Return to New York

(Y/N and his siblings were in the living room, watching an episode of Crognard the Barbarian. The show was suddenly interrupted by a breaking news report.)

"Ever since the invasion that is known as the invasion of New York, humans want to know what is going on. Everything is...fine. No human is allowed in or out of the city until Kraan--uh, the military allows it. This is Carlos Kraang O'Brien Gambe."

"Hmm, did the news guy seem a little Kraang-y to you?" Mikey asked.

Raph smacked the back of his head with a rolled up magazine. "A little? What, are you on the pepperoni?"

"The Kraang may have the rest of the world fooled, but not us," Sarah stated, glaring at the TV. "What's the plan, Leo?"

"Step one is: storm the castle walls," Leo responded. "Donnie? Timothy?"

"It's not as heavily armored as the Shellraiser, but it's more maneuverable, has more weapons, and gets better gas mileage." Donnie spread the blueprints on the table.

"Then let's stop jabbering and build this sucka!" Casey said, shoving Donnie aside to look at the prints.

(They got to work reworking the van, adding weapons and various other things, and giving it a new paint job.)

Once they finished, Samirah took a step back from the van, grinning. "The new and improved...Party Wagon!"

"It's so awesome!" Y/N said.

Leo nodded. "Alright, team. Let's do this!"

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

Here we go!

It's the lean, mean, ninja team

On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things

So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams

Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza Kings

Can't stop these radical dudes

The secret of the ooze made the chosen few

Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves

The good guys win and the bad guys lose

Leonardo's the leader in blue

Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through

Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines

Raphael has the most attitude on the team

Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!

Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need

To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

(They all high-fived, quickly going off to gather that they needed and handle any last-minute things before heading off. Sarah headed upstairs for her room and gathered her satchel with her sketchbook, novel, and headphones. As she stepped out into the hallway and closed the door, April approached.)

"Hey, we just about have everything we need. You ready?" April asked.

Sarah nodded determinedly. "Been ready for a long time." "It's been so long, but I am ready to see your father again."" You've come a long way from being my little April. I'm really proud of you." She gave the red-head a warm smile.

April smiled in return, giving her a hug. "Thanks, mom. You and everyone else has helped me so much. We're going to get them back. Master Splinter, dad, Karai, everyone."

Sarah gave her daughter a gentle squeeze before stepping back and nodding. "Yeah, neither the Kraang nor Shredder are gonna stop us. Let's go."

(As they walked out, Donnie was saying his goodbyes to Doctor Cluckingsworth. Y/N looked up at the farmhouse. Part of him couldn't wait to leave the place behind, along with all the mutants, creatures, and other things that made this place a nightmare. But another part of him was gonna miss this place. He took a deep breath, smiling softly before turning and climbing into the back of the van.

Mikey shut the door once they were all in. "Hello, New York City!"

(With that, Casey started the engine and they were off to take back their home. It took a couple days before they reached the Brooklyn Bridge leading straight into the city.)

"So, what's the plan, Fearless?" Y/N asked as the city's outskirts got closer. "Ninja-y or all-out attack?"

"Ninja-y," Leo responded. "We park at the gate and sneak in. Then we split up and search for Splinter."

"And my father," April added.

(Search lights flicked on, blinding them as Casey hit the breaks. The van skidded to a halt.)

Timothy blinked. "Okay...not good."

"Oh, man!" Mikey panicked. "They got us, dudes! The jig is up, homeslice!" He grabbed Raph and shook him.

Chloe, getting annoyed, clamped his hand over Mikey's mouth and help him down.

(Y/N spotted the figures of the military guards come into view along the wall. From what he could see, their weapons weren't just for show. He ducked down behind the seats while clutching Ethan, while Sarah does the same with Chloe.)

Y/N: "Stay calm and keep low..."

"Citizen! This EPF Quarantine Sector 7B. Roll down your window." One of the guards approached the driver's window. Casey rolled it down and smiled at the guard. "Authorized personnel only. No one goes in or out of New York City."

"Whatever you say, army dude," Casey responded as the soldier returned to his post.

"You see that?" April asked. "It's a Kraang mind control device. I bet they all have them!"

"Would make sense," Y/N said. "The army doesn't have the technology or experience to defeat the Kraang... They got caught and turned into slaves for them."

"They're all controlled?" Mikey asked. "Like...Invasion of the Brain Suckers?" He whimpered as Raph pulled him back down out of sight.

(Ethan and Chloe snuck a look and saw the guards charging up their weapons. She looked Casey's way, and something in his eyes told them they were about to improvise.)

Ethan/Chloe: This is gonna be awesome!

(Casey slammed his foot against the gas pedal, making everyone but he, Ethan, and Chloe scream. With nothing to hold onto, Y/N and his family ended up thrown to the floor.)

"What are you doing, Casey?" April demanded.

"STOP!" the soldiers ordered, firing at the van.

(Casey lowered the guard over the windshield, weaving through the onslaught of bullets before driving past the soldiers. He rammed right through the gate and into the city, away from the guards.)

Ethan/Chloe: (Laughed as they pushed themselves back up.) Again! Again!

Sarah/Y/N: No!

"What were you thinking, man?!" Raph snapped at Casey, shoving him. "You got any brains behind that hockey mask?"

"I had no choice, Raph," Casey responded. "They were powering up their blasters."

"Um, guys?" Timothy started, looking out at the empty streets. "Where are all the people?"

(Y/N looked through the windshield to see the city was in absolute ruins. Crystal trees were everywhere, even making root in some buildings. A small Kathatrogon was coiling around a streetlamp. Every light was off. Not a single sign of life to be found.)

"You--you think the Kraang mutated everyone?" Mikey asked.

Leo shook his head. "No way, not possible."

April closed her eyes, concentrating her power. "It's completely possible. I only sense a few hundred people left in the entire city. They're...gone. Millions of people just...gone!"

"One good thing; we haven't run into any Kraa--" Mikey trailed off as the van stopped, Kraang-droids in front of them and blasted aimed at the van. "Oh, no! Why did I have to open my big mouth?"

The Kraang started firing at the van. "It is the humans known as Casey Jones and April O'Neil. Kraang! Eliminate for Kraang!"

(Casey pulled out of the alley, only to find more droids waiting in the street.)

"Man the defenses!" Leo ordered quickly.

"Readying soda cannons!" Sarah responded, she and Mikey placing glasses on top of the cannons.

"Loading breath mints." Donnie tossed a pack of mints to Timothy, and the two of the loaded them into the canons.

Mikey opened the side door, he and Donnie stepped out onto the small ledge created. "FIRE!" Mikey shouted as the two of them launched the cannons at the droids.

(The soda bottles landed directly in the middle of the group. Two of the droids fell over, and one started malfunctioning and shooting at the others.)

"It stings! It stings!"

"Bomb-a-pult locked and loaded," Raph said, jumping down into the van. "LAUNCH!"

(He threw a lever, hurling an old-fashioned bomb into the center of the second group. It went off, a huge gas cloud erupting from the bomb. The Kraang staggered and fell at the disgusting smell.)

"Time to go." Casey hit the gas and drove through the droids, smashing them and leaving them behind.

"Take a left," Donnie instructed. "There's a secret entrance to the subway right here." He pressed a button on his remote, and the entrance opened for Casey to drive through.

(Once they came to a stop, Leo opened the hatch on the top of the van, taking a quick look around and checking for scents. Finding it all clear, he jumped out, his siblings and friends close behind.)

"You think we'll be safe down here, dudes?" Ethan asked.

"Shh, full ninja mode," Leo instructed.

Sarah: What about those of us who are not ninjas? (Gestures to herself and Chloe)

Leo: (Nervous) Just try to stay quiet.

Chloe: (Nodded her head as she shifted her armour back into a backpack)

(They made their way cautiously through the subway tunnels, keeping to the shadows. They snuck through a subway station, coming to a halt behind a stairwell at a soft noise.)

"Shh. You hear that?" Y/N asked softly, fluffy ears twitching.

(They watched a few Kraang-droids and some Mousers head up the stairs. Casey grabbed his hockey stick and moved to meet them, but Raph grabbed him and shoved him back against the wall. The sound of his gear hitting the wall caught a droid's attention. Leo quickly waved his siblings up into the rafters as the droid jumped off the stairs, walking off as he found nothing.)

"Phew, that was close," Sarah breathed.

"April, you think you can use your powers to track Splinter?" Y/N asked the red-head. "You did it before."

"I can try, said his mind is no longer one with his body, right?" April inquired. At the wolf's nod, April continued, "Which means he could be crazy...or unconscious, or...or who knows what?"

"Yeah," Donnie agreed. "We still need to find him."

"Ooh, what about the lair?" Mikey suggested.

(They made their way to the lair, and Y/N's eyes widened at the sight of their home. The place was very much trashed, broken Kraang-droids scattered around on the floor.)

Y/N: Our home.

Sarah: (Rubs his head) I'm sure that it was perfect before.

Y/N: (Purrs)

"Alright. Mikey, Sarah, you stay here," Leo instructed as they halted at the turnstiles.

"But I want to--" Mikey cut off as April covered his mouth, dragging him back down into cover.

(Leo vaulted over the half-wall into the lair, the others close behind. He quietly led the way through the lair and into the dojo. He made his way onto the pipes overhead, stopping at the entrance to Sensei's room. He swung upside-down to open the doors and checked to make sure the coast was clear before dropping down and entering the room.)

(His head snapped up at yelling and the sound of laser-fire outside the room. He glanced out to see the others pressed up against the pillars as a Kraang search drone fired past them. The drone's fire cut off. It paused, then shot at something away from the others. He heard a squeak that sounded like a rat, and the drone flew off away from the others.)

(Leo cautiously made his way back through the room and grabbed Y/N's shoulder, startling the cheetah, along with the others. Leo gave them a quick signal to be quiet and follow his, then lead the way out of the lair and back to the others, who waited near the entrance of Leatherhead's old home.)

"No sign of Sensei," Y/N said.

"The Kraang have some sort of freaky security system to make sure we don't come back," Ethan added.

"Why not just go take it down and move back in?" Mikey asked. "I miss our home. I miss my comic books, my VHS tapes, my action kick unicorn man, my collection of human underwear."

Donnie: It's not that simple, Mikey. We can't just move back.

"Guys, I-I think--" April closed her eyes, putting her hands to her head and concentrating. "I think I sense Splinter close by. It's faint, and--and he seems...different. Come on, hurry." She ran off, the others close behind.

(As they came to the end of a tunnel, Y/N spotted his father fighting off some Mousers.)

Y/N: Father!"

(They started to pull out their weapons, though stopped as Sensei finished off the Mousers. He turned to them and hissed at them, down on all fours. He ran at them, knocking Y/N and his siblings aside before going after Casey. He jumped on the boy and snapped at him, trying to bite him.)

"Ah, get him off of me! Get him off of me!" Casey shouted.

(The brothers quickly grabbed Sensei, pulling him off of Casey.)

"It's okay, Sensei," Donnie said. "It's us! We're your sons!" Sensei stopped struggling enough that Donnie released him, running around so he was in front of Sensei. "Try to remember."

(Sensei growled, snapping at him, and Donnie backed out of range.)

"Ugh, too strong!" Mikey said, struggling to keep hold of Sensei.

"Sensei, it's us!" Leo said. "It's us. Calm down."

(Sensei continued to fight them for a moment as Leo released him, though he soon went still in Mikey's and Raph's hold, lowering his head and taking deep breaths.)

(Y/N's ears lowered as he stared at his father. A spark of anger lit in his chest.)

Y/N: (Thoughts)This is Shredder's fault. (He caught movement close by and turned his head, gasping as a Mouser started shrieking, sounding the alarm.)

"Oh, no! Foot!" Timothy warned as Footbots lowered into the room.

Leo growled, drawing her swords. "Get ready, team. Don't let them harm Splinter."

(He charged with the others. Y/N swung at the bot in front of him. It side-stepped him, but he used his tail to sweep its feet from under it, stabbing his claws through its head. His ears pricked at a shout that Sensei had gotten away. Hetook off down the others, running down a side tunnel with them just in time to see Footbots drop down on top of Sensei, tasing him.)

"SPLINTER!" Leo shouted.

(As one of the bots ran off with Sensei, five more turned to face Leo and the others. Mikey took out the first two with his nun-chucks, Sarah used her strength to crush one's head, and Donnie ran up to knock down the last one with his staff.)

Donnie: After him!"

(They bolted after the bots, stopping at a grate. On the other side, the bot was carrying Sensei away.)

"Sensei!" Mikey shouted.

(After finding a way past the grate with her siblings, Y/N had tracked the bot's scent trail to a hatch, guarded by two Footbots. Ethan took out a smoke bomb, dashing through the entrance of the tunnel and throwing it, blinding the bots. Leo ran forward, blades drawn, and cut down the bots.)

Timothy took out his T-phone, hooked to a device, and knelt beside the hatch. "I'll have this baby open in no time." As if on cue, the hatch opened automatically. "Like a ninja do." He grinned.

"Pat yourself on the back later," Raph said, looking down into the hole. "Let's move."

(Y/N's ear twitched, swiveling at the sound of footsteps getting closer. He looked up to see a very familiar shadow fall over them. He growled lowly and the others gasped as they noticed the shadow. Leo jerked around to face Shredder, fangs already bared in a snarl. He paused as he saw a short mutant with an overly large head and helmet to match.)

For a moment, they all stared at the creature, then burst out laughing.

"What the heck is that supposed to be?" Raph asked. "Mini-Shredder?"

"It's kind of cute," Mikey said. "Like a shrimp."

Sarah: Maybe we should keep it as a pet.

Chloe/Ethan: Hahahahahaha!

(Apparently, the creature did not like the teasing, because it sprang at them like a cannonball. It took everyone by surprise, but they managed to duck aside. It kicked off the wall and latched onto Casey's face.)

"What the heck!?" Sarah grabbed the mutant from his face, throwing it off of him.

(They quickly bolted for the hatch, jumping down the hole and slamming the hatch shut behind them, preventing the mutant from following. Leo took the lead as they made their way down the tunnel. He gave the others a signal to hold back and ran ahead to check out the scene.)

(Leo came out on the rafters of a lab belonging to--of course--Stockman-fly. He gave the others the signal to follow him, and they split up, stealthily making their way down. Leo halted alongside Y/N and Raph on a platform just above a glass cage, which apparently was Sensei's prison.)

Stockman-fly approached the cage, knocking on the glass to gain Sensei's attention. "You want the cheese, don't you?" Stockman-fly held out a plate of cheese for Sensei to see. "You want the nice swizz cheese, yeah? Hmm, come on. Take the cheese. Come on."

Stockman-fly spit onto the cheese and ate it, laughing as he flew off. Y/N and Ethan growled.

"I'm gonna squash that bug," Raph muttered.

"Right there with ya," Y/N agreed softly and Ethan nodding.

Sarah: What the in the ever loving heck is that?

April: That's Baxter Stockman, after he was exposed to some mutagen.

Sarah: I wonder if he was ugly, before the mutagen.

(Once Stockman-fly was out of of earshot and eyesight, they jumped down in front of the cage, looking in at Sensei.)

"Sensei," Leo called quietly, tapping the glass to get his attention. "Sensei!"

(Sensei hopped off the giant hamster wheel he'd been sitting on and came to join them.)

"Quick, get him out of there," Leo said softly to Donnie, who was working on hacking the cage.

(The glass soon lifted up, and Sensei backed away from them.)

"It's okay," Y/N said gently, holding out a hand. "It's okay." Her ears folded down sadly. "There's gotta be a way to reach him."

"Red, remember the time you reached your mom through her mind?" Casey asked. "What if you could, like, do the same thing for Splinter? Y-you know; mind-meld and stuff?"

"Hmm, based on my research on telepathy, it might be possible," Donnie said. "But there is only one way to find--"

"What izz this?!" Stockman-fly cut him off, hovering behind them as they turned to him. "Bzz, mutants? Here? You were all destroyed! Zzz!"

Ethan: (Scoffed) "Ha! You wish!"

"How's this for destroyed?" Raph hurled a shuriken at him. Stockman-fly dodged aside and started spitting acid at them.

"Look out!" Leo shouted as they jumped out of the way. "April, try to wake Splinter up!"

(He jumped down, the brothers and Timothy close behind to keep Stockman-fly occupied. Casey, April, Chloe, Sarah, Timothy and Ethan. Baxter tried to reach the button to set up the alarm, but Raph threw a shuriken at it and Mikey held the mutant fly back with his chain. Baxter flew away with Mikey holding onto the chain for dear life while screaming.)

Mikey: Whoa! Hold still, Buzzkill!

(He used his other chain to stop him from reaching the button and threw him against the wall. The group looked down at the mutant fly and narrowed their eyes at him.)

"Ha! Let's even the odds." Baxter scoffed as the door behind him opened.

(There was the mini Shredder they had encountered before, but behind him were a medium sized Shredder monster and a larger one. All covered with scales and had tentacles, looking like scorpions.)

Y/N: Oh, crap baskets.

"Sweet mother of mutations." Donnie gasped under his breath.

"Do you like my Shredder mutants? They make excellent watchdogs." Baxter grinned.

(The brothers charged at the group and attacked them, these were not easy to take down and didn't seem to have a weak spot.

"These guys are full on armor!" Leo yelled as he fought the medium sized mutant that had giant scissors and cut his katana. "Oh, no!"

(Y/N and Raph were fighting the large one and Raph was easily beat down and Y/N threw shurikens, but it didn't even phase him.)

"This guy is like fighting a four-armed dump truck!" Raph yelled.

(While they were fighting, the six others were trying to get Splinter to regain his mind.)

"Splinter?" Casey called as the four of them slowly approached him. Sensei backed himself against the wall. "Wake up, Splinter."

Splinter hissed at them.

"You are not a rat," April said firmly. "You are Hamato Yoshi."

April put her hands to her head, closing her eyes and telepathically reaching out. Sensei groaned, clutching his head. He looked between them before launching himself at Casey, knocking him down and snapping at him.

"Not again!" Casey yelped.

(Sarah took a step forward to try and calm down Splinter. Ethan gasped as Casey's taser slid out and he shocked Sensei, shoving him off.)

"Casey!" Ethan snapped, glaring at him. "What the heck, man?"

"What? He was attacking me!" Casey protested as he got back to his feet. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry."

(Ethan growled at him for a moment before turning his attention to his grandpa. 

(As Mikey was fighting Baxter, he threw a smoke bomb at him and defeated him.)

"Booyakasha." Mikey smirked as he leaned his hand in the desk and then suddenly heard the alarm going off, he looked down and saw he accidentally pushed the button and he heard the group yelling at him.


(April was kneeling beside him, shaking him to try and wake him up.)

"Come on, Master Splinter," the red-head begged. "Come on!"

Sensei's eyes snapped open and he bolted up, startling April, who stumbled back. Casey pulled her behind him. "I got this, red." He pulled out his bat.

Timothy: We'll hold him back!

(Sensei dashed forward, throwing Casey and Timothy aside and launching himself at the red-head, pinning her to the wall.)

Sarah: April!

(Sarah, Ethan and Chloe ran forward and grabbed Sensei's arms, keeping him from biting April.)

"Master Splinter!" April called, grabbing his head and connecting their minds. "Look."

(Sensei stopped, closing his eyes. He lifted his hands, grabbing April's wrists and moving her hands away from his head.)

"Grandpa?" Ethan asked as he and Chloe released him.

(Sensei turned to look at them, and Ethan grinned as he saw the look in his eyes. He looked over at where the others were struggling with some mutant clones of Shredder. He ran to help them. They headed out to join the others.)

"Father?" Raph asked.

"Sensei," Leo said.

Sensei turned to them, smiling. "My sons."

(The brothers wasted no time in running up and hugging him, while Ethan latched onto his neck.)

"You're back," Mikey said.

"I-I can't believe it," Donnie added.

"How I have missed you, my children..." Sensei looked over at where Timothy hung back with Chloe, Casey, Sarah, and April. "And the rest of my family."

"Just, please don't try and eat my face anymore," Casey responded.

Splinter: (Looks at Sarah) I'm not sure I'm familiar.

April: Splinter, this is my mom, Sarah.

Sarah: (Shakes Splinter's hand) A pleasure to meet you.

"So, the mutants live." An awfully familiar, low, cold voice filled the room, and Y/N's ears immediately folded back. They all looked up as Shredder came into view overhead with a handful of Footbots, Lobo, and Tigerclaw. " And the rat thinks like a man again. Now you will know when my blade is at your throat."

Y/N let a low growl rumble in his throat, fangs are bared as he glared up at Shredder. "We'll see about that." Beside he, Sensei took a fighting stance.

Sarah: Wow, you kids were right, he is uglier in person.


Leo grabbed Splinter's arm. "Wait, Sensei."

Sensei nodded. "Yes, now is not the time to fight."

Sarah: Michelangelo!

(Mikey threw down a smoke bomb, allowing them to escape. They were on their way through the subway tunnel when a loud thud sounded from overhead.)

Tigerclaw hung down in front of the windshield. "There is no escape!" He roared, trying to break the windshield.

Mikey , however, had other plans. "Hey, Sir Siz-a-lot!"

(The turtle threw a switch, and a deer head popped up on top of the van, shooting out of blast of flames and knocking Tigerclaw off. He hit the front of the van before rolling away as it drove past.)

"Haha! Party Wagon is full on effect, boy!" Mikey cheered as they reached the surface.

Donnie released a breath. "We made it."

"Yeah, by the skin of our noses," Timothy said.

"So, where to now?" Mikey asked. "We have no home to go back to."

"Homes are transitory," Sensei responded. "What matters is that we are together."

"We still need a place to hang our masks, Sensei," Leo pointed out. "Where are we gonna live?"

"Well, there's the old power plant, or maybe an abandoned subway tunnel," Donnie suggested.

Mikey grinned. "Wait, I have the greatest idea ever!"

"Do we really wanna hear this?" Raph asked.

"It's secret, fortified, and no one would ever think to look for us there."

Y/N: $20 bucks it's the pizza shop.

Timothy: I'll take that action!

(They soon found themselves inside the boarded-up Antonio's Pizza shop, looking around.)

"Perfect, right?" Mikey asked with a smile.

Y/N (Nick Fury) and Timothy (Steve):

"I wouldn't exactly say 'perfect'," Raph responded.

"It will serve, for now," Sensei said.

"Next up, take the city back," Chloe said with a smirk.

"And find my dad," April added. 

Sarah: Any clue, where he is April?

April: "He's out there...somewhere. It's like he's right here. Right next door."

[In Dimension X, we see Kirby as a mutant kraang hybrid as the episode ends ominously.]

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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