Riddle of the Ancient Aeons
Teenage Mutant Ninja-
Leo: The Evil Triceratons invaded Earth, they brought with them the invincible black hole generator that swallowed the entire planet! My family and I escaped, thanks to the mysterious robot called the Fugitoid. Now, we're trying to stop the Triceratons anyway we can!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
Leonardo's the leader in blue
Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through
Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines
Raphael has the most attitude on the team
Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!
Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!
Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need
To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
(Riki stood on the bridge alongside the others, looking out the window at the Triceraton mothership hovering above a nearby planet.)
"They can't see us on radar, right, Fugitoid?" Raph questioned. "You sure this is gonna work?"
"The Triceratons are convinced the first piece of the Black Hole Generator is on that planet," the robot responded. "We just need to reach it first."
"Then what are we waiting for? We can't let them get it, can't give them even a glimpse of it." Y/N's tail twitched with anticipation.
April put a hand to her head for a moment. "I'm just gonna say it now. Something's not right about this mission."
(They suited up and dropped down into the scout craft, flying toward the planet.)
"Activating cloak," Timothy called, tapping on the control module in front of him.
"Better work this time, Timmy," Raph muttered.
"Only one way to find out, right?" Y/N said.
"You weren't there the last time it happened!" Raph retorted.
"Seems like it's working," Ethan said holding Clunk. "We're heading toward the planet without interruption."
"Finally, a little excitement," Casey exclaimed. "It's been, like, a whole week since something awesome happened."
Chloe gave him a look. "Dude, what is wrong with your head? No adventure is good. It means we're not running from someone trying to kill us."
April blinked, putting a hand to her helmet. "That world. I-it's radiating a strange power. Like, pure evil. We're flying into danger, Professor."
"Evil, you say? Nonsense," Fugitoid dismissed quickly. "This is Xaava-Dal. The oldest, most beautiful paradise planet in the universe. It is gorgeous down there."
(Riki wasn't so certain. She didn't need psychic powers like April to tell something was off with this planet. She had a bad feeling about it.)
(The craft landed on the planet, the door opening and letting them walk down to the surface. It was completely overgrown with strange plant life and anything just beautiful.)
"Well, if this is what yo call a beautiful paradise world...I'd hate to see what you call ugly and disgusting..." Ethan muttered, looking around.
"Ah, Fugidude!" Casey yelled, glaring at him.
"Well, I am, you know, occasionally wrong," Fugitoid chuckled nervously.
Y/N shook his head and started walking. "Let's just get the piece and leave," vey said, fingers tapping.
Casey looked around the place. "Whoa, this place is like--"
"--Pure evil, maybe?" April finished. "Like I sort of warned about earlier? Yeah, no one listens to the psychic."
"All the flora and fauna here are very strange," Timothy commented.
Donnie looked over his staff's scanner. "I don't understand these readings at all."
"Whoa." Mikey stopped in his tracks upon seeing a small, black creature. "Aww! Little space monkey-cat-rat thing." He knelt, reaching out a hand to the creature. "Aren't you, uh, cute?" The creature bit his finger and he screamed, shaking his hand until it let go. It landed on its feet, stood up straight and growled at him before retreating.
"Nice one, genius." Raph walked past him. "Now you probably have space rabies."
"Space rabies?" Mikey screamed and ran ahead to catch up with everyone else.
"This world, it was once a vast, beautiful garden," Fugitoid stated, stopping. "It held ancient repositories of all the most sacred knowledge in the cosmos. Not a single piece of technology was ever built here. The Aeons must've fled. Without their divine power, well, look at this world."
"What are Aeons?" Riki asked.
"Powerful, ancient aliens," Fugitoid responded. "The first beings to evolve in the universe. Now they've all........gone away."
(They started walking again, heading into some sort of ominous forest. Riki felt some sort of itch beneath her fur, one she just couldn't quite reach, like it was below the skin or in the back of her mind. Whatever it was, it was starting to get annoying.)
"This energy is really screwing up my readings," Donnie muttered, sounding pretty annoyed.
Casey shoved past him. "So fix it, genius. I thought you were supposed to be the smart one."
"That's right, he is. Which clearly makes you the stupid one!" Timothy snapped back.
Mikey laughed. "Ha! That definitely makes Raph the angry one."
"I'm clearly the handsome one," Raph retorted. "Here, check it out. I got something for you." He held out his fist to Mikey, who hit it with his own fist, only for the hothead to smack his helmet. "Ha! You're the gullible one."
Mikey shoved him back. "I'm tired of you picking on me! Ever since we were little, you've been giving me shell wedgies, wet willies, and reptile rug burns, and--"
"Mikey, Raph, enough!" Leo snapped. "We're on a serious mission here. So stop it!"
(Riki's tail bristled. Did they have to do this here? If they were gonna argue, why not do it back at the ship instead of in the middle of the creepy, ominous planet? She blinked at the surprisingly angry thoughts, shaking her head.)
(They all looked up at some sort of cawing, seeing dark shadows flying through the sky.)
"Everyone, take cover!" Leo shouted.
(They scattered, finding shelter among the flora. Riki hid up a tree, peering out to see strange dark, scrawny figures with bat-like wings and glowing blue eyes and teeth. One landed and moved closer to Mikey's hiding spot. Riki grabbed his chain, prepared to throw it away from her brother's location, but stopped when the creature flew off. Once the coast cleared, they regrouped and Mikey fell to the ground in front of them. Riki reached down to help him up.)
"Phew! Very strange," Fugitoid commented. "These creatures are definitely not native to this planet."
Raph jumped out of a tree, landing on her feet. "Let's just move. Now we got demon bats and Triceratons to deal with. I hate outer space so, so much!"
Y/N rolled his eyes. "So you've said."
Riki looked up as Y/N stopped, sniffing the air. He growled. "We've been here before. We're going in circles."
(Donnie started shaking his staff in anger. Because, yeah, that would totally make it start working.)
Casey rolled his eyes. "We've been walking for miles, Donnie. That scanner's as useless as the gap in your teeth."
"Oh, let's not go back there, Casey," Donnie replied. "You know my gap is way more awesome than your gap."
"My gap is way bigger than yours. You got a baby gap."
Mikey shoved them apart. "Will you two cut it out? You're more annoying than Raph."
"That's it!" Raph tackled him to the ground. Casey hit Donnie with his baseball bat before jumping on his shell.
Mikey and Raph rolled over to Leo, who grabbed the hothead and pulled him away. "Get off of him, man."
(Raph freed himself from him in time to dodge Mikey's punch, which ended up hitting his brother rather than the hothead. Ethan dropped Clunk to the ground which made the alien cat mad as it started to attack him which Y/N had to try and stop.)
"Guys, cut it out!" Riki snapped.
"Whoa, what are you doing?" April ran to Casey and Donnie to try and pull them apart. "Professor, a little help?" She was thrown into a broken stone and Riki ran over to help her back to her feet.
Fugitoid started shooting at their feet, gaining their attention and making them freeze. "You must all stop!" He held up his hand. "Don't make me smack you. You see this? This is my smacking hand. I'll use it!"
(Clunk stopped attacking Ethan and was pulled off his head by Y/N who cradled him as they were wondering what was happening to them.)
"He's right, guys," Mikey said, taking a step away from Raph. "What the heck is wrong with us?"
"We have more important stuff to deal with." April pulled down some vines from the stone she had hit, revealing strange symbols carved in. "Like this."
"Must be from some sort of ancient civilization," Y/N mused.
"Duh," Ethan said, earning a glare from the cheetah.
Fugitoid rested a hand on the rock, studying the carvings. "A mountain with a sun at its peak carved in the shape of a gemstone. What could it mean?"
Chittering caught Riki's attention. She looked up to see more of the demon bats. "We got trouble."
"Scatter!" Leo ordered.
(They broke apart again, and took cover in the flora. This time, more than one landed, sniffing the air in search of them.)
"These guys are like the pinnacle of extreme metal," Casey said quietly.
The creatures soon flew off and Leo came out of hiding. "Phew! Too close. Thank goodness they're--" He cut off at more chittering. "They're not gone, are they?"
(Indeed they were not. A creature jumped down behind Leo to attack. Mikey blocked one with his tonfas, only to be knocked back into Y/N.)
"Mikey! You're in my anger zone!" the cheetah snapped. He turned and punched one of the creatures.
(Casey was struggling with his until Timothy helped him out by electrocuting it using her shuriken. He smirked as it fell, only to be grabbed by his helmet and lifted into the air before being thrown to the ground. He quickly flipped back to her feet, backing away.)
"You're blocking my shot, Chloe!" Leo snapped at the red-head, blocking another creature with his laser sword, only for it to knock him down before picking him up and taking to the air.
"Leo, hold on!" Timothy shouted. He knocked five arrows to his bowstring and released, making the creature drop Leo.
(Clunk threw balls of fire and ice at the creatures. Ethan and April were back-to-back, shooting at the creatures with their guns.)
(Riki was using a combo of her gun and blade. She yelped as one of the creatures grabbed her by the shoulders. Chloe took off after it and shot the creature in midair. It released Riki and Chloe let go of it in favor of catching her. As soon as she was back on the ground, Riki leapt at the creature and knocked it out.)
"Thanks, Chloe," she said with a smile.
"Booyakasha!" Mikey shouted, jumping to kick the creature attacking Raph, though he ended up kicking the hothead instead.
"I could've handled it!" Raph snapped. He shoved Mikey, who stumbled back and fell into a rock, shattering the glass of his helmet. Raph's attitude performed an instant 180, going from anger to concern in the span of half a second. "MIKEY!"
"Ugh! My--my head! Aah!" Mikey started screaming before realizing nothing was actually happening. "Whoa. Whoo, huh, dudes." He gasped. "We can breathe air here. Sweet!"
As Donnie pulled off his helmet, Y/N threw his at him. "Donnie! You telling me we could breathe the entire time!?"
"Back off my shell, man!" Donnie snapped back.
(Y/N grabbed his helmet, hitting him with it. Riki took hers off and set it aside.)
Leo dropped his on the ground. "Finally, yes!" He ducked when a creature tried to grab him, swinging his sword at it, though it dodged.
"Uncle Leo, duck! Clunk!" Ethan yelled, with Clunk shooting a fireball at the creature ad knocking it away.
Leo dodged two more that came after him, flipping away. "Behind you!"
(Ethan blinked and looked over his shoulder to notice one inches away. He shielded his face with his arms, bracing for its attack, and Leo slammed his foot into its face, kicking it away.)
(Casey laughed as one of the creatures threw Donnie into a thorn bush, only for Raph to slam into him and knock him down.)
"Out of my way, Casey." He ran to rejoin the fight.
Casey got back up. "No, out of Casey Jones' way!" He an after the hothead, knocking Leo down as he ran past.
Riki rolled her eyes with an annoyed growl. Shaking her head and fighting back another surge of anger, she approached April as the remaining demon bats began to flee. "You thinking the same thing I am?"
"That this planet is bringing out the hatred in all of them, including you?" the red-head responded. "Yeah. But since you figured that out already we just need to focus on them..." She nodded at where they were back to fighting.
"Guys," Riki began, trying to catch their attention. No luck. "Guys," she repeated, louder this time. "Guys!"
(They continued to ignore her, arguing and wrestling. Riki's ears folded back as she watched them. She felt more of the planet's anger bubbling up inside her, tempting her to let it out. All her frustration and anger and hatred that she'd shoved down deep inside of herself where she could ignore it rose to the surface.)
(This time, when the planet's anger pushed her to release it, she gave in.)
(They all froze, turning to stare at Riki, who glared back, fists clenched.)
"This is crazy! You've all been at each other's throats since we landed on this STUPID PLANET and I'm sick of it!" She stomped a foot angrily, ears pressed flat and tail bushed up. "You're not even mad at each other! Or at least, not this much. It's this spiteful planet. It's giving you all this rage and hatred and you're just taking it and using it! But instead of taking it out on the demon dudes that keep attacking us or the Triceratons trying to stop us from saving Earth--the ones you should really be mad at--you're too busy taking it all out on each other! And you need to stop and get a hold of yourselves. Start channeling that anger toward the ones who deserve it. Because us standing here and yelling at each other is just attracting more of those demons, giving the Triceratons time to get the black hole piece, and just ultimately accomplishing NOTHING PRODUCTIVE!"
Y/N snorted, glaring back at her. "Hypocritical, don't you think, scolding us for yelling at each other when you're doing the exact same thing right now? And what do you know about controlling anger? All you do is push yours aside. You don't channel it anywhere."
Riki stared back impassively, tail twitching. "You see? You see, that right there is what I'm talking about. Outside of this planet, Y/N, brother, you never talk to me like that. This is what I mean. This planet is making you act in ways you normally never would, making you say and do things that you don't mean, that you would never say or do without this fabricated anger the planet is handing you."
(For a moment, Y/N just stared at Riki. He took a deep breath.)
"Riki's right, guys," Y/N stated. "We need to stop this. It's not us. It's the world that's affecting us."
Leo growled. "The rage! It's so hard to control!"
"Then let's do like Riki said and focus it on the demon things," Chloe asserted, looking up at the new approaching horde.
Clunk summoned fire and Timothy knocked a few arrows to his bow, but Fugitoid ran over and shoved their arms down. "There's too many! Run for your very lives!"
(They quickly obeyed and took off through the flora. The creatures, however, proved to be faster. Riki wove around trees and skidded past bushes. Looking ahead, she noticed a branch she could reach. She jumped for it and grabbed on with one hand, pulling out her tech kusarifundo as she threw herself over the branch, using her chain's blade to sever the branch from the tree. She let go and landed in a roll, springing up and looking back to see the branch had fallen on the creatures chasing her.)
(Grinning, Riki took off. She tracked the others via their scent trail and found them near a strange statue. The creatures halted at the base of the forest and retreated with shrieks.)
"Whoa, what just happened?" Raph asked.
April looked at the statue. "That statue."
"Yes!" Mikey hugged the statue. "Thank you, statue. You are awesome."
"What is it, Professor?" Donnie asked. "Some kind of mystical guardian?"
"It's a depiction of the Aeons," Fugitoid responded. "The beings that fled this world."
"Guess the demons drove them off a long time ago," April mused.
"Well, that's a total bummer," Casey said.
"Bummer?" Leo questioned. "Look what happened to their world. You have about as much sensitivity as a rabid dog."
Raph stalked over. "Look, just because you're leader doesn't mean you have to get into everyone's face," he snapped.
"Don't start on that leader thing again, Raph," Leo growled. "You've always been jealous of me."
"'Jealous'?" Raph retorted. April and Casey quickly grabbed him and held him back. "Maybe that's because you were always Splinter's favorite!" He broke free of the humans and ran at Leo, drawing his jittes.
"Raph, don't!" Y/N yelped.
He lifted a hand as Leo ran at Raph, though she stopped when he didn't attack, wrapping his younger brother in a hug and making him freeze. "Raph, I love you, bro."
"Leo, I-I'm sorry." Raph backed away, dropping his weapons. "I don't understand what's going on."
"The planet," Leo responded, resting a hand on Raph's shoulder. "It's like Riki said, it keeps messing with our heads. We gotta remember that. We have to focus."
"Guys, did you notice something?" Mikey asked, staring up at the statue as a blue beam shot out. "The statue. It's pointing."
"Well, let's see where it takes us." Leo looked over at them before starting off in the direction of the light. As they approached the end, they found a gigantic temple.
"That is one dope alien temple, yo!" Casey grinned.
"I bet you this place is loaded with traps," Ethan said.
"Eh, what's the worst that could happen--ow!" Raph turned to face Y/N after he punched him in the shoulder.
"Never say that!" the cheetah snapped. "You're asking for something bad to happen!"
"Our lives tend to revolve around 'the worst that could happen'," Chloe pointed out.
(They started heading into the temple and the doors closed behind them, leaving them in a darkened room. Fugitoid turned on the lights in his eyes and Clunk summoned fireballs that they sent drifting around the room.)
April blinked, looking around the room. "Wow, amazing."
"It's definitely alien," Donnie commented, studying the symbols carved into the walls.
Timothy ran his fingers along them. "What does this say, Professor?"
"It's in ancient Aeoneon," Fugitoid responded, coming over to inspect the symbols. He cleared his throat. "When the Soul Star, uh, reaches the mountain's peak, uh, the light of the Aeons shall illuminate all."
"What the heck does that mean?" Raph asked.
"Yo, check it out," Casey called, having found some sort of button in the wall. "What do you think this does?"
"Casey, no!" Leo shouted.
(Too late. Casey pushed it and a large blade popped out of the wall and into the floor, cutting out Fugitoid's arm.)
"Oh, dear," Fugitoid said.
"It does that, you big dummy!" Donnie snapped.
(More blades started coming out of the floor and walls and they quickly started running. Raph guided Mikey, who had his head stuck in his shell, and they jumped into the next room just before the door closed.)
"Whoa!" Mikey yelled, popping his head back out. He felt his face to make sure it was still intact. "Phew!"
"Jones!" Ygot to her feet, tail twitching. "Stop. Touching. Stuff!"
"That was completely my bad," Casey responded.
(They kept going through the temple and emerged in a large, open room. Fugitoid looked up at the long staircase, gasping at the item on the pedestal.)
"There it is."
"The first piece of the Black Hole Generator," Ethan said. Clunk let his flames fade, since light was spilling into the room.
"Yes, we did it!" Leo cheered, high-fiving Chloe. The two of them took off for the piece.
Donnie held out his arms to stop them. "Wait, wait, hold up. What's it doing on an altar, anyway?" he questioned. "Has anyone thought of that?"
"Who cares? We found it first." Chloe pushed past her friend, running up the stairs with Leo. "We rule! Whoo-hoo!"
"Oh, yeah!"
(The others started running after them as well, leaving Fugitoid, Riki, Y/N, and April.)
"By the luck of the great Zanmaran." A voice came from the doorway, making everyone stop and turn to see an all too familiar Triceraton. "Not only does Mozar find the fugitive android, he collects the first fragment of his prize." The Triceratons he'd brought with him aimed their guns at Riki and the others. "Obliterate them!"
(The Triceratons started shooting. Riki took a few steps back until she was beside Y/N.)
"Go around one side of the pyramid and I'll meet you at the top," Riki murmured.
(Y/N nodded and ran around one side while Riki went the other way. They ran for the top with the piece of the generator. When Mozar reached the top, he looked up at the first piece, but as he took a step forward, Riki and Y/N blocked him, weapons out.)
"You're not collecting anything but a wounded ego today, Mozar," Y/N asserted.
He growled at them and went to step toward them, only for something to pull against his tail and stop him. "What?" He looked back to see Donnie holding on to his tail. Mozar smacked him away and down the pyramid.
(Riki growled and leapt at Mozar, initiating the fight. Y/N jumped in beside her. The two of them managed to hold their own, using their smaller size to dodge and attack. Mozar was big and strong, but he was slower than both of them. They managed to push him back to the edge before he finally snapped and used his tail, slamming it into Tiki. She gasped as it slammed into her chest, yelping as she was sent flying, crashing down hard onto the pyramid's side and tumbling toward the ground.)
(She looked up dizzily at the cheetah, who slammed into Mozar with his saber, trying to knock him off the top. They'd taken him by surprise and managed to actually push him back slightly until he planted his feet and shoved forward with his head, throwing him into the air, punching him down to the ground and pushing him off the top, sending him rolling down the pyramid.)
Mozar grabbed the fragment. "The first fragment belongs to Mozar." He started shooting at the group, forcing them to scatter as he approached the door, placing bombs along the doorway. "It has been set in stone."
"No!" Leo shouted, he and Raph running for the door. It blew up and rubble blocked the entrance, trapping them inside.
(Y/N knelt down beside Riki, who winced as she sat up gingerly. She felt like she'd broken a few things, and Mozar had definitely knocked the wind out of her.)
"You okay?" Y/N asked.
Riki nodded. "Think so..." She attempted to get up, only for sharp pain to lance through her ankle, sending her collapsing back to the floor. "No, no, not okay. Something's definitely broken."
"We got to get you-." Clunk suddenly ran over to them. "Clunk?" Clunk summoned water to his paws and rested his paws against Riki's ankle. "Best.....Pet....Ever."
(Riki felt something soothing and warm flood her being. The pain in her chest eased and disappeared and something shifted in her ankle with a snap, though it didn't hurt. Clunk pulled his paws away and Riki gingerly tested her ankle to find there was no pain.)
She grinned at her pet. "Thanks, Clunk." Grabbed the alien cat, kissed it on the cheek, and rubbed against her cheek and both purred.
Y/N nodded. "Let's go. help out with the door."
(Y/N and Riki approached the others, who were attempting to clear the entrance. Fugitoid used a beam to move a block and dropped it on the floor.)
"Ugh, low on power. We must find another way out."
Y/N growled. "When I get my hands on those horn-headed freaks--"
"Come on, there's got to be a hidden door or something," Ethan said. They scattered throughout the room.
"Come on, give me something," Leo mumbled, running his hands along the wall. "Trap door, secret passage."
"That only happens in movies, dude," Timothy argued.
"We're losing time," Donnie called. "They're getting away."
(Riki noticed April climbing the stairs to the altar, looking down at the others from the top. The red-head placed a hand to her head and reached out her other hand, pressing something on the altar. It started shaking, sending her to the floor as the stairs began collapsing.)
"April!" The rest of them ran for the altar, which now lay inverted, the stairs descending.
"I'm okay!" the red-head called.
(They jumped down to her, looking at the strange object that had been concealed below the altar.)
"What is it, Professor?" Riki asked.
"It's the Soul Star," the robot responded. "The symbol of the Aeons, containing the power of life itself."
"So it was hidden away and turned the world evil," Y/N said. "I get it now! When the Soul Star reaches the mountain's peak, the light of the Aeons shall illuminate all."
"So, what does it mean?" Mikey asked.
"It means we put it back where it belongs," Riki said. "Back on top of the temple. And the Aeons come back."
(April pulled the Soul Star from the altar, opening a door. They ran through to find themselves outside, about halfway up the temple.)
April looked up at the top. "If we can reach the top, I think it'll drive off the demons. At least, I hope."
"You hope?" Raph retorted. "You could be totally wrong!"
"Give her a chance, Raph," Donnie said. "We have to--oh, no!"
"Here they come, dudes!" Mikey shouted as the swarm of demons started heading toward them. "Move!"
(They took off up the temple, though Leo stopped.)
"No!" Leo yelled. "The Triceratons are getting away!"
"We have to do this," April argued. "This isn't just about saving Earth anymore." She took off up the temple. "Now it's about every world."
(April stopped as a demon landed right in front of her, screeching.)
"Toss me the crystal!" Y/N yelled. The red-head threw her the crystal just as Mikey slammed into the demon.
"Hurry, Y/N! Whoo!" Fugitoid screamed as he was taken into the air and dropped, hitting his head on the way down.
"Almost there! Ah!" Y/N was snatched by one of the creatures and she threw the star to Leo.
Leo carried it until he was caught, throwing it to Timothy. "Timothy, catch!"
(One of the creatures caught it instead, soaring into the sky. As it dove back down, Casey smacked a puck into its face, making it lose its grip. Astra spread her wings and took off, catching the star in midair. She flew toward the top of the temple until one of the demons tackled her. Astra yelped and dropped the star as she and the demon wrestled with each other. Ethan caught the star and tossed it to April.)
"Go for it, April!" he called.
(April made it to the top and slammed the Soul Star into its rightful place. A shockwave rippled out and the sky went from red to blue, the plant life turning green. The demons came to a halt.)
"It's working!" Y/N cheered as the demons started glowing.
Leo put a hand to his head. "Oh, it feels like a huge weight off my brain."
(Riki felt the infected anger she'd been wrestling with since she'd stepped foot on the planet began to ebb away. She let out a relieved sigh, letting herself relax a little.)
(The demons began shedding their black skin, revealing pure white forms with angel-like wings.)
Fugitoid gasped. "Th-the---The Aeons!"
Raph blinked. "Whoa, look at that."
The Aeons descended toward them. "Thank you. You saved us from ourselves."
"Yourselves?" Ethan questioned.
"The demons were the Aeons all along?" Mikey asked.
"The Utrom gave us the fragment to protect, but its immense power entranced us," the Aeons explained. "We Aeons had never allowed technology on our world before. We desired to know its secrets. We began to worship its technological power, and hid away our beloved Soul, thus, corrupting our world, and us with it. We became monstrous, horrible things, and when we hid away our Star, the evil was complete. Thank you, friends, for saving our world." The tip of the Soul Star broke off and floated over to April, who took it. "Take this gift. It is a tiny fragment of our Soul Star. It will bring you both luck and power."
April studied the fragment. "Wow, it's beautiful."
Casey waved goodbye to the Aeons as they flew off. "Goodbye, glowy dudes!"
(Once they returned to the ship, they took off into space again.)
"Floor it, Fugitoid!" Leo said. "There's still time to catch up to the Triceratons."
"Whoa, bros, what an adventure," Mikey said, relaxing back in his station.
"The Utrom made a big mistake when they trusted the fragment with those guys," Y/N stated.
Timothy nodded. "Yeah, if ancient, cosmic beings can be transformed like that, I guess that goes to show anyone can be corrupted by power."
[April holds up the crystal and smiles as the episode ends.]
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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