MonKey Brains
[Episode starts with Donnie fights with Mikey at the dojo with Mikey impressively flips. Y/N isY watching.]
Y/N: Nice flips Mikey.
Donnie: What are you doing? You don't defend against Seoi Nage with back flips.
Mikey: Why not? Back flips are where it's at.
Donnie: The best defense is to roll along my back, then take me to the ground and put me in an armlock. Unless, of course, I counter with a-
Mikey: Hey, man, you can't take the fire out of hi-yaah! Dr. Flip-enstein!
Y/N: (Laughs)
(Splinter walks to them)
Donnie: I don't even know what that means. Master Splinter, what would you do if someone tried - to throw you with Seoi Nage?
Splinter: I don't know.
Donnie: Come on, you must have planned a response for every attack.
Splinter: If you think too much about what is coming, you lose sight of what is. You must be fully in the moment so you can fight without thinking.
Donnie: Why would I want to fight without thinking?
Y/N: (Walks to them) Allow me to demonstrate Master. Donnie prepare to defend against Seoi Nage. (Rushes at Donnie and pins to the floor)
Donnie: Ow! That wasn't Seoi Nage!
Splinter: No, but you thought it would be. Now, would you like to prepare to defend against a spinning back-kick?
Donnie: No, I'm good. (Splinter walks away)
Mikey: Know what would have worked there? Back flip.
[theme song]
(Brothers walk up to Donnie making a flow chart)
Y/N: What you up to, Donnie?
Donnie: Just putting the finishing touches on my master plan.
Raph: Master plan?
Donnie: Yeah, to get April to hang out with me.
Leo: Try this, "April, do you want to hang out with me?"
Donnie: Yeah, you see, it's not that simple.
Y/N: Yes, it is.
Donnie: Nope, I have to prepare for every possible response to maximize my chances of success.
Mikey: Aw, that's so romantic!
Donnie: Yeah, for instance, if April says she can't because she has homework, then I will suggest an informal study session and serve healthy, brain-stimulating snacks.
Raph: Well, what if she says she can't because you're a total nerd?
Donnie: Ah, that's this thread here. I will list my many non-nerdy qualities and suggest activities that will highlight my coolness, such as skateboarding or shark wrestling.
Y/N: Donnie, I've known you my whole life and you can't shark wrestle.
Donnie: Well, April doesn't know that.
Y/N: (Sighs in Annoyance)
April: Guys! (Jogs up to them)
Donnie: Hey, hey, Ap hey, April. (Flips chart to Movie Poster)
April: You guys gotta check this out. (Opens laptop)
Carlos: Renowned neurochemist Dr. Tyler Rockwell has been reported missing. I spoke with Rockwell's colleague, Dr. Victor Falco.
Falco: I hadn't heard from him in days, so I stopped by his lab. The place was a mess and he was gone. I fear the worst.
Carlos: Police say they have- (Computer Closed)
Leo: So?
April: So the Kraang have been kidnapping scientists from all over the city, including my Dad! Maybe that's what happened to this Rockwell guy.
Leo: Or they may not be connected at all.
April: There's only one way to find out. We should go to that lab and look around.
Y/N: Good idea April! But, me, Raph, Mikey, and Leo were going to search for the prison holding my sister.
Mikey: No, we were-(Y/N steps on his foot which causes his to hold it in pain) Ow, ow, ow. Never mind.
Y/N: So, how about (Puts arm over Donnie) you and Donnie go investigate that lab.
April: Would you Donnie?
Donnie: Uh, yeah let's do it! (Walks off with April turns around and mouths "Thank You" to Y/N)
Y/N: (Thumbs Up)
(Scene changed to Donnie hacking Lab door)
Donnie: There isn't an electronic lock out there my digital lock pick can't crack.
April: Smooth!
[Donnie giggles]
[Creepy laboratory music plays]
Donnie: Wow, this place is a wreck.
April: Ugh, he must have been experimenting on animals.
Donnie:Either someone was up to some secret research, or they were renting space to one freaky dentist!
[Creepy laboratory music continues]
[Donnie watches from the cupboards then sees green thing, opens it, revealing the mutagen.]
Donnie: Mutagen!
[Suddenly the man with a golf club attacks!]
April: Donnie, look out!
[Donnie hits him. April opens the light, the man is actually Dr. Falco!]
April: Dr. Falco!
Dr. Falco: (While pinned to the ground by Donnie) "Ah! What are you?"
Donatello: "Relax, I'm not gonna hurt you."
Dr. Falco: "You already hurt me."
Donatello: (While getting off of him) "I mean any more..."
April: We're here to help.
Falco: I'm sorry. I wish I knew something about your father, but I don't. -
Donnie: So what can you tell us about this?
Falco: Some shady corporate goon paid Rockwell a lot of money to experiment with it.
April: This the guy?
Falco: That's him.
Donnie: The Kraang!
Falco: Well, I wanted no part of that stuff. Who knows what kind of monstrosities could result? - No offense. -
Donnie: Some taken.
April: Is that what was in that cage over there? One of his monstrosities?
Donnie: Can we ease up on the m-word, please?
Falco: That's where he kept the monkey he was experimenting on.
Donnie: Whoa. It sure didn't like being locked up in there.
Falco: Rockwell didn't treat it very well.
April: Maybe the Kraang didn't take Rockwell. Maybe the monkey went berserk, busted out of the cage, and dragged him off or worse.
(Scene changed to April and Donnie walking in a alley)
So how do you suppose we're gonna find Rockwell without any leads?
Donnie: Well, maybe we'll know more once we have a look - at his flash drive.
April: What flash drive?
Donnie: The one I swiped off his desk. (Pulls out Hard drive)
April: Nice!
Donnie: Yeah. Well, keeping cool under pressure is the hallmark of a- (Monkey jumps on front them)
April: "Careful Donnie, that's a dangerous mutant!"
Donatello: "That makes two of us!"
(Donnie starts to attack the monkey right away, but the ape immediately outmatches him, seemingly with the ability to sense all of Donnie's intentions)
April: Donnie, are you okay?
Donnie: I'm good. Monkey! Oh, okay! Whoo!
April: Donnie?
Donnie: I was just figuring out his timing. He is gonna regret that (Punched) Ow! That (Punch) that,too! (Punch) And that!(Punch) Got a lot of regrets, monkey! Hey, come on! Hey, ow!
[The monkey throws Donnie away to the ground, injuring him.The monkey then approaches April menacingly. However, the creature pauses upon noticing April's lack of fear. April then looks into its eyes and tries to assure it that everything will go back to normal. The monkey seems to calm down a little bit, but it then backs up and takes to the roofs..]
April: Donnie, are you hurt?
Donnie: Just my pride. And my internal organs.
(Scene changed to Lair and the three brothers watching Y/N discuss the Kraang prisons)
Y/N: Anyway, if we split up we can check more prisons at a time. (See's April come in with a injured Donnie)
April: Come on.
Y/N: Whoa, what happened?
April: Donnie got beat up by a lab monkey.
Leo: April, can you get an ice pack?
[April sets him down on the couch as she goes to get an ice pack.]
Leonardo: (After Lying Donnie down) "Donnie, are you gonna be okay?"
Donatello: (In pain) "Yeah, yeah I'll be fine."
Leonardo: "In that case..." (Leo, Raph and Mikey start laughing at him while Y/N glares at them)
Raphael: (While laughing) "Y-Y-You got beat up by a monkey? In front of your girlfriend?!"
Donatello: "She's not my girlfriend! And that monkey was a vicious mutant!"
Leonardo: (While still laughing) "Yeah, I'm sure he went bananas!" (laughs more) "Oh, no, no, no, no, no. He went ape!"
Y/N: (Stops Glaring) What did it look like?
Donnie: Like a monkey and a tiger had a baby and threw it into a pool of mutagen.
Y/N: (Shudders)
Raphael: (Makes 'cut it off' sign) "No more monkey puns." (Stop laughing because April's coming, Donnie laughs a bit)
April: "Are you laughing at him because he's hurt?"
Michelangelo: "No we're laughing at him, because he was hurt by a... monkey!" (Others start laughing again)
[Later on, Donnie laments of how he failed miserably to the monkey.]
Donnie: I just don't get it. I mean, I'm a highly trained martial artist. How could I lose to something so mindless? (Y/N and Splinter approach them)
Splinter: You are very intelligent. But in a fight, you cannot be up here.
Y/N: Sometimes you just gotta do.
Donnie: But, I just don't understand how you can fight without thinking. (They look and see Mikey dancing)
Splinter: Observe.(Splinter attacks Mikey, but he dodges and blocks all attacks) You see? Mikey does not think.
Mikey: Thank you.
Splinter: You're welcome.(Trips him making him fall) You must find the space between your thoughts and learn to live there. That's what Michelangelo does.
Donnie: True, but Mikey's got a lot more space between his thoughts than I do.
Mikey: Oh, a pepperoni! (Eats it)
Y/N: Gross.
Splinter: Yes, well, Michelangelo has his challenges, too.
(Scene changed to the brothers hanging out)
April: Guys, I think I've found something. These notes are hard to follow, but it looks like Rockwell was able to modify the mutagen.
Leo: Why would he do that?
April: He thought he could use it to create a neurochemical that would temporarily give someone psychic abilities.
Raph: You mean that monkey was psychic?
April: "It's more like he was reading our emotions. After all he was only hostile when Donnie was."
Donatello: "Yeah, well next time I'll try to think happy thoughts when I'm beating a little sunshine into him."
Y/N: Okay, we need to track him down before he attacks someone else. Let's go up to the surface, spread out, and search.
Raph: How are we gonna stay in contact?
Donnie: I have a little something that might help. Gentlemen and lady I give you The T-phone!
Mikey: Dude, I'm in charge of naming stuff. I would've called it The T-phone.
Donnie: I did call it the T-phone.
Mikey: Yeah, but I would've called it the T-phone. (Raph hits him)
Donnie: And April, if you give me your cell number, I can patch you into our network.
April: Sweet!
Donatello: "Ha, see that? I got her number."
Raphael: "Her number's on the fridge, you dork."
Y/N: Let's go nab a monkey.
(Scene changed to the streets and them searching for the Monkey)
April: Guys, someone just spotted the monkey on Bleecker.
Raph:I think I'm on his trail. (Runs After it)
Leo: Mikey, the monkey is headed your way.
Raph: I've got eyes on him. He's headed south on Delancey!
Donnie: I'm on Houston! I'll cut him off!(Runs After him) Where'd he go?
Leo: He changed direction. Mikey, the monkey is headed your way!
Mikey: I'm on it!(They al run after the monkey but can't it. It runs past Mikey) Watch it! (Skates after it)
Leo: Anybody see where he went?
Donnie: I thought he headed off in that direction.
Raph: I thought it was that way.
Mikey: Here, monkey, monkey, monkey, monkey!
Raph: Wait where's Y/N?
Monkey: Ahhhhhh!
Y/N: Wait!
Leo: Y/N! Come on! (They run until the Alley only to find Y/N dancing for the monkey)
Monkey: (Laughing and clapping his hands)
Raph: What the?!
(The Monkey was about to run until April approached him and held his hand. When she let go Monkey wrapped his chain around him.)
Mikey: Gotcha that time!
Raph: Great, we got the monkey. But we're not any closer to finding Dr. Rockwell.
[Monkey roars...but then April and Y/N checks him, realized, to thier shock, that's monkey is...Dr. Rockwell!]
April: Actually, we're a lot closer than you think.
Donnie: What? How?
Y/N: We think this is Dr. Rockwell!
[The Mutant Rockwell watches at them in concern. Later that night, Rockwell is brought to the lab. Falco calms him down.]
Falco: There. That should calm him down a little. Poor Rockwell.
April: Is there any way to get him back to normal?
Falco: I wouldn't even know where to begin. But I'll see if there's a way to give him some semblance of a normal life.
Y/N: (Smiles) You're a good man.
Falco: Thank you.
[Brothers and April watch as we cut back to the lair.]
Mikey: Man, this asteroid field is tough. I just can't beat it.
Raph:Pizza's here!
Mikey:Must eat pizza. But can't stop playing. But must eat pizza. But can't stop playing! But must eat pizza! (Screams, dives head into Pizza Box and pulls out slice with mouth)
Y/N: You are so weird Mikey. (Eats slice)
Leo: Sorry we didn't get any closer to finding your Dad, April.
April: It's okay. Everything we learn about the Kraang is another piece of the puzzle.
Leo: Yeah, but psychic research? This is one weird puzzle.
Splinter: I am curious, April. How did you know the monkey was really a human?
April:I don't know. Sometimes I just get a feeling about things.
Splinter: A feeling? Hm. Interesting. And you my son?
Y/N: Trusted my instincts.
Leo: Hey, Donnie, how come you're not eating?
Donnie: What? I'm not hungry. Something's been bothering me. Falco said that Rockwell was experimenting on a monkey.
Y/N: And?
Donnie:Well, according to these notes, he never had a monkey in his lab. He was just using samples of monkey DNA.
Leo: We're still not following you.
Donnie: If he never had a monkey, what broke out of that cage?
Y/N: It must've been Rockwell!
Donnie: Which means Falco put him there and he's been lying this whole time!
Y/N: Well than, (Stands Up) Let's go kick his ass!
(Scene changed to Lab and Rockwell screaming)
Falco: Oh, stop struggling, Tyler. You were always so dramatic. (Injects himself and laughs evilly as he becomes Psychic)
Leonardo: "Alright Falco, we've had enough of your-"
Raphael: "-Do not say monkeying around."
Leonardo: "I wasn't going to!"
Dr. Falco: "Yes, you were."
Donatello: "It's over, Falco! We know it was you who mutated Rockwell."
Dr. Falco: "I used him as a guinea pig."
Michelangelo: "Well it didn't work, you turned him into a monkey."
Y/N: (Face Smack)
Falco: The psychic neurochemical I extracted from his mutant brain is changing me. Your minds are opening up to me.
Donnie: So this was your plan all along.
Falco: Of course. No man can defeat you when you know his every thought.
Raph: Oh, really? Then you must know I'm gonna smack-
Falco: Smack the white off my lab coat? How humorous!
Raph: Lucky guess! Hi-yaah!(Raph attacks him first but he dodges) What?
(Falco sees all of his attacks coming seconds before and he dodges every blow, before knocking him out cold. Leo tries next, but the same thing happens to him)
Michelangelo: "Wow, it's like he's psychic.
Donatello: "He is psychic, shellbrain. That's what he just said."
Michelangelo: "Oh, yeah I kinda tuned out when he did his whole 'I'm evil, blah, blah, blah thing'."
Y/N: Well let's see you dodge this. (Leaps in the air and frontflips to a kick)
Falco: Bad Kitty.
Y/N: (Lays down to the floor) Oh my tenders.
Falco: You have no chance I'm like a psycic Superman.
Donatello: "How are we gonna defeat him if he can read our minds?"
Michelangelo: "No prob, I'm good at this. I just have to fight without thinking. Wait a minute, how do I fight without thinking?! Oh no, now I'm thinking about not thinking!" (Gets knocked down by Falco)
Falco: A man who can read minds is unstoppable. Once I dispose of you, no one will be able to stand in my way.
Donnie: We'll see about that. (Attacks, but fails and is thrown against a wall)
(Before Donnie lands he see's Y/N stand up and nods. He lands)
Y/N: Here's comes the kryptonite. Rahhh!
(Rock is Desk)
Raph: Whoa, Donnie,Y/N nice work!
Mikey: Ha! What'd I tell you about those back flips, huh? Pretty cool!
Donnie: Now that we have the ooze, let's see what Falco knows about the Kraang.
All: [gasp]
[They realize that Falco is gone!]
Y/N: Falco's gone!
Mikey: What do we do about him? (They decide to set Rockwell free. Before he leaves he look back at them)
Donatello: "I'm no psychic, but I think he's trying to thank us."
Y/N: No problem. (Waves Goodbye as Rockwell goes through the window.)
Raph:Um, if he reacts to angry thoughts, is New York city really the best place for him?
Man:Hey, monkey! Get outta the- (Car Crash)
Y/N: I'm sure he'll be okay.
(Scene changed to Lair and Splinter and April talking)
Splinter: April, it seems you have a rare gift, a sensitivity I have trained my entire life to develop.
April: Don't worry. You'll get it.
Splinter: I did! It just took me a long time.
April: Uh, that's nothing to be ashamed of.
Splinter: What I am trying to say is that I would like to train you to be a Kunoichi a female ninja.
April: Wow! That's quite an honor. If I do this, does that mean I can kick everybody's butt?
Splinter: We don't believe in using our abilities that way.
April:Oh oh, yeah! Me neither. But I could, right?
Splinter: Yes. But I warn you. It will be the hardest thing you've ever done. It will drain you mentally, physically, and spiritually.
April: Well, can't be worse than high school.
(Later, Donnie catches April walking around the Lair.)
Donnie: Hey, April, you, uh, wanna hang out tonight?
April: That sounds great, Donnie, but I can't. I'm training with Splinter to be a Kunoichi.
Donnie: Oh.(Checks Chart) If training with Splinter Well, then, maybe we can train together sometime.
April: Sounds great! (Walks Off)
Donnie: You see? My flowchart is awesome!
[Raph and Y/N roll their eyes in annoyance as the episode ends.]
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