I Think His Name is Baxter Stockman

[Splinter is in a deep meditative trance, on the verge of achieving oneness with the cosmos. Soon Splinter's meditation is interrupted by the noise coming from the Living Room. Mikey made a skate ramp and talk his brothers into taking the part in his trick, an attempt to achieve the "world record" of jumping three mutant turtles and one mutant cheetah.]

Mikey: Guys, guys, get in your spot!

Raph: All right, Mikey, but this is the last time!

Donnie: But don't flip me this time.

Leo: Ate too much cheese.

Y/N: This is so dumb.

Mikey: And now the kid goes for the world record! He will attempt to jump three mutant turtles and one mutant cheetah!

Raph: I can't believe he talked us into this.

Y/N: Me neither.

Mikey: Ya! Booyakasha!

Splinter: What is going on in here?

Leo: Sensei!

Mikey: Whoa!

[Leo, Donnie, Raph, and Y/N stands up just as Mikey starts his decent and hilarity ensues.]

Splinter: How many times have I told you not to skateboard in the lair?

Mikey: None, Sensei.

Splinter: I shouldn't have to tell you!

Leo: You're right, Sensei. We definitely should have known better and we deserve to be punished. Eh, some.

Splinter: And what do you think would be a fitting punishment?

Leo: Well, uh, we we should clean up our mess? And then think about what we did.

Turtles/Y/N: Yeah. Sounds about right. We were wrong. Wouldn't want to do too much. No worries. That sounds about right.

Splinter: What about being grounded for a week?

Leo: Oh, I'm not sure that's-

Mikey: I'm cool with the thinking.

Donnie: Really, that's not necessary.

Raph: Maybe next time.

Y/N: How about in a month?

Splinter: You're grounded for a week!

[The brothers groaned in defeat, and as for that, the skateboard rank collapse leaving an even more mess.]

(Theme Song)

(Later, with the Brothers utterly bored)

Raph: Gah! This bites! I can't believe we're stuck down here for a whole week!

Y/N: I can. (Donnie comes up to them excited)

Donnie: Guys, guys! You wanna see what I made?

Raph: This is how bored I am. Yes, Donnie. I do.

Y/N: Yeah, what is it?

Donnie: Ok, ok, ok! Remember the other day I was scrounging in that military junkyard?

Four Brothers: No.

Donnie: Well, I found an incredibly advanced A. I. microchip, made from Get this! Self-assembled chain-linked copolymers!

Mikey: That's my favorite kind of copolymer.

Donnie: Mine too! And I used it to make this.(Shows them the T-Pod) The most advanced music player in the world. So who wants to try it?

Mikey: I do! Toss me the T-Pod.

Donnie: The Tpod?

Mikey: Turtle. Pod. Tpod. I am so good at naming stuff.

Raph: You're really gonna plug an advanced piece of military technology directly into Mikey's head? What if it melts his brain?

Donnie: It won't. And even if it did, who'd know the difference?

[Mikey presses the button and starts to panic like crazy]

Donnie: What? What's wrong?

Mikey: It's polka! Make it stop! Make it stop! (Donnie walks over and presses it)Thanks. (Mikey begins to dance)

Raph: That's it. I gotta get out of here.

Leo: Where are you going? We're grounded.

Raph: I don't care. I gotta do something or I'm gonna go nuts! Let's find a skate spot!

Mikey: Skate spot? I'm totally in!

Y/N: Got nothing better to do.

Leo: But what's Splinter gonna say?

Raph: (Imitating splinter)"I don't know what's going on, because they snuck out while I was asleep."

Leo: Heh. Real mature. But I'm your leader. And as your leader, I say nobody's going.

Raph: Well as your followers, we're going anyway.

Leo: Well as your leader, I'm going with you. To lead you. Away from bad stuff.(Mikey yells again) What's wrong?

Mikey: It's back to polka! We've got to get some more tunes on this!

[The scene changes to the rooftops with the brothers skating on the rooftops]

Mikey: Hey, Donnie! Thanks for all the new songs!

Donnie: Wait, what new songs?

Leo: Keep it down, you guys!

Donnie: What the? It's got thousands of songs and it keeps downloading new ones every second!

Raph: So?

Donnie: So, I didn't program it to do that. It's reconfiguring itself somehow. It's that chip!

Mikey: Whatever it is, (Leaps in the air) it's awesome!

Leo: Guys! We're ninjas, remember? We move swiftly and here's the important part silently. (Falls into flower house) Whoa! Beehive! (The beehive hits his face and he crashes out of the flower house and onto the street and trash)

Raph: That wasn't very silent, Leo.

Y/N: (Laughing) (The brothers soon find a stairs with rails)

Raph: Check that out.

Mikey: Let's grind it.

Donatello: (Sees Baxter Stockman walking down the street) "Who the heck is that guy?"

Raphael: "I don't know, but he needs a beat down."

Y/N: You think everyone we meet need's a beat down.

Leonardo: "Hold on, Raph. We don't know that he's gonna do anything wrong. He's probably on his way to... church?"

Raphael: "Wearing powered battle armor? What kind of church is that?"

Michelangelo: "A really awesome one."

Y/N: Or a really weird one.

Leonardo: "Ugh... look. It's my call. I decide who gets a beat down."
(Baxter tries to break into a building)

Leonardo: "That guy needs a beat down."

Baxter Stockman: Are you kidding me? Awww, come on... Stupid shutter!

Donnie: It's just kind of sad.

Y/N: I don't know what we should do now.

Mikey: Yeah, I don't know if we should pound him or buy him an ice cream cone.

Leonardo: "Halt, villain!"

Raphael: "'Halt, villain'? When did we start talking like that?"

Leonardo: "We're heroes. That's how heroes talk."

Y/N: Yeah in comic books.

Baxter Stockman: "You will feel the fury of my powered battle...holy cow! You guys are mutants!"

Leonardo: "That's right. We're the MUTANTS OF JUSTICE!"

Y/N: (Snickers)

Raphael: "Wow. I mean, just...wow." (Leo, Donnie, Raph, and Y/N rush to attack)

Mikey: Wait!(Hums while putting up the T-POD and pulls out Nunchuck) Okay. 

[They each attack disabling or dismantling his armor. It all comes to a stop when he falls back and breaks a window which causes an alarm to ring. The brothers panic as he keeps making noise until raph suggest putting him in the dumpster. And they do \]

Stockman: No! No! No! Aah! You're not the first to ever throw me in the trash, but I swear that you will be the last (They close the lid)

Mikey: Oh, snap! Let's go!

Donnie: Go, go!

(The Brothers sneak back into the lair)

Raph: We made it home!

Leo: Shh! It's 2:00 A. M.

Mikey: And Splinter's still asleep. This is epic.

Leo: It's not epic. It was a really bad idea.

Raph: No, it wasn't.(Flips to Couch) We got out there and stomped a sleazeball. So what's the problem?

Y/N: Yeah, it looks like we're in the clear. (Shakes off water)

[Mikey looks and notices that the T-Pod is missing. Back in the alley Baxter gets out of the dumpster and notices the T-Pod. He picks it up and plugs it in with armor and chuckles as it starts to upgrade]

Splinter: Knees higher, Leonardo! Extend, Michelangelo! Raphael, you call that a Koho Tenkai? Because I do not! Y/N why do you keep falling on the kick?! Ya-me!(All brothers fall in line and kneel) Hmm. Is there something you want to tell me?

Mikey: Something we wanna tell you? Nope.

Splinter: You all seem tired.

Leo: We're not.

Donnie: Wide awake.

Raph: Fresh as daisies.

Y/N: I could go 100 years.

[Mikey yawns and fells asleep.]

Splinter: So you would not object to a little Randori.

Mikey: Well- (All get his with wooden stick and lay on floor in pain)

Splinter: I hope you have learned, my sons, that truth isn't the only thing that hurts.

(Scene changes to living room)

Crankshaw: Captain Ryan! The rebellion is growing! We have to get off this planet!

Ryan: No!

Crankshaw: But, Captain-(Gets Slapped)

Ryan: I said no! We may have started this rebellion by accident, but by the rings of Nebulon, we are going to finish it on purpose!

Crankshaw: Aye, sir!

Raph: Seen this enough times there, chief?

Leo: Would you shh! This is the best part.

Carlos: We interrupt this program to bring you breaking news. We've received shocking footage of an assault on the T.C.R.I office complex in Brooklyn.

Donatello: "It won't. And even if it did, who'd know the difference?"


Worker 1: "Who-...who are you?"

Baxter Stockman: "You'll never know. I'm the thing that haunts your nightmares! I'm the nameless shadow who-!"

Worker 2: "Baxter?"

Baxter Stockman: "No."

Worker 2: "Baxter Stockman?"

Baxter Stockman: "N-NO!"


Raphael: "I think his name is Baxter Stockman."

Y/N: (Chuckles) What kind of villain name is Baxter Stockman?

Boss: "Is this because I fired you?!"

Baxter Stockman: "That copy machine was already broken when I-! I mean, uh, I don't know what you're talking about!"

Leo: How did he upgrade his armor so fast? 

[Baxter attacks the camera and that's when the brothers notice the T-Pod]

Donatello: "He has the T-pod?!"

Michelangelo: "Oh, um, I might have dropped it during the fight."

Donatello: "You dropped it during the fight?! Nice going, Mikey!"

Michelangelo: "It's your fault!"

Donatello: "How is it my fault?!"

Michelangelo: "You know I can't be trusted with nice things!"

Y/N: You know he's not wrong.

Donnie: Yeah you're right. (Sighs)

Leo: So the A. I. chip is upgrading his armor the same way it upgraded the Tpod?

Donnie: And if it keeps going, there's no telling how powerful he'll get.

Leo: This has gone way too far. Have to tell Splinter about this.

Raph: What? That we turned some nutjob into a super villain? Do you know what he'll do to us for that? I mean, he pounded us into the ground just for being sleepy!

Y/N: I hate to think what he will do to us now. (Shuddders)

Donnie: Look, we beat Stockman once, we can beat him again. We track him down, grab the Tpod, and get back here before Splinter knows anything.

Michelangelo: "If my opinion counts for anything, Donnie's right."

Donatello: "Hey, thanks, Mikey. But it doesn't."

Michelangelo: "Didn't think so...

Baxter Stockman: "I'm not Baxter Stockman, I am...THE BAXMAN! No, no, I am...THE SUITINATOR!! Aw, that's terrible! ...Captain...PUNCH-YOU...HARD. (whining) Why is this so difficult?!"

"Michelangelo: "I kinda liked the Suitinator."

Y/N: Eh, he could do better.

Stockman: You guys again?!

Leonardo: "Alright, Stockman, nobody wants to hurt you."

Raphael: "We don't? Did I miss a meeting?"

Leonardo: "We just want the T-pod."

Baxter Stockman: "Give up my source of power? Why would I do that? So you can laugh at me again, throw me in a dumpster?"

Raphael: "Sounds good to me."

[A lengthy fight then breaks out, and this time, Stockman easily defeats all five of them. Y/N tries to hit from him behind, but he gets flipped to the ground and his head is grabbed]

Mikey: Y/N! (Growls)

[Mikey wraps his chain around the scientist, but he simply seizes the opportunity to spin Mikey around in countless circles. While that's happening, a part of Stockman's suit separates and turns into a mechanized robot that opens fire with laser blasts. The Brothers face off with the brute one last time, but he picks all of them up at once and tosses them into a dumpster.]

Y/N: Tossed in the dumpster...sweet irony.

Stockman: Foolish Mutants! Did you really think you could defeat me?

Mikey: Well, yeah.

Stockman: All my life, people have laughed at me. The other kids in school, my co-workers, the woman who fixes the copy machine! How was I supposed to know you don't pour toner in the top? But when they behold the power of this suit, they won't be laughing anymore! They'll tremble in terror! [Then, the T-pod upgrades his armor yet again]

Leo: What's happening?

Donnie: Stockman and the Tpod. They're... merging. They're becoming one single entity.

Mikey: The Stockmanpod.

Y/N: Solid name Mikey now...RUN! (They get out of the dumpster and run to the streets)

(While running away from Stockman-Pod and you get down on your hands and legs to run faster)

Raph: How are you so fast?!

Y/N: I'm a cheetah genius!

Michelangelo: "The Stockman-Pod is right on top of us!"

Raphael: "Stop calling him that, that's a stupid name!"

Y/N: Not to me!

Leonardo: "Split up! He can't follow us all!"

Michelangelo: "No way! He's gonna follow me!"

Leonardo: "Why would he follow you?"

Michelangelo: "They always follow me!"

Leonardo: "Stop being paranoid and just do it!"

(Brothers split up and Stockmanpod follows Mikey)

Michelangelo: (Screaming) "AHH! I told you he was gonna follow me!"

[Mikey keeps running as Stockmanpod keeps chasing him. He than notices a pizza delivery guy]

Mikey: Pizza? All right! (Grabs the Pizza)

Stockman: I've got you now!

Mikey: Oh yeah? Well, I've got hot cheese! (Throws it at the Stockmanpod and burns his face)

Stockman: Is that the best you've-(Notices Mikey is gone)

[The Turtles to retreat back to the sewer with bruises all over their bodies and some of their weapons completely destroyed. ]

Leo: Shh, guys, quiet. You're gonna wake him up.

Mikey: I'm not making noise. Shh.

Raph: Don't tell me to be quiet. Shh!

(Sensei confronts them)

Leonardo: "Ah, Sensei!"

Master Splinter: "And where have you been?"

Raphael: "Nowhere..."

Master Splinter: "How did you get so hurt?"

Leonardo: "Oh, that, uhm, we were, uhm..."

Raphael: "Hit..."

Donatello: "By...

Y/N: a..

Michelangelo: "Bus?"

(Splinter gets a confused face)

Donatello: "Hit by a bus!?"

Michelangelo: "Well, what was I supposed to say? Meteor? Cow? Flying building?!"

Splinter: Enough! [They all stood up quickly] Tell me what happened.

[Scene changed to DoJo]

Mikey: And then I threw hot cheese in his face and ran away.

Splinter: Very resourceful, Michelangelo. But I'm still highly disappointed in you all. The first rule of being a ninja is "do no harm. " Unless you mean to do harm. Then do lots of harm.

Y/N: That's both contradictory and makes sens[]e.

Leo: You're right, Sensei. I guess we did make a mess of things.

Splinter: So what do you think would be a fitting punishment?

Leo: We need to clean up our mess.

Splinter: Yes. You must stop this Stockmanpod.

Donnie: But, Sensei, that guy's already kicked our shells. And now he's even more powerful. How are we supposed to stop him?

Raph: I know! I'll hit him really hard!

Y/N: That's your answer for everything Raph.

Splinter: Brute force is not the answer. You will need to rely on your ninja training.

Michelangelo: "Excuse me, Sensei but ninjas never had to go up against guys in armor."
(Sees painting)

Michelangelo: "Oh, I mean ninjas always had to go up against guys in armor."

Raphael: "Nice save."

Leonardo: "Sensei, what was their secret?"

Master Splinter: "They understood that you do not fight the armor. You fight the man inside."
(Brothers stare at Mikey who looks at them)

Michelangelo: "Why are we all looking at each other?"

[Scene changes to rooftop building]

Donatello: "Are you sure this is gonna work?"

Leonardo: "Like Sensei said, don't fight the armor, fight the guy inside. And one thing thing we know about bad guys... they love chasing Mikey."

Y/N: You got that right.

[Mikey poses as bait and Stockman chases him all the way back to his brothers.]

Mikey: Guys! Stockmanpod's got missiles!(They all dodge the missiles and wrap the Stockmanpod in chains) Now who's trembling in terror? (He breaks free, grabs Mikey's head, and thrown into building)

Leo, Raph, Donnie, Y/N: Mikey!

Raph: That's it. You're going down!

[Leo, Raph, Donnie, and Y/N begin fighting a loosing battle against him]

Y/N: Eat it Baxter! (Leaps in the air)

Stockmanpod: Ahhh! (Stumbles Backwards)

[Raph tries to attack him solo, but is punched away]

Leo: Raph!

[All try to attack him again, but they all get to the edge of the building]

Stockman: Any last words?

Leo: Just one. Bees!

Stockman: Bees?

Mikey: Beeees!

[Mikey throws the beehive directly into the only perforation in Stockman's armor and the bees then attack him from the inside.]

Leo: The Tpod!

[All begin to strike him to the edge of the building where he falls. When Baxter looks up he see's Leo and leo than stabs the T-Pod downgrading Stockman's armor. Baxter climbs out as the others join Leo]

Baxter Stockman: (After being defeated) "So...We'll call it a tie?

Leonardo: "Wanna call it a tie, Raph?"

Raphael: "Not yet" (After throwing him in a dumpster) "Now it's a tie."

Y/N: Later Baxten Stockboy! (About to close lid)

Baxter: It's Baxter Stockma-(Lid close)

(Back in the DoJo Splinter is talking to his sons.

Splinter: You all showed wisdom and great skill in defeating the Stockmanpod. I am proud of you all.

Y/N: Thank you sensei.

Leo: Does this mean we're not grounded anymore?

Splinter: Yes.(Brothers smile) But first, Randori!

Y/N: Run!

(Could not put image. Sorry)

Hope you enjoyed the chapter

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