Heart of Evil

[Part three starts with Restaurant Dell Abate, where Don Vizioso munching bread and slurping on spahgetti sloppily, and grumbling about mutants.]

Vizioso: Mutants..

[The twins are playing cards.]

Vic: Is Shredder's heart really in that thing? Where would you even get something like that?

Vicenzo: Don't ask questions you don't want answers to, Vic.

Vic: [disgusted] Yeesh. How can he eat with it just sitting there next to the fettuccine?

Hammer: Hey, yo, Boss. You want me to take that gross thing off the table for you? We got some nice lamb chops.

Vizioso: You ignorant goombahs. Some cultures believe that you gain the power of your enemy by consuming the heart. [he holds the heart of Shredder] It's where the soul resides. You got me? [laughs evily, then caress Shredder's heart.] First, I took this good luck charm from the Shredder. Next, I take his turf. With that freak gone, the entire city belongs to Don Vizioso. [laughs.] Hmm. Hey, bring me another calzone! Step on it. Chop chop, move. [He burped, then puts down Shredder's heart on the table.] Any mutant, freak, or weirdo who gets in my way gets eliminated. [Picks up a calzone.] Especially mutant ninjas.

[Vizioso laughs evilly, eats his calzone and smiles evilly.]


(Leo was following Rocksteady in his van with Y/N and Donnie while Raph, Ethan, Timothy, and Mikey were trying to get information about what Kavaxas needed for the resurrection of Shredder. April, Alopex, Chloe, and Karai were following Bebop. Casey and Shinigami were still out of commission after the incident with Tatsu.)

"Team Brainiac, this is Team Awesome standing by," Y/N heard from Mikey. "Over." The three of them kept their eyes on the van as they crossed the rooftops.

"We're in pursuit of Rocksteady's van as we speak," Donnie reported as they stopped at a fire escape. "Has Tigerclaw mentioned what they're looking for?"

"Negatory, Team Brainiac." The van turned and they jumped after it. "Team Kickbuttbabes, anything to report?" Y/N rolled his eyes at the name.

"A what?" Chloe protested.

"Seriously, Mikey?" Alopex chuckled.

"Team Kickbuttbabes?" Karai laughed.

"In pursuit of Bebop now. We're losing him!" April shouted.

"Keep your jumpsuit on, April. We got this," Karai assured her.

"Faithful followers, for Kavaxas to resurrect the great Shredder, we must obtain one final item: The Shredder's heart!"

"Weird. I didn't think Shredder even had a heart," Mikey whispered. Raph shushed him.

"How would they even be able to find that?" Ethan asked softly.

"I have already sent Zeck and Steranko to find the heart," Tigerclaw said.

"If they fail me, I will have both their souls," Kavaxas growled.

"You mean, if they fail me, Kavaxas."

"Okay, team, now we know what they're looking for," Leo said. "It's, um, gross and weird, but we have to stop them."

"I bet it's small and as dark as a black hole," Ethan muttered into the mic. The rest of his group chuckled in the background.

(Leo and his team caught up with Rocksteady at his destination. A very familiar restaurant.)

"Don Vizioso's place?" Y/N asked in surprise.

"It makes perfect sense that a psychotic creep like Vizioso would want it," Donnie said.

(Y/N gave him a concerned look at his tone and his ears twitched at distant snorting. Leo placed a hand on Donnie's shoulder and glanced toward Bebop, clinging to the side of a rooftop.)

"I'm here, Rock. What the dealio?" he asked into his comms. "I see the heart, yo. Dang! I bet that fool is nasty enough to try to eat it. Blech!" There was a pause as someone on the other end spoke. "No worries. Be like taking candy from a big, ugly baby." He turned invisible and Rocksteady snorted from the van.

"And should this candy thieving fail, I am the plan B." He laughed. "That sounded cool, da?"

Y/N facepalmed as they watched. "This is the last step to resurrecting Shredder."

"Let's go." Donnie stood up.

"Not so fast. We're ninjas," Y/N reminded him.

"Donnie, we need to use stealth here," Leo added.

"There's no time, guys, and I wanna give Don Vizioso a little payback from when he tried to slice and dice me." And with that, he jumped off the roof.

"Donnie!" The two of them exclaimed. Leo growled in annoyance and they jumped after him.

(They entered through the kitchen and Y/N kicked a man down as soon as they entered the dining room. Rocksteady was already firing lasers throughout the room. Leo threw a smoke bomb into Rocksteady's gun and it exploded in his face.)

"More muties? Waste 'em!" Vizioso yelled, pointing at them.

(Donnie fired a handful of shuriken at him, but he blocked it with a loaf of bread and a sausage. Leo spotted a dark blob in a container next to him.)

"The heart!" he exclaimed, realizing it was the only thing it could be. One of the twins ambushed him and punched him in the face, sending him sprawling.

"Forget it, freak," the twin snapped, staring down at her.

Rocksteady slammed his horn into the man's back, throwing him into the ceiling hard enough to leave cracks. "You get rocked by Rocksteady!"

Donnie jumped on him, knocking him to the ground. "Payback time, Vizioso!"

(He used his staff to knock the heart out of Vizioso's hands and jumped onto the table, catching the container. He smirked down at the trembling man, only for Hammer to grab him by the ankles and pull him to the ground, slamming the back of his head against the table.)

"Hey, yo, Boss, you want us to take out the trash?" Hammer asked, removing the golden hammer from around his neck.

"Donnie, look out!"

(Y/N's threw his katana cutting it out of the man's hands. Leo threw a shuriken at the chandelier and it crashed down on Hammer. Hammer dropped the heart, sending it rolling across the floor. It stopped at the feet of one of the twins. He picked it up and Y/N used a shurikin to knock it out of his hands, catching it out of midair. Bebop shoulder-checked her, making her drop it.)

(Leo used Bebop's head like a springboard to jump after the heart, but Vizioso flew in in his rocket chair, knocking into Leo and grabbing the canister before he could even touch it.)

"Choke on this, you freaks!" Vizioso pushed a button and a rocket arm holding a large pistol fired at them. The bullets exploded into clouds of red smoke in front of them.

(Donnie ran out of the smoke after Vizioso, who flew through a hidden door in the wall. Donnie wedged the blade of his naginata into the door just before it could close, attempting to force it open.)

(The goons were starting to get back on their feet, firing at them with their guns and forcing them to start to make a retreat as the red smoke filled with the restaurant.)

"Come on, Donnie," Y/N said, struggling to breath through the smoke. "Let's go!"

"I can," Donnie broke into a fit of coughs, "open this!" He collapsed onto the floor.

(Y/N threw a chair at a window to let some of the smoke out as Leo helped Donnie to his feet and they made their way out of the restaurant. Red smoke billowed out the door behind them and they collapsed onto the sidewalk, coughing up whatever smoke they'd inhaled.)

Donnie growled, slamming a fist into the ground. Y/N frowned at him worriedly. He wasn't acting like himself...


(They were sulking in the kitchen after returning to the lair. Donnie sighed, slamming a hand into the table. Leo was glaring at him, arms crossed.)

"Oh, man, we almost had the heart! Stupid gangsters! Why is our luck getting worse?" Donnie dropped his head onto the table.

"Well at Tigerclaw and Hothead don't have it yet," April pointed out.

"So there's still a chance to retrieve it from Vizioso before they can," Chloe added.

Mikey was playing around with Chompy. "Accent on the 'yet' part," he commented, smiling.

"No!" Donnie answered angrily. "We'll get it, and when we do, that thug Vizioso is going down!"

"I'm impressed." Raph smiled. "I kinda like you ticked off, Donnie."

Leo sighed. "Being ticked off isn't gonna help anything. It's your fault we blew it, Donnie."

"My fault?" The two of them growled in each other's faces.

Y/N sighed, rolling his eyes. "Here we go again..."

Karai took the chance to jump in, breaking the silence. "Vizioso is a minor inconvenience compared to Kavaxas."

"Yeah, how do we stop that monster?" Ethan quickly jumped in, looking relieved at the change in topic.

"Tigerclaw has this seal that seems to control him. It's some kind of ancient magic," April explained.

"So if we can get it away from him--" Y/N started.

"Maybe we can control Hothead! Then he can make us pizza, play video games with me, even clean my room!" Mikey yelled excitedly, throwing Chompy in the air as he fell backwards. Chompy yelped as he began to fall, but Ethan caught him and gently handed him to Raph.

"Alright, first things first," Y/N stated. "We know the Don uses the Hignight Hotel as his safe house."

"So we start there. Infiltrate the hotel and get the heart before the Foot does," Leo finished.


(They looked across at the hotel and Leo pulled out his telescope, using it to see the guards. They were stationed below them as they moved in, planning to sneak above the guards on the streets. They looked over the guards from the cover of the scaffolding above.)

"If Tigerclaw shows up with Kavaxas, do whatever you can to get that seal," Leo ordered.

"And where will you be?" Karai asked him.

"Y/N and I are going in alone, full-stealth to get that heart from the Don," he answered. "Ninja stealth is the only option."

"Whelp, Donnie is in total agreement with you, dude," Mikey pointed out.

"What?!" he followed his gaze to see Donnie taking out guards on the roof.

"He's going in solo. Full-Ninja-Stealth," Mikey commented.

"Whoa! Angry Donnie making it happen," Raph said proudly.

Growling, Leo pulled out his phone, dialing his brother. "Donatello, what are you doing?!"

"I'm getting that heart and putting an end to Vizioso for good!" Donnie replied, livid.

"Whatever's between you and the Don doesn't matter," Leo told him. "You're jeopardizing the mission."

"Oh, come on. Look at all the anti-mutant weapons he's built. We need to put a stop to this, and we need to do it now! Donnie out!"

"Donnie!" Y/N and Leo snapped.

"Uh, guys?" April called out, pointing down the street. "Stealth isn't gonna matter!"

(Y/N saw headlights from Bebop and Rocksteady's van. He could see Bebop behind the wheel. The thugs started firing at the van, and Bebop turned around to let Rocksteady pop out the back, firing lasers. Lobo was slicing down people left and right. While they were distracted, Kavaxas flew around, taking out thugs. He threw fireballs as they fired lasers. The thugs they hit disappeared in puffs of green fire and smoke. Tigerclaw entered on his jetpack.)

"Leo and I will back up Donnie. Whatever you do, get that seal!" Y/N ordered.

(They scattered, jumping away as Kavaxas hurled a fireball at the scaffolding. He was throwing fireballs everywhere, from both his hands and his mouth. He turned to glare at Hammer in his battle suit as missiles were launched at him.)

"Hey, yo. I'm gonna kick this Dragon Man's tail in, yo!" He fired more missiles.

"Do you think such worldly weapons can hurt Kavaxas?" The dragon pushed the missiles back, sending them into the hotel behind him.

(Y/N saw Donnie flailing around, dodging the rockets. He grabbed one of the letters of the hotel's sign, only for it to loosen, sending him plummeting toward the ground. Y/N threw a hook and caught him as they crashed into a car. He and Leo ran up to him.)

"You okay, Donnie?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm fi--aah!" They ducked out of the way of Rocksteady's hammer as it flew into the scaffolding.

"Outta the way, turt and snake-cat!" Bebop snapped, firing lasers.


(Kavaxas and Hammer were wrestling before the demon dragon pushed him to the ground. He picked him up and shoved him into the wall. Ripping off the battle suit's arms, he pulled Hammer out and sucked out his soul, dropping him to the pavement to be left for dead.)

"These mortals are not worth my time," he snarled.

(Tigerclaw fired some lasers before April tackled Kavaxas from behind. Raph took down Tigerclaw, making him drop the seal and sending it rolling across the pavement.)

(Kavaxas threw the girls off him before flying after the seal. Karai shifted to her snake form, trying to beat him to it. She wrapped around him, sending them both sprawling. Lucian used his magic to lift the seal off the ground and tossed it into the air. Ethan swept past, catching it and fleeing the scene. Growling, Tigerclaw followed him on his jetpack.)


(Donnie dodged Bebop's blasts and jumped onto a post, dodging away from another blast and landing on a car. One of the blasts hit him, and Leo was knocked back by Rocksteady.)

"We crush you like little green grape!" he exclaimed.

(Leo was pinned to the wall, using his katanas to hold back Rocksteady's horn. Y/N jumped on the rhino's head, distracting him long enough to Leo an escape route before one of Bebop's lasers smashed Rocksteady in the face.)

"Dang. Rock is gonna be so mad at me," Bebop groaned.

(Y/N, Leo, and Donnie landed behind him and smashed into him, knocking him out cold. Donnie kicked open the door to the hotel and ran inside, Y/N and Leo close behind.)


(Ethan was running on the train, Tigerclaw following close behind.)

"Do you think you can keep the seal from me?" Tigerclaw questioned.

Ethan tucked into a roll to evade him. "Well, duh!"

(Tigerclaw flew up in front of him, tackling her onto the subway train. He tossed him onto the ground, planting a heavy foot against his back.)

"Where is the seal?! Give it to me! Now!" He reached down for her wrist and forced him to drop the seal. Or....what he thought was the seal. In reality, a mini pizza dropped to the roof. "What?!"

"Ooh, so close, and yet so far! You really thought you had it. Sorry, man. Personal pizza for ya?" he smirked up at him.

"Where is the seal?" Tigerclaw growled.


"Now that we got it, how do we make this thing work?" Raph asked, holding the seal and trying his best to work it.

"The seal! Liberation!" Kavaxas threw down Karai and went after Raph.

"April!" Raph threw the seal into the air as hard as he could. Kavaxas spun around and went after it, but April used her powers to keep it away from him.


(Leo grabbed a guard and Y/N knocked him out while Donnie choked another out from the ceiling. He jumped down and they followed him, pausing around the corner.)

"Remember, Donnie, keep it together. We're after the heart, not revenge," Y/N warned quietly.

(The door right beside Leo opened and he slammed his fist into the goon's face, grabbing its gun and kicking it back into the room.)

"In the spirit of multitasking, I'd like to think we have time for both," Donnie retorted.

(Another goon appeared behind him with a gun. Leo hurled the gun he'd taken at him and he went down. Leo narrowed his eyes at Donnie as he jumped over the goon and turned the corner.)

"Donnie, seek redemption, not revenge," Y/N advised. "It's in the past." he ran after Leo toward Vizioso's room.


(Tigerclaw punched Ethan on top of the train, leaving him dangling from the edge. He spun his sword in his hand and loomed over her.)

"Your ride ends here, child," he growled, raising the sword.

"Ugh, maybe you're right," he groaned, fighting to stay conscious.

(He let go of the train before Tigerclaw could force him to, he crashed hard into a pile of trash in an alleyway, groaning as her eyes fell shut.)


(April was still playing keep-away with the seal, moving it away whenever Kavaxas got close. He snapped his head in the red-head's direction, glaring darkly.)

"Arrogant child!" He breathed a plume of fire at her.

(Alopex knocked her out of the way before she could get hurt, but broke her concentration. The seal hung in mid-air for a second before plummeting toward the ground. Everyone turned to look.)

(Kavaxas dove for it, but Chloe used a gravity beam to pull it away from him. Raph tackled Kavaxas into the ground, and Chloe threw the seal toward April.)

"Now would be a good time to make that thing work!" Chloe yelled.

April squeezed her eyes shut, trying to figure out how to make it work. "Come on. Come on. I command you!"

Kavaxas chuckled darkly, his tail wrapped around Raph's throat as he grabbed him by the head. "You have more power than these mutants." He used Raph to smack Mikey and Alopex away before throwing him into the scaffolding. "But you don't have the knowledge, child." He laughed darkly, stalking toward him. "Brain with unique power. I will not merely destroy you." She tried to control him, but it didn't work. "I'll swallow your soul!"

She opened her eyes and moved away, Chloe taking her place. "Swallow this!" the Collie snapped. She shoved a metal pipe in the demon dragon's mouth. He choked on it before spitting it out, breathing fire.


(Y/N burst into Vizioso's room with Leo and Donnie, kicking down his goons and pointing their weapons at them. The twins brought out their blades, smirking as they charged each other.)


Alopex flipped away from Kavaxas as he blew fire at him. She slid over a car, throwing the seal toward April as she jumped away from Kavaxas.

"Give...me...the...seal!" he shouted, following the seal around as April used her power to steer it toward Karai.

(The kunoichi jumped off the roof, throwing the seal toward Chloe and taking cover from Kavaxas' fire in the scaffolding. Chloe jumped for the seal, grabbing it in midair, but getting caught in the fire in the process.)

"No!" Raph shouted, running toward her.

(Chloe tumbled to the ground, dropping the seal to the pavement. Tigerclaw picked it up and Kavaxas threw fire at April. She used her power to form a shield, straining to keep it up against the onslaught. Mikey jumped onto Kavaxas' back, effectively distracting him, but the demon dragon threw him into a building.)

"Enough of these games!" Tigerclaw jumped down, holding up the seal. "Retrieve the heart at once, Kavaxas. Now!" He held the seal out in front of him.

Kavaxas glared at him, but did as ordered, both of them flying away.

"No!" Raph shouted.

"Ah. That's not good," Mikey groaned. "Chloe, are you okay?" he asked, the little girl hopping out of her damaged armor.

She smiled tiredly. "I'm fine."

Alopex ran up, her T-Phone beeping. "Guys, Ethan sent a text. He's hurt pretty bad."


(Donnie and Leo were taking care of the twins while Y/N approached Vizioso to take the heart. Someone slammed into him from the side, knocking him against a wall.)

"What the--?!" he shoved them back, realizing it was the twin Donnie had been fighting. "Donnie! What gives?"

Her brother ignored him, yanking Vizioso out of his chair and pressing him against the wall angrily. "This is the end for you, Vizioso," he growled, the blade coming out of his staff.

"Donnie, don't lose sight of who you are!" Leo shouted, flipping the other twin over his shoulder.

"You're not one of them, brother! You're better than this!" Y/N yelled, slamming the twin against the wall.

"This is the end!" Donnie repeated, his voice low in anger. He paused as he saw his reflection in the blade, gasping softly. He squeezed his eyes shut, shaking his head. "...Because we're...taking the heart and you're going to jail!" He dropped Vizioso to the ground, taking the heart from him and tossing it to Y/N.

He smiled at him softly. "I knew you were better than that."

"Nice job, D," Leo said.

(Donnie returned their smiles when the wall suddenly exploded, knocking them all to the ground. Y/N lost his hold on the canister, his ears ringing as he head slammed against the floor.)

"And what of the turtles and the cat?" Tigerclaw growled.

(There was a moment of silence, and Y/N realized what was about to happen barely a second before it did. He flipped the bed up in front of him and his brothers just as the entire room exploded in a wash of green fire, sending them all flying into the street. Y/N crashed hard into a car, groaning as he rolled off the car. He looked up to see Kavaxas and Tigerclaw fly out of the hotel room, the canister clutched in the tiger's paw.)


(The three of them and Karai watched from the rooftops as Vizioso and his accomplices were hauled away in police cars, put under arrest.)

"At least Visiozo and his goons are finished," Karai commented.

"Guys!" Y/N turned at April's voice, gasping upon seeing the others approaching with an injured Ethan.

"Ethan!" They ran up to them as they released the bunny, letting him slump down on his knees. "Are you okay?"

He groaned. "Ugh, barely."

Chloe sat down beside him, she activated something on her armor and activated a bio healing aura. "Come here. Let me take care of the worst of things."

"Thanks, Chloe."

"What can we do?" Karai asked. "Can they really bring back Shredder?"

"Anything's possible," Alopex murmured.

"We don't stop fighting, Karai," Y/N told her.

"We take them all down," Leo agreed. "Tigerclaw, Kavaxas, all of them."

"We can't give up hope. We defeated Shredder once. We can do it again," Y/N growled. "Together."

[Cuts back to the underground caves]

Kavaxas: Kovatala Zavanasa Vakasala! Let the Shredder rise once more!

[The Shredder finally comes to life. Shredder's hand arises as the episode ends ominously.]

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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