Plan 10

(The team hid in the upper levels of a warehouse. Turns out, while they had their adventure with the Kabuto, a message came through the Kraang communication orb, warning of the Kraang's next plan, which was to be put into action very soon. Thanks to the decryption of the orb, they found that the Kraang were planning their next move with a new form of technology. Something they called Plan 10.)

"Kraang, prepare the plan, which is called Plan 10, the switching of Kraang mind with lesser human mind," the disguised Kraang instructed.

"Kraang will switch minds with Earth leaders, who will mutate Earth for Kraang," a blue-armored Kraang said, displaying the world map.

"Then all that remains is for Kraang plan, known as Plan 10, to be tested. Bring in Test Subject X."

(Two armored Kraang walked out of the warehouse. Raph drew his sais, ready to attack.)

"Not until we know that they're up to," Leo warned.

"Does it matter?" Raph asked sarcastically. "They're not baking cookies."

Mikey shuddered. "Ew, what would Kraang cookies taste like? Chocolate chips and brains?"

"They taste like crap," Riki responded, earning stares from the others.

"How do you know that?" Chloe asked.

Y/N:  "When they were experimenting on us while we were kids, they'd give me treats if I behaved."

"Quiet." Donnie covered his mouth with his hands. "Here they come."

The two Kraang returned, dragging a middle-aged man, dressed in what looked like a French mail man outfit. This can't be good.

"Take it easy, guys! This has gotta be a bad dream," the man pleaded. "You're not gonna probe me, right? I'll do anything, but just no probing."

The machine activated, and the teens watched it whir to life. It rose to just below where they hid.

"That's too big to be probe, right?" Mikey asked.

The Kraang-droids bound the man to a table. "The Kraang neuro-switcher will switch test subject's mind with, that which is called, a pigeon." Other droids strapped an innocent pigeon to another table.

"Uh, I think I'd prefer the probing," the man whimpered.

Everyone looked to Leo. He nodded. "Okay, now!"

(They drew their weapons and dropped to ground level, taking out droids along the way.)

The droids noticed them. "Mutants!"

(A droid activated the machine and it started zapping the man and the pigeon. Y/N and Raph ran for the table with the man. Y/N kicked away the Kraang-droid while Raph cut away the man's restraints and pulled him away from the machine.)

"Hey, mister? You okay?" Raph asked. The man looked up at Raph before cooing and acting like a pigeon. Okay, that machine works fast. "You gotta be kidding me!" Raph exclaimed.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

Here we go!

It's the lean, mean, ninja team

On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things

So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams

Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza Kings

Can't stop these radical dudes

The secret of the ooze made the chosen few

Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves

The good guys win and the bad guys lose

Leonardo's the leader in blue

Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through

Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines

Raphael has the most attitude on the team

Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!

Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need

To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

The man continued cooing, flapping his arms in the air On the other side, the pigeon regained consciousness. "Ugh, why do I have the urge to eat bread crumbs and poop on statues?" He looked at his wings fearfully. "No! No!"

"Kraang test, successfully tested," the disguised Kraang-droid concluded. "Kraang, exterminate mutants for Kraang."

(Kraang-droids gathered along the upper level, blasting at them.)

"Dude, it's too freaky! That guy's got the brain of a pigeon!" Mikey shouted, dodging the laser-fire.

"Which still makes him a lot smarter than you!" Raph shouted back.

(Y/N slid in front of the man, blocking the fire with his claws.)

Y/N: Don't let him get hurt. Take those Kraang down fast."

(They scattered, easily beginning to dispatch the droids. Y/N sliced one in half, then turned and stabbed another in the head. He aimed a couple of shurikens at the ones on the upper level, taking out their laser guns.)

"Get me out of here!" the pigeon shouted.

Mikey broke the restraints and grabbed the pigeon. "I'll save you, Mr. Peepers!" He retreated near Timothy and Ethan, handing the pigeon to the man. "Dude, get a hold of yourself, man."

"Did you really just say that?" Timothy asked.

(Raph dashed toward the control panel of the machine, and the disguised Kraang pinned him against one of the panels.)

Kraang: "The mutants cannot win against the Kraang."

Raph reversed the pin and jumped to the other panel. "Tell it to the ground."

(He kicked the Kraang into the panel and the machine started spinning and blasting out of control. Y/N ducked, and Ethan and Mikey jumped aside. The rays hit the man and the pigeon, and they both fell to the ground, though the man was screaming instead of cooing.)

"We got reverse brain switch!" Donnie called.

Leo took down another droid and called to Raph, "Raph, we're good to go."

"I'm busy here!" Raph snapped.

(He threw the Kraang he was fighting against the control panel, cornering it. He tried to stab it, but the Kraang moved and he ended up hitting what looked like the power conduit. The conduit sparked and the machine started twitching out of control.)

Y/N ran toward his brother. "Raph, look out!"

(He, Raph, and the Kraang were caught in the machine's blast and thrown back by the aftershock. Everything went dark. Raph, Y/N, and the Kraang got caught in the machine's blast and knocked back.)

"Raph and Y/N are down! Grab the pigeon and the man!" Leo ordered, running over to pick Raph up over his shoulders. "Raph, why didn't you listen?"

Donnie helped Y/N to his feet, putting his arm over his shoulders. "Easy does it, Y/N."

Mikey picked up the pigeon. "Come on, Mr. Peepers."

(They bolted.)

(They dropped the man and pigeon off on the side of a random street, to make sure it felt like a dream, then drove off to make their way back to the lair.)

Y/N was still out cold, Leo was driving. He glanced back and asked, "How are Raph and Y/N doing?"

"Just gotta wake them up," Mikey replied, repeatedly slapping Raph. "Rise and shine, buddy."

Donnie grabbed his hand. "That's not working, Mikey. Try something else."

Mikey thought for a second. "Let's see, how do I usually wake him up?" He smiled. "I got it!" He got his shuko-claws and started scratching Raph's shell. "Tickle, tickle, tickle. Tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle." He scratched Raph's feet. "Wake up, dude." Raph sat up with a deadpan face and laughed. He sounded like he had a frog in his throat. Mikey smiled and cheered. "Yeah, boy! Whoo! I'm glad you're back, Raph." He looked up at Donnie and raised his hand. "High-three."

(Donnie put his hands on his hips and gave him a look. Mikey looked at his hand and remembered the shuko-claw. He put his hands behind his shell and gave Donnie a sheepish smile.)

"Did Raph sound weird to anyone else?" Ethan asked.

Raph got back to his feet and looked around. "Mutants here?" He looked at Raya and grabbed her violently. "Where is the location of the Kraang where this Kraang is located?"

"You're with us, dude, in the Shellraiser," Riki replied. Raph just stared at her. She chuckled. "Nice Kraang impersonation." Raph started slamming her into the door. "You're welcome," she managed between hits.

(Donnie and Mikey quickly pulled him away from the wolf.)

"Raph, what are you doing?" Ethan snapped.

Leo glanced back. "What's going on back there?"

"Mutants....Kraang must destroy." Raph shouted, before punching Astra into the weapons station. "Kraang will eliminate all."

"It's Raph," Donnie warned. Raph drew a sai, trying to stab Riki. She yelped, jumping over the back of the seat. "He must've been brain switched with a Kraang."

(Raph elbowed Donnie with enough force to throw him into the back of the Shellraiser. He threw the sai at Leo, who ducked.)

Leo looked at the monitors and grimaced. "Oh, no!" He narrowly dodged a cab, but lost control of the Shellraiser, which plowed right into a bunch of cars, knocking him out of his seat. "Guys?" he called as he got back up. "You okay?"

"Ugh, I just had the weirdest dream," Ethan said. "Raph was--"

"A Kraang," Riki finished. "Not a dream, sweetie."

(The five of them exited the Shellraiser, noticed Raph was nowhere to be seen. He must've escaped during or just before he crash.)

"He's gone," Riki concluded. "And no telling where our Raph is."

They heard a groan from the Shellraiser and looked back to see Y/N was waking up. "Ugh. My head."

His voice sounded like...

"Raph?" Riki asked.

Ethan: If a Kraang's brain is inside Raph's body, and Raph's brain is inside Y/N's...then that means... 

Riki/Ethan: Oh crap baskets..."

(Y/N finally got feeling back into his body as consciousness slowly returned. Last thing he remembered was he, Raph, and a Kraang got caught in an explosion from what the Kraang called a neuro-switcher. After that? Complete black-out.)

"Kraang, transport Kraang to med bay for vitamin infusion," a familiar Kraang voice ordered.

Y/N opened his eyes to see a very familiar ceiling. "Where am I?"

An un-armored Kraang-droid looked over at her. "Kraang has been damaged, Kraang."

"Kraang?" he echoed, sitting up. "Who are you calling 'Kraang'?"

(He looked at his hands and realized they were tan and human, instead of yellow and furry. He reached up to feel his face, noticing the lack of fur and tail, and the rounded ears on the side of his head in place. His hair was short and stiff, and he couldn't feel his fangs. He was wearing a suit, the same one the disguised Kraang wear.)

Realization hit her like lightning. The neuro-switcher. Raph, her and the Kraang...

Y/N: Oh, crap baskets.

The Kraang-droid in front of him turned to look at him. "Kraang has been damaged. Kraang is acting strange."

(He took a deep breath to calm herself and cleared his throat. He gave the Kraang-droid a deadpan look and answered in a gruff, emotionless tone.)

Y/N: Negatory. Kraang was feeling disoriented from the blast of the neuro-switcher." (He moved off the stretcher the Kraang were carrying him on.) "Kraang has duties which are known as computer upgrades to perform."

(With that, he left the Kraang and journeyed down the hallway. He looked around the corridor.)

Y/N: (Thoughts) Why does this place look familiar? I've been in a lot of Kraang bases with the others, but this one is definitely familiar.

He entered a large room with dark walls. A Kraang-droid walked past. "Looking good, Kraang."

(He saw a large window showing underwater scenery. Now he realized why this place was so familiar. He was in the Technodrome.)

Y/N: Aw, sewer apples.

(It was quiet in the lair that evening. April was training with Splinter. Casey? He was doing his own thing; watching Super Robo Mecha Force and enjoying pizza. Chloe, was still working on her mech suit.)

The enemy blasted them back and laughed. "Dash Coolstar. Once again, your battle charge into battle has caused you great battle misfortune!"

"I told you we should wait, Dash," the guy in green and glasses shouted.

The leader in blue slapped the glasses dude across the face. "Quiet, Blip. Your cowardice stifles me!" He pressed a switch on his bracelet and smiled at the enemy. "You don't know the information Skelelord, that in our possession is a great cause of fear to you."

The enemy, Skelelord, turned as a shadow fell over him. The giant robot was right behind him. Skelelord yelped in fear as the robot stepped on him and fired its rockets into the ground.

"This show's cool, but where the subtitles?" Casey asked himself. "I hate dubbed anime."

He heard April and Splinter exit the dojo. Splinter spoke up. "Every day your skills improve, April, but you must remain patient."

"I could practice all day, Sensei," April answered.

After a few seconds of silence, April came and sat beside Casey. She was rubbing her arms and flexing her back, moaning lightly in pain. Guess Splinter's training was quite rigorous. Guess Whiskers and her siblings have been training for years and are used to it.

Casey finished his slice of pizza and cracked his knuckles. "If you need a Shiatsu massage, 'Magic Fingers' is at your service."

April giggled and pushed his hands back. "Ew, more like 'Pizza Fingers'."

(He looked at his fingers and noticed there was some cheese and sauce on them. He looked at April and tried to get what was left of the pizza off.)

Chloe: Groooos!

(They heard a doorbell chime, indicating the others were back. Chloe flew over an hugged Ethan and he hugged back. Casey and April looked over to see Leo and Mikey carrying Raph, who was bound by Mikey's kusarigama and had a paper bag over his head.)

Casey finished licking his fingers and chuckled. "Guess Raph really ticked you off this time."

"I'm right here, Casey," Y/N answered, with a good mimic of Raph's voice. He sounded just like him.

Casey smiled. "Wow, Y/N. That's a very good Raph impression. You've been working on that?"

Y/N glared at him and shouted, "I am Raph, you dolt!"

"What happened?" April asked.

"Long story, but Raph and Y/N got their brains switched with a Kraang," Riki answered as Leo and Mikey set Raph's body down.

Riki lightly removed the paper bag and Raph's body shouted in a raspy, deadpan tone, "Release Kraang now, and Kraang will disintegrate you relatively quickly!"

I guess that's how Kraang talk. Casey burst into laughter. "That is too funny." He kept laughing until Splinter grabbed him by the ear.

"Leonardo, explain. Now!" Splinter ordered.

Leo looked away. "Um..."

Y/N: (Thougths)This is just terrific. Seriously. I'm trapped in a Kraang body, inside the Technodrome, and no one suspects a thing. Only two downsides: no powers, and no way to contact the others.

(Y/N was wandering the hallways of the Technodrome, trying to find an empty room to recollect herself, until he met a crowd of Kraang-droids walking toward him. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and put on an expressionless face. He met up with another disguised Kraang-droid and made a request in his best Kraang imitation.) 

Y/N: "Kraang. Kraang wishes to locate that which is known as the exit. Kraang has that which is known as assignment in the city known as New York."

The Kraang-droid gave him a stare. "Kraang is busy."

"Busy performing what duties?"

(It gestured for him to follow. Down the corridor, a door opened to reveal a large room with a communication terminal and a familiar orb. Y/N entered the room and a screen showed him a familiar Kraang in a familiar scenery. He narrowed his eyes slightly.)

Y/N: (Thoughts) Kraang Prime.

"All Kraang in Dimension X are mobilizing for the invasion known as the invasion of Earth," Kraang reported. Another invasion? Kraang's making a Plan B? Geez, they never give up, do they? Kraang looked right at Y/N. "Kraang, how is Plan 10 progressing?" Y/N glanced around to make sure it wasn't talking to her. "Kraang! I am addressing Kraang!"

(All the droids stared at Y/N. He cleared her throat and returned to her Kraang impression.)

Y/N: "Kraang apologizes, Glorious Leader. The plan that is known as Plan 10 was successful."

Kraang lightly smirked. "Then let the switching of superior Kraang minds with inferior human leader minds begin!"

With that, the communications went back on stand-by. The other droids left, and Y/N was finally alone. 

(Cut back to the lair)

Leo explained the whole story to Master Splinter of what happened to Raph and Y/N. The entire time, Sensei just listened and thought.

"And that's how we got Raph's mind in Y/N's body, but now we've gotta go back for his mind," Leo finished.

(All of them, including Casey and April, were about to leave, but then Master Splinter spoke up.)

"Wait. Have patience."

Raph nodded. "Master Splinter's right, Leo. It's my fault Y/N's with the Kraang. I was impatient, and he paid the price." He felt his stomach turn with worry.

"You must not make the same mistake," Master Splinter finished.

"So, what are we supposed to do?" April asked.

Master Splinter thought for a second, then answered. "A solution will arise. You must wait and--"

He was cut off by the sound of a familiar humming.

Timothy's ears perked up. "It's coming from the lab." Everyone dashed inside to find the Kraang orb ringing.

"It's the Kraang communication orb. It hasn't been active for months!" Donnie gasped.

He went to his computer and typed down a few codes. The computer opened a screen and revealed a disguised Kraang-droid's face.

"Donnie? It's me, Y/N. I'm inside the Technodrome." The Kraang-droid spoke with a very familiar voice.

Leo and Donnie exchanged looks. Casey burst into laughter and Riki elbowed him in the chest.

"Wait a minute," Mikey said suspiciously. "How do we know he's the real Y/N? What's the secret ninja password?"

The droid folded its arms with a teasing smile. "Really, little bro? Like I'm gonna tell you on a Kraang communication interface."

Mikey smiled and Donnie. "That's our Y/N alright."

Ethan: (Pushed Mikey back) "Where are you? Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine, Son." Y/N looked at Raph and frowned. "Raph? What are you doing in my body?" He shook his head. "Nope, don't tell me. I already know."

Donnie returning to typing on the computer. "Okay, her coordinates are coming up now."

Y/N's screen closed and the computer showed a map of New York with a blinking red dot in the deep side of the Hudson river.

Donnie looked at Leo. "Looks like we're going swimming."

(Donnie closed the communication.)

A Kraang-droid's voice spoke from behind Y/N. "Who was Kraang talking to?"

She tensed for a second before turning. "Kraang was talking to Kraang for updates on the building that is known as TCRI."

Another droid entered the room. "Kraang did not report for vitamin infusion."

"Update reports have to be completed. Vitamin infusion must wait," Y/N answered.

(The droids looked at each other, then at him.)

"Kraang, you are ordered to exit the human construct and be analyzed," the left droid ordered.

"And if Kraang were to decline?" Y/N asked.

"Then Kraang must take necessary action to protect Kraang," the right droid answered, aiming a blaster at him.

Both droids were aiming blasters at her now. "Destroy the defective Kraang."

(He gave up the act and took a defensive stance. With a swift, easy kick he took out the right droid. But the left one got lucky and shot his droid body offline. his actual body got out of the robot shell and he bolted from the room and away from the laser fire. He ducked into an empty room, closing the door behind him. He heard the droids pass the room and sighed in relief. Upon turning, he realized the room was full of Kraang-droids. He braced himself, until she realized they were empty. An idea hit his and a smile crept onto his face.)

(Cut to, Leo, Casey, April, Donnie, Mikey, Raph, Riki, Ethan, Timothy, and Chloe entered the Technodrome and started looking for Y/N. Of course, on their way there, the Turtle-sub encountered the Kraang sea monster. They were able to fight him off, thanks to Donnie's and Timothy's smarts.)

Leo peeked through the end of the hall as two droids disappeared from view. "Clear."

(Just as they entered the hall, an alarm sounded loudly.)

"Um, did we do that?" April asked.

A huge group of Kraang-droids surrounded them.

"I'm gonna say 'yes'," Donnie answered as they drew their weapons, ready to fight their way out.

"Enemies known as 'mutants', you have been captured by the Kraang and will be destroyed," the droid in front of Leo informed them.

An armored droid from the back shouted, "Negatory. Do not destroy the enemies known as 'mutants'." The droid stepped forward.

The un-armored droid turned to it. "Kraang must destroy the mutants."

The armored droid shook its head. "By order of Kraang Prime, the enemies known as 'mutants' must be transported to the neuro-switcher. So inferior minds can be switched with Kraang superior minds." With that, the other droids left the hallway. The armored droid sighed in relief and turned to face them. "You're lucky I got to you before the Kraang did. How did you get captured so easily?"

Leo smiled. The droid was Y/N. "Coming to save you."

Ethan: Dad! (Hugs Y/N's robotic legs)

(Of course, Mikey and Casey couldn't help themselves. They pushed past Leo and started poking Y/N.)

"This is too awesome, Whiskers. You feel like chewing gum." Casey laughed.

Mikey laughed along. "You're all pink and tentacley. It's just so wrong."

The two of them laughed, and Y/N didn't move. Once they finished, he folded his arms. 

Y/N: "Had your fun?"

(They stopped and nodded. Leo stepped forward and handed Y/N his bestia fang claws.)

He took them and smiled. "Well, it's time to make it right. Let's move."

(Y/N escorted the team to the room with the neuro-switcher. Before they entered, he hid his fang claws behind his back. The door opened, and he found himself faced with three of the disguised droids.)

"Stop the experiment," Y/N ordered. "Kraang have new orders."

The disguised Kraang looked at her and the others. "Mutants are not part of--"

Before it finished, he pulled his claws from behind his back and stabbed it through the droid's head. "You assume too much." The others drew their weapons and dashed into battle. "Get 'em!"

(The Kraang-droids started firing at them. And the battle began.)

"Don't hurt the machine!" Raph shouted.

Y/N turned to Donnie and Timotht "Donnie, Timothy, you think you can get it working? The rest of us will keep the Kraang busy."

(Timothy  and Donnie turned their attention to the machine.)

Donnie sighed upon noticing the controls. "Oh, sewer apples!"

Timothy: That's a lot of buttons."

(Riki let out a fierce roar and charged at the closest Kraang droid. With lightning-fast reflexes, she dodged the blaster fire and leaped onto the droid's back, sinking her sharp claws into the metal armor. The droid shook and twisted, trying to buck Riki off, but she held on tight. With a mighty roar, she tore off the droid's arm and used it as a weapon to take down the others. Chloe, meanwhile, activated her mech armor and charged at the droids head-on. Blaster fire ricocheted off her armor as she bulldozed through the group, knocking them over like bowling pins. Her armor's built-in weapons fired a barrage of missiles and lasers, obliterating the droids in her path. Ethan, the anthropomorphic bunny, used his powerful legs to leap and dodge the incoming fire. With lightning-fast kicks, he took out droids left and right, his legs moving so quickly they were a blur. He flipped and spun, sending droids flying in all directions.)

(Y/N tossed one of his claws at a droid, stabbing it in the head. He spun around and sliced the other droid attacking gim from behind. He noticed April getting a little outnumbered.)

"A little help, Casey?" the red-head called.

"Duck!" Casey shouted, shooting hockey pucks at the two droids going to attack him.

(To be perfectly honest, Y/N was struggling a little against the droids. He wasn't used to fighting without his mutant body; her tail and whiskers to help her balance, and his enhanced senses to warn his of attacks. He could see Raph having some trouble too. His tail kept tripping him up, and he kept jerking his head around as his ears swiveled.)

(Y/N heard a blaster click behind him and turned. The Kraang in Raph's body was aiming a blaster at her.)

"Kraang," Y/N greeted.

"One called Hamato Y/N," it responded.

(He adjusted his hold on his claws and ran at the Kraang. At the corner of her eye, he noticed Donnie and Timothy having trouble with the machine's controls.)

"One of these things has gotta activate the targeting matrix," Donnie muttered.

"Just keep looking," Timothy advised, pressing a few buttons.

Of course, Mikey being Mikey, he decided to press a few buttons. "This one? Ooh, or maybe this one?"

Donnie tackled him away from the controls. "Get out of there!" The machine started responding and spinning. "Okay."

"Hurry, Donnie!" Y/N called down, kicking the Kraang onto Raph's shell.

Timothy was able to get the neuro-switcher working. "Ready, aim, fire!"

The machine fired rays at random directions, until they hit Casey and Riki. Once it finished, Casey noticed what happened and started checking himself out with a chuckle, his tail wagging a little.

Casey: Cool."

Riki sighed in disgust, lifting her mask. "Oh, what the--!? Stop checking yourself out, Casey!" Ethan couldn't hold back his laughter, covering his mouth and laughing like a maniac. "Ethan, that's not funny!" Riki said.

"Sorry, I couldn't help it," Ethan snickered.

Riki rolled her eyes and turned to Donnie and Timothy. "Uh, guys, mind switching us back? Like, right now?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, Casey--" Donnie apologized, then corrected, "I mean Riki." He returned to the controls of the neuro-switcher. "Working on it!"

(The rays were on continuous fire this time, and the machine started aiming everywhere. The others, April, and Casey continued taking down the Kraang while avoiding the rays.)

Riki slammed a hockey stick into a droid. He looked over at Casey and gave a frustrated sigh. "Stop pinching your own butt, Casey!"

He acted innocent, ears flattening slightly. "I didn't do anything."

Riki: "That's not what your ears are telling me. Why is your tail wagging? Wait, never mind, don't wanna know."

Y/N knocked the Kraang back. He lifted his claws, then paused. "Wait, what am I doing? I can't stab my brother." 

Noticing her hesitation, the Kraang grabbed its blaster and shot her robot head off. The body fell limp and offline. Y/N jumped out of the robot body and the Kraang aimed its blaster at her.

"Prepare to be exterminated," the Kraang warned.

Before it could fire, Y/N felt something grab his mind and start pulling it away from his body. He closed his eyes, bracing himself. Once the pain was gone, he opened his eyes. His hands were green and scaly, with three fingers. 

Y/N: I'm in Raph's body now? Well, least that means I can't hurt him anymore.

He grinned. "Way to go, guys!" The Kraang was about to scurry off, but he stepped on one of its tentacles to hold it down. "I don't think so, Kraang. Time for some payback. I call this, 'Plan 1'."

(He picked up the Kraang and kicked it across the room. Suddenly, the feeling of her mind being pulled returned. He closed his eyes and waited for it to subside before he opened his eyes and examined himself.)

(Five fingers. Yellow and black fur. Fangs. Tail. Back in his own body. The neuro-switcher aimed for Riki and Casey and switched them back.)

Raya smiled, looking herself over. "Oh, finally!" Her ears perked up, tail wagging slightly.

Casey, on the other hand, sighed. "Aww, man. I kinda liked being a girl."

Riki gave him a light swat on the shoulder. "Idiot."

Raph, back in his body, joined the group. "I'm back, guys!"

Leo smiled. "Nice." He turned to Donnie and Timothy. "Sabotage that thing and let's go."

"Way ahead of you." Timothy plunged one of her shuriken into the power console. "Done and done."

(The console sparked. They bolted, retreating to the sub and steering it away just as the machine exploded.)

(With the Technodrome down and out for the count for a while, Y/N and the others were chilling in the living room, enjoying the finale of an episode of SRMFF.)

The villain was defeating the heroes. He laughed. "Now is the time for when you have run out of time, Super Robo Mecha Force Five team 5!"

The villain robot fired a blast at the hero robot, but the hero dodged.

"Not yet, Skelelord!" the team leader shouted. "Engage Ultra Mega Punch!"

The robot reacted and defeated the villain.

Donnie was busy jotting down some ideas and plans on a sketchpad with Timothy's help. "Okay. Oh, this is good."

Raph joined them, smiling. "It's good to be back in the old red and green." The rest of them ignored him; he'd been saying that since they got home. Then he added, "And, uh, guys. Thanks."

They all looked at him in surprise.

"Did he just say--?" Mikey started.

"I think he," Chloe confirmed.

Raph sat on his beanbag chair and sighed. "I just wish we could've taken out the Technodrome."

Y/N shook his head. "Not worth it, Raph. However, I did catch a glimpse of the Kraang's new invasion plan. They've got thousands of soldiers ready to go."

Mikey started counting, but lost track. Leo slapped his little brother's hand and looked at Sensei. "So, how will we stop it, Sensei?"

Sensei stroked his beard in thought. "As I said before, a solution will arise in time."

Donnie continued his jotting and sketching. "Okay. A little shading here." He laughed. "I've got it! We are gonna stop them with this."

(He showed them a drawing of what looked like a giant mechanical turtle. Similar to Metalhead, with details and special features all around it.)

They all stared at the design, and Mikey smiled. "Donnie, you are an even bigger genius than I am."

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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