Revenge of the Triceratons

Casey flopped onto the rec room's couch as Y/N entered with Mikey, Raph, Leo, Riki, and Chloe. "So, like, how long does it take to get to the other side of the cosmos?" he asked.

"You mean to the -- pizza -- ZZ3 Plural X Beta system?" Mikey asked as he used the think-a-food machine to order pizza for the group.

"I can't believe you remember that, Mikey," Raph commented, shoving Casey off the couch. Y/N smirked as the vigilante crashed to the floor and Chloe snickered.

"What do you -- pizza, pizza, pizza -- mean?" Mikey asked. "I have a great memory, bro."

"At least it'll be the last piece of the Black Hole Generator," Leo pointed out as they all settled either on the couch or the floor to watch TV. Mikey jumped over the couch, throwing everyone their pizza as he did.

"It'll take a while to get there," Riki pointed out, catching her pizza and leaning back against the couch.

"Plenty of time for Chris Bradford and his 2 Ruff Crew!" Mikey responded with a grin, turning on the TV.

(It didn't take long before they were laughing at the show's stupidity and the boys were throwing their pizza at the screen.)

"He is the lamest ever!"


(In the engine room, Donnie and Timothy were helping Fugitoid recalibrate the ship's thrusters.)

"Hmm, I believe we'll get 27% out of the ship's thrusters," Timothy commented, looking at the holographic screen above Donnie's staff.

"27.2%, to be precise," the robot corrected with a beep, looking at the two teens. "Without your help we would not have gained that extra .2%!"

"Well, thanks, Professor," Donnie responded. "But I've got to admit, since we started working together, I feel barely qualified to be your lab assistant."

"Nonsense!" Fugitoid dismissed the thought, patting Donnie's shoulder as he walked past. "My lab assistants were robots and you both are as qualified as any robot!"

Timothy rubbed the back of his neck. "Uh, yeah." He glanced around the room. "We're pretty comfortable with the ship now."

"But we still know next to nothing about science and the universe compared to you!" Donnie pointed out.

"It's not your fault," Fugitoid added. "You have sharp minds. You're quite gifted. But you grew up on Earth. So naturally you're 3,000 years behind the standard transdimensional concepts of physics."

"3,000 years!?" Timothy exclaimed. "I mean, we're – we're galactic idiots!"

Fugitoid: Not at all. You're really quite- He was cut off as the alarm went off.

When they got to the bridge, everyone else was already there. April looked back at them as they entered. "Guys, the--the Triceratons...tracked us down!"

Teenage Mutant Ninja-

Leo: The Evil Triceratons invaded Earth, they brought with them the invincible black hole generator that swallowed the entire planet! My family and I escaped, thanks to the mysterious robot called the Fugitoid. Now, we're trying to stop the Triceratons anyway we can!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

Leonardo's the leader in blue

Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through

Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines

Raphael has the most attitude on the team

Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!

Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need

To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

(Y/N turned his attention to the window to see a bunch of Triceraton ships appearing, surrounding the ship. Everyone got to their stations as Mozar made contact with the ship.)

"Attention Starship Ulixes! This is Captain Mozar of the Triceraton Empire."

"Captain?" Raph questioned. "Didn't this jerk used to be an Admiral?"

Casey laughed. "Heh, I bet the jerk got demoted 'cause of us!"

"Serves him right," Riki stated.

"He totally deserved it," Ethan agreed.

"IDIOTS!" Mozar snapped. "I CAN HEAR EVERYTHING YOU SAY! You are surrounded. Hand over the pieces of the Black Hole Device to me. Or we will blow you out of the cosmos!"

"You'll do that anyway!" Leo argued.

"You have my word as Triceraton that I will allow you a three nexton head start. And then we will chase you down and blow you away."

Chloe rolled her eyes. "Real generous, hornhead."

"I don't buy it," Y/N snapped. "Why don't we keep the fragments and then you give us a...ten nexton head start? How about that? Seems fair."

"What? No! This is not negotiable!"

"Mm-hm, mm-hm, I see what you're saying, but what if we keep the fragments and get a...twenty nexton head start?"

"You are wasting my time! Hand over the pieces now or suffer my wrath!"

April glared at Mozar. "You'll have to come over and get it yourself, Mozar."

"Very well, then. Prepare to be boarded." The communication cut off and silence fell across the Ulixes. Y/N's eyes narrowed as he saw the Triceraton fleet advancing.

"We don't have the firepower to take those guys," Leo stated. "Move! Go, go, go!"

"You know, you'd think that by now, with all the enemies we've faced by this point, we'd have added some advanced weaponry to this ship," Y/N pointed out as they got the ship moving.

Ethan: I know right!

"We can't outrun their entire fleet!" Chloe exclaimed.

"Maybe with our upgraded thrusters–" Timothy mumbled, typing into her console.

"Oh, yeah, that's what I'm talking about!" Mikey cheered. "Floor it, Fuge!"

Fugitoid typed into his console, urging the ship forward. "No matter what, we must keep heading toward the Plural X Beta System," he reminded them. "We can't afford to let the Triceratons beat us there!"

"Keep focused!" Leo called as the Triceratons began to fire at them. "We can do this!"

"Almost ready for the Tachyon Jump," Fugitoid told them. "They won't be able to track us again because we're awesome!"

"Everyone brace yourselves!" Donnie shouted.

(The ship shook with the impact as one of the lasers hit it.)

Fugitoid: No, no, warp Engine 2 is out!" 

Y/N: (He glanced up, noticing the missiles headed right for them) "Incoming!"

(The ship swerved out of the line of fire.)

"That was a close one," Ethan said.

"We got another one," Riki warned.

They managed to dodge the next two missiles and Leo let out a relieved sigh. "Good work, team!"

Raph leaned back in his seat. "Phew! Those were planet-busters. We would've been vaporized!"

"Yeah," Mikey agreed. "Good thing they're gonna hit that moon instead of us."

"Moon!?" Fugitoid shouted. "What moooo–" Y/N's eyes widened as he spotted the moon, "--oh, boy!"

(The missiles collided with the moon, blowing it into smithereens. The ship's alarms blared as it shook from the blast.)

"Thrusters, Fugitoid!" Chloe shouted. "Give it everything! Get this boat moving!"

(Fugitoid pushed the ship as fast as it could go as the others turned the ship around, trying to fly it away from the flying moon chunks as quickly as possible.)

"There's mini-moon all over the place!" Riki shouted.

"You're all doing an outstanding job," Fugitoid chirped as they wove between the chunks of moon. "Leonardo, superb piloting!"

"Okay!" Leo said as they started reaching the end of the broken moon. "I think we're out of the bad part."

"Not quite," Y/N warned as a wall of Triceraton ships came into view and started firing on them.

"They're closing in! Raph, Y/N, Casey, man the cannons!" Leo ordered.

The three exchanged smirks, readying the cannons. Raph looked up at the screen, shooting at one of the ships. "Hello, hornhead...and goodbye!" The laser collided with the ship, destroying it.

"Laser crossing-checking!" Casey cheered as he hit another ship. "Two nexton penalty! Can I get a what-what?"

After blowing up a few more ships, the fleet began to pull away. Ethan noticed something else had been launched from the ship. "What the heck did they launch at us now?" He muttered, narrowing his eyes.

(The object pulled ahead, releasing a spherical object. The sphere slammed into the hull of the ship, breaking through it and lodging there. Air flooded out the gap and debris flew around the ship as everyone kept their heads down and tried not to get hit. Ethan looked up in time to see a thick piece of debris slam into Fugitoid, decapitating him.)

"NO!" April shouted. "FUGITOID!"

The robot's head landed in Donnie's lap, making his eyes widen. "PROFESSOR!"

"Got to seal the hole!" Timothy shouted, slamming his hand into the console. A small machine lowered from the ceiling and began applying a foam-like substance around the gap, sealing it completely.

"If that patch takes another hit, we're in trouble," Raph said.

Donnie grabbed the robot's head. "And without the Professor we aren't gonna be able to do anything at all."

"There's got to be something we can do," April said quickly.

"Uh, yeah! Keep this thing flying!" Y/N snapped. "We still got Triceratons tailing us!"

"On it!" Leo called over. "Mikey, divert power to thrusters! Donnie and Timothy, see what you can do about Fugitoid!"

[Casey senses something and checks it out. The rock hatches as green slime oozed down,]

(Raph screams as the ooze slithered over them before fleeing the room.)

"What the heck was that!?" Raph snapped.

"My ninja vibes are telling me we better follow them, dudes!" Mikey said.

"Mikey's right," April agreed. "Those things are serious trouble."

"Hurry back!" Y/N called as Mikey, April, and Casey ran after the ooze.

"Hmm...anybody see any crazy little space critters?" Mikey asked as they reached the bottom of a staircase.

Casey: Nothing here. April?

(Something slammed into the ship, rocking it, though the four of them managed to catch their balance.)

"We better hurry!" April said. "Let's check the rec room next! Come on!"


"Yes!" Donnie shouted, pointing to a nebula on the screen. "That nebula, it's made out of gas. We can hide the ship in the clouds!"

"D, you really think it's gonna give us enough cover?" Leo asked as the ship dove into the clouds. Y/N glanced at the radar to see the Triceraton ships fly past.

"We're about to find out," Donnie responded.

(The peace didn't last long before the ship started shaking under the Triceraton fire, the alarm once again going off.)

"Uh! The answer is no, Leo!" Raph said. "It's no!"

"We need to cloak!" Leo called, moving the ship to try and weave between the lasers shooting at them. "Timothy, Donnie, can we do that??"

(Another shot slammed into the ship, making it rock as the bridge's lights went out.)

"Let's hope so!" Timothy started typing on his console. "But we're gonna have to slow down to divert power!" He slid two fingers along the console, slowing the ship. The Triceraton ships pursuing them swerved to avoid slamming into them.

"Like now, please!?" Leo shouted, swerving to evade more lasers.

(Timothy pressed his hand against the console, successfully entering the ship into stealth mode. The Triceraton ships passed them.)

"Aw, man," Donnie sighed. "I don't think we'll be able to cloak for more than, like, a few minutes."

"So what do we do, guys?" Leo asked.

Donnie stammered. "Um, okay, well, uh...we--we"

Leo looked over at him and Timothy. "We got to have power, or those Raptors are gonna find us and take us out!"

"I DON'T KNOW!" Donnie shouted, slamming his fists against the console. Y/N's ears twitched, startled, and Donnie blinked, leaning back in his seat as he sighed. "This ship is awesomely complex. I'm--I'm not as smart as the Professor, okay?  I just build stuff out of junk and--and Kraang parts!"

"Donnie," Y/N started, "we're not asking you and Timothy to be smart like the Professor. We're asking you to be your own kind of smart. The Fugitoid isn't, so you two are the only ones we can count on right now, and we know you won't let us down." He smiled at him before turning to the rest of the group. "All right, guys, divert power from anything we don't need. A/C, lights, anything that's not currently keeping us from blowing up. Keep this ship cloaked as long as possible."

"On it!" Ethan got to work.

Raph grabbed Fugitoid's head, forgotten in the crossfire chaos, and walked over to Donnie and Timothy. "You're smart enough to build a robot like Metalhead, right?" He held out the robot head to his brothes. "Maybe there's a way you can rebuild Fugitoid!"

Donnie took the robot head, studying it for a moment before exchanging a concerned look with Timothy. "Oh, we're in way over our heads here, aren't we?"

"Stop doubting yourselves, you two," Y/N said lightly. "Believe in yourselves as much as we believe in you."

"Right... Okay, we can do this."


(Casey was the first one into the rec room, immediately slipping on more gunk.)


"What the heck are those things? Eggs?" Casey asked, getting back to his feet.

"They look more like cocoons," April said.

(The lights went out and they all screamed, Mikey jumping onto Casey. April brought out her shooter, turning on the connected flashlight on the top. A sparking wire dangled from the ceiling. Casey and Mikey followed. A small creature chewing on a wire came into view. As the light fell on it, it turned to look at them for a moment before returning to its feeding.)

Casey: What the heck are those things? Eggs?

(Mikey screamed as another gremlin swung onto his shell from another wire, running around to try and get it off.)

(April aimed her gun around, trying to find the other gremlins, only for one to jump onto her shoulders and start pulling her hair. Casey managed to pull the gremlin off of Mikey and the two ducked when it threw plates at them, the ceramic shattering against the wall. It jumped onto Casey's face and it grabbed and threw it into the think-a-food machine. The machine's doors slammed closed and trapped it.)

Casey grabbed one of the tubes. "Pizza! Pizza! Pizza!" The door reopened and the vigilante grimaced at the sight of a freshly made pizza with the gremlin splattered against the inside.

(The gremlin on Mikey's shell kept slamming him into the TV, which changed channels every time he hit the screen. It soon settled on Crognard as Mikey fell to the floor, two more gremlins hopping onto the couch to watch the show. They soon started floating as April used her powers to throw them against the screen.)

Mikey got back up, pulling out his nunchucks. "Thanks, April."

(One of the gremlins grabbed some wires, slamming them together. The TV exploded and Mikey and April dove behind the couch to avoid the blast. They got back up as Casey approached.)

"No!" Mikey shouted. "Those little creeps got away!"

"Oh, I know where they're going," April said. "The engine room."

"Dude, that's, like, the worst place they could destroy!" Casey exclaimed.

Mikey: What are you talking about? They already took out the TV!


"Okay, I-I think this should do it...possibly...hopefully," Donnie said as he and Timothy finished working on the robot's head. "Mmm."

"H-h-h-h-h-hello, fellas!" Fugitoid's voice glitched a bit as he powered up. "Phew, thank goodness my brain was in stasis. I feel so light-headed – literally."


"Alright, Donnie!"


"Knew you could do it!"

"Professor, we're cloaked, but not for long," Timothy explained quickly. "We need more power. We need you!"

"Take me to the engine room," Fugitoid instructed. "I have spare parts in the storage closet. You two can put me back together. I know you can."

"You got to move fast, you two," Leo said. "Sooner or later, the Triceratons are gonna find us."


"Whoa!" April gasped as she and the other four slid to a halt, seeing all the cocoons and gremlins in the engine room. "Oh no, it can't be."

"Excuse me, guys, we don't have much time!" Donnie said, quickly pushing past the group with Timothy.

Mikey grabbed Donnie's bandana tails, forcing him to stop. "Um, I think you're gonna want to see this."

(Donnie blinked, following his gaze. His eyes widened as he saw the gremlins and cocoons and Timothy gasped.)

"What in the space apples is that!?" One of the gremlins bit through some wires, snapping them in half. "Oh no! They're destroying the engine feeds! We're gonna lose power!"

"Guys, we're about to lose our cloak!" Leo called over the intercom. "You got to do something or we're gonna get blown into pieces!"

(The ship's core suddenly shut off and the entire ship went dark. Mikey screamed, clinging to Donnie. They peered into the darkness, only able to make out the glowing green eyes of the gremlins as they advanced. Mikey and Casey screamed.)


(The gremlins picked up speed, running toward them.)

"Bring it on, you freaks!" Casey shouted, slamming his hockey stick into the gremlins, knocking them off the platform.

Timothy turned to April and Mikey. "Guys, take those gremlins down before they destroy the ship!" She and Donnie ran forward, and April and Mikey pulled out their weapons to join the fight.


"If we use too much power trying to get out of their way, we'll lose the cloak for sure," Ethan said, watching the ship's statistics on the screen.

"Down to 3% power," Y/N warned.

"Come on, Donnie and Timothy. Give us a miracle here," Raph muttered.

"We have to trust them. They'll pull it off. We just have to stay calm and worry about what's happening up here," Y/N said.


"What's going on down there??" Y/N demanded over the intercoms.

"We're battling space gremlins, brah!" Mikey shouted back, hitting a gremlin with his nunchucks and exploding it into ooze. "Ahh!" He screamed as another gremlin jumped onto his shell. "We'll get back to you!"

"Space what??" Chloe shouted.

"Agh! Get 'em off!" Casey shouted, a few gremlins clinging to him. April held out her crystal shard, psychically picking up a few gremlins off of him and throwing them over the ledge. "Thanks, Red!"

"Look out!" April grabbed her gun as Casey ducked, shooting another gremlin.

Mikey grabbed the gremlin that had been clinging to him, which had moved to his face, and pulled it off, throwing it against the ship's core and exploding it into ooze. "Phew! I think that was the last one." The ship rocked as the alarm blared, electricity sparking from the core. "Okay, everything just got a lot worse!"


The ship's cloak failed, making Leo panic. "We're naked! Ahh! Full thrusters, now!"

(Mikey, April, and Casey ran into the room, the group already inside trying to move the ship away from the Triceratons now shooting at them.)

"We can't outrun 'em!" Raph called. "Thrusters are down to 3%!"

"Donnie and Timothy, we need Fugitoid! Now!" Leo shouted over the intercom. "Guys!"


"Okay, Donnie, get a grip," Donnie muttered to himself. "This isn't transdimensional physics. It's robot-building! You got this."


(The sphere suddenly exploded, throwing everyone not at their stations across the room. Air rushed out the hole in the ship, pulling them with it, and they grabbed onto whatever they could to keep themselves in the ship.)

Mikey wrapped his kusarigama chain around the railing, catching April as she lost her grip. "Got you, April!"

Three Triceratons entered through the hole. "You two retrieve the Black Hole Generator," one ordered as the other two left the room. "I'll take care of the ninjas."

(Leo pressed a button on his console, re-sealing the hole. Casey and Raph took the opportunity to jump up and attack the Triceraton, hitting his helmet. Their attacks didn't really do anything, and they tried to dodge back only for the Triceraton to grab them and throw them against the walls.)

April ran to Raph's side and Ethan (With Clunk on his head) ran to Casey. The red-head pulled out her gun and shot at the Triceraton, Clunk adding blasts of fire and ice to the mix. It blocked the shots with its arm, pulling out its own gun to shoot. Riki jumped onto the gun, forcing it down, and flipped out of the way as the Triceraton tried to hit her with it.)

(It slammed its fists into the ravenette, sending her flying to the floor in front of the screen. Y/N and Leo jumped out of their stations, jumping over the Triceraton and pulling out their weapons. They split up, circling the Triceraton while dodging the lasers before jumping at the alien.)

(The Triceraton head-butted them, sending Y/N crashing to the floor as Leo bounced off one of the stations before falling on his shell. The Triceraton placed a foot on Leo's plastron, aiming its gun at him. An arrow slammed into the gun, knocking it from the Triceraton's hand.)

(Looking to the door, Y/N saw Donnie and Timothy, looking rather bored. The two of them smirked as robotic hands shot out and grabbed the railing. Fugitoid flipped down in front of the Triceraton, his head opening up and shooting a laser at the dinosaur, vaporizing it.)

Fugitoid's head reassembled and he waved to everyone. "Hello, everyone! Miss me?"

"The Black Hole Generator!" Raph said quickly. "We got to stop them!"

Leo jumped back into his station. 'You guys get the Black Hole Generator," he ordered. "I'll pilot the ship."

(Y/N, Mikey, Casey, and Donnie ran through the ship to retrieve the pieces of the Heart of Darkness. As they descended the stairs, an explosion sounded not too far off and they fell against the stairs as smoke billowed in.)

Y/N  coughed, waving a hand to clear the smoke. "We're too late! They got the pieces, Leo."

"Fugitoid, the Tri-Fleet is moving in to finish us off!" Lucian said over the comms.

"Our destruction would be a big, tremendous bummer," the robot responded. "We must escape! I will use my fusion core reactor to give our engines the power they need, but it may fry the ship in the process."

"I don't think we have a choice!" April responded from the engine room with the girls.

"Clear of all planetary systems... Prepare for acceleration!" The ship jolted as it jumped forward.

(Leo and the others returned to the bridge, regrouping after the attack.)

"Finally... Looks like we're safe," Raph sighed. "Ship's barely functioning."

"We'll need to find some kind of service station and make repairs," Ethan noted, looking around the room while Clunk joined him.

Donnie fell to his hands and knees, slamming his fist into the floor. "Ugh, all that, for nothing." He sat up, putting his face in his hands. "I failed!"

Timothy head drooped. "We both did."

"Neither of you failed," April argued. "If you hadn't gotten the Professor back online, Mozar would've gotten us for sure!"

"Yep, what's important is that we're alive. Thanks to you two," Mikey agreed.

"Donatello and Timothy, you should be very proud of yourselves," Fugitoid said with a beep as Donnie got back on his feet. "You and the twins used some of my spare parts in ways I would never have thought of. I think I'm built even better than before!" He hugged the two scientists. "And between you and me, I believe it would only take you 2,000 years to master transdimensional physics."

"Oh, great," Timothy responded. "Well, I guess I'll get started on that right away!"

"Come on, guys," Ethan started. "We're not out of this yet. We've got to find that last piece. That'll slow 'em down."

"And then we take back the other pieces, and make those dino-creeps pay big time," Casey added. "Goongala!"

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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