Showdown: Part 2
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
Here we go!
It's the lean, mean, ninja team
On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things
So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams
Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza KingsCan't stop these radical dudes
The secret of the ooze made the chosen few
Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves
The good guys win and the bad guys lose
Leonardo's the leader in blue
Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through
Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines
Raphael has the most attitude on the teamMichelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!
Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!
Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need
To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
(The browser for now flying around in panic from the Technodrome now in New York City and causing havoc.)
Mikey: I think I speak for all of us when I say... Ah! Ah! AHH...!"
Y/N: You and me both, buddy!
Raph: What the heck is that thing?!
Leo: (Still on Raph's back.) It's the end of the world!
Donnie: Actually, it's just the end of humanity's rain as the planet's dominant life form. You know, like, when the dinosaurs-
Leo: Now?! Really?!" You're gonna do this now?
Donnie: Well, excuse me!" But, it's how I deal with stress!"
Y/N: Guys, stop it! We gotta stop fighting and get away from that thing, we have no idea what it's capable of!
Raph: Well, maybe it doesn't have weapons. Does it look like it has weapons?"
(Y/N had just enough time to turn his head before several, giant pink lasers shot out past the brothers.)
Y/N: Guys!" It has weapons, and big ones!"
(As soon as Y/N spoke, the weapons started firing at maximum amount. He had to constantly swerve and duck and dodge just to avoid getting hit at all. The turtles were the same, yelling as they looped around and around to avoid the lasers. Mikey soon went out of control, and he rammed right into Donnie.)
Leo: Donnie! Mikey!
(The two went spinning as they crashed into the roof of a nearby building. Y/N gasped and instantly went after them, dodging the lasers. He landed gracefully onto the roof and ran over to the other two.)
Y/N: Guys, are you okay?"
Mikey: We're cool!" (Helped Donnie up.) Where're the others?"
(Y/N whipped around, looking up at the sky. As soon as he did, he saw the figure of Raph start falling down, heading towards the alley next to the building they were on. Y/N gestured for the other two to follow him, and they all ran over to the ledge, leaping over it and sliding down fire escape. As Y/N landed on the ground he saw Leo laying on a filthy mattress, and Raph was leaning out of a nearby dumpster.)
Y/N: I would laugh, but our situation is too serious.
Donnie: Are you guys alright?"
Raph: Been better.
(At that moment, a huge shadow loomed over then, and Y/N looked up to see the Technodrome hovering above then. Somehow, it looked scarier down here than it did when Y/N was up in the air.)
Donnie: What do we do now?"
Leo: We need to talk to Splinter. C'mon!"
(The brothers head for the sewer and soon got back to the lair. When they get there they see the layer is not but empty.)
Leo: Hello? Sensei?
Y/N: Timothy and Ethan?
Donnie: April?
Raph: Spike?!"
(Raph looked around the living room, searching for his pet. Then, there was movement from one of the pillows on in the pit, and Spike lifted his little head. Raph immediately ran forward and picked the little turtle up, placing him on his shoulder.)
Raph: Oh, don't scare me like that, buddy. (Smiling down at his pet.)
(Y/N grinned at him before looking around.)
Y/N: Where is everyone?"
Mikey: I dunno.
(Mikey turned and started heading towards the dojo, and Y/N followed behind him. To their surprise, Splinter wasn't in here, neither was Timothy or Ethan.)
Mikey: Anyone in here?" (Looking around.)
Y/N: Splinter?" Are you there?"
(But there was no response. Then, from behind Y/n, he heard shuffling. Y/N glanced behind himself, and gasped as he ducked to avoid the oncoming staff that had been heading for his face.)
Y/N: Mikey, watch out!"
(Y/N heard Mikey yell as he avoided the staff too. He looked up and was surprised to see Mr. O'Neil was the one wielding the staff.)
Mikey: Wow dude, chill!
Y/N: Guys! A little help here!
Leo: Hey!"
(Y/N whipped around to see Leo, Donnie and Raph running into the dojo. They all leapt forward and pinned Mr. O'Neil to the ground. Y/N ran forward and snatched the staff from his hands.)
Raph: What the heck is going on?" (Staring down at Mr. O'Neil.)
Donnie: Guys, check this out!
(Donnie pulled the back of Mr. O'Neil's collar down, and they all saw a small, metal object attached to the back of his neck that was blinking pink.)
Y/N: Kraang tech, anyone?"
(It took Donnie half an hour to take the object off of Mr. O'Neil's neck. Whatever it was, it was making the man act super strange. It wasn't until Donnie had removed it that he finally had a chance to get a good look at it.)
Leo: So, what is it?
Donnie: I think it's a mind control device.
Raph: Really?"
(Before any of them could stop him, he snatched the device from Donnie and pulled Mikey forward by the arm.)
Mikey: No, stop it! Stop it!"
Leo: (Sternly) Raph. (Raph rolled his eyes and released Mikey.)
(Then, from behind them, there was a low groan. Y/N turned and saw that Mr. O'Neil was awake again and was now sitting up on the couch.)
Donnie: Mr. O'Neil?"
(They all ran towards the tired man.)
Donnie: Are you okay?"
Kirby: (Rubbed his forehead.) I... I've done something terrible..." (Donnie put a hand on his shoulder.)
Donnie: It wasn't your fault, Mr. O'Neil.
Y/N: Yeah, you were being controlled against your will. Just tell us what happened and we'll take care of it."
(Mr. O'Neil stared up at us, then lowered his head as he sighed.)
Kirby: It appears the Kraang have formed an alliance with your enemy, Shredder. That's not all. I fear Shredder has handed April over to the Kraang.
Donnie: Shredder kidnapped April?!"
Raph: Sensei must've gone after her.
Y/N: Timothy and Ethan must've gone with them. Oh, boy.
Donnie: So, where is April now?"
Kirby: They're taking her to the Technodrome.
Raph: The what?"
(But before Raph's question could be answered, there came a voice right behind them. And it was coming from the TV. "Carlos Chang O'Brien Gambe here. Pandemonium in the streets as a... Techno-terror-dome... hovers over downtown..."
Mikey: Dudes, this is gettin' freakier by the minute!
Raph: We just escaped that freaky sphere!" Now we gotta break into it?!
Y/N: We don't have a choice, Raph. "April's in there. We have to help her before something bad happens to her.
Kirby: In a manner of hours. "The world we once knew will be gone. The Kraang want April to help in their conquest of Earth!"
(With April, the first thing she saw when she opened her eyes were a pair of big, yellow eyes before she realized she was staring up at a Kraang alien. Not like the usual little brain things. This one was huge-gigantic even, and was contained in some kind of metal sphere that was holding it up in the air. April gasped at the creature before instinctively trying to move around, but she was kept still by the metal arms holding me down.)
Kraang: April O'Neil..." Kraang has waited a long time..."
April: Where am I? What's going on?"
Kraang: Like all Kraang, I am called 'Kraang'. But you can call me 'Kraang. "Kraang has need of this planet for Kraang to live on."
April: Um, that's great, but we're kind of using it. "So, you came all this way for nothing. Bummer."
Kraang: No... Kraang came all this way for you, April O'Neil."
April: (Scoffed.) Oh, really? As if I have anything to offer to you Kraangs! Your mental energy is uniquely tuned to this universe. Once Kraang gains this ability, Kraang will transform your world into a world for Kraang...
April: And... how are you going to do that, exactly...?"
(Kraang didn't answer. But, as soon as she spoke, multiple strange, long, mechanical devices shot out all around her, all of them glowing pink. They all made strange whirring sounds as they inched closer and closer to April. She started struggling against the metal bindings, but couldn't budge. The second the devices touched her, ahe felt a sudden jolt and she screamed.)
(Splinter. Timothy, and Ethan were standing in front of the Shredder.)
Splinter: Oroku Saki... You were once my friend, I thought of you as my brother. There was a time where I would have trusted you with my very life. 15 years ago, I was a different man. I had everything I could want-a loving wife and a beautiful daughter..."And you, my loyal friend... Jealousy consumed you. You sought that which was mine. You took everything that I loved. Everything! And still, you hunt me down!" (The memory of Splinter's home erupting in flames flashed in front of him, and he remembered being crushed underneath the rubble as the Shredder walked away, never looking back.) "So, I fight you now... to end this!
Timothy: Yeah, there are three of us and one- (Chains wrap around him and he looks down.) What the? Wahhhhh!! (Pulled up out of, until he dissapeared into the roof.)
Ethan: Timothy! (Chains wrap around him and he's pulled upward.)
Splinter: Ethan!! (Grabs his grandson's hand before he disappears.) I've got you!
Ethan: (Thinks for a moment.) No! Let me go! You have a fight to win!!
Splinter: I will no-
Ethan: Hey!
Splinter: (Stops talking and looks at Ethan, who was smiling.)
Ethan: Kick his ass, grandpa. (Lets go of Splinter's hand and is pulled out of the building.)
(Splinter looks at the roof for a moment and then turns back to the Shredder. He clenched his fists tightly, and without another word Splinter leapt forward, Shredder doing the same. They met in the center and he spun and aimed a powerful kick that struck his face. He aimed to strike me once, twice, and on the third time he leapt up into the air and landed back several feet, grabbing his staff off of the ground. Shredder charged at Splinter, and he ran forward, raising his staff to block his blades from hitting me. But then he aimed a punch at me that managed to strike his torso. But, he recovered quickly and slipped by him, leaping into the air and aiming his staff at his head. But, Shredder dodged, and rolled out of the way. He leapt up to the upper level, and Splinter tossed shuriken at him, but missed. He then leapt up to join him on the same level.)
(There was a short pause, in which they glared at each other. Splinter spreads his feet out more on the glass, but suddenly it fell open, and he fell down onto the concrete below his. He quickly pushed himself up, shaking his head as he looked back up through the glass, but Shredder was gone. Splinter got up to his feet and looked around, standing in defense. He slowly walked around the area, keeping an eye out for the Shredder. he heard movement from behind him, and he whipped around, throwing more shuriken. But, the stars only met with one of the decorative boulders that surrounded me down here.)
(Splinter stood very still, staring around himself. He could not stay hidden forever. Then, he heard movement above him, and he looked up in time to see Shredder charging down towards him. Splinter raised his staff and blocked his attack, pushing him back. When Splinter looked up, he was gone again. Then, from behind him, there was a loud noise, like a lever being pulled. He turned around and saw sudden bursts of fire, coming closer and closer towards him. Splinter turned and ran forward, leaping off the boulders to stay above the fire. On the last boulder, he gave a powerful leapt, and landed back above onto the main floor. Splinter looked up to see Shredder standing there. The second Shredder looked at Splinter, the former lunged at him again.)
(Timothy was suddenly thrown onto a building and the chains on him fell off.)
Karai: So, you're the so called "traitor", given what you're wearing right now, I don't think it's such a big loss.
Pulverizer: (Gets up quickly and adopts a fighting stance) And you must be the Shredder's daughter. Leo said you were dangerous, you don't look so tough.
Karai: (Pulls out blade) How about now?
I'm not afraid you.
Karai: (Smirk) Well you might provide me with some entertainment, all right let's see what you got "Annihilator".
Pulverizer: (Grits teeth) It's Pulvetizer and you're about to see my special skills! Yah!
(Pulverizer charges at Karai, but she is ready for him when she swings her blade, but he manages just to block it with his ninja guards. Karai is shocked, but keeps swinging her blade at the vigilante, who is still blocking.)
Karai: Yaah!
(She goes with a downward strike, but the Pulverizer grabs it and holds it between his hands. He then flings it away from the girl. The Pulverizer then backs up from Karai, with a cocky smile on his face.)
Pulverizer: Ha! No weapon, what are you going to do now?
Karai: (Look blankly, before cracking her knuckles and smiling.)
Pulverizer: Oh, boy!
Karai: Raahhh! (Lunges at Timothy.)
(With Ethan, he was dodging arrows, left and right, but soon it all came to a stop as Rika landed in front of him.)
Rika: So, who are you?
Ethan: I'm Ethan Hamato, son of Y/N Hamato.
Rika: (Scoffs) He had a kid, and a bunny? (Giggles)
Ethan: (Growls)
Rika: Well, bunny boy-(Puts up bow.) Let's see what you got.
(Ethan is Sarada and Rika is Kakou)
(Rika leaps after Ethan and-)
(Rika is Shao Kahn)
(Rika lands and looks at the staggering child.)
Rika: Hmm, you know, I expected more from Y/N's son, but I guess that was just wishful thinking.
Ethan: (Growls, leaps into the air, and pulls out a kunai.)
(Ethan is Boruto and Rika is Kakou )
(Back with Splinter, he aimed his staff at him, but he blocked it. He spun around, blocking his next two hits. He lunged his staff forward towards Shreddr's face, but he blocked it with his blades, a second later slicing the top. He leapt up into the air, aiming his blades at Splinter. Little does he know that the top of the staff was just a holster for the katana hidden inside. As he lunged at Splintetr, he lunged at him as well. Somehow, they were both able to avoid each other's blades. He slid past Splintet and halted just a few feet away from him.)
Splinter: Why must you persist in this insanity?!"
Shredder: You took Tang Shen from me!
Splinter: She was never yours!
(Splinter grabbed the end of the hilt and pulled it out, exposing the long rope inside. He swiftly threw it forward at Shredder, who raised his hand to block it. But, the rope had wrapped around his gauntlet. Splinter leapt up into the air, moving the rest of the rope around his torso, tying him up. He landed on his feet and raised the blade up, lunging at him as fast as he could. Shredder managed to raise one of his arms and blocked his attack. But, Splinter's katana managed to slice off one of the blade from his gauntlet.)
(Back with the brothers, the surface was complete chaos. People everywhere were screaming and running, completely in panic. What was more, the Technodrome had dispensed some kind of pods, and they were swooping all over the city, scooping up pedestrians.)
(Right now, the brothers were crouched behind a few abandoned cars. On the other side was a large group of Kraang droids, and a pod.)
Leo: (Whispering) We gotta get in one of those pods.
Donnie: But how?" There are eight Kraang droids between us and there.
Leo: We could create a diversion."
Y/N: Well, whatever we do, we gotta do it fast. Those pods aren't gonna be there forever.
Raph: Excuse me, how many did you say there were?"
Leo: Eight.
Mikey: We could all dress like robots! Sneak in!"
(Y/N chuckled as he rolled his eyes. Leo and Donnie were not so amused.)
Donnie: Or... I could try to override their security codes by-"
(But Donnie's explanation was cut off at the sound of grunts and banging metal. They all whipped around, and he was surprised to see Raph standing on top of one of the pods. Apparently, he had snuck passed his brothers and took it upon himself to take care of the droids. He gave the decapitated head on that was standing next to him a good kick, and knocked it off. Then he raised his sai into the air, and caused the droid's head on the blade. He smirked at us, spinning the head on his sai.)
Y/N: That was easy."
Leo: Or... that might work...Let's go."
(They all leapt up over the cars and jumped into the pod. Y/N walked up to Raph.)
Y/N: You never fail to surprise me. And that's saying something, considering we both grew up with Mikey.
(Raph flicked the droid head off of his sai, smirking.)
(Splinter and Shredder were still in a deadlock against each other.)
Splinter: You never had anything but your hatred!" And if you defeat me, you will have nothing!"
(The Shredder growled loudly before finally busting through the ropes. He lunged his blades at the rat, and he leapt back, landing far away from him. Shredder straightened up, and to Splinter's surprise, he reared his head back and roared with laughter.)
Shredder: That is where you are wrong! You took something from me, so I took something from you- Your daughter!
(Spplinter's heart seemed to stop right at that moment. HIs blood ran cold, and his whole body felt numb.)
Splinter: No... it can't be..."
(The brothers were now all in the pod, getting ready to fly up.)
Donnie: Hold on. (Donnie reached up and pulled the glass shield down over the brothers.)
(They all kneeled down as the shield shut on them. A few moments later, the pod hovered up a bit, and then started to float away into the sky. The pod reached closer and closer to the Technodrome, until a small door opened up, and the pod floated through it. The inside was nothing but a long, seemingly endless hall of chambers. Hundreds of other pods were floating down the hall, some being pulled off into different chambers by mechanical claws.)
Leo: (Hushed voice) Okay guys, this is it. On three. One... Two... Three!"
(Raph grabbed the edge of the glass shield and swung it opened. We all made to jump out, but the second we stood up our bodies all lifted up into the air. Y/N felt his stomach backflip as he yelled out in surprise, the turtles doing the same thing.)
Y/N: What the-what?
Raph: What the heck's going on?
Mikey: I think the Kraang forgot to pay their gravity bill!"
(A second later, a mechanical claw shot out and grabbed Mikey, pulling him into the chamber. Y/N gasped in shock. Then, behind him, he heard some metal shifting around. Y/N turned his head to see another claw from a few spaces back and shot Mikey back out again. He groaned, spinning in the air slightly.)
Donnie: It appears the Kraang have generated anti-gravitons
Leo: Is there any way for you to generate anti-anti-gravitons?"
Donnie: You mean gravitons?
Leo: Yes!
Donnie: No!
Mikey: Guys, I'm gonna throw up. Or down. Or maybe sideways. But one things for sure, I'm majorly gonna throw!
Y/N: Mikey, don't you dare! If you throw up and it starts flying everywhere, we're gonna have serious problems!
(Another pod coming up from behind Mikey came forward against him, pushing him back towards the other brothers.)
Leo: (Determined) We still have a job to do. So, let's go!
(A few moments later, a group of Kraang aliens came floating past, screeching in their weird language.)
Mikey: Yo, zero G is bangin'!" (Floating upside down.) The Kraang should turn this into a carnival ride!
Leo: (Firmly) Uh, I think they're more interested in using it to destroy the earth.
Mikey: (Shrugged.) It could do both."
(Suddenly, there was a loud, piercing scream that echoed all throughout the chambers.)
Donnie: It's April!
Raph: (Hushed Voice) Can you say that a little louder?" I don't think the entire Technodrome heard you!
(As soon as the words left his mouth, what looked like fifty floating Kraang aliens suddenly appeared at the entrance of the chamber they were in. Raph stared in surprise before shaking his head.)
Raph: Never mind. They did.
(Without needing to be told, they took out our weapons, ready to charge at the wall of Kraang.)
(Back with Splinter, he was still stunned by the revelation of his daughter still alive. Without warning, the Shredder suddenly lunged at him again. His punch hit Splinter in the torso, knocking him back. He quickly got into a defensive stance and was able to block his next few hits. Splinter aimed a kick at his feet, but missed. Suddenly, Shredder started hitting Spliner's face repeatedly before swinging back and knocking him backwards. He felt dazed as he looked up, but Shredder was right there. Splinter caught a glimpse at his fist before it connected with his nose, knocking him off his feet so hard that he fell backwards and landed on his stomach. Splinter groaned painfully, pushing himself onto his hands and knees.)
Shredder: It's over, Hamato. Soon you will be no more, and your own daughter Miwa will go through her life cursing your name. And, by the time I'm finished with your skilled Y/N... he won't even remember you or those turtles he cares so deeply for."
(Splinter felt a surge of rage suddenly rush through him as he snapped his head up to glare at Shredder. The anger burst through Splinter, and He lunged forward, dodging Shredder's blade. He whipped around and thrust it at him again, but this time Splinter dodged and bit down on the blade with his teeth. Splinter glared at Shreddrr as he snapped the blade off. He flipped over and gave him a powerful kick to the chest, knocking him off of his feet. Splinter landed on all fours on the ground and then lunged at Shredder.)
(Timothy was staggering backwards, with bruises on his face. While Karai, was well and good.)
(Bryce is Pulverizer and Lady Bullseye is Karai)
Karai: (Slowly waks toward the fallen vigilante) Well, this has been fun, but I think it's time I put an end to this.
(Pulverizer looks up and sees Karai about to finish him.)
Karai: (Scoffs) I can't believe you're actually one of Splinter's students.
Pulverizer: (Thoughts) She's right, I'm useless......Splinter, I'm too weak!
(Flashback: Timothy was standing in the dojo while punching the wooden dummy.)
Timothy: Ha! Ha! Ha! Aah! (Timothy continues to punch the dummy, but his hands start to hurt any backs away in pain. He doesn't notice Splinter behind him.)
Splinter: Are you okay, Timothy?
Timothy: No, I don't get why I'm even here. I'm not a mutant, like the others.
Splinter: April, is not a mutant, but she is here. Why do you think that?
Timothy: Cuz she's important.
Splinter: No, because she understands that becoming a ninja isn't easy, but she knows she can do it. Timothy when I look at you I see nothing but a 20 year old man playing dress-up, but the way you defended Ethan shows me that you do have what it takes. I know it, my sons know it, but do you know it?
(Splinter walks away from Timothy, as the latter looks back at the dummy. Before reeling his fist back and-)
(Flash-Back Over)
Karai: End of the line, Pulverizer.
Timothy: (Pulls off mask) My name is Timothy Yuki! And I'm not gonna lose to you! Raah! (Runs and shoulder checks Karai into a wall.)
Karai: Gah! (Looks up surprised.)
Timothy: (Charges forward) Yah!
(With Ethan, he lost his kunai and was now fighting Rika, hand to hand. But, it wasn't much better.)
(Ethan holds his note in pain, but didn't have to react to Rika's punches.)
(Gon is Ethan and Rika is Hisoka)
(Ethan falls to the ground and Rika towers above him.)
Rika: You know I have a little arrangement with your daddy, but unfortunately, I can't let you just walk away. (Grabs Ethan's hoodie and places him over the edge of a building.) Want some advice, think happy thoughts. (She lets go and Ethan begins to plummet to the ground.) I better go check on father and Karai.
Ethan: Hey!
Rika: (Looks back and sees Ethan leaping back over the edge and landing in front of her.)
Ethan: You thought that was the end? No, we've only just begun.
(Ethan is Morgiana)
(Cut back to the brothers, they started to go out after the Kraang. A Kraang alien shot straight for Y/N, and he kicked it so hard it slammed against the roof. He floated forward and pushed his feet off against the wall, charging at a group of Kraang. He swung his claws out, knocking two of them to the side and pushing the third out of the way.)
(There was a loud, rumbling sound that vibrated throughout the halls. Y/N realized that it was coming from the Technodrome itself.)
Leo: That can't be good.
(Suddenly, pink lasers started to fire at the brothers. Y/N looked down the hall and saw several Kraang aliens coming at the brothers, firing their lasers.)
Raph: Let's finish these creeps!
(Y/N smirked before following him and the others down the hall, leaping against the walls to avoid the lasers. It seemed that, despite the situation, the brothers were having fun fighting in zero gravity. They all hooted and hollered as they leapt off the wall, coming closer and closer to the aliens. One at a time, Raph, Mikey, Donnie and Y/N all took out one of the floating aliens, knocking them down. The last one stood floating in the air for a moment before Leo leapt down and crushed it onto the ground.)
Y/N: I think that's all of them. (Looks around the empty hall.)
(Suddenly, there was a loud, distant scream. Y/N looked around and saw Raph was pressing his head to the floor. Then he raised his sai and struck it into the floor. He pried open the metal slot and it floated away. Now, they could hear April screaming and what sounded like cruel laughter coming from below. Raph went through first, and the others followed him.)
(Back with Timothy, he was finally able to keep up with Karai.)
(Timothy is the one on the left and Karai is the one on the right.)
(Timothy held his leg in pain from kicking a woman with leg armor. Karai took this opportunity to kick Timothy to the ground. Then she walked over, picked up her blade, and soon walked over to Timothy and put the blade to his neck.)
Karai: Anylast words, (Snickers) Timothy?
Timothy: (Thinks for a moment, but than smirks)
Karai: (Backs up and wipes her face off the spit) Ugh, that's disguting! (She glared at Timothy, who is gone.) Huh?
Timothy: (Standing next to her.) Misdirection.
(Timothy is Johnny)
(After slaming Karai to the ground, he holds his arm in pain, before going off to check on Splinter.)
(With Ethan, he was jumping around like a bunny possessed all over the building and landing overwhelming hits against Rica.)
Ethan: (Lands hits) Over here! (Jumps away and than comes back and lands another hit)
(He keeps doing this and soon ends when he double kicks Rika to the ground.)
Ethan: Ha! You just got your, butt kicked by a child!
Rika: (Growls)
(Rika keeps growling as she goes and unearthly metamorphosis. Her skin begins to change and begins to grow fur similar to that of a cheetah? Finally she stands up and Ethan gapes and shock not just that she turned into a mutant cheetah, but the fact that she looks just like-)
Ethan: (Thoughts) Dad?
Rika: (Growls and lunges at Ethan)
(Back with the fights between the two old friends, Shredder regained his stance and tried to block me, but Splinter was too quick. He delivered punch after punch, hitting all of his important spots and not slowing down. He continued to strike him over and over again, each hit getting harder and faster than the last. Then, Splinter spun around and kicked him in the chest again, sending him backwards. He landed on the ground and started throwing shuriken at Splinter. But the rat ran forward, dodging all of his stars. Splinter ran in circles around him, trying to distract him. It worked. He stopped when he finally looked at Splinter, and the latter lunged at him. Splinter moved so fast he had no time to even react. He was hitting Shredder everywhere he could, doing everything he could. Finally, Splinter knocking in into the air, leapt up, and did yet another powerful kick. This one sent him slamming into the stairway of his throne, knocking his helmet clean off.)
(Shredder lay there, glaring up at Splinter, his scared face ugly and unrecognizable.
Timothy: Sensei!
Splinter: (Looks at Timothy, who is holding his katana.) (Nods)
Timothy: (Tosses the katana to Splinter)
(Splinter wasted no time in catching his katana and sprinting forward, determined to do what he should have done 15 years ago.)
Karai: No!
(Suddenly, a blade blocked Splinter's path. He roared as he whipped around, striking at the figure who had stopped me. They blocked his strike and held their blades in place. Splinter glared down at hi new opponent, and saw that it was a girl. Suddenly, as Splinter stared at her face, into her eyes. They were just like Shen's...)
Splinter: (Mutters) "Miwa...?
(The girl pulled her blade back and swung it forward. It struck Splinter's shoulder, but only slightly. Splinter moved out of the way, holding his shoulder gingerly. Timothy went and checked on his teacher. Splinter saw the girl run back behind him, towards the Shredder.)
Timothy: You okay?
Karai: Father!
(Splinter inhaled sharply and looked around. The girl was helping Shredder to sit up, holding him gently.)
Shredder: Karai..." (Shredder pointed a finger at Splinter.) That rat is... Hamato Yoshi...
Splinter: (Stared at them.) "Miwa...
Timothy: (Thoughts) Wait Miwa, isn't the name of Master Splinter's dead daughter?
Karai: My name is Karai! Father told me what you did to my mother, and now I'm going to return the favor!" (From behind her, Shredder smirked at me, chuckling darkly. Karao withdrew her sword again and started charging towards Splinter and Timothy.)
Timothy: (Adops a fighting stance)
Splinter: No! (Grabs Timothy by the shoulders.) We must leave!
Timothy: Wha-(Pulled away)
(Splinter turned and sprinted away with Timothy, leaping up to the upper level by the open window, while Timothy waited by the door.)
Karai: Why won't you fight?!" Coward...!"
Timothy: Wait, wher-
(Ethan crashes through the window, rolls on the floor, and lands a few inches from Timothy. He was bruised, injured, and the most noticeable mark of all, was the claw mark that he had across his cute little face.)
Timothy: Ethan!! (Runs and picks up the fallen Ethan.)
Splinter: (Leaps down and takes Ethan Timothty, who is glaring at Rika and Karai)
Timothy: (Growls and tries to rush forward, but is stopped when Splinter grabs his shoulder.)
Splinter: Ethan is injured, we must leave.
Timothy: (Reluctantly nods and follows Splinter out of the lair)
(Back with the brothers)
Kraang: April O'Neil... your mind belongs to Kraang... Soon, your world will be ours! Let the planetary mutation... begin..."
Y/N: (Whispered That thing is so nasty.
Raph: (Nodded.)
(They all slipped through the shaft, crawling down the long cables and wires. Y/N looked down at the disgusting, giant Kraang, and then down at April. She was strapped onto a metal table, her head hooked up to a strange machine that seemed to be extracting something from her.)
Kraang: Witness the end of your kind!"
Leo: Not if we can help it!"
(The creature blinked, then turned its ugly head up at the brothers.)
Kraang: The turtles and Experiment 728?! Kraang will not be stopped by pathetic mutants!"
Mikey: At least we're not stupid aliens!"
Leo: Raph, quick!
(Raph did as Leo ordered, and lunged forward, aiming a powerful kick right between the Kraang monster's eyes. As the alien screeched, the brothers climbed down the cables. Y/N watched as Donnie managed to get the metal table to come down. The arms holding April released her and he removed the device from her head. She almost fell forward, but Donnie caught her in his arms. A second later she lifted her head, and gazed up at him, grinning.)
April: (Dreamily) You're my hero...
(Donnie's face went straight up pink as he giggled happily at her. Y/N covered his mouth to hold in his laughter.)
Raph: Hey, Chuckles. (This makes Donnie glare at him.) We gotta get outta here.
Donnie: (Nodded.) Let's go!"
(Donnie lifted April onto his shell, carrying her as they all started to climb back up the cables.)
(It took the brothers 10 minutes to find an exit. They had to get back to the chambers so that they could find an escape pod to get out of here. Donnie stayed in the middle of the group, still carrying April on his back. The others were leading the group, keeping them safe and blocking the lasers of the Kraang droids.)
(Eventually, they reached the end of the hall where they were running down and reached a room. Y/N looked up and saw the long, hallway of chambers above them. They would all have to climb to get to one of the pods. Y/N reached behind himself and pulled out a grappling hook. He pointed up as high as it could go, and shot it out. The hook landed about halfway up and hooked onto one of the levels. At that moment, several more aliens from above started charging down at the brothers, firing lasers at them. They all started leaping up onto the levels, trying to get as high as they could. Suddenly, there was a loud creaking sound, and the walls began to fall forward. It seemed that the Technodrome was turning for some reason.)
(The turning stopped once the hall they were climbing was flattened enough for them to walk on. They all straightened up and the others began running forward. A few Kraang floated towards them, but Y/N knocked two of them back with his knuckledusters. Up ahead, several Kraang droids appeared and started firing at them. The others that were up ahead sliced and knocked them out, clearing the rest of the way for them.)
Mikey: Leo, I have a question!"
Leo: Can it wait?
Mikey: Not really! Did we beat that big Kraang thingy?
Leo: (Annoyed) Yes, Mikey, we did!"
Mikey: Okay...! Then why is it following us?!"
(That made them all stop in their tracks. Y/N turned around, and to his horror, he saw that giant Kraang monster was indeed following them. It appeared that the metal sphere it was in wasn't just for show. It was attached to a large, metal suit, which made it look taller and bigger than before. It screeched loudly, stomping towards them. Instantly, they all turned and started sprinting forward as fast as we could.)
(The Kraang screamed, now purposely stomping its metal feet to try and crush them. Then, there was a loud wiring sound, and suddenly it started shooting beams of electricity at them, causing the areas it hit to explode.)
Donnie: Everybody, there's one last escape pod up ahead!"
(He was right. Ahead of the brothers, just about 50 feet away, was a single escape pod. If they could just stay ahead of the monster, then they could out run it, get into the pod, and leave without worries.)
(Kraang's metal foot stomped down, and Mikey was knocked down into one of the chambers below. He screamed, and Leo and Y/N skidded to a halt. They looked at each other, nodded, and instantly ran back towards him. Kraang leaned forward to look down the chamber Mikey fell through, and the gun on top of his head started to power up.)
Leo: Get away from my brother!
(He leapt forward, raising his katana, and sliced the gun off of the Kraang's head. Y/N slid forward on his knees, stopping at the edge. Mikey was a few feet down the chamber, pressing his hands and feet against the wall to keep from falling.)
Y/N: Mikey, up here!"
(Y/N reached his hand down, and he reached into his belt and took out one of his nunchucks. He swung one end up, and Y/N caught it and used it to pull him up. Leo lands beside Y/N to help him, grabbing the nunchuck and helping pull Mikey up. As soon as he was out, they all turned and ran forward, Mikey sprinting ahead of them. The others were already in the escape pod, waiting for them.)
Kraang: There's nowhere for you to run, mutants!"
(They ignored him and continued running forward. Mikey was ahead of them and got into the pod with the others. They were about to join them when the monster stopped his metal foot hard, shaking the floor.)
Donnie: Leo! Y/N!"
(Leo and Y/N skidded to a halt, turning to look at Kraang, who wasn't that far away from them.)
Kraang: All of you will die here!"
(He wasn't that far away, we'd never make it out in time. Y/N glanced over at Leo, hoping he had a plan for this. Y/N saw he was glaring at Kraang, his face firm and set. At that moment, Y/N could hear his father's words from before echoing in his head.)
Y/N: (Splinter: With the world at stake, the only thing of importance is that you complete your mission. No matter what you have to sacrifice... or who.")
(Y/N suddenly realized that Leo did in fact have a plan, and he was having none of it.)
Y/N: Don't do it.
Leo: (Glanced over at Y/N.) Don't do what?
Y/N: Don't do what you're thinking.
Leo: You don't know what I'm thinking.
Y/N: That's a lie and you know it."
(Kraang screeched, stomping closer towards them. If Y/N was going to do something, he had to do it now. Leo sighed and looked away from Y/N.)
Leo: There's no other way, Y/N. If I don't do this, then we all die."
Y/N: (Shook his head.) Why does it have to be you?
Leo: I'm the leader, it's my responsibility."
(Y/N looked at Leo firmly, then looked up at Kraang who was getting closer and closer. He sighed, hanging his head slightly.)
Y/N: You're right... you are the leader, and it is up to you."
(Leo nodded, and gripped the nunchucks in his hands. But, Y/N grabbed his wrist to stop him.)
Y/N: (Whispered) But, I made a promise to our father that his boys would get home safely, even if it's just you guys. And I intend to try and keep that promise... no matter what."
(And before Leo could do anything Y/N snatched the nunchucks from him and kicked him in the torso, knocking him back against the pod. He whipped around and sprinted forward, yanking the chain out to its maximum length. Y/N heard the others call after him, but he ignored them. Y/N kept running until he was at Kraang's feet, then whipped the chain out as he leapt up into the air. He leapt all around him, tangling his arms and legs into the chain. When he finally had him tied up, he landed behind him, holding onto the chain with all my strength. Y/N took out one of his kunais, shoving it through the chain and sticking it to the ground. It wouldn't last more than a few seconds, and he held onto the rest of the chain. Kraang screeched, pulling against the restraints.)
Leo: Y/N, get back here!
Y/N: No! You guys gotta leave, now!
Raph: Y/N, are you crazy?!
Mikey: We're not leaving you, dude!"
Y/N: I wasn't asking!
(The chain snapped off the kunai, and Y/N dug the claws of his feet into the floor, holding on the chain. The metal was ripping the skin of his paws/hands , and he could feel them start to bleed, but he continued to hold on.)
Leo: Y/N, I am giving you a direct order! Get back over here!"
Y/N: There's no time to argue! I can't hold him for long! You gotta get out, now!"
(Even though Y/N could barely see him, he could tell Leo understood. Y/N gritted his teeth, holding onto the chain as hard as he could.)
Leo: Let's go!"
(Y/N heard Raph start to argue, but he saw Donnie pull him back as Leo got into the pod.)
Raph: Y/N!
Leo: We gotta go now!
(Mikey closed the glass shield, and the pod started to fly back. Suddenly, the chains on Kraang broke, and Y/N fell back, landing on his side. My bloody hands slammed on the floor, and they stung painfully. Y/N looked up to see the pod shoot back out of the door just as Kraang swung at them. The others were safe. Y/N looked around frantically, wondering if there was some way out. Then, he stood up onto his feet and started sprinting forward. He ran out from underneath the Kraang and towards the door.)
Y/N: Here goes everything!
(The last thing the turtles saw was the chains breaking and Y/N falling onto his back before the pod shot back, pulling us through the door. The second they were outside the pod started to fall, until it finally landed in the East River. The pod floated back up to the surface and the shield flew open.)
Donnie: I... I can't believe it! We made it!"
(There was a loud sound from behind them, and they all turned to see the Technodrome falling out of the sky. It kept falling and falling until finally, it crashed into the water. The movement shifted the surface, making the pod tilt. As the pod started to settle, they all looked to see the Technodrome was slowly sinking deeper and deeper into the water.)
Mikey: Y/N! No...!"
(They all watched sadly as we saw the last bit of the Technodrome sink below the surface. It was over.)
Mikey: (Whimpering) I can't believe he's gone..."
Donnie: Y/N...
(April let out a soft noise, leaning into Donnie's chest. Raph stumbled back until he met the wall of the pod, and he fell down onto the floor.)
Leo: This is all my fault. I shouldn't have let him! I could've... I should've just...(He let out a shaky breath as he fell to his knees, his face in his hands.)
Raph: It wasn't your fault. Y/N wouldn't have left any of us in there. He... he was too good for her own safety." (Lowers his head.)
Y/N: Aw, that's so sweet.
Raph: (Snapped his head up.) ... Y/N?" (He whipped his head around.)
(Y/N was in the water, swimming slowly towards them. He smiled as he floated towards us.)
Y/N: Hey guys. How's it going?
Mikey: (Excited) You're alive!
Y/N: Nine lives, baby!
(Raph and Leo sprang to their feet. The others all gasped, looking delighted.)
Raph: Y/N...! You... you idiot! You scared the heck out of us!"
(He grinned, and weakly lifted his paws/hands out. He nearly fell below the surface, but Leo and Raph instantly grabbed his arms and pulled him in gently. He fell onto the floor, looking very tired. At once, Raph sprung forward and wrapped his arms around him, Leo, Mikey and Donnie doing the same. At once, they all started cheering and laughing.)
Mikey: We won...!
Y/N: Aw man, I love you guys!
(There was loud splashing all around them, and they looked up. All of the pods that were inside the Technodrome were popping up out of the water. Men, women, children, even animals were coming out. The people all cheered and yelled, happy to be safe and alive. Raph turned to look at Y/N as the others released him. He grinned at him, and he grinned back. Then Raph reached up and smacked the back of his head.)
Raph: Don't ever do that again!"
Y/N: (Chuckled) Yes, mom."
(Raph rolled his eyes.
Y/N: Come on guys, let's go home.
(The brothers soon made it home and the Y/N saw that injured Ethan and Timothy tending to him. They told the brothers what happened, and they were shocked that the two of them actually managed to stand their ground against Karai and Rika.)
As they entered the lair once more, Y/N soon went to the dojo. He shuffled slowly towards the dojo, and he could feel the other's eyes on him as he did. Y/N walked up the steps and entered the dojo. Y/N smiled. Father was inside, standing in front of his shrine. he walked in.)
Y/N: Father?"
Splinter: Children...
(Y/N glanced behind him. The others were all standing behind him. He turned back to father, walking forward slowly.)
Y/N: We did it, father. We stopped the Kraang. We... we saved the world."
(Father stared at Y/N. Then marched forward and grabbed his arms gently.)
Splinter: Y/N, what happened? Your paws... what did you do?
Y/N: (Lowered his head) I'm sorry, father. I know what you said before, and I know I said I would listen, but...
(Before he could finish, father gently pulled Y/N forward and embraced me into a hug. Y/N grinned and hugged him back.)
Splinter: I am so proud of you, my child. All of you. You have all done so greatly. I am honored to call you my children.
(As soon as he said that Y/N heard footsteps as the other came in and joined in the hug. Y/N chuckled tearfully as we sat there for a few moments before breaking apart.)
(Thirty minutes later had us in the living gorging on pizza, laying around the living room. Mikey was so happy and enthusiastic that he had started chanting.)
Mikey: Who saved the world?
Mikey: I said, who saved the world?!
Mikey: I SAID-!
Raph: Stop asking!
(Raph snapped. Mikey blinked, finally stopping his chant. "We saved the world..." he mumbled. Then, Raph grabbed one of the many pizza boxes that lay all over the living room, and smacked it in Mikey's face. The box fell to reveal a smiling Mikey with a slice of pizza in his mouth.)
(Y/N laughed as he ate the last of his crust. As he glanced around he saw April walking into the dojo. Curiously, he followed her. He continued walking until he was at the entrance. April was standing behind Splinter, who seemed to be looking at the old photo of his family. This made Y/N slightly confused, but he was distracted from this by April talking.)
April: Sensei, I want to apologize... for the way I spoke to you earlier...(Father placed the photo back onto the shelf before turning around.)
Splinter: No need. You spoke what was in your heart. I am just relieved that you made it home safely.
(Then, Splinter raised his head, and his eyes met Y/N's.)
Splinter: Y/N. Please, come here.
(Y/N blinked and slowly walked forward until he was standing next to April.)
Y/N: I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to intrude-
Splinter: No no, it is not that."
(Splinter took a step towards Y/N, placing a hand on his shoulder.)
Splinter: Y/N, what you have done this evening has proven to me that you have grown greatly when your brothers first found you all those years ago. You've shown what it takes to truly be a ninja, and a protector of this family. (He placed his hand on the side of Y/N's face.) I have never been prouder of you... my son."
Y/N: (Smiled up at him lovingly) Thank you, father."
(Y/N saw Splinter's face shift slightly at that, but he continued to smile down at me as he removed his hand. Still, he couldn't help but notice that he looked a little more stressed than usual.)
Leo: (Comes into the dojo) What's wrong, Sensei?
Splinter: I learned some things from the Shredder...
Y/N: (Frowned) What things, father?
(Father blinked, then looked down at Y/N and Leo.)
Splinter: (Smiled) That's for another time, my children. (Put a hand on each of our shoulders.)Tonight, is for celebration! After all, it is not every day you make the world safe from an alien invasion."
Y/N: Can't argue with that logic.
Mikey: (Laughs) You got that right!" (Mikey suddenly appears with the others, throwing his arms over their shoulders.) Everybody! Who saved the world...?!
Others: (Annoyed) Mikey.
Mikey: (Groaned) WE SAVED THE WORLD! (Leaps into the air)
(The rest of the day is spent relaxing and having fun at the lair. They had some fun eating more pizza and playing music and dancing in the dojo. Today was an awesome win.)
(Meanwhile, deep in the NYC River the Technodrome suddenly reactivates.)
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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