
[It all started at Shredder's hideout in the forest. Cut to dark interior, Super Shredder stroding out of the darkness speaking with Stockman.]

Super Shredder: Stockman, is it finished?

Stockfly: [Holding a syringe containing the super mutagen.] This is it, Master Shredder. The Super Mutagen has finally been perfected.

Super Shredder: Do not disappoint me again, insect.

Stockfly: [Stockfly injects the super mutagen onto Super Shredder, which green ooze veins spreading on Super Shredder's arm.] With this new formula, your mutation will be stabilized.

[Stockfly backs away as the evil mastermind closes his eyes feeling stable. The blades come out, Super Shredder archs backwards and looks up opens his eyes which are blank white, then looks forward.]

Super Shredder: Yes, it feels natural! [his eyes are now blue.] STABLE. Let me test out this new mutagen. Activate the Footbots, level 12! [deployed his claw.]

Stockfly: As you command, sir.

[Flood light in the dark training room flashed on.]

[Four elite footbots landed, surrounding Super Shredder as they ready to attack him. The Elite Footbot in front of Super Shredder dashes toward Super Shredder as the latter sprints. Super Shredder begins to charge at the incoming Elite Footbot, grabs the Elite Footbot's head, slams it on the ground and then lands like a four-legged animal. As Super Shredder charges, another Elite footbot charges before getting sliced in half by Super Shredder. Shredder decimated two elite footbots and blocked an incoming strike from the last foot bot with ease before breaking its weapn and mowing the last Elite Footbot down.]

[The final opponent lands on the ground charging at Super Shredder. That final opponent was revealed to be "Karai."]

Super Shredder: Karai.

[Super Shredder and Karai charged at each other, their weapons meeting in mid-air. Karai dropped her weapon and fell to the ground before collapsing. Super Shredder looks back over his shoulder and sees the wounded Karai hologram dissipated.]

Stockfly: [cheerfully and impressed] It worked! There was no emotional reaction.

Super Shredder: [Satisfied.] You have done well, Stockman.

Stockfly: What is your plan now, sir?

[Door opens and Lobo enters along with Fishface and Rahzar. Super Shredder and Stockman see them.]

Rahzar: Master Shredder, we have found Karai's new secret hideout. 

Lobo: She hasn't left the city at all.

Fishface: We tracked her to the Bronx. She's staying with the Mighty Mutanimals.

Super Shredder: I am finally ready to find Karai and destroy Splinter and those vile Turtles once and for all.

[Super Shredder picks up a damaged Elite Footbot before impaling it with his claws from behind and tearing it in two.]

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

Here we go!

It's the lean, mean, ninja team

On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things

So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams

Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza Kings

Can't stop these radical dudes

The secret of the ooze made the chosen few

Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves

The good guys win and the bad guys lose

Leonardo's the leader in blue

Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through

Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines

Raphael has the most attitude on the team

Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!

Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need

To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

Mikey slid in front of the TV with a huge smile. "My dudes, my bros, my ninjas. It's that time again. Our series is winding down. The end of a season, the final episode of 'Chris Bradford and his 2 Ruff Krew'!" He lifted the cassette tape above his head and then placed it in the VCR and sped down to the floor, panting.

(The episode didn't end up making all that much sense, since Lil' Rineo had apparently been the Evil Ninja Commander.)

Once the episode ended, Leo got up and headed for the dojo, where Splinter was sitting before the shrine, meditating. "Father."

"Hmm?" He was brought out of his meditation, turning to look at him.

"You've been kind of distant the past few days. You've been meditating non-stop and you're barely sleeping. Are you okay?"

Splinter got up to face him. "Leo, my son, please." He moved to stand before him. "Let us not talk about me. Let's talk about you? Do you know why you are leader of this team?"

He blinked in surprise. "Um, yeah, because I asked to be. You said it wasn't because of my skills."

Splinter chuckled. "I said that only to temper your ego at the time. I knew even when you were a small boy that you would one day grow up to be the leader of this team, and when I pass on to be like a father as well."

"Pass on? W-what are you talking about, Father?"

"Leonardo, if I can only impart one piece of wisdom that will remain with you, forever, remember, giving guidance to your siblings and friends does not come from here." He pointed to her head. "It comes from here." He moved his hand, resting it on his chest, over his heart. He gave him a warm smile, nodding before withdrawing his hand.

"I don't get it. You--you're fine, Father. Is there something you're not telling me?"

Shen soon came over to the two. "No there isn't, we're just preparing for the days that may come." He caresses Leo's face and kisses it.

"Hey, Leo, want to go visit Karai?" Mikey asked, he and the others standing at the entrance to the dojo. "Party at the Mutanimals' crib, yo."

"And you can come too, Sensei, mother " Y/N added.

Splinter stroked his beard. "Hmm, perhaps we  do need to get out of the sewers for a time." He walked over to the group, Shen moving to his side and hooking her arm with his.

(Leo an uneasy feeling in his stomach. The whole conversation bothered him.)

"Leo, you okay?" Y/N asked, waiting for him at the dojo entrance.

"What? Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry, Leo." he gave his brother a smile as he started after the others. "Come on, it'll be nice to see Karai and the Mutanimals again and not have to deal with some new threat."


Timothy and Alopex were training some new recruits when suddenly Timothy's T-Phone went off and he picked it up. "Yeah, we're on our way." He hung up.

"Hey babe, let's head over to the Migthy Mutanimals place and check in with Karai."

Alopex groans in disgust. "Ugh, I hate going over there. Mondo keeps flirting with me."

"Come on, it'll be nice to stop training for a while."

Alopex sighs in content. "Fine, but if he tries to 'serenade' me again, I'm gonna throw him out of the window."


Mondo laughed as he skated up the home-made ramps in the Mutanimal base. He rode up, jumping off it and landing on the catwalk above, where Shinigami and Riki were sitting on the railing. "Check out my new sweet fighting style, Shini." He dropped his board and showed the kunoichi some strange moves.

Shinigami clapped, giving him a smirk. "Now attack Doctor Rockwell."

Sensing the gecko dropping down behind him, Rockwell started gliding himself through the air, humoring him. "Oh, indeed, an incredibly dangerous adversary," he said as Mondo tried -- and failed -- to grab him. "Egad, I can barely defend myself."

The gecko was soon out of breath, taking a moment to regain it. "Hold on there, monkey brains." He fell to the floor.

"Shini placed trackers on two Footbots," Karai explained as Rockwell came over to the map that she was currently placing two check pieces on -- both black pawns. "We found that they both went to this spot, 20 miles north of New York City, here." She placed a white queen on a spot on the map.

"We should summon our ninja allies and form a plan of attack," Leatherhead said.

"My thoughts exactly," Slash agreed. "In the meantime, we'll be safe here. We've got this place on lockdown."

Karai nodded, looking to Slash. "Thanks for letting us stay, Slash." She gasped as an alarm went off.

"Um, is anyone actually watching the monitors?" Shinigami asked. Shredder walked into view of one of the cameras before punching it, the screen switching to static.

"Mutanimals, prepare for battle," Slash ordered. "Leatherhead, man the defenses. Rockwell, Riki, ready the weapons."

(Leatherhead pulled a leaver before turning a valve, metal shutters covering the windows as the entrances were sealed shut, cement blocks with spikes placed out as traps. Rockwell hopped into the stealth ship in the center of the room, pulling down a helmet to psychically connect to it. Riki activated the crossbows and got her own out. Weapons popped out from their hiding spots, armed and ready to be used.)

(Silence fell over the group, each one ready to fight as they listened to the loud footsteps approaching. They all watched one of the sealed openings as something slammed against it, cracks forming in the cement door. It exploded, Shredder appearing through the dust.)


"You ain't touching her," Slash snapped.

"Shredder!" Leatherhead ran at Shredder, tackling him down. Before he could continue his attack, Shredder kicked him off into a wall.

Rockwell shot at him, though it didn't seem to do much to the giant mutant. "That's superheated plasma. Impossible."

(Shredder shot the blades out of his wrist, destroying the guns and kicking Slash into a stack of crates, punching Leatherhead down when the gator attempted another attack. More blades popped out of his wrist as a cement block slammed into him. He looked up, seeing Rockwell floating above him, the psychic making more cement blocks fly around him. He threw out his hands, throwing the blocks at Shredder, though he just cut through them.)

"You don't know what kind of simian you're dealing with," Rockwell taunted, forgoing his powers to swing across the ceiling beams, dodging the blades Shredder shot at him.

He swung over to the giant mutant, attempting to kick him. Shredder countered, sending him flying back into the stealth ship. Rockwell fell to the floor, unconscious. Riki fired multiple arrows at Shredder, but he grabbed her by the face and-

Riki fell to the ground being unconscious.

"Uh, maybe I'll wait this one out," Mondo said, having been watching the fight.

"Leave my friends alone!" Leatherhead snapped, jumping up to attack Shredder.

(He managed to bite down on Shredder's arm, shoving the giant mutant back. Shredder went to stab him with the metal barbs, and Slash blocked him with his morning star.)

(Shredder threw Leatherhead aside and tossed Slash's weapon away, throwing him into one of the warehouse's support beams. Shredder grabbed Leatherhead when the gator attempted another attack, slamming his knee into the gator's stomach before throwing him into the monitors, breaking them and causing them to spark and catch fire, which quickly resulted in the entire building going up in flames.)

Karai and Shinigami attempted to escape the warehouse, but Shredder blocked their path. "I am here to destroy you all."


(Leo slammed on the brakes outside the warehouse, the Shellraiser skidding to a stop. He and the others left the Shellraiser and ran into the burning building. Alopex and Timothy soon saw the building and ran to help their friends.)

"Hurry, Leo," Raph said as they split up among the debris to find and help the Mutanimals.

(Casey and April went to Leatherhead, who was carrying Mondo in one hand. Alopex took Mondo while Casey put one of Leatherhead's arms over his shoulders. Y/N and Ethan grabbed a hold of Riki. The ceiling collapsed behind them and they ran out of the building.)

Splinter and Shen was searching desperately through the rubble, trying to find Karai. "Miwa. Miwa!"

"Oh, no." Leo ran to his side, helping him throw a large piece of rubble away, the three of them gasping as they found Karai unconscious under the debris.

"Splinter, is she--?" Leo broke off, letting the question hang in the air.

Something creaked overhead and Leo looked up to see a flaming beam breaking. "Hurry!"

(Shen grabbed Karai's arm and pulled her free of the rubble, Shen slinging one of her daughter's arms over her shoulder while Splinter took the other side. Leo followed the two of them as they ran outside the collapsing building.)

(Splinter carefully set Karai down on the sidewalk. Problem was, she wasn't breathing. he allies gather around her with concern. Believing that she was dead, Leo uses CPR on her. Everyone looks worried. April puts her hands on her mouth with Casey comforting her. Donnie extends his hand to Leo in worry, while Raph and Mikey looks worried. The young teen coughed and groaned. Shini was amazed. Riki and Shen were quick to hug her tightly as her coughing fit eased off.)

"Karai!" Shinigami pushed past the others and knelt beside Karai, pulling her into her arms as Shen released her. "You saved her, Leonardo." The turtle smiled at her. "Shredder doesn't care about using Karai as bait anymore. He wants us all dead."

"It was only a matter of time before he lost his mind." Y/N added.

A siren wailed in the distance, Splinter looking in the direction it came from. "The ambulances are coming," he said. "Can you wait with her, Shinigami?" The kunoichi nodded. "I see two clear trails leading off in opposite directions." He turned to the others. "Raphael, Alopex, Y/N, Chloe, April, Casey, and Slash will come with me. Leonardo, you will lead Ethan, Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, Timothy Riki, and Leatherhead in that direction. Take the Shellraiser. The rest of us will travel on foot. Shen-"

"I'm staying with our daughter. Shini, can you hypnotize the hospital staff?"

Shinigami nods with absolute certainty.

"Father, that's not a good idea," Leonardo argued. "We should all stick together if we're going to take Shredder down."

"Leo, remember what I said earlier in the dojo." He tapped his chest. "From your heart." He dashed off with his group.

"Leo, we got to hurry before the trail runs cold," Donnie called as he and the others got into the Shellraiser.

Leo hesitated, staring after his father.


"Guys, zooming in," Donnie called. "I got Bebop and Rocksteady's van on camera two blocks ahead."

(Leo stopped the Shellraiser at the abandoned amusement park, the same one Karai led them to when Bebop and Rocksteady were first mutated.)

"This place remains super creepy," Ethan commented as they stepped out of the Shellraiser.

"Oh, feels good to stretch," Leatherhead said.

"Be on your guard, guys," Leo warned, drawing his swords.

(They made their way cautiously into the park, weapons out and ready for a fight. A bell rang as the carousel turned on, startling them. It started to spin as organ music started playing.)

"Well, that's not at all creepy," Ethan said flatly.

"Mutants, come out and pla-ay!" Bebop's voice rang out. "Remember when I said that? Because it's Throwback Thursday, fools."

"Da, we be throwing you all the way back to last Thursdays," Rocksteady added with a chuckle.

"Shut up, Rock, I'm trying to intimidate them," Bebop hissed. "You're going down, mutant fools." A missile shot from the carousel and they jumped out of its path, letting it explode behind them.

The carousel fired more. "It's a missile-go-round!" Mikey called out as they deflected the missiles, letting them explode elsewhere.

Rocksteady slammed into Leatherhead, making the gator stumble back. "Coward," the gator snarled, turning to Rocksteady. "Attack me from behind, will you?" He rammed into the rhino.

Mikey ran to help, only to get punched back, Bebop appearing in front of him. "Whoo-hoo!"

Fishface dropped in front of the warthog, forcing him to jump back. "This is your swan song," the fish snapped, Razar dropping down beside him. "Tonight, you all fall."

Lobo came and kicked Riki into some crates. "And believe us, it's gonna hurt!"

"Seems like the whole gang's here," Timothy commented, as he gripped his axe.

(Leo tightened his grip on his swords as he and his team ran to attack the mutants.)


Splinter and the others snuck across the rooftops, keeping to the shadows as they made their way across the city. Splinter came to a stop and held up a hand to signal them to halt. "The Shredder," he said, eyes locked on the Wolf Hotel. "He is atop that building."

"That's where we fought for the first time," Raph noted.

"And that's where we take him down once and for all," Slash added.

(They made their way to the hotel, dashing up the stairs to the roof with ease. Well, most of them; Casey and April found it a bit harder to keep up.)

"So, why couldn't we take the elevator?" Casey asked, using his hockey stick to help him stand. "At least me and April."

"Feels like my legs are disconnected from my body," the red-head agreed, trying to regain her breath.

"Quiet, Shredder is near," Splinter scolded quietly. They pulled out their weapons and waited on high alert.

"Oh man, I sense it," April said. "He's close."

Shredder burst out from below the roof, bits of concrete flying everywhere as he landed in front of the group. "Hamato Yoshi. At last my nightmare will end, for tonight, you will finally perish."

"Indeed, I will end your nightmares, Saki," Splinter responded, pulling the sword from his cane. "Permanently."

(The two ran at each other, Splinter missing his strike, allowing Shredder to punch his shoulder before knocking him across the roof. Splinter backed up to avoid Shredder's strikes, attempting to get back up, only for the mutant to grab him by the tail, slamming him into the roof before throwing him across it, though he managed to flip himself onto his feet as he skidded to a stop. He used the top of his cane to help keep him up.)

(Shredder dashed at him for another attack, only for Slash to slam into him, preventing him from reaching Splinter. He managed to land another hit on Shredder before the large mutant slammed his hands into his head and grabbed the turtle's plastron, throwing him through the hotel's sign and off the building.)

(Casey shot an explosive puck at Shredder's face, temporarily blinding him. "Goongala!" He shot another puck at Shredder, which exploded in his face. Raph, Y/N, Alopex, and Chloe jumped in to strike, Casey getting in blows every now and then while April tended to Splinter.)

(Raph jumped onto Shredder's back, striking at his head. Alopex repeatedly slashed at Shredder and he couldn't even catch her. But just as she was aiming for a head strike. Shredder grabbed Alopex, slamming her into the roof a couple of times before throwing her off the building. The fox slammed into the wall of another building and slammed the blade of her Kamas into the wall, which managed to slow her descent. )

(Shredder grabbed Raph, slamming him into the ground and repeatedly punching him before grabbing him and kicking him across the roof. Raph slammed into Casey, knocking him off the building. Casey managed to pull out his grappling hook, getting it to hook onto a fire escape and swing him right into the side of a garbage truck. The impact shattered his mask and he fell to the ground.)

"Normal!" Alopex ran over, clutching one arm to her chest; it had broken from the impact with the building. "Are you okay?" Casey gave her a weak thumbs up. "You know for a filthy normal you got heart."

(April let her powers loose, lifting the objects on the roof and throwing them at the large mutant. He knocked the objects away, shooting metal barbs at her. It hit the red-head's shoulder and she fell to the ground. Y/N kicked at Shredder while slashing at him until he threw him into the ground and kicked him into a wall.)

(Chloe activated her flight and kept to the air while she struck with Shredder with the bladed end of her electric whip. He managed to grab the cord and shot a metal barb at her. It pierced through her armor and sent her crashing to the roof.)

(Shredder pulled harshly on the cord and Chloe was thrown toward him. He grabbed her and slammed her into the roof a couple of times before tossing her aside. She slid to a stop beside Raph and April.)

(Y/N jumped in again, striking at Shredder with his claws. He grabbed his head and slammed him into the roof, punching him a few times before throwing him into the sign.)

(Shredder started shooting metal barbs at them and Splinter ran in front of them, knocking the barbs away until one struck through his shoulder, knocking him down on top of Chloe.)

"Your weakness is that you care about others," Shredder taunted, stalking toward him. "I have torn all weaknesses away and become all-powerful."

(Splinter pushed himself up, running to Shredder and jumping up to strike.)


(Leatherhead threw Rocksteady to the ground, moving to slam his tail into the rhino, though he managed to dodge.)

"You want to get funky fresh with me?" Bebop taunted, dodging Mikey and Ethan, though the cockiness stopped when Ethan used a chain throw him across the park, the two of them running after him.

(Riki was going head to head with Lobo, but was getting pushed back, but just as she was about to be finished. She stabbed him in the foot which made the wolf howl in pain before she kicked into a dunking tank. She then ran to help Leo.)

(Donnie and Timothy were chasing after Fishface on the carousel, Leo and Riki dealing with Razar. The mutant dog tossed Leo and Riki aside before throwing Timothy down, pinning himwith his claws.)

"Stay down, clown," he snarled, though before he could snap his jaws around him , Leatherhead slammed into him, startling the ninja as the gator broke through the fence with Razar, dragging him into the depths of the ocean.

Mikey and Leo ran to the edge of the wooden platform. "Leatherhead!" Mikey called, Riki moving over to look into the water as well. Leatherhead soon resurfaced, the three of them smiling in relief.

"Guys, we did it!" Timothy cheered. "We beat 'em."

(Leo watched Bebop and Rocksteady leave, though not without taunting them first. It was a trap.)

Leo realized the same. "Oh no, we didn't beat them. Th-this was all a distraction to split us up."

Donnie's T-Phone started ringing and he pulled it out and answered it.

"Donnie, we need back-up," April said quickly. "Raph, Chloe, Y/N, and are hurt. Alopex got thrown off the roof. Super Shredder's too strong."

"Where are you?" Donnie asked.

"The Wolf Building rooftop," April responded. "Please, we need you. Super Shredder is--" The call cut off.

Donnie gasped. "April!"

A cold feeling settled in Leo's stomach and he turned and bolted for the Shellraiser. "There's no time!" he called back. "Let's go!"


(Y/N groaned, pushing himself up, his sight blurred. He shook his head, his sight clearing, and he looked up, taking in the state of the rooftop. The O from the sign was on fire, Slash trapped under the rubble. Chloe , April, and Raph were on the ground in pain, Splinter and Shredder were locked in battle, trading blow for blow, equal in skill. But Splinter was fighting with a rage Y/N had never seen in him before, one he knew was born out of a need to protect him and the others.)

(Splinter cut off one of Shredder's metal barbs, green ooze spraying from it. He cut off more of the barbs and clutched his sword, poised for another strike.)


(Mikey investigates with the map, sees a hotel and gives GPS to Leonardo about the WOLF HOTEL.)

"There's the building!" Mikey called. "Hope we're not too late."


Shredder regrew his lost barbs, slamming his fist into Splinter, making April scream. "SPLINTER!"

Shredder slammed Splinter into the roof before throwing him across it into a wall. He ran at Splinter, slamming him further into the wall, enough to make a crater before he grabbed him, punching him a few times and throwing him into the water tower. Splinter slammed into the base and fell to the roof.

"Is this how you choose to die, brother?" Shredder snarled, stalking toward him. "Lying on your belly like an animal?"

Splinter grabbed his sword, slowly pushing himself to his feet and facing the giant mutant. "Come, Saki," he said, keeping the sword out of Shredder's sight. "End this madness."

(Shredder ran at Splinter, moving to strike him. Splinter ducked out of the way, a hidden chain in the hilt of the sword wrapping around Shredder's ankle as Splinter dashed past. He pulled the chain, tripping Shredder, who slid across the rooftop before flipping off it onto the street below.)

"Yes!" Raph cheered, held up with April and Chloe's help.. "You did it, Sensei."

Splinter turned to them, giving them a warm smile. "My family."

[The Shellraiser arrives, Leo uses his telescope to watch from the top and what he saw made Leo lets out a horrifying scream. Cut back to the rooftop, Raph is happy with the end of the shredder. But then April's happy face turns into shock and fear.]

"Oh, no. Splinter!"

(Splinter's triumphant face turns into a sudden fear and confusion, when he sees someone's attacking. Things go creepy as black and white screen appears. Y/N suddenly kicks Shredder before he could attack Splinter and kicks him away. Splinter lands next to the others.)

Super Shredder gets up and glares at the cheetah. "You?! You think you can stop me on your own?!"

Y/N glared at the Shredder. "I took you on once and I'll do it again!"

(Yuji and Todo are Y/N while Shredder is the curse)

(Y/N is Spike)

(Super Shredder is backed into a corner, but just as Y/N is about to slice him.  Y/N is gut punched with blood and spit flowing out of his mouth.)

(Y/N falls to the ground with white eyes while Shredder peers over to the fallen Splinter who is still recovering from their previous encounter. He jumps in front of his former brother and picks his arm up to finish Splinter. Y/N gets up and sees the scene.)

Y/N: NOOOOOO!!!!!!!

(Grime is Y/N while Sasha is Splinter)

Splinter looks in shock over the scene as Y/N cradles the stump where is arm used to be and Shredder knocks him away. "I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU!!" He jumps to stab Y/N.

"My SON!"

(As Y/N looks up and sees death coming at him Splinter steps in front of him and Y/N sees his father get impaled right before his eyes.)





Shredder lifted Splinter into the air as the rat gasped for breath. "And now, Hamato Yoshi...dies!" He threw Splinter off the roof.

(Time seemed to slow, sound seeming to die until Splinter finally hit the ground.)


"NO!" Leo screamed, he and the others on the ground running to Father's side.

"Father," Leo said, gently shaking Father desperately to try to get him to wake up. "Father."

(Y/N's ears pressed flat, ice seeming to freeze his veins. This was like the Triceraton invasion all over again, that awful moment in the middle of the fight when time had seemed to slow and they'd all turned in horror and shock to see Shredder's blades through Splinter's back. Except this wasn't something that could be fixed this time. Fugitoid wasn't coming this time to give them a second chance at this.)

"I have claimed my victory. No more will you haunt me, rat!"

[Chloe ran over to Y/N and used what remained of her armor to cauterize the stump. Furious with the death of her mentor, April calmly uses her psychic powers to blast Super Shredder off the roof. The evil mastermind looks with bewilderment as he falls while screaming, before he falls right into the back of a garbage truck parked below. Casey activates the crusher to finish Super Shredder off, feeling no remorse in hopefully killing off Splinter's killer.]

"Oops," he said coldly, turning and walking over to them with Alopex as April, Raph, Y/N, and Chloe came down from the rooftop to join them.

(Alopex held Timothy as he cried while Chloe and Ethan hugged each other.)

"No, please," Leo sobbed, holding Father's head in his lap.

"Papa," Mikey cried.

(Casey wrapped his arms around April and Riki as the two of them watched from the side.)

Y/N's shoulder started shaking as he fell to his knees beside his brothers. "Father..."

[The heartbroken and grieving Turtles mourn their beloved father and sensei's loss. They, along with April, Riki, Timothy, and Casey (who are also mournfully grieving), carry Splinter's body into the Shellraiser (whilst flashbacks of Splinter guiding the brothers) and mournfully depart to lay Splinter to rest. Unknown to them, the garbage truck began to rattle, then making pounding noises, then Super Shredder's claw manages to break out of the garbage truck, still very much alive... And thus, the ultimate Final Battle between good and evil to finally end the long lasting conflict, is about to begin...]

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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