Mousers Attack!
(In the dojo Splinter was watching the turtles while doing their forms. While Mikey, Donnie Y/N and, Leo did it slowly, the way it was supposed to be, Raph was doing it fast.)
Raph: What? Are you fighting a guy in slow motion?
Leo: I suppose I could do it faster if I ignored my form, like you.
Y/N: (Sigh) Oh, here we go.
Raph: Ignore this form!
(Raph launched at Leo, and Leo ducked under his kick. Raph transitioned into a flip and tried to knock over Leo. But Leo jumped over him. Raph tried to throw a punch, but it was blocked. He tired a kick and that was blocked too. The two kept fighting while Mikey and Donnie watched. Y/N walked over and hit some pressure points on their necks. He let go and Raph and Leo fell to the floor.)
Y/N: (Smirks) Splinter taught me that.
Splinter: Well done Y/N. Competition is an excellent motivator, but not when it turns you against each other. So now, you will spar two on two.
Leo: Okay, I'll take Don-
Splinter: You will take Raphael. You two must focus on working together, not competing with each other.
Leo: Okay, so me and Raph against Mikey and Donnie? Uh, isn't that a little unfair?
Donnie: Wait, what are you trying to say?
Raph: Um, how can I put this gently? Besides Y/N, we're way better than you guys.
Mikey: At fighting, maybe.
Y/N: Uh, that's what he meant.
Mikey: Oh? Fine.
Y/N: What about me Sensei?
Splinter: You my son will watch. You have taken me on and it's time for you to observe.
Y/N: (Sigh) Hai, Sensei. (Watches from the sideline)
(Donnie looked like he was about to murder someone. The four turtles stood in their stances while Y/N watched. Leo vs Mikey and Raph vs Donnie. Leo and Raph looked cocky, while Mikey and Donnie were mad.)
Splinter: Hajime!
(Leo punched Mikey in the face. And Raph punched Donnie in the jaw. Leo elbowed Mikey in the chest. Raph kicked Donnie in the gut. Raph and Leo ran towards each other and locked arms. They turned the opposite direction and ran towards their new opponent. Raph socked Mikey in the jaw, Leo flipped Donnie over, Raph kicked Mikey in the stomach and Leo right hooked Donnie right in the jaw. Donnie and Mikey fell onto the floor in pain, while Raph and Donnie stood over them in triumph. Y/N winced for Mikey and Donnie.)
Splinter: Ya me!
Y/N: (Nervous Smile) A for effort guys!
Raph: You were right, sensei. Working together is fun.
[Theme song.]
(Scene changed to Splinter's Hideout)
Dogpound: The Purple Dragon gang agreed to raise our cut to 80%. No complaints.
Shredder: It seems your mutated form has its advantages. But do not forget our primary goal: Locating Splinter and the turtles.
(In the tank below, Xever swims to the glass floor.)
Xever: (Grumbles) "If I weren't stuck in here, I would have caught Splinter by now!"
Dogpound: "But you are stuck in there." (Starts tapping the glass of Xever's fishtank, creating vibrations that harms Xever's hearing)
Xever: "No, no, no, no! Stop that! Stop that! Ow! Ow! Stop it! Ow! Stop it!"
Dogpound: (Laughs, stops tapping) "I'm sure you'll have your chance to shine one of these days. Master Shredder might get hungry for sushi..."
Xever: "Why don't you get into the water and say that!"
Shredder: "Enough Xever! Bradford is right, you are useless to me this way!" (Xever swims off; to Dogpound) "I am counting on you. Find me information that I can use. Or Xever won't be the only one missing his legs...." "
(The turtles were just sitting around the lair. Raph was reading a comic, Leo was in the kitchen getting pizza, and Y/N was stretching his body.)
(Mikey and Donnie were just sitting around, being bummed out.)
Leonardo: (To Donnie and Mikey) "Look guys, Raph and I may be better fighters, but you're still an important part of this team."
Donatello: (annoyed) "As important as you two?" (Leo and Raph look at each other)
Leonardo: "Humm.. Very important. We shouldn't compare ourselves. It's like apples and oranges."
Raphael: (whispering) "Yeah, if apples were way better, which they are."
Donatello: "So, the truth comes out."
Michelangelo: "You guys think of us as some kind of... B Team!"
Raphael: "Good one, Dr. Namenstein. We'll call you The B Team!"
Michelangelo: "Thanks." (Now realizes what just happened) "I mean hey!" What about Y/N!?
Leo: He's on the A Team as well.
Y/N: No, I'm not and there is no A Team of B Team. There is only one team. Us. And until you guys realize that than don't involve me in this. (Goes back to chilling) By the way Leo, B Team really?
Leo: Hey, there's no shame in it. Look, they've got a B-team too.
Captain Ryan: We'll need back up. You two, in the shirts-You're coming with us.
(The fat man in an orange shirt and a smart-looking alien in a purple shirt saluted the captain. The 4 were sent down in a beam. The second they reached the ground, Ryan and Crankshaw flipped away, while the other were blasted with a beam and vanished.)
Crankshaw: Rodriguez, and, that other guy, they're gone!
Captain Ryan: Well, that's why we bring them along.
Donnie: Thanks a lot.
Leo: The point is, they had an important function.
Y/N: (Shakes head and than see's April walk in and looked upset. He quickly walks up to he.) April, what's wrong? Are you okay?
April: I just got mugged by some Purple Dragons. They stole my phone.
Leo: Don't worry. We'll kick their butts for you.
Raph: Yeah, we'll teach those punks to mess with April O'Neil.
April: Guys, it's just a phone. I'll get another one.
Donnie: Come on. What's the point of being a ninja if you can't help your friends when they get robbed?
Splinter: (Walks in) April is right. It is best to let this go.
Y/N: I'm with Sensei and April on this one guys.
Leo: Huh? What do you mean? Why shouldn't we get her phone back?
Splinter: One cannot predict the consequences of battle. Every fight has the potential to stir a hornet's nest.
Y/N: That's why a simple cell phone does not justify this risk.
Raph: What risk? It's the Purple Dragons. Even Mikey and Donnie could beat 'em.
Donnie/Mikey: Hey!
Leo: Don't worry, Sensei. We'll be careful.
(The Turtles ran towards then exit while Y/N stayed behind with look of disappointment on his face.)
Splinter: Y/-
Y/N: I'm on it. (Runs for his brothers)
April: Eh. What ya gonna do?
Splinter: Hope my next pupil is more obedient. (Holds up wooden sword)
(Master Splinter tossed April the wooden Katana. Then they bowed to each other.)
(In a warehouse downtown, the purple dragons were just hanging out. The leader sipped from his cup while the others were throwing small blades by a picture of a turtle with a red bandana.)
Tsoi: Right in the shell. Let's see you beat that.
Sid: Watch and learn.
(Sid threw the blade but it hit way above the picture. The second laughed at the third's bad luck.)
Sid: Oh, that's it. No more bets.
Tsoi: Come on, your luck'll turn around.
(Suddenly the second was kicked in the stomach by a green foot. He flew into a wall. The leader did a spit take.)
Fong: The Mutants?
Raph: Sup?
(Leo, Donnie, Y/N and Mikey jumped from the ceiling. Mikey landed in a crane stance and made a high pitched sound. Y/N chuckled at Mikey's antics.)
Fong: Get 'em!
(The second purple dragon jumped up, prepared to attack Mikey. Mikey took out his nunchucks.)
Mikey: Bring it!
Raph: Comin' through!
(Raph barreled through the air and kicked the purple dragon away from Mikey. Mikey was so annoyed he had steam coming from his head. Another dragon was about to be attacked by Donnie, when Leo ran in from no where.)
Leo: I got it!
(He ducked under the dragon and kicked him back.)
(A vein was pulsing on Donnie's head.)
Donnie: Hey!
San: Some here you dumb cat! (Rushes for Y/N with a bat)
Y/N: Let's see what you got.
PD3: Let's get out of here!
(The dragons started to run from the brothers, but ran right into Mikey and Raph. They turned around and there was Leo, Y/N, and Donnie. Leo pushed the leader to the wall.)
Leo: You punks stole a phone from a friend of ours. We want it back.
Fong: Whatever. We steal a lot of phones.
Leo: Well, let's see 'em. Now!
(The Dragons lead them to their stash of stolen things. There were speakers, laptops, paintings, and lots of phones. Y/N looked around the pile, pointing at something that looked familiar. It was a phone with a red case and a tiny accessory tied to the bottom.)
Y/N: Hey, that looks like it.
(The ground started shaking and the glass from the windows started falling.)
Mikey: Does anyone else feel that?
Y/N: Yep.
[Suddenly, tiny robotic creatures with one eye that is red, two legs, and a single crunching mouth emerge from the hole.]
(The robots lined up and started taking things from the Purple Dragon's stash. They then walked over the jumped down the hole they came out of.)
Sid: Hey, those things are stealing the stuff we stole.
Y/N: Wait. Where's-
(Y/N looked around for the leader of the Purple Dragons. He looked up and saw he was getting away with April's phone.)
Leo: He's got the phone! B-team, get him! We'll handle the metal!
Donnie: Hey, we are not-
Y/N: Ignore Leo and go!
Raph: If you guys can't handle it, don't be ashamed to call for help.
Mikey: Oh yeah? Well, maybe you should call us for help. Or don't call us. We'll call you. Wait, I mean-
Donnie: I think they got it.
(Mikey blows a raspberry at Leo and Raph, as he and Donnie walk away. Leo, Y/N, and Raph were fighting off the robots.)
Y/N: (Grabs one and throws it against the wall.)
(Soon the bots retreated down the hole.)
Y/N: They're getting away! Let's follow them. (Jumps down the hole)
Leo: Come on. Let's see where these things are coming from.
(Leo and Raph put back their weapons and jumps down the hole followinf Y/N. Then the 2 purple dragons that were left behind walked from their hiding spot. They jump down, following the brothers.)
(On the other side of the city, somewhere, in a warehouse, Dog-pound was lifting weights. Then the leader of the purple dragons walked in.)
Dog-pound: What is it?
Fong: One of our guys jacked this earlier tonight. Then those ninjas came looking for it, said it belongs to a friend of theirs.
Dog-pound: Really?
Mikey: Aw man. We can't take Dog-pound on our own. Maybe we should call the others.
Donnie: And tell Raph and Leo we chickened out? Then they'll never stop calling us B-team. We'll use stealth. With the right plan, we can grab the phone without Dog-pound even seeing us. Okay?
Mikey: (Nods)
(On the other side of the tunnel, the robots were dumping all their stolen loot in a pile. In the middle of it all, Daxter Stockback- I mean- Saxter Bockman- I mean- Baxter Stockman was watching it all.)
Stockman: Well done, my pretties.
(Leo, Y/N, and Raph jump down from where they were hiding.)
Raph: Dexter Spackman.
Stockman: It's Baxter Stockman!
Raph: I was close.
Y/N: No, you were not.
Stockman: So you're here to stop me again. Well you don't stand a chance against my M.O.U.S.E.R.S.
Leo: M.O.U.S.E.R.S?
Stockman: Mobile offensive underground search, excavation, and retrieval sentries.
Leo: Seems a little forced.
Y/N: No kidding. So, I'm guessing this was just a trial run.
Stockman: Correct! Since, my test robbery was successful, it's time to move on to bigger targets. These are about to make me very, very rich.
Raph: And we're gonna make you very, very hurt.
(Leo, Y/N, and Raph walk closer and Baxter pulls out a can filled with a red substance. He starts spraying Raph and Leo with it while Y/N jumped before he was sprayed.)
Leo: Acid! Protect your eyes!
(Leo and Raph start coughing thinking the what they breathed in was toxic while Y/N just stood there unworried. Until Raph realized something.)
Raph: Wait. We're fine.
Y/N: Duh, acid can't be in spray form.
Leo: [Coughs.] You're right. Get him!
Stockman: Get me? No, you will be the ones who will be getting got. Gotten? Get them!
(The M.O.U.S.E.R.S. started after Leo, Y/N, and Raph. But soon they were all on the ground broken.)
Raph: Ha! All gone.
Stockman: Good thing I made extra.
(He presses a button on a remote and a door on the floor opened. Under the warehouse were thousands of M.O.U.S.E.R.S. waiting for a command from Stockman.)
Y/N: (Glares at Raph) You had to say something.
Raph: (Nervous Chuckle)
(Metal door opened and the robots ran out, charging at Leo, Y/N, and Raph. The brothers charged forward to fight them.)
(Y/N charges for one, grabbed it, and used it to bash it against the others.)
Leo: I'm calling it. Time to go.
Raph: I'll allow it.
Y/N: Come on this way! (Jumps over metal railing)
(Raph and Leo follow Y/N over the metal railing, while the M.O.U.S.E.R.S. followed in pursuit. Baxter did his not-so-evil laugh as the bots rushed past him.)
Stockman: You can't run forever. Soon, the mousers will crush your bones in their jaws. Such is the fate of anyone foolish enough to trifle with Baxter Stock-
(Stockman was suddenly karate chopped in the back of his neck. He fell unconscious, revealing the two other purple dragons. They looked at each other and the bigger one grunted at the idea they both had.)
(With Donnie and Mikey)
Donnie: We need a diversion, so we can grab the phone. How about this? We'll make them think the police are here. We'll need a bullhorn, some flashing lights, and a siren.
Mikey: Operation: Cop out!
Donnie: Or we can make them think the place is on fire. We'll need a smoke machine, an orange light, and some firefighter jackets.
Mikey: Operation: Burn out.
Donnie: Or we could find the breaker box and shut off the power. We'll need, um, nothing.
Mikey: Operation: Blackout. No, lights out. No, power out. This one's too good, I can't handle it.
(Leo, Y/N, and Raph ran across the rooftops, breathing heavily. They soon skid to a halt and pressed their shells/back onto a wall.)
Leo: You think we lost them?
(The three heard metallic scratching from below. They peeked over the edge to see the MOUSERS standing at the bottom of the building.)
Y/N: I'm gonna go with no.
(The three kept running)
Leo: How are those things tracking us?
Y/N: It's gotta be that stuff Stockman tagged you guys with.
Leo: All right, we better call Donnie.
Raph: You want to get bailed out by the B-team? Forget that.
Y/N: (Groans) Oh, my god.
Leo: Maybe we wont have to.
(They were coming up towards a water tower.)
Leo: Whatever this stuff is, we'll just wash it off (Leo takes his katana and cuts the pipe.).
Raph: (Water touches him) Ah! Cold!
Leo: That ought to do it.
(From behind them they could hear the call of the MOUSERS. They were still on Raph and Leo's trail. The three climb atop the water tower while the MOUSERS were biting at them from below.)
Raph: Of course, we could call Donnie to just to say hi.
Y/N: Or ask him to save out butts.
(Donnie and Mikey were pacing the building top, trying to come up with a fool proof plan. Donnie thought of something, but them dismissed the idea quickly. When they crossed paths again, Donnie can up with something,)
Donnie: I've got it. I'll use my T-phone to hack the CIA computer system, then reroute a satellite over the building and focus it's beams to give them all splitting headaches.
Donnie: I've got it. I'll use my T-phone to hack the CIA computer system, then reroute a satellite over the building and focus its beams to give them all splitting headaches.
Mikey: Operation: Spaced out.
Donnie: That's when you go in, wearing a tinfoil hat to protect yourself-
(Donnie's T-phone starts ringing. He looks to see it's Leo that was calling him. He picks up the phone and answers, kind of annoyed.)
Donnie: I'm kind of in the middle of something.
Mikey: Is that Leo? Tell him my operation names.
Donnie: What's the matter? Oh, don't tell me the A-team needs our help.
Leo: Uh, no. No, of course not. No, we're- we're great. I- I'm just, you know, checking to see if you guys need any help.
Donnie: We got this. We followed Fong to the defunct futon factory on fifth.
Mikey: Say that five times fast.
Donnie: Anyway, we've got an awesome plan to get the phone back. How are you guys doing?
Leo: Uh, you know. Good-ish.
(Leo looks down to see that under the water tower that he, Y/N, and Raph were sitting on, many MOUSER stood there. They were chewing on the support beams, trying to get their targets down.)
Leo: Woah. Uh, whoops! Call waiting! Gotta go!
(He hangs up the phone and turns to Raph and Y/N.)
Leo: You were right. We've gotta beat these things on our own if it kills us.
Leo: You were right. We've gotta beat these things on our own if it kills us.
Raph: Uh...
Leo: Okay, bad choice of words.
Y/N: Duh. (Hears creaking) Do you guys hear that?
(The wood under them starts creaking and they fall though the water tower.)
(In the Warehouse)
(Fong slowly typed on April's phone, trying to get it unlocked.)
Dogpound: Can't you unlock it?
Fong: It's encrypted or something.
(Suddenly the sound of metal being hit rang though the warehouse. Dogpound walked over the door to see the two other purple dragons holding Stockman. When he saw Dogpound he perked up in fear.)
Stockman: Uh, nice doggy?
Tsoi: This guy used his little robots to steal from us, which means he's stealing from you.
Dogpound: I don't have time for this. Get rid of him. I've got turtles and a cheetah to find.
Stockman: Wait! Turtles and cheetah? I hate those guys. I can help. In fact, I'm already helping.
Dogpound: Explain.
Stockman: My M.O.U.S.E.R.S. are destroying the turtles as we speak. Uh, two of them, at least and the one cheetah.
Dogpound: So you make robots. You must be good with electronics.
Stockman: The best. There's nothing I can't build, hack, or fix.
(Dog pound raised his hand. Baxter prepared to be struck but instead, the ropes on his hands were cut clean off.)
Dogpound: Could you hack into this phone?
Stockman: You insult me, sir. Something so easy would be a waste of my talents.
Dogpound: Well, then, start wasting your talents before I waste you.
(With Donnie and Mikey)
Donnie: Okay, let's do this.
Mikey: B-team is go!
Donnie: Don't call us that.
Mikey: Oh, right.
(With the other brothers. The three ninjas were still fighting of the MOUSERS. They were tiring themselves out, while the bots kept coming.)
Y/N: (Surrounded) Bring it on you metal freaks!
Leo: Look Raph, Mouse-kebabs.
(Leo held up his katanas which pierced though 5 MOUSERS heads. Raph stabbed two of his own MOUSERS and threw them off the building. He was panting heavily.)
Raph: These things are a cakewalk.
(The three jumped from the building to fight more MOUSERS. As Leo cut one in half, two jumped down. Y/N pulls out his fang claws and slashes three in half and started to fight more. One fell into the trash can right next to Leo. This grabbed the attention of the two turtles. As they watched the MOUSERS struggled in the trash can, another screeched from behind them. It jumped at them, but they tilted the can so the second would fall in. The two tussled around for a while, trying to get out. Leo and Raph looked to the end of the street to see more MOUSERS coming their way. They put the lid back on the trashcan and laid it down. They rolled it forward, hoping to knock out some bots, but they just jumped over the can. Raph used another lid as a shield as they fought.)
Y/N: (Pant, Pant) I could do this all day.
Raph: Same here.
Leo: Ditto.
(Raph was being backed up into the street by the MOUSERS. A truck came barreling down the street. The truck honked and Leo and Y/N called out to his younger brother. Raph looked to the side in time to see the truck coming. He jumped out of the way, just in time, while the MOUSERS got creamed.)
Raph: That was so fun.
(Y/N walked over and gave his brother a hand. He pulled him up in time to see more MOUSERS coming towards them.)
Leo: It's almost too much fun
(They ran away from the MOUSERS to get more ground.)
(In the Warehouse)
Stockman: There. My decryption program is ready.
(Suddenly the lights went out.)
Dogpound: What's going on?
(Mikey and Donnie slinked though the darkness. Dogpound turned around at the noise, growling. While he was distracted Mikey swiped the phone from the plug.)
Dog-Pound: The phone!
(Mikey and Donnie ran away from Dogpound in the dark. But he used his advanced hearing and smell to track them down. He launched on them and the lights came back on.)
Mikey: Well, that plan didn't work.
Dogpound: Worked great for me. Get the chains.
(Mikey and Donnie were chained to the wall, forced to watch Baxter hack into the phone.)
Stockman: We'll have access to the phone in about ten minutes.
Donnie: You're wasting your time. There's nothing on it.
Stockman: It's got a GPS log, doesn't it?[Donnie gasps.] Once I unlock this phone, we'll see every place it's ever been.
Mikey: The Museum of natural history!
Donnie: Or the lair.
Mikey: That's even worse!
Dog-Pound: If that phone tells me where Splinter is, I'll have no reason to keep you alive. And if it doesn't tell me, I'll get the answers out of you.
(He punches the wall next to Donnie, making a dent.)
Dog-Pound: That's what I call a win-win.
(Leo, Y/N, and Raph ran down the street, huffing and puffing for air.)
Leo: Okay, this is crazy. Maybe we should call-
Raph: We can do this.
Y/N: When are you going to realize-
Raph: I got an idea.
Y/N: OF course you're not listening.
(The three climbed up the street lamp. The MOUSERS walked ahead, wondering why the sensed the turtles were here, but couldn't see them. One looked up and screeched, which caused the others to look up.)
Leo: Up here, metal mouth!
(Leo clashed his katana on the street lamp to get their attention while Y/N did the same with his knuckle duster. They ran over and started chewing on the base. Leo took out his other katana and looked to Raph. Raph nodded and Leo and Y/N jumped down. Leo landed on one and jumped to another while Y/N did the same. They sliced two in half and jumped on the head of another MOUSERS. Leo jumped in the air and sliced 3 when they jumped after him while Y/N kicked one away. Leo jumped away an the MOUSERS got caught on the cap on the hydrant. He tried to pull himself away, but pulled the cap off. Now the water was spilling out everywhere. So MOUSERS fell down from the sudden rush of water under them. Raph jumped off the street light and used his Sais to zip line on a electrical wire. The light post started to fall and the MOUSERS just watched it. As soon as it hit the water, all the MOUSERS were electrified.)
Raph: Told you we didn't need those guys.
(But then MORE MOUSERS came running down the alleyway.)
Leo: Oh, come on.
(The two brothers run, but Y/N stays doesn't move. The two notice and look at him.)
Leo: Y/N what are you doing?!
Y/N: (Points to a warehouse) Get in there and regain your strength, I'll buy you sometime!
Raph: Are you crazy!? We're not going to leave you behind!
Y/N: They're not after they're after you. I got this GO!
(Raph and Leo reluctantly enter the warehouse while Y/N looks at the MOUSERS running towards him and the warehouse.)
Y/N: Well, I might go down, but I won't go down alone! (Runs for them)
(In the warehouse Leo and Raph were hearing Y/N fight the MOUSERS and decided to do something.)
Raph: Okay, I admit it. I wish Donnie were here. I bet he could find a way to get these thing off our tails.
(Suddenly a MOUSERS head burst though the wood, right in between Leo's legs, but Y/N grabbed and threw it away.)
(In the other Warehouse)
(Donnie T-Phone starts to ring. The up beat ringtone caught the attention of Dogpound. He growled at Mikey and Donnie and took their T-phones.)
Dogpound: We'll check these next.
Donnie: T-phones, self-destruct!
(The T-phones started to spark out and the ringtone went all wonky. Dog pound dropped the frying phones and growled at Donnie. Donnie returned with a nervous laugh.)
Leo: Mikey's not answering either. Something's wrong.
Raph: I should've known they'd need us to bail them-
(Raph was interrupted by the reason they were gonna ask for help. Y/N broke down the door and ran because there were too many.)
Y/N: Yes you need there help and they need ours. Lesson learned! Now, let's move! (Jumps through back window with Raph and Leo following them.)
Stockman: Almost done. 98...99...YES! 100! And processing, processing. Come on. And finished.
(Leo, Y/N, and Raph decided to make a grand entrance and jump through the window.) (Threw the window!)
Dog-Pound: The turtles!
Leo: Not so fast, Dog-pound. And Dexter Spackman?
Stockman: Baxter Stockman!
Y/N: You guys have to get his name right.
(Dogpound advanced at Leo, but the mutant turtle just jumped over him. While he was distracted Raph ran over and kicked him in the face. Baxter tried to get the phone , but Y/N slice the space in between the phone and his hand. He slowly took up the phone and looked at Baxter with a 'get- out-my-face' look.)
Stockman: How did you escape my MOUSERS?
Y/N: We didn't. (looks up)
(MOUSERS stared poring though the window. Raph jumped out the way, while Dog pound and Stockman got pelted with little robots. Leo cut the chains holding Donnie and Mikey up.)
Raph: We're here to save the day, as usual.
Donnie: Oh yeah. Looks like you guys were doing great.
Raph: You try fighting off 2,000 robots!
Y/N: (Punches a MOUSER) Less fighting and more MOUSER bashing!
(The Purple dragons left in fear. The ninjas were fighting off the MOUSERS.)
Y/N: God, I hate these guys!
(Dog-pound was easily smashing the bots into dust.)
Y/N: Mikey! Keep away!
(Y/N threw the phone to Mikey. But the throw was too long and Mikey had to jump to stop the phone from falling to the ground. Mikey got up when he saw Dogpound running towards him. He flipped away and started running upstairs. As he ran across the top level the other turtles fought off the MOUSERS. Donnie took a look at something inside the MOUSERS head.)
Donnie: A gamma camera. It detects radioisotopes. That must be what he's tagged you with.
Raph: Oh. How do we get it off?
Donnie: You can't. It wears off gradually. But if someone else got sprayed, they'd give off a stronger signal.
(Mikey screamed as he fell off the 2nd floor. He landed on his plastron and dropped the phone. Dogpound landed behind him. He was about to pound the weakened turtle, but Donnie stepped in and whacked Dogpound upside the head with his Bo staff.)
Donnie: We gotta get Stockman's spray! It controls the MOUSERS!
Mikey: You mean that thing.
(Stockman was now next to Dogpound.)
Stockman: I'll handle this, dog man. One spritz and they're MOUSER chow.
Y/N: Not today dirtbag!
(Y/N jumped up and threw two ninja stars. They impaled themselves in the metal can. The red radioisotopes sprayed on Dogpound and Baxter. The bots stopped fighting the brothers and turned to Baxter and Dogpound. The light on the top of their head flashed. They have acquired their new targets. The bots started to run at the two. While Baxter ran right away, Dogpound tried to fight them off but soon got overwhelmed. He too ran away. Baxter tripped over a robot part and fell. Dogpound scooped him up. He heard ringing and saw April's phone on the ground. Someone by the contact name of Irma was calling. He picked it up, but it was knocked out his hand with a dagger. The phone flew to the wall and shattered.)
Donnie: Hang it up, Dogpound! Your call just got dropped!
(The MOUSERS ran past Mikey and Donnie. Dogpound ran threw the wall, like the Kool-Aid man.)
Dog-Pound: Oh yeah!
(The brothers walked towards the hole to watch them run away.)
Leo: Nice job, guys.
Raph: Yeah, from here on out, you're the "A-" team.
Donnie: That's probably the best we're gonna get out of him.
(Raph rubbed Mikey's head while Mikey screamed against it. Donnie and Leo wrapped their arms around their backs and followed the others while stood back with a smirk on his face.)
Y/N: I wouldn't be so sure.
(In the Lair)
(Mikey was breakdancing, Raph was feeding Spike, Leo was playing pinball while Donnie watched. Y/N was relaxing on the couch.)
Splinter: I hope you all see that by choosing your own battles poorly, you created your own crisis.
Donnie: Yeah, there's definitely some irony there.
Leo: Okay, it got a little out of control, but we learned our lesson. And at least we got April's phone back.
April: You did? Sweet.
(April just walked into the lair. Donnie held out the phone, only for it to shatter into pieces. April and Leo blinks while Donnie pulls back a little with an "I-so-sorry' look.)
Leo: Uh, the important thing is it didn't end up in the wrong hands.
April: Gee. Thanks, guys -_-
Donnie: Uh, dont worry, April. You can have one of my custom made T-phones
.April: Ooh, Cool!
Mikey: Just don't say "T-phone, self-destruct."
(The phone fizzled out and stopped working.)
Mikey: Or else that happens.
Y/N: Really Mikey, but it's time you guys really learned your lesson.
Raph: What are you talking about? We had to fight 3,000 robots and ended up having to save Donnie and Mikey. So it was a usual day for the A-team.
Y/N: Huh? (Pulls out T-Phone and presses button)
Raph: (Recording) "Okay, I admit it. I wish Donnie were here. I bet he could find a way to get these things off our tale."
Raph: (Shocked Face)
Y/N: So what have we learned today?
Mikey: Ooh, ooh, pick me! *Raises hand*
Y/N: (Laughs) Yes Mikey.
Mikey: That we are a team and should never think that one of us is better than the other. Weather it's one of us cant control their anger sometimes, one of us thinks too much or some of us isn't the best fighter. We are brothers and we should except that.
Everyone (Sans MIkey):
(At the Foot Clan HQ, Dogpound, after having narrowly escaped the Mousers, arrives with Baxter and sets him down on the walkway.)
Stockman: Ow! Hey, let go.
Dogpound: Here he is, master.
Shredder: Baxter Stockman. Your interference has cost me the turtles and Splinter. (Grabs Stockman and blades come near him) You should pay with your life. Fortunately for you, I may have use for your skills. (Drops him)
(The episode comes to an end with Dogpound motioning his hand and Baxter looking at him in fear.)
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!
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