It Came from the Depths
[The episode opens with an eerie scene, in which a squad of Kraang are chasing quite a large creature trailing numerous cables from its limbs. It puts up quite a vicious fight and, although it is badly wounded, it manages to escape into the sewers. For a moment, his green eyes glow in the dark as it growls.]
[Theme song.]
(It was a calm day in the lair. Leo was watching space heroes, Donnie was typing away on his computer and Raph was playing the arcade game, which Y/N watching. Then Mikey walked into the room with something behind his back.)
Mikey: Who wants to try my latest creation? We all love pizza!
Y/N: Yes.
Mikey: We all love milkshakes!
Y/N: Yes.
Mikey: So I combined them.
Y/N: No.
Donnie: Okay, that couldn't not be less appetizing.
Y/N: Donnie, prepare to eat your words.
Mikey: I call it, a P-shake!
Donnie: (Gags) I stand corrected.
Y/N: Told you.
Mikey: You guys just have no sense of adventure.
Y/N: And you have no common sense.
(Mikey drank the slop and seemed fine. But when he actually tasted it, he spit it back out.)
Leo/Raph/Donnie/Y/N: Ew!
Mikey: Where did I go wrong?
(Mikey drinks his spit out p-shake.)
Leo/Raph/Donnie/Y/N: Ew!
Y/N: Well, officially disgusted and mortified.
(Leo shuddered and just turned back to his show.)
Ryan: In all my travels, I've never seen anything as cute as these trumpets. [Aliens honking.] But I'll be darned if they're not the most annoying species in the cosmos. [Loud honking.]
(He held a armful of fuzzy, pink aliens with blue trumpet-like mouths. They start making loud honking noises and everyone on the ship had to cover their ears.)
Crankshaw: Captain, we've got to find a humane way to get rid of them!
Ryan: If there's one thing I'm known for, it's my humanity. (He buckled himself to his chair) Open the airlock.
(Crankshaw flipped the switch for the air lock, and the vacuum of space started to suck all the trum-pets out. When they were gone, Captain Ryan had a smirk on his face. Leo watched with a huge smile on his face. While the show was playing, Raph and Y/N had enough time to walk over.)
Raph: You have to be the only person in the world who likes this show.
Leo: No way. There are millions of spaceniks out there.
Y/N: He's right you know. Move over, Leo (Plops onto couch)
Raph: You like this?
Y/N: Kinda. There's so much irony. He said to find a humane way to get rid of them. Alright, let's just throw them all into space. Plus, the person who voices Crankshaw also voices Robin from Teen Titans.
Raph: Whatever.
(Raph snatched the remote from Leo and changed it to the news channel.)
Joan: "I'm Joan Grody, with a sewer shocker. City workers mutants?"
(Everyone let out a confused 'huh?' They went to the interview of the man who was attacked.)
Garson: "It was like part man, part reptile, and all monster! It came out of nowhere and attacked me." (Leo and Donnie looked to Raph.)
Raph: Wasn't me.
Y/N: Hold up, he's talking again.
Joan: Take a look at this terrifying footage."
(They cut to the vid the man was taking.)
Garson: So some people think the sewers are dark and scary, but actually it's a lot of-" (Then a giant mutant alligator came into the shot and he attacked the man. Garson was screaming out in pain.) "Somebody help me!" *Joan went back yo her broadcasting.)
Joan: "Are malicious mutants menacing Manhattan? Find out next on the max."
Donnie: I got a bad feeling about this.
Leo: The last thing we want is some mutant causing trouble in the sewers.
Raph: Or some news crew down here looking for him.
Y/N: Or some curious teen looking for him and getting hurt, or worse.
Leo: We gotta track this guy down and stop him ourselves.
Donnie: Wait, let's rewind this. I think I saw a tunnel number. There, tunnel 281.
Y/N: Let's go.
(The 5 pushed through the police tape. The walked through the tunnel till they came to a huge footprint.)
Leo: Woah! Check this out. What the heck made these footprints?
Y/N: Leo, were you not paying attention? There is a mutant alligator here. So the answer to your question, is a mutant alligator. And if we follow these tracks, we'll find it.
(Suddenly there was a distant roar that echoed off the walls and the sound of kraang guns being shot. Leo stopped everyone from walking. The tunnel was lit up with pink light. The shadows of a alligator mutant and kraang bots were plastered on the wall. Raph look through the entrance only to have to dodge a kraang bot arm. The rest popped their heads in the watch the alligator beat the living daylights out of the bots. The mutant picked up a bot with his mouth and thrashed it around.He threw it to where the 5 were hiding. They jumped out the way. The kraang jumped out it's bot and ran away.)
Donnie: I never thought I'd feel sorry for the kraang.
Y/N: I feel sorry for them every day. I would hate myself if I looked like that.
(They heard soft growling, and a kraang powered up it's taser stick. It struck the mutant in the side, and he was shocked multiple times. It soon fell to the ground.)
Kraang: Tell kraang in what place can be found the power cell that kraang wishes to find the place of.
AM(Alligator Mutant): Never
(He was shocked again and again. The brothers stood there and watched.)
Mikey: Come on, we gotta help him!
Raph: I think gotta is a strong word.
Y/N: I got a lot of strong words for you right now. Mikey's right. He's a mutant like us.
Leo: Mikey, Y/N, we don't know anything about that guy. He could be way more dangerous that the kraang.
Y/N: But, he's fighting the kraang. And master Splinter always said, 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend.' And if that's the case, were about to leave my best-friend hanging.
Mikey: That gator dude needs our help. We can't wait around for you cowards.
Donnie: Do you two know what you're getting yourselves into?
Mikey/Y/N: Booyakasha!
(Mikey jumps in and used his kusarigama chain and grabbed a kraang taser stick and lodged it into the head of another kraang.)
(Y/N ran for one of the Kraang that was still holding a blaster.)
(Y/N than join Mikey by his side.)
Raph: Well, I guess that settles it. Let's go whack some pinatas.
(The three other join the fight. Mikey kicked a kraang away, and turned to see another tried to punch him. Mikey did a mid air kick and the bots shut down. What he didn't know was that a kraang bots was gonna attack his from behind. But, Raph threw his Sais at it's head and ran get his Sai back. Donnie jumped it the air and whacked some kraang senseless. Leo was chopping the bots in half. Y/N grabbed a blaster and was blasting Kraang left and right. Than one tried to come up at him from behind so he threw away the blaster and grabbed his head.)
(The kraang ran away from their broken bots.)
Donnie: So what do we do now?
Leo: We get out of here before more kraang-droids show up.
Mikey: We can't just leave him here. What if the kraang find him?
Y/N: I mean he obviously must be important for the kraang's plans or they wouldn't care.
Leo: Well, what do you want to do? Take him back to the lair? [Mikey started whimpering.] Oh, no. Oh, no. Did did you see what he did to those Kraangdroids? We are not bringing that monster home with us.
Mikey: He's not a monster! He's a giant, Kraang-crushing mutant alligator monster. I said monster, didn't I?
Turtles(Sans Mikey): Yep. Sure did.
Mikey: Well, you know what I meant.
Raph: I thought you meant monster.
Y/N: Look, he needs help and he's one of us: A mutant. We're not abandoning him.
Mikey: Fine. We'll bring him back ourselves.
(Mikey tried to lift the gator, but it wouldn't budge. Y/N grabbed the gator by the arm and started pulling which made the gator move and he started pulling with Mikey grabbing the other arm. They soon exited the tunnel with the other begrudgingly started to help move the gator mutant. Soon they arrived back at the lair with Mikey laying on the gator saying how cute he is and the others besides donnie watching.)
Raph: I can't believe we let them talk us into this.
Mikey: Aw look at him. (Places teddy bear) So peaceful.
Leo: That's because he's out cold.
(Donnie walked in with lots of chains.)
Mikey: Woah, what are those for?
Donnie: We can't keep him here, unless he's chained to something really big.
Mikey: That is so wrong, He's not going to hurt us. We're the ones who saved him.
Y/N: I mean he might panic, cause the last thing he'll remember is being attacked, but I bet it'll smooth out later.
(The alligator mutant woke up and stayed still.)
Mikey: See? He's perfectly calm. I bet the first thing he's gonna do is thank-
(The alligator mutant threw Mikey off him. Then he took Mikey's teddy and ripped the had off.)
Mikey: Or maybe the second thing.
(The alligator grabbed Donnie by the face.)
Donnie: Get him off me! Get him off me!
(Mikey took the chains that Donnie dropped and wrapped it around his waist and started pulling.)
Mikey: I'll help you, Donnie.Donnie: Not like that! Not like that!
(The three other turtles grabbed the chain, but the alligator pulled harder and they all went flying. While Leo and Raph let go and landed on the stairs, Mikey hung on and got stuck on the pipes running along the ceiling. He was still pulling on Donnie. While the mutant was distracted, Y/N climbed up along his back and hit him on his pressure point and knocked him out, before Leo could shock him with one on Donnie's inventions. The gator landed on the floor with a thump.)
Splinter: What is all this commotion?
Raph: Sensei, Mikey and Y/N made us bring a mutant back to the lair, and it attacked us.
Mikey: It needs our help.
Raph: It's a dangerous monster.
Y/N: It's one of us.
Splinter: Raphael. There is no monster more dangerous than a lack of compassion. (Looks at gator) My mistake.
Mikey: We're doing to him what everyone else does to us, judging him by his looks.
Donnie: And the fact that he had me [Screaming.] BY THE FACE MIKEY!
Y/N: Back off, Donnie everyone here has been through worse.
Mikey: But he was fighting the Kraang, master Splinter. It's like you always say: "The enemy of my enemy is my bro".
Splinter: That is not exactly what I said. But what's this about the Kraang?
Leo: They were trying to force him to tell them where they could find some power cell.
Splinter: And he refused to tell?
Mikey: Yeah. They were all like, "Zap, zap, zap" and he was all like, "Rawr, never!"
Splinter: Hmm. I see. You made a wise decision, Michelangelo anf Y/N.
Others: Huh?
Splinter: Yes, I never thought I'd hear myself say that for Mikey either. Hmm. His scars run deep, but they protect a genuine heart. When he awakens, Y/N and Michelangelo, you must find a way to befriend him.
Y/N: You got it.
Mikey: No problemo.
Splinter: We need to learn what he knows about the Kraang. In the meantime, you three try to find this power cell before the Kraang can.
Donnie: But we're still chaining him up, right?
Splinter: Of course. I am compassionate, not insane.
(Donnie chained him up and he, Raph and Leo went out to find the power cell. Splinter went to meditate.)
Mikey: So what should we do till he wakes up?
Y/N: Well gators are known to eat, so maybe we should make food.
Mikey: How about another batch of my P-shakes!?
Y/N: For the love of humanity, NO! We make food (Stands and begins to walk to the kitchen) that is not disgusting.
Mikey: Alrighty.
(Leo, Raph and Donnie were back at the place where they first saw the mutant. They were looking though the piles of broken kraang bot parts. Raph found a can of soup and held it up.)
Raph: I don't suppose this is a power cell.
(Donnie and Leo got up excited, but when they saw it was just an empty can of soup, then seemed to deflate.)
Donnie: Quit goofing around, Raph.
(Leo, Raph and Donnie were back at the place where they first saw the mutant. They were looking though the piles of broken kraang bot parts. Raph found a can of soup and held it up.)
Raph: I don't suppose this is a power cell.
(Donnie and Leo got up excited, but when they saw it was just an empty can of soup, then seemed to deflate.)
Donnie: Quit goofing around, Raph.
Raph threw the cam over is shoulder and it landed in a pool of sewer water.
Leo: Hold on a second. If an alligator wanted to hide something, where would he put it?Donnie: I'm thinking underwater. Alligators love to drag their prey to the bottom of the swam-
(Raph knocked Donnie in the water to stop an oncoming lecture all about alligators.)
Leo: Thanks
Raph: Don't mention it.
(Donnie popped his head back up while taking a deep breath.)
Donnie: Hey, this pool is deeper than it looks. It keeps going.Leo: Well, it looks like we should-
(Raph knocked Leo into the water as well.)
Raph: Way ahead of you.
(Back at the Lair the alligator started to wake.)
AM: Where am I?
(AM = Alligator Mutant)
(He tried to get up, but felt the chains pull him back. He stood up on his back legs and roared, trying to get out of his binds. Mikey and Vixen walked in, Y/N holding a pot of the pizza soup he and Mikey made.)
Mikey: Well, look who's awake.
AM: You two! Set me free!
Mikey: Oh, yeah. Sorry about the chains. The guys said we have to keep you looked up or you might attack us.
Y/N: You have no need to be threatened.
AM: Who are you? What am I doing here?
Y/N: I'm Y/N.
Mikey: I'm Michelangelo.
(He put out his hand to shake, but the mutant just snapped his jaws at his hand. Mikey pulled back scared.)
Mikey: My brothers, Vixen and I saved you from the kraang.
(The mutant closed his eyes and opened them to show his second eye lid was still down.)
(He tried to pull out of his binds again, but more violently.)
Mikey: Woah, woah! It's okay, you're safe. We brought you here so you could get better. And nothing will hear you faster than my world famous pizza noodle soup.
Y/N: You do realize that this is the first time you made that, right?
Mikey: O_O
(The alligator drank up the soup. Mikey winced, waiting for him to say it's terrible.)
AM: This is the best thing....I have ever tasted.
Mikey/Y/N: Really?
Y/N: Let me taste.
(Y/N took another spoon and tasted the soup.)
Y/N: Woah, this is really good.
Mikey: Really? All right! Some people finally likes my cooking!
(Mikey sat down and started feeding the alligator while Y/N took some himself once and a while.)
AM: Why are you being so kind to me?
Y/N: Because we're the same.
AM: Alligators?
Y/N: (Chuckles) No, mutants. Us freaks have to stick together. (Rubs his head)
AM: (Smiles while enjoying the rubs)
(Leo, Donnie and Raph were swimming towards the end of the pool. They walked out the water. When raph got out he started shaking the water off, splashing Leo and Donnie.)
Raph: Sometimes, it's good to be a turtle.
(The a spot sigh was shot at Raph's neck. Donnie and Leo dodged it, only to turn around to see Raph without a head. They started screaming, until Raph popped his head back out of his shell.)
Raph: And sometimes it's good to be a short turtle.
(They heard clanging and the room started shaking.)
Donnie: The place is booby trapped.
Leo: Run
(Leo, Donnie and Raph start dodging the many, many, many booby traps that the alligator mutant set up for anyone.)
(Back at the Lair)
Mikey: So, what's your name, anyway?
AM: I do not have one.
Mikey: You don't have a name? Ha! Well, today's your lucky day, cause I'm a genius at naming stuff.
Y/N: Alright, what do you have for this guy Dr. Namingstein?
Mikey: Let's see. Mm-hmm. Mm-mm? Mm-mm. Mm. His head is kind of leathery. How about Headleather? Heather? No, wait! Leatherhead! Even better! Leatherhead.
Leatherhead: Leatherhead it is. Thank you.
Mikey: No problemo. It's what I do. So I've been wanting to ask you, why did you go all crazy-eyes on my brother Donnie?
Leatherhead: Your brother?
Y/N: Yeah, when you first woke up, you went completely berserk.
(Leatherhead had sudden flashbacks of what happened. Fighting off Leo and Raph. Grapping Donnie's face. Ripping Mikey's teddy. When the flashes were over, he looked to see Mikey with an adorable grin on his face while Y/N had a confused face. Waiting for an answer.)
LH: There are time when I lose control. When I awaken, I am horrified by what I have done. A monster like me deserves to be chained.
Mikey: Or maybe you just think you're a monster because everyone treats you that way.
Y/N: Yeah, we can somewhat relate to that.
LH: You are wise beyond your years.
Mikey: Yeah, I get that a lot.
Y/N: No, you don't. Hey, I hope the others are fine.
(The 3 were not doing fine. They were still running from the fatal traps. How much time did Leatherhead have on his hands to make all of this? The three were running from spiked barrels. They were coming up at a door that read 'Get Out'. The boys screamed, thinking that this was the end, but they barged right through the wooden door and turtle piled on each other. A knife was throw, just over their heads. They got up to see they were in a tunnel with no traps, just a dead end wall. Donnie walked over to the wall and pressed on it. He activated a secret button and they wall opened up to reveal the kraang power cell.)
Donnie: This thing is putting on some power
(Donnie pulled out some wires and touched the cell. The power shocked Donnie badly and threw him into the wall.)
Donnie: Why am I the one that always has to touch the weird kraang stuff?
Leo: Any idea what they could use it for?
Donnie: With the right components, it could power almost anything. Flashlight, blaster cannon, city on the moon.
Leo: Why would the gator even want this thing?
Raph: Let's bring it back home and ask him.
Donnie: Great, who's gonna carry it through the water?
(Donnie looked back at Leo and Raph and they just smiled back.)
Donnie: Aw man.
Leo: I'm sure it'll be fine. But you go first, okay?
(Donnie gently put his foot near the water, just incase it would shock him. As soon as his foot hit the water, Raph shook him and made a buzz sound. Donnie almost dropped the power cell.)
Donnie: Not funny!
(Raph smacked Donnie and he fell into the water. As soon as they got to the lair, Mikey met up with them at the pool.)
Mikey: Hey guys. Leatherhead is totally off the chain.
Raph: You mean you set him free?!
Mikey: What? No. Off the chain means he's cool.
Leo/Donnie/Raph: (Sigh of relief)
Mikey: And that's why I set him free.
(The Turtles looked to where Mikey was looking, and saw Leatherhead standing with a pot of pizza soup that him, Mikey and Y/N worked together to make. Y/N was coming out the kitchen with his own smaller batch. Mikey waved at his friend.)
Donnie: You let that maniac loose? Maybe you forgot that he grabbed me by the face. So I'll remind you. He grabbed me BY THE FACE!
Raph: Relax. You've been hurt worse since.
Leo: Mikey, you shouldn't have unchained him. What if he goes berserk?
Mikey: He's not gonna go berserk. He's totally mellow.
Leo: Okay. So, leatherhead.... about the kraang.
Mikey stopped petting leatherhead when Leo said kraang. Leatherhead dropped the pot of soup.
Y/N: Oh, boy!
(Leatherhead's eyes clouded over as he screamed out. He started to attack Leo and Raph. But Mikey and Y/N jumped on him to calm him.)
Mikey: Dude, Chill! Chill!
Y/N: Imagine your happy place.
(Leatherhead finally calmed down.)
Mikey: What were you thinking?
Y/N: Are you crazy? You can't just talk about them just like that.
Leo: You said he was mellow!
Mikey: I didn't know you were going to ask him about the you-know-who!
Y/N: It makes sense. If you had traumatic moments with a certain person, you wouldn't wanna talk about them, now would you? We have to ease into a conversation about them.
Leo: Okay, what should I do?
Mikey: I don't know, maybe start with an ice breaker, like 'how was your day'?
Leo: Fine. Um...Leatherhead. How was your day?LH: It started off awful.Mikey: Yeah, you were attacked by the kraang.
(Leatherhead went back to his rampage mode.)
Mikey: My bad!
(Mikey jumped on top of Leatherhead and started massaging him.)
Mikey: Woah, buddy! Cleansing breaths! Cleansing breaths! Cleansing breaths. You know you're in a safe place now, right?
LH: Yes
Y/N: My brothers just want to ask you a few questions. Do you think you can handle that?
LH: Yes.
Y/N: Okay. Now what is it you guys wanted to ask?
(Leo and Raph looked to Donnie. Donnie walked up and took the power cell out out his bag.)
Donnie: W-w-we just want to know what this is.
(Leatherhead's eyes clouded over as he accused Donnie of being a thief. He grabbed Donnie's face again.)
Donnie: Oh, come on!
(Leatherhead roared as Leo and Raph took out their weapons.)
Donnie: This is not my day.
(Raph and Leo tried to attack Leatherhead, but he smacked them away like flies. The power cell fell for Donnie's hand. Raph threw Leo off of him and raced after the source of power. He kicked it away before Leatherhead could reach it. Leatherhead looked at where the cell was now and Raph jumped on his back. Raph slammed Leatherhead's face into the ground and took the power cell. Leatherhead started rolling towards Raph. Raph threw the cell before he was crushed by the heavy alligator mutant. Leo and Donnie grabbed onto him. Leo grabbed his tale, but Leatherhead whipped it, making Leo swing around. Donnie looked to his left to see Leatherhead about to snap his head off. Donnie dodged the jaws. Until he was thrown into the wall. )
Mikey: Leatherhead, chill relax! It's okay!
(Leatherhead whipped his hand and threw Mikey into Y/N. They both crashed into the wall.)
Mikey: No! Put that down!
(Leatherhead whipped his hand and threw Mikey into Y/N. They both crashed into the wall.)
Y/N: Did anyone get the number of that bus?
Splinter: Stop! Get away from my sons!
Splinter: Leave this place. Out!
(Leatherhead grabbed the power cell and ran out the sewer lair. Master Splinter ran over to Raph.)
Splinter: Boys, are you alright?
Leo: Yeah. Yeah, we're okay.
Y/N: I think I'm gonna have a dent in my stomach, the shape of Mikey's shell, for the rest of my life
Splinter: Where is Michelangelo?
Donnie: You don't think he went after Leatherhead, do you?
Leo: No. Only an idiot would-oh, boy.
Y/N: Looks like it's time for a rescue mission.
(Mikey ran through the abandoned subway screaming for his new, alligator mutant friend. He followed the footprints till he came to a rundown subway cart. On the inside a couple of candles were lit and soft Big band music was playing. Leatherhead placed down the power cell and breathed heavily, until he was finally calm. The door opened and the record stopped. Mikey went in screaming.)
Mikey: Dude, Leatherhead, what's the big idea, man?
LH: You should not be here.
Mikey: I trusted you. Then you freak out and attack my entire family. I thought we were friends.
LH: I warned you that there is a dangerous force inside me, that I cannot control. And that is why I must be alone.
Raph: Leatherhead...
(Mikey turned to see a worried looking his brothers taking out their weapons except for Y/N who was calm. Mikey had to duck not to hit by Raph's Sai)
Raph: Get away from Mikey, or we'll turn you into the world's ugliest suitcase.
Y/N: The only person that could be hurting Mikey, is you. Watch where you point that thing. And Leatherhead isn't a bad guy, the Kraang made his this way!
LH: Please! I mean him no harm. Your brother is right the kraang that made me this way.
Y/N: Oh, man. Why don't you just tell your story, and big bro Y/N will listen, okay?
LH: I was raised by a kind human boy, until his parents discovered me and dumped me in the sewer. The kraang found me and took me to their dimension. They mutated me, and subjected me to horrible experiments. But they could not break my spirit. Six months ago, I escaped with another mutant through the portal that they used to travel to earth, and I stole this.
(Holds up the power cell)
Y/N: (Wipes a tear off) Man, I hate tragic stories.
LH: It powers the portal. Without it, no kraang can enter or leave this dimension. I swore to keep it from them and spare this world from their evil, even at the cost of my own life.
Y/N: Wait you said another mutant?
LH: Yes, she was a mutant cheetah.
Y/N: (Gasp) My sister escaped the prison. She's here on earth!
(The 5 teens look at each other and suddenly the sound of metal clanging ripping through the air. There was the sound of a metallic whoosh and the whole cart shook. Leatherhead roared.)
Kraang: Give to kraang the power cell that kraang has come to demand that you give to kraang.
Mikey: It's the kraang.
Y/N: (Sarcastically) Really? I thought it was Arianna Grande.
Mikey: Who?
(The Kraang started to blast the cart relentlessly.)
Y/N: Quick, barricade the doors!
(The kraang started to pile into the subway cart. One kraang made it through and started a tug of war with Leatherhead for the cell. Leo saw and cut the kraang's arms off and knocked it onto the ground. Raph, Mikey and Y/N finally got the door closed. The kraang were still banging on the door. Then it got real quite. Mikey let out a sigh of relief, but a saw thing popped threw the hole right next to Y/N's head. Another was drilling through the roof. Donnie looked and saw that one of the dismembered arms started crawling on it's own and grabbed him by the face. The second arm got Leo. Leatherhead knocked down the knocked down the bot that got up again. The head flew off and Mikey caught it.)
Kraang: Kraang.
(Mikey started freaking out. The body started walking towards the young turtles and pressed him against the door. A bunch of kraang arms started poking through the gap. Mikey pushed the kraang away and continued the hold the door. Y/N started ripping the kraang arms off and grabbing one of their blaster to blast back at them. All the while, Leo was battling kraang.)
Raph: We're surrounded.
Mikey: We'll never hold them off.
Leo: We gotta get out of here.
Y/N: No shit sherlock!
Leo: Donnie, can you get this car running?
Donnie: This track is dead. There's no electricity.
Y/N: What about the power cell? Can you use that?
Donnie: I might be able to hook it up to the motor, but I'll need time.
LH: I will buy you time. My friends, you have trusted me. Now I am trusting you. I will deal with the kraang. (Looks at Y/N) Thank you for saving me.
Y/N: Hey, us mutants have to stick together.
(Leatherhead opened the door and started to attack the kraang plowing through them. Mikey handed Donnie the power cell. Donnie used the attractable blade at the end of his staff to open the motor. Donnie looked at the wires and junk.)
Leo: Donnie, we're running out of time.
Donnie: I'm working as fast as I can!
(The bots started pushing through the barricade.)
Raph: Donnie....will you hurry up?
Donnie: I got it!
(Donnie pushed the cell into the motor and it started to glow. The whole cart started to rocket down the subway. Any bots it the way were creamed. On the inside everyone was wide eyed and screaming. There was a swirly pink screen and they saw a huge eye looking at them. Donnie pulled the stop signal and the cart started screeching to a halt. The wheels left tracks of fire. When they stopped, they were on the surface again. The door opened with a delightful ding.)
Leo: Where the heck are we?
Donnie: According to my calculations...(sniffs air) sewage plant?
Mikey: Wow, it's as beautiful as they say.
Y/N: (Retches) My nose would beg to differ. (Thoughts) I hope leatherhard is ok.
(Back at LH base.)
Kraang: We must notify Kraang, that the ones called the turtles have taken Kraang's power cell from Kraang. [Glass shatters.]
Leatherhead: [Growls.] You won't be telling anyone anything. [Roars.]
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!
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