Metal Rewired

Should I go back and make Fungus humungous?



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(Metalhead observed them while Donnie was standing right next to him, firing it up.)

Y/N: Here comes our next training session.

(Donnie smiled and turned to his brothers.)

Donnie: I give you the new and improved Metalhead!" (Donnie stepped aside and showed us, Metalhead.)

(He looked the same, but there was a new shine in his eyes. Mikey gasped in awe, Raph and Leo looked uncertain, and Y/N were pleased to see Donnie put artificial intelligence.)

Donnie: I've been upgrading his artificial intelligence. So, he'll be the perfect training tool.

Leo: You sure?" (Drawing one of his katanas.) Training with Metalhead usually ends in him breaking something."

(Raph, Mikey, Y/N, Donnie drew their weapons and took their fight stances, following Leo, and circled Metalhead. Metalhead looked around and took a stance.)

Donnie: I've programmed him to simulate dozens of fighting styles, including the Foot and the Kraang." (Donnie warned them, as Metalhead switched his stance.)

Mikey: (Scoffed) Pssh, can't simulate my fighting style."

Raph: Let's just go already. (Smiles)

(He was the first to attack. Metalhead saw him coming and punched him. The force threw Raph across the room and into the corner. Leo attacked Metalhead from behind, but he caught his sword, kicked him three times and gave him one last kick into the wall. Metalhead threw Leo's katana back at him, just above his head. Metalhead gave Leo a thumbs-up, then switched it to a thumbs-down.)

(That triggered Leo's temper. Y/N and Donnie attacked together on his back but Metalhead caught the bo staff and tossed into Y/N making them collide. Metalhead recuperated his self-possession, shifted his hand into his laser-cannon and fired it at Donnie and Y/N.)

(They all dodged the laser-fire, keeping his distance.)

(Then it was Mikey's turn. Metalhead fired his optical bombs at Mikey, but Mikey deflected them back at him. Metalhead turned his laser-cannon to destroy the bombs, before they hit him, then launched his rocket-fist at Mikey. The fist grabbed Mikey by the face and went for a ride.)

Mikey: Get it off!" (Mikey shouted as he flew across the room. Anyone who got back their feet was hit by Mikey, as he flew past them.)

Splinter: Yame!

(Leo, Donnie, Raph, Metalhead, and Y/N lined up in front of Uncle Splinter. However, Mikey wasn't let go.)

Mikey: Can I get off the ride now?"

Splinter: (Looked at Donnie and scolded.)"Donatello!"

Donnie: (Looked at Metalhead.) Metalhead, stop training program."

(Metalhead made some whirring noises, calling his rocket hand back. The hand let go of Mikey and returned to its owner. Mikey landed in between Splinter and the rest of them.)

Mikey: I think he put my chin on my nose." (Donnie gave Splinter a sheepish and apologetic look.)

Donnie: I'm sorry, Sensei, but overall, I'd say that was a pretty successful test."

Leo: Successful? Metalhead almost ripped Mikey's face off." Leo snapped.

Y/N: Please, Leo. Donnie has got it under control." (Donnie nodded in agreement.

Leo: And when he doesn't?

Splinter: Donatello has created a powerful tool. It is to our advantage to study an enemy's techniques. But you must use that tool wisely.

(The brothers nodded in understanding, then Metalhead opened his mouth and made a loud alarm sound. Alerted, Donnie looked at his little creation.)

Leo: What's wrong with him now?

Donnie: Something tripped the security wires. It's approaching the Lair fast."

Y/N: Then let's see who the intruder is.

(The brothers made their way down the sewers where the security wires were tripped. It was quiet, but Leo gestured for them to stay put.)

Leo: Do you think it's Foot Bots again?

Y/N: No clue.

(The brothers heard a familiar shouted down in the tunnel.)

???: Ow!"

Raph: Was that?" (Shook his head.)

Y/N: Nah, couldn't be."

(Then the shouting and screaming got louder. The brothers drew their ninja weapons and they all entered the tunnel. In a few flashes of Kraang-pink, a shadow approached them. It is revealed to be a familiar black and red spider mutant.)

Mikey: Spider Bytez!"

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

Here we go!

It's the lean, mean, ninja team

On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things

So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams

Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza Kings

Can't stop these radical dudes

The secret of the ooze made the chosen few

Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves

The good guys win and the bad guys lose

Leonardo's the leader in blue

Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through

Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines

Raphael has the most attitude on the team

Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!

Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need

To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

Spider Bytez: (Ran toward them.) "You frogs, kitten got to help! Those foreign triplets are after me!"

Leo: We are not frogs!" 

Y/N: And I am not a Kitt-Wait. What?

(The three disguised Kraangdroids arrived and shot their blasters at Spider Bytez. He pushed past them and ran down the tunnel. The Kraangdroids followed after him, passing the brothers without a second glance. They made their way into another tunnel, that led toward the surface.)

Y/N They're heading for the surface!" (He chased after them and his team followed him.)

(The Kraang and Spider Bytez entered the surface and closed the manhole cover. Y/N opened the cover and saw the Kraang put Vic in one of their vans.)

Spider Bytez: Help! You can't do this to me! I want my phone call!" (Vic shouted at the Kraang, as they closed the door on him.) I got rights as a spider."

(They entered the van and drove off.)

Spider Bytez: Help! Help!" (The van drove into the corner.)

(The Brothers jumped into the street, but the van was gone. Y/N and Leo turned at the others.)

Leo: They're getting away!"

(Raph gave Leo a look and leaned against the lamppost.) 

Raph: Why is that our problem? That slobbering bug gives us nothing but trouble.

Leo: He asked for our help. The Kraang want him, and we want to find out why." 

Raph: (Sighed in defeat.) Fine. So how are we supposed to catch up—"

(He was cut-off by the Shell-Raiser showing up from behind him.)

Donnie: (Smiled) I called for backup."

(The door opened showing Ethan and Timothy.

Ethan: Sup.

(The brothers entered the Shell-Raiser and took their stations. Except for Leo who holds on a grab handle as Metalhead taking over his place as a driver. Ethan sat on Y/N's lap.)

Y/N: Nice work, Donnie.

Donnie: Thank you.

Mikey: (Smiled) When did you teach him how to drive?"

(Before Donnie could reply, Metalhead took a sharp turn, causing some of them to lose their balance or hit their heads.)

Raph: You did teach him how to drive, didn't you?!

Y/N: (Looked at the driver's screens and noticed a familiar van.)He's got a lock on the Kraang van.

(Metalhead drove the Shell-Raiser closer to the van. The Kraang van revealed to have upgraded as well, as it deployed a pair of rocket launchers.)

Timothy: (Gasped) That's new."

(The Kraang fired the rockets at them.)

Donnie: Evasive maneuvers!"

(Metalhead did so, along with knocking a few of us over with some sharp turns. Leo lost his footing, but Y/N holds him preventing him from falling.)

Donnie: Deploy garbage cannon!

(The garbage cannon deployed and Raph started shooting at the van. But he kept missing the launchers. With a concentrated shot, he was able to knock one off the van.)

Mikey: Yeah. Garbage beats Kraang rocket." Mikey cheered.

Donnie: Pull up alongside.

Raph: (Smiled) Now we're talking."

Metalhead did what he was asked and pulled up alongside the van. Raph and Donnie climbed out of the Shell-Raiser.

Y/N: Timothy, you handle the weapon station. I'll go help them.

Timothy: Got it!

(Donnie, Y/N, Ethan, and Raph made it to the roof and jumped on to the Kraang van.

Y/N: This bug better be worth it.

(The Kraang noticed this and drove the van into the Shell-Raiser. Raph quickly caught his fall, but Donnie lost his footing and fell. Luckily, he used his staff to catch himself, but he caught it on the Shell-Raiser.)

Y/N: Donnie!

Donnie: A little help?

(Metalhead drove the Shell-Raiser away from the van. Donnie's staff lost its grip and he fell. Luckily, Raph caught him.)

Raph: Gotcha."

(A Kraangdroid climbed to the roof of the van and aimed its blaster at Raph, Donnie, and Y/N.)

Timothy: Not on my watch!" 

(Timothy took control of the garbage cannon and shot the Kraangdroid off the roof of the van. Donnie, Ethan, Y/N, and Raph quickly jumped to the roof of the Shell-Raiser. Metalhead deployed the battering ram and knocked the van off course, by hitting one of the back wheels. The van drove out of control and into a garage. Metalhead followed and lost control.)

Leo: (Looked ahead and shouted.) "Watch out."

(Metalhead crashed the Shell-Raiser and crashed into a nearby car. The driving system overheated and blew up in smoke. Mikey, Timothy, and Leo quickly exit the van, coughing the smoke out of their lungs. Leo, Timothy, and Mikey hid behind the car and saw that the Kraang had only one way out.)

Leo: There's no way out of there..

(Metalhead jumped out of the Shell-Raiser, between Y/N, Ethan, Raph, and Donnie and raised his arms, indicating he was ready to go.)

Leo: Metalhead, stay with the Shell-Raiser. Before you blow anything else up.

Donnie: He stopped the truck, didn't he?

Timothy: The Kraang know we're coming. He can help. Show him, Metalhead!

(Metalhead gave Leo two thumbs-up, then showed his weapons. And he used his rockets to float in mid-air.)

Y/N: (Chuckled) Now, you're just showing off."

Leo: (Face-palmed and sighed in defeat.) Ugh. Whatever."

(The brothersm Ethan, Timothy, and Metalhead made their way to the garage and charged inside.)

Y/N: What?

Raph: They just disappeared? That's impossible.

Leo: There must be a secret door. Or a hidden passage somewhere. Fan out.

(The group split up and looked around the garage. Mikey came across a locker and threw open the door. It was empty. He closed the door.)

Mikey: Oh, yeah? Well, how about now? Well, okay, then. You win this round." 

(Y/N jumped on the other car and saw nothing, he then looked over the wall and tried to touch something but no secret button or something.)

Donnie: (Turned to Metalhead) "Metalhead, use your scanners to check the structure. For any hidden rooms or passageways."

(Metalhead chirped in response. He flew to the center of the garage and fired a ray from his eyes. As the ray passed Y/N, it felt soft and tingly, making him laughed.)

Y/N: Feeling ticklish, huh?"

(The ray crossed Mikey and Ethan, they yelped with a childish giggle.) 

Mikey: It tickles."

Leo: Tickle ray? Real useful upgrade, Donnie." (Leo glared as the ray passed him, Timothy, and Donnie.)

Timothy: It happens to be a three-dimensional volumetric scan, which I recommended. (High-fived with Donnie.)

(Metalhead finished scanning and reported his results to Donnie. Ethan raised an eyebrow.)

Ethan: Are you sure?

(Metalhead and Donnie looked at him. Metalhead nodded, but Donnie raised a brow.)

Donnie: You can understand him too?" 

Ethan: (Nodded) (Raph and Leo looked at Y/N.)

Raph: What did Metalhead say?

Ethan: He says he's found nothing linking to the Kraang." (Folded his arms.)

Donnie: But that doesn't make sense." (Donnie nodded and included.) "There should be tire marks or a seam in the floor. But the Kraang left no trace at all. Just some junk and—"

Mikey: Super macho burrito? (He was staring into a plain vending machine.) "Whoo, yes. It's the ultimate combination of pizza and burrito. Pizarro. It's super and macho."

Mikey: (He tried multiple ways to get the wrapped burrito out of the vending machine. He gave up and threw his weapons out of the way.) "I'm going in." (He inserted his arm into the machine and tried to reach in to get the burrito, but the item was out of his reach.)

(Raph and Y/N walked toward Mikey and folded his arms.)

"Do you have any idea how long that's been in there?" Raph asked.

"Who cares? Super and macho. Lengua y queso." Mikey answered, still trying to reach for the burrito.

Y/N: Does it mean 'tongue and cheese'?

Raph: Your arm's stuck, isn't it?

Mikey: (He tried to get his arm out, but no avail.) "Possibly." (The lid of the deposit landed on his head.) Maybe. On purpose." 

(Raph sighed as he grabbed Mikey's legs and started pulling him out of the machine. After enough force, the machine flew open and Mikey was free. Mikey glared at Raph, then he saw what he opened and gasped.)

Mikey: Whoa. It's like a vending machine from the future."

(Donnie, Leo, Timothy, Ethan, and Metalhead joined and saw the terminal.)

Donnie: A Kraang computer?" (Donnie gasped, then gleamed at him.) "Mikey, you're a genius!" (He, Metalhead and Leo walked to the terminal.)

Mikey: That's how I roll.

Can that computer tell us where the Kraang went?" Leo asked.

Donnie: (Turned to Metalhead) Metalhead, see if you can access its database. It should tell us where they disappeared to.

(Metalhead chirped in response and inserted his finger into the outlet.)

Y/N: Donnie, are you sure plugging Metalhead into unknown Kraang Tech is a good idea?

Donnie: Trust me, Hiro, the Kraang processor, in Metalhead, makes him perfectly compatible with their computers. What could go wrong?" He assured with a smile.

Y/N: (Shook his head.) I trust you. It's just—"

(Suddenly, Kraang-pink sparks attacked Metalhead and he looked ready to explode. The computer exploded into smoke and the aftershock threw Metalhead, Turtles, and Y/N,a few feet back. The explosion left nothing of the computer or the vending machine. The team coughed the smoke from their lungs.)

(Leo looked at the bare space and glared at Donnie.)

Leo: Great, Donnie. Great. Not only did we lose the Kraang, but Metalhead blew up our only clue to where they went.

Mikey: Even worse, he blew up my super-macho burrito.

Timothy: Dude, that wasn't a real vending machine

(Metalhead stood up with electrical sparks flying for a second. Donnie walked and comfort the little robot turtle.) 

Donnie: It must've been some kind of energy surge. You okay, little buddy?"

(Metalhead assured with a thumbs-up, but he glitched and his hand launched toward Mikey. Mikey saw it coming and ducked.)

Mikey: Oh, no.

(But the hand came back, caught him by surprise and launched him into the garage door.)

Raph: Seems fine to me.

Ethan: (Chuckles) 

(Metalhead noticed his mistake, dropped Mikey and called his rocket hand back. Mikey fell on the ground.)

Mikey: Can we go home now, please?"

Leo: What about the Kraang?

Raph: What about 'em? Spider Bytez is their problem now."

Y/N: But what did they want with him and the other mutants? (Donnie and Y/N looked at Metalhead in worry.) Did you think you repaired his servers?

Donnie: Possibly, Y/N.

(In Donnie's Lab, Donnie plugged Metalhead to his computer, to see if any software was affected. Timothy already checked his hardware and we found nothing wrong.)

Donnie: Metalhead's memory core isn't too badly damaged." (Placing the last plug into the computer.)

(Mikey played with Metalhead's mouth. Y/N quickly grabbed his hand and pushed it away.)

Y/N: Stop it, Mikey."

Donnie: It seems that the Kraang security algorithms were too complex to decrypt." (Donnie finished, inserting the plug.)

Raph:Less science-y, more English-y.

Timothy: Security files and firewalls. They can really mess up your tech." 

Donnie: I should be able to retrieve what he downloaded from the Kraang computer.

(Y/N's patience wore a little thin and he glared at the youngest turtle.)

Y/N: Mikey!" (Hearing his voice, Metalhead flinched and punched Mikey in the elbow.)

Mikey: (yelped.) "Ow!

Donnie: (Lowered Metalhead's arm with a worried look. "He might take a little time to fix, though."

(Leo and Raph looked at each other.)

Leo: How long?"

Donnie: Well, in technical terms...

(Metalhead acted up again and fired both of his rocket-fists.)

Timothy: A while.

(The fists flew around the lab and then flew toward the brothers, Ethan, and Timothy.)

Timothy: Duck!

(The Team moved out of the way, except for Mikey. He tried to stop one of the hands from grabbing his face, but the other one struck the back of his head, taking him by surprise and he let go of the other hand. The hands forced him to the ground. The Team helped Mikey back to his feet and gave Metalhead his hands back.)

(In the living room, Leo decided it would be better if he, Raph, Mikey, Ethan, and Y/N waited in the living room, while Donnie and Timothy tried to fix Metalhead. Y/N sat next to Leo who crossed his arm patiently, while Ethan was . One of his rocket-fists toward Raph. Raph sensed it coming and kicked it to the ground.)

Raph: We know the Kraang rebuilt TCRI. What if they got the portal working again?

Leo: That's what we need to find out.

(Metalhead fired his laser-cannon, nearly hitting Leo. Y/N looked over his shoulder and called.)

Y/N: How's it going, you two?"

Donnie: Not bad!

(Then, there was an explosion of flames, which made him flinch. Donnie ran into the living room, screaming and with a small smoke on his shell, while Timothy ran in, coughing. Thwy lifted their welding mask with a disappointed looks and his shell cooling down.) 

Leo: (Walked to them.) Okay, Donnie, it's late. Give it a rest."

Donnie: (Shook his head.) "I've almost got it. Just working out the bugs."

(Then Metalhead fired his eye-bombs. Donnie and Timothy ducked, and the bombs attacked near the toll gates. Donnie lowered his welding mask, grabbed a wrench and dashed back in the lab with Timtothy following. Leo, Y/N, and Ethan looked at each other and entered the lab.)

Leo: Donnie, Timothy. You got to shut down his A.I."

Ethan: What?" Hiroshi took a glance at him with wide eyes.

"Shut down his A.I? But that would be like turning off his brain." Donnie pointed out.

"He's just too dangerous." Leo shouted.

Timothy: No, he's not! Still a little clumsy, but he's proven to be a brilliant ally." Hiroshi argued, not noticing Metalhead staring at him.

Donnie: (Nodded.) "Tim's right. We need him, Leo. The Kraang and the Foot are armed up more than ever."

"It's not worth the risk. Metalhead was glitchy before he plugged into that Kraang computer. He was taken over by the Kraang once already." Leo argued.

If he was taken over again, we would've noticed already." Ethan reminded. Leo looked back to Ethan, then back at Donnie.

Y/N: Are you sure you can fix him? I trust you both, but do you trust Metalheaf? Donnie looked away in thought. Ethan folded his arms with a glare.

(Timothy is about to answer him but a young robotic boy's voice spoke up his mind and thanks to his ninja powers.)

???: Timothy... I know you can hear me..."

Timothy took out an astonished and looked at Metalhead.

You can speak to my mind?"  He asked as the voice sounded like it was coming from him.

Ethan: (Climbs on Timothy's shoulders and whispered) What's wrong?

Timothy: It just spoke to me in my head. It's almost like, I'm-

Ethan: Ninja mind melding! 

Metalhead: I require your assistance and Hiroshi's. Please do not tell them. Master Donatello and his brothers will not comprehend. The mutants are in extreme danger."

(Timothy nodded in understanding.)

Ethan: What did he tell you?

Timothy: He said he needs us to find the mutants.

Ethan: I see, that's why he going to help us." 

Donnie: Maybe you're right. I'll take care of it.

Leo: (Placed his hand over his brother's shoulder.) "Sorry, Donnie."

Y/N: It's for the best.

(Then he left the lab. Metalhead turned at Timothy and his voice spoked again.)

Timothy: You and Hiroshi wait out there with them, I deal with this myself. (He nodded to him and looked back to Ethan.)

Timothy: He said we should wait at the living room with the others and he will deal with Donnie."

Ethan: Alright." 

Timothy: Hey, Donnie, I'm going to get some juice!

Donnie: (Sadly) Alright.

(Timothy and Ethan left the lab.)

(Ethan and Timothy sat on the couch, waiting for something happened until Donnie's screamed alerted Leo and his brothers. They walked into Donnie's lab as Metalhead sneaked out of it and shut the door as Metalhead quickly turned at Timothy.)

"Quick! Locked the garage from behind!" Metalhead's voice shouted.

Timothy: He said we must lock the garage!"

(Timothy said as he and Ethan ran out of the lair and quickly locked the garage by sliding the bar.)

Ethan: I'm sorry, guys! It's for your own safety! Love you!

(Metalhead ran up to them and gestured 'come on!' Then they all ran through the subway tunnel and found the ladder that leads to the street level.)

Ethan and Timothy followed Metalhead into an abandoned construction site.

Timothy: All clear."

(Timothy told Metalhead as they all entered through the hole, in the wall and walking down the alley and to the center of three port-a-potties.)

Ethan: Is this where they were hiding in there?

(Metalhead makes a whirring sound and nodded as he opened the door and saw a pink vortex, like a Kraang portal.)

"Whoa!" Ethan exclaimed.

Way a go, Metalhead!" Timothy said as Metalhead has given him a thumb up.

Here we go to the next destination." 

(Ethan replied as they all went into the portal and it sucked them in. Ethan, Timothy, and Metalhead landed on the ground and Hiro looked around the place.)

Ethan: Where are we? Is this Dimension X?" He asked.

Timothy: I guess not." 

(Timothy looked up to see all the mutants were encased in their tubes including Snakeweed, Pigeon Pete, Dr. Tyler Rockwell's monkey mutant form, Spy-Roach, Parasitic Wasps, Newtralizer, Kirby Bat, Squirrelanoids, and Slash.)

"We found them all except for Spider Bytez." He finished.

(Metalhead sensed someone was coming out from the portal and motioned to hide. They all hide in the corner without noticing. They saw the brothers were landing safely on the ground except for Mikey.)

Ethan: Let's not worried about them. We have to wait for them until we regrouped." Ethan said.

(The three of them were waiting for the brothers to save Mr. O'Neil as they all walked to the central terminal.)

Ethan: I think this is something to do to free all the mutants." (Ethan uttered as Metalhead starts hacking into it.)

Mikey: Yo! Ethan! Timothy!" 

(Ethan and Timothy heard Mikey's called as they both looked up at the brothers standing on the platform with Kirby's tube.)

"What were you two thinking?!" Leo shouted at them.

"Yeah, you shouldn't have locked us up in the first place!" Raph added.

Timothy: We're sorry about that, guys. But Metalhead is trying to hack on the terminal to free the prisoners.

Donnie then realized that. "He was right. They came here to free the mutants." Then he smiled. "All along we thought Metalhead was going crazy, but he's here just to save them."

Leo: And he must've asked Timothy and Ethan for help!" Leo smiled.

Y/N: You deliberately disobeyed and locked us in the lair. To help a bunch of mutants who by the fact are some of our enemies?

Ethan: Yes.

Y/N: I cannot be more proud right now.

Ethan: Thanks for your compliment, but we've got the company down here!" (Ethan gazed at the three blue-armored Kraangdroids that they were approaching him, Timothy and Metalhead.)

(But before they both fight the droids; Donnie landed on the droid and takedown on the Kraang. Then his brothers jumped down to join the fight.)

Ethan: Glad you guys were having a little reunion." 

(While the Brothers were taking them down, Ethan threw shurikens at the droids one at a time. Timothy jumped onto the droid and smashed on his face, then to the next one.)

"Kraang, release the Mutant captives. That is controlled by Kraang." A blue armored Kraangdroid instructed before Metalhead shot it down.

(An un-armored Kraangdroid placed its hand over the terminal and Snakeweed and Spider Bytez's cells opened. Snakeweed and Spider Bytez jumped down and glared at them.)

"The ones, that are turtles, that I call frogs, and cheetha, that I call kitten, must be destroyed!" Spider Bytez shouted as he started attacking them.

(As he and Snakeweed attacked, Y/N saw that they had mind control things on their faces.)

Y/N: Guys, those two of them had been brainwashed.

Mikey: Is it me, or is Spider Bytez a lot less Spider Bytez and a lot more Kraang-y?" Mikey asked, dodging Spider Bytez's attacks.

(Donnie tried to attack Spider Bytez from behind, but Snakeweed caught him and started swinging him around. Leo cut the vine and Donnie landed behind him, Raph and Timothy Kraangdroids joined Snakeweed and Spider Bytez and aimed their blasters at them.)

Kraang: Exterminate all Mutants.

"So, what do we do, fearless leader?" Raph asked Leo.

"I'm open to suggestions." Leo answered.

(Metalhead looked closely at mind control devices on Spider Bytez and Snakeweed's head and then at the Kraang monitoring the terminal. He flew right into the Kraang and stomped him, by taking out the arm and placed it to deactivate the devices. Then Snakeweed and Spider Bytez were freed and Timothy sensed their aura returned to normal.)

"The device, that is the control device, is no longer controlling—" A Kraangdroid spoke, but Snakeweed and Spider Bytez took them out.

(Spider Bytez looked at the Turtles and Y/N.)

"Frogs, Kitten, are you getting me out of here, or do I got to do it myself?"

(More Kraang fired at them, but they were taken out by light blue lasers. The team turned and saw Metalhead. He saved them.)

Donnie smiled and instructed. "Metalhead, see if you can open a portal. We're getting out of here."

Leo nodded and smiled. "Right. All of us. Mutants too."

Y/N: I love to hear that.

(Metalhead nodded and floated toward the terminal and inserted his finger into the output. The cells were all opened, and the portal was activated.)

"Metalhead did it. He opened the portal." Donnie cheered.

(However, Kraangdroids came and attacked to stop our escape. The Turtles, Metalhead, Ethan, and Timothy were taking care of the ground Kraangdroids, to make sure the mutants escape on their own. than saw Kraangdroid aim its blaster at Raph, but it was stomped apart by Slash who nodded back to him and jumped up.)

Ethan: (Walked right to him.) Slash understands." 

(Along with Slash, Spider Bytez made his way to the portal.)

"Every spider for himself." Then the Kraang started shooting at the terminal and Metalhead.

"The machine, that opened the portal, must close the portal." Metalhead closed the portal and Justin fell.

Y/N punched the Kraang shooting the terminal and called. "Metalhead, you got to keep the portal open!"

(Metalhead nodded and opened the portal again. He shot down any Kraang that tried the same trick. Leo put his hand over his shoulder.)

"Let's get out of here."

"Not without Kirby!" Timothy shouted.

(Leo, Donnie, Timothy, and Ethan made their way up to Kirby's cell as the Kraang were zapping and keeping him grounded. Leo, Donnie, Timothy, and Ethan jumped as Ethan kicked them off the platform. Kirby got back to his feet and jumped away from them in fear.)

"Mr. O'Neil, fly outta here. Please! For April. Go! Now!" Donnie persuaded him as Kirby did and fly into the portal.

Ethan: Let's go!

"Metalhead, we're leaving." Leo informed Metalhead. The brothers and two teammates reached the top, but Metalhead wasn't moving.

"Come on, you tin can! Move!" Raph shouted.

Metalhead and chirped at them. Donnie looked at the portal, then back at Metalhead in shock.

"He has to keep it open for us." Ethan dropped in shock as his blood ran cold.

But what about him?" Timothy asked as they all looked at Metalhead.

(More Kraang came and tried to surround Metalhead. He kept them back with everything he had. He looked at them and motioned for them to go, then returned to the fight.)

Donnie sighed. "We don't have a choice."

(With that, Leo Raph, Y/N, Mikey, and Ethan leaped through the portal. Donnie and Timothy gave one last look to Metalhead.)

"Metalhead, thank you." Timothy thanked.

Thank you for having so much faith in me." Metalhead's voice answered, giving Donnie and Timothy a thumbs-up.

Donnie smiled and returned the thumbs-up, then he grabbed his hand. "Timothy, let's go."

(With that, they jumped through the portal and escaped. The team were thrown out of a mailbox. The mailbox disappeared and something metallic landed behind them. Ethan and others looked and saw it was Metalhead's head.)

Donnie: (Gasped.) "Metalhead? Oh, no."

Donnie picked up the head and sulked. The rest of them stood up and sulked.

"Dude, he saved us." Mikey gasped.

"He saved all of us." Leo pouted, then turned to Donnie. "You're right, Donnie. I should've trusted you."

"I programmed him to be intelligent, but I didn't realize how much he had evolved." Donnie answered. He stood up and looked at Timothy and Ethan

"Etahn, Timothy, he trusted you the most. We should've listened."

"Just following my instincts." Ethan replied with a small smile and put a hand over Metalhead's head.

"Donnie, I'm sorry about Metalhead, bro." Mikey apologized, the added with a smile. "I didn't really mind it when he grabbed my face. His hands were soft. For a robot."

Donnie smiled. "Thanks, Mikey."

"Do you think you'll try building another Metalhead?" Y/N asked.

With a sullen look, Donnie answered. "Maybe I will. One day."

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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