New Girls in Town

(Snakeweed ran down the street as Leo, Y/N, and Raph followed him. As he turned the corner, Mikey and Donnie jumped in his way. He turned back around and started running in the opposite direction. The brothets followed in a group of 5. Up ahead, the pizza boy was riding down the street, he turned his head and screamed when he saw Snakeweed. Snakeweed jumped over his head and grabbed the poor boy.)

Mikey: Not the pizza guy! Take Donnie!

Y/N: Yeah, how about we don't sacrifice our brother.

Donnie: Snakeweed is getting away!

(Snakeweed turned the corner and ran into a dead end alley. The pizza guy screamed for help as they disappeared into the darkness.)

Leo: We got him trapped.

Raph: Good. Then let's go weed whacking.

Y/N: (Pulls out bestia fang claws) Yeah, let's kick some grass!

Donnie: Tree trimming.

Mikey: Gardening! Boom! Ha ha! Oh, yeah. Mikey put the sprinkles on that sundae.

Raph: (Sigh) Let's just go!

Leo: Hang on, Raph. We're not charging a 12 foot regenerating mutant.

Raph: Then what are we doing?

Leo: We'll take snakeweed from above, tie him up in the clotheslines. Come on.

Y/N: You got it Leo.

(Leo and Y/N start climbing)

Raph: That'll take forever and we need to stop snakeweed now! I mean, he's kidnapping people.

Mikey: Not just people. People who bring pizza.

Leo: We take him from above. Let's move!

Y/N: (Whispers to himself) Oh, man.

(The brothers reach the top of the building.)

Leo: On my count. 1...2...

(The brothers look down to see the alley empty.)

Y/N: Aw, crap baskets.

leo: Where'd he-

Raph: And the award for worst leader goes to-

Leo: How am I the worst leader?

Y/N: (Annoyed sigh) Here we go again.

Raph: If we did this my way, Snakeweed would be toast by now.

Mikey: Ugh. That'd be some nasty toast. (Donnie covers his mouths as he moves Mikey away with Y/N following.)

Leo: This way would've worked if you hadn't wasted time second-guessing my orders.

Raph: Well dont give bad orders, and I wont second guess 'em.

Leo: You know what Raph? If you think you could do better, why don't you lead?

Y/N: What?!

Raph: First good idea you've had all day.

[both growling.]

Mikey: We'll compromise. I'll lead.

[The two turtles glare at Mikey as he nervously slinks away.]

Leo: Fine Raph, the team's yours. I'm out of here. (Walks away angrily)

Y/N: Wha-Leo! (Glares at Raph) Dude!

Raph: What?! Do you want off the team to?

Mikey: I can't believe he's gone.

Donnie: Aw, dont worry Mikey. Leo uh- he just need some space.

(Mikey looked to Donnie with a 'that's not who I'm talking about' face.)

Donnie: You meant the pizza guy, didn't you.

Mikey: Yeah.

(Pause at 1:09)

??: Karai!

(A black cloaked ninja wearing golden armor in the back climbed onto the top of the bill-board.)

??: We need to go.

Karai: Coming, sister.

(Continue Video)

(Donnie's marker squeaked as he circled the various places Snakeweed had been sighted on a map of New York City. His tongue was stuck out in concentration, and Raph, Y/N and Mikey watched.)

Raph: Donnie, said Raph, You have to find Snakeweed's lair. 

Donnie: (Annoyed) Working on it 

Raph: Then work faster!

(Donnie gave his immediate older brother a look.) 

Donnie: Do you think yelling is gonna help? 

Raph: No...(Raph cracked his knuckles.) I think hitting is gonna help.

Donnie: (Donnie quickly went back to the map. I'll work faster.

Raph: That's the spirit!

(Y/N scoffed turning away, arms crossed, leaning his back on the table. He perked up when Donnie's lab doors creaked open, and Leo stepped in, rubbing his eyes.)

Mikey: Leo's back! 

Y/N: Oh, finally.

(Y/N walked forward.Leo looked up, and Y/N could see that his eyes were bloodshot.) 

Mikey: And he's been crying. 

(There was a clatter as Mikey jumped from the swivel chair, and Y/N  grunted as his youngest brother pushed him aside, and hugged Leo.) 

Mikey: Oh, you missed us! (Leo took Mikey and set him aside.) 

Leo:  I got hit with blinding powder," (Walking past his brothers.)

Mikey: Suure," Big softy.

Raph: And where have you been?" (Standing in front of Leo.)

Leo: Don't see how that's your business.

Raph: (Scowled) Fine... Whatever. 

(He turned to walk away. Mikey stepped between his older brothers, a hand on each of their shoulders.) 

Mikey: Dudes, can't we just be cool with each other?

(Mikey tried to pull them together.)

Mikey: Let's hug this out.

(Raph drove an elbow into Mikey's plastron, and stalked away.) 

Mikey: Ok...( Held his stomach region, gasping. )Now the healing can begin.

(Y/N rolled his eyes, rubbing Mikey's shell, before handing Leo a cloth which was soaked with water. Leo's eyes narrowed, and he tried to walk away.)

Y/N: If you don't take it, I'll do it myself.

(Leo scowled and took the cloth and began wiping his eyes down.)

Donnie: Hey! (Stood up.) I think I figured out where Snakeweed's hideout is!

Leo/Y/N: Where?

Donnie:  (Pointed out the circles on the map.) Ok, the radial pattern of recent Snakeweed sightings indicates his lair, is at the epicenter of forty-seven-

Raph:  Actually, (Cutting in, leaning his hand on the map, getting between Leo and Donnie.) You're on a need-to-know basis. And guess what... Y don't need to know.

(Y/N face palmed in the background.)

Leo: Hmph...

(Leo stalked away. He tossed the cloth at Y/N, who caught it. Mikey waved goodbye awkwardly, wincing slightly. Leo stomped out of the lab, slamming the door on the way out. Y/N cast a glance at Raph, who was smirking slightly, and shook his head.)

Y/N: Blah... this place smells if death farted.

(Y/N walked through the sewer tunnels with his brothers (minus Leo), trying to avoid as much moisture as possible.) 

Mikey: Man, it really stinks around here.

Raph: It is a sewer, Mikey.

Mikey: I mean more than usual.

Y/N: Michelangelo, I'd step out of the drainage street

Mikey: Ugh... Where does all this stuff come from anyway?

(The older brothers halted, exchanging looks. Donnie doubled back awkwardly. 

Donnie: Uh, Mikey... It's, um. (He whispered into his younger brother's ear.)

Mikey: What? (Eyes widened, and he leapt back, out of the sewage drain.) Don't they know we're living down here?

Y/N: It's honestly better if they didn't, though... considering the alternative.

Raph: Keep it down, guys!

Donnie: Wow.

Y/N: Déja vu?

Donnie: You sound just like Leo (Turning back to Raph. Mikey grinned.)

Raph: (Spun around, glaring.) You say that one more time, and I'll shove your head in this sewage!

Y/N: And now you sound like you again.

(Finally, they found what they were looking for. Y/N's eyes widened.)

Y/N: Holy cat-nip.

(The place looked, in a way, like a glowing green city. Acid yellow mist clouded the ground. The 'buildings' were enormous, glowing, pitcher plants, a few more than twelve feet high.)

Donnie: C'mon..." (Eyes still on his map.) Snakeweed's lair should be around here somewhere.

Raph: You don't say?

(Raph and Mikey went forward, and Y/N passed a hand up and down between Donnie's face and the map. Donnie pushed his hand away, scowling a little, then looked up. His jawdropped.)

Y/N: Keep your head in the moment, Donnie.

(As they walked among the pitcher plants, Y/N looked into one of them curiously, with Raph. He narrowed his eyes, trying to peer through the green gunk. Then he saw the face of a female human.)

Y/N: Holy cat-nip! 

(Y/N nearly reeled backwards, eyes wide. He could hear Mikey and Donnie gasp, standing by another pitcher plant.)

Mikey: And he's growing humans!

Y/N: Wrong on so many levels!

Donnie: He's not growing them, shellbrain, he's holding them captive.

Raph: (Arms crossed) For what? (Peers into the pitcher.) He's a plant. He can't eat 'em.

Y/N: How do you know? (Rubs his arms, shuddering.)

Donnie: Y/N's actually got something there. He's probably turning them into fertilizer.

Y/N: Ugh, that's just wrong!

Mikey: (Shuddered.) Ugh, is that really where fertilizer comes from?

Donnie: (Grinning smugly) Actually, most fertilizer comes from... (He whispered in Mikey's ear again.)

Mikey: (Yelped) What? Is there anything that doesn't come from that?"

(Y/N shot Donnie, who was smirking, a look.) 

Y/N: (Muttering) Did he really need to know that?

Raph: Enough! (He drew his sai.) Let's cut 'em loose.

(Donnie and Mikey reached into the goo, each of them at a different pitcher plant, and pulled the humans from them, the goo releasing them with a disgusting slurping sound. Raph sliced open another pitcher plant, and caught the human who fell out. Y/N sliced open another pitcher plant, gently pulling the human out. As soon as their work was done, with Mikey pulling a female human out of another pitcher plant, they silently backed off. They ducked behind the pitcher plants as the female glanced up woozily. Then, she turned, and got to her feet. One of the human boys groaned, leaning on her, and the two exited the glowing lair. The rest of the humans soon followed.)

Raph: Not only was that a job well done, it was a job well done without Leo.

(A hissing, squalling sound made them all turn sharply.) 

Snakeweed: My fertilizer! Snakeweed squalled angrily.

Y/N: Well, crud.

Mikey: What now, boss?" (Whispered to Raph.)

Raph: (Shook himself slightly) Take him down!  (Whirling his sai in hand, Raph charged.)

Y/N: Way to lead! 

(Y/N, Donnie and Mikey charged.)

(Taking him down did not prove to be easy. Growling, Y/N leapt into the air, spinning to avoid the vines, slicing at any that came too near, aiming for the pulsing, brown, heart-like thing in Snakeweed's throat. But one of the flytraps smacked him down. Y/N gasped, and rolled aside just before another vine could crush him, landing in a crouching position.)

Y/N: Donnie, help me out here!

(Donnie nodded He ran for Snakeweed, Y/N right behind him. Donnie crouched low, and Y/N somersaulted over his shell, landing on his feet on his staff, allowing Donnie to launch him into the air.)

Donnie: Ally-oop! 

(Y/N aimed his claws at Snakeweed's heart, but was whacked aside easily. Luckily, the whole point help from Donnie was for him to attack first, and for Donnie to attack right after. But, he was knocked away and landed right on top of Y/N who groaned in pain from the impact.)

Donnie: Ow.( He rubbed his ribs.)

Y/N: I think we need double help. (Y/N pushed Donnie away)

Mikey: Wow, we're totally losing!

(Mikey and Raph on the opposite end of the lair. A thorn vine nearly crushed both turtles, and Raph was whacked into the wall.)

Raph: (Sarcastically) Really? I hadn't noticed!

Mikey: Then get your head in the game bro! You're supposed to be the leader!

Donnie: Y/N! (Pointed to the back of the mutant weed's head.)

Y/N: (Nodded) I'm on it! 

(Y/N darted forward, and rolled to avoid the vine coming his way. He got right in front of Snakeweed, to draw his attention away from his brother. Snakeweed squalled and tried to step on him.)

Y/N: It's your harvesting time! And I've got just the right tools to do the job! RAAH!

(As Y/N darted forward he stopped in front of Snakeweed and the latter tried to hit Y/N, but he managed to dodge them.)

(Y/N tried to go for a strike, but very quickly, though, he was smacked aside. Donnie landed right next to him.)

Y/N: Oh, fantastic. (See's thorn vine coming) Look out!

(A thorn vine whipped at her and her brothers, the four of them scattering.)

Raph: (Quickly to his feet.) Get back in there!

Donnie: And do what?

Raph: Go for the head!( Ran to Mikey and Y/N.)

Donnie: I just did!

Raph: Do it... better!"

Donnie: (Clutched his staff in frustration.) Great! Four times in a row, he'll never see that coming!

(Y/N winced as Raph helped him and Mikey to their feet.) 

Y/N: You do remember how we defeated him last time, right? 

Raph: Yes.

Y/N: It was a strategy by Le-

Raph: I know!"

(Donnie's aim for the head proved to have been unsuccessful as he was immedately smacked down.) 

Mikey: Now what, chief?" (Turns to Raph.)

Raph: (Loss for words.) Go... for the head!

Mikey: (Readied his nunchuks, grinning confidently.) Fifth time's a charm!

(As soon as he was within reach of Snakeweed, Mikey was seized by one of the vines.)

Y/N: Good plan, Raph! 

(He turned sharply when he heard Mikey's shout. Whirling the young ninja over his head, Snakeweed threw Mikey viciously into the far wall.) 

Raph: Mikey!



Y/N: You are so going down, Snakeweed! (He turned to Raph, putting a hand on his shoulder.) I got your back.

(Raph darted forward, dodging all the vines (or flytraps) coming his way. Y/N followed him part of the way, but halted when Raph ran past Donnie.)

Y/N: Mikey's out for the count! (Y/N pulls his Donnie ro his feet) Raph's checking him! C'mon!

Donnie: (Shook himself slightly.) Go for the head?

Y/N: (Crouched low.) Go for the head.  (Leaps into the air, dodging an attack from a fly trap)

(The slash slices multiple vines, but one of the vines seized his ankle.)

Y/N: Oh, crud! (Y/N tries to slash the vine, but unfortunately ) Donnie!

(Donnie comes up and knocks down Snakeweed which makes him squall, and Y/N grunted as he was dropped on his head.)

Y/N: (Strained Voice) Thanks. (Donnie landed next to him.)

Donnie: Raph! (Their temporary leader right behind them.) Little help here!

Raph:  (Scared) Just... hold him off! 

(Y/N turned to see that Mikey was still down. Donnie swallowed hard, and charged. Y/N stood up sharply, ignoring the throbbing in his head, and followed. Donnie whirled his staff in his hands, whacking away any vinescoming towards him. Y/N somersaulted into the air, claws cutting through air and vines.)

Y/N: Ha!  

(He landed behind Snakeweed, who suddenly turned, trying to bring a thorn vine down on him. Y/N dodged aside, landing in a crouch, when he saw one of the flytrapstrying to chomp down on Donnie. Acting instinctively, he threw multiple ninja stars. They flew through the air, working there way around, and slicing off the flytrap. Snakeweed shrieked, stepping back. He turned back to Y/N, growling.)

Y/N: That was awesom- Crud! 

(The other flytrap came down on him, and he tripped backwards. Y/N got disgusted and freaked out when the Venus flytrap he'd sliced started to grow back.)

Y/N: Ugh, man, you are so weird! (Thoughts) And yet your abilities are incredible!

(Both flytraps came down on him, and he pushed himself back desperately. He gasped when one of them him in the chest and he flew back into the wall.)

Y/N: (Graons in Pain)

(Snakeweed leered, and whipped out a vine. Just before it could reach Y/N, Donnie leapt in front of him, allowing the vine to wrap around his staff. Both brothers hear Raph smacking Mikey, his voice betraying his panic.)

Raph: C'mon Mikey... Wake up! Don't do this to me! (Eyes widen with panic.) Mikey's down! 

Donnie: So what do we do now, Raph? 

(Donnie still trys to hold off the vine that was wrapped around his staff. Raph didn't respond looking at the unconscious Mikey, back up at the struggling Donnie and the downed Y/N.) 

Donnie: Raph! 

(Donnie stepped back as the vinespressed harder, almost tripping over Y/N. Y/N looked at his brother, who seemed to be frozen.) 

Y/N: Raph's having a panic attack. (Getting to his feet, and sheaths his claws.)

Donnie: (Sarcastically) Fantastic. 

Snakeweed: I'll crush you rotten turtles and cheetah into the ground! 

(He lifted up one of his flytraps, and brought it down. Y/N dove aside, landing beside Raph, holding his chest in pain. Donnie had taken the vines wrapped around his staff to his advantage, and soon had Snakeweed tangled up in the ceiling pipes with the weed's own vines, locking his staff into one of the pipes to keep the mutant weed from escaping.)

Y/N: Good, now lets make like a tree and leaf!  (Donnie landed next to him.) "

Donnie: Good idea! Raph!

(Their brother didn't respond. Y/N grabbed Raph, and smacked him.) 

Y/N: Dude, pull yourself together! We need to go now!

(Donnie seized Raph by the shoulders, shaking him a little.) 

Donnie: We don't have much time before he grows back! Let's grab Mikey and get outta here!

(Raph seemed to come to himself, and he and Donnie quickly threw either of Mikey's arms over their shoulders, and sped out of the lair. With one pair of claws still out, just in case, Y/N walked out of the chamber backwards to make sure Snakeweed was still trapped. The mutant weed shrieked angrily, and Y/N quickly turned and chased after his brothers.)

Snakeweed: I'm coming for you, mutants! You hear me? I'm coming for you!

(Timeskip to the lair)

Raph: Help! 

(Raph and Donnie carried Mikey into the lair. Y/N rushed in hoping that Mikey would be okay. Splinter came out from the dojo, quickly assessing the situation.)

Splinter: Set him down. 

(Points to the pit step. Y/N helped his brothers gently set Mikey to where their Senseihad directed, and Splinter sat down next to the unconscious teen.)

Splinter: (Sharply) Where is Leonardo? 

Y/N: (Sternly) I'm not sure, (Glance at Raph) Do you know Raph?

Raph: (Miserably) I don't know. Sensei, this is a disaster, and it's all my fault... I don't know what happened. I just... froze up. I mean, I have no problem risking my own life, but... risking my brothers...

(Y/N, kneeling next to Michelangelo, looked up at his Raph sadly. Splinter pressed his hand on various parts of Mikey's face gently, before turning back to Raph.) 

Splinter: Now you see the price of leadership, responsibility.

Raph: Yeah...I hate it.

Y/N So you understand Leonardo's burden?

Raph: (Nodded) We need him back... I need him back.

(Splinter stood up, Y/N doing the same.) 

Splinter: Then go get him.

Raph: But... Sensei, I don't know where he is.

Donnie: He's going to the Biarly Building. 

(Y/N and Raph looked at him questioningly.) 

Donnie: April texted me. (Holds up his T-Phone. Then he blinked, turning back to his phone.) April texted me! (Donnie stood up, hands in the air.) Oh, this is the best day!  (Mikey groaned, and that seemed to snap Donnie out of hiscelebration.) Well, I mean, it's had it's ups and downs.

(Raph rolled his eyes, and stalked towards the lair entrance/exit. Y/N followed, pointing a finger at Donnie.) 

Y/N: Stick behind and stay with Mikey and Sensei. We'll go find Leo.

(Climbing one of the taller high rises around this part of the city proved to be fun, Y/N and Raph rolled onto the top. Almost as soon as they got to the top, they saw Leo holding the hands of a female human teenager, who was clad in black clothes topped by silver armor. As Y/N and Raph ran forward, the human female seized Leo's wrist, and flipped him onto his chest, one foot on his shell, still holding his wrist in an arm lock.)

Raph/Y/N: Leo!" (Raph and Y/N halted in front of the pair.)

Y/N" Leo, what...?

Karai: So, you're the cheetah Shredder told me about. 

(Y/N frowned, narrowing his eyes suspiciously at the female human, who was smirking.)

Raph: What are you doing? 

Y/N: Who's she?

Leo: Um...(Tapped his finger on the ground awkwardly.) Raph, Y/N, Karai... (He gestured to the human holding him down.) "Karai, Raph and Y/N...

Raph: What are you, friends with her?

Y/N: Well, she's holding him in an arm lock. (Y/N made his gauntlets shift into level 2, still glaring at the female human who was called 'Karai'.)

Y/N: Kunoichi... Footclan. Would she really be friends with Leonardo.?. "Wait...? 

(Y/N's mouth dropped slightly. Karai's smirk got wider, and she let Leo up as the two other brothers stalked forward.) 

Raph: We're out there risking our necks. And you're up here holding hands with the Foot!

Leo: I can explain.

Y/N: Yes, please do. (Y/N gritted his teeth, tapped his foot on the ground.) Explain.

Karai: This should be interesting, (Glances at Y/N) But, you should know that my sister is coming for you.

Y/N: ......What? (Turns to Leo) Leo, what's going on.

Leo: You-you see..." Karai and I share and appreciation for the fine craftsmanship.

(Y/N stiffened at the sound of clicking and squalling right behind him and Raph, and the two of them spun around.) 

Snakeweed: I found you, mutants!

Leo: Oh, thank goodness. 

(Drew his katanas, while Raph and Y/N drew sai and claws.Snakeweed shrieked, and swung a vine at the ninjas, who jumped over it, ran forward.) 

Raph: All's-forgiven-you're-the-leader-again-welcome-back.

Y/N: Excellent, now that you two have hugged and made up, let's focus on the problem at hand!

(Y/N yelped out the last word as they had to duck under another whipping vine, and leapt back as Snakeweed attempted to step on them.) 

Y/N: Ok, your harvest has been postponed long enough!

(Y/N darted forward, rolling to avoid the coming vines, before slicing them with his claws. He corkscrewed into the air, and aimed a kick at the pulsing object in Snakeweed's throat. Unfortunately, his kick aimed a little low, and he pushed himself off Snakeweed's face, landing in a crouch on the ground. Snakeweed squalled angrily, and Y/N just retorted with-)

(Then, Leo flew past him, and a vine wrapped around his body, pulling him forward.)

Y/N: Leo! 

(Leo caught onto the side of the building rooftop door with his free arm, just stopping himself from being reeled in by Snakeweed.) 

(Y/N screamed as a vine wrapped around her ankles, pulling her forward.)

Raph: Y/N!"  

(Y/N clawed the ground, trying to find a hold. Snakeweed pulled him into the air, and Y/N thrashed frantically. From another building across the way was the golden armored ninja with binoculars looking at Y/N. 

??: (Removes the binoculars from her eyes.) Pitiful

(Raph struggled against one of the flytraps as he was lifted into the air by another one ofthe vines.)

Leo: Karai!" 

(Y/N could see the Foot clan kunoichi standing on the side, smirking.)

Leo: Karai, please! Help!

(Karai drew a short sword, a tanto, and threw it at Leo and it embedded itself in the wall. Exactly right above Leo's head.)

Karai: Sayonara. 

(Karai leapt off the building. Y/N started to get worried as Snakeweed lifted him higher. Hopefully, he kept on squirming, trying to access his claws, or even a shuriken, and then saw Leo kick the mutantweed in the face. Snakeweed shrieked and squalled, flailing around. Raph had sliced the vine holding him with his sai, and Y/N finally managed to take out a shuriken, which he used to free himself. Flipping around,  landed on his feet.)

Leo: Raph, Y/N! Follow me! I've got an idea!

Raph/Y/N: You're the boss. 

(Y/N quickly took out his claws, and the three of them quickly jumped down the fire escape, Raph and Y/N following Leo. They landed, and sped towards one of the lower buildings. Snakeweed landed right in front of them, squawking, and smacked them back easily.)

Y/N: Why can't this guy just "leaf" us alone! (Chuckles)

Leo: How can you make jokes right now!?

Y/N: Hey, laughter is the best medicine! (Pushing himself up painfully.)

Raph: Now what? (Snapping at Leo.)

Leo: (Got to his feet.) We charge him.

Raph: (Surprised) Really?

Y/N: Just so you know, a majority of our last fight, which failed, consisted of charging him.

Leo: Trust me, let's move!

(Shaking his head in a 'what the heck' manner, Y/N dodged to avoid one of the fly traps, and charged. Raph sliced at any vines coming his way, and Y/N did the same with his bestia fang claws. Then, Leo delivered a spinning kick into Snakeweed's relatively unprotected heart. Snakeweed stumbled back, shrieking in pain. Y/N saw Leo speed towards a bunch of gasbarrels and he followed his lead.)

Y/N: So what's the genius plan this time, your leaderness? 

Leo: Kinda hard to explain. (Leo grunted as he lifted one of the blue gas barrels.) I'm sort of winging it. But this plan is gonna work.

Y/N: Whatever you say.

(Y/N yelped as Snakeweed fell near them, courtesy of a strong kick from Raph. The mutant weed instantly turned to look at him with a screech as he threw a couple shurikens, which embedded in his head. With a cry, Y/N lunged at him, claws ready, only for a thorn vine to nearly crash on top of him, forcing him to jump aside. Leo lobbed the gas barrel at Snakeweed's face, and quickly grabbed another. Snakeweed turned back to squall at him, and smacked Leo into the gas barrels as the he tried to move forward. Leo shook himself, and gasped as Snakeweed stood over him. Suddenly, Raph jumped onto Snakeweed's shoulders, grunting as he tried to hold the mutantweed back. Snakeweed shrieked, and seized him about the neck with one of his vines, throwing and holding him down.)

Y/N: Raph! 

(Y/N jumped forward, getting ready to slash, only for one of Snakeweed's flytraps to smack him against the wall, holding him there.)

Leo: Oh, you gotta be kidding me.

(Leo was knocked aside again when he tried to lob another gas barrel at Snakeweed. Snakeweed hissed, and knocked aside the rest of the gas barrels, before wrapping a vine around Leo's neck, lifting him into the air, and shrieking in his face. Y/N had just enough time to see the gas barrel Leo was holding behind his shell, before he thrust it into Snakeweed's open mouth, and then kicked the weed in the face, forcing it to release him. Y/N gasped for air as the flytrap released him.)

Leo: Raph! (Landed hard next to Y/N.) Now!

(Raph blinked for a moment, before realizing what his brother meant. Jumping to his feet, he threw one of his sai. The weapon hit the gas barrel, and the mutant weed was encased in ice.)


(Raph leapt into the air, and brought his other sai down on the head of the frozen Snakeweed, shattering it. Leo helped Y/N up, and the two of them ran forward.)

Raph: (Turned to Leo) Nice work.

Leo: Thanks. Good to be back.

(Y/N laughed, and wrapped either arm over his brothers' shoulders.)

Y/N: (At Leo) Good to have you back, bro.

Raph: And, uh.. (Looking at the ground.) Sorry.

(Y/N stared at him a little bit shocked.) 

Leo: (Playfully) What did you say? (Holded a hand up to his ear.) I couldn't hear.

Raph: (Sighed._ I said... I'm SORRY!

(Y/N ducked to avoid the sound onslaught, and Leo stumbled back a bit.)

Leo: Ugh.(Leo shook his head, holding his ear.) Apology accepted.

Y/N: Come on guys, let's go ho-

Leo/Raph: (Gasp!)

(Y/N looks at the arrow in confusion, but than see's there is a note rolled up around it.)

Y/N: A note?

Raph: Who's it from?

Y/N: Let's find out.

(Y/N rolls the note out and it says "you're mine".)

Y/N: You're mine?

(Y/N looks at the angle of where the arrow came from and see's the golden armored kunoichi staring down at him. She soon leaps off the other side of the building without looking back.)

Y/N: Who was that?

(Everyone was gathered around Mikey, Donnie, Raph and Y/N watching anxiously as Leo held a slice of pizza within smelling range of their youngest brother.)

Mikey: (Sniffing) Mmm... (Opened his eyes, sitting up.) Pepperoni.

Leo: Works every time. 

(Pulling back the slice of pizza as Mikey reached for it. Before Mikey could get the pizza, Raph seized his youngest brother by the shoulders, shaking him slightly.)

Raph: Mikey! Don't scare me like that, buddy, I thought we lost you! (He hugged his youngest brother tightly.)

Mikey: Dudes. (Raph pulled him back from the hug.) I had the weirdest dream. I dreamt the stuff in the sewer was made out of-

Y/N: Eh, forget about it Mikey.

Donnie: It was just a dream.

(He held a finger to his lips, looking at his older siblings when Mikey looked away.)

Y/N: You're here with us, Michelangelo. (Y/N hugged Mikey.) And don't you ever not be, hmm?

Mikey: Whatever you say, Y/N.

(Mikey took the pizza slice from Leo, and ate it enthusiastically. Raph gave Y/N a look, indicating to follow as he took Leo by the arm, and pulled him aside.)

Raph: So what's with the girl who tried to kill you?

Leo: She didn't try to kill me. She saved me.

(Y/N snorted in amusement.)

Raph: She threw a knife at your head.

Leo: She threw a knife near my head. (Leo holds the tanto.)

Raph: She's in the Foot clan.

 Leo: (Patted raph on the shoulder.) Nobody's perfect.

(Raph scoffed in disbelief and Y/N's mouth dropped as their brother walked past them. 

Y/N: (Muttering) I think our dear leader has fallen in love.

(Leo looked at the tanto with a smile.)

(Y/N is sitting on the couch watching TV when April comes in with a sad look on face which he notices.)

Y/N: April, what's wrong?

April: It's just....I had a nightmare a couple nights ago and still hasn't gone away.  I've been falling asleep in classes and I was hoping that Master Slpintwer would have something that could help me conquer it. I have a test in the morning.

Y/N: Well, the guys went top-side and Splinter is in a deep meditation.

April: (Saddended) Oh, well than I'll just head back. 

(April turns to leave, which made Y/N sad, so he decided to do something about it.)

Y/N: Wait!

(April turns back.)

Y/N: I have something that might help, but it's gonna sound weird.

April: I'll do anything at this point.

Y/N: Alright, you're gonna have to......put your head on my chest.

April: (Surprised and blushes a bit) What?

Y/N: Yeah, it's something that I read online that therapist patients use for people who can't seem to sleep. We can try, only if you want too.

(April thinks for a moment before nodding. And soon April was sitting on the couch next Y/N. She moves her head close to his chest and soon makes contact.)

April: (Gasp!)

Y/N: (Panicking) April, what's wrong!? Are you-

April: (Covers Y/N's lips with her finger) Your heart. (Her eyes soon become droopy and she has a calm face.) It's so calming.

Y/N: (Gasp!)

(Flash-Back to the Kraang prison)

(In the prison the sound of pain ringed throughout the halls and scares Riki. So, her brother hugged and pulled her close to his chest.)

Y/N: It's okay, we're okay. Don't listen to what's out there, just focus on my heart.

Riki: (She soon calmed down and nuzzled more into Y/N's chest) Big brother, your heart-beat is so calming.

(Flash-Back Over)

(Y/N comes out of his flash-back and see's that April has fallen asleep with her arms over his neck and a smile on her face.)

April: (Sleep voice) Good kitty....

(Y/N smiles, but soon looks at the ceiling and has one question on his mind.)

Y/N: Where are you Riki?

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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