Rise of the Turtles and Cheetah Part 2
[All five brothers gathered around a canister of Mutagen.]
ALL "Whoa .
Leo: So that's the..
Donnie: Mutagen that turned us all into what we are now.
Y/N: I think I've seen more canisters like this.
Leo: I think it's from the prison you escaped.
Y/N: I'm not sure.
Mikey: Let's drink some!
Raph: What? Why would you do that?
Mikey:' Cause if you mutate a mutant, you get a super mutant!
Donnie: Or a pile of goo on the sidewalk.
Raph: Either way, it's an improvement.
Y/N: (Chuckles)
Leo: Guys, this is huge. Whoever kidnapped those people are somehow connected to what happened to us 15 years ago.
Donnie: How is that possible?
Mikey: For alien robots, anything is possible.
Donnie: Stop that. There are no such thing as alien robots!
Y/N: Mikey, I'm gonna need you to see a little proof of these guys.
Mikey: Oh, yeah? Well, if there's no such thing as alien robots, how do you explain this? [Begins yanking on the truck driver's face.]
Snake: Aah! Aah! My face!
Mikey: Man, this mask is glued on tight!
Y/N: Mikey, stop! It's not a mask.
Mikey: Okay. [Pushes the man away.] He's in the clear. But those other guys were totally alien robots.
Raph: Enough! [grabs the mutagen Donnie was holding] Time to get some answers. [Approaches driver and waves canister in his face.] Who are you, and what's going on?
Snake: Name's Snake, and I got nothing to say to you hideous freaks.
Raph: Oh, well, that's 'cause you don't know us yet. [Tosses man to his brothers, who grab his arms.]
Raph: See, we were just regular guys until[unscrews cap on canister] we got hit with a little of this.
Snake: Wha-what are you doing?
Raph: Playing a little game I like to call Mutation Roulette. Now you could turn out handsome like me, or you might end up disgusting and deformed, like Mikey here.
Mikey: Hey!
Raph: So, you feel lucky? [he was about to pour the mutagen on to Snake.]
Snake: Okay, okay! They call themselves the Kraang. They been grabbing scientists from all over the city.
Leo: Well, that worked out pretty good.
Y/N: I thought we were actually about to mutate this guy.
Raph: Of course it did. Would you wanna look like MIkey?
MIkey: I'm right here.
Leo: What do they want with scientists?
Snake: I don't know. All I know is they're taking them out of the city tonight, but I don't know where!
Donnie: This is awesome! That girl's dad is a scientist. I'm a scientist. She is so gonna like me.
Snake I don't think you're her type.
Y/N: (Glares at Snake) Hey.....,shut up
Leo: Where are they now?
[A few moments later the turtles are on the rooftops while Snake is held prisoner. Leo is surveying the Kraang stronghold with a telescope.]
Leo: There's gotta be, like, twenty of them down there.
Y/N: And those are just the ones we can see from outside the stronghold.
Raph: All right! An all-you-can-beat buffet!
Leo: We can't just rush in there. We need a plan.
Raph: Why?
Donnie: Think, you shellbrain. There are innocent lives at stake. If we screw this up, they're all goners.
Raph: Then we won't screw it up.
Mikey: Boy, I could sure go for some of that pizza right now, huh? What? I can't be the only one that's hungry.
Leo: Where's Snake?
Mikey: Oh, geez.
[Snake laughing as he runs away and leaps onto fire escape. Turtles and Y/N give chase.]
Y/N: Mikey, you have to pay attention more.
Leo: Get him!
Donnie: Maybe he went over the wall.
Mikey: I'm on it!
Donnie: Alley-oop!
[Gives Mikey a boost over the wall. Sounds of crashing and cries of pain.]
Mikey: Ow. I don't think he went this way.
Y/N: Guys over here! (Waves to his brothers)
[Leo and Raph stop at alley entrance with gesturing to it, both realize Snake is hiding there.]
Leo: Oh, great. We let him get away.
Raph: Whoa, whoa. You're the leader. That means you let him get away.
Leo: You're not helping.
Raph: I'm not trying to help.
Y/N: What's the plan
Leo: Ok ok.You want me to lead? Fine. We go back to the lair, gear up, and at midnight, we drive snake's van right up to the gate. They'll think we're him, and we'll cruise right in.
Raph: And then we bust some heads?
Leo: And then we bust some heads.
Raph: I love a happy ending.
Y/N: Let's get to work.
[They walk off and close-up on Snake shows he heard all they've said. Next scene they are all back at the lair. Don is welding shuko spikes and Y/N is sharpening claws]
Raph: I know you're a little worried about me. Look, I'm not gonna lie to you. We've never gone into a fight like this, and I don't know what's gonna happen. But you don't have to worry. I will make it back. I love you, man.
Mikey: Aww. Are you talking to your pet turtle?
Raph: No. Shut up!
Mikey: That's adorable.
Raph: Oh, I'm gonna crush you! [starts chasing Mikey] I'm gonna shellac you!
Leo: [Laying out small items on rug in a pattern.] I think this plan is gonna work.
Splinter: No plan ever survives contact with the enemy. It is how you react to the unexpected that will determine if you and your brothers succeed.
Leo: Sensei, do you think I'm ready for this?
Splinter: Leonardo, I made you leader for a reason.
Leo: What is that reason?
Splinter: That is for you to discover on your own.
Leo: There's so much riding on this. What if something goes wrong?
Splinter: Failure is a possibility every leader must face, Leonardo. It is something I had to face in Japan during my final battle with my enemy, the Shredder. [flashback begins] Years ago, Oroku Saki, as Shredder was called then, had been my friend, but the love of a woman came between us. He could not accept it, and his jealousy turned outward in a vengeful attack. And while he could not defeat me that day, my world fell and crumbled around me as the battle took the life of my beloved Tang Shen, and I lost my baby daughter, Miwa.
[End of flashback. Splinter is bracing himself against a wall, head down and in pain from the memory.]
Leo: But that's my point, sensei. You lost everything.
Splinter: I lost many things. My family, my home, my name. But I gained many things as well, like the five of you.
Leo: Don't worry. We can handle this.
Y/N: (Walks up to them) I made the right choice voting you to the leader.
Leo: Thanks Y/N. Let's do this.
Y/N: (Nods)
Raph: [still chasing Mikey as he screams] Get back here!
[Deep in Kraang hideout. April was banging on the cell door.]
April: Hey, you can't keep us in here like this! We know our rights!
Kirby: I don't think they care about that, April.
April: We can't just sit here. We've gotta do something.
Kirby: Like what?
[Close-up on April's face, she has an idea.]
April: Oh, my stomach! The pain is unbearable!
[Lying on the floor in cell. Kraang enters cell. Kirby tries to sneak up on it, but Kraang turns around. Kirby stops and gasps. April leaps onto the Kraang's back, tries to pull him down and bite him, with no success. Kraang grips her shoulder and picks her up, setting her down before leaving the cell.]
April: Well, I guess we can just sit here.
[Meanwhile outside.]
Snake: They'll be here any minute.
Kraang: Kraang, are those who are coming to this place coming to this place?
Kraang 2: I lack that knowledge, Kraang. I will inquire of Kraang about that knowledge. Do you have the knowledge if those coming to this place are near this place, Kraang?
Snake: They're turtles and a cheetah! Call them turtles and cheetah! "Are the turtles and cheetah here?"
Kraang 3: There are lights of a vehicle which contain that which you wish us to call the turtles and cheetah coming to this place which you wish us to call here.
Snake: What are you talking about?
[Turns to see van barreling towards him and the gate. Kraang along rooftop begin firing weapons. Van crashes into gate and explodes in fireball. Snake is on the ground and as he gets up, ooze splashes on him. He begins screaming as he starts to mutate.]
Kraang: The ones coming to this place are not in the vehicle bringing them to this place.
Kraang 2: Then in what place are the ones called the turtles and cheetah?
[Cut to the side, where the turtles and Y/N are scaling the wall.]
Mikey: Wow, lucky thing that van showed up to distract them.
Donnie: [Rolls eyes and accidentally hits himself with shuko spike.] Ow!
Leo: That was the plan, Mikey. We knew snake was hiding in the alley, so Raph and I made him think we would be in the van.
Mikey: But, we weren't in the van.
Y/N: Just keep climbing brother.
Mikey: Can do.
[Turtles and Y/N drop through ceiling and attack Kraang patrolling a passage.]
Donnie: Wow, I've never seen anything like this. They're using a metal alloy that I don't even recognize.
Raph: Gosh! A metal alloy even you don't know about! It boggles the mind.
Donnie: Dude, you wanna talk metallurgy with me? Bring it.
Raph: I don't, and-
Leo: Guys! What part of being in an enemy lair do you not understand?
Donnie: [Stops when they see robots.] Whoa. Alien robots.
Y/N: Now, I believe you Mikey.
Mikey: Alien robots, huh? Hmm, where have I heard that before? Oh, yeah! I've been saying it for hours!
[Yells so loudly he attracts robots attention and they begin firing at the turtles. Turtles and Y/N attack and begin destroying the robots.]
(What you did to one)
[A Kraang crawls out of the center of one of the bots you smashed. All scream. Mikey hits it with his nunchuck and knocks it out.]
Mikey: See? See? It's a brain thing! I told you! I told you! But did any of you believe me? No! 'Cause you all think I'm just some kind of bonehead! [the kraang screeches awake and bites him on the arm]
[He tries to get it off and sends it flying against a button on the wall which triggers an alarm. Creature screeches and runs off.]
Mikey: Okay! But I was still right about the brain thing. You gotta give me that.
Leo:Let's move.
Raph: Move where?
Donnie: I think those are power conduits.
RAPH "Oh! That's really interesting! Thanks for sharing, Donnie."
Donnie: Meathead, the conduits are all converging that way, which means that whatever is going on in that direction is important!
Y/N: (Snickers) Burn.
Mikey:You got spanked. [Waves finger in brother's face and Raph yanks on his finger.] Ow! Ow! Mercy! Not cool.
[Donatello runs past a cell and then goes back to look inside. Sees April and her father.]
Donnie: We found 'em!
[Kraang starts shooting at the turtles.]
Leo: We'll hold them off! You pick the lock.
Donnie: Don't worry! I'll have you out of there in a second.
April: Okay, giant lizard-thing.
Donnie: A turtle, actually. I'm... I'm Donatello.
April: April.
Donnie: Wow, that's a pretty...[Smashed against door when Leo runs into him.] Omph!"
Leo: The lock, Donnie!
Donnie: Yeah oh, right, yeah! Sorry.
[Michelangelo and Y/N leap at the robots.]
(How you took down 3)
April: Not to rush you, but hurry up!
Donnie: Hey! You think it's easy trying to pick a lock with these hands?
April: Uh, sorry.
Raph: Oh, for the love of get out of my way!
[Shoves Don aside and stabs lock with his sai. Door on other end of cell opens and robots enter.]
April: Ah!"
Kirby: What?
April: No!
Y/N: Guys they got april!
[They see April being carried off and then Kraang are firing on them so they run.]
Leo: Get the door!
[Raphael pulls off a robot's arm and uses it to barricade the door.]
Raph: That'll hold 'em. What?
LEo: You are seriously twisted.
Y/N: And yet freakishly strong.
Raph: Thanks.
April: No! Let me go!
Leo: Let's get 'em!
[They follow after them but are soon stopped when they see a new mutant. It no longer looks like a human, it looks like a plant, with Venus flytrap tongues, a heart in the throat, and the face of a mantis.]
Mikey: Uh-oh.
Snake/Snakeweed: You did this to me! Now you're going to pay!
Leo: It's Snake! He mutated into a... Giant weed!
Y/N: Or a weird looking mantis.
Mikey: That's weird. You'd think he'd get mutated into a snake.
Raph: Yeah, you would, if you were an idiot.
Mikey: But his name is Snake.
Raph: So?
Mikey: You don't understand science.
Y/N: Neither do you.
[The plant mutant screeches.]
Snakeweed: I'll crush you turtles!
Donnie: Uh, would it help if we said it was an accident? So, heh, I'll put you down for a no?
[Leo leaps up and slices off one of its vines. Purple gunk sprays out.]
Mikey: Eww! Eww! Don't let it touch me! Don't let it touch me! AAH! IT TOUCHED ME!
Y/N: What is that stuff?
[The vine starts growing back, surprising Snakeweed.]
Donnie: It grew back? No fair!
Leo: Donnie! Go!
[Leonardo intertwines his fingers and gives Don boost to rooftop where helicopter is taking off.]
OTHER BROTHERS " [Fighting Snakeweed.] Ah! Oh!
One of the whips for Y/N, but he quickly leaps in the air and dodges it-
Y/N: (Lands) That was a close one. Bring it in you overgrown house plant.
[Raphael runs between Snakeweed's legs and rakes his shuko spikes across them. Sees purple gunk.]
Raph: And Yuck. Whoa! Aah!
[Snakeweed strikes at him, but Raph grabs vine and tosses mutant to the ground. Leaping over him, Raph starts to run, but another vine shoots out and grabs Raph, tosses him against his brothers. They catch him.]
Mikey: Snakeweed is really powerful!
Raph: Snakeweed?
Mikey: Yeah! His name was Snake, and now he's a weed, so..
Y/N: We get it!
Leo: We just have to hold it off until Donnie gets back. [the door bangs open and the kraang came out.] While not getting shot by alien robots.
Mikey: With brains!
Raph: Let it go, man.
[Donatello jumps onto the helipad as the copter takes off.]
Donnie: Huh?
[Uses his staff like pole vault and leaps up to grab one of the landing skids. Cut back to brothers who are fighting the Kraang bots and Snakeweed.]
Y/N: What's the plan again, Bro?
Leo: I'm working on it.[Is grabbed by the ankle by Snakeweed and dangled upside down.] Whoa! The power conduits.
Raph: Are we really gonna start talking about that again?
Leo: Perfect. Raph! Mikey! Y/N!
[Leonardo uses hand signals and his brothers nod their understanding. They attack and force Snakeweed to drop Leo. Cut back to helicopter, where Donnie is still hanging on to the landing skid.]
Donnie: Oh, good! For a second there, I thought this was gonna be too easy!
[Kraang starts to shoot at Donnie and he dodges while still gripping skid. Flips up to kick robot and sends it falling out of the copter. It shoots at Donnie as it falls, but only succeeds in shaking the helicopter. April falls out and is hanging onto the edge of copter.]
Donnie: Hold on! I'm coming!
[April loses her grip and falls. Donnie jumps off, lands on rooftop, and catches her. He holds her as he successfully jumps down to safety.]
Donnie: You okay?
[April looks up towards the helicopter.]
April: Dad...
[Cut back to other turtles. Mikey, Raph, and Y/N dodge Snakeweed, and then make taunting faces at Kraangdroids. Run when they are fired upon. Laser fire begins hitting Snakeweed and the power generator he is standing in front of.]
Donnie: What are they doing? They're leading him straight toward that power generator! [Leo leaps atop generator and pulls a shuriken.] That's incredibly stupid! Or brilliant. Or or both!
Leo: Hey, come and get me, stinkweed!"
[The Kraang still attack just as Snakeweed gets hit by the generator and he explodes into fleshy pieces that rain down everywhere.
Y/N: Let's get-
Kraang: Experiment 726.
Y/N looks at the broken Kraang droid on the ground.
Kraang: It seems kraang has found you after Kraang searched for you after a long time of searching.
Y/N: Um...I...
Leo: Y/N Let's go! (Y/N runs to his brothers)
[Turtles and Y/N run off with April in tow.]
Kraang: Kraang, the ones in this place are not in this place where they were.
Kraang 2: The ones are called turtles and Experiment 726, Kraang. They are dangerous to what we are doing in this place and other places.
Kraang: Yes, I am knowledge of that. The turtles and Experiment 726 must be eliminated from all places.
[View Snakeweed's corpse as the body starts to reanimate, beginning with the heart beating. Scene shifts to April's Aunt's apartment, where April sits on a balcony surrounded by the turtles and Y/N.]
Donnie: Are you gonna be all right?
April: I guess. My aunt says I can stay here as long as I want, but I'll be a lot better when I track down the creeps that took my dad.
Leo: Won't the police help?
April: Funny thing. When you tell them your dad was kidnapped by alien brains in robot bodies, they don't take you all that seriously.
MIkey: I hear that.
Donnie: April, I promise you we will not rest until we find him.
Raph: We won't?
Leo: No, we won't.
April: Thank you, but it's not your fight.
Y/N: They made it our fight when they messed with our new friend.
Donnie: So, yes it is.
[She smiles at him and he smiles back, blushing. The turtles leave and April goes inside and closes the window. Cut back to lair, where Leo is kneeling in front of his father.]
Splinter: I am impressed, Leonardo. You proved to be an effective leader under the most difficult of circumstances.
Leo: Thank you, sensei. And I think I figured out why you made me leader.
Splinter: Oh? Why is that?
Leo: Because you sensed inside me a true warrior's spirit that could forge us all into the heroes we are destined to become.
Splinter: No.
Leo: Then why did you make me leader?
Splinter: Because-(Y/N walks up)
Y/N: You asked.
Leo: That's it?
Splinter: But you seemed so certain you were right. As a leader, you will learn that there is no right and wrong, only choices.
Leo: So you could have chosen any of us?
Splinter: Yes.
Leo: Even Mikey?
Splinter: No. That would have been wrong.
Y/N: Obviously.
Mikey: Everybody! Come here! We made the news!
[Everyone watches as the TV news anchor reports.]
Carlos Chang: A report of get this ninjas in New York. Don't believe me? After residents reported a disturbance, the police recovered this [Screen shows shuriken.] . For channel six news, this is Carlos Chang O'Brien Gambe saying, "Hi-ya!"
Mikey:This is awesome! We're gonna be famous!
Splinter: You must be more careful. The ninja's most powerful weapon is the shadows. Being brought out into the light is a dangerous thing.
Leo: Relax, sensei. It's one little news story. What's the worst that can happen?
Y/N: Don't jinx us Leo.
[Far away in Tokyo.]
Carlos Chang: Ninjas in New York. Don't believe me? After residents reported a disturbance, the police recovered this. [Someone hits rewind on part where shuriken is shown.] Recovered this.
Shredder/Oroku Saki: So my old enemy is in New York, and training his own army. At last, I can finish what I started so long ago. Prepare my jet. I'm going to visit an old friend.
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