Into Dimension X!

[The episode opens in Dimension X where a creature that is frantically running inside a Kraang facility. This creature turns out to be Leatherhead now aged and scared. He spaces the building and attempts to hide so he can contact the Turtles with a Kraang Communicator.]

Leatherhead:Turtles! Y/N! The Kraang have perfected the mutagen. They're about to....

Kraang:Halt, that which is referred to as "intruder. "

[Some Kraang soldiers manage to catch up to him and distract him. He successfully destroys the first round of Kraang, but reinforcements catch up to him and defeat him with stun guns.]

Leatherhead:[Distorted voice, glitching] Turtles! The Kraang have perfected they're about to -

[He was not able to finish after Kraang knocked him out.]

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

Here we go!

It's the lean, mean, ninja team

On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things

So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams

Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza Kings

Can't stop these radical dudes

The secret of the ooze made the chosen few

Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves

The good guys win and the bad guys lose

Leonardo's the leader in blue

Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through

Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines

Raphael has the most attitude on the team

Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!

Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need

To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

(Y/N found themselves in a strange dream state, where flashes of images kept appearing in their mind. They saw their beloved mentor, Splinter, being attacked by Shredder and his team of villains. The Foot Clan surrounded them, and the Kraang were seen conquering the earth. )

(Y/N shot awake, sitting up and gasping for air. That was an awful dream. And yet, it didn't feel like a dream. It was like she was actually there. The pain of the droids shooting at her. How heavy she breathed as she ran through the corridors. The burning anger she released upon the Kraang)

What the heck was that?

(looking around, he found he was in his room, safe in bed without a scratch on him. He calmed down, got out of his bed and exited his room, he saw Mikey leave his own room with a video cassette with his film leaking out of it.)

"Morning, Mikey," he greeted with a small yawn.

He turned to him, raising a brow. "Morning? It's nearly noon."

He shrugged, then glanced at the cassette. He folded his arms. "What happened?"

He lowered his head with a sheepish smile. "I got carried away again."

(Smiling, he shook his head and accompanied him to the lab. And saw Donnie, was at his computer, trying to over at the systems of the portable kraang portal. Timothy had his head resting on his folded arms on the desk, fast asleep. The two of them had been trying to hack the thing all night.)

"Uh, Donnie? Can you fix this?" Mikey asked.

(Donnie slammed a fist on the desk, still focused on the portal. It woke Timothy, who lifted his head with a yawn and looked around blearily.)

"What's happening?" hr asked groggily. Mikey held up the broken cassette. Timothy frowned at it and rubbed his eyes, still seeming kinda out of it, then held out a hand. "Here." he took the tape and wound it back in. "There you go."

(He passed it back to him. He grinned at her and turned to leave, only to encounter a giant, three-fingered claw.)

He yelped, falling on his shell. "Monster hand! Monster hand!"

"That's just part of the Turtle Mech Timothy and I have been working on," Donnie explained, returning to the portal.

Mikey got back to his feet and gasped. "Whoa. It must be huge."

Timothy sighed. "Yeah, so huge, we can't find a power source for it."

Donnie shouted in frustration. "If I can just...get it...working!"

(He slammed his fist on the desk again. This time, the force knocked the portal off the desk. It switched on, floating above a clothed, car-like invention, then opened. The others came running.)

"What did Mikey do?" Raph asked.

"Why do you always immediately assume he did something?" Riki demanded.

"I didn't do it!" Mikey agreed.

Y/N nodded. "He's telling the truth. The portal activated on its own."

(A strange, pink-purple haze began leaking through the portal.)

"What is that?" Leo asked as the haze seeped across the ground.

Timothy leaned over to glance at Donnie's computer. "It's Kraang atmosphere." he got up, rifled through a couple drawers, and came back over with a handful of what looked like tubes connected to high-tech devices. "Here. Filtration units. They'll allow us to breathe it safely."

(They each grabbed one, connected the device to their belts, and put the ends of the tubes in their mouths. The haze felt like oxygen now.)

"Shouldn't Y/N already be able to safely breathe it?" Chloe asked. "You did say you grew up in that world."

Y/N shook her head. "No go. Last time we encountered this stuff during an ambush at TCRI, it knocked me out as quickly as it did the others."

Donnie looked at the portal. "Guys, I think this goes to Dimension X."

"Where the Kraang come from?" Ethan asked.

Donnie nodded. "Yes, it--"

(He cut off as the communication orb started going off. Ringing, it showed a holographic image of Leatherhead.)

"Turtles! Y/N!"

They gathered around the orb. Mikey gasped in relief. "Leatherhead. He's alive!"

"Who's Leatherhead?" Riki asked.

"A gator we met in the sewers," Y/N replied. "A friend. He went into the Kraang portal at TCRI to deactivate it."

"Shh, he's saying something," Raph said.

"They're about to--" The message replayed. "Turtles! Y/N! The Kraang have perfected the mutagen. They're about to--" It switched off.

"Oh no! They got him!" Mikey shouted.

Y/N ran a hand through his hair. "This makes no sense."

Mikey turned to subject back to the matter of Leatherhead. "Leatherhead needs our help!"

"He must be in Dimension X," Y/N said. "As soon as the portal opened, his signal came through and activated the orb."

"So the orb can tell us where he is?" Mikey asked.

Y/N shrugged. "Maybe, if Donnie and Timothy can--" Mikey snatched the orb. "Mikey!"

He started banging the orb against the clothed machinery. "Where's Leatherhead? Where is he?"

He took the orb from him. It glitched and shut down. He looked down at his little brother. "Patience, Mikey." Leo and Raph sat him down on the nearest chair. He passed the orb to Donnie. "Anything you and Timothy can do?"

He turned it over and traded a look with Timothy. "We can fix this, but it may take a while."

"Okay, we need to come up with a plan," Leo said.

"Yeah!" Mikey cheered.

"Part one is, Mikey stays here," Leo interjected.

Mikey: "Wait, why?"

"You've been messing up too much lately. We can't take the chance."

Mikey sulked and whimpered. "Leatherhead."

(Riki rested a hand on his shoulder, giving him a reassuring smile. Y/N couldn't blame his little brother. He missed Leatherhead, too.)

(Suddenly, she noticed Mikey's sullen look shift to determination. He grabbed Riki's wrist and charged toward the portal.)

"Mikey!" Y/N yelped.

The others turned, but Mikey leapt into the portal, pulling Riki after him. "Booyakasha!" And then they were gone.

"We got to go after them," Raph stated.

Leo and Y/N nodded agreement. "Let's move!/Let's go!"

"Wait, the environment in there could be toxic--" Donnie began.

"There's no time!" Y/N interjected, jumping through the portal.

(The vortex spun around him as he fell, making her nauseous. He closed her eyes, bracing herself. Once the spinning stopped, he hit something cold and metallic. He opened his eyes, picking himself up. He looked up at a scream and jumped out of the way as the others fell through after her. The portal closed behind them.)

Chloe shook her head, pushing herself back to her feet. She looked out past their platform and her eyes widened. "Guys? Uh, look."

(They all followed the little girl's gaze to see they most certainly were not in New York anymore. Scratch that. They weren't even on Earth anymore. A sky two shades of pink. Floating platforms and round metal orbs and crystal-like trees. Kraathatrogons and all sorts of creatures.)

"So this is Dimension X," Leo concluded.

They were all knocked to the ground as a Kraathatrogon passed. Its baby-back-face giggled at them as it flew past.

"Freak-show," Ethan sing-songed.

Timothy got back to her feet, staring around. "There's no sun, there's no anything." She backed toward the edge of the platform. "How can it--"

"Look out!" Raph warned.

(Timothy lost his footing, falling off the edge. They all quickly ran to the edge, Chloe got her boosters ready, though there was no need. Timothy was perfectly fine, standing upside-down on the other side of the ledge below them. Safe and sound.)

"This is ridiculous!" Donnie exclaimed. "Gravity cannot work like this."

"Apparently, here it can," Chloe responded, helping Timothy back over onto their side of the platform.

"Yeah. Different dimension..." Donnie picked up a metallic stone and threw it across the platform. Like a boomerang, it flew back past them twice, like it circled the whole dimension in a matter of seconds. On the third pass, he lifted his hand, and despite the high speed the stone appeared to be going, he caught it without issue. "Different laws of physics."

He dropped the stone, which floated to Raph. He caught it, stared at it, and threw it to the ground with a growl. "Let's just hurry up and find Mikey and Riki!"

"Any idea where to start?" Donnie asked, looking at Leo.

Leo glanced around, spotting a platform beyond the horizon. It looked like a Kraang base. He angled his ears toward it. "I think that's as good a place as any."

"Let's do it." Raph ran for the edge of the platform. He jumped, landing on the platform across from them. It didn't look like any problem, despite the distance. He glanced back at them. "What are you waiting for? Come on!"

Chloe got his thrusters to take off. Y/N put a hand on her shoulder, stopping her. "I wouldn't fly," he cautioned. "We have no idea what might happen if you try. With physics the way they are here, for all we know, your thrusters could fail and you'll plummet to..." he paused and glanced over the edge, "whatever end this dimension has."

Chloe took a glance over the edge, at the endless void that seemed to stretch below them, and nodded. "Good point."

(Y/N backed up a few steps, then took a run-up to the edge and leapt off. He landed on the platform beside Raph, the others following him. They jumped across platform to platform. It was like each had its own gravity field. Kinda cool.)

They arrived at a tower, and Leo voiced what Y/N had been wondering. "Why aren't we seeing any Kraang around here?"

Donnie shrugged and shook his head. "I don't know, but at least they don't know we're here."

Raph landed between them and pointed ahead. "Except for those."

(They followed his gaze to see eight little orbs, split into two groups. They flashed like fireflies or lures. And apparently, they got the boys' attention.)

"Aw, look at the little guys. They're all cute and sparkly," Raph cooed.

(As if they heard his voice, the orbs started flying toward them, getting bigger and bigger the closer they got.)

"Wait, are they little?" Ethan asked.

The orbs flew in front of them, twice as big as them and sparking with electricity.

"Nope," Timothy squeaked.

(The orbs sent bolts of electricity at them. Chloe and Ethan jumped aside. Y/N moved out of the way. Timothy and the boys got knocked off the tower and onto the platform. Chloe and Ethan leapt to attack the orbs. However, they separated to dodge the two friends and shocked them. Donnie tackled the orbs and Timothy tossed some of his energy at them, but the orbs separated again and the blast missed.)

(Y/N noticed the orbs hadn't attacked him yet, or even seemed to notice her. He grabbed Chloe, Ethan, Leo, and Raph and pulled them into the crystal trees, ordering them to stay quiet. Then he yanked Donnie and Timothy up with them.)

(The orbs flew around, frantically looking for them. Once they were gone from both earshot and eyesight, Y/N sighed in relief.)

"What the heck were those things?" Leo asked, once everything was quiet.

"If Mikey were here, he'd come up with a name for 'em," Raph heartedly joked. Then he sulked. "He and Riki are probably Kraang bait by now."

Y/N shook his head. "They're alive, I can feel it."

Raph gave her a look, then Donnie spoke up, messing with a branch of the crystal tree. "Guys, I think these are the same kind of crystal that was in the Kraang power cell."

"Donnie, I don't think you should mess with that," Ethan warned.

(The branch snapped off and began glowing bright purple.)

"What is that?" Chloe demanded.

"Something not good," Donnie said shortly. "Go, go, go!"

(They jumped for the next platform. The crystal exploded behind them, the aftershock knocking them hard into the platform. Shards of crystal landed around them, and a larger, very sharp shard landed right beside Leo's head.)

"New rule," Leo said firmly. "Nobody. Touches. Anything."

Y/N's ears pricked at distant roars of pain. He sat up, turning her head to try to find the source. I knew that roar, but where's it coming from? "Anybody else hear that?" he asked.

"Hear what, dad?" Ethan asked, ears twitching.

Y/N paused. The roars had stopped. "I heard Leatherhead."

Raph lost his patience and shouted, "We can figure out what's going on later. We gotta find Mikey and Riki."

(They continued across the platforms, avoiding the crystal trees and being as quiet as possible. After jumping a few of the platforms and metallic planets, it was clear the others were starting to get tired. Dimension X was so open it felt like they were going nowhere, or running circles.)

They found a platform large enough for them to catch their breath, and Donnie spoke up. "Man, I kind of don't blame the Kraang for invading us. Their dimension stinks."

Leo looked around and smiled. "I don't know." He pointed to a little nub on a large rock formation. "That thing's kind of cute."

The nub spotted them and squeaked. "Meep, meep." Leo walked over.

"Leo, the one thing we know about this dimension is 'don't mess with anything cute'," Raph reminded him.

Leo ignored him, speaking to the nub. "Mop. Mop."

"Meep, meep," the creature replied.

"Mop, mop." Leo tickled the nub. The creature laughed, letting out a little green smoke.

Chloe's eyes narrowed, and she folded her arms. "Everyone, be ready to run when that thing tries to kill us."

Leo turned to them with an 'awww' look on his face. "Oh, it's so small though. How can it--"

(The rock started moving. It rose from the ground to reveal the nub was connected to a much larger creature that resembled a combination of rock and an insect monster.)

Y/N sighed. "Leo. I thought you said don't touch anything??"

They all turned and bolted. The monster pursued them, close behind.

"I hate cute things! I hate 'em!" Raph shouted as they jumped to the next platform.

"I warned you! I warned you!" Chloe exclaimed.

"Dude, gloat later, run now!" Ethan snapped.

(They jumped across floating drum-like objects and long cylinders to the next platform, but the monster caught up easily.)

(Y/N felt the monster's breath creep up his back, when suddenly, a shadow tackled him across the platform and back behind the monster. The others piled on top of him. The monster turned, and Y/N looked up to see the shadow that saved their lives was actually a very familiar turtle mutant with an air filtration unit. He had a belt equipped with small crystals, and Kraang tentacles wrapped around his upper arms. His familiar orange mask was almost hidden under what looked like a Kraang skull helmet.)

"Stay away from my family!" he shouted at the monster.

"Mikey?" Ethan said.

Mikey screeched at the monster, who backed away in pain. He threw a few of the crystals at it. "Buzz off, Rockatopus!" The rocks exploded in the monster's face, and Mikey proceeded to jump up and kick the small nub. The creature lost its balance and fell off the platform.

Y/N stared at her brother for a few seconds, shocked, then relief and happiness washed over him. "You're okay!" He ran up and threw her arms around him. "We were worried about you." She pulled back and gave him a stern look. "Don't you ever do something like that again, you hear me? You scared the crap out of us!"

The others gathered around Mikey, who folded his arms. "Well, what took you so long? Riki and I have been here for months."

"Months?" Leo echoed, confused.

Mikey shrugged. "Or maybe a few hours. I don't have a watch."

"But we went through the portal, like, 15 seconds behind you," Raph pointed out.

Donnie:Obviously, time passes faster here than in our own dimension. There's a temporal differential.

"I love tempura!" Mikey smiled.

Timothy shook his head. "No, Mikey. Temporal. Defined as time and space physics."

"How do you know these words?" Ethan demanded.

Before Timothy could answer, Chloe interjected. "Mikey, where's Riki?"

He paused. "I'm not actually sure."

"You lost my aunt?!" Ethan demanded.

"He didn't lose me." They turned at the sound of Riki's voice to see her jump off a platform and land beside them. "We saw you come through the portal and followed you to make sure you didn't get yourselves killed or something. But when Donnie caused that crystal explosion, we got separated." She grinned at them and gave a mock salute. "About time you lot showed up. I see Mikey found you before I did."

"They ran into the Rockatopus," Mikey explained.

Riki grimaced. "Yeesh. Then we better get out of here."

Mikey nodded. "That thing's gonna keep coming back, and we've got to rescue Leatherhead."

Riki glanced at his belt. "Better stock up on bang rocks." She jumped for the closest crystal tree.

"Riki, be careful!" Timothy warned.

Riki made a few strange squeaking sounds and a small crystal broke off the branch. It glowed light blue for a second and floated in the air. Ray grabbed it, and it didn't explode.

Astonished, Donnie asked, "How did you do that?"

Riki jumped back down. "Mikey figured out that a lot of stuff here responds to sound." She grabbed several caterpillar-like worms crawling around and threw them at Y/N and the others.

"What are we supposed to do with these?" Leo asked.

"Like this," Mikey replied. He and Riki squeezed their worms, and long tendrils attached to the platform above.

Y/N and the others copied Riki and Mikey, the worms swung them to the next platform. Their landings were a little rough, but they were alright. Mikey and Riki followed behind, landing easily on their feet.

Raph said up and gasped, smiling. "Wow! How'd you know how these bug things work?"

Mikey shook his worm and shrugged. "Just seemed sort of obvious."

They all got back to their feet, turning to Mikey and Riki.

"Guys, you're like geniuses here," Chloe said.

Riki laughed, tail wagging. "All Mikey. He figured out how everything works." She grinned, resting an arm on his shoulder. "In 'Crazy Backwards Land', 'Crazy Backwards Dude' is king."

Mikey grinned, squeezing the other end of the worm and letting green juice stream into his mouth. "They're tasty too." He swallowed the juice. "So let's go rescue Leatherhead!"

(Using the worms and followed Mikey and Riki, Y/N and the others arrived at the Kraang base with no encounters of the indigionous lifeforms.)

Mikey appeared beside Y/N, hanging upside-down with his worm. "Okay, I got some good news, and I got some bad news."

"What's the good news?" Leo asked.

"There's thousands of Kraang-droids in there," Riki replied dropping down beside them.

Leo rolled his eyes and shook his head. "I said 'good news'."

Mikey dropped down beside them. "I know." Heavy stomping echoed from the doors of the base, and the rock giant from TCRI appeared alongside a white one. "That's the bad news."

The white giant roared, loosing a stream of blue fire, and the black giant barfed lava. The white one spotted Leo, blowing flames at them. They jumped out of the way, into the crystal trees behind them.

"Riki and I got this!" Mikey shouted. "Just--"

Leo cut him off. "Donnie, Timothy, right! Raph, Chloe, left! Ethan, with me! Move!"

With that, they all ran toward the giants.

Riki sighed in annoyance. "Wrong."

Y/N looked over at them. "Got an idea?"

Riki nodded. "Yeah, if you wanna follow our lead."

"You two have been here longer than I have, and you certainly know your way around. Show me what you got," she suggested.

(The two of them exchanged grins, giving him some exploding crystals and explaining the plan. The other six weren't having much luck with the giants. The black one grabbed Leo, ready to finish him off.)

"Hey, Traag! Granitor!" Mikey shouted. The two giants looked over at them.

Y/N glared at them defiantly. "Put him down! Now!"

(He hurled her crystals at the giants. Traag released Leo, taking a step back. Mikey, Y/N, and Riki landed in front of the others.)

Riki turned to them. "Mikey told you, we got this." She glanced up at Y/N. "Ready?"

Y/N nodded. "Let's move!"

(The three of them charged the giants. They took turns throwing the exploding crystals at the giants. The two of them backed toward the island's edge. Y/N and Riki both took steps back, covering their ears. Mikey stood his ground, giving a high-pitched shriek. The ground beneath them cracked and the cliff gave up under the two giants, who fell into the void below them.)

Without even a moment to recollect themselves, Mikey dashed for the tower, Riki hot on his heels. "Let's move."

Leo: [Scoffs] I say that.

(Cut to Inside the base, they entered and made their way through the corridors without detection. Across the halls, they spotted two Kraang-droids guarding a door. Leo reached for his swords, and Y/N grabbed his hand to stop him.)

(He glanced at him. He shook his head, lifting a finger to his lips and nodding toward Mikey and Riki. He released his swords with a nod of understanding. He looked over at Mikey and Riki and nodded. The two of them grabbed their worms and used them to grab the Kraang, pulling them from the robot husks and throwing them to the ground.)

Raph looked at the Kraang noted, "Smooth."

(Y/N and the others looked through the door to see what looked like a testing room, with an oak tree and two Kraang energy cannons. Three monitor screens showed Kraang Prime watching the action.)

"Initiate that which is called mutagen transformation sequence." The cannons aimed at the tree. "That which is called mutagen transformation sequence initiated."

(The cannons fired mutagen at the tree until it was covered with the cyan ooze. Y/N and the others shielded their eyes from the bright flash of light. When they turned back, the oak was replaced by a crystal tree. A glass dome was lowered over it. The monitors switched off and the room emptied.)

Once everything was quiet, Y/N snuck inside with his team.

Timothy gasped, staring at the tree. "You see that? That's what Leatherhead meant when he said they've perfected the mutagen," she whispered.

"They're gonna use it to transform everything on Earth, even the people!" Donnie said, looking over the blueprints of the plan. "They're gonna turn Earth into another Dimension X!"

"So I'll be a genius there, too?" Mikey asked with a smile.

"Yes, Mikey," Chloe replied, before raising her voice in annoyance and frustration. "Thank you for finding the one mildly positive thing among 10 billion screaming nightmares!"

(Her tone got too loud, and she quickly covered her muzzle as a door opened. Y/N and her siblings took cover in the shadows and ducked out of the room before the Kraang noticed they were there.)

Y/N's ears pricked and swiveled at the sound of roaring. "Leatherhead."

"You're the only one who can hear him," Riki said. "Lead the way."

(Y/N nodded, following the noises. He led his team through the hallways without getting noticed and reached a corridor with only two Kraang-droids. A roar caught their attention as they hid in the shadows.)

"What do you want from me?" a familiar voice shouted.

"That which is 'screaming'," a droid answered.

(Leo and Raph took out the droids. Mikey knocked out the Kraang before they could react. Y/N fixed his attention on the imprisoned gator mutant. He looked in terrible shape.)

Mikey gasped. "Leatherhead! Are you okay?" Donnie worked on the object holding Leatherhead prisoner. Mikey stroked the gator's nose. "What can I do for you? Can you--" The object disappeared and Leatherhead collapsed on Mikey. "Ow!" He finished his question in a small voice, "Get off of me!"

Y/N helped Leatherhead back to his feet.

"Thank you, my friends," he said. "I feared you would never come."

Y/N grinned at him. "Of course we came. You're our friend, and we don't leave friends behind."

"Dude, did you quit moisturizing or something?" Mikey asked as he noticed Leatherhead was gray with age. "You look, like, a ton older."

"It's the temporal differential, Mikey," Y/N answered. "He's been here for years."

Leatherhead nodded. "Yes. I have been in this place for many decades now, spying on the Kraang." He put his hand on Y/N's shoulder. "When I discovered that they had perfected the mutagen, I had to contact you." He grabbed his crystal cane. "The time has come. Their invasion begins now. Follow me!"

He charged out of the cell. A Kraang was approaching. He roared at it, and it ran away in fright.

"He's a little cranky," Mikey whispered.

"A little?" Ethan asked.

(The Team followed Leatherhead through the base and into the vents. At the other end, they entered a large black-and-pink room. A large crystal tree pointed down toward a power console and a platform covered in numerous triangular portals.)

"Oh, that's not good," Timothy noted.

"So many portals!" Leo gasped. "Why so many?"

An alarm went off and Leatherhead pointed ahead. "Look!"

The walls on the platform level opened to reveal a full-on invasion force of Kraang-droids.

"So, looks like we're done here?" Donnie whimpered, backing into Y/N.

"The tunnel leads to the hive factory, where the Kraang-droids are manufactured. Their numbers of effectively limitless," Leatherhead explained.

"Explains the number of portals," Y/N said, ears flat. "Use just one and the machine overheats. Share the power and save the heat."

"So what can we do?" Donnie asked.

"Go down fighting," Y/N growled.

Leatherhead nodded agreement. "I would rather die on my feet, than live on my knees."

"Well, I wouldn't. I have kneepads," Donnie argued.

Y/N arched a brow at her brother. "What's gotten into you lately? They're just droids." She glanced at the console and the droids. "Least we can do is lessen the numbers of the armada as much as we can."

Donnie shook his head. "Are you nuts?! The only sensible course right now is retreat!"

Mikey: No! Mikey. Leo, Raph, Ethan, Chloe. You four go with Mikey and Riki and find a way to block that tunnel so no more Kraang-droids interfere. Donnie, Timothy. Y/N and I sabotage that portal generator. And Leatherhead..."

"Crush Kraang?" he guessed.

Mikey: "A lot! Let's hit it!" Mikey shouted, and they swung down to execute the plan.

(Leatherhead, Mikey, Leo, Raph, Riki, Chloe, and Ethan began taking out the Kraang. Y/N, Donnie, and Timothy took out the droids operating the terminal and started hacking.)

"Okay, we need to shut down all but one portal, so we have a way home," Donnie summarized.

"Then set the whole thing to blow once we're through," Y/N added.

Timothy entered a code and waited. The console declined. "No!"

(Y/N kept one eye on the others as he worked. Leo had made his way to a door and had his hand over the scanner. It declined and a droid aimed its blaster at him. He took the droid out, cutting off its arm, which he then used to close the door. The door closed like a shutter, regardless of the droids beneath it.)

Leo and Raph celebrated on a job well done, but were cut short by a Kraang-operated platform-walker machine. They bolted, trying to avoid the laser fire.

(Chloe was involved with some droids. She shot a missiles at them which made them explode everywhere.)

(Raph engaged a kraang droid in a fist fight. They were actually fairly even, until he yanked the Kraang out of the droid.)

Leo was having trouble with the walker. Leatherhead helped by throwing an empty droid at the Kraang firing lasers at Leo. Leo grabbed his rope and hook and threw it around one of the legs.

He looked at Leatherhead and shouted, "Leatherhead, I need a lift!"

Leatherhead grabbed his face and threw him over the top of the walker. Leo attached the other end of the rope to another leg. Leatherhead used his cane to whack off another leg. The walker lost its balance and fell on top of itself.

However, their luck seemed to have run out as a Kraang energy beam cut through the tunnel's door and the cavalry arrived.

Speaking of luck, Y/N, Timothy, and Donnie were not having much in getting the console to do what they asked. Timothy seemed perfectly calm as she and Y/N entered codes, but Donnie seemed a little frazzled. Come to think of it, he'd been letting his frustration get the better of him lately. He can't think clearly.

One of the portals took an oval shape. "No." Donnie noticed and tried again. The other portals took other shapes; one was shuriken and another a star. "No. No!"

Mikey:Oh, just let me do it. (He slammed the buttons randomly, before stopping.) "Come on! We got 30 seconds!" 

"Time to go, now!" Donnie shouted, following behind her with Timothy.

"Go through without me. I'll keep them busy," Leatherhead interjected.

"Not this time, buddy," Mikey argued, kicking the alligator mutant through the portal. She glanced through to see it led to the New York rooftops. Leatherhead was climbing up from the edge.

"I'm okay," he assured.

Y/N ducked through the portal with the others, and Leatherhead caught them before they landed on the streets.

Mikey jumped through and noticed something. "Wait!"

He fired his worm through the portal, retrieving a crystal branch. There was a bright light as the portal fully closed.

"Donnie, Timothy! I got you a power source for your Turtle Mech," Mikey said, showing them the crystal.

Donnie smiled. "Mikey, you are a genius!"

Mikey shook his head. "Not anymore." He removed his helmet with a sullen look. "Now I'm just back to being regular 'Mess-Everything-Up' Mikey."

Y/N shook her head, putting a hand on his shoulder. "You kidding? Saving that power cell was brilliant, and you did that here."

Mikey regained his smile. "Yeah, I did!" He scratched the back of his head. "Maybe I'm not such a screw-up after all!" Then he realized his hands weren't holding the roof anymore, and he fell. "Whoa!" He landed on the street with a thud. "I'm okay!"

Y/N climbed over the edge onto the roof with Leatherhead and the others, safe and sound.

"That overload should have taken out their whole facility," Timothy explained with a grin. "Their invasion will be set back for months!"

"Yeah, but how long is that with the time differential thing?" Raph asked.

Donnie shrugged, shaking his head. "I don't know. Hours? Maybe a day."

"Guys, there's a storm coming." She looked at her siblings and Leatherhead. "Are we ready to fight?"

Raph, Donnie, Leo, Leatherhead, Timothy, Chloe, Ethan, and Riki smiled. "Yes!"

They looked at Mikey, who was quietly smiling. "I need a minute." After a second, he opened his eyes and grinned. "Okay, now I'm ready." He and the others shared a high-three. "Booyakasha!"

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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