( After the incident with Timothy and Ethan last week, the team was getting back to it. Now, they were on another Kraang hunt.)
Mikey: Ugh... Another day, another Kraang hunt..."
Y/N: Story of our lives, Mikey.
(For the past 10 minutes Mikey had just been sitting and spinning around in his chair. Y/N turned saw that Mikey had left his seat and was slowly creeping up behind Raph.)
Mikey: Hey, Raph! (Mikey piped up, and Raph jumped.) Fire the weapons!
Raph: (Glared at him.) I don't think so.
Mikey: See? That's your problem. (Mikey draped an arm around Raph's shoulders.) If I was in charge of weapons, I'd be firin' up things all the time! That mailbox? Blam! That newsstand? Boom! That port-a-potty? Splat!"
Y/N: Dude, Gross."
Leo: And that's why you're not in charge of the weapons. Now get back to your station and tell me where to go. (Mikey rolled his eyes and shuffled back to his area, sitting back down in his chair.)
Mikey: Hmm... Okay, uh, you should turn right... 3 blocks ago.
(The other three turtles groaned as Y/N sighed.)
Y/N: Mikey..."
(It took 20 minutes to get back on track after Mikey's little mix-up. It took another 10 minutes to actually find the building that they were supposed to be checking out tonight. They parked inside of an alley across the street of the building before getting out of the Shellraiser.)
Donnie: This must be the hidden Kraang lab.
Raph: Let's trash the place!
Leo: Hold on, Raph.
Leo: This is a recon mission. We go in there, find out what the Kraang are up to, and then trash the place.
Raph: (Rolled his eyes.) Fine. Wake me when we get to the trashing part.
Y/N: Sounds like a plan. Let's go."
(When they actually entered the building, they found something disturbing. The place was completely trashed, as though someone deliberately tried to just make a mess. Tables and chairs flipped on their sides, broken glass on the floor, and several Kraang-droid body parts laying everywhere.)
Raph: Aww man! Someone beat us to it!
Y/N: Sorry, Raph. (Patted Raph's shell )Better luck next time.
Leo: It looks like one of their mutagen experiments got away from 'em. (Leo was looking at the droid parts laying in front of him.
(As Y/N walked around the room he looked to see if there was anything that showed a sign of what made this mess. Y/N looked over at Donnie, and he saw that the latter was looking at a poster on the wall, which appeared to be a diagram of wasps, ants, and a few other bugs.)
Donnie: Seems they were doing experiments on arthropods.
Y/N: Weird.
(Y/N walked over to what looked like a large filing cabinet and propped myself onto it. He watched as Mikey sat in a rolling chair and started rolling around the room. Donnie walked over to a cabinet and opened it up, and it revealed a large supply of lab equipment.)
Donnie: Hey, this equipment's still good. (Smiling. He then lowered his head to look at a lower level.) Woo-hoohoo! Nice centrifuge!
Y/N: (Snorted.)
Raph: (Shook his head.) If I ever get that excited about a centrifuge, just put me outta my misery.
(Y/N rolled his eyes. He glanced over at Mikey, who he saw had stood up from his chair and seemed to be looking at something across the room.)
Mikey: Hey, Donnie. How big do yah think one of those arthropods might be?
Donnie: Well, a bee's about 4 mm, and a wasp would be 6.
(Mikey screamed, pointing behind his brothers. They all instantly turned around to look behind us, and what they saw gave them chills. They caught a glimpse of big, bright eyes before it came out. A wasp about the size of a large dog came crawling out of the darkness. It landed its large eyes on the brothers before opening its large wings and flying straight towards them!)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
Here we go!
It's the lean, mean, ninja team
On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things
So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams
Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza KingsCan't stop these radical dudes
The secret of the ooze made the chosen few
Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves
The good guys win and the bad guys lose
Leonardo's the leader in blue
Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through
Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines
Raphael has the most attitude on the teamMichelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!
Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!
Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need
To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
Y/N: Duck!
(The turtles and Y/N ducked as the giant bug zoomed over them. Y/N looked around at it to see it spin around and zoom back towards them. THey all ducked, but Raph was too late and the bug ran right into him. It pinned him against the tipped filing cabinet and snapped at him, trying to bite him.)
Raph: Ahh! Get it off, get it off!
(Donnie ran forward, took out his Bo staff, and swung it at the wasp, knocking it off of Raph. The bug squealed and screeched as it advanced onto Donnie. The turtle ducked and avoided the wasp as he spun his staff to the side, preparing to strike again. Then, Raph, who had gotten back on his feet, ran straight at the bug with his sais at the ready. He swung, but the wasp rammed right into him, knocked him into the air, and squished him against the ceiling.)
(Raph fell with a thud onto the floor. The bug turned and went for Donnie again. Y/N took this time to quickly go forward and grab Raph, dragging him over to the hiding spot him and Mikey had just recently occupied. A few seconds later, both Leo and Donnie joined them.)
Leo: We need a plan, and fast!
Mikey: I know! I'll catch 'im with my kusarigama chain!
Y/N: Not a bad plan!
Leo: (Shook his head.) That wasp is too strong. How about this? Mikey, you get it to chase you, and we'll ambush it.
Mikey: (Glared at Leo.) Why don't we ever do my plans?
Leo: Because they're your plans. Now go!"
(Mikey rolled his eyes and groaned irritably, but stood up and jumped out of the hiding spot.)
Mikey: Hey wasp!(Wiggled his shell at the bug.) Come and get it!
(The wasp screeched, and Mikey instantly took off, yelling like a maniac. He started circling the room, the wasp right on his tail.)
Raph: He's really turned running and screaming into an art form.
Donnie: Well, at least he's good at something, right?
(Mikey had started running in circles, the wasp still chasing. Then, he tripped and fell on his front.)
Donnie: Goodish.
Y/N: (Frowned at him.) Mikey's good a plenty of stuff, Don-
Leo: On my mark.
(Y/M groaned irritably as he got into position with the others. The wasp buzzed angrily as it made to sting Mikey, who moved out of the way and started running in circles again. After a few laps, Y/N could tell that the moment was about to happen.)
Leo: Now!
(They all leapt up and made to catch the wasp just as it came up in front of us. Suddenly, a kusarigama chain came out of nowhere and wrapped around the wasp, tugging it away. The turtles and Y/N fell onto a heap on the floor with loud thuds.)
Mikey: Ha! How yah like me now?"
(The wasp suddenly got up off the floor and started zooming around, and it dragged Mikey along with it. Mikey swung around on his chain and then slammed right into Y/N, Donnie, and Raph. They were shoved back into the wall, Y/N was knocked a few feet away from them and into a desk.)
Raph: A lot less than I did a few seconds ago.
(Y/N heard the buzzing of the wasp draw near again, and he sat up on his knees as he unsheathed claws. Leo, who had avoided being knocked over, whipped out his katana, ready to fight. Mikey was dragged for a few more seconds before he finally let go of the chain and went tumbling, falling into a heap by Raph and Donnie. Y/N turned back to Leo, and gasped when he saw that the wasp was advancing on the blue clad brother, but Leo, eyes on his brothers, did not see it.)
(There was a second, barely more than a heartbeat, in which Y/N completely lost all sense of caution.)
Y/N: No! (Y/N sheathed his claws and instantly sprang forward, pushing Leo to the side. A second later there was a sharp, stinging pain in his left shoulder.)
Y/N: AH!
(Raph heard Y/N scream and instantly sprang to his feet, and so did the others. But, before they could do anything the wasp floated over towards them. It buzzed at them for a moment, then turned on its back and fell to the ground with a loud thump.)
Mikey: See? My plan worked, I tired it out!
Donnie: You didn't tire it out. The wasp died because it lost its stinger.
Y/N: Oh, it lost it alright. "Lost it in me! (Y/N was on the floor with a stinger in his left shoulder.)
(Leo helped Y/N to his feet. The others stared in shock as they saw the end of the long, black stinger coming out of Y/N's left shoulder.)
Leo: Nice going, Mikey!
Mikey: Oh, geez... Y/N, I'm really sorry.
Y/N: It's okay, Mikey. "It's just a sting, no big deal.
(Donnie walked up to Y/N, and put a hand on his arm as he grabbed the stinger.)
Donnie: Hold still. (He pulled the stinger out.)
Y/N: Ow!
Leo: Are you okay, Y/N?
Y/N: Yeah, I'm just a little sore now. (Rubbing his shoulder.) "I'll be okay, I promise."
(Donnie was looking at the stinger with a curious look in his eyes.)
Leo: What is it, Donnie?
Raph: It's just... mutations are generally anthropomorphic. I've never seen mutagen create giants like this before.
Raph: Yeah. Real fascinating, Donnie."
Y/N: Wow! Guys, check this out.
(The turtles turned around. None of them had noticed that Y/N had walked away until now. He was kneeling on the ground and appeared to be looking down at something. They all walked forward to see what it was, and they saw what looked like a giant, yellow bean.)
Donnie: It's some kind of egg.
Mikey: Stand back. I'll handle this.
Raph: I'm betting on the egg.
(Now, normally when Raph make a wisecrack like this, Y/N would laugh. What he did instead was grab Mikey's wrist as he pulled out his nunchucks.)
Y/N: Stop! (He released Mikey's hand.) "We can't hurt it."
(They stared at him, silent for a moment.)
Raph: Are you alright, Y/N?
Y/N: Guys, this egg is evidence. We came here to find out what the Kraang were up to, and this egg is the only clue we have to find out what they were doing here. We need to take it back to the lair so Donnie can take a look at it."
Ra[h: Uh, Leo? Could you maybe tell her that he's acting a little crazy?
Leo: (Looked over at Y/N.) Well... it could be beneficial if Donnie analyzed it, so...
Raph: What?! "Oh, right! Great idea! Let's take the mutant wasp egg into our home where we live! What's the worst that could happen?
Y/N: We can't just leave it here, Raphael. (Looked at Raph) Look, I'll just watch over it, okay? You won't even know it's there. I promise.
Leo: (Sighed and nodded.) Alright. We'll take it back home and let Donnie check it out.
Y/N: Thanks, Leonardo."
Mikey: I'll get it! (He reached for the egg.)
Y/N: Back off!" (Y/N snapped, and Mikey yelped as he leapt back. Raph stared in surprise. Y/N never got angry at them like before.)
Raph: Dude. Are you alright? 'Cause, unmotivated bursts of anger are kinda my thing."
Y/N: Holding this egg is like holding a baby, and Michelangelo can't be trusted to hold fragile items. (Y/N gently picked the egg up in his arms.) "I'll just carry it myself, no problem.
(Y/N walked forward, pushing past his brothers and he walked towards the exit. Raph looked over at Mikey and saw that he looked genuinely hurt.)
Mikey: Dude... I think he likes that egg more than me.
Y/N: Well, the egg talks less than you, so there's that. (Raph puts an arm around his shoulders as they follow Y/N out the door.)
(Cut to, Leo pulling up to the lair entrance and the Shellraiser slowly came to a stop. He put the thing in park and we all got up. Y/N was out of his seat and walking out the door long before the turtles, still the egg.)
Raph: Y/N, I got a really bad feeling about keeping that thing in the lair. (Stepped out of the van.)
Y/N: Raphael, we've been over this. (Turning to look at Raph.) This egg could tell us what was going on in the lab. Think of all the things we could learn from it, just by watching it?
Leo: Y/N, Raph does have a point. "That thing might give us some clues, but we have no idea what it could do to us. We have to be cautious.
Y/N: Look, I said I would watch over it, and that's that. You'll be perfectly safe."
Raph: Safe? You know what's inside wasp eggs, right? Here's a hint; wasps!
Mikey: That's not a hint, dude. You gave it away.
(Y/N turned his back to them and continued forward, Mikey following behind hom. Raph looked over at Donnie, who shrugged and walked forward too. He looked at Leo, who sighed irritably and followed Donnie. Raph face palmed myself as he followed them inside.)
(Surprisingly, it took a moment for them to get Y/N to put the egg down. He was like a father holding his newborn baby the way he was treating that egg. But, after bringing in the beanbag chair from the living room into Donnie's lab, he finally set it down onto the cushion.)
Y/N: Now, be careful with it.
Donnie: I'm always careful, Y/N. (Gazed at the egg with interest.) Fascinating (Then Donnie picked up a nearby scalpel and raised it up to the egg.)
Y/N: Stop! What the heck are you doing?!
Donnie: Dissecting it..
Y/N: Are you crazy?! (Y/N ran forward, and actually shoved Donnie back.) Donatello, we only have one egg! If you dissect it, you could destroy any evidence it holds! We should keep it safe and let it develop.
(Donnie stared at him, eyes wide. He seemed surprised by his behavior too. They all were. Y/N has never been this aggressive and loud before, even though he was a cheetah. He was always so sweet and calm, but this was completely opposite.)
Donnie: Well then I guess I'll just keep... staring at it...
Y/N: Sure you will. (Pointed off in a different direction.) You can watch it from over there.
(Donnie stared at him for a moment before slowly taking a large step backwards. He grinned slightly at him. Y/N suddenly stared slit eyes at his brother. It was seriously freaky. Donnie quickly took several more steps back and stood beside the rest of us. Y/N looked at them for a moment before slowly turning around and kneeling in front of the egg.)
Donnie: Well, I think I will do... something in the other room... Raph, Mikey, Leo... care to join me?
Mikey: Not unless you get more specific. (Grinning up at him. Donnie rolled his eyes.)
Donnie: C'mon! (Donnie grabbed the ends of Mikey's mask and started dragging him out of the lab. Leo and Raph looked at each other for a moment before Leo followed them out. Raph turned his head to look at Y/N, who was still looking down at the egg. He shook his head slightly before turning and leaving the lab.)
(Cut to the living room.)
Donnie: Okay, Y/N is acting totally weird, right?
Leo: 'Weird' might not be a good enough word to use. He's not acting like himself.
Raph: Yeah! It's like he's obsessed with that egg!
Mikey: Let's ask Splinter what to do.
Leo: Good idea! He'll know what to do! Where is he?
Donnie: (Shook his head.) "No dice, guys. Looks like he took April, Ethan, and Timothy out for a training exercise.
Raph: Okay, look. "We gotta destroy that egg before it hatches.
Donnie: Agreed. But, he won't let us get anywhere near it.
Mikey: Well, maybe we make him come to us!
Leo: Alright. "Let's get Y/N away from that egg, and then destroy it as soon as we can.
(Cut to holding a pizza.)
Mikey: Who wants pizza? (Mikey opened the large pizza box.) Y/N's favorite! Pepperoni, sausage, and bacon with cheese stuffed crust!
Donnie: Wow. That actually is his favorite.
Mikey: What's that supposed to mean?
Leo: Usually whenever you order pizza, you only order your favorite. Like last week, when I asked you to order my favorite, and you only got yours.
Mikey: Well... I almost did this time. But this is about Y/N; he's way more important than jellybeans, anchovies and jalapenos. C'mon, grab a slice.
(They each reached in and grabbed a slice of the pizza. They walked over to the lab doors and stood in the doorway. Y/N was still sitting in front of the egg. The turtles all started taking bites of the pizza, letting out delicious sounds. )
Mikey: Y/N!
Leo: C'mon, Y/N. You don't want us to eat all your pizza, do you?"
(But Y/N didn't speak, he didn't even turn to look at his brothers. Raph groaned irritably. Y/N loves this pizza, he'd never ignore it. Suddenly, a thought came to Raph's head.)
Raph: I got an idea.
(The turtles were now watching an episode of Tom and Jerry. Raph turned his head to see if Y/N was coming out of the lab, but he wasn't there. He got up and motioned for the guys to follow him. They all went over to the lab doors and poked their heads through.)
Donnie: Ohh, you're missing a great one, Y/N!
Raph: It's not too late, Y/N. You can still catch Tom's punishment.
(But he still didn't move. Raph's face fell as he stared at the back of his head. So, they come up with another idea.)
Raph: Hey, Mikey! Where are you going with Y/N's Vixen comics?
Mikey: Well! We're out of toilet paper, and I thought these pages of valuable music would do the job nicely! (Mikey turned and then started rubbing the comic on the back of his shell.) Oh yeah, that feels great! Hope Y/N doesn't see me!
(Raph rolled his eyes and looked up. If ruining the precious comic that he got wouldn't faze him, then he didn't know what would. But still, Y/N didn't move, and he didn't say a word.)
Donnie: Wow. He's farther gone than I thought."
(Raph stood there for a moment, hoping against hope that Y/N would turn around, leave the egg and start acting like his normal self. But he didn't. Raph felt his hands curl into fists as he suddenly got angry. This wouldn't have happened if they didn't bring that egg into the lair.)
Raph: Alright, that tears it! (Turns around and stomps out of the lab.) That stupid egg has been messin' with Y/N, and I'm sick of it! I'm destroying it tonight!
Leo: Raph, wait! (He ran forward and grabbed my arm.) We can't just barge in there and try to take the egg. With the way Y/N's acting, he's become totally unpredictable. We need a plan to-
Raph: I'm not asking for your permission! (Snatched his arm away.) I'll do it myself if I have to! Anything to get our brother back! (And with that, he turned around and stomped off to his room.)
(Little did he knew that Y/N heard everything he just said.)
(Later, it was late. Probably about midnight now. The others had all gone to sleep, but Raph was wide awake and ready to fix things once and for all. He grabbed the handles of the lab doors and slowly pried them open. He looked inside the lab until his eyes fell onto the egg. For once, Y/N wasn't in front of it. He probably went and took a break finally.)
(He slowly made his way towards the egg, taking out one of his sais. Raph stood in front of the thing, gripping his weapon tightly. He raised it up high, and then drove it down to strike the egg. Suddenly, a long, curved claw blade came out and caught my sai, stopping it from touching the egg. Raph realized that the blade was that of a bestia fand claw, and as he looked over he saw that it was Y/N, who had his head ducked so that Raph couldn't see his face.)
Raph: Y/N, what're you doing?
(Y/N didn't say anything. Then he raised his head up, and what Raph saw made him freeze. His eyes-his big beautiful orange eyes-were now solid black, there was nothing in them at all. What was more, they were completely empty of any emotion. They no longer had their usual warmth. They were blank and cold.)
(Y/N suddenly grabbed Raph's wrist, spun him around, and threw him back. He rolled over and quickly got back to his feet.)
Raph: Y/N, are you crazy? You saw what the adult did. If that thing hatches it'll try to eat us!"
(Y/N didn't say anything. He just glared at me as he unsheathed his other claws and pulled it out. A second later he opened his mouth, and what appeared to be disgusting slim started to ooze from his lips as he let out a hissing snarl. Raph gasped in horror, then glared. Whatever was going on, he knew one thing for sure; this thing wasn't Y/N.)
Raph: Alright! This freak show ends now!
(Raph shouted, pulling out his other sai. He let out a loud yell as he charged forward, swinging his sai down. Y/N raised his claw to block it, then snapped his jaws at Raph, and the latter leapt back, surprised.)
Raph: C'mon Y/N. This isn't you. You gotta snap out of it!
(Y/N snarled again before putting away his claws, activating his knuckle dusters, and charging forward at Raph. The latter spun his sai in his hand before swinging them both at him.)
(Y/N is the one with the bears on her hands.)
(Raph landed and wiped blood off his lip, before seeing Y/N leaping into the air and diving down at him, both claws out and raised high. But he lifted his sais up and caught both claws. Raph twisted his weapons and the claw gauntlets flicked out of Y/N's grasp. He made to grab at Raph, but he ducked underneath and kicked his foot out, causing Y/N to trip and fall to his knees.)
Raph: You're not yourself, Y/N. Just let me help you. Please...
(Y/N remained on the ground, shaking slightly, not making a sound. Raph slowly put his sais back into his belt, he lifted my hand forward as he gently made my his towards his feral brother. When he was about a foot away from Y/N, the chertah suddenly whipped around and screeched. Raph screamed.)
(Y/N leapt at Raph and tried to grab him. He dodged him and shifted from side to side, backing away as much as he could. He ran forward, paws raised, and he grabbed his hands to keep him back. He snarled as he snapped in Raph's face. Keeping a firm grip on his paws, Raph spun him around and flipped him onto his back, pinning him to the floor.)
Raph: Y/N, stop! I don't wanna hurt you!"
(Y/N hissed at his brother. Then he snatched his hands out of Raph's grasp and lunged forward, grabbing onto him and pushing him back. They went rolling for a moment before Raph finally kicked him off. Raph stopped rolling and sat up to catch his breath. That's when he felt it. A sharp, throbbing pain in his right arm. He lifted his arm and looked down at it. There, on Raph's upper arm, was a dark, bruised bite mark. Y/N must have bitten him when he lunged at the red clad turtle.)
Raph: Did... did you just bite me?" (Raph glared at Y/N.) "You bit me!
(Raph didn't expect Y/N to respond; he hasn't responded to anything anyone has said so far. But this time, he did. He stared at me for a moment as the corner of his mouth twitched upward into a nasty smirk. It was so unlike him, sent shivers up Raph's spine. Raph's hands started to throb and shake suddenly.)
(Cut to Mikey tiredly walking into the living room. From behind him he heard more shuffling and yawning. He turned to see Donnie and Leo coming into the living room too.)
Donnie: Um... where's Raph?
Mikey: He said he was going for the egg last night.
Leo: Oh, great. He probably got chewed out by Y/N for just barging in there. Alright, let's go see how he did.
(Mikey and Donnie followed Leo as he walked towards the lab. To be safe, we just poked our heads inside. Y/N was still in there. So was Raph. And so was the egg.)
Leo: Uh, guys (Leo cautiously started walking towards them.) "What're you doing?"
(Neither of them responded. Then, at the same time, they both pulled out their weapons. Mikey and Donnie stared.)
Donnie: Uh, Raph? (Donnie laughed nervously.) "Haha, ah... Whatcha up to there, bro?"
Mikey: Something's definitely wrong. (He whispered to Donnie.) He's gone all Y/N-who's-not-Y/N on us.
(Leo looked back at his two brothers, then looked over at Raph and Y/N, but didn't get any closer to them. Mikey looked over at Donnie, who was staring at Raph.)
Donnie: Look at his arm.
(Mikey looked over at Raph and looked at his arm. He saw that there was what looked like a bite more on his upper arm. At that moment both he and Y/N turned around. Mikey gasped. Their eyes were completely black, and they had a straight up nasty look on them.)
Donnie: He got bit! Y/N must've bit him!
Leo: What do you mean 'bit him? (Leo takes several steps back.)
Mikey: Raph, Y/N. Snap out of it, dudes! (Raph and Y/N stared at their brother for a moment. Then they screamed and started running towards them. Instantly, Mikey and Donnie turned and ran out of the lab.)
Donnie: Get the doors, get the doors!
(Mikey and Donnie both grabbed a door and started to pull, but as the former looked in he saw Leo standing in front of Raph and Y/N, swinging both of his katanas at them.)
Mikey: Leo!"
Leo: Shut the doors! Now!"
(It was the last thing they wanted to do, but, what choice did they have? Donnie and Mikey quickly shut the doors, and the latter pulled out his kusarigama chain out and wrapped it around the door handles, keeping them in place. They both turned and leaned against the door as they slid down to the floor.)
Donnie: That oughta hold 'em. (A second later he straightened up.) Mikey, the garage door!
Mikey: On it! (He sprang to his feet and ran out of the living room and out of the lair. Mikey ran along the sidewalk until he came around the corner and found the garage door. He could look into the lab again, and saw that Leo was still swinging at Y/N and Raph, trying to keep them back, but trying not to hurt them.)
(Mikey looked up and saw that the garage door was hanging above his head. He leapt up and grabbed onto the door, trying to bring it down, but it didn't budge.)
Mikey: Oh no! Not now! C'mon! (He yanked on the door over and over, but it wouldn't move. Then he heard a loud grunt, and he looked down to see Leo had fallen down and was being pinned by Y/N. Suddenly, Raph leapt forward, grabbed Leo's arm, and bit him.)
Leo: Ah!
Mikey: Leo!
(Y/N and Raph's heads snapped up to look at Mikey. They both snarled at their orange clad brother, weird ooze dripping from their mouths. Mikey gasped and instantly started pulling on the door again, shaking it, trying to make it fall.)
Leo: Mikey, run!
(He looked up again, and saw that Y/N and Raph were now running straight at Mikey. He whimpered and whined as he pulled as much as he could on the door. They were getting closer, it was almost too late.)
(Suddenly, after one final shake, the garage door fell down just as Raph and Y/N reached Mikey. There was a loud bang as they both slammed into the door, and they screamed. He stepped back, wiping the back of his hand across his forehead. But even as Mikey relaxed he couldn't help but feel the wicked amount of guilt that came over him.)
Mikey: Leo...
(Cut to Mikey and Donnie in the kitchen and Mikey was seriously freaking out about all of this. Donnie's been on his computer for the past 10 minutes trying to look up some info on that wasp that stung Y/N.)
Donnie: Here it is! The Parasitic Wasp infects animals with a virus that brainwahes them into protecting its eggs.
Mikey: You think that's the kind of wasp that stung Y/N?
(In the background Mikey could hear loud banging and groaning, and he stiffened.)
Donnie: A mutant version. Then Y/N bit Raph and passed the virus onto him. (Donnie looked at Mikey seriously.) "You said you saw Leo get bitten?
Mikey: (Nodded.)
Donnie: Then he's infected, too. No doubt he's turned into one of them by now...
(Mikey gulped, trying not to think of what he could've done to help Leo.
Mikey: So, once the egg hatches, will the guys go back to normal?
Donnie: Not quite. Look what happens to the caterpillar guarding the egg."
(Mikey looked at the computer screen to see a caterpillar stinging next to a wasp egg. Donnie scrolled down and another picture came up of the wasp hatching. He scrolled down and it showed the wasp crawling on top of the caterpillar. Then the next picture came up, and...)
Mikey: It's eating him! IT'S EATING HIM! AHH!"
(Mikey whimpered as he fell to his knees.)
Mikey: What're we gonna do?
Donnie: Well... I might be able to create some kind of antibody. But, first I need a sample of the virus from the egg.
(Before he could say more there was suddenly a large, banging sound coming from out of the kitchen. Donnie and Mikey both yelled and reached forward and hugged each other super tightly. There was a loud crash, and we heard the sound of snarling. The guys had gotten out.)
(Donnie and Mikey let go of each other and turned around, listening for more. Then, they heard the sound of loud footsteps before Y/N suddenly slipped through the curtains. His black eyes were glaring at us, his mouth slightly agar, exposing his slimy teeth. A second later there were more footsteps, and suddenly, Leo slipped in too.)
Mikey: Leo...?
(Leo snapped his head up, and let out a loud snarl, ooze flying out of his mouth, his eyes pitch black. He was one of them now.)
Donnie Oh no!
(Leo and Y/N growled at their brothers before lunging towards them. Mikey and Donnie both screamed as they leapt out of the way, stumbling to avoid being caught.)
Mikey: No, no! Stay away, stay away! Ahh
(Mikey screamed like a baby as he leapt over the table and sprinted out of the kitchen, running into the living room. He heard Donnie yelp, and he turned to see Y/N on top of him, Donnie holding his arms to keep his back. Y/N kept leaning forward and snapping at him, trying to bite him.)
Donnie: We have to get to the egg! It could be the only cure!"
(Before Mikey could respond Leo suddenly jumped at him, punching him in the face. Mikey stumbled back but quickly recovered, straightening up to dodged the next blow. He leapt back, landing into the pit. Leo leapt at Mikey and the latter jumped back out, running away. Suddenly he was stopped as something pulled on the back of my belt and he went flying back and landed on the floor of the pit.)
(Mikey looked up in time to see Leo leapt up and head towards him. He quickly took out one set of nunchucks and opened them as Leo landed on him. The chain wrapped around his throat, keeping him back. He made choking sounds, but continued to snap at him. With one powerful kick, Mikey managed to knock Leo off and send him flying backwards. He flipped back onto his feet and turned to see Leo land in the pool.)
(Mikey heard grunts and thuds and turned his head to see Donnie and Y/N tumbling and rolling on the other side of the room. He spun his nunchucks as he ran forward towards them. As they fell apart Donnie made to crawl away, but Y/N grabbed his ankle and pulled him back, flipping him onto his hell. He snarled and walked forward, jaw open, ready to bite him. Mikey quickly swung his chain out and it wrapped around him, forcing him arms down to his sides. Mikey yanked on it and pulled his back, making him fall into a heap on the ground.)
(Mikey ran forward and put his hands on Y/N to keep him down. Y/N growled and struggled, and Donnie ran forward and did the same. Mikey heard some splashing, and he looked over at the pool. Leo was gone.)
Mikey: Leo? Where'd he go? (Donnie stood up and looked around. He turned and walked over to his lab, peeking inside.)
Donnie: Holy mackerel! He took the egg."
Mikey: (He looked around.) Hey... where's Raph?
Donnie: (Straightened up.) Of course! Leo and Y/N must've come out here to distract us so that Raph could take the egg and hide it somewhere. (He walked away from the lab doors and towards Mikey.) He's out there, somewhere. Waiting...
Mikey: You mean. "He could be there, or there, there?! Or even-!
(Donnie cut him off by reaching over and slapping Mikey across the face. He sat there for a second, stunned.)
Mikey: Ow! (Glaring at him.)
Donnie: Calm down, man. We'll barricade ourselves in my lab.
Mikey: So, what about Y/N?
(Even though he was possessed and all, they didn't want to just leave him out here. So, we decided to bring him into the lab with us.)
Mikey: He's a lot lighter than he looks. (Mikey and Donnie both carried her into the lab. Y/N made a small snap at Donnie's hand, but he just moved it away and continued carrying him.)
(After setting Y/N down, Donnie and Mikey got some plywood, hammers and nails and started to board up the lab doors.)
Y/N: Donatello... Michelangelo...
(They stopped hammering and looked around. Y/N, still in the same spot we left him, lifted his head and looked up at his brothers.)
Y/N: What happened? Where's Leo and Raph?
Mikey: Y/N!" (Dropped his hammer and walked over to him.) You went crazy, dude! So did Raph and Leo, they ran off with the egg."
Y/N: Oh no. I'm so sorry. But don't worry, I feel much better now. Here, untie me, Mikey. Undo these chains and we can go find the others together.
(Mikey smiled as he reached forward for the chains. Suddenly, Donnie put a hand on his chest and pushed him back.)
Donnie: No! Don't do it, Mikey. Look at his eyes."
(Before either could do anything, Y/N growled and suddenly leapt towards up. They moved out of the way and Y/N stood up, struggling against the chains.)
Y/N: (Deep, dark, demented voice. )There's no point in resisting anymore! The egg will burst any second, and the hatchling will feed on us all...!
(Y/N turned and suddenly ran at Donnie, who raised his hand and slapped him. He stumbled back and fell to the ground.)
Donnie: I'm so gonna feel bad about that later. (He walked over to his desk and picked something up. He came back holding a large syringe in his hands.) "Sorry to burst your possessed bubble, Y/N. (Kneeling down in front of him.) We may not have the egg, but a sample of your blood should help me create a cure."
(Donnie grabbed Y/N's arm, raised the needle to it, and stuck it in. Mikey walked around him as je watched him draw enough blood until the syringe was full. As Mikey looked at the back of his head he noticed something on his neck, something dark and purple, with strange marks.)
Mikey: (Gasped.)
Mikey: Bite! You've been bitten, you've been bitten!
(Donnie whipped his head around to stare down at Mikey, then looked down at his bite mark. He stared down at it, his expression unreadable.)
Donnie: I must've been bitten during the fight. Now... I'm infected too...
(Donnie had been working for the past 10 minutes at supersonic speed, doing everything he could before he turned. Sweat was running down his face, his hands flew across the table as he worked, and he let out noises of nervousness and despair.)
Donnie: I'm not gonna make it. (Still working.) I'm not gonna make it!
Mikey: Don't stress, dude, you're almost done.
Donnie: Mikey, yah gotta help me. (Donnie put a drop of blue liquid into a small container.) "If I turn, you're gonna have to knock me out so you can finish the antibody yourself."
Mikey: (Stared at him.) But, Donnie-
Donnie: Just promise me! It's up to you.
Mikey: Okay, okay, so what do I do? (Ran around the table to stand next to him.) I'm not exactly the most science-y type of guy, if you didn't know.
Donnie: First. (Donnie pointed at the container, then at a large machine.) "The hybridoma culture has to incubate for 10 minutes. And then it has to spin in the centrifuge for another 5...
(Suddenly, Donnie let out a loud, painful groan, grabbing his head.)
Donnie: Ah! There's not enough time! I'm not... I'm not feeling so well...
(Donnie stumbled back, grabbing his head with both of his hands. His groans slowly started to turn into growls, and Mikey gulped. He pulled out a set of nunchucks and walked up to him. Whimpering, Mikey turned his head away as he raised his chucks and brought them down towards Donnie's head. Problem was, Donnie stopped me by grabbing them. Mikey opened his eyes and looked down. Donnie was looking up at Mikey, his eyes completely black. He suddenly yanked my arm forward, raised his head, and leaned down as he bit his arm.)
Mikey: AH! (He snatched his arm back and quickly smacked Donnie on the head with his chucks.)
(He fell back onto the floor, completely knocked out. Mikey whipped around and looked down at his arm, staring down at the purple bite mark.)
Mikey: Oh no! I'm doomed! How am I gonna do this?!" (Shook his head.) Gotta remember what Donnie said, gotta remember... Ugh, feel...kinda... ohh...
(Mikey's head was spinning faster than him on his skateboard. His knees gave up on him and he fell to the floor on his shell. There was suddenly darkness, and everything went black.)
(Cut to moments later, Y/N, Raph, Donnie and Leo were all in the living room, standing in a circle inside the pit. Mikey slowly walked out of the lab. The second he walked out all four of them turned their heads towards him.)
Leo: Michelangelo. You have come to join us.
Mikey: Yes. I finally understand what is so awesome about this egg.
Y/N: This is great, brother. Now you'll be able to experience this wonderful moment with all of us.
(At that moment there was a loud, gurgling sound, almost like an infant.)
Raph: Here it comes.
(The others all looked away from Mikey. Donnie and Y/N both dropped their weapons, which clanged and clattered on the floor.)
Leo: It is glorious...
(At the same time, all of them closed their eyes, leaned their heads back, and opened their arms out in surrender.)
(Mikey suddenly leapt forward and landed by them. One by one, he stuck the syringe into their necks and squeezed some of the antibody into them before quickly leaping back out of the way.)
Raph: What have you done?!
(Mikey grinned, blowing at the top of the syringe like a gun.)
Mikey: Pulled your bacon out the frying pan, bro!
Raph: Donatello. You said Michelangelo was safe, you said you turned him."
Donnie: I did!"
Mikey: Did you Donnie? Did you really? You did, but... after you bit me, I was totally wiggin'! I almost passed out like 19 times, bro! But, I stayed with it long enough, hurt my brain to remember everything you said,... and boom! I finished the antidote, and used it on you guys! Pretty cool, huh?
(Mikey smiled as he looked at them all. By now, their eyes had faded from solid black to their usual colors, and they had lost their nasty, possessed expressions. They were now staring at their orange clad brother, their jaws opened, and eyes wide.)
Donnie: You finished the antibody yourself?
Leo: And you were just pretending to be one of us?
Mikey: Yep!
Raph: But, that's... smart.
Mikey: Yeah, it is! Just call me Dr. Einstein-einstein.
Y/N: I don't think that's a word, Mikey. (Y/N then groaned.) Ohh... my head...
(At the same time the guys were groaning, looking sleepy.)
Mikey: Oh, I forgot to mention. It may cause drowsiness.
(They all stared at Mikey for a second before they all groaned and fell into a big pile on the floor. Suddenly, there was a loud cracking sound, and Mikey looked up. He had completely forgotten about the egg. There were several, long black legs poking out of the top, wiggling around. Mikey held his breath as he stared down at the egg, unable to move. The top of the egg snapped open, and a huge wasp head popped out. It looked directly at Mikey and screeched.)
(Without warning the whole egg suddenly burst open in a mess of egg hells and slim. Mikey blinked, and saw to his surprise that there was more than one baby.)
Mikey: What?! 4 wasps?!"
(The wasps all slowly started to pick themselves up, and started to rise into the air. Without hesitating Mikey ran forward and started shaking the others, trying to wake them up.)
Mikey: Guys! Get up, get up!"(Grabbed Leo's shoulders and shook him.) Get up! Get up...!
(There was a loud screech, and Mikey gasped as he leapt back in fright. All 4 wasps were now climbing onto the others, preparing to eat them.)
(Mikey looked around and saw that his skateboard lay just a few feet out of the pit. He ran forward and reached over to grab it. He picked it up and turned around, running back to the others. The wasp that was on top of Y/N had its mouth wide open, and was already against his neck. Mikey sprang forward and smacked the wasp with his skateboard, sending it back.)
Mikey: No! (Ran forward and smacked two more off of Leo and Donnie.) Back off! Get away from them! (Smacked the last wasp away from Raph, and that's when they all got mad. They all screeched loudly at Mikey, and he gasped. They shot straight at him, and he dropped his board and ran out towards the exit of the lair.)
(Moments later Y/N's eyes shot open. He lifted his head and blinked several times before his vision cleared up. He looked across the room and saw Mikey running out of the lair and into the Shellraiser. His jaw dropped when he saw 4 newborn wasps speeding right after him.)
Y/N: Oh no... Guys... guys get up! (The others all started to sit up, groaning groggily.)
Raph: What's happened...?
Y/N: Mikey's in trouble. (Forced himself onto his feet.) The wasps are after him. Come on!"
(As soon as their brother said those words the boys all forgot about their tiredness and sprang to their feet. They all ran towards the exit, stopping by the turnstiles. All 4 wasps were surrounding the Shellraiser. Two of them were trying to squeeze through the doors, one was crawling on the roof, and another was stabbing holes in the side with its stinger.)
Raph: Hey wasps! (Taking his sais out.) Come and get it!"
(The wasps stopped what they were doing and turned towards their victims. They growled at them before getting off the Shellraiser and zooming towards them. Y/N activated his claws before one of them came at him, shoving its stinger at him. Y/N ducked to avoid it and swung his claws up at it. The wasp zoomed out of the way and charged back to him. The wasp shoved its stinger at Y/N, and he dodged and blocked it with both knuckledusters. But then it did it again, and this time it knocked the fan right out of his paws.)
(Y/N backflipped out of the way and stepped back. He hit against something, and turned to see that he was back to back with the others, who were backing away from the other wasps, too.)
Leo: Looks like we're gonna be wasp food after all.
(Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and a second later one of the wasps hovering in front of us exploded, spewing weird, brownish goo.)
(Y/N turned his head into the direction where the bang had come from, and saw that the cannon on the Shellraiser was pointed in our direction.)
Bang! Bang! Bang!
(3 more loud sounds echoed throughout the lair, and 3 large garbage balls shot out, and hit the remaining wasps. The bugs practically burst on impact, their guts flying everywhere... including right on them.)
Y/N: Ew...(Y/N groaned, looking down at his slim-covered self.)
(The doors of the Shellraiser dinged as they slid open, and out popped Mikey, a wide grin on his face.)
Mikey: Saved your lives again, dudes! I am on a roll today!
(Later, Y/N was bringing out cleaning supplies for his brothers to clean up the slime.)
Y/N: Here's the buckets. (Walked through the turnstiles. He set the buckets on the ground. Leo and Raph both put their mops inside, soaking them up. They then started to mop up all the remaining bugs ooze on the floor.)
Raph: I can't believe Mikey actually came through.
Leo: I can't believe he fired the Shellraiser canon inside the lair.
Mikey: I told you, you should let me shoot it more often. (He ate his last bite of his pizza slice, let out a huge burp, then reached his hand out.) Pizza me.
(Donnie, who was currently patching up the holes in the Shellraiser, turned off his blow torch and lifted his helmet. He looked at Mikey's hand, then glared up at him.)
Donnie: No, I'm not gonna pizza you.
Mikey: (Shrugged.) I guess you're right. It's not like I did something incredibly brave and saved your life.
Y/N: You did save our lives. (Walked to his brother.) You really came through for us, bro. Thanks."
Mikey: (Smiled.) No problemo, bro.
(Y/N grinned. Then, he noticed something on the corner of Mikey's mouth. It looked like tiny pieces of bacon.)
Y/N: Hey... that's not the meat pepperoni pizza with cheese stuffed crust you ordered, is it?
(Mikey's eyes widened as he gasped at Y/N.)
Mikey: No!
(But a second later he burbed again, and several more tiny bacon and sausages came out. Mikey gasped and covered his mouth, as though trying to hide his mistake.)
Y/N: Mikey! You know that's my favorite! Why did you eat it all?
Mikey: It wasn't just me!. "The guys all had a piece, too! Besides, I only got it so you would chase me.
Y/N: Well, guess what? You got your wish!
(Mikey yelped and sprinted past Y/N. The latter whipped around and immediately ran after him, passing by a gaping Leo and a laughing Raph.)
Mikey: No! I'm a hero...!
Y/N: You're a hero who owes me a pizza!"
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
Time for Anime Month!!
Also got a New Fan-Fic for Ya!!
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