Karai's Vendetta

(One of the benefits of that Kraang ship being destroyed is that one of the alien pilots had survived, and Shredder had decided not to finish him off in any way. In fact, for the first time since Karai mentioned the Kraang, he seemed interested in the aliens. He had brought the weird brain creature back to his lair, planning on interrogating it.)

Shredder: Why were you hunting the turtles?" (Shredder was holding the Kraang by the head in the air. The creature glared at him and screeched, thrashing his tentacles around frantically.) 

Karai: (Smirked.) They don't talk much outside their little houses. (Karai patted the droid torso next to her. It was the robotic piece that Karai had snatched that time Karai she followed the brothers into that Kraang lab full of all that animal DNA.)

(Shredder looked at her for a second before shoving the still shrieking Kraang into the droid piece. The alien thrashed around a bit before closing its eyes and going still. The robotic torso slowly started to power up, the head and all the severed arm and leg stubs wiggling around. The head lifted up, and the audio suddenly started up.)

Kraang: K-Ka-K-Ka-Kraang is lacking the knowledge to answer the questions that the one known as Shredder is asking of Kraang." 

Shredder: (Stared down at the alien.) "Do they all speak like this?

Kraang: Even if Kraang is possessing the knowledge, the one known as Shredder will never be getting that knowledge from Kraang.

Shredder: It have any other plans for today, did you? (Shredder turned back to face Karai.) Let's try again. (He raised his hand, and a blade shot straight out of his gauntlet, and he brought it up to the alien brain's face.) Why were you hunting the turtles and cheetah? 

(The Kraang stared down at the blade, terror in its eyes.)

Kraang: The ones known as 'the turtles and cheetah' are protecting the lifeform needed by Kraang. "The one known as April O'Neil."

Shredder: "Who is this April O'Neil? She is the one known as 'the one'. She is the link which is missing in plan which is the plan of Kraang.

Shredder: So, this April O'Neil is at the center of everything. Then perhaps we can use her to draw the turtles and cheetah out of hiding. (Shredder moved his blade away and turned to look at Karai.) Karai, find this girl and bring her to me."

(Karai smirked, giving in a small nod before standing up and walking away.)


Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

Here we go!

It's the lean, mean, ninja team
On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things
So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams
Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza Kings
Can't stop these radical dudes
The secret of the ooze made the chosen few
Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves
The good guys win and the bad guys lose

Leonardo's the leader in blue
Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through
Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines
Raphael has the most attitude on the team
Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!

Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need
To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

(Training today was going fine, as usual. It was one of the few sessions where they all just kinda went at each other. April was training on the sidelines with Splinter, who was helping her with some moves. Donnie and Leo were kind of going at each other, while Y/N, Raph and Mikey sparred with each other.)

(Mikey got up, having just recently been knocked down by Raph.)

Mikey: Temporary truce?  Just until we take him out?

Y/N: Why not? 

(Mikey straightened up and turned around as they both faced Raph, who was so busy gloating that he hadn't noticed what Y/N and Mikey said.) 

Raph: Whatcha gonna do?" he taunted. "Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do?" (Raph smirked at them for a moment before leaping up and shooting down towards the two brothers.) 

Y/N: Mikey, grab 'im!" 

(At the same time, Y/N and Mikey ducked down and reached up, each of them grabbing one of Raph's arms before they threw him back over behind them. He landed on the ground with a loud thud and his sais flew out of his hands.) 

Mikey: Booyakasha! (Mikey ran up to Raph and taunting him.) "You got faced! Thought you had us, but we played you like a trambone! Wah, wahh, waaah...!"

(Y/N laughed as he folded his arms. Suddenly, he felt something by his feet, and the next thing he knew he was knocked to the ground. Y/N grunted as he looked up and saw Raph holding Mikey in a death grip.)

Raph: Play time's over, tough guy!" (Raph spun around, lifting Mikey up into the air. Mikey kicked his legs and flailed his hands, because that was all he could move.)

MikeyL Put me down! Enough! Uncle!

Raph: I don't see yah tappin' out!

Mikey: I can't... move my... arms! (Mikey choked out, still feebly kicking his legs. Raph wasn't having any of it.) 

Raph: Then tap your horrible, disgusting middle toe!"

(Grunting in pain, Mikey slowly lifted his left leg up and tapped his green, middle toe. Now satisfied, Raph released his brother, who fell down right on his shell. As Raph walked away, Mikey sat up and quickly reached for his foot.)

Mikey: Don't worry, Stubby. (He then glared at his older brother.) You're not as horrible as he says. You cool, Y/N?

Y/N: I'm good. (He sat up.) 

Splinter: Michelangelo-(Splinter walked towards his son.) Why did you give up so easily?" 

Mikey: There was nothing I could do. 

Splinter: There is always something you can do," Father explained. "Observe. Raphael, kannuki jime!"

(Raph stared at Splinter for a moment, confused. Then he rolled his eyes as he walked over behind him, wrapped his arms around his middle, and then lifted him into the air, grunting harshly.) 

Splinter: The key is to unbalance your opponent. 

Mikey: But, how?"

Splinter: However you can. For example..."

(Splinter leaned his head back and suddenly licked the top of Raph's head. Raph stopped moving completely for a moment, his eyes wide. Then he yelled as he dropped father, who quickly turned and knocked Raph off his feet. The turtle landed in a heap in front of us, groaning. Y/N placed his arms around his stomach as he burst into laughter.)

Splinter: You see? There is always a way. Ugh... and you need to take a bath.(Glaring slightly at Raph.)

(Cut to the brothers in the living room, Raph was feeding Spike some lettuce, Y/N was texting on his T-Phone. as Leo watched another episode of Space heroes.)

Alien roared in anger, holding space crew members in it's grasps. The people aboard the ship were forced to watch. "The landing party is under attack by the digesters! We have to save them!" Crankshaw shouted, only to be slapped by Captain Ryan. Crankshaw held his cheek, in pain from a forceful contact. "If we keep bailing them out, they'll never learn to take care of themselves." Captain Ryan stated. "But, this is their first mission, and they don't even have weapons!" Crankshaw argued, worries for his co-workers. "Then, they'd better learn fast." The captain finalized, right before a woman's screams were heard followed by the crunching of bones and an alien belch. The others watched horrified as the woman was eaten alive by the digester. "Say Doctor Mindstrong, weren't you in love with that one?" The Captain asked heartlessly. "I...was, Captain." Mindstrong choked out, saddened at the lost of his crush. "Well, it looks like you both learned a lesson today." Ryan concluded.

(Donnie then poked his head out of his lab door and stared at the brothers excitedly.)

Donnie: Hey guys!" Guess what April and I have been up to?" (They all sat there, completely silent, staring at him.) "That's right! Analyzing sewage!"

Y/N: (Rolled his eyes.) 

Raph: Who says you can't show a girl a good time? (Donnie's face fell as he glared at Raph.) 

Donnie: Very funny. C'mon, you gotta see this. (Donnie turned and walked back inside his lab. Y/N turned off the TV as the other brothers got up and went into the lab as well.) 

Leo: Alright, Donnie-(They approached the desk.) "What is it this time?"

Donnie: April and I were going through some files on the Kraang storage device. 

(Donnie and April walked towards the other brothers, and Y/N saw Donnie carrying a large jar of what looked like water, but it was kind of green.) 

Donnie: We found out they're using a special process to change Earth's water into Kraang water."

April: They've already started the process. We found a low concentration of Kraang chemicals in the sewage.

Mikey: Woah.. (Mikey stared at the jar in amazement.) 

Raaph: And I take it that's a bad thing?" (Donnie reached over and picked up a slice of Mikey's pizza.) 

Donnie: Watch what happens when I dip this slice of Mikey's shrimp and sardine pizza into pure Kraang water."

(Donnie raised the slice above the jar and then slowly lowered it until the pizza was half submerged in the water. At once, it started to sizzle and dissolve into smoke. Mikey squeaked in terror as Donnie pulled out what was left of the pizza slice.)

Mikey: How do you sleep at night?

Donnie: Presumably, there's only a tiny bit in the water supply. "But, the concentration is increasing. Which means-"

Mikey: Every slice of pizza in New York will be destroyed?! 

Y/N: (Shook his head.) Geez.' 

April: Along with anyone who uses water. 

Mikey: (Shook his head.) I don't wanna live in a world without pizza!" 

(Without warning, Mikey grabbed the pizza box that was laying under the jar of Kraang water and snatched it out. The jar flew into the air, the water flying out towards April.) 

Donnie:  Look out!" 

(The jar fell and shattered, and the water fell onto April's arm. They all screamed.) 

Donnie: No!

(April winced as her hand curled into a fist. But, after a few seconds, the brothers realized that nothing was happening. And April didn't appear to be in any pain, because she opened her eyes and stared down at her arm.) 

April: Huh? Wha..." 

Donnie: Nothing happened to you. 

Mikey: Maybe it's 'cause she's not made outta pizza.

Y/N: (Smacks the back of Mikey's head)

(Donnie's computer started beeping. The group all turned to look at it as Donnie ran forward and looked at the screen.)

Donnie: The scanner's located the Kraang facility transforming the water supply. 

Y/N: Which is right here. We gotta stop it!

Leo: Looks like we got a mission. You coming, April?

April: Sounds like a blast, but unfortunately, it's on the bottom of the East River. (She picked up her bag.) And, equally unfortunately, I have an essay due. Plus, I wouldn't mind a little human food.

Mikey: Pizza's human food. 

April: (Grinned.) Not the way you eat it.

Donnie: Whoa, whoa, whoa, y-you're goin' top side?" (Donnie crawled over his desk, tripped, and fell on the ground.) "Oof! You got your T-Phone, right?

April: Donnie, don't worry. I'll be fine." (She smiled at Donnie before turning and walking out of the lab. Donnie stood up and watched as she walked away.)

Y/N: Wait, Donnie, how are we gonna get out there?

Donnie: Don't worry, guys. I've been working on something that's pretty awesome..."

(A creaking sound muffled through the water as a metallic turtle slowly swam through the murky water. Huffs, puffs and grunts could be heard from inside the ship.) 

Raaph: This...is not...awesome." 

(Leo, Mikey, and Raph were all pedaling on their individual bikes which powered the ship. Y/N, however, was on a giant hamster wheel Mikey had found in the dump.) 

(They had been going for 30 minutes and were beyond tired.) 

Leo: Seriously, Donnie? A submarine powered by bicycles and a giant hamster wheel?

Raph: You know what would have been more efficient? Swimming! 

(Mikey let out a short laugh, because he found Raph's comment funny.) 

Donnie: Hey, pipe down, guys. First of all, Y/N doesn't like being underwater, so this benefits him.

Y/N: Thanks, I hate it.

Donnie: Plus, kinetic energy is the only way to charge the engines, which should be done right about...now. (Donnie flipped 2 switches and turned up a dial. The flippers of the submarine stopped and the rocket on the back fire up, shooting them through the water at an incredible speed.)

(The 3 biking turtles and one running feline finally stopped and let out breathy groans, glad that the whole ordeal was over.) 

Leo: We're almost there. Up periscope.

(The periscope dropped in front of him and was unfortunately made out of a dirty toilet seat cover. Leo's face was pulled into a tight frown, getting real close to his breaking point of the day. The submarine peacefully swam through the foggy water, when something big swam past them quickly from a distance. Leo heard the slosh of water and turned the periscope to get a glimpse of some type of creature circling them, gasping.) 

Leo: Uh, Donnie? Any chance this Kraang facility looks like a giant sea mutant?

Donnie: Oh, that's not a mutant. Based on his physiology, I'd say the Kraang brought him here from dimension 'X'.

Y/N: How is that less horrifying?

Donnie: It's not. I just like to be accurate.

Raph: Well, whatever it is, it looks like it's guarding that. (Raph pointed out a weird structure attached to the sea flood. It looked like a pasta strainer -without any of the holes- being held down by chains. Two ports on the front, spewing out a cloud of kraang water.) 

Donnie: Wow.

(Leo pushed back up the periscope and whispered.) 

Leo: Let's go stealth. (The lights went off, only a few red light illuminating the inside. The brothers' eyes turned white.)

(Meanwhile, April was walking home from school, enjoying her peaceful day up on the surface. After a few lessons from Master Splinter she was given the green light to be able to walk around like she used to. She decided that it would be best to stop by at Murakami's for a late lunch, due to the fact that the food provided at school was absolutely disgusting. What she didn't know was that a figure was watching her from the rooftops, waiting for the perfect chance to strike. April walked to the shop and was interested in a machine that was installed to the right of it. She knelt down, trying to understand the Japanese that was written all over it.) 

April: Hmm, this is new. What is this thing?" (A figure walked up from behind her, a hand on her hip.) 

???: Oh, that's how you order." (She placed a coin in the slot, then clicked the food of her choice.) "They have these in Tokyo." (She continued, grabbing the fallen wooden block from the bottom.) "You give this to the chef.

April: Oh, thanks. (She looked back at the machine, recognized the button for pizza gyoza, and clicked it.) 

???: Mind if I join you?

April: Sure, why not?" 

(April walked toward the door of the establishment. The figure turned to reveal that it was Karai, not that April would know that. Inside the shop, Murakami stirred a pot with a large wooden spoon. April opened the door, ringing the bell.) 

April: Hi, Murakami-san.

Murakami: April-Chan!

(Karai grabbed the door, closing it behind her.)

(April placed down the wooden slab and Murakami felt around for it, picking it up and rubbing it with his thumb.) 

Murakami: Ah, pizza gyoza. (He smiled.) 

April: Hai. Chou Oishi."

Karai: You speak Japanese?

April: I picked up a few words from...my brothers.

Karai: Brothers? Tell me about them.

April: Oh, you know, just crazy-

Karia: Animals? (Smirks) 

April: Pretty much. (April chuckled awkwardly.) 

Karai: Although I've never heard of pizza gyoza back in Tokyo.

April: That's because Murakami invented it. You should try one.

Karai: That sounds great. You should try some of mine.

April: (Laughed, glad to make a new friend.) Done.

(Karai slammed her wood slab down and Murakami felt it, his face paling at what it was.) 

Murakami: Hai.

Karai: What's your name?

April: I'm April.

Karai: My name's Harmony.

(Cut back to the brothers, the monster roared as it made its rounds around the ship. It looked up to see the T-sub going towards it at top speed. It started towards the submarine when a ball of light flew out of one of the rockets and roomed past the creature. Seeing its new target, the X monster swam after it.) 

Leo: We gotta get in there before that sea monster comes back.

Mikey: How are we gonna get past those guards?

Leo: We make them come to us.

(The T-sub went over to a pile of rocks and picked up one exceptionally large one. Then, it lodged the stone in one of the flow tunnels. Soon after, two kraang bots came out and started trying to pull the rock from the post while the brothers snuck inside from the top. They dropped down from the ceiling, water dripping off of them. Y/N shook the water off himself.) 

Donnie: We're in!

Raph: And that thing is back! How are we gonna get out of here?" (The creature swam past the window.) We'll worry about that later. Right now, we've got bigger fish to fry." (Leo quipped as the 4 started running towards the control panel.

Mikey: I don't think we're gonna find a bigger fish than that." (Mikey smirked. The others groaned in annoyance.) "What? Come on, that was good. You gotta give me that one.

(Back with April and Karai.)

April: So what brings you to New York?" 

Karai: (Pulled two chopsticks apart and rubbed the splinters off.) I'm with my Dad. He's here trying to close an old deal." (She smirked.) 

April: Oh. What does he do? 

Karai: He's in kitchen utensils. Knives, mostly.

(Murakami walked up with a wooden plate and a bowl. He set the plate in front of April and the bowl for Karai.) 

Karai: Itadakimasu. (Karai thanks, bowing her head and clasping her hands. April copied Karai in an attempt to be polite to Murikami.) Alright, let's see what these pizza potstickers are all about? (Karai picked up one and ate it.) Mm. Best dumpling ever!

April: I know, right?

Karai: Now you try mine. (Karai pushed her bowl in front of April.) 

April: What is it? (April took a spoon and blew the hot liquid.) 

Karai: Suppon Nabe. Turtle soup.

(April's eyes sprung open and everything clicked.) 

April: Karai.

Karai: In person.

(April dropped her spoon and backed towards the door.)

April" Uh, I gotta go. (April tried to leave.) 

Karai: I was thinking you'd come with me, April O'Neil. (She smirked, grabbing onto the redhead's bag.) My father would love to meet you. 

(She pulled the bag back, choking April with the strap of her bag. April tried to pull away, but it was in vain.) 

April: Let go of me!

(Murikami came up from behind them and shouted, spilling Karai's hot turtle soup on her face. Karai let April go, making her fall to the floor. April sprung up and ran out the door, Karai trying to follow her but Murikami stopped her, pretending to apologize for what he did. Karai got loose of his grip and followed April, leaving the old man.)

(Karai bolted out of the Japanese shop, looking around for the orange haired teen. There was no way that she was gonna go back to her father to explain how she couldn't defeat a normal teenage girl with the company of an old man and hot soup. Karai spotted April running down the sidewalk as fast as she could, huffing and puffing. April quickly pulled out her phone and speed dialed Donnie, hoping that he would pick up. Meanwhile, the brothers had snuck into the core of the mutation base, ready to complete their mission.) 

Leo: (Whispering) Okay, we have to be quiet. (Leo grabbed hold of one of his katanas.) 

Donnie: Do you have to say that every time? We're ninjas. We know how to be quiet." (Donnie groaned, only for his phone to let off a loud ringtone.) 

Mikey: Ooh, that is embarrassing.

(Donnie's eyes visibly shrunk ,and Raph's and Leo's jaws hit the ground. The kraang bots turned to the 5 teens and started blasting at them. Y/N wasted no time in moving-)


(Y/N landed and used his claws to slash two kraang droids in half.)

Donnie: April, hi! It's not a great time! (Donnie flipped and dodged the hot pink lasers.) 

April: (On Phone) Donnie, Karai's after me!

Donnie: What! Oof! (Donnie let out a groan of pain and Leo launched Donnie out the way of an incoming plasma beam.) Karai's after April. We gotta help her!

Leo: And who's gonna help us?

(The two split up as more lasers headed their way.) 

Donnie: April, I'm sorry. We can't get there. But don't you worry. You just stay calm...AND RUN! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!

(April put her phone away and looked behind her to see Karai right on her tail. April saw the pizza guy ahead.) 

April: Is that pizza for O'Neil?

Pizza Guy: No, it's for...

(The guy looked at the delivery slip, and while he was distracted April hopped on the bike and drove off.) 

Pizza Guy: Hey! What are you doing?

April: I'm sorry. I'll bring it back! I promise! (She sped off into the distance. Karai skid to a stop next to the pizza boy and smirked.)

(It just so happened that Karai had parked her motorbike in the same alleyway. She hopped on and gave chase, almost running over the pizza guy. April stopped at a red light, glad that she seemed to lose the Footclan Princess, but soon heard a roaring engine. Karai used a taxi cab as a ramp and launched in the air. April screamed and ran the red light, almost causing a car accident. Karai's bike was much faster than the moped that April rode, so the black haired girl quickly caught up. Karai tried to grab April, in which she drove off the road and onto the sidewalk where civilians jumped out the way. Up ahead was a backing up truck and April had a moment of panic. Either she would stop and get caught or keep going and risk getting hit. April trusted her gut and kept going, zipping by the back of the trust just in time. Karai didn't make it and had to stop her bike before it crashed.)

(With the brothers.)

Leo: Donnie, focus! April can take care of herself." (Donnie desperately tries to grab ahold of April.) 

Donnie: Against Karai? Are you kidding? I've gotta help her!

Leo: You're not gonna be much help if you get blasted in the head.

(Just as Leo said that, a strong beam almost blasted Donnie in the head.) 

Donnie: Whoa! Good point." (Donnie gulped as he put his phone down and grabbed his bo staff. Together, the 5 started taking down all the bots. Donnie was just about to get shot in the shell.) 

Y/N: Donnie, look out!

(Miguel is Y/N)

Donnie: Thanks, Y/N!

Y/N: No, problem!

(Mikey jumped in front of two bots and swept them off their feet.) 

Mikey: That's a twofer. Thank you, and thank you...(The bots he kicked down stood back up, but Raph jumped up from behind them all and stabbed them.) ...and thank you. (Mikey pointed to his older brother.) 

Raph: How many time have I told you? No celebrating until the fight it over! (Raph poked the smaller turtle on the forehead. Mikey smacked his hand away.) 

Mikey: How many times have I told you, I assumed it was over? (Mikey spat back, poking Raph's plastron once.)

(Raph grabbed Mikey's finger and bent it the wrong way, making the orange clad turtle scream in pain.) 

Donnie: Children, children, we have to go!

Leo" Um, have you forgotten about a little something called completing the mission?

Donnie: But April's in danger!

Raph: If we leave now, the kraang will poison everyone in New York, which, last time I checked, includes April.

Y/N: Think, Donnie. How do we take this place out?

Donnie: Well, uh, the chemical is highly explosive.

Mikey: How do you know that?

Donnie: Partly because it has a hydrocarbon on its outer ring, and partly because of that sign." (Donnie pointed to a sign that showed an explosion.)

Y/N: (Picked up a blaster) Here use this.

Donnie: Thanks> (Donnie gently took the blaster from Y/N and turned to the red clad turtle.) 'Raph, do you think you can get this blaster open for me?

Raph: (Whipped out his sais and spun then.) With pleasure. (He smirked.) 

Donnie: But before you do, be careful you don't-" (Raph stabbed the gun. The blaster started beeping but soon stopped.) Oh, good. We're still alive." 

(Donnie sighed in relief. Upon hearing this, Y/N smacked Raph upside the head, given that they all could have just died.) 

Donnie: Now, I'll short out the power supply and leave it by the chemical tanks. It'll overheat, and the whole place will go boom!

Mikey: All right! Victory dance!

Brothers: MIKEY!

MIkey: Or maybe later." (Mikey sighed.) 

(Donnie pressed the button. Leo and Raph made a basket out of their hands in which Donnie ran at them, making the two launch his to the chemical tank. Donnie ejected the blade and rammed the blaster into the tank's side.) 

Donnie: There, in about 90 seconds, this place is gonna blow." (Donnie dialed April once more.

Leo: Alright, let's move!

Donnie: April, what's your status?

April: (On Phone) Could be better!" She exclaimed.

Donnie: Okay, we're on our way. We'll be there soon." (Right when their escape hatch opened on its own. The creature they dealt with before shot out and started to attack the 5, who was clinging to each other and screaming.) 

Donnie: Actually, there might be a slight delay." 

(The 4 turtles screamed as the creature threw it's head forward, trying to crush them. 

Y/N: Move! (Y/N grabbed Mikey by the shoulders and jumped back, falling out of range. The other three followed and avoided the violent head bump.) 

(Y/N took out his claws and jumped into the creature's neck, slicing at the back of it. Leo, Donnie and Raph followed, but Raph didn't just away quick enough and the monster bit his mask tails, throwing his upwards so he could fall right into it's waiting mouth. Donnie sailed across the air, pushing his older brother out of danger's literal jaws.) 

Donnie: Gotcha!"

(Donnie looked back to the kraang blaster and saw that 3 of the 5 levels were already filled, meaning they were running out of time.)

Donnie: We're only got 30 seconds before that blaster explodes! 

(The monster swung its head at them, knocking Donnie onto Raph and launching Mikey onto the higher level of the ship.) 

Leo: Uh, guys, any ideas? (Leo dodged the bite of the creature.) 

Donnie: Well, let's see. We're cornered by an amphibious sea monster in an underwater based that about to blow up...I'm out.

Y/N: (Sacastically) Oh, fatastic. 

(Mikey let out a battle cry as he swung his chain in the air, throwing the weapon to wrap around the sea creature's neck. He jumped on its neck, riding it like a cowboy, making it slam it's head into the floor repeatedly. The boys cheered at this and Mikey continued with his plan, slamming the creature around.)

(The blaster went up another level and Mikey launched off the monster, falling onto the lever that closed the latch. The monster tried to slip out, but got trapped half way through. The 4 others quickly ran out of the room.) 

Miket: Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-! That was fun!" (Mikey cheered as he swung his chain around, tucking it into his belt. Mikey set up for a victory dance.) 

Donnie: Mikey, that victory dance better not last more than 4 seconds!" 

(Mikey quickly did his dance as he shuffled out the room, the door closing behind him. The 5 made dived into the water, quickly swimming away as the base blew up with black and purple-pink smoke. They hopped back into the T-sub, soaked.) 

Raph: Huh! That wasn't such a chore, now was it?

(Raph smirked as he tried to knock the water out of his earholes.) 

Donnie: Great! Now we can get back to Apr-" (Donnie heard a roar and looked out the fogged window.) ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?"  (Donnie exclaimed as the monster swam straight for them.) 

Y/N: Uh! Again? Can't we get a goddamn break?.

(Meanwhile, April was zooming down the streets of New York, glad that she was able to lose Karai for a while. But, unknown to her, Karai was running across rooftops, miraculously keeping up with the speeding vehicle. Karai threw a ninja star and it landed on the rearview mirror, making April gasp in fear and look up. April turned into a dead-end, Karai jumping onto a fire escape to quickly scale down to her. All the while, the ninjas quickly pedaled and ran, trying to escape the dimension X creature.)

Leo: Donnie, can't you make this thing go faster?

Donnie: Oh course I can! (Donnie pressed a button. They Two engines on the sides of the sub powered up, but quickly detached as flew off without them. The 5 looked out of the window in pure shock, watching their escape route leave them.) 

Mikey: Wow, that is fast...

Donnie: Pedal and run faster!

(The other 4 returned to their bikes and wheel to pedal as fast as physically possible.) 

Mikey: Feeling the burn!'

(They were all huffing and puffing, trying to catch their breaths as they went.)

(The monster closed in and knocked the side of the sub, knocking Donnie into the wall. The creature grasped onto one side of the ship and panic started to sink in. It grabbed the other, and everything froze. The creature pushed its head against the sub's front.) "

Donnie: That's it! It's got us! We're gonna die!

(Instead, weird bellowing noises started echoing through the water. Donnie lifted his head and turned back, seeing Leo was frozen in place. His blue eyes were dilated in pure shock. When Donnie saw what was happening, his eyes did the same. Mikey covered his mouth with his hand, Raph's face was scrunched up with disgust and Y/N's face was blank, not the neutral blank, the Ink sans blank. Undertale fans will understand.) 

Raph: Ugh! (Raph gagged as he turned to his teammates.) 

Donnie: Oh, ick! Yuck!

Y/N: This is wrong on so many different levels!

Mikey: Hey, we're not that kind of sub!

(Leo simply pulled a lever and two large flash bomb floated out. They exploded and the monster let go, letting the brothers free. They swam off and the creature whimpered, saddened at the loss of their.....love?)

(Back with the two girls, the bike's back wheel spun to a stop, the clicking sound being the only one in the alley. Karai jumped down to see that the moped was left alone, no red head to be seen. She took off her helmet and smirked at the sound of light footsteps heading towards her. April let out a grunt as she tried to swing her helmet that the foot soldier's head. Karai dodged all of April's attacks, even when she threw the helmet, which harmlessly clattered against the wall and on the ground.) 

Karai: You've got guts. Let's see if I can pound that out of you. (She chuckled, placing her helmet down. April pulled out her Tessen, warning Karai to back off. The sunlight went through the Hamato clan symbol, reflecting onto Karai.) A Tessen. Beautiful. Unassuming...but very powerful. In the right hands.

(April tried to attack Karai, but the black clad teen dodged all her attacks and flipped her over her shoulder. April groaned, realized her weapons was gone and stood back up to fist fight. Karai lifted up the metal fan and tossed it away.)

(April advanced, trying to punch Karai who simply laughed and dodged. April suprised her with a kick to the jaw.) 

Karai: Good one. (Karai smirked.) 

April: Glad you enjoyed it.

Karai: Now, it's my turn.

(She stepped into her stance and April narrowed her eyes, running toward the black haired girl. But Karai defended with a high kick to the redhead's chest making her fly back. Before April could recover, another kick was received followed by punches and more kicks. April was up against the wall, getting beaten to a pulse by Karai. She got a kick to the shoulder and slip to the floor, only to get back up and bite back a scream to fight once more. April threw a punch that Karai dodged. Karai grabbed her by the back of her shirt and spun her around, laying the poor girl on her knee. Karai slammed her elbow onto April's chest and rolled her to the ground. And even after all that, April still pushed herself back up. Karai kicked her back and she flew into broad daylight, laying on the hard concrete. Karai walked over as April sat up.)

Karai: What makes you so special?" (Karai pushed April down with a boot to the head.) You're the center of an alien conspiracy, protected by mutants and trained by a great ninja master. Why?

(As Karai was busy with her rant, April snuck up behind her and grabbed her by every girls weak point. The hair.) 

April: I don't know! (April screamed as Karai turned around and grabbed a fistful of orange.) I'm flunking trig. My friends are mutants. Aliens got my dad- (April spun Karai around, only for Karai to twist the two and pin April down by holding her hand between her knees and twisting her arm.) -And I lost my mother!"

(Karai went frozen at this, finding something the two had in common.) 

Karai: What? You lost your mother? (Karai loosened her grip.) 

Splinter: The key is to imbalance your opponent' .

(Splinter's voice echoed in her head. April got loose of Karai's grip, grabbed her collar and kicked her down the subway steps. Karai grunted with each landing, crashing into something metal.) 

April: Not bad for a nobody."( April spat quietly. Karai walked back up the stairs to hear that April escaped, holding her chest. But, was the that pain from the fall or from the memories?)

(In the sewers, water bubbled and splashed onto the titles as the T-sub resurfaced. Leo opened the latch, jumping out followed by Raph, Mikey, Donnie and Y/N. Donnie was on the phone, trying to get a hold of April.)

Donnie: Come on April! Come on April!" (She picked up and immediately responded, making him grin.) 

April: (On Phone) Hey, Donnie!

Donnie: April, you're okay! You hear that, guys? My sweet Princess is alive!

(The others were ecstatic until-) 

Donnie: Did I mute that? 

(Raph and Y/N harshly facepalmed, Leo slammed his head on the wall, and Mikey slammed his head on the floor.) 

April: (On Phone) Let's agree that you did.

Donnie: You got it.

(The 5 went to the lair where they waited for April to tell her story.)

April: -and when her guard was down, I flipped her down the subway steps and bolted." She retold. 

Donnie: That is awesome!

Mikey: You rock!

Raph: Kick butt!

Y/N: Hell yeah!

Splinter: Impressive, April.

Splinter: You used your training well, and you fulfilled the most important goal of the ninja: To come home alive.

April: Thank you, Sensei. Looks like I can handle myself after all.

Splinter: Yes. And no. (He answered, and all their faces went slack.) 

April: Huh?

Y/N: Welcome to the club, sister.

Splinter: Karai may have failed this time, but if Shredder wants you, he will stop at nothing to find you. And with the Kraang after you as well, the wisest decision is for you to remain down here in the sewer with us.

April: What?

Donnie: Oh that's great! (Donnie smiled, before seeing April's angry face.) I mean, oh, that's horrible. That, you know, your life as you know it is-

Y/N: (Covered Donnie's mouth) Just stop.

April: I can't stay down here. I mean, what about school? My friends, everything?" )April sat on the floor and curled up in a ball.) 

Leo: April, master splinter is right. Until we stop Shredder and the kraang, this is the only place you're safe. 

April: (Sighs) So once we stop them, I can have my life back?

Leo: Yes.

April: Let's get started.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!

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