Operation: Break Out

(Training today was simple and easy. This was good, considering things haven't been simple or easy lately. It was nice to just have a normal day. Well, as normal as it can get with 5 mutant turtles, mutant cheetah, and a mutant bunny. But there were several other reasons I was happy about today's training session. Today, it was a simple one-on-one sparring session. While Leo sparred with Mikey, and Donnie sparred with Raph, Timothy would spar with Ethan, and Y/N would spar with April.)

(Practice is nearly over now. April and Y/N were the first to spar; Father wanted to see how well she was doing first before moving onto the rest.)

Y/N: Ready, April!

April: Don't take it easy on me.

Spilnter: Hajime!

(Silver is April)

(Y/N kept dodging, April's attacks before pushing her back.)

April: Come on, Y/N, I told you not to take it easy on me.

Y/N: You sure?

April: Yea, gimme all you got.

Y/N: (Shrugs) Okay.

Splinter: Yame!

(April looks up and sees Y/N holding his hand out, which she takes. Y/N helps her up.)

Y/N: You said don't take it easy.

April: (Sighs) Yea, I did.  (Scratches behind Y/N's ear.) Good Kitty.


(Timothy and Ethan were next.)

Tim: Bring it on, Ethan!

Ethan: Ready, when you are!!

Splinter: Hajime!

(Timothy is Orichamaru and Ethan is Sasuke)

(Ethan is Sanji)

Timothy: (Falls to the ground) *Groans in pain*

Splinter: Yame.

Y/N: Woo, go Ethan!

Mikey: Hey, "Looks like the Hare, beat the tortoise this time." (Laughs)

Raph: (Looks down in frustration) You're killing me Mikey.

(Leo and Mikey were next, Mikey coming out on top by being able to dodge all of Leo's hits and landing a few of his own. Y/N laughed at how irritated Leo got at our brother, and Mikey defeated our leader.)

Splinter: Yame!

(Mikey leapt away from Leo, putting his nunchucks back into his belt.) 

Mikey: Michelangelo for the win!"  "Yeah, dude! Thank you, ladies and gentlemen."

Raph: Alright, Mikey, beat it. (Raph and Donnie stood up. Leo and Mikey both walked off to sit next to the rest of the group as Raph and Donnie walked into the middle of the dojo.) 

Timothy: You got this, Donatello!

(They both took several steps from each other before taking out their weapons.) 

Raph: Don't worry, Donnie. (Revealing that smirk he always saved for when he was feeling particularly confident.) "I'm in a good mood today, I'll go easy on yah." 

Donnie: Don't do me any favors, Raph."

(Donnie then glanced away from Raph and looked over in the group's direction. Y/N had a feeling  who he was looking at. Sure enough, as Y/N turned his head he saw April looking back at Donnie, a small smile on her face. Donnie grinned, then looked back up at Raph.)

Donnie: Um... In fact, maybe...you'll be the one...who gets gone easy on... by me! So... yeah!" 

Mikey: (Whispered )Worst smack talk ever.

Ethan/Timothy: (Whispered) Agreed.

Splinter: Hajime!"

(Raph let out a throaty yell as he lunged at Donnie, who charged forward. He swung his staff our, but Raph ducked and avoided it. He quickly spun around and made to strike at Donnie's back, but Donnie raised his staff and blocked the blows. Then he jumped behind Raph and shoved his staff forward, jabbing Raph in his shell, making him stumble forward. Donnie put the staff between Raph's legs and smacked his knees, making them give out. Then, he swung the staff towards Raph's legs and knocked the cocky turtle off of his feet and right onto his shell.)

Donnie: Hey, I got 'im!"  April, did yah see?" 

(Curiously, Y/N glanced over at April, and saw that she was giving Donnie a larger smile than before. It happened in an instant. One second, Raph was on his shell, and the next he had flipped over and hand kicked Donnie's feet out from under him, making him fall onto his front. Donnie quickly got to his feet, but before he could even get his staff back Raph as on him. The hothead had taken one of his sais and managed to get one of Donnie's wrists caught between the blades. Raph swung Donnie around him a bit before catching the remaining wrist in his other sai, and swinging him in the front, trapping him.) 

Raph: Say hi to them, Donnie. (Raph then adopted a high pitch voice as he bent Donnie's wrist, making him wave.) "Hi Mikey, Hi Y/N, Hi Timothy!" 

Y/N/Timothy: (Snickers a bit)

Mikey: Donnie! Haha, amazing! I didn't even see his lips move! He's like a puppet who can throw his voice... to himself. Wait...

Splinter: Yame! Raphael, that is enough." 

(Raph looked disappointed as he swung Donnie to the side, releasing his wrists. Donnie fell down on the ground and onto his shell. Then Raph marched over and sat right on his brother's stomach, making said brother lurch.)

Raph: Thanks for going easy on me. ( Raph gloated, still sporting that smirk. He patted Donnie's chest before standing up. Donnie looked deflated as he laid there on the floor.)


Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

Here we go!

It's the lean, mean, ninja team
On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things
So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams
Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza KingsCan't stop these radical dudes
The secret of the ooze made the chosen few
Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves
The good guys win and the bad guys lose

Leonardo's the leader in blue
Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through
Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines
Raphael has the most attitude on the teamMichelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!

Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need
To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

(Y/N turned his head slightly. The last two to leave the dojo were Donnie and Raph. Donnie was glaring at Raph and appeared to be marching over to him, looking like he had something to say. Moving very quickly, Y/N slipped past the curtains into the kitchen. He stood by the corner, making sure his feet weren't visible, and waited.)

Donnie: What the heck was that?"

Raph: What?" Just havin' fun. You know how much Mikey and Y/N love the 'Donnie Puppet'."

(Cautiously, Y/N leaned forward and peeked through the curtains. Y/N could see both of them now; Raph was smiling, but Donnie looked angry.)

Donnie: Dude, April was watching! (Pointing towards April) 

Raph: (Rolled his eyes.) Pretty sure she liked it... (But as Raph turned, he saw the hurt look on Donnie's face and stopped.) "... too. "Wait... you still think you have a shot with her?"

(Y/N blinked. Did Raph think that Donnie suddenly gave up in his pursuit of April? Donnie looked suddenly even more embarrassed. His cheeks flushed pure red as he glanced away from his brother, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.) 

Donnie: Well... I mean, I..."

Raph: Wow! That is so adorable!" And sad. It's sa-dorable. If you wanna impress April. (He jabbed a finger into Donnie's chest.) "Better leave me out of it." (With that, Raph turned and marched away, leaving an embarrassed and hurt-looking Donnie behind. Thinking it was stupid to keep himself hidden, Y/N pulled back the curtains enough to reveal himself.) "Y/N!"  "I-I... um, about all that, I... uh..."

(Y/N gave his brother a sad smile as he stuttered and attempted to explain himself, as he always did. But, deciding to cut him short, he slowly walked forward and wrapped his arms and tail around Donnie, pulling him in for a hug. Donnie was still for only a second before hugging his brother back.) 

Y/N: It's okay, Donnie. (Leaned back, holding his shoulders.) You have no reason to be embarrassed. And you know what? Forget what Raph said. I don't think you're stupid for not giving up."

(Donnie's face was still red, but it was less so than before. He simply smiled and nodded. Y/N  patted his shoulfer before turning and walking into the living room. The others were already busy doing their own things. Raph was sitting on the couch, Timothy was watching TV, Leo and Mikey were all over by the pinball machine, Leo attempting to beat his own high score again. And April was sitting on the other end of the couch, messing around on her laptop, while petting Ethan who was sitting with her.)

(At that moment there was a strange sound, like electronic music. And it appeared to be coming from April's computer, which made Ethan put his bunny ears down from the noise.) 

Mikey: Not bad! ( Mikey and Leo walked over to her.) Needs more drums!

Y/N: What kind of music is that, April?" (Crouched down next to her.) 

April: It's... not music. (As soon as she spoke the music stopped, and the icon for it dropped down.) 

Timothy: What was that?

April: (Shook her head.) I don't know. Some random email I got. It just... started playing on its own." "

Donnie: Sounds like some kind of telemetric sine wave sub carrier.

(2 seconds of pure silence followed this statement as they all stared at Donnie.) 0

Leo: Uh, dumb that down a notch?" 

Donnie: It's an interference modulation used to encrypt covert transmi-"

(Donnie's rambling was cut short as Mikey lifted his finger and pressed it to Donnie's mouth, silencing him.) 

Mikey: Not enough notches. (Shaking his head. Donnie glared at Mikey, slapping his hand away before saying, in an irritated tone.)

Donnie: A secret message!"

April: Who would be sending me a secret message?"(Stared at the laptop)

Donnie: Well, if you want, I could take it and try to decode it. I could figure out what the message says and who sent it.

April: That's great!" (April closed up her laptop and lifted it up to Donnie, who walked over and took it. He turned from everyone and headed towards his lab.)


(Last night ended with everyone gording down on the rest of their pizza and falling asleep in the pit. Well, most of them. Donnie was still in his lab working on decoding that secret message by the time they all fell asleep. He hadn't even come out to eat after going into his lab. He must have really been working on that message.)

(Y/N felt his back pop as he stretched it out, yawning loudly. Y/N turned around to see that he had been laying on the floor, his head resting on the beanbag chair that Raph was currently sleeping on. Y/N looked around and saw that the others were still asleep too. Mikey was laying on his plastron on the couch, an empty popcorn bag stuffed on his head like a hat, Ethan and Timothy were sleeping back to back on the couch, and Leo was laying on a cushion in front of the TV, his mouth hanging open and drool dripping down.)

(At that moment Y/N felt something tugging on his pants , and he looked down to see Spike pulling on his pants with his mouth. Y/N giggled, reaching over and tugging the fabric from his mouth before picking him up and placing him in his lap.) 

Y/N: Morning buddy. (Petted his head. He closed his eyes, looking blissful as Y/N pet his scaly head. Y/N petted him for a few moments before setting him down on the ground. He smiled up at Y/N before slowly crawling away, nibbling at a few pieces of popcorn on the ground.)

(Y/N looked around and saw 3 empty pizza boxes, and several bags of popcorn, two of which were still half full. He reached over and grabbed one of the half full bags. Y/N reached inside and pulled out a small handful of popcorn and ate it as he saw Leo now sitting up, stretching his arms out.) 

Y/N: Look who's awake. (Then, he heard loud shuffling and a voice mumble, and he turned to see Mikey starting to wake up, the popcorn bag still stuffed onto his head.)

(Y/N smiled as he turned back to Leo, who was looking around the room, looking confused.) 

Leo: Anyone seen Donnie?

(At this Y/N looked around. I hadn't noticed that Donnie wasn't in the pit with us. Though, Y/N guesses he would just come and fall asleep here like the rest of us did.)

Y/N: Maybe he's in his bed?" 

(From beside him, Y/N heard Raph yawn as he finally woke up, rubbing his eyes.) 

Mikey: He was still in his lab when we fell asleep. (Mikey took the popcorn bag off of his head. Then he gasped.) Wait! Do dreams count? 'Cause last night, I dreamt that Donnie and I were rodeo detectives, and there wa-"

Leo: Can it, Mikey, I'm serious. 

Mikey: (Shrugged.) Okay, but you'll never know who stole the Buckaroo Diamond!

Raph: You through?" (Raph picked up the wandering Spike and was feeding him a piece of popcorn.) 

Mikey: Yeah..." (Mikey paused for a moment, then...) It was the clown!

Leo: Donnie?" (Leo called out, but there was no answer.)

Y/N: Maybe he's in his lab. 

(With that, the brothers all proceeded to leave the living room and go into Donnie's lab. Instead, all they found was an empty lab.)

(Y/N noticed Mikey walking straight towards Donnie's desk and looked at him. He stopped, then reached out and opened what was clearly April's laptop.)

Mikey: Guys, I think I know where Donnie went. 

(At once, they all ran over to the desk and stood behind Mikey. On screen was the same page April had been one, and the little icon that held the secret message.)

Raph: Oh, there. 

Leo: That's the secret message. 

Y/N: Obviously, he must've followed it.

Raph: After he figured out what it was. 

Y/N: But he didn't write it down or anything. (Y/N was looking at all the papers on the lab desk.) "Not even a little sticky note or something. How're we suppose to find 'im?

Mikey: What would Donnie do, what would Donnie do?

(Suddenly, Raph reached over and picked up the laptop.) 

Raph: Gimme that thing!" (Growling as he started shaking it in his hands.) 

Leo: Or," (Leo grabbed Raph's arms to stop him.) What would Donnie do if he was doing and impersonation of Raph?

(Leo reached over and quickly snatched the laptop out of his brother's hands before the hothead could cause any damage. Raph folded his arms and turned away, obviously pouting.)

(Before Y/N could comment, the secret message suddenly started stuttering, and a voice was issued from it.) 

Kirby: April, it's dad," (The voice of April's father made the brothers all freeze.) "I pray you get this message. I've been moved to a secret Kraang facility. If you can, send help...

April: Dad?" (Y/N whipped his head around. There, standing in the doorway, was April and Timothy and Ethan, who had woken up. She was staring at the brothers, a look of fear in her eyes.)

(Cut to Donnie,  he landed on top of a building's water tower before finally coming to a stop. He pulled his phone out and looked down at the map that he had taken a picture of from April's computer.) 

(The tracker in his phone told me that he was right on top of the place. Donnie looked down, but saw only a small building with graffiti on it.)

Donnie: Huh... Doesn't seem very Kraang-y."

(Nevertheless, Donnie put his phone back into his belt before leaping off the tower. He landed on the fire escape, swung to the ladder, and forced it down until it dropped as far as it could go. Then he leapt off and quickly went around the nearby jewelry store and went passed the buildings' stone outer walls.) 

(Donnie had to be careful. It may be very early in the morning, but the sun was getting higher and higher, and no doubt there would be humans up and about by now.)

(Donnie quickly walked over to the small garage door and kneeled down to open it. But then he saw that it had a large metal lock down on it. He reached into the little pouch on his belt and pulled out a small pick. He put the pick into the lock, turned it a couple of times, and then the lock clicked as it snapped open. He grinned, putting the pick back into his belt.)

(Donnie grabbed the hinges of the door and swung it up. He withdrew his Bo staff before ducking his head as he walked underneath the door. He looked around as he softly closed the door back up. The place appeared to be some type of mechanic shop, with cars held up in rows upon rows of metal shelves. As he walked deeper into the room eh heard a loud clatter and whipped around. There was nothing there. Gripping his staff tightly, Donnie slowly walked forward, looking around the area.)

Kraang: It is one of the ones called 'the turtles'.

(A robotic voice said behind Donnie. He gasped and whipped around. There, standing behind me, was a Kraang droid. It aimed its laser gun at him and started to fire, but he quickly dodged and leapt forward. Donnie swung his staff and smacked the weapon away from, then hit the droid, then sent him flying back and landing on the ground.)

(Donnie backed away, then noticed a control panel next to him. He smashed it with my hand, and from above a huge car came crashing down onto the droid, squishing the bot and the alien inside it.) 

Donnie: Looks like you could use a tune up, huh?" (Smirks) Yeah. Right? Am I right? Who's the hero now?

(Suddenly, from beside Donnie, he saw a flash of pink, and several more lasers coming at him. He gasped and ducked all of them, even tucking his head into his shell for a moment to avoid one that was coming for his head.) 

Donnie: Ho-ly! Cow!"(He untucked his head with a loud pop, and looked around. There were several more droids now, and they were all firing at me.)  (High pitched voice) No response necessary.

(Donnie quickly turned and ran forward, jumping over a car and landing behind it. The droids continued to fire at him as he remained ducked behind the car. Carefully, Donnie slowly peeked his head up and looked to see if there was a good cover on the other side. He saw that there was a good spot by one of the metal car shelves. The Kraang fired at my head and he had to duck again.)

(Taking a deep breath, Donnie leapt up onto the hood of the car and then jumped up, swinging his staff and smacking a nearby droid in the head, knocking him down. Donnie landed on the ground, summersaulted forward, and knocked down another droid before leaping back behind a car that wasn't on a shelf.)

(For a second, the shooting stopped. This puzzled Donnie, because there was still one more droid left. He walked over and poked his head out, and suddenly the lasers were on him again. As they fired at Donnie, several of them hit another control panel. Before Donnie could do anything the floor beneath him dropped, and he screamed as he fell down, down, down)

(With the brothers and Ethan, as soon as they had figured out where Donnie was going-Mr. O'Neil's message came with a map of his location-we left the lair. April really wanted to come, but they told her no. The Kraang were after her, and if she went into one of their secret labs, she might as well surrender herself to them. She was upset about that, but still agreed. Timothy said, he would stay back, to help April calm down. Ethan came along, because we all knew that he would come, even if they told them not too.)

(It was about 8 am now, and the sun was still rising up in the sky. The brothers and Ethan were sprinting (Or Hopping) across building after building, following behind Leo. They have to be careful, so that no one will see them.)

Y/N: Guys, I'm worried. 

Ethan:  About what?

Y/N: Donnie's never done anything like this before.

Leo: I know, why would Donnie try to rescue April's dad by himself?

(They all leapt off the building and landed on the edge of the next. Leo, Ethan, and Y/N were halfway across when they noticed that both Mikey and Raph had stopped. They stopped too, turning to look back at them. It was then that Y/N noticed that Raph was glancing around, looking guilty.)

Raph: Uhh... Maybe because I told him he has no shot with April? (Shrugs sheepishly.) 

(Y/N look at him with an raised eyebrow, and with annoyance.) 

Leo" You what?!(Walks back towards him.) Why would you say that?

Raph: Because he has no shot with April." 

Leo: Yeah, but you don't tell him that!"

Y/N: (Raised his eyebrows.) Okay, I'm gonna ignore the fact that you basically just agreed with him and focus on the problem. (Y/N turned to Raph, saying what he should've said yesterday.) Raph, you shouldn't have said that to Donnie. You had no right to put him down like that." 

Raph: Put him down?" Please! One of us had to get it through his head that no matter what he does, it isn't gonna happen.

Ethan: Why?" 

Raph: Because-We... Well, look at us!" "We're mutants, you two! Mutants! There is no hope that any of us will find love! 

Ethan: (Worried, as he turns to Y/N) Is that true, is my love life over?

Y/N: No, Raph sto-!

Raph: There's no way in shell a girl like April's gonna go for someone like Don-

Y/N: Oh my gosh, would you stop using that as the only reason?!" Just because we look like this, doesn't mean that we should give up on finding love!

Raph: (incredulously) So, you're telling me that there is someone out there, who would be willing to love us?!  Giant mutant ninja turtles, who live in the sewer!

Y/N: (Firmly) Yes.

(Y/N saw that they also looked stunned by his statement. But they also looked touched, rather than just surprised. They all continued to stare at Y/N for a few moments in silence.)

Leo: (Breaking the silence) Well, none of that matters now. Right now, we have to get Donnie back before he gets himself hurt. (Leo turned and continued running off the roof, with Ethan following him. Y/N looked at the other two, and Mikey put a hand on Raph's shoulder.)

Mikey: The heart's a soft muscle, man,. A soft muscle. Squish...

(Mikey removed his hand from Raph and spun around, following Leo. It took the mutants 20 minutes to get to the place our trackers were leading us. It appeared to be just a simple mechanic shop; not at all Kraang-y, but looks can be deceiving. Being careful, they all crawled down the building they stood on and snuck towards the mechanic shop. There was only one, small door on the front, and they headed towards it.)

Raph: You sure this is the right place?

Ethan: Doesn't really seem like an alien hideout.

(Leo didn't say anything. Instead, he kneeled down in front of the door and picked something up. It was a large, silver lock.) 

Leo: Either Donnie's here, or the garage mechanic stole his lock pick. 

Mikey: So the mechanic could break into his own place? Come on, Leo. Think this stuff through, dude. Let's move!"

(Leo stood up and turned, glaring down at his little brother. Mikey faltered under his brother's gaze, laughing nervously.) 

Mikey: Hehe, uh... you knew that. Hm." "Alright... you say it.

Leo: Let's move!" 

(Leo lifted the door up and walked inside. Mikey cheered happily, obviously to break the nervous tension, but this failed due to Raph walking up and smacking the back of his head before going inside himself. Mikey glared at his brother, rubbing the back of his head.) 

Mikey: Punk.

Ethan: He is, isn't he?"

Y/N: C'mon you two, let's go.

(Y/N easily put the door down as they all walked inside the shop. Shelves upon shelves of cars filled up most of the area. As Ethan and Y/N walked around a car that was sitting in the center of the room, they looked down to see, surprisingly, a Kraang droid crushed underneath it.) 

Ethan: Woah.

Raph: Pretty sure Donnie took this guy out. 

Leo: How can you tell?

Raph: He looks bored to death.

Y/N: (Rolled his eyes.) 

(Suddenly, there was the sound of a car engine rumbling to life.)

Mikey: Hey guys!"  (They turned to see Mikey inside a car high on a shelf.)  Check out my ride. Whooo! 

(The engine roared and the lights flashed. Y/N had a split second to react, he grabbed Ethan, and leapt out to the side as the car suddenly lurched forward, ramming head first into the ground before slamming down. Y/N got up on his feet as the dust cleared,  placed down Ethan, and was relieved to see that the others, including Mikey, were unharmed.)

Ethan: (Hugs Y/N's leg) Thanks Y/N!

Y/N: (Surprised by the action, but hugged back nonetheless)

(As Y/N let go, he turned more and saw that the end of the car had slammed into a small control panel, and saw behind it a large spot where a car used to be had disappeared, revealing a dark passage down. They all walked forward and gazed down the hole. Donnie obviously must've found this and followed it to where the Kranng were.) 

Leo: Nice, Mikey!" (Leo grins. Mikey, who was still in the car, smiled.) 

Mikey: Oh yeah, I-

Raph: Do not say 'I meant to do that.

(Mikey frowned, looking embarrassed.) 

Leo: Let's move.

(They all leaped down the passage and fell down, deep into the passage to find their Donnie and hopefully:  Mr. O'Neil. They all creeped along the steel/stone wall as they reached the corner, looking around before running forward down a short hall. At the end was a tall, steel door, and a dissembled Kraang droid lying beside it.)

Raph: He must've gone through this door. 

(He marched forward, reached up, and started to pull at the door, trying to force it open. But, no matter how hard, no matter at which angle, no matter badly he wanted it to, Raphael could not get the door open. Finally, Raph got so worked up that he sprang back, whipped out his sai, and was about to start stabbing when Leo grabbed is wrist and stopped him.)

Leo: Again, what would Donnie have done?"

(Y/N folded his arms and put a finger on my chin, thinking. My eyes wandered around as they fell upon the droid on the ground. Y/N gasped as he remembered.) 

Y/N: Guys! The droid! Remember at TCRI? The elevator? There was a retinal scanner, it needed a droid to scan itself before it would even move. 

(Y/N walked around the others and over to the door. There, in the center, was a black, rectangular sheet of glass that looked just like the scanner at TCRI.)

Y/N: Guys, pick up the droid."

(They did as he asked and they all grabbed the body and picked it up, bringing it over. Y/N grabbed the head and pulled it closer and pressed it against the glass.  There was a bright red light as it scanned the face, and a second later the door beeped, opening up completely.)

Ethan: We're in!

(The boys cheered as they dropped the droid. A second later there was a loud, ringing sound echoing throughout the halls. It was the alarm.) 

Mikey: Y/N did it!" (Mikey pointed at me.) 

(Y/N whipped his head around and glared at him. As he did, Y/N saw several Kraang droids running towards them from the other side of the hall. Y/N gasped before reaching down and taking out unsheathing his claws. The boys noticed this and turned around as well.)

Leo: We've got company!" 

(Leo and the other two took their weapons out as well. Ethan adopted a kung fu stance.  It took them a while to get rid of the Kraang who had tried to sneak up on them, and even longer to take care of the ones who were past the door they had managed to open.)

(As the mutants walked down the hallway they looked into all of the cell doors, all of which were opened. Ethan was looking inside another cell when he heard it. A loud, banging sound, coupled with the sharp snarling of some kind of animal. He wasn't the only one who heard it either.)

Leo: I don't like the sound of that. 

Mikey: Maybe if we ignore it, it'll go away.

Ethan: That's not only wrong, it's proved to be stupid.

(A second later we heard the snarling again, and this time it was louder.) 

Mikey" Someone's not ignoring it!

Ethan: What did I just say?!

(Before anyone could respond something very big swung down in front of them, hanging from the ceiling. It looked like a gigantic lizard. It would've been taller than even Donnie if it were standing up. Its scaly skin was a sickening black and orange, and it was wearing some strange, white armor around his torso and limbs. The creature snarled at us before aiming what looked like a gun in our faces. It fired at the mutants and the little orange bullets shot forward.)

Ethan: I'm both amazed and terrified!

Raph: Move!" 

(The bullets came right at them and at the last second they all dropped to the ground, flat on their bellies. The bullets shot past them and hit a closed cell door. There was a loud boom as the door exploded, and dirt and dust filled the hall. They all coughed as they slowly got back to their feet.) 

(Y/N waved his hand around, trying to push the dirt away. When the air cleared he looked to see a gaping hole where the cell door used to be. As he gazed at it he looked inside to see two figures. One was a bald, red-bearded man, and the other was...)

Y/N: Donnie! (Y/N ran forward, leaping over Leo, who was still crouched on the ground. He threw his arms and tail around Donnie and pulled him into a breathtaking hug. Donnie didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around Y/N and instantly hugged me back.)

Leo: Mr. O'Neil!"

Mikey/Ethan: Big, beady eyed, lizard-y thing with weapons!

(Y/N pulled away from Donnie to whip his head around. The large creature who had fired at them was standing in the middle of the hall, screeching loudly at them.)

Y/N: What the heck is that thing?

Kirby: Donatello calls it the Newtralizer. 

Mikey: (Heartbroken) You named something without me?"

(But as Donnie looked down at him the Newtralizer started firing at them again, and they all shouted as they turned and ran the other way. They ran down the hallway and took a few turns, all of them following after Donnie. He led them to the end of one hall, where another set of doors were. The doors opened as they reached them, and they all ran inside. The doors closed tightly behind the group, separating us from the Newtralizer.)

Y/N: We all here?

Ethan: (Looking around) Yep.

(Y/N took a couple breathes as he looked to make sure the others were here and alright. That's when he noticed Mikey was glaring up at Donnie with unnatural fury, and Donnie was giving him a clueless gaze.) 

Mikey: You named something without me?! 

(Donnie rolled his eyes irritably. From the other side of the door there came a loud crashing and banging. The Newtralizer was trying to get inside.) 

Leo: We gotta get outta this prison.

Kirby: Technically, this is a detention center. The difference being-

Raph: Not now, Donni-Ohh... Sorry, Mr. O'Neil.  (Then he looked over at Y/N.) Great. Now there's two of 'em.

Y/N: Nothing wrong with a few more smart people, Raph.

(Raph opened his mouth to respond, but was cut off as a second door from behind then beeped and slid open. They all turned to see many more Kraang droids, armed and at the ready. They ran inside and instantly started firing.) 

(Y/N whipped out his claws as he ran forward, slicing one upside the head and knocking him out of the way. He ducked under several lasers and sliced through a couple of droids feet, making them fall over. One tried to slash at Ethan, but the latter was prepared for that-)

(Kiba is a Kraang Droid and Ethan is Naruto)

Mikey: Little help!" 

Donnie: How about some big help?" 

(Donnie put his staff back into his belt as he ran forward and started messing with the Kraang computer.)

Leo: Not really the time to check your email!" (Leo sliced through several droids.) 

Y/N: Donnie, what're yah doing?"

Donnie: I'm guessing if they had the Newtralizer locked up, it wasn't because he was their friend."

(And with a smirk on his face, Donnie slammed his hand down on the computer. The first door opened, and there stood the Newtralizer. He grabbed a Kraang droid that was nearby and threw him across the room, snarling loudly.) 

Raph: Apparently, he likes trashing Kraang. 

Mikey: Who doesn't?

(The Newtralizer raised both of his arms and started firing all around the room. Y/N and Ethan ducked down and ran behind the Kraang computer along with the others. Keeping my head down low enough, Y/N looked out to see every single Kraang droid get shot and fall down onto the ground. A few seconds later, they were all down.) 

The Group: YEAH!" (Leaping to their feet.) 

(The Newtralizer glared at us before aiming his large gun onto us.) 

The Group: NO!" 

(The Newtralizer fired, and they all ducked to avoid being blasted. Like with the cell door, the bullets blew up the second door behind them. After seeing they were free they all ran out of the room and into the hallway, screaming like mad.) 

(They followed Donnie, making so many twists and turns that Y/N was afraid that they were lost. But, eventually, another right turn lead them straight to the car lift that had brought us down here in the first place. As soon as they saw it they all got onto the platform.)

Donnie: We gotta access the control panel. (Donnie smacks the panel irritably.) 

Raph: I got it. (Takes out his sai and walks forward. But just as he was about to strike, Donnie reached up and stopped him.) 

Donnie: Raph, I got it. 

Raph: Oh, really?

Donnie: Really."

(Donnie then took the sai from Raph and stabbed the control panel himself. Y/N smiled to myself as the platform suddenly lurched upward, taking them back to the mechanic shop at superfast speed. When it reached the top it stopped suddenly, causing them all to fly off. They all went in different directions. Y/N was thrown forward and landed on something hard. Recognizing the feeling of plastron, he realized it was one of the turtles. He sat up and saw that he had landed on top of Leo.)

Y/N: Sorry, bro. (Gets up and reaches his hand out to help him.) 

Leo: No problem. (Takes his hand and lets him pull him up.) 

(Suddenly, there was a loud screeching and a dark shape shot up the level they just came out of and landed on a car. It was the Newtralizer, and for whatever reason, he looked pissed.)

Leo: Let's split up. Donnie, Ethan,  get Mr. O'Neil out of here.

(The Newtralizer raised his hands and threw what looked like silver discs at us. We all leapt out of the way to avoid them. Mikey and Y/N went to one corner of the room, Donnie and Ethan went to hide Mr. O'Neil, and Leo and Raph charged the creature head on.) 

Y/N: We gotta help them.

(He nodded. They both ran towards the huge shelves of cars and climbed up one. By the time they reached the top shelf and looked down they saw Raph leap away as the Newtralizer shot at him with his lasers. But, rather than chase after them, the creature turned towards the shelves, and then stomped over there instead. Curiously, Y/N leaned over the edge to see Donnie and Mr. O'Neil hiding behind a car.)

Y/N: C'mon.

(Mikey followed Y/N as he climbed down one set of shelves. Y/N looked down to see the Newtralizer standing on one side of a car, and Donnie, Ethan, and Mr. O'Neil standing on the other. The lizard lunged forward.) 

Donnie: No!" (Pushes April's father out of the way.) 

(The Newtralizer snarled at him, and Donnie threw a smoke bomb in his face. While he, Ethan, and Mr. O'Neil managed to sneak away, Y/N leapt forward and landed right on the lizard's shoulders. Before he could do more than reach up, jump off, and grabbed the corner of a shelf, hanging off of it. The Newtralizer snarled at him, and stuck my touch out at him as Y/N waved his free hand in front of his face. A second later, Mikey jumped down onto his head and leapt up to another shelf. The Newtralizer turned towards him, and he blew a rashberry in his face.)

(As the lizard was distracting I leapt off and landed on the round. I looked around the room and found Donnie hiding Mr. O'Neil behind another car in the corner, but no sign of Ethan.) 

Y/N: Are you two okay?" (Y/N ran over to them.) 

Donnie: We're fine.

Y/N: Hey, where-

(There was a loud thud and a few grunts, and Y/N whipped around to see Leo and Raph laying on the ground. The Newtralizer then leapt down in front of them and pointed a gun at them. Where was Mikey and Ethan? He was supposed to be distracting him. There was suddenly the sound of an engine starting up, and suddenly roared.)

Mikey/Ethan: Booyakasha! 

(Y/N looked up in time to see a car fly off the shelf and land right on top of the Newtralizer before falling over onto its back, landing hard with a loud crash.) 

Leo/Raph/Ethan: Mikey! Ethan!"

(They all ran forward towards the driver's side, but couldn't see anything.) 

Y/N: Mikey, Ethan, are you okay?" 

(Then, all of a sudden, both poked their heads out, smiling at all of them.) 

Mikey: Don't worry, we wore our seatbelts. (They unbuckled said seatbelts and slipped out of the open window. Raph laughed as he and Y/N both helped them to their feet.) 

Raph: C'mon. (Rubs the top of Mikey's head.)

Y/N: (Punched the top of Ethan's head)

Ethan: Owww!! (Rubs the top of his head) What was that for!?

Y/N:  (Picks up Ethan, who still held his head in pain) Don't ever scare me like that again!

Ethan: (Stunned and began to tear up.)

(Goten is Ethan and Goku is Y/N)

(Cut back to the lair, as soon as they parked by the lair entrance Mr. O'Neil was the first to get out. After telling him that his daughter was in the lair waiting for him, he wanted nothing more than to get out and see her. They all followed behind him and walked through the turnstiles. April, Timothy, and Splinter were all in the living room, obviously waiting for them. April was sitting on the couch, her head hung over, and Father stood over her all, looking calm and patient.)

Kirby: April?" 

(Mr. O'Neil called out. April suddenly sat up and whipped around.) 

April: Dad? Dad! Oh dad, I can't believe it! 

(At once, she sprung to her feet and ran towards her father, wrapping her arms around him. Mr. O'Neil hugged his daughter, looking relieved to see her. April turned towards all of us.) 

April: You guys saved my dad! Thank you so much!

Y/N: No problem, April.

Raph: Yeah. The guy you should really be thanking is Donnie. (Raph pulls Donnie in and pattes his chest.) 

(Donnie stared down at Raph, looking flustered.) 

Donnie: Well, I-

Raph: Seriously, you should've seen him!" Raph continued enthusiastically. "He was ho-waah! Sheeka! Oh-ha! Blew-blech!"

"Raph," Donnie cut in, laughing slightly. "I-I-I think that's a little-" "We kept saying, 'careful Donnie, it's too dangerous!," Raph piped up once more. "And Donnie was like, 'Danger? Ha! Nothing will stop me-!" "Thank you! Thank you, Raphael!" Donnie said loudly as he clapped a hand over Raph's mouth. He quickly released him and looked over at April. "Heheh... Th-those weren't my exact words, bu-"

But he was cut off as April walked forward and gave him a soft, long, genuine hug. Donnie completely froze up, his eyes going wide. "Thank you, Donnie," April said sweetly, releasing him and walking back to her father. Donnie let out a cute little giggle before he finally fell back onto his shell. They all walked over to stand around him, all of them sporting similar smirks.

"Well, I tried," Raph said. "Dude, I'd say you succeeded," Mikey said proudly. Donnie giggled again, raising his hand as he gave his brothers a thumbs up. 

Ethan: Hey, Y/N, could I talk to you privately for a second!

Y/N: (Confused, but answered) Sure,

(Y/N and Ethan walked into Y/N's room and the latter sat on his bed.)

Y/N: So, what's up?

Ethan: I was wondering if you could sign something for me?

Y/N: Uhhh, what?

Ethan: (Pulls piece of paper out of hoodie pocket) This.

(Y/N takes the paper and looks at it, and his eyes widened.)

Y/N: Ethan, this is-

Ethan: I know, you don't think of me that way, it's just.  My dad used to beat me all The time, but when you did it today it wasn't that a sign of resentment or anger it was a sign of..................love. The minute you began training me these past few weeks, I felt like I had finally found my family. So, you don- (Hears scribbling sound and sees Y/N singing the adoption papers)

Y/N: (Smiles at Ethan) Welcome to the family..........son.

Ethan: (Eyes widened, before he began to tear up.) Dad! (Throws himself at Y/N, who immediately hugs him,)

(April and Kirby are shows walking into the dojo.)

April: It's good to have you back.

Kirby: It's good to be back.

[Kirby hugs his daughter...but then his eyes turn red and he looks evilly at the camera, indicating that something is wrong.]

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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