Of Rats and Men


Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

Here we go!

It's the lean, mean, ninja team

On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things

So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams

Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza Kings

Can't stop these radical dudes

The secret of the ooze made the chosen few

Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves

The good guys win and the bad guys lose

Leonardo's the leader in blue

Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through

Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines

Raphael has the most attitude on the team

Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!

Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need

To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

(A/N: There is going to be a dark ending. Fair Warning!)

(Leonardo is just preparing to face off with his blindfolded Sensei, while Mikey, Timothy, Raph, Ethan, Donnie, and Y/N were watching from the sidelines.)

Leo: I don't know, Master Splinter. This doesn't seem fair." 

(Leo shuffles his feet, awkwardly as he stands in the middle of the dojo.)

Splinter: I assure you, it isn't.

(Leo draws katana, and attacks, Splinter dodges, Leo misses, Raph, Donnie and Mikey laugh.)

Mikey: Oh, man.

Raph: A swing and a miss.


Leo: But you do not." 

(Leo's sword falls and sticks in the floor wolf he falls with it, faces first with swirled eyes. Master Splinter was holding the other sword. The others besides Y/N and Ethan laugh.)

Mikey: Looks like someone needs a shower.

Raph: How's that floor tasting, Lame-enardo?

Timothy: I must be blindfolded too cuz, I sure didn't see that butt whooping coming!

(Master Splinter then hits them on the back of the head with the hilt of the sword.)

Others: Ow!

Splinter: It is not hard to sense loudmouths."

(Y/N and Ethan left together, as the former heads towards Leo. He was getting up and cracked his back into place as he stood up.)

Y/N: Whoa, that was loud.

Splinter: You mutants!"  (He says turning around suddenly, raising his blade at Mikey, Timothy, Raph, and Donnie.) You will fall!

(Ethan stood in front of them arms wide. Master Splinter halted as he sees the fearful faces of his sons and nephew and dropped the sword, he fell to the ground on his knees.)

Y/N: Master Splinter, are you all right?" 

Ethan: Grandpa? (Helps him up.)

Splinter: I am sorry, my sons. This is- Something is wrong. I must meditate. We will continue this training another time.

(He dismisses them, Y/N bows to him and gestures for Ethan to come and leave Splinter alone. As they all exit the dojo, Leo is the only one who takes a second to stop and look back, concerned.) 

Mikey: Yo, did you see that? Sensei gave me the crazy eyes."

Ethan: Maybe he's stressed about something? 

(Mikey, Ethan, Timothy, and Donnie were now in the lab. Mikey was eating ice cream, while Ethan ate carrot ice cream.)

Mikey: So I wonder what got into Master Splin- Aah! Aah! Brain freeze!

(Drops droplets of Ice-Cream everywhere, while Ethan was eating his Ice- Cream normally.)

Donnie: Aah! Mikey! You're making a mess! Keep your ice cream away from our experiment. We're trying to make Retromutagen, always messing up my stuff." 

(Y/N comes in the lab and asks Ethan something, not noticing what Mikey has done.)

April: Hey, guys.(Walks in) What's up?

Y/N: April! (Hugs her, as she hugs back.)

Donnie: April!" (Donnie greets with a smile that falls when the other teen walks in.) "And Casey."

Casey: Donatello." 

(Ethan only glanced between the two, like a duel was going to happen. April shuffles in her school bag.) 

April: I came to see if you guys could look after this. (She pulls out a cat and it meows.)

Y/N: Dibs!" 

(Y/N tries to grab it, but Mikey beats him to it.)

Mikey: Aw! Look at you! Coochiewoochiewoochie!" (He plays with the kitty.) "Can we keep her?

"You know, Master Splinter is a rat." Donnie refutes.

Y/N: Uhhhhh, helloooo? 

Donnie: He's used to you, Y/N.

Casey: Yeah, and what if that cat goes nuts and attacks him? She could feed off his body for months."

"You know, there is something seriously wrong with you." Donnie states when he approaches the teens and Casey raises his hands.

Ethan: You're just now realizing that?

Casey: Hey!

(There were weird sounds coming from the table with Mikey.)

April: Everything okay, Mikey?

April: Yeah, yeah, it's cold I mean cool. Everything's cool. Cool like ice cream. Ice cream's cold." (He chuckles then zooms off.)

Ethan: Have you guys eaten yet?

April: Yeah, we had pizza."

Ethan: Oh-(Snickers) Was it a date? (Chuckles and laughs, along with Y/N.)

Casey: No, Irma had to crash it.

(As they head to the kitchen Leo and Raph stop what they're doing and joined in too. Mikey was already in the kitchen talking to the freezer.)

Leo: Mikey?"

(Leo asks as they catch them kissing and hugging himself with the freezer. He slams it shut and the box of cereal on the fridge top falls on him.)

Mikey: Uh, I didn't do it. I swear I never touched it, and-

Raph: What are you babbling about?

Timothy: (Narrowing his eyes) Are you eating my ice-cream sandwiches?

(Splinter enters, he grunts as he takes a step closer and holds his head from a possible headache.)

Splinter: [Grunts.] Need ice For my head And possibly a Cheesicle. (He reaches for the freezer and opens it slightly, but Mikey closes it shut again.) You can't do that! No, Sensei!"

Splinter gets angry. "No? You tell me no?" his eyes turn red and he starts chasing Mikey in the kitchen, around the the  counter.

"This is not helping my whole rat thing." Casey hides.

(Master Splinter corners Mikey at the fridge, Y/N and Timothy step in front, protectively over him. The former noticed how his eyes were red.)

Leo: Help him!" 

(The others and Y/N grab onto a limb and hold down. Their expressions were fearful, especially Raphs amidst the struggle. However, Splinter escapes and flings everyone off him. April gets in front of Mikey now taking care of him with Ethan.)

Splinter stood on the counter. "I've got what I came for. Soon New York and the world will be mine!" Y/N growls, but stops as Splinter collapses grunting in pain.

"Sensei, are you okay?" Leo asks.

Y/N: Master Splinter?" 

"What happened?" April asks.

Splinter holds his head but speaks through the headache. "The Rat King has returned."

Y/N: He's what?!

(The Family moves on to the TV room and sees what is going on. The scene is multiple giant rats scaring citizens and carrying them off.)

Joan: This is Joan Grody reporting live from Bleecker street, where giant rats have emerged from the sewers. These revolting rodents are snatching people away. On this edition of Grody to the Max. [Screams.]

"Giant rats? Giant rats." Casey slumps on the couch, this new mission is his phobia and this time it was no hallucination.

"Maybe you should sit this one out, Casey." April says.

Leo: We could really use your help, Sensei. Last time you took that creep down with one punch."

Splinter: Last time was different, Leonardo. The Rat King has grown too powerful. I do not fear for myself, but for what he could .....Force me to do."

(The team gets ready without Master Splinter, he made his choice. Donnie gets out the go-karts.)

Leo: We'll split into two teams. Donnie, Raph, and Mikey you take the go-karts and-"

April: We wanna go too."  (Casey standing next to her.)

"I'm taking my trusted bike." Casey pats it.

Leo: (Nods) Then April goes with the others and Timothy, you're with me. Y/-

Y/N: Me and Ethan are going to take the sewer cycle. We're going to head over to Chloe's house and check on his girl-friend.

Ethan: (Gritted teeth) She's not my girl-friend!

(The team laughed at Ethan, while the latter was blushing.)


(The team makes it outside onto the surface in their vehicles. It was raining heavily, which made it eerier and darker. Mikey whimpers as he's on his skateboard and holding onto a rope attached to the go-karts.) 

Mikey: Why do I have to wear the cheese?" (Staring up at the huge chunk of cheese on his head.)

Raph: We have to lead them away, and you're awesome at being bait."

(Two huge rats start to follow Mikey as they race down the street. Casey soon catches up to them on his bike.) 

Casey: This is the worst thing ever!" (He sees the two big monster rats. He takes on two other rats swatting them on the head and making them follow him.)

Mikey: Waaah!" (The rats chomp their jaws near Mikey as they catch up.) Faster, faster, faster!" (He screams, the team sees a blockade upfront from abandoned cars, and rats on top of them._

Leo: Hang on!" (Leo tells Timothy as he takes a sharp turn in front of the go-karts.) Sorry, we're late." 

(He changes gears to ram into the cars and open the path for the rest of the team. Meanwhile, Y/N and Ethan were in Chloe's apartment, looking for Chloe.)

Ethan: Chloe! Chloe!

Y/N: So, (Chuckles) Have you guys gone a date yet?

Ethan: (Blushes) Stop the car, we're not going there!!

Chloe: Ahhhhhh!!! 

Ethan: Chloe!! (Runs down the hall)

Y/N: Ethan, wait!!

Chloe screamed as the giant rats scurried towards her. Ethan, the eight-year-old anthropomorphic bunny, leapt into action. Ethan leapt into the air, his long ears flapping behind him. He landed in a crouch, ready to face the giant rats. The rats charged at him, their claws outstretched. Ethan spun around, his legs a blur of motion. He kicked out with both feet, sending the rats flying back. He followed up with a flurry of kicks and punches, each one finding its mark. The rats regrouped and attacked again, but Ethan was ready. He dodged their claws and used his agility to stay one step ahead. He leapt into the air and delivered a powerful kick to the head of one of the rats, sending it flying across the room.)

Ethan: You okay?

Chloe ran to Ethan and threw her arms around him, tears streaming down her face.

"Thank you, Ethan," she said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "You saved me!"

Ethan blushed, but than looked in shock as Y/N took a picture with his T-Phone.)

Y/N: (Mouthing) This is adorable.

Ethan: (Gritted teeth, but blushing) Shut the flip up.

(Back with the others.)

Mikey: Aah! They're gonna get me!" 

(Mikey screams, then jumps into the go-karts. A rat from the roof jumps onto the Karts.)

Leo: Timothy. (Urges as he's busy driving.)

Pulverizer: On it 

(He goes to the weapons station and launches a trash ball at the rat harming the team. It hits right on the mark. He shoots another that was closely following them but on the next sharp turn, more rats come and push the Shellraiser to the building.)

Leo: Aah! Little help here, guys!

(Leo calls as the Shellraiser is flipped on its sides, They both fall onto the other side.) 

Timothy: Ugh! (He hits his head, but he stands as something was clawing on the top. A rat was trying to tear into the ShellRaiser. He opens the door.) 

Leo: Wait, Timothy! (Fumbles with his seatbelt to get unhooked.)

(Timothy proceeds to get on the flipped Shellraiser and fight the rat. It suddenly clamps its jaw on his arm. Timothy punches it in his nose. It screeches from the pain he inflicted, but it doesn't get off the Shellraiser. It gets angry and goes after Timothy again, this time biting his arm harder than dragging Pulverizer away.)

Timothy: Leo!" (He calls for assistance, but the moment he gets out you see the world above disappear as he's dropped into the manhole, hitting your head first, causing a concussion.)

Leo: Timothy! 

(In the deep part of the sewer, Timothy and Casey were just beginning to wake up.)

Irma: Hey, are you okay? Misters?

Timothy: (Wakes up) Ugh, yeah.

"Aah!" you recognize the scream, it's Casey. "Oh, great." he clears his throat to deepen his voice like batman. "Uh, I'm fine, miss. Where are we?"

"The sewers. We're prisoners of the Rat King."

Timothy: Oh, boy.

"Welcome, esteemed guests. There's no need to fear. I will not hurt you. That I promise." the rat king spoke coming out from a tunnel and to a table.

"Let us out of here, you freak!" Casey yells.

Timothy: What do you want?!

"All in good time. These were simple, ordinary rats. Until I transformed them. With my special mutagenic growth serum. But these were not the soldiers I was looking for. I have just unlocked. The secrets of the ultimate army." he slides his bony hand on a chalkboard written with formulas. "Rat people! And you, my friends, will become that army!" the people gasp in fear, some even faint. The rats nearby start making howls, like a chant.

(Back at the lair, the team (And Chloe) arrived and talked to Splinter in the living room.)

The Rat King peered into my mind. To see what makes me unique." Splinter starts. "With that knowledge, he will create an army of rat people."

"We got to stop him, Sensei." Raph stands from the couch and punches his hand.

Splinter: I told you, he is too powerful Even for me."

But, Master Splinter, if there's one time we could use your help, it's now." Leo adds. He was worried for you and Casey but trusted you both were fine for now.

Enough!" he jabs his cane on the ground. "I will not put you in danger again."

April stands up and stands up for the team. "We believe in you, Sensei. They need your help and so does Casey and Timothy." 

(Splinter walks away. )

Chloe: Is my daddy gonna die?

Ethan: No, cause we're gonna go save him! Everyone, Gear Up! It's king is..........dethroned.

Y/N: Woah, I just got chills. 

(The team gets ready to fight the Rat King.)

(At the moment, Timothy was watching as the Rat king prepared another syringe of mutagen to test on another person. You couldn't do anything to help the person just watch as he forcibly injected serum into them.) 

That's right, Aristotle." he speaks to the squeaking white rat on his shoulder turning to refill his syringe. "Every time one of my rat people bites a human, they will infect them, causing the mutation to spread. And spread until every human being. In this wretched world transforms into one of us." the rat squeaks in his ear. "What's that you say? The serum's not perfected? What do you mean?" 

(He turns around to see the man he injected earlier slips of the ledge. The man that The Rat King tested on turns into a disabled monstrosity. A form of rats piled together into one ghastly thing.)

Cheese. Give me cheese." it talks in the creepiest voice.

"Well, not every experiment can be a success. But this new serum will work. Perhaps we should test it." The rat squeaks. "You're right, Aristotle. They are the perfect test subject." he looks to Casey, Timothy, and Irma, she faints.

Timothy: You're a disgusting being. The only thing wretched about this world is when people like you are roaming about." 

(The team has already snuck into the lair. Leo was relieved when he saw they were ok.)

"There's Casey." April points. "He's alive. And... Irma?"

"We can't let the humans see us, April. You have to free 'em." Donnie says.

Chloe: Us too." (She appears next to them suddenly.)

Leo: (Feels a hand on his shoulder.) Sensei?"

Splinter: It is time the Rat King is dethroned.

"I knew you wouldn't let us down." he smiles.

"If I should lose control..... you do what you have to do." Splinter tells his sons.

"Nothing's gonna happen 'cause I got my supersecret weapon." Mikey rubs the cooler he brought along with him. "Yeah."

Ethan: Chloe, you shouldn't be here, this is danger-

Chloe: I am not leaving my daddy alone.

Leo: Let's go!

(The team fans out into the dark spots of the lair. Chloe goes with April to get the cages down. There was a rat guarding the lower lever but sleeping. Leo perches himself on a high spot, taking out a scalpel directed to the Rat King for a fatal hit. Splinter grabs Leos's hand before he can throw it. The Rat King laughs from above.)

Splinter: No! Get out!

"You're mine now, Splinter. Destroy your sons One by one!" 

(Splinter flips Leo and is about to stab him in the face with the scalpel blade.)

"Forget that, Rat King!" Mikey shouts. "Oh, yeah! Ice cream kitty, away!" A pink blob passes by the cages and lands on the rat king.

Timothy: The kitty?

Is that April's cat?" Donnie asks a nervous Mikey who knew he was going to get talking with you later.

"Absolutely not." Mikey responds.

The Rat king tosses the cat off him and runs into a vent. "Aah! Destroy them!" Splinter goes after him down the vent. The Rat King lands on top of one of his giant rats. "Go, Caligula! Hyah!" he rids it like a horse down the tunnels. 

"You run like a coward when not in control!" Splinter chases him on all fours.

The Rat King smirked. "Who said I'm not in control? Attack!" a heard of rats swallow up the tunnel behind him and come after him like a flood.

(With the others, they were beginning to fight.)

"April, hurry!

Mikey was busy occupying a rat with a large chunk of cheese. "Smell the cheese. Hyah!" he punches it in the nose. "Smell the cheese! Hyah! Come on, smell it!" he punches again.

(A bunch of rats went directly after Y/N, but he just smiled.)

Y/N: Oh, yeah!

(Leo was fighting another rat but it swats his sword away with its tail, leaving him weaponless. He punches the standing rat on its belly and as it hunches over him from the hit, he performs a vertical backward kick that lands on the snout. Leo tries to push it over the ledge but it's too heavy.)

"Leo!" Raph jumps in and helps to push the rat with him over the edge.

Aprils lowers Casey's cage it props open. "Yes! Finally free!"

(Chloe drops Timothy's, he kicks the cage door open.)

Timothy: Alright everyone out, head for the surface. (He leans down to the little girl.) Go up, stay with the adults." 

Chloe: Not until, I find my daddy! (Runs off)

"April!" Irma runs to her. "How did you find us? Did you follow the trail of rat droppings? It has a unique aroma of both-"

Casey/April: Not now, Irma!" 

"Let's free the others and get out of here." Casey deepens his voice again.

April waves her arms hysterically trying to get the purple-headed girl on board. "Irma, give me a hand with their cages."

(Timothy climbs to the top with back to Leo and Raph.) 

Timothy: Hey guys, you miss me?" (He kicks a rat's paw off the ledge so it doesn't climb up.)

The people were yelling and screaming. "Run! Get out of here!" most exited the lair.

"Now we can fight properly." you say before jumping down to attack a rat.

(Farther down in the tunnels, Master Splinter has chased down the Rat king into an abandoned area with crumbling platforms. As Splinter jumps to get to a higher platform the Rat King leaves over the edge.)

"Fall!" The Rat King soon sends a bunch of small rats down onto Splinter and, after some of his fingers are bitten, Splinter falls down a ledge.

Splinter catches himself on a pip seeing the Rat King start to walk away. "No. I will not let you escape this time." He climbs the pipe and once more chases the villain.


April was busily guiding the people out. "Hurry! Everyone, run! We'll lock the door!" A rat fall nesr her and bares its fangs to lunge at her.

Donnie comes down with white eyes, he hits the rat right on the snout, it hisses at him, and then he hits it farther back from her. "You guys get everyone to safety. We got this covered."

"You always do." she responds with a smile.

Donnie warmly smiles back at her before they go their own ways to finish the mission.

"Easy, Mr. Rat." (Mikey gets cornered by a rat and was disarmed. Suddenly the pink cat saves him and the rat leaves.) "Ice cream kitty! he gasps. "You're my hero!" he licks her. "And you taste so good."

(Y/N and Timothy finished off the rat that just came down. They all meet up with Mikey.)

"I think that's all the rats." Raph looks around.

(Leo climbs to join them. He grunts pulling himself up.) 

Leo: But what about Sensei?"

(With the Rat King and Splinter, the former was blocking all of Splinter's attacks, before ending it with a punch to the gut. The Rat King was hanging on to whatever tricks he has left.) 

Rat King: That's right. Bow before your Master, rat. There's nothing you can do that I can't see coming."

"So you still think you are in control of the situation." Splinter knocks the rat off the Rat King's shoulder, and into the void, killing the rat.

Rat King: Aristotle! (Glares at Splinter) You'll pay for that. I can still see through your eyes." 

Splinter: (Pulls out Rat King's blindfold.) 

Rat King: What?"

He puts it on. "How about now?" The Rat King is now in darkness. "Control is an illusion." he strikes from behind

"Where Are you? Ah! Aah!" the rat king strikes at the darkness, fear creeping upon him.

Splinter: It can be even more blinding than the inability to see. It can..." (The Rat King tries to strike him, and falls into the void to his death.)"...Send you over the edge. Goodbye, my King." (Splinter takes off the blindfold.)


(Splinter walks back to join his family triumphantly. When he returns everyone, but Casey and April since they were at the surface gave Splinter a hug, everyone but Chloe.)

Donnie: What's wrong Chloe? Why aren't you celebrating?" 

(Chloe was looking at the deformed mutant Rat, with tears in her eyes. She doesn't answer and just says one word that makes everyone's heart drop-)

Chloe: Daddy?

Chloe's Dad: Cheessse. Hurrrts .plleeaaasee." 

Ethan: Oh, god... (Walks to Chloe and takes her away from the rat. Y/N walks past them.) 

Ethan: Dad? 

(Leo jumps to Y/N he sees what he is staring at. His eyes widen. The rest were about to come over and see too but-)

Chloe: Stop! 

Splinter: My sons, let Y/N go."

Timothy: Maybe Donnie and I can make a cure-"

Y/N: It won't work. He's far surpassed humanity and mutant. He's only suffering.

Chloe: Wait- Can I at least say goodbye?


Chloe: (Walks to her dad, one last time.) Daddy, I love you so much. I'm going to miss you.

Y/N: Chloe, it's time to say goodbye.

Chloe: (sobbing) Okay. Goodbye, Daddy. I love you. (Ethan grabs Chloe and leads her away.)

"Hurrrtss." it groans.

Y/N: ..........I'm sorry."(Slashes the rat, which kills it) May you find peace." 

(It was silent for the rest of the night, for there was no satisfactory victory on their end.)

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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