Meet Mondo Gecko
"Spooch can't watch! Spooch, Spooch!" Spooch exclaimed, covering his eyes as Crognard fell into a pit full of spikes.
"Crognard is okay! Iron spikes mean nothing to Crognard's mystic pecs!" Crognard exclaims, shirt ripping.
Mikey groaned, rolling off his bed and onto the floor. "I can't believe I'm watching Crognard bend spikes with his chest. And I'm still so bored!"
(Ice Cream Kitty meowed at him, sitting in a cooler on his bed.)
"Ugh, my boredom is becoming a serious medical condition. I need help!" Mikey got up, walking out of the room to try and find some entertainment.
(He tried Leo first, who was in the dojo with April practicing their katas. Off to the side, Ethan and Chloe were circling each other slowly, both of them with their hands up defensively. Ethan had been getting better with his martial arts and Chloe decided to take is up, in case of a situation doesn't have her suit.)
"Hang out? We're practicing our katas. Wanna jump in?" Leo invited.
(Uninterested, Mikey whined and left the dojo. He stopped by Raph's door and peeked inside.)
"Mikey? Get out! Out!" Raph yelled, throwing one of the action figures he'd been playing with at him.
(Mikey tried Donnie and Timothy next in their lab. Timothy was testing a few chemicals while Donnie was typing on his computer.)
"We're too busy to hang out, Mikey," Timothy responded, focusing intently on the dropper she held over a beaker. "We're still looking for a retro-mutagen for Karai. You see, if we can reverse engineer the main chemical sequence, I think we can ignite the kind of reaction needed to re-write the deoxyribonucleic acid of--"
(Mikey groaned and left as Timothy continued.)
(Casey was in the living room playing on the pinball machine. Y/N was sitting on the couch listening to music and reading a comic.)
"Eh, didn't beat Y/N's score. Again. Man, he's good," Casey muttered. He spotted Mikey leaving the lab. "Yo, Mikey! Wanna hang out?"
Mikey gasped and grinned, delighted. "Wait!" He ran over to Y/N, kneeling in front of the cheetah.
Without looking up, the fox arched a brow and shifted one of the pads of her headphones away from her ear. "What?"
"Come with us, please!" Mikey gave her the puppy-dog eyes.
Y/N glanced up briefly and sighed, rolling his eyes. "Fine, I'll go get my board. But I'm doing this to keep you two out of trouble." He set his comic down and darted toward his room.
Mikey cheered.
(Cut to three, on his skateboard, Y/N followed Mikey and Casey as they skated over the roofs, the two cheering. They came to a stop, out of breath, although the boys had been enjoying themselves.)
"Cowabunga!" A gecko mutant suddenly dashed past on a skateboard, hitting Casey on the way by and knocking him off his feet.
"Whoa! Another mutant?" Casey questioned.
"He's awesome!" Mikey said. "His name should totally be...uh... 'Rad Lizard'! No, wait, 'Skatermander'! No, that's lame. No, I got it! 'Mondo Gecko'!"
The gecko jumped onto the roof they were on, coming to a stop. "Dude, that name sucks! And I'll make you pay for it!" He grabbed his board and held it up as though to strike.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
Here we go!
It's the lean, mean, ninja team
On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things
So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams
Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza Kings
Can't stop these radical dudes
The secret of the ooze made the chosen few
Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves
The good guys win and the bad guys lose
Leonardo's the leader in blue
Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through
Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines
Raphael has the most attitude on the team
Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!
Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!
Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need
To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
???:"Do you know what happened to the last dude that called me names?"
"How would we know?" Mikey responded. "We just met you."
There was a pause and then the gecko burst into laughter. "You should see the look on your faces! I'm totally joshing you, dudes!"
Y/N: (Rolled his eyes) "Yeah, real funny."
"So, you're mutants, too?" the gecko asked, directing the question at Mikey and Y/N.
"No, we just happen to be a giant talking cheetah and turtle, totally not mutants," Y/N drawled sarcastically.
"I'm Jason, the most awesome pro skater in the world!" the gecko said, apparently deciding to ignore her comment.
"Jason?" Mikey echoed. "That's boring, dude. 'Mondo Gecko'? Not boring!"
"I don't even know what a gecko is," Casey said.
"You're lookin' at one. Check it!" Jason ran his tongue over his eyes. "Well, we can't blink, so we have to lick our eyeballs to keep them moist."
Mikey gasped. "I've always wanted to lick my own eyeballs" He attempted it, to no avail.
"So, you were a pro skater?" Casey asked.
"Kinda," Jason responded. "I'm gnarly enough to go pro. Look at what being a gecko get me." Jason started skating along the rooftops, performing some tricks using his new gecko abilities.
"So, did you become a gecko, dude?" Mikey asked once Jason finished.
"It all started last year. I was skating my half-pipe--Which I totally built myself. Awesome, right? It was just me and my pet gecko, Lars, when some crazy ooze fell out of the sky!"
(That earned a wince from Y/N and a slightly guilty look from Mikey.)
"Turned me into the last thing I touched, my gecko. I totally became a gecko person! Excellent! But then, my parents kicked me out. I wound up on the street, but it's all good! 'Cause I made tons of friends, like you guys! I also shred in my metal band, Savage Bliss!" He started playing air guitar. "Whoa, look at me now, look at me now, look at me, whoo!"
(Y/N softened slightly. Now he felt bad. They spilled the mutagen in the first place. They caused this. And his parents kicked him out.)
Jason started skating around the roof and Casey leaned over to talk to Y/N and Mikey. "Dudes! There's something about Mondo that I don't trust," he said quietly. "For real, dog."
"Dude, he can lick his own eyeballs!" Mikey responded. "Besides, I feel responsible. It's kinda sorta our fault, with the mutagen spill and all. Wait up, Mondo! Booyakasha!" He jumped onto his skateboard and followed after the gecko.
(Y/N shared a look with Casey and shrugged.)
(Back in the lair)
April sighed in annoyance, T-phone to her ear as she waited for the other line to pick up. "Come on, Casey, pick up! We've got homework to do."
"Casey's not gonna stop skating just for homework," Raph said, turning off the TV. "Tell him it's homework and hockey tickets."
"They've been gone a while," Chloe stated. "Mikey plus Casey plus too much time on their hands equals trouble."
"Not to mention they dragged Dad into whatever they're doing," Ethan added.
"Oh, come on, if Nyx is with them, what kind of trouble could they really get into?" Donnie asked.
Timothy: Why would you say that?
(Back with the others)
"Cowabungaaaa!" Mondo yelled, jumping a homeless man's cart.
"Booyakasha!" Mikey shouted, jumping it as well.
"Goongala!" Casey shouted, though he just rammed right through the cart.
Y/N: Ouch.
"And, whoa... Check the dog!" Mondo called, jumping the dog in an alley.
Mikey jumped it, too. "One thing, bro. 'Booyakasha' sound way cooler than 'cowabunga'!"
Casey jumped over the dog with Y/N close behind. "But 'goongala' is the best!"
"Dude, don't even get me started on 'goongala'," Mikey said as they skated the edge of a roof.
"But 'cowabunga'?" Y/N asked.
"Way too old school, bro!" Mikey exclaimed.
"Old school's the only school!" Mondo responded.
"Y/N: can pick the best one, then," Casey said, glancing at the brunette.
Y/N: Hmmmmmm, 'Booyakasha' is better."
Mikey smiled. "Yes! I am superior, dudes!"
"You're biased," Casey remarked. "He's your brother, of course you'd go with his."
"Hey, you said I should pick," Y/N retorted.
(They made a sharp turn on the edge and Casey lost his balance, falling over the edge. Y/N and Mikey caught his wrists.)
"We got you, Casey!" Y/N said, pulling him onto the roof with Mikey's help.
Mondo cackled as Casey sat against a water tower.
"Hey, man! I could've been hurt!" Casey snapped.
Mondo stared at him for a moment. "Oh. Sorry, bro."
(Y/N's ears flicked up as the door to the roof was slammed open and the Purple Dragons emerged with some valuables.)
"What are you guys doing?" Mikey asked, jumping down beside them.
"Uh, we're helping a friend move...his our hideout?" Fong responded.
"Hmm..." Mikey stared at them for a few seconds. "That's cool. Good luck with that." The gang started walking away.
"Mikey!" Casey started, flipping down his mask. "You know they're lying, right?"
"Huh?" Mikey darted in front of the Dragons, blocking them. "You put that stuff back where it came from!"
"Says who?" Hun retorted, stepping into view. "A turtle freak?"
"Ugh, not this guy again," Y/N complained.
"Aw, great," Casey groaned. "Hun."
"Up for a rematch, Hockey Boy?" Hun removed his shades and tossed them aside. "This time, I'm ready for your tricks."
Y/N drew his knuckledusters and started toward him. Casey stopped her. "Go help Mikey. I'll take care of this scum."
(Y/N arched a brow but did as he said, running off to help Mikey while Mondo attempted to hide. Of course Y/N and his brother had no issues with the Dragons, though Y/N could see Casey struggling with Hun, the gang leader kicking him down onto the roof.)
Huh spotted Mondo, cracking his knuckles. "Another pathetic freak?"
"Do you know what happened to the last person that called me names?" Mondo snapped. He threw his skateboard at Hun, who dodged with ease. Mondo charged him, only for Hun to hold him back with his foot. The gecko tired quickly and Hun pushed him back.
"Rope-a-dope! That's right, punk! I got you!" Mondo taunted, running at Hun again. Hun simply kicked him into the water tower a few times before kicking him off the roof.
"Oh, no! Mondo!" Mikey yelled. He used his kusarigama chain to swing off the roof, catching Jason and swinging back up over Casey and Hun, kicking one member of the Dragons off the roof before knocking out the other two with Y/N.
Casey smirked under his mask. "What up, Hun?"
He and Mikey charged Hun, though he threw them into each other, knocking them down.
"I'll help you; I just, uh...need to catch my breath," Mondo panted.
(Y/N flattened his ears and charged at Hun. He swung at him and he leaped back. He pressed forward, taking another swing, and he dodged again. This time, he tripped over Mondo skateboard, falling off the roof and into the dumpster below.)
(Mikey started working on typing up the Dragons for the police to find.)
Mondo jumped down to the gang and started to kick them. "And take that! And that! And one of these! And this, and--"
Y/N grabbed him by the back of his shirt, pulling him away from the gang. "Whoa, whoa! Fight's over, bro!" He set him down. "Relax, we won!"
The gecko looked up at them. "You guys saved my life! On the streets, it's everyone for themselves out there."
Mikey put a hand on his shoulder. "Friends don't let friends get kicked off of buildings, dude." He fist-bumped Mondo.
"Alright, let me leave my calling card and we can get outta here." Casey took out a marker and started scribbling on the Dragons' faces.
Mondo pulled some cash from one of the Dragon's pockets. "Whoa! 30,000 smackeroos! This'll really help a gecko out."
"Dude! Are you stealing?" Mikey questioned.
"Only from the bad guy's personal stash!" Mondo responded.
Casey slammed his hockey stick against the roof. "Put it back, Mondo!"
"Make me, Casey!" the gecko snapped back.
"Love to!"
"Cool it, guys!" Mikey snapped, pushing them away from each other. "Can't we all just skate along?"
"I don't hang with criminals. I'm out like your mom in a beauty pageant." Casey started walking away, climbing down the fire escape.
"Skateboarding is not a crime!" Mondo shouted after him. He turned to Mikey and Y/N. "C'mon, Y/N and Mikey. Let's hang out at my place." He skated off over the roof.
"Aw, man," Mikey groaned.
(Back in the lair)
Donnie and Raph were playing a hockey video game with Leo watched.
"Come on, glove safe! Slap shot!"
"Watch it, watch it, watch it!"
"Raph for the win!" Raph cheered. Donnie groaned. "In yo' face! Who's next? Who can give me some real competition? Casey? Y/N?" He looked over at the couch, only to find April sitting there with her laptop. "Oh, right. They're gone."
"What kind of trouble could they get into?" Leo asked mockingly. "They've been gone all night!"
"Casey and Mikey are big boys. They can take care of themselves."
(That earned him a look from Leo and Ethan and a snort from Chloe.)
"Right. I'm calling." He pulled out his phone and dialed Casey's number. "Casey's signal is lost."
"Mikey's not picking up either." Ethan got to his feet, ears flopping.
"Neither is Y/N," Chloe reported.
"At least they still have signals I can track," Timothy said. "Come on!"
(Cut to Mondo's lair)
Mondo pulled back a manhole cover.
"Whoa! You live in the sewers, too?" Mikey asked.
"Of course." Mondo began descending the ladder. "Mr. X has taken a lot of us mutants in."
Y/N frowned. Mr. X? Who the heck is that? Why's that sound familiar?
Mikey followed, Y/N pulling the manhole back into the place as he darted after them. "Mr. X?"
"You've never heard of Mr. X?" Mondo questioned. "Great man. He gave me a home, a job. Maybe if he likes you, he could give you a job, too!"
"We already gots a job. We're ninjas, dog!" Mikey started doing a few moves, only to realize he needed to hold onto the rungs to keep from falling.
(Y/N dropped down to the floor, tail swishing uneasily.)
Mondo took the lead. "Come on, dudes. Just a little further."
"Where are we?" Mikey asked. "I've never seen this part of the sewer before."
Y/N froze, a familiar scent hitting her nose. A cage suddenly crashed down over her and Mikey.
"Aah! What the--?" Mikey started pulling on the bars, though they didn't move. "Run, run, run! Before you get caught, run!"
"Mikey, Y/N, I'm sorry."
Fishface walked over to Mondo, resting a hand on his shoulder. "Excellent job, amigo. You lured them right into my trap?"
"Fishface?" Mikey questioned.
Fishface walked over and shoved Mikey down. "That name is an insult! I am Xever! But you can call me Mr. X."
Mikey looked over at Mondo. "Mondo, how could you? I thought we were pals, dude!"
"You sure the mutants are as bad as you say, Mr. X?" Mondo asked.
"Stamp out any sympathy you might feel for them, for tonight, they the death!" Fishface laughed.
"That wasn't the deal!" Mondo exclaimed, shaking Fishface's arm. "I thought it was just a normal race!"
Fishface hit the gecko away.
"Mondo!" Mikey shouted. "Why are you doing this, Fishface?"
"It is simply economics, really," Fishface responded. "Mutants get entertained, I make money, everyone wins. Well, not you two--you are going to lose tartaruga and Guepardo."
(Fishface laughed, throwing the two of them into a cell. Y/N snarled angrily, ears flat. A shadow fell over him and Mikey and she looked up to see Casey standing over them.)
(Cut to the tracking team)
"We're close," Donnie said, he and Timothy tracking Y/N's and Mikey's phones as Leo drove the Shellraiser through the streets. "Not much--" The signals flickered out. "Uh-oh."
"That can't be good," Ethan commented.
"Wait, listen to the police radio!" Chloe turned a knob allowing them to hear the scanner.
"3rd and Sullivan, members of the Purple Dragons with the words 'For cops, from Casey' written on one of their foreheads."
"Well, at least we know we're close!" Leo said. "Let's go!"
(Cut back to Casey, Mikey, and Y/N)
"I don't want to say 'I told you so' about Mondo... No, wait, I totally want to say 'I told you so'!" Casey snapped.
"Psst, guys!"
"Mondo?" Y/N questioned.
Mondo hung upside down into their view. "Sorry about all this, dudes. Fishface is bogus!" He opened his mouth, showing the key wrapped in his tongue as he climbed down to the lock. "Totally getting you out of here." He started to unlock the cell, only for a spotlight to turn on and shine on him. Startled, he let go and fell onto the floor.
"Ohh, Jason, Jason, Jason," Fishface's voice sounded over the intercom. "You were one of my most promising errand boys. But helping the enemy escape? You are dead to me. In fact, let's make that official, eh? You are going to compete in the race..." The lights in the windows turned on, showing all the watching mutants. "Right now!"
Mondo pressed himself against the door. "Double bogus."
"Totally," Mikey agreed.
More spotlights turned on, lighting up the room as the doors open, allowing Y/N, Mikey, and Casey to walk out.
"Ladies and gentlemutants! In tonight's race: five competitors, one survivor! No rules! Whoever crosses the finish line first wins! In 'Mr. X's X-treme Skate to the Death Death-a-tron 5000'! Can you dig it?"
"Dude, you see that audience?" Casey asked.
"Who's like 'who's who' of evil jerkfaces?" Mikey responded.
"Meet tonight's racers! First, we have Michelangelo, the dumbest of all the stupid, pathetic turtles!"
"Hey! I'm smart! I'm just the party dude!" Mikey snapped.
"Next, we have Casey Jones, vigilante and obligatory human ally."
"I am not obli-oblidary!" Casey shouted.
"Now this hotheaded little cheetah is Y/N, adopted brother of the turtles.
Y/N folded her arms, making no responde.
"And Jason, the gecko boy, a traitor to mutants everywhere!"
(Mondo gasped, hearing the crowd boo him.)
"And, for the first time ever, I, Xever Montes, will personally join the race!" Fishface called, stepping into the room.
"Ha! If I can't out-skate a fish, I'm retiring my blades," Casey said.
"Wrong, dude!" Mondo responded. "I've seen Mr. X on skates. He's way faster than us! We are hosed, man! Seriously hosed!"
Y/N slapped him. "Calm down, Mondo!" he snapped. "We need a plan."
Mikey motioned them closer. "Guys, it bring it in." They huddled up, forming a plan.
"That's right, amigos!" Fishface called. "These robolegs can't be beat!"
Stockman-fly hovered in the air. "Time to zzztart the razzze!"
(The five of them lined up on their boards and skates, ready to go.)
"You are going down," Fishface said.
"Zzzet..." The fly mutant lifted the gun he held. "Go!" He fired it and the teens took off, only to fall into a pit.
(They landed on their boards, sliding down a ramp.)
"This isn't so bad, right, guys?" Mikey called.
Fishface flew past.
"Rocket skates?" Casey growled. "No fair!"
(They skated their way determinedly through the tunnel after Fishface.)
"Here comes more cheating!" Mondo warned as Fishface flipped a pipe, lowering electrified trashcan lids.
"Look out!" Casey shouted.
(Mikey and Mondo dodged the lids by flipping and dodging while Casey took out his hockey stick and started smacking the lids, clearing a path for him and Y/N.)
They skated over a ledge, landing on the floor below to continue the race.
"Ha!" Casey laughed. "If that's the worst he's got--"
"Who said worst?" Mondo asked.
(Fishface spun a valve, the ground lowering as water filled the holes with blocks to jump onto above the water.)
"Aw, no! The aquarium!"
"How scary can an aquarium be?" Y/N scoffed.
(Fishface gave some sort of cry and piranhas started jumping out of the water, making the boys scream.)
"Shouldn't have asked!" Y/N yelped.
(They started jumping across the blocks, trying to avoid the fish.)
"I hate seafood!" Casey snapped.
(They made it across with minimal trouble, skating around a curve.)
"Fishface is way ahead! Skate faster!"
Fishface pulled a lever, releasing big spiked boulders to roll down the tunnel.
"Booyakasha!" Mikey weaved between them.
Mondo gasped, jumping a boulder shot at him. The rock missed and he landed perfectly on his board. "Hurry! Stay ahead of the arrows!"
"Arrows?!" Y/N yelped. "What arrows?"
(Said arrows started shooting at them from either side of the tunnel. Y/N pulled out a kunai, deflecting the ones he couldn't dodge.)
Fishface laughed, running over a switch to activate another trap. "See you at the finish line, fools!"
"There's the finish line!" Casey called.
"Hurry!" Mondo yelled as the walls shot out to crush them.
"We just have to get past this last--ugh!" A wall closed on the cans of spray paint attached to Casey's back, making him slam back into it.
"Xever's gonna win!" Mondo shouted.
"No way," Mikey responded. Fishface threw another pipe, releasing oil into the tunnel. "Now, Mondo! Like a pro!"
(He locked hands with Mondo, making them spin. When Mikey released him, Mondo shot forward, cheering.)
"Whoa, pardon us!" Mondo flew past Fishface and skated onto the ceiling, dangling down in front of the fish. "Cowabunga!" Fishface slammed into Mondo's hanging board, wiping out as Y/N and Mikey skated past.
"It's not over yet!" Fishface slammed his hand into another switch, activating the trap.
"Go, guys, go!" Mondo cheered.
Fire started shooting out of the walls, and Mikey's eyes widened. "Oh, snap!"
(Y/N and Mikey started jumping over and ducking under the flames. Y/N growled as some stray sparks caught his tail and ear tips, quickly batting them out.)
Fishface growled behind them. "No one..." Y/N heard his skates power up. "Beats...Xever!"
(Y/N glanced back to see him flying toward them. He slammed into them, and they screamed, clinging to the mutant fish by his air pipes.)
"Don't count out Casey Jones yet!" Y/N looked back to see the vigilante slam his hockey stick into Mondo, sending him flying up to them. Mondo used his tongue to break the line before Fishface.
Fishface slammed into the ground. "! You cheaters! You are hideous examples of bad sportsmanship!"
Y/N snorted. "Okay, one, you cheated long before us, buddy. And, two, I seem to recall you saying there are no rules."
"We didn't cheat!" Mondo said. "We looked out for each other. You told me, on the street it's every mutant for himself. Well, you're wrong, dude! Friends don't let friends get kicked off buildings!" The four of them high-fived.
Fishface growled, getting back to his feet. "Jason!" He took out his balisword, flipping it open. "You are a traitor."
"My name is Mondo Gecko!" Mondo retorted. He ran at Fishface. "Cowabunga!"
Fishface punched him in the mouth, sending him to the floor. "Seriously? That is all you got?"
(Y/N's ears pricked at the sound of a familiar motor revving. The Shellraiser crashed through the wall to stop directly in front of Fishface. The barrels ran into him, sending him crashing to the floor.)
(Leo, Raph, Chloe, and Ethan jumped out of the Shellraiser, weapons drawn as they landed in front of Fishface.)
"Right, Raph," Leo started. "Doesn't look like they got into any trouble at all."
"You haven't heard the last of me, mutants!" Fishface snapped, laughing, only to be repeatedly slammed by the walls.
"Aw, and who's this lil' guy?" April asked. "He's so cute."
"You're ain't so bad yourself, sweetheart," Mondo responded.
"Mr. X isn't your boss anymore, Jason," Mikey said. "You're free."
Mikey pulled the gecko into a bro hug.
"Gotta admit, you're a pretty cool little gecko dude, dude," Casey said.
"I have to admit, despite the death traps, this was," Y/N admitted, earning stares from the others. "You're really good on your board, Mondo."
Mondo laughed. "Thanks. You guys are the best! So, uh, Mikey...can I saw 'booyakasha' sometimes?"
"As long as I can say 'cowabunga' once in a while," Mikey responded. "Like right now!"
Y/N rolled his eyes affectionately as the two of them yelled.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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