Panic in the Sewers

[Episode starts with the fog engulfs around the city as the turtles arrived at the scene.]

Leo: Shredder could be anywhere. Too bad Y/N is still recovering, but we've got this. Stay frosty guys. 

Donnie: FYI: Frost can't accumulate unless it's below freezing, except during a process called-

Mikey: [annoyed] Maybe he's got an off-switch somewhere.

Raph: [hits Donnie] Found it!

[Suddenly, the Shredder's voice was heard from a distance!]

Shredder: And I've found four pathetic turtles with only seconds to live.

Mikey: Wouldn't wanna be them.

Raph: We are them.

[Turtles take out their weapons, ready for battle.]

[Dark music.]

[Mikey slowly and nervously backs away, suddenly, Shredder appears from behind him, pulls him out, his nunchucks were dropped as he screamed, mercilessly killed by the Shredder!]

Donnie: Mikey!

[Donnie attacks, but the Shredder destroys his bo staff and kicks him right to the asphalt, killing him.]

Leo: Raph, take him down!

[Shredder kicks him away and defeats Raph, sending our poor turtle to the air, as he vanishes in, nothing but a blink of eye, Raph is dead.]

Leo: No!

[Leo pants until he is horrified that he is now in darkness and in the void.]

Shredder: There is no place you can run, no place you can hide, where I will not find you! You think you are ready to face me?

[Shredder decapitates Leo, until we learn that it was all Splinter and Y/N nightmare.]

Splinter/Y/N: No! (Y/N goes to the DoJo to meet Splinter)

Y/N: You had the nightmare as well? (Has a bandages on his body, walking with a limp, no arm cast, but has eye patch on his heavily bruised eye)

Splinter: (Nods)

(Meanwhile the Turtles were heading topside to patrol, but is stopped by Splinter and Y/N)

Raph: Come on!

Splinter: Where are you going?

Leo: Heading out for our evening patrol. Y/N come on. (Y/N is about to join them, but Splinter blocks him)

Splinter: [Serious] There will be no patrol.

Leo: [Confused] Sensei?

Splinter: Last time you fought the Shredder, you barely escaped with your lives. If it wasn't for Y/N you would've perished, but Y/N was near death when he brought you home. It seems that Y/N is the only one ready to face the Shredder.

Y/N: I wouldn't say ready more like...determined.

Raph: But, Sensei, next time, we'll be ready.

Splinter: (Grabs Raph) Yes, because you will stay down here until you are ready.(Pushes him back to the other turtles)  No patrol, no games, no rest. There is only training! Starting now!

Y/N: Hai, Sensei!

Splinter: Not you Y/N! 

Y/N: Huh? 

Splinter: You will relax and recover before you start training again.

Y/N: But-(Splinter glares)

Y/N: Never mind.

[Theme Song]

( After having them train hard for weeks, the Turtles are completely exhausted)

Mikey: More, Sensei?

Splinter: Yes, more! There is no intention in your strikes. Do it again! We will practice all night if we have to.

Donnie:We have been practicing all night.

Mikey: Pizza, mmm.

Splinter: Wake him up!

Raph: Gladly.

Mikey: Ahh! Shredder's here!

Leo: Relax. You were just having a nightmare. Aren't we all?

Donnie:[panting for air] Sensei, can we rest for a sec?

Splinter: Rest? Hmm, the Shredder will not rest until you are all dead!

Leo: Sensei, we've been training nonstop for weeks with hardly any sleep. They need a break.

Raph: Oh, like you don't?

Leo: That's right, Raph. I don't.

Raph: Ah, well, then, I'll give you a break. (Splinter knocks them all down on the floor)

Splinter: If I were the Shredder, none of you would be breathing right now. Understand?(Mikey falls asleep) Perhaps a brief rest is in order. We will resume later. Wait, where is Y/N?

Y/N: (From the other room) 97, 98, 99, 100-

Splinter walks into the room and see's Y/N doing this-

Splinter: What are you doing?! (Y/N falls down due to shock while Splinter walks over to him) I told you until you are fully recovered that you don't train.

Y/N: But, I need to be ready when Shredder attacks again.

Splinter: And you will be (Place hands on Y/N shoulders) when you recover. Now, rest my son.

Y/N: Hai, Sensei.

(Scene changed to the Brothers watching Space-hero)

Ryan: The Panicons hit me with an anxiety ray! Ahh! Ohh! We're all gonna die! And I think I left the food replicator on! The ship might burn down!

Grundch: Get it together, Captain! You're our leader, so act like one!

Ryan: (Slaps himself) I'm sorry, Grundch. That was the anxiety ray talking. I've got it. I'll use the thermal charge.

Leonardo: (Watching Space Heroes and then Raph turns the TV off with a with a shruiken, making Leo mad) What? Hey, what are you doing?!

Raphael: Oh sorry, it was Spike's idea. He said Space Heroes is too stupid for him.

Leonardo: That's saying something considering he hangs out with you all day.

Raphael: Nice going, Leo. You made him angry, so I'm gonna mop the floor with your face!

Y/N: (Comes between Leo and Raph) Alright Raph, cool off.

Michelangelo: I can help with that! (Mikey throws a water balloon at Raph's face) Doctor Prankenstien strikes again! (Raph comes up to him, really mad)

Michelangelo: Dude, you should see your face right now. You look so mad!

Y/N: Mikey, you just dug your grave.

Raphael: Okay Spike, you'll like this show. It's called 'Does Mikey Bend That Way?'! (Mikey screams and runs away) Come here, you! (Mikey screams in pain)

Y/N: (Sits next to Spike) Hey, spike I kinda like this show. (Pets him as he smiles. He than remembers something and runs into the lab Donnie is in working on the Patrol Buggy)

Donnie: Oh, hey Y/N!

Y/N: Hey, is it still out here?

Donnie: Right over there. (Points to invention as Y/N walks over to it) I still don't see why you can't just wait until your healed.

Y/N: Because I have a promise to keep. (Works on device while reading a book about inventing)

(Scene changed to Donnie and Y/N in the lab working on inventions. The other three brothers walk in.)

Leo: You're still working on that go-kart?

Donnie: It's not a go-kart. It's an all-terrain patrol buggy with detachable sidecars.

Mikey: Dude, hasn't Splinter been riding us hard enough? You gotta find a way to relax.

Leo: We all deal with stress in different ways, Mikey.

Donnie: Yeah, and this is how I deal.

Mikey: And this is how I deal.

[Mikey throws a water balloon at Donnie and then he starts chasing him.]

Mikey: You're next, Leo and Y/N! Doctor Prank-enstein makes house calls!

Leo: Y/N, what are you working on?

Y/N: Something, that will help me get around the city faster.

(Scene changed to April pretending to deliver Pizza to the the purple dragons)

April: Hey. Did, uh, somebody here order a totally delicious pizza?

Sid: No. Beat it.

April:You sure? I mean, the guy who paid on the phone gave me this address, or was it a block over? I'm so confused.

Sid: Oh, that pizza. Yeah, that's us.(Takes Pizza unaware that there is a listening device on the bottom of it) Check it out. Free pizza!

April: Gotcha.

(Scene changed to the four turtles in the DoJo training while Y/N watches from the sides)

Leo: Hoko no kamae.(Donnie and Mikey take the stance, but Raph doesn't.) Raph, hoko no kamae!

Raph: Hoko no way. It's bad enough Splinter's driving us into the ground. Now you too?

Leo: We have to keep training, because, right now, we don't stand a chance against Shredder. The only one who can actually face him is Y/N and he's still injured. No offense.

Y/N: None taken.

Mikey: Yeah, and he's up there somewhere waiting for us!(makes a creepy face) I just freaked myself out!

Donnie: I hate to say it, but the fact that we've been laying low might be the only reason we're still alive.

Leo: Exactly, so until we're ready, we stay down here.

April: Unfortunately, that's not an option. (Holding phone with a smile)

(Scene changed to family listening on the dragons conversation)

Fong: (Through Phone)  We're meeting Shredder tonight. He's got a plan to destroy the turtles.

Sid: (Through Phone) How? He doesn't even know where they are.

Fong: (Through Phone) He says they're in the sewers somewhere, and that's all he needs to know to wipe them out.

Splinter: Our home is no longer safe. The Shredder must be stopped.

Leo: How can we stop a plan we don't even know?

Raph: We have to go topside, and find out what they're planning.

Leo: Raph's right. There's no other way.

Y/N: Let's do this!

Leo: (Puts hand on his shoulder) Y/N, you're still recovering.

Y/N: I've been down here for weeks. I'm perfectly fine.

Splinter: No, you are not my son. You need to stay down here.

Y/N: But, sense-

Splinter: (Shoulders grabbed fiercely) I'm not losing you!!!

(The whole room went silent as Y/N took his father's hand off his shoulders and headed for the lab. But, before he entered he glanced back at his father a bit.)

Y/N: If you're incapable of trusting me.......than you might have already. (Walks in to the lab as the other look at Splinter who looks down somberly.)

(Later that day, the Turtles manage to follow the Purple Dragons to The Shredder's hideout.)

Raphael: "Donnie, you're crowding me."

Donatello: "Sorry..." (Donnie walks backs into some trash cans, making them to get knocked over and it startles Mikey, causing him to smack Raph in the face)

Mikey: "Sorry! All that Splinter talk about how we aren't ready has me thinkin'. Maybe we're in over our heads..."

Raphael: (Pounds on Mikey's head) "You're always in over your head."

Mikey: "I'm saying now we all are! And that scares me."

Leonardo: "It's okay to be scared Mikey. Raph is scared too."

Raphael: "I'm not scared!" (Leo taps the back of Raph's head and Raph freaks out)

Raphael: "AHH! (realises) Oh, uhm... ahem."

(Raph growls at Leo who smiles smugly, but is interrupted by growling and it comes from Bradford who is now has orange fur over the majority of his body, and white fur on his palms and stomach area. His most notable features included large, jagged spikes running up the center of his back (and spine). He also had spikes protruding from his left shoulder. His right hand was completely encrusted in the same material as his spikes were - and could be effectively used to block attacks from swords, sai, etc. There was also a notable difference in the size of his two arms; His left was much larger than his right one, and his right arm was quite a bit shorter and smaller than his left. He still wore the pants of his original, human suit, though they were torn at the cuff of the pant legs. )

(He glares at the turtles who back up a bit in fear.)

Dogpound: You should be.

Leo/Mikey: Bradford! Rad-Brad!

Dogpound: Look what I found. Four soon-to-be-ex-turtles.

Mikey: I'm sure glad it's okay to be scared.

Donnie: You and me both.

Leo: (Pulls out blades) This is no time to panic. (Bradford gets closer) Okay, maybe a little. (Others pull out weapons)

(Back in the lair the turtles are sitting around in somber over their loss. Leo looks up when Splinter enters and Y/N sits on the couch.)

Leo: We couldn't take him.

Mikey: Dogpound was just too powerful.

Leo: Dogpound?

Mikey: What? 'Cause he's a dog, and he pounded us into the-

Leo: We get it. I don't see how we're gonna get close to that meeting now.

Donnie: Well, maybe we just need to find a new place to hide.(Holds up computer) I hear the sewers in Florida are nice this time of year.

Y/N: (Closes laptop) No, we are not giving up. This is our home and I'm not abandoning it. There has to be a way to get into that meeting.

April: (Gets an idea) I'll spy on the meeting.

Turtles: No way! Nuh-uh. You can't. Forget it.

Splinter: Absolutely not!

April: I can do this. You've been training me to be a Kunoichi.

Splinter: For a few weeks.

April: What choice do we have? Shredder's gonna attack your home, and we need to find out how, and I'm the only one who can do it.

Y/N: (Sighs) She's right, this is our only option. Since I'm still not allowed to go topside. (Walks off while Splinter looks at him.)

(That night, April confidently goes up to The Shredder's hideout, with the Turtles carefully watching over her from a nearby building.)

Donnie: I don't like this.

Mikey: Me neither. Giving the enemy a free pizza? Pssh, never a good idea.

April: Hey, did somebody here order a totally delicious pizza?(Foot soldier closes the door) Looks like the Foot Clan are smarter than the Purple Dragons.

Leo: They'd almost have to be, wouldn't they? Thanks, April. You did your best.

(April looks up and see's the window of Shredder's and gets an idea. 

Mikey: At least we've still got the pizza.

April:Oh, I'm not done yet. (Trashes the pizza.)

Mikey: Wait, what is she doing?Not the pizza! She's gone rogue.

(April goes up to a man's house.)

Miket: Not the pizza! She's gone rogue.

Man:May I help you?

April: Sir, I'm with the firefighters association, local 94. We've received reports of some faulty wiring in this building, so mind if I have a look-see?

Man: Well, I don't think-

April: (Goes in anyway) Thanks.

Donnie: She's so cool.

(April finds herself upstairs and onto the roof. She manages to narrowly jump to the roof of The Foot Headquarters and she then peers in through a window, just in time to hear Shredder tell his wicked plan to his lackeys once more. April put's her phone on speaker so that the Turtles can hear.)

Shredder: (Through Speaker) Listen carefully. Five of you will hijack a tanker truck on Houston in approximately 15 minutes. The chemical is extremely rare, so you will not have another chance.

Raph: Chemical? What chemical?

Donnie: How about we listen and find out?

Raph: How about I break your shell on my knee?

Leo: How about you two shut it for a minute while we try to hear Shredder's evil plan!

Shredder: (Through Speaker) Which will destroy them once and for all. Now go!

Leo: We missed it! Oh, great. Nice going, guys.

Donnie: We've gotta get April out! (Rushes to the edge of the building, but stopped by Leo)

Leo: No, if we rush in there, we put her at risk. We wait.

(Dog-Pound, a purple dragon and some foot ninjas come from the building while April comes down from the building and follows them.)

April: I'm gonna hitch a ride, see where they go.

Leo: No, you've done enough. Now get out of there! (Bradford hears April and Leo talking and he turns around.) Bradford heard you! April! RUN!

(Dog Pound catches April and instantaneously kidnaps her, ties her hands behind her back and gags her with duct tape, and tosses her directly into the van.)

Dog pound: Buckle up.

(The Turtles are unable to come to her rescue quite in time.)

Donnie: No! We're too late!

Leo: (Into Phone) April. April! - Are you there?

Donnie: She's not gonna answer, Leo. What do we do?

Leo: We gotta get April out of that van, but but Dog pound's in there, and we're not ready to fight that guy. And Y/N in not here! Aw, Splinter was right! We should've stayed below. Y/N was ready.

Raphael: "I can't believe I'm gonna say this..." (Imitates character from Space Heroes) "Get it together captain! You're our leader, so act like one!"

Leonardo: (Calms down) "You're right Raph, that was the anxiety ray talking."

Raphael: "That's it? You're not gonna slap yourself?"

Leonardo: (Leo shrugs) Let's save April!

Raphael: And our home!

Donnie: But we'll never catch him on foot.

Leo: We're not going on foot. (Makes a call)

(In the Lair Y/N is working on his machine in the lab until his T-Phone rings and he picks it up.)

Y/N: (On Phone) Yeah?

Leo: (On Phone) Y/N, we need your help! Grab the go-karts and meet us at the location of my T-Phone!

Y/N: I'm on my way!

(Y/N grabs his machine and anchors from them to the go-karts and was about to hop on and head to his brothers location until a voice stopped him.)

Splinter: Stop, Y/N.

Y/N: (Sighs) You still don't trust me. But, I don't brothers need me. (Turns around and gets into fighting stance.) And your in my way.

Splinter: I do trust you my son, but I can't let you get yourself killed because of the burden I put on you. (Gets into fighting stance)

(The two glare at each other until they rush at each other.)

(Splinter kick Y/N which makes him fly until he his the floor. He gets up and looks at Splinter with resentment in his eyes and than gets up and rushes for him.)

(Splinter grabs Y/N fist and knees him in the gut which makes him couch up some spit. Splinter than kicks him to the ground as he gets on one knee.)

Splinter: My son, I'm sorry, but  reason I won't let you go is because I regret the promise I let you take on. I had another dream where I saw you get killed by the shredder and when he took off the mask it was me. My promise will get you killed and I couldn't live with myself if that happened. (Tears up a bit) I love you my son.


Y/N: I love you too dad. (Rushes forward as Splinter does the same)

(The Uppercut disorientates Splinter which gives Y/N the opportunity to leg sweep him. Splinter looks up and see's his son standing over him.)

Y/N: Father, your promise is not a burden. It's a gift. Your dream will never comer to pass because.....

you gave me a reason to keep living with that promise.

(Splinter's eyes widen as Y/N run passes him and hops on his machine and heads for his brothers. Y/N soon rides in and his brothers eyes widen when they see Y/N's bike.)

Raph: Awesome!

Donnie: You were building this? 

Y/N: Yeah, April told me this guy had a bunch of old motor parts he wasn't using anymore. Now, let's save our home!

(The Turtles then chase after Dogpound's van in Donnie's incomplete yet relatively operational Patrol Buggy while Y/N follows with his bike. )

Mikey: Yeah, this is Rad..

Donnie: It's not ready!

Mikey: This thing is awesome! Does it have a radio?

Donnie:No, it doesn't have a radio! I'm telling you it's not ready!

Leo: Seems ready to me.(Wheels come off) Whoa! (Puts it back) Eh, okay, don't pull on that, and we'll be fine.

Dog pound: The tanker. Catch it! (Stops in front of it which makes it stop. He walks to the dorr and rips it off.) Get. Out. (The Driver runs off and he jumps in the side as a foot ninja drives it.) Call Shredder. Tell him we've acquired the tanker, and we're on our way, no problems encountered. (See's the ninjas) Hold that call. Run them down.

(It wasn't long before they found Dog pound, he was hanging off the side of a tanker truck.)

Leo: Raph, get ready.

Raph: For what?

Leo: This! (Leo pulls on a lever, separating the buggy into two cars.)

(Raph quickly grabs the controls, the buggy skidding as he turns sharply to dodge the truck. Y/N  rides next to Donnie and Leo.)

Raph: Leo! You could've been a little more specific.

Leo: Where's the fun in that? (Drives ahead) Get ready.

(Donnie gets a good look at the back of the tanker.)

Donnie: Chlorosulfonic acid?" (Donnie's eyes widen.) "Leo!, Y/N! I think I've figured out Shredder's plan! That acid reacts violently with water!

Leo: (Glances back to Donnie.) So if he dumps it in the sewer....

Donnie: It'll all be incinerated in seconds, including the lair!

Y/N:  And Splinter! We gotta stop them. 

(The van splits off from the truck, in an attempt to lose the brothers.)

Leo: Donnie! You and Raph stay with the van and save April. Mikey, Y/N you're coming with me. We have to stop that tanker!

Y/N: You got it brother!

Mikey: Uh, if you haven't noticed, I'm stuck with Raph?

Raph: No problem. (He pulls a lever, detaching the cart Mikey from his own cart.)

Raph: Well, that was fun!

Leo: Told ya!

Y/N: Let's go! (Speeds with Mikey and Leo toward the tanker)

Leo: Mikey, let's slow this thing down. - Fire grappling hooks! (Fires one)

Mikey: Got it! (Fires one) Donnie did say they weren't ready!

(They both break off while Y/N just facepalms.)

Leo: I know!

(Meanwhile with the tanker Leo, Mikey, Y/N were trying to stop it, but soon Y/N got restless.)

Y/N: I got this guys! Activate autopilot! (Presses button and leaps off bike)

Mikey/Leo: Y/N!

(After the tanker stops skidding, Dog Pound leaps off of it and tosses a sewer lid at Leo which he front flips to dodge.)

(Stop at 0:23)

(Y/N finished rolling on the street and looks at Dog-pound going for his brothers.)

Y/N: (Growls and rushes to help his brothers) Hey, Dog Dog face!

Dog-Pound: (Turns around) 

Y/N: (Leaps in the air)

(Dog-Pound flies into the scaffolding where Mikey and Leo were laying at. Y/N lands and looks at the tanker than back at his brother. At the same time Dog-Pound gets up and rushes for the two turtles. Y/N leaps on his back and punches his back with knuckle dusters.)

Y/N: Mikey, stop the tanker! Me and Leo will hold him off!

MIkey: Got it! (Runs for the tanker)

(Y/N leaps off Dog Pound's back and a punch from his small fist, but he soon gets by his big fist.)

Leo: Y/N!

(Y/N looks at the acid spilling and than at Mikey. Y/N runs for the Mikey and Leo)

Y/N: Mikey! Throw the water balloon!

Michelangelo: Uh, what water balloon? 

Leonardo: The one you were gonna hit me with!

Michelangelo: (looks at water balloon) Dude! You are good. (throws the water balloon, Y/N grabs Leo and Mikey and takes cover, and the van explodes in seconds)

Leonardo: Nice shot, M - (gets hit by Mikey's water balloon)

Michelangelo: Doctor Prankenstein for the win!

Leonardo: You had two? Where do you keep them? 

(Mikey tries to throw one at Y/N, but he catches and throws it right back at Mikey.)

Y/N: (Smug Look) Nice try Mikey.

(Donnie and Raph come running up)

Raphael: Well, looks like we missed the fireworks!

Leonardo: Donnie, the go cart worked great, nice job!

Donatello: Thanks Leo. And it's a patrol buggy.

Leo: Thanks for the save!

Y/N: Hey, what are brothers for?

(At the Shredder's Lair....)

Shredder: They defeated you with go-karts, motorcycles, and a water balloon?

Dog  pound: I know it sounds absurd, but Uh, it won't happen again, master, I promise you.

Shredder: If you break that promise... (Slices off a piece of Dog pound's shoulder spike as punishment.)

Dog pound: I understand, master.

(Back at the sewer lair...)

Mikey:  (Puts out a Pizza box) Nothing says victory like the sweet taste of pizza.

Donnie: This pizza smells kind of funky. Where'd you get it?

Y/N: (Walks in with a good Pizza) That's the one April threw out.

(The other three brothers spit out the trash Pizza and eats Y/N's clean Pizza while glaring at Mikey.)

Mikey: What? We live in a sewer. Now you're clean freaks? More for me. (Eats more of the Pizza)

Splinter: My sons. I owe you my gratitude and an apology. -

Leo: An apology?

Splinter:- Fear clouded your minds. However, it was not the Shredder who fueled that fear, but me. You overcame that fear, and performed admirably. Y/N, I am sorry for not trusting you and I promise that I will never let something come between us again.

Y/N: (Smiles) Thank you Father!

 Splinter: No training today  (The Turtles cheer except Mikey who holds a water ballon behind his back which Splinter knows about.) Unless Michelangelo throws that balloon.

(All the brothers look at Mikey who smiles nervously.)

Y/N: Get Him!

Raph: You are so gonna get it!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!!

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