Never Say Xever

[Episode begins with the city.]

[sirens wailing.]

[In the Shredder's lair.]

Shredder: Hamato Yoshi's disciples are turtles and a cheetah? And yet they managed to defeat you?

Chris: Not just turtles and a cheetah. Man-sized turtles and cheetah. Trained in Ninjutsu. And I almost had them. 

Xever: Till you lead us into their trap. If you'd let me take them down when I wanted Chris.

Chris: Then we'd never find Hamato.

Shredder: Silence! You were such a promising student.(Unsheaths blade and points it at Chris's neck) I expected much more from you.

Chris: Sensei, give me another chance. I will not fail you again.

Shredder: No, you won't. Xever, you are in charge.

Chris: I won't take orders from this gutter trash.

Shredder: Is that so? (Blades Come out)

Chris: Unless you want me to, master.

Xever: I've already put the word out on the street to watch for the turtles. And when I find them, I'll peel them out of their shells and drop them at your feet.

Shredder: What about the cheetah?

Xever: Oh, I will take care of him myself. He seems the most deadly out of the turtles.

(Shredder walks away and Chris and Xever head for the exit the room.)

[theme song]

April: (Annoyed) "You guys wanna speed it up a little?!"

Donatello: "Are you saying turtles are slow?"

Michelangelo: "That's a hurtful stereotype."

Y/N: Well, genetics does say that turtles are one of the slowest animals. (Leaps off building)

Leonardo: "Show off and trust us, April, we are better off keeping a low profile. We find people treat us better when they don't know we exist."

April: "Sorry, I'm just so excited to get you out of the sewer for a change."

Raphael: "What are you talking about? We go out all the time.

April: "Yeah, but tonight your gonna do something besides hitting people."

Raphael: (disappointed) "Aww..."

Y/N: (Pats his Shell) Don't give up hope yet.

April: "Don't worry. You're gonna love this noodle place I found."

Donatello: "And you're sure we'll be welcome?"

April: "Oh yeah. Mr. Murakami doesn't care what people look like. In fact, he won't even know what you look like. He's blind!"

Michelangelo: "Awesome!-" (Raphael slaps his head) "For us, I obviously..."

[grunting, glass shatters]

April: Oh, no.

Donnie: Who are those creeps?

April: The Purple Dragons. They think they own the streets around here.

Leo: So much for not hitting people tonight.

Raph: Oh, well.

Y/N: Mikey call us in. (They rush In)

Mikey: Booyakasha!

Purple dragon: Huh?

Leo: All right, let him go. You don't want any trouble.

Raph: We, on the other hand, do.

Purple dragon Fong: Whoa, those guys were serious. There really are giant Turtles and Cheetah.

Miikey: You've heard of us? Dudes, we're famous.

Y/N: That's bad.

Mikey: Oh. Right.

Fong: "Whatever you are, this neighborhood is ours, so why don't you slither back to the ocean you came from!"

Donatello: "Actually, we're freshwater turtles. I suspect that we're derived from the diamondback terrigen , but it's possible we're a common box  ..."

Fong: "Get'em!"

[Turtles have a good job fighting with the goons. One of them goes for Y/N]

Purple Dragon: You've been a bad kitty.

Y/N: (Growl)

[April helps Murakami, until she notices that one goon is trying to assault Mikey, who's eating soup.]

April: [gasps]

[April throws top at him. It hits and he falls to the ground.]

Mikey: Huh? Thanks, April.

April: You're welcome. Duck! (She and Murakami dodge a bowl that flies toward their heads.)

(Leo has a purple dragon pinned to the wall and about to hit him but lets him go)

Leo: Get out of here.

Fong: Come on. Let's go. This ain't over, greeny. (Runs Off)

Donnie: "Greeny"? Really? I wonder how many brain cells he put to work on that.

Raph: You just let him go? What the heck was that?

Leo: They weren't exactly a threat. They'd had enough.

Raph: Dude! They were beating up a blind guy. There's no "enough". Now they'll think we're wimps and we don't have the guts to finish the job.

Y/N: Raph, we have to be the better mutants in this situation.

April: Wow. That was great, you guys.

Donnie: Thanks, April. Did you see when I caught the one guy and flipped him onto the counter? Did it look cool? I bet it looked cool.

April: The coolest.

Donnie: [upset] You didn't see it, did you?

April: No, I did not.

[Donnie is disappointed.]

Y/N: Don't worry Donnie I saw and it looked awesome.

Murakami: My friends, I'm indebted to you. Please, allow me to make you a meal. Free of charge.

Raph: I think we can allow that.

Murakami: What is your favorite dish?

Brothers: Pizza!

(Murakami shows his debt of gratitude to the Turtles by making a dish called "pizza gyoza" that is a dumpling with pizza ingredients in it.)

Donnie: Oh, Murakami-san, that was awesome!

Mikey: You're like a ninja but for food.

Y/N: That's called a ninja with food.

Murakami: Pizza gyoza.

April: Pizza gyoza?

(The Brothers try it and it makes their eyes comically fall out of their head. They eat it more.)

(A/N: If you want to try this dish for real. Watch this video. I'm planning on making it)

Raph: Wow.

Mikey: Delish!

Donnie: It's like I got a one-way ticket to Flavorville.

April: (Holds up Soup) This is really good too, you know. (The Turtles continue eating, but Y/N comes over and tries it)

Y/N: This is delicious! (Tries some more)

Leo: Uh, Murakami-san, do the Purple Dragons come around a lot?

Murakami: [sighs] Yes. They demand protection money but I refuse to pay. They will surely return.

Raph: Well, they wouldn't if somebody hadn't wimped out.

[Miley eats Leo's pizza gyoza, which Leo watches at him furiously.]

[Back in the lair, Leo is aggressively punching the dummy, feeling no helpful for fighting the goon of the Purple Dragons, until Raph arrives.]

Raph: Whoa, whoa, Leo. I think he's had enough. You better let him go.

Leo: I get it. You're making fun of me for not mercilessly pummeling a helpless man.

Raph: Yes, I am. You showed weakness. [pokes his brother's stomach, which he angrily looks at Raph.]

Raphael: "Those guys only understand one language."

Michelangelo: "Chinese?"

Raphael: "No... fists."

Michelangelo: "How about feet?" (Holds up his foot)

Raphael: "Uhh... they understand feet."

Donatello: "That would make them bilingual."

Raph: Argh! The point is we can't go soft on them! (Splinter and Y/N walk up)

Splinter: To show mercy is not soft. It is a sign of true strength.

Raph: But, sensei, they're criminals. This is war.

Splinter: A Daimyo of the "in times of peace, never forget the possibility of war. 

Y/N: And in times of war, never forget compassion."

Raph: I'm guessing that guy lost a lot of wars.

(Splinter glares at Raph and then thrusts forward and stops at his head.)

Raph: (Gasps)

Splinter: You see? Mercy. (Whacks Raph's head)

Raph: Ow! Okay, look. Compassion is great. But the Purple Dragons are not going to leave Murakami alone.

Leo: So we'll track down the Dragons and make sure they got the message. And if they didn't, we'll send them one. Special delivery.

Raph: Was that meant to sound tough or stupid?

Donnie: How are we gonna track someone down when we can't talk to anybody?

Y/N: (Smirks) There is one person we can talk too.

(Scene changed to April approaching and talking to a man.)

April: I'm looking for the Purple Dragons.

Man: I don't know what you're talking about.

April: Don't worry, I can protect you. I'm an undercover cop.

Man: You look like you're 16.

April: I know. I'm really good at this. Whoa. [chuckles]

Man: Let me see a badge.

April: Are you crazy? I can't carry a badge. That would blow my cover.

Man: I suppose that makes sense.

(Scene changed to brothers on a building overlooking a tattoo shop)

Y/N: April said this was the place.

Mikey: Cool. Can we get tattoos? I want to get one of my face on my face. It'll be like I'm wearing a mask and the mask is me! I just blew your minds, right?

Donnie: You know they use needles for that.

Raph: Can it, dorks. There he is.

(The brothers follow Fong back to the purple dragons warehouse and they're having a meeting with Xever and Chris)

Fong: We saw that gang of turtles and their kitten you were looking for. And we'll tell you where, for a price.

(The Brothers crash through the window and get ready to fight)

Leo: Freeze, dirt bags! (See's Xever and Chris) Uh-oh.

Y/N: This isn't gonna be good. And I am not a Kitten!

Xever: I think we can find them ourselves.

Mikey: Oh, man. This is awkward. It's Chris Bradford, my ex-friend. And that other guy.

Y/N: What's your name "Afro"?

Xever: The name is Xever. So you don't forget, I'll write it on your shells and skin (Pulls out butterfly knives) with these.

Y/N: Woah...ok I know we're enemies, but nice blade action.

Purple Dragon: (Attack Y/N from behind)

Y/N: Nice Try. (Ducks and uppercuts him over the railing)

(Pause at 0:07)

Y/N: (Faces one) Let's see what you got.

The Purple Dragon comes at him and tries to hook punch him, but-

Y/N lands on the other side-

Y/N: Nice try dirtbag.

(Continue Video)

Leo: Ninjas, fall back!

Raph: We're giving up? Again? You kidding me? 

(They dodge and block kunai's)

Leo: Yes, it's all part of my hilarious "let's all live" routine.

(The Brothers jump out the window they came in)

Xever: Hey! Stay and fight, you cold-blooded cowards!

(Back at the lair the brothers are lying around upset)

Raph: Man, could that fight have been any more embarrassing?

Mikey: Sure. We could have been hit in the face with pies. 

Raph: [growls]

Leo: It's called fighting smart, Raph. The Purple Dragons have Bradford and Xever on their side now. Last time, we barely beat those guys.

Raph: Yeah, because they're willing to fight to the finish. The only way to beat them is to be just as ruthless as they are.

Splinter: Raphael, this Xever can cross lines that you won't. This may make him dangerous, but it does not make him strong.

Y/N: They're is a difference between being strong and being ruthless.

Raph: But, Xever wins fights. Isn't that what matters? And he never shows anyone mercy.

(Back to the Purple Dragon hideut)

Fong: Please, please. I helped you find the turtles and the kitten, didn't I?

Xever: Idiota. You led them to our hideout. (Pushes head through wooden statue)

Chris:So much for your street connections. You really think these common hoodlums can tell us anything useful?

Xever: They'd better.(Pulls Fong Out)  Where'd you see those turtles and kitten ?

Fong: The east village. Some old man's noodle shop. Murakami's. We were roughing him up and they jumped in to protect him.

Xever: Oh, did they? (Drops Fong and lets him crawl away)

Chris: Big deal. How are you going to make sure the turtles don't get away again?

Xever: Easy. I'll give them a reason to stay.

(Later, April goes to the noodle shop yet again and notices that Murakami was taken and that a note was left behind, stating that Murakami is currently being held hostage at the very top of the Fortune Cookie Factory. She calls the Brothers and wait for them to show up.)

Y/N: April, what's wrong?

April: It's Murakami. (They enter the restaurant) Someone took him and left this.

MIkey: Sweet! Free knife.

Donnie: The note, dummy. "No more running. If you want the old man, meet us on the roof of the fortune cookie factory. "

Raph: Well, what are we waiting for? Let's bust in there and save Murakami.

Leo: Not so fast. Think, Raphael.

Donnie: There's two words that don't usually go together.

Leo: This is obviously a trap.

Raph: Well, what choice do we have?

Leo: Maybe we do need to think more like Xever.

Donnie: But, master Splinter said-

Leo: I know. But Xever crossed the line dragging Murakami into this. He's got to learn that we can cross the line too. 

Y/N: "No more Mr. Nice Mutant."

Raphael: "Yes! I never liked Mr. Nice Mutant."

(Scene changed to the Brothers atop a building overlooking Bradford's Dojo)

Leo: Okay, he's strong, so speed and stealth are essential. Okay, everybody know the plan? - Mikey?

Mikey: Yes.

Leo: Are you sure?


Y/N: Tell me what it is.

Mikey: Um, (Thinks a bunch of unrelated things) maybe we should go over it one more time?

Y/N: (Sighs) Of course.

(Bradford walks out and see's Raph. He gets ready to fight but the brothers rush him, tie him up put him in a trashcan, and chain the trashcan)

Leo: Gentlemen, welcome to the other side of the line.

Mikey: Now I'm definitely going to need a tat.(Raph punches him) Ow!

Raphael: (While lifting up Bradford in a trash can with Mikey) "Dang, this sucker's heavy!"
(He and Mikey drop the trash can)

Michelangelo: "Sorry!"

Raphael: "Don't apologize to him."

Michelangelo: "I mean... Sorry I didn't drop you harder!"

Raphael: "There you go!"

Y/N: Let's go save our friend.

(They go to the building a peak their heads out from a corner.)

Donnie: Uh-oh, you guys. Look.

(They see Murakami hanging from a pillar)

Mikey: Dude, Xever's a jerk.

Y/N: You're just now figuring that out.

(They head to the top of the building with Bradford)

Leo: We're here, Xever. Now let the noodle man go.

Xever: Sorry, there's been a change of plans. (Summons Ninjas)

Leo: Actually, there's been another change of plans. (They take trashcan off Bradforf)

Leonardo: "You let our friend go, and we'll let your friend go!"

Xever: "Ha-ha. He's not my friend!" (Starts to saw rope.)

Leonardo: (Holds Bradford over roof) "Uh...we're not kidding, okay, so stop or we'll toss him."

Xever: (Still sawing.) "Go ahead, it'll save me the trouble."

Leo: Uh, Raph?

Y/N: Raph....pull him up.

Raph: Aw, crud. (Pulls him and tosses him on the ground)

Xever: That's what I thought. Attack!

Y/N: Let's do it!

Xever: See, Bradford? That is how you catch turtles. Wait, where is the kitten?

Y/N: Come on, I do this all night! (Switches Bestia fang claws off)

(The Furious 5 are Foot Ninjas and Y/N is Po)

Xever: I'll take care of this. (Runs at Y/N)

(Y/N is Sub-Zero and Xever is Takeda)

(Before Xever kick him Y/N, he stands up quickly)

Donnie: Nice one, Y/N!

Bradford: Ha, (Looks at Xever) what a fool. (Looks at Y/N) I'll be the one to take you down.

Y/N: Go ahead and try.

Bradford: Come on kitten.

Y/N: (Angry and runs at Bradford) I am not a KITTEN!

Y/N: Nice try, but nothing can sneak up on me.

Leo: Y/N look out!

Turtles: Y/N!

(The Foot Ninjas grab Y/N and throw him into the other brothers. They catch Y/N and Xever and Bradford approach them)

Xever: Looks like we managed to grab the kitty as well and now Bradford I'll show how to filet them.

(Scene changed back to the Murakami's restaurant)

Murakami: Accept this token of my gratitude. Pizza gyoza.

Donnie: Awesome. Thanks, Murakami-san.

Murakami: You're welcome, turtle-san and cheetah-san

Donnie: Wait, how did you-

Murakami: I do have other senses. Touch, smell.

Y/N: Oh, so you smelled Mikey.

Leo: You don't think we're weird and scary?

Murakami: You saved my life. Who am I to complain? (Mikey hugs him)

Y/N: Murakami, you give me hope that one day, we'll see a world where mutants won't have to hide.

(Scene changed to and the Family is eating together)

Donnie: Just try one. Sometimes things that don't seem like they go together actually make a great couple. I mean, food. (Gives one to April and she eats it)

April: Fine. Whoa. These are amazing. (Steals Donnie's pla ate and eats the rest)

Y/N: (Chuckles)

Splinter: You boys showed your strength today.

Raph: Yeah, but we almost got beaten.

Splinter: Your strength was mercy. 

Y/N: That is why the Purple Dragon helped you.

Leo: Well?(Leans toward Raph) Say it.

Raph: Okay, okay. You were right.

Leo: Ahh, see? That wasn't so

Raph :Your wimpiness might not be totally useless

Leo: Oh-ho. I'll show you who's wimpy. No mercy! (Tackles Raph)

(Scene changed to Shredder scolding Xever and Bradford at his lair.)

Shredder: This is unacceptable.

Chris: Humble apologies, master Shredder.

Xever: I swear, next time, we will-

Shredder: Enough! I shall deal with Hamato Yoshi's disciples myself.

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