Serpent Hunt
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
Here we go!
It's the lean, mean, ninja team
On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things
So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams
Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza Kings
Can't stop these radical dudes
The secret of the ooze made the chosen few
Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves
The good guys win and the bad guys lose
Leonardo's the leader in blue
Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through
Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines
Raphael has the most attitude on the team
Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!
Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!
Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need
To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
(Sensei was sweeping the floor to the pizzeria, April and Sarah rolling up the sleeping bags they'd used as they all cleaned up their temporary home.)
"Looking good, guys," April said. "Pretty soon, this place will feel like a real temporary home!"
"We just need a few more decorations." Mikey finished hanging up the drawings he'd made. "What do you think?"
Chloe (Chuckled) "Yeah... I think it looks great."
Mikey looked back at Sensei, noticing his distraught look. "You okay, Sensei?"
"Hm?" Sensei looked over at him. "Forgive me. My thoughts are...elsewhere, Michelangelo." He walked over to one of the boarded up windows, looking outside. "It is very dangerous out there. Casey, your brothers have been gone for a long time."
Ethan: Come on, have some faith in them. They'll be just fine!
(Sarah and April walked to the back of the pizzeria, where Donnie and Timothy had set up a makeshift lab.)
"How's the new lab set-up?" Sarah asked.
"Ehh, kind of makeshift," Timothy responded. "We're brewing a batch of retro-mutagen we started back at the farmhouse... Takes forever."
"And then we can mutate my dad back?" the red-head asked. "Um, hopefully for good this time?"
"Well, that's the plan. And everyone else who got mutated, including Mrs.O'Neil and Karai..." Donnie confirmed.
The four of them looked over as Mikey entered with Sensei, Chloe, and Ethan. Sensei sighed. "Karai..."
(They looked at the hole in the floor as they heard cheering, watching Leo, Raph, Casey and Y/N pull themselves out, bringing boxes of various objects with them.
"I got one word for you," Raph started. "Score!"
"You did it?" Timothy asked. "You managed to sneak back into the lair?"
"Here, guys. Managed to swipe these from the lab," Casey said, walking over to Donnie and Timothy and handing them a box of various things left in the lab.
Donnie grinned. "Oh, wow, awesome!"
Y/N: (Kneels down to Ethan and pulls out Ethan's adoption papers) Just a little reminder of us.
(Ethan hugs his father)
"And even though the Kraang were mad-dogging us the whole time, we didn't forget..." Casey placed a box on the ground, using his foot to slide it over to Mikey. "Mikey's big request."
Mikey opened the box, and Y/N could practically see the fireworks going off in her little brother's head. "TV!" he cheered. "Now we can watch Crognard again! Aw, yeah!"
Leo walked over to Sensei. "We got you something too, Sensei." He pulled out the photo of Sensei, Miwa, and Tang Shen, handing it to their father.
Sensei took the photo, staring at it. "You are a good son, Leonardo."
(Soon enough, Mikey had the TV set up on a table in the main room.)
"What an awesome home we have! It's even got the new home old smelly pizzeria smell." He ran to the oven, pulling out a freshly baked pizza.
April shrugged, sitting down on the couch. "It's still a little cramped for my liking."
"Home for me...will never be complete without my daughter," Sensei stated.
"The longer she's out there alone, the more she risks losing her humanity," Y/N stated, his ears folding back.
Sarah nodded. "Y/N's right. I can concur when first mutated, you tend to lose that part of yourself. Without someone or something to help you, to remind you of who you are."
"We can help her," Ethan cut in. "We just have to keep looking."
"For all we know, Shredder or the Kraang have her..." Raph said.
"No," Sensei argued. "I saw her only a few days ago roaming the streets at night. But I was not in my right mind... I could not help her."
"I think we can find her!" Timothy started. "Donnie and I have been updating all of our surveillance tech, and we're just a few days off from finishing more retro-mutagen!"
"Alright, guys, let's do this!" April said, getting up.
Ethan/Chloe: Let the search begin! (They try to run out, but Sarah grabs them both by their heads and places them back on the couch.)
"Sorry, April, you, Timothy, Ethah, Chloe, and Casey have to stay here," Leo said, leading the others for the hole in the back. "Ninjas only."
"What? You need us!" the red-head argued.
Timothy: So unfair!
"That's not fair!" Casey added, hopping over the counter. "I wanna trash some alien scum, too! Why you gotta pent up my rage, Leo?"
Ethan: Why can't we go?
"Because Karai's mind isn't her own, son," Y/N said. "Her actions are unpredictable and dangerous. We're trained to handle these types of situations. You are not. Stay here."
(Y/N rubs Ethan and Chloe's head, then goes to join his brothers.)
(Y/N took the wheel of the Party Wagon and drove down the streets and into an alley. He parked and they all got out.)
"Alright, team; this is the last place Master Splinter saw Karai," Leo said.
"You getting any readings, Donnie?" Y/N asked.
Donnie flipped down his goggles, scanning the area. "Picking up trace amounts of mutagenized DNA. Scanning now... That's it! Snake cell/human hybrid DNA sequencing... It's Karai!"
Mikey jumped down in front of the snake scales on the ground, picking them up. "Oh, snake, check it out! Potato chips!" He started to eat them, making Y/N snicker as he tried not to laugh. "Mmm. Kinda stale, but not bad. Do I detect sour cream and chives? Mmm!"
"Actually, those are snake scales," Donnie stated. "Karai must be shedding.""Gaah!" Mikey dropped the scales.
"Alright, guys," Leo said. "We follow the DNA trail. Lead the way, Donnie."
(Y/N raised sniffed the air. He and his siblings had been following the DNA trail for a while now, and a few blocks back, Y/N had picked up Karai's scent. The scent had only gotten stronger as they'd continued, and now it was very close. His ears pricked at an accented voice.)
"Ooh, this is funky fresh."
(Y/N held up his hand to signal the others to stop. His ears swiveled and angled toward the rooftop overhead.)
"Snake skin--recently shed. I am better hunter than my brother Boltak!"
Y/N: Snake skin?
Leo: "You don't think--?
Y/N" Karai. They're hunting her.
Leo: C'mon.
(He led the others up onto the rooftop beside the guy with the Russian accent. They kept out of sight as Y/N got a good look at the hunters.)
Y/N: Anton Zeck. The guy who stole the Shredder's helmet.
"Stop messin' with that butt-nasty skin," Zeck snapped quietly at his friend. "What you want is right down there, son!" He pointed to a nearby alley, and Y/N followed his gaze to see Karai slowly moving through it.
"Heh heh! She thinks she's hiding!"Russian dude chuckled. "Da." He ran to the edge of the roof, pulling out a tranq gun and aiming it for Karai. "Now I make her go sleepy nap time."
"Time to intervene," Leo said. "Mikey, go help Karai."
(Mikey jumped down from their rooftop and landed in front of Karai before Russian-dude could pull the trigger of his tranq gun. Mikey blew raspberries at him.)
"Turtle face?" Russian-dude exclaimed. Y/N hurled a shuriken at his gun, startling him. "Mother Russia!"
"Leave...Karai...alone!" Leo snapped as they came out of hiding and drew their weapons.
"Aw, man, not these freaks again," Zeck groaned.
Freaks?"Nice outfit. 1987 called," Raph stated with a smirk. "It wants its jumpsuit back."
Zeck: "Uh--wha-wh-wh-wha--You making fun of my suit? I will bust you in your dang head." (Zeck spun and threw an energy version of his mohawk at them.)
(They scattered, and it hit the roof below them with an explosion. They jumped down, and Y.N threw several of her shurikens at him. He danced to avoid them, making strange noises as he did so. Russian-dude opened a crate and pulled out some kind of huge, heavy-looking gun.(
Russian Dude: "Finish them off! Once and for alls!" He started shooting at them, laughing as they dodged. "Mutant pests! You are like fleas on back of powerful Russian bear!"
(Russian-dude ducked as Leo jumped over him, swinging with his katanas. Raph tried to hit his gun with his sais, but the dude pulled it away. Donnie swung at it with his staff, and Russian-dude moved back to dodge.Donnie and Leo dropped back alongside Y/N, and Zeck jumped up behind them. Making more strange noises before firing another energy mohawk at them. They scattered, and it exploded against the roof. Zeck continued making strange noises as he shot lasers at Leo, Donnie, and Y/N.)
"Why is he making those noises!?" Donnie asked, blocking one of Zeck's shots with his staff.
"He's just trying to distract us!" Leo said, using his swords to knock away the lasers.
"He's just succeeding in being annoying," Y/N said, slicing through some of the lasers with his claws.
The three of them managed to close in on Zeck, blocking the lasers with their weapons. Donnie jumped at him and tried to hit him with his staff, though Zeck leaned forward to dodge, stepping back to avoid Leo's katanas. Y/N heard something like a miniature bomb go off behind him and turned to see Raph and Mikey had been blinded with a flash bomb. Russian-dude got his tranq gun back and aimed for Karai. Just as he pulled the trigger, Y/N slammed into him, making him miss. Karai turned to hiss at them before fleeing into the streets.)
"Karai's on the move!" Leo called. "We gotta go after her!"Mikey threw down a smoke bomb, blinding Zeck and Russian-dude, and allowing Y/N and his brothers to escape.
(Cut to the brothers)
"What's it look like, Donnie?" Raph asked his brother quietly.
"She's moving fast," Donnie responded. "We gotta get down there."
"Kraang-droids are everywhere," Leo pointed out.
"Keep it stealthy, my ninjas," Mikey said. "Let's do this."
(They dropped down into the alley, taking cover behind the trashcans and dumpsters and waiting until a Kraang walker strode past to cross the street. They used the cars to avoid the mutants left in the city, and made their way behind a couple of Kraang-droids. Y/N and the brothers took shelter behind a building while they waited for Mikey to jump across. The Kraang-droids turned just as he tried to jump, and he ducked back into hiding.)
"Oh, no," Y/N muttered.
Raph dropped down behind them. "Where's Mikey?"
"I'm right here," Mikey responded as he popped up behind Raph, accidentally smacking him. "You guys are so slow."
(Donnie looked to the ground, at what Y/N assumed was Karai's DNA trail.)
"She's this way! There! She's in the warehouse!"
(They made their way into the darkened warehouse, the flickering lights giving the place an eerie vibe.)
"Alright guys, let's split up and find her," Leo instructed.
(Leo and Mikey took the upper level, while Y/N stayed below with Donnie and Raph.)
"Karai? You here?" Y/N called. "It's us!"
"Karai, come out!" Donnie called.
"Where are you?" Raph asked.
"We're not gonna hurt you," Y/N said. "We wanna help."Come out! Riki is looking for you!"
"So, what are we gonna do when we find her--invite her back to the lair for pizza?" Raph asked.
"That's a good question," Donnie responded. "The retro-mutagen still isn't finished."
(Y/N heard him gasp as he ducked between stacks of crates. He turned to see him facing a group of Kraang-droids.)
"Oh, great," Raph started as the three of them pulled out their weapons. "Another Kraang-droid party!"
(Y/N saw Leo appear at the railing on the upper floor and he drew his katanas.)
Leo: "Take 'em down before they alert more!"
(Karai suddenly appeared out of nowhere, slamming into a droid and sending it flying across the room. She hissed at another droid and took one out with one of her snake hands. She dodged a laser, turning on the droid and snapping off its head. She grabbed the droid body in her mouth and tossed it aside. A fanged mouth opened in the back of her head, and she used it to tear off the arm of a droid, breaking off its head and sending it in Donnie's direction.He deflected it easily with his staff.)
Donnie: "Um, thanks?" Karai hissed at him, turning her attention to Mikey when he jumped down.
Mikey: "It's okay, Karai. "It's me...Mikey. Your brother."
Y/N: Karai, remember us! We're your friends, your family! Remember who you are!"
Karai hissed at them.
"She's becoming more snake-like by the hour," Donnie said as Leo jumped down to join them.
"She doesn't understand, guys."
"She understands, Donnie," Y/N refuted firmly, trying to convince himself as much as his brother. He has to. For Riki and Splinter.
(Karai eyed him with a glint in her green eyes, prepared to strike. Y/N sheathed his claws, as he took a few steps closer to his sister.)
"You're changing, Karai," he said softly, keeping his voice calm. "We wanna help you. It's us. Try to remember. For Riki. For Splinter."
(Karai hissed at him, seeming about to strike. Y/N stared back at him, unafraid. Please. Something in Karai's eyes changed.)
Karai: Y-Y/N...?"
Y/N: (Ears flicked up.) "That's right, Remember who you are."
(Karai shrieked, her form fluidly shifted until she lay on the ground in her human form.)
"Whoa!" Mikey said.
(Karai pushed herself up, and Y/N saw his skin was still white and scaled. Her eyes were still green and snake-like, with slitted pupils.)
Karai: " Pleasssse..."
(Y/N caught a glimpse of fangs and forked tongue. Leo knelt down beside her. )
Leo: "Come back with us, Karai."
"No." Karai shook her head, shifting away so she was sitting. "Tooo...dangeroussssss..."
"I told ya I smelled mutants!" Razar's voice suddenly rang out as he and Fishface jumped down and landed behind Leo and Karai."Looks like they've made our job a whole lot easier!"
(Fishface said.Leo got to his feet, drawing her katanas and shifting protectively in front of Karai. Karai shifted back to her mutant form and lunged at Fishface. He dodged aside and clasped some kind of shock collar deice around Karai's neck, using it to tase her. Leo sprang at Fishface, swinging her sword. He side-stepped her and pulled out a smoke bomb.)
"Have a whiff of poison, mutant scum!" Fishface threw down the bomb, which released a cloud of green smoke.
"Come on! We gotta move!" Y/N called, leading the way up the stairs and to the second floor. Mikey and Donnie used their weapons to try and fan away the smoke.
"Can't let 'em get away," Leo said. "Hurry, we can still catch up to them.
(Y/N and his brothers made their way to the rooftop.)
"Look! There they are!" Y/N called. Leo followed his gaze to see Zeck driving off on a bike with Karai.
"No!" Y/N's ears flattened. "Karai..." Riki, Splinter, I failed you.
(Cut to Anton driving into an alley, stopping the bike and dismounting.)
"Ho ho!" Ivan chuckled. "Is nice work, comrade Zeck! You get snake girl and steal cool-looking motor scooter!"
"I barely made it, Big S," Anton said as Ivan pulled out a phone. "The streets are full of Kraang. Let's dial up Shredder and get the heck outta dodge."
"Hi. Is Steranko," Ivan said once Shredder picked up. Anton noticed a cockroach on Ivan's shoulder. He tried to grab it, and the roach ran. "You got a cockroach on your dang--"
"Stop it--shush!" Ivan interrupted. "Is Shredder! We has your mutant daughter... Make deal... Da. At the docks. One hour!... Dasvidanya." He hung up the phone. "All is accordings to plan."
(Cut to Leo and his siblings standing on the sea cans at the docks, keeping themselves hidden as they kept watch.)
"Donnie, you sure they're here?" Leo asked softly.
"I planted a whole bunch of spy roaches on Steranko during the fight," Donnie responded. "I'm pretty sure he ate most of them, but there's still one little guy left."
(He looked at the lone building by the docks as Y/N's ears pricked at a noise.)
Y/N: Yeah, yeah, they're definitely there.
(Shredder came into view, walking out of a sea can, and Y/N's ears flattened at the sight of him.)
"So, the thief who stole from me desires to make a deal," Shredder said, approaching Zeck. "Where is Karai?"Zeck pointed at the building and Steranko emerged, forcing Karai forward with the shock-collar device around her neck.
"You get us out of the city safe. You get girl. That is deal," Steranko answered.
"I don't make deals," Shredder responded. Razar appeared behind him on top of the sea can, and Fishface climbed onto the dock from the water. "But perhaps this is worth the exception. Give me Karai, and you will leave this city alive."
Leo: (Jumped onto one of the sea cans above the villains.) "Let her go...and I'll let all of you walk away alive!" he snapped, drawing her swords.
(His brothers jumped down behind her to go after Shredder, while Fishface dealt with Zeck and Razar tried to get Karai from Steranko. Shredder easily blocked their blows, though Mikey managed to smack him in the face with one of his nun-chucks. Shredder glared at Mikey and punched him, knocking him away. Leo swung at Shredder with his katanas, but Shredder kicked him back. Raph tried to kick him, but Shredder grabbed his leg and threw him into Donnie. Y/N hurled several of his shurikens at Shredder to try and distract him as he ran at him, but he elbowed him to the ground. Donnie leapt at him from behind and drove his staff down at him. Shedder stepped back to avoid it, grabbed Donnie by his sheath's strap, and threw him back across the dock.)
"You are nothing to me!" Shredder snapped.
"We're just getting started," Y/N retorted. "Time to make some noise! Underoos!"
(Suddenly, Timothy and Ethan leaped from behind a container.)
(Timothy charged Shredder, who knocked him back. Ethan lunged at him from behind, but Shredder caught him in the stomach with his elbow, sending him to the ground and kicking him away.)
Shredder glanced over at Razar and Steranko. "Karai!"
(Leo took advantage of the distraction to leap at him from behind, swords raised. This guy managed to knock him into a coma for three months with one hit, but he could care less. His swords clashed against the back of his armor, and he rounded on him. He blocked his blades with her swords as they exchanged blows, dodging and blocking, weapons clashing with loud clangs and showers of sparks, until he managed to land a hit and knocked him into a sea can. He glared up at him, growling as he lifted his bladed gauntlets. Y.N dropped down behind him, landing a hit with his claws and drawing Shredder's attention as the others joined him. Shredder turned to face them, allowing Leo a chance to get back on his feet.)
Leo: (Glanced over at Razar and Steranko.) "Karai!"
(He looked back at his siblings and Y/N gestured for him to help Karai. They had to. He turned toward Steranko and broke away from the fight, running at Razar from behind and slamming his foot into his back, throwing him into Steranko. Karai was on the ground, breathing heavy and barely able to keep herself up. Leo raised his sword and sliced through the collar, freeing her sister. He caught Karai as the younger girl fell. Leo scanned the battlefield.)
"Karai," Leo said. "Go. Run. You have to go. Hurry. Don't let them take you."
Karai looked out across the water, pointing east over the waves, toward the Manhattan skyline. "Comet... Comet."
"Comet?" Leo echoed. "What does that mean?"
He didn't get a response as Karai dove into the water and disappeared beneath the waves.
"No!" Leo turned at Shredder's angry shout to see him glaring at him, his family on the floor behind him. "My daughter!"
"She's not your daughter!" Leo snapped.
Shredder: "I raised her. Cared for her. She is mine!"
(Leo growled and threw down a smoke bomb, letting Leo dive into the water with his family hot on his heels.)
"What happened back there? We had her!" Raph snapped as Leo helped him out of the water.
"It was too dangerous, Raph," Donnie responded.
Y/N: We'll find her. (Turns to Timothy and Ethan) Thanks for the assist you two.
Timothy: No problem.
Ethan: Yeah, but it sucks we couldn't help Karai. Any idea where she's heading?
"She gave me a clue as to where she is, though," Leo said. "She pointed east...and said 'comet'..."
[In Shredder's lair, they are about to mutate them for their actions.]
Fishface: Some excellent DNA to be spliced with, don't you agree?
Rahzar: Heh heh. I wouldn't wanna be a warthog. Hahahaha! A warthog! Hahahahahahahahahaha!
Anton: I don't wanna be a mutant. I'm too handsome! The ladies love me!
Shredder: You stole my sacred helmet. Hunted my daughter. Your fates are sealed.
Steranko: Oh, no! Shredder, how long have known each other? It is ten years!
[Shredder glares. Stockfly begins to put warthog DNA into the machine.]
Shredder: Anton Zeck is first for stealing the Kuro Kabuto.
[Fishface starts to push Zeck towards the pool of mutagen. He squeals in fear.]
Anton: Can we talk about this, G?
[Fishface pushes him into mutagen. Anton Zeck mutates in agony while Steranko nervously watches with Rahzar chuckling nearby. Zeck transforms into a mutant warthog. His fur was brown with strong looking tusks and along with a tail. His hair was still intact.]
Anton/Bebop: Oh, no. Look at me. I'm a dang warthog!
Shredder: And now Ivan Steranko, my "old friend." Your animal is apropos.
[Shredder again ignores Steranko and nods at Rahzar, who nods back.]
Steranko: Let us become reasonable! I am more useful to you as normal guy, not mutant! Nyet, nyet Nyeeeet!
[Steranko tries to escape. However it was too late. Rahzar pushes Steranko into the mutagen and mutates into a rhino. His skin became gray and his horn grew right out of his nose. He had doubled in size unlike his human form.]
Steranko/Rocksteady: Oh don't feel so well. Oh, nyet. Look at me!
Anton/Bebop: They've turned us into freaks!
[They bellow in pain, confusion and anger, ending the episode.]
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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