you a tough workout or something for mouthing off.
Raph: I'd prefer the workout. It'd be less humiliating.
Y/N: It's nothing we haven't seen before, dude."
(They huffed as they both tossed the bags into the cans. As soon as they did, Raph turned and immediately started to head back inside, no doubt heading for his room. Y/N frowned at him slightly before running to catch up with him.)
Y/N: Raph, I get why you're mad. You were busy arguing with Mikey and Leo, then Donnie and Timothy nearly blew us up again. A lot happened today, sure. But, you're not that pissed, are you?"
Raph: (Groaned) Kinda, yeah. I'm just... I'm sick of everyone talking to me like I don't know anything. Like I'm crazy.
Y/N: I don't think you're crazy-
Raph: Well, try telling that to them! It's always me, right? I've got the bad attitude! I'm the bad guy!"
(Raph turned and angrily kicked his bedroom door opened, walking inside. Y/N looked around to make sure father didn't hear the noise before following him in.)
Raph: They just don't get it, Y/N!
Y/N: Raph, I hear you, dude. I do! I just think that-"
(Y/N stopped as his eyes locked onto something else in the room. The lights were off, and the only thing he could see was a bright, glowing green light that was coming from behind Raph. The mutagen canister was on the ground, broken, mutagen oozing out in a large puddle. Raph noticed his staring and turned around. He gasped in shock.)
(Y/N heard him try to flip the lights on, but nothing happened. They must be broken again. They looked at each other for a moment before we made our way over to the canister.)
Raph: That's not good.
(Y/N was going to suggest getting a mop and a bucket when he realized that something was off. He looked around the room and felt that something was missing, but he couldn't tell what. My eyes landed on the small pillow that Raph kept beside his bed for Spike, and Y/N realized it was empty.)
Y/N: Raph... Where's Spike?"
(Before he could do more than look at Y/N, they froze. They both heard it. Someone was behind them. They both whipped around, taking protective stances. For a moment, there was silence. They heard low footsteps, and from the shadows they saw a giant figure appear out of nowhere.)
???: Those three never understood yah..." (A deep, gravelly voice spoke.) "Not like him... Not like me..."
(The light from the mutagen was enough to illuminate the figure in front of them. It was a giant mutant turtle that was built like a fricking tank. It was taller than either of them, had a massive shell covered in spikes on its back, and its arms and legs were the size of tree trunks. Its eyes were large, piercing. A bright mix of blue and green. From beside Y/N, he heard Raph let out a shaking breath.)
Y/N: Wh-It can't be..." Spike?!"
Splike?: Hey you two. Nice to finally speak with you for once."
Y/N: Oh my gosh...
Raph: But-How?"
Y/N: Isn't it obvious?"
(Spike nodded at the opened canister of mutagen on the floor. It all suddenly clicked. The canister must have fallen and broken while we were cleaning, and Spike had obviously gotten into it.)
Y/N: Oh Spike..." (Takes a step forward.) I'm so sorry, buddy..."
Spike: (Tilted his head, leaning closer towards Y/N.) Aw, don't be sad, Y/N. It didn't hurt much, honest. Besides, I feel fantastic now.
Raph: I'd like to think so. You... you look awesome!"
(Spike grinned at him. He began to stand up straight, but his head came in contact the ceiling lamp. Y/N noticed then that the bulb was busted.)
Y/N: Whoa, easy big guy. (Held his arms out to him.) You're... not as small as you used to be. Here, sit down." (He gently touched his arm, careful not to touch any of his spikes, and sat him down on the floor. Even sitting down, he towered over both of Raph and Y/N. He grinned down at Y/N, and he grinned back. Raph started pacing around behind Y/N.)
Raph: I can't believe this is happening... This is amazing! This is incredible, we-
Y/N: Um, Raph?" Not to be a downer or anything, but, what're we gonna tell the others?
Spike: Easy. Tell 'em you got a new partner. One who knows the true meaning of being a warrior."
Raph: (Stared at him) A new partner...?
Spike: You and me. (Spike stood up and walked over to Raph, placing his hands on his shoulders.) No joking around. No goofing off like your brothers. We'll be the ultimate ninja team.
(Y/N stood there, frowning at them. There wasn't anything bad about what Spike was saying really, it was just the tone in his voice. It made something tick in the back of his head.)
Raph: That would be... awesome!"
(Spike turned to face Y/N, keeping a hand on Raph's shoulder.)
Spike: What do you say, Y/N? Feel like joining in? We'll crush our opponents! We'll all fight evil together. Nonstop.
Y/N: Um...
Raph: Come on, Y/N!" This is my chance to show the others that I know what I'm talking about, and I want you to help me."
(Y/N paused. This whole situation was making him really nervous. Y/N looked from Raph, to Spike, and back again. They were both giving him expectant looks, waiting for his answer.)
(Before Y/N could give it however, there was a loud knock on the door.)
Leo: Hey, Raph? Y/N? You guys in there?"
Raph: (Gasped) Man! Ah... quiet. Just sit tight."
(Spike remained where he was as Raph and Y/N both went up to the door.)
Raph: Yeah?
Leo: We got a mutagen mission, need you both on deck. And Y/N I need your help
Raph: Right, uh... one sec! (Raph turned to face Y/N.)
Y/N: So?
(He looked at him and Spike again, feeling nervous as before. Y/N sighed.)
Y/N: Maybe you and Spike should go together without me. "It'll look fishy if we both ditch the mission tonight. I can stick with them and keep them off your backs for a bit. Plus Leo does need me to do something.
(Raph looked slightly disappointed but nodded. Even he knew that it would be odd if they both refused to go. Y/N reached up and put a hand on his shoulder.)
Y/N: Next time, okay?
Raph: (Grinned and nodded)
(Y/N walked forward and opened the door. Leo was standing out there, looking impatient. After he walked out of the room Leo attempted to push the door open more, but Raph stopped him.)
Raph: Uh, I'll catch up in a minute. You go on without me.
Leo: (Rolled his eyes) Fine! 'Cause we're not waiting."
(Raph glared at him before shutting the door hard. Leo shook his head.)
Leo: Honestly..." What were you doing in there anyway?
Y/N: Oh, just trying to cheer him up a bit. He gets too cooped up when he's angry, it's not healthy.
Leo: Right..."
Y/N: So, what did you need me for anyone?
Leo: Yeaaaah............I'm gonna need you to lead this mission.
Y/N: What?
Leo: Okay, look, we've detected two canisters and unfortunately, I lost of rock, paper, scissors, to Timothy. And his reward was-
Timothy: (In Distance) One free solo mission, with Leo!! Oh Yeah!
Leo: (Sighs in disappointment) I'm sorry to put this on you, but I need you to do this.
Y/N: (Sighs) Alright.
Leo: Thank you. (Walks off) Alright Timothy, let's go.
Timothy: Oh, yeah, here we go! Pulverizer and Leo, the new A-Team!
(Cut to Mikey, Y/N, Donnie, and Ethan running on a roof.)
Donnie: We got mutagen close by! Just on the other side!
Ethan: Let's go!
(They all sprinted around him, leaping from one rooftop to the next. While they were all focused on the mission, Y/N was focused on other things as well. He had texted Raph and told him to keep in touch with him in case anything went wrong. So far Y/N haven't heard anything back from him. Y/N was worried. He didn't think that Spike would hurt him or anything, but something didn't feel right.)
Mikey: Ooze jar in full effect!"
(They all ran to where Mikey was standing and halted. There, just on the sidewalk, was a stray canister of mutagen, still fully intact.)
Ethan: Sweet! Let's grab it and bag it.
(Y/N rolled his eyes at his statement. Mikey started to move forward, but Leo stopped him.)
Ethan: Somebody's coming..."
(What looked like a pizzaboy on a motorbike suddenly pulled up on the sidewalk. He stopped next to the canister, and a second later he picked it up.)
Y/N: Who picks up random stuff on the street?
Mikey: I do.
Ethan: Can I get this one? I've been practicing with my grappling hook!
Y/N:.............Be careful.
(Etahn took out some rope and flung it across the street to the other building. It hooked itself to the roof firmly. He grabbed the other end and jumped, swinging in the direction of the bike. But, just as he did, Y/N saw a flash of red and looked up. Raph was on the other building across from us, and he was swinging down towards the bike as well.)
Y/N: Oh no-
(They slammed right into each other just as the boy started up his bike again. They fell to the ground in a heap as the bike sped away, rounding the corner and leaving our line of sight.)
Raph: Hey! What're you doin'? I had him!
Ethan: Sorry, Uncle Raph! But, you're kind of late!
Y/N: What're you talking about?" (Leaned over, frowning down at them both.)
Donnie: Are they gonna argue all night? (Donnie leaned down.) The mutagen is getting away!"
Y/N: Hang on. I'll get them.
(Y/N leapt down from the building and landed on my feet. He sprinted over to them as fast as he could. Once he reached them, he snatched both of their wrists and started dragging them away. Ignoring their protests, Y/N pulled them both in the dark nearby alleyway.)
(Once there, Y/N whipped around to glare at them.)
Y/N: Are you guys insane?! You two can't just argue in the middle of the street! Someone might see you!
Ethan: Sorry dad, but we have bigger things to worry about!"
Raph: Don't start! If you hadn't been in my way, we wouldn't even be arguing.
Ethan: And if you had just come with us, instead of throwing a fit, this wouldn't have happened either!"
Y/N: Will you two knock it off?! This isn't helping!"
Ethan: (Sighs) Dad, you're right, but we need to get that mutagen, before we have another mutant to worry about. I'll go after it myself! I got this.
Raph: You sure you can handle a pizza delivery boy on your own?"
(Ethan leapt up the building, already running in the direction the pizza boy had gone. He looked at Raph as he shoved a trashcan angrily. He started to climb the fire escape up to the building, and the next thing he knew Y/N was following.)
Y/N: Raph, come on! This isn't helping anyone.
Raph: I would've had that if your kid hadn't gotten in the way. I don't need him lecturing me on what I know." (He leapt up over the edge and onto the roof. Y/N quickly climbed up, following close behind him. He started to stomp away across the roof, and he sprinted up to him.)
Y/N: Dude, if you just blew off some steam you might-
Raph: Why do you care all of a sudden?" You were all for me going on my own tonight earlier. What changed?"
Y/N: We failed to complete your mission because we weren't working together. That's what changed. Geez, Raph, why do-
Raph: Because I don't even know where you stand in all this. Just admit it! You'd rather be with them than with me.
Y/N: Why do I need to choose?
(He didn't say anything. He just stood there, finally starting to catch his breath. They stood there staring at each other for a moment before he finally looked around. It was at that moment that he realized that they were completely alone.)
Raph: Slash? Slash! Hey, where'd you go, man?
Y/N: Slash? Who's Slash?"
Raph: Ah-Spike. He didn't like his name, so he changed it."
(Before Y/N could ask more, he felt and heard a loud thud from behind me. Y/N whipped around. Spike-or rather, Slash-was standing behind him. His arms and legs were wrapped in black bandages similar to how the turtles had bandages and pads. He even had a black mask around his eyes, and a black belt with a silver S on the front. In his hand, he was grasping a large, spiked mace that Y/N knew for a fact came out of Raph's weapon locker. He was much more intimidating now, to say the least.)
(He straightened up and looked down at Y/N, an intense expression in his eyes. He was frozen where he stood. Y/N heard Raph walk up beside him.)
Y/N: What happened to you?"
(Slash didn't answer at first. He continued to stare down at me. It wasn't an angry stare, but it filled Y/N with fear, nonetheless.)
Mikey: RAPH! Y/N!"
(Mikey suddenly appeared out of nowhere, running up to stand beside Slash. He looked terrified and out of breath.)
Mikey: Guys, Donnie's disappeared! He was right behind me when-" (He suddenly stopped talking. He slowly turned his head to look at Slash, and his jaw fell open.) Holy chalupa... Another turtle?!
Raph: Wait wait, no!" It's Spike! I mean... Slash now.
Y/N: He got into some of the mutagen from Don's lab. And... well, here he is.
Mikey: Dude... this is too much to process..." (Gripping his head.) "I'm... gonna...!" (Y/M could almost see Mikey's head literally explode in front of him. Raph and Y/N exchanged glances, not saying at word in response to his craziness. Mikey shook his head like a wet dog.) "I'M FREAKIN' OUT...!
Slash: Raphael, you said it yourself, we don't need these clowns. We gotta hunt that mutagen down, now!
Mikey: B-but...! (Mikey ran up to Raph, grabbing his arm.) What about Donnie? We have to find him!"
Slash: (Rolled his eyes, which then landed on Y/N.) Y/N, back me up here, would yah?"
Y/N: ....................I'm with Mikey on this one, dude. (Turned to Raph.) "We don't know where Donnie is. He could be hurt, or worse. We need to find him, at least make sure he's okay."
(Raph stared at me for a moment, a nervous expression on his face. He glanced up at Slash, who was staring with fire in his eyes. He looked back down to Y/N, he gave him a pleading look. Finally, he looked at Mikey, who looked like he was close to tears.)
Raph: ... Sorry, Slash. My family comes first, no matter what."
(Mikey gasped in delight, and Y/N gave him a proud grin. He raised his hands and placed them both on our shoulders in comfort.)
Slash: How 'bout I make the choice a little easier for yah."
(It happened before anyone could even react. Slash had raised his massive fist and brought it down hard onto Mikey's back, slamming him down so hard that he bounced back up.)
Raph/Y/N: MIKEY!"
(Slash hit once, twice, three more times before finally letting up. Mikey was laying facedown on the ground, his eyes closed and his jaw hanging opened. Slash raised his fist again, going in for another hit. Y/N instantly sprinted forward, throwing myself on top of Mikey. Slash halted, and that's all they needed.)
Raph: SPIKE!"
(Raph threw himself at Slash, forcing him back several feet. Y/N leaned down and grabbed one of Mikey's arms, throwing it over his shoulders to pick him up. Raph strode forward, taking a protective stance in front of them.)
Raph: What are you doing?!
Slash: I don't wanna fight you, Raphael. (Slash stood up and slowly made his way back. "Just go. Leave me to my work.
Raph: Your work?!" (Raph took a step back, reaching for one of the back pockets in his belt.) That mutagen warped your brain, Spike. This isn't you!"
Slash: (Glared, gripping his mace tightly.) Told yah, the name's Slash."
(He raised his weapon high, aiming right for Mikey. Raph leapt forward, throwing his arm out and tossing a smoke bomb into Slash's face. While he was distracted, Raph grabbed Mikey's other side and helped Y/N drag him as far away as they could manage.)
(Ethan was still going after the pizza man, who still had the canister. He shot his grappling hook at a power pole then he swung down. Right as he was about to grab it. The bike hit a pothole or something and the canister flew off. Ethan then slammed into a garbage can in the road and landed in all the trash falling to the side. The canister fell next to him. He went to grab it but the humans walked out from a shop next to him.)
Ethan: Humans?" (He ducked for cover behind a police vehicle.) Can't get caught. (But luck wasn't with him and the police car drove away. At the same time a taxi hit the canister, making it fly at least a block away. Ethan ran after it about to grab it but a human beat him to it. He hid behind a sign as the human studied the object.)
Man: Some kind of antique glow lamp. Meh. Bet it's worth a few bucks." (Walked)
(Back with the others, Mikey was, surprisingly, okay after his little smackdown. He had the wind knocked out of him, but he could stand just fine. Once they had managed to settle down, Mikey explained that after Y/N left, Donnie just seemed to disappear behind him. There wasn't a trace of him left. Judging on Slash's new-found agenda, it was easy to guess that he had something to do with it. They decided to waste no time in trying to get as far away as possible while also keeping an eye out for Donnie.)
Y/N: Anything?
Mikey: Not over here.
Y/N: Keep looking.
(Y/N ran across the whole roof, looking around any corners to see if Donnie might be laying or hiding around. Nothing. He heard footsteps and looked up to see Raph running next to him.)
Raph: Y/N, look, about what I said-
Y/N: I know. But, don't worry about that right now. Let's just focus on finding Donnie and getting everyone home. We can talk more then, I promise."
(Raph looked like he had much more to say but nodded in agreement. We continued over to the next building, keeping their eyes peeled.)
Mikey: There he is!
(They looked to where he was pointing, just across the building we were on. There was a familiar figure laying on the edge of the roof, as though they were asleep.)
Mikey/Y/N: Donnie!"
(They all instantly sprinted across the roof, jumping over to the next one. Y/N made a B-line straight for their brother, sliding on hi knees in front of him. The other two knelt around Y/N, looking closely at him. Y/N reached forward and held Donnie's face in soft hands, holding it up to the light.)
(He looked awful. His purple mask was missing, replaced by a collection of fresh purple and black bruises. There were marks and scratches all over his arms and plastron as well, and one of his arms was hanging limply at his side. Y/N leaned in close, holding Donnie's face up gently.)
Y/N: Donnie?
Mikey: Bro?"
(There was a moment of silence that seemed to go on for an eternity. Then, it was broken and whimpered, slowly opening his eyes.)
Donnie: G-guys...?
Y/N: Oh, thank god!
Donnie: Ugh... what hit me? It was like Raph, only bigger and meaner. Angrier, but... not quite as ugly."
Raph: It was Spike. He got into the mutagen. I was gonna tell you guys, but-
Donnie: Spike?" (Donnie rolled his eyes.) Way to keep that mutagen safe, Raph.
Y/N: Not the time, bro. (Lowers his hands from his face.) You can do that later.
Raph: He's right. (Raph picked up Donnie's staff before wrapping one of his arms around his shoulders.) Come on, we gotta find some cover." Raph started to help lead Donnie out from the open. Mikey and Y/N stood beside them both, keeping out weapons out, ready to defend if necessary.
(Meanwhile, Ethan watched an antique store. An old man moved about talking to customers or advertising his little shop. on one corner was a lamp. The only thing wrong with it though, was the base was a mutagen canister.)
Ethan: If I come back empty-handed, the fam will never let me live it down! Plan... Need a plan..." (His grey orbs trailed to a random trashcan and a smirk played on his lips.)
(Back with Mikey, Raph, Donnie, and Y/N, they had to carefully get Donnie across the buildings, sometimes needing two of them to carry him. Mikey would often take the lead, making sure the coast was clear before letting us go any further. Each building they crossed brought them closer to home. But, it was still too much.)
(Once they crossed the next roof, Donnie finally succumbed to his exhaustion and collapsed. Y/N quickly stood in front of them, waiting for either of them to keep moving.)
Donnie: Agh... can't make it. Too weak... You go on without me, guys..."
Y/N: (Shook his head) Oh no. Not happening, dude.
Raph: He's right. No brother left behind, that's our rule! Look, I'm gonna tie off your sprained arm, it might hurt okay?" (Raph kneeled in front of Donnie, carefully holding his arm out. Donnie winced. Raph quickly reached behind him and pulled out one of his sais.) Bite down on this. (Shoved the handle into Donnie's mouth.)
Donnie: Eck! It tastes like leather and sweat!"
(Y/N watched Raph work on Donnie's arm for a moment before turning back to look out at the building.)
Mikey: I'm gonna look ahead. You stay here and keep guard."
(Mikey carefully made his way around the building and out of sight for a moment. Y/N didn't like the idea of him going on his own, but there was no time to stay put. Y/N kept his eyes and ears opened as best as he could. Y/N couldn't remember the last time he felt this scared and on edge. Probably the night we fought the Shredder. Y/N had never had a night like this before though.)
(Ethan is now in a trashcan. Sneaking over to the table of irons. He throws a quarter and the seller bends down to grab it. Ethan then reached out for the canister. He pulls his hand back, in growling, as a small voice chirps up.)
Girl: Daddy, Daddy! Look at all the cool stuff...!
Ethan: (Sighs)
Girl: Oh, look at the neat lamp!"
Ethan: (Eyes widen at her words, he looks up. He looks at the girl.)
Girl: I want it. I want it. I want it, I want it! Ahhh!!!" (She whines and pouts as her father pulls out the money and the seller hands it to her. They both walk off.)
Ethan: (Shakes of the stars in his eyes)
(Raph had just finished up on Donnie's arm when they suddenly heard a scream. A very familiar scream. )
Y/N: Mikey-! (He was about to run towards the scream, but Raph sprinted past him, holding both his sais.)
Raph: Y/N, stay with Donnie! Do not move until I get back, no matter what!" (And before Y/N could contradict him, he was gone.)
(Raph notices Mikey's appliance and begins his search to find him. He pauses seeing Mikey dangling from the side of the building. just as beaten up as Donnie was. Raph pulls him up, and sighs in relief at the sight of him still breathing. )
Slash: The others hold you back, they limit your potential you don't need them. Just. like. you. said." (Slash hits Raph into the wall.)
Raph: I never wanted this. (Raph says trying to get back up, but Slash dragged Mikey legs to the edge of the building.)
Slash: No turning back now.
(Raph looks up at Slash as he is about to throw Mikey.)
Raph: STOP, I WON'T LET YOU HURT HIM!" (Spinning his sais.)
Slash: I don't want to fight you Rapheal.
Raph: But, I wanna fight you! You're not Spike! Your some kind of warped monster, some kind of hideous freak!"
(Slash roared at him and lunged. Raph dodged just barely hitting Slash's weapon. Slash began to strike down, but Raph caught it and moved it away from him quickly. Raph was knocked away by slash, but Y/N caught him and set him down.)
Y/N: Stay here.
Slash: I know I said I didn't wanna fight Raph," he said. But, really, you're the one I don't wanna fight, Y/N. You were too nice for me.
Y/N: It's a little late for that, Slash.
Slash: (Smirked) Oh, come on. Even Raph keeps calling me Spike after all of this. Why not you, Y/N?
Y/N: Because you're not Spike, not anymore.
(The words seemed to stop Slash in his tracks. He was still for several moments as he glared at Y/N, and he glared back. He gripped his mace tightly, positioning himself.)
Slash: Don't make me do this, Y/N.
Y/N: I'm sorry, Slash... but you gave me no choice..."
(Slash let out a snarl before hunching over and sprinting towards Y/N. Y/N crouched down and leapt up into the air. He heard Slash skid to a halt and Y/N landed perfectly onto his shoulders. He pushed against his head with his foot and swung his right claws down. But, just as Y/N did, a large hand came up and grabbed his wrist, yanking him down. Y/N's body slammed against the ground hard. Y/N had time to look up before quickly rolling over out of the way of an oncoming fist. Y/N gripped his claws as he sprang to his feet and sprinted, running in circles around him. Y/N leapt up against the wall and pushed myself off, holding his claws out. Y/N flew past Slash's face and Y/N felt his claw blade come in contact with something, and he yelped.)
(Y/N landed on the ground and turned. Slash holding onto his shoulder. He lowered his hand, and he saw a long, thin red cut across his shoulder blades. He glared at me before running at me, ready to take a swing with his mace. Y/N stood still, waiting for him. He ducked to the side as Slash swung down, and Y/N jumped up and kicked him in the head. He then made to swing at his face, but his hand grabbed Y/N by the arm. He gripped it hard, holding me so tightly it could break Y/N.)
(Y/N whimpered in pain but refused to let go of my claws. Without warning Slash threw gim away. Y/N slammed into a nearby wall with such force that he felt it shake. Y/N crumpled into a heap on the ground.)
Raph: Y/N! (Gets up and charges at Slash)
(Mikey looked at his brothers in distress and crawled to get Donnie for help. He shook him and stood up.)
Mikey: Slash is back, Raph and Y/N are in trouble!
Donnie: (Got up crawling) They're fighting him?"
Mikey: (Sighed) Not really fighting more like getting stomped into green and cheetah goo. Come on!!
(Ethan watched through the window as the girl who bought the canister began to pour it into her toys at a tea party.)
Girl: Hear you go, Muffels Mic Barrington. A nice cup of green tea.
(Ethan gasped the window as the cup approached the girls lips.)
Ethan: No time for stealth."
(He leaped in and kicked the cup out of her hands as she looked up at Ethan. He gulped, waiting for a scream, but she then extended the canister to him.)
Girl: Would you care for some cute bunny?"
Ethan: Uhhhhhh............why not? I'm Ethan!
Chloe: I'm Chloe! (Smiles)
(Back to the fight between Raph and Slash)
Slash: I've spent years watching you train. Learning your moves I know everything you can do!
(Raph growled running forward stabbing both sais and kicking Slash in the face, making the turtle stumble back.)
Raph: Not everything!
(Slash charged toward Raph kicked and then threw him back into the air, and then down again. Then punching him threw the wall next to him. Raph groaned trying to get up as Slash began to laugh. His nails extend to give Raph the final blow. But Mikey and Donnie tackled him giving raph time to get up.)
Mikey: No!
Donnie: Get off him!
(Slash crashed them both into each other and threw them down onto the ground. Despite being exhausted they stood tall.)
(Donnie picked up his bow staff, hitting Slash, but slash caught his attack and threw him across the building, hitting Mikey down as well.)
Raph: (Stood tall) See that's what friends do they stick up for each other, I'd rather be like my brothers then you any day.
(Slash extended his claws again and ran forward. Raph dodged then extended a flying roundhouse kick sending Slash off the building. Slash recovered easily.)
(With Leo and Timothy, they were crossing a building.)
Leo: Well that was pretty simple.
Timothy: Too easy! So, how do you think the others are doing?
Leo: (Looking at Raph and Spike figthing) ...............Not great....
(Meanwhile, right below them Ethan and Chloe were having a tea party.)
Chloe: So, you guys protect the city and save humanity and stuff?
Ethan: Yep!
Chloe: So, cool! I wish I was a mutant!
Ethan: Ehhhhhh, being a hero isn't easy. We have to deal with random muta-
(Then a crash came from above them as Slash and Raph literally broke into Chloe's room engaged in battle. Raph struggled to hold back Slash as he glanced at tea time Ethan.)
Ethan: Uncle Raph?
Raph: Ethan, having tea -time?!"
(Slash pushed Raph out and made another hole in the wall. Ethan gulped grabbing the canister of Mutation and following Raph and Slash out the now broken wall. He was about to leave, but Chloe grabbed his hand.)
Chloe: Will I see you again?
Ethan:.................I'll be back later. (Jumped out the window.
(With Raph and Slash, Slash jumped down slicing at Raph while the red masked turtle stabbed up, but Slash caught both of Raph's sais.)
Slash: You lost Rapheal." (He threw Raph down, but Raph strikes back punching him in the jaw.) "A true warrior spirit. We are alike."
Raph: I'm nothing like you, your pure evil!"
(Slash growls and stomps towards him knocking him back and forth. Until Raph rolls to the edge of the building. Leo jumps into the fight slicing Slash then kicking him back.)
Leo: So, what's with the new turtle? (Helps Raph up)
Raph: (Sigh) Long story. LOOK OUT! " (Slash knocks Leo to the side, Leo winces and falls limp as
Raph: (Growls) Enough!
Slash: (Smiles) That's right Raph. It's enough we don't need them our anger makes us stronger."
(Raph turned helping Leo up as Mikey and Donnie walked over with Timothy carrying Y/N on his back.)
Mikey: Where's Spike?"
Leo/Ethan: (Eyes widen) That was spike?
Timothy: Way to keep the mutagen safe- (Etah elbows him)
(Leo walks over to the edge of the buliding as his brothers followed him.)
Leo: He's gone.."
(Leo sighed as Raph looked up to the moon.)
Raph: He is still out there somewere."
(The family soon headed back to the sewer, Mikey played on the alien game again having the buttons until he felt he could win.)
Leo: Up, no down, down!
Donnie: Eye beam, use the eye beam!"
(Mikey groaned as he once again lost. Raph sighed in the corner looking at the Spike's leaf.)
Timothy: Good effort!
(Splinter and Y/N walked over to Raph.)
Raph: He's still out there somewhere.
Splinter: Raphael, do you know what I do when I miss my loved ones from the past?
Raph: No.
Splinter: I focus on the friends I am surrounded by in the present.
Y/N: We're still here and we're not going anywhere.
Raph: Thanks, Master Splinter. (Walks over to his brothers) Too fast, can't get me. Hey, what's a guy gotta do to get in your little competition, huh?
Mikey: Next game is all yours, dude.
Leo: Sorry about Spike, Raphael.
Raph: It's okay. You guys aren't too bad to hang out with either.
Timothy: Awww, that's the nicest thing you've said to me.
Y/N: Wait, has anybody seen Ethan?
(Ethan was back in Chloe's room and they were finishing their tea party.)
Chloe: More tea, Ethan?
Ethan: Why, thank you!
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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