Fungus Humungous
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
Here we go!
It's the lean, mean, ninja team
On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things
So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams
Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza Kings
Can't stop these radical dudes
The secret of the ooze made the chosen few
Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves
The good guys win and the bad guys lose
Leonardo's the leader in blue
Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through
Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines
Raphael has the most attitude on the team
Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!
Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!
Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need
To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
(Y/N was sitting with Ethan in his room and they were both talking.)
Y/N: So, who is she?
Ethan: Uhhhhh.........
Y/N: Son!
Ethan: Dang it, I hoped you would forget!
Y/N: So, who's the girl in the picture?
Ethan: .....................Her name is Chloe, I've been......spending time with her recently.
Y/N: You revealed yourself!?
Ethan: I had to, she was about to drink mutagen as tea! I had no choice! And yeah I kind of like her a bit?
Y/N: (Sighs)
Ethan: I'm sorry Dad.
Y/N: No it's okay, has she agreed to keep our secret?
Ethan: Yep, and even if she tells anybody, who's going to believe an 8-year-old girl talking about mutants living in the sewers?
Y/N: Yeah that makes sense.
Casey: [Panting coming to the lair.] Guys! April. Sewers. Hurry!
Ethan: That sounds like Casey! Come on!
(Y/N and Ethan rush out the room and come into contact with the team looking at a panting Casey.)
Timothy: Casey, what's wrong?
Leo: Are the footbots back?
Casey: We were on our way here. Next thing I know, April starts acting freaked out, then runs off. She's gone.
Donnie: Wait, wait. You just lost April?!
Mikey: Relax. I'm sure there's a logical explanation, like she was eaten by a giant sewer snake or something.
"Let's go!" Donnie cried, before running off, knocking Casey over in the process.
(A little while later, Casey led the team back to where he thought April ran off.)
Casey: I think I lost her around here.
Donnie: You think? Oh, that's not vague or anything.
Casey: Back off, stick Master.
Donnie: Who you callin' stick Master, puck head?
(The two growled at each other, staring into one another's eyes. Timothy gets in between them.)
Timothy: Easy guys, we're all friends here.
Leo: Yeah, fellas. We don't have time for this.
(Thet continued down the sewer tunnel. Donnie purposely elbow Casey, as Mikey laughed at him. Obviously, this made him mad.)
Raph: Got a problem with that?
(As they continued down the sewer tunnel, Casey hit Donnie purposely, to get him back from hitting him earlier. Casey screamed when he heard the squeaking noises of rats, and noticed three of them chewing on garbage.)
"Rats? Why didn't have to be rats?" Casey said, clutching his hockey stick in his hand.
"Dude, they're everywhere down here. They're nature's cuddly friends." Mikey smiled, picking up one of the furry rodents. He rubbed the rat against his head and face, and smiled.
What is wrong with you?" Casey said, as he took a seat on the tunnel edge.
"You hear that?" Casey asked, breaking the silence.
(Casey got up from his spot, and peered into one of the other pipes. Out of nowhere, the same green substance came flying out of the pipe, and right into his face. Casey immediately backed away, while coughing, and covering his nose.)
"That was hideous!" Casey said, while continuing to cough.
Timothy: What did you expect? You're in New York. And in the sewers.
"Thought I saw-" Casey was cut off, as he looked back into the same sewer tunnel. He screamed, and backed the way to the wall.
Ethan: Bro, what has gotten into you?
I saw it, man! The Demon Rat!" Casey responded.
"Demon Rat?" Raph questioned.
(Casey looked behind him into the sewer tunnel. And out of nowhere, he started to scream, and swing his hockey stick, like a crazy person. Casey was truly showing his "crazy person" nature.)
They're everywhere!" Casey yelled as he continued to swing his hockey stick at absolutely nothing. Raph and Donnie eventually had enough, and pinned him up against the brick sewer wall, as my brother continued to freak out.
"Not gonna lie, that felt pretty good." Donnie said.
"Lemme out! Lemme out!" Casey screamed.
"Calm down, man," Raph said. The two let him go, and looked at him. "What is your malfunction?" Raph asked.
(Casey fell to his knees, and whimpered. He seemed totally out of it, and he has definitely lost his mind. Then Timothy heard the sound of April screaming coming from somewhere in the sewers.)
Donnie: April!
Timothy: Come on!
(Donnie and Timothy ran down another sewer tunnel. The rest of them followed the two, and came to the end of the sewer tunnel, that led to an opening, and a drop that was at least a thousand feet down.)
"No, I- No, I- I- Keep away from me, Dad. Please don't eat me!" April cried.
Donnie: April, it's me. It's Donnie. Your dad isn't trying to eat you. It's all right. Calm down.
Timothy: Everything's gonna be okay."
(Donnie and Timothy reassured, as he placed their hands on April's back, in an attempt to comfort her. That's when Ethan's ears perked up at a strange unknown sound. It almost sounded like a remote control car getting closer, and closer to them.)
Ethan: Hold up. What's that sound?
(They turned around, and saw what looked like a purple, and white ball rolling towards them. It stopped right in front of them. As soon as it came to a stop, it flattened itself like a pancake.)
Raph: What is that?
(The unknown object popped up into the shape of a mushroom, with strange glowing yellow eyes. I took notice of its tiny feet, that looked more like tentacles.)
Mikey: It's a mushroom! With feet. "Aw, it's so cute!"
(The mushroom jumped upwards, and attached itself onto Mikey's head. Mikey screamed with the most terrified expression. )
Mikey: Get it off me! Get it off!"
(Mikey tried to pull the mushroom off his face, and then banged his head off the wall in an attempt to get the small creature off of his head, but to no avail. Leo took a hold of the mushroom, and pulled it off his brother's face, before throwing it to the other side of the tunnel. The mushroom turned into its ball form, before it came towards them.)
Leo: It's on the move!" (Pulling out his katanas.)
(The other brothers, Ethan, and Timothy did the same, preparing for battle.)
Raph: I got this!" (Draws his sias, and run towards the ball.)
Ethan: I want in!
"Fascinating. Evolved fungi." Donnie mumbled.
(Ethan tried his best to hit the mushroom into bits, but it was too fast. Even for Raph. In just 5 seconds, it was gone. Ethan looked and didn't know where it was, until it sprayed him and Raph with its spores. Ethan's breath was immediately taken away from him. He coughed, and fell to the ground, as his lungs and throat closed up, Raph does the same. Y/N looks at Ethan and goes to check on him. The mushroom latches onto Leo. The leader in blue manages to pull it off, Timothy smacks it with his ninja gauntlet before it could latch back onto Mikey, sending it down into the pit in front of them.)
Y/N: Son, are you okay?
(Ethan looks at Y/N and sees a vision of nothing.)
Ethan: Dad,where are you?
Y/N: Huh?
(A flock of bats, which flew up, screeching.Both April and Casey started freaking out, Casey running off while Mikey watched them with confusion.)
Mikey: What is goin' on?
Leo: Raphael, are you okay?
(Raph looks to Leo, his eyes widening as he gasps.)
Raph: No, it's you. (He jumps back away from him.) Anybody but you. Keep away from me."
Leo: Raph, take it easy, man." (Slowly approaching the turtle.)
"That's it. If you won't stay away, I'll splatter you." Raph jumps up, trying to attack the leader in blue.
Leo ducks, avoiding Raph and looking back to the hothead. "Raph! Raph! What's wrong with you?"
Mikey: Donnie? Timothy? Quick explanation?"
Wish I knew." Donnie responds.
Timothy: This isn't your typical Raph anger!
"You're not getting' me, roach." Raph snaps. "I smashed you once, I'll smash you again."
"Roach?" Leo questions.
(Raph goes to attack Leo, the leader in blue back away from him. Mikey hits the hothead with his nunchuck, making him fall to the floor.)
Mikey: Sorry, bro. You're out of control!"
Timothy: Take it easy, bro." (Slowly walking to the turtle.)
Raph: No. It's impossible."
Leo: We're not gonna hurt you, Raph."
Raph: GET BACK!"
(Raph kicks Timothy in the stomach, sending her back against the wall.Mikey tackles the hot head, tying him up with his kursarigama.)
Mikey: Come on, dude. Stop it! Calm down. Breathe with me."
Ethan: (Being hugged by Y/N) Please, where is everyone?!! I don't want to be alone!!
Y/N: (Hugging his son tight.) Son, I'm right here!!
(Leo helps Timothy back up, everyone watching Raph with concern as he starts shouting at Mikey to get off of him.)
April: Ge- keep away." (April started swatting at the air again.)
Donnie: April. April, listen. There are no bats. I promise. (April slaps him) Ow!
Leo: What is going on here?
"Fungus." Donnie exclaims.
Mikey: Language, please. There's a lady present.
Timothy: No, whatever's happening to Raph and Ethan is happening to April and Casey.
Donnie: It's they're experiencing their worst fears. And I think I know why.
(In a different part of the tunnels, Donnie had set up a makeshift lab table. Donnie tried taking a DNA sample from April, but she was too freaked out to let him get close.)
Donnie: Okay, now. Okay, trust me, April.
April: No, please.
"I-I won't hurt you, honest. I just need a quick swab," Donnie said as she leaned away.
(Donnie took the swab while April, while screaming. He dropped the sample in a beaker of liquid, swirled the liquid around and it turned orange.)
Donnie: April's been exposed to toxins found in certain types of fungi.
Timothy: That mushroom man must produce them as a defense mechanism.
Leo: Defense against what? Being stir-fried? I-
Raph: I'm freakin' out! I'm freakin' out! I'm freakin' out!"(Still bound in Mikey's nunchucks.)
Mikey: It's okay, dude. It's me, Mikey. Give your bro a hug. It'll make you feel better. (Mikey reaching out for Raph.)
Y/N: (Still hugging Ethan) Um, maybe not a good idea.
Ethan: (Whimpering) Please, I don't want to be alone.
Y/N: (Rubs Ethan's head.)
"Come on, now. Where's the love? Aw. It's right here between my arms," Mikey said, hugging his brother.
"I think I'm gonna hurl," Raph said, and indeed, he threw up a second later.
(The Team was now in the sewer tunnels, looking for Casey.)
Leo: Casey! Casey!
(Mikey was dragging Raph behind them, still bound in the chains, and Donnie was leading April with an arm around her shoulders. Y/N tied Ethan to his back and was walking with his claws out. Raph was fighting to get free, yelling about getting the roaches off of him, while April would shriek and swat the air every few minutes. They emerged into a large tunnel, filled with mushrooms.)
Mikey: Whoa. What is that stuff?
Donnie: It's fungi mycellium, where mushrooms come from.
Y/N: You mean like all these right here?" (Gesturing at the spores.)
Donnie: Fungus grows like crazy in the dark. If we don't stop these by sundown, the mushrooms will spread all over the city.
Timothy: Millions of people will go crazy with fear.
Y/N: Than we have to stop the problem at its source!
(The group continued on to find the source of the virus.)
Mikey: Don't worry, Raph. I'll protect you.
(Donnie pushed away part of the fungus against the wall, revealing an entrance into another tunnel. Leo took the lead as they trekked through, the mushrooms chirping around them.)
April: The bats. No, not the bats.
Donnie: Don't worry, April. Everything's going to be alright. (The mushrooms chirped again and started to stand. Y/N's tail swished nervously.) Or not."
"Fungus balls," Mikey muttered.
Leo: Keep an eye on Raph and April!"
(Leo ordered, draws his katanas as the mushrooms started to attack. Mikey, Timothy, Donnie, and Y/N got ready to fight. He sliced one and iced another.)
Leo: No matter what, stay together!"
(Everyone let out their own battle cry and started slicing up the blue mushrooms.)
Y/N: Y'know what!? I might make your stir fry!" (He cut a mushroom into dices. More of them jumped off the ceiling, one stuck to his face. Y/N picked a Kunai from his waist then sliced it off.)
Mikey: (Laughing as he stomped and jumped on the mushrooms.) Check it out. Super Mikey brothers! (One of the mushrooms gets stuck on his chest then scurries to his shell. He screams.) Get it off. Get it off!" (Donnie retracts the blade tip and goes to hit the shroom but it's gone.)
"Where'd it go?" The mushroom crawls up to Mikey's head and clamps to stuck to him.
Donnie goes to hit it but the shroom escapes, so he only hits Mikey's head. "Oops, sorry. My bad."
Y/N: Donnie, April!" (Mushrooms surround them. He sprints to them and start mincing the shrooms.)
(The mushroom sprays spores at Mikey. Coughing, he accidentally trips over one of Raph's legs setting the chains loose and they both freak out at the sight of one another when they get back up.)
Raph: Cockroach!
Mikey: Squirrelanoid!"
"AAAAAAAAAHH!!!" they both scream at the same time and start running away to where they came from, previously.
Leo: Guys, wait. Stop! Donnie, Y/N watch out!"
(Two mushrooms sprayed at Y/N, Timothy, and Donnie. Ethan gets unstrapped from Y/N's back and falls to the floor. As seconds go by Y/N slumps against the wall taking out a Kunai and digging it into the wall. It will be a marker to remind him it's an illusion, it's not real.)
Donnie: (Coughs) April, we need to get outta here. *Coughs* Take my hand." (His illusion must have started kicking in because she didn't respond but he reacted to something.)
Hallucination 1: Don't touch me. Get away from me. You make me sick. Mutant. WERIDO!!!
Donnie: April? Wh- what's wrong with you?
Hallucination 1: You nerdy, three-fingered freak! I hate you. You mutated my father! I NEVER want to see you again!!!!
Donnie: (Screams) She hates me. April hates me! No! Leave me alone! I don't wanna hear anymore! April!!"
(His loud yelling made her look up and she starts freaking out, her bat phobia starting up again.)
Y/N: April, start running!"
(The farther she gets from the fungi the less the fear will eat away at her. She does and Donnie runs in the same direction. Timothy looks up after getting sprayed and all he sees was-)
Timothy: Lobo!
Hallucination: I've come for you.
Timothy: (Screams and runs off)
Leo: Donnie, Timothy, come back!" Y/N, are you still with me?" (He approaches you, lifting your head.)
(He looked up to see the Shredder standing in the middle of the street, surrounded by the bodies of his family. Y/N felt a wave of terror wash over him as he realized what was happening.)
Y/N: "No! Stop!
(The Shredder ignored him and continued to attack his family. Y/N tried to run towards them, but his feet felt like lead and he couldn't move. He watched in horror as the Shredder killed each of his family members one by one.)
Y/N: "Please, no! Stop!"
Leo: Y/N!
(Leo shouts at your trembling form, he tries to shake you out of it. Y/N's in panic but he wasn't budging from his spot. He kneeled on the ground head against the wall and firmly placed it on the Kunai in the wall. Leo then grabbed the rocking Ethan and placed him against Y/N. Leo grasps Ethan's head and pulls his forehead to his.)
Leo: I'll be right back. (He lets go)
Leo: Everybody's gone." (He cuts down the shroom coming after him. Sadly the last one he stabbed his blade through shot its spores at him.) It's my fault." (He looks at the running forms of April and Donnie then to Y/N and Ethan.) I failed them. It's all my fault.
It's your fault, Cadet Leonardo! You blew it!" Captain Ryans's voice tells him. "What kind of a leader are you!? Are you a man, or a turtle, or a zero?" He tries to snap out of it, but this does not work. Then, even more, mushrooms appear and gather in a single file line, and start to slowly surround Leo. Two of them soon fly up and squirt the same spores into his face yet again, which causes him to slip and fall off of a nearby edge. He soon lands in an unknown place.
He groans getting upright again. "Where... am I?"
(His brothers from youngest to eldest start shouting at him.)
Mikey: You let us down, bro!"
Raph: You did this!"
Donnie: It's your fault, Leo!!"
Y/N: Some leader!
NO! NO! Come on. Fight your fear, Leo. Get your head straight. Fight it." he jolts awake again and is completely uninjured. He quickly gets himself back up, and sees a gigantic figure standing nearby - This gargantuan mushroom has one huge eye protruding from the center of its "head" and the creature can also seemingly speak. Leo saw what had caused all of this. "Mutagen."
Fungus Humongous: Taste. Fear. Feed.Leo groans holding his head in pain. "It's in my head."
Fungus Humongous: More fear. Stronger. Spread, my spawn.
Leo: Fight it, Leo. Fight your fear.
"Spread, spawn." It quickly orders all of its mushrooms spawns to cause more and more fear within Leo - and sure enough, Leo becomes even more increasingly fearful, frantic, and conscience-stricken.
"Fight it!" he screams eyes going white and positioning his one sword. He is actually able to snap out of it momentarily and slice many of the attacking mushrooms in half. He gets his other sword back.
Fungus Humongous: Feed.
(The shrooms start to cover him and shoot more spores into his face causing his eyes to go red from irritation.)
Leo: Keep going, Leo. Don't give in." (He coughs but stands back and swipes his blades in a circular motion which fans out the spores and mushrooms away from him so he could get air again.)
(Y/N suddenly saw a vision of his Young Riki standing in front of him. She had a look of fear on her face and was shaking her head.)
Y/N: "Sis, what's wrong?"
Young Riki: "You can't save me. You can't save me. You can't save me."
Y/N: "What do you mean? I'm here, I'm trying to help you."
Young Riki: "It's too late. You can't save me. You can't save me."
(Y/N's heart sank as he watched his Young Riki's fearful hallucination repeat the same words over and over again. He tried to reach out to her, but she just kept repeating the same words. He felt helpless and frustrated, unable to do anything to help her. Tears streamed down his face as he watched her fade away. Him and Leo were both struggling with it. He was seeing his own hallucinations.)
His brothers: It's your fault, Leo. You did this! You let us down, bro. Way to go. Some leader, huh? Man, I'm just bummed.
Leo: I can't do it. Failure. I'm a failure. I let the guys down. I-I let them down. I I-"
(When he becomes fearful yet again, his katana floats in front of him, shining in the empty darkness. He instinctively remembers what Master Splinter had told him earlier.)
Splinter:"All leaders must face the fear of losing their team."
Leo: No. No, I can't give up." (He goes into a meditative trance and starts glowing as he finds a strength to hold onto.) Your spores won't work on me. I face my fear every single day."
(Long mushrooms attack him once more, but his blades shine under a small hint of light seeping into the sewer. The shrooms screech.)
Leo: So, that's your fear. Sunlight.
(He decides to use your idea, use the environment. The humongous mushroom launches spore bombs at him while the longer mushrooms come after him. As they come for him he jumps on each one going higher and higher.)
Fungus Humongous: Keep away!"
(Leo jumps off one more long mushroom and grabbing one of the spore bombs. He throws it to the opening of sunlight getting lodged in there and exploding. As he comes down to the strong light filling the room, he crosses his blades like an X, shining the sunlight onto its large eye. Putting everything to an end.)
Raph: I'm gonna pluck the wings offa you!"
(Raph was quickly pinned down by a hand and Mikey was held back.)
Mikey: Keep away from me!" (Snaps out of it) What the, Timothy? Raph? (He peers down at his brother. Timothy drops him.)
"Mikey?" Raph asks, grabbing Mikey's head making sure it was really him.
Groans reached the trio. The other 3 lost teens were nearby.
"April?" Donnie awoke to see her next to him and not haunting him.
"What happened?" Casey groaned
"Hello?" Raph peers down the platform seeing his friends and brother. "Guys! You're alive!"
(Mikey jumps down and hugs his brother, Timothy follows him.)
Raph: It's good to see you too, Mikey. But where's Leo, Ethan and Y/N?" Donnie asks.
"I remember a cave." April stands up. "Come on." Kaneko runs in front as she instead leads the way back to you.
Y/N, Ethan!" the group shouts, finding you slumped against the wall.
Y/N: Hey guys. (Gets up by Ethan's help.)
April: Are you two Ok?"
Ethan: We'll be okay.
Raph: Where's Leo?
Ethan: I think he went there, it's where I last heard his voice." (Point the direction.)
(The Team reached the ends of the tunnel where it suddenly plummets downwards.)
Y/N: There he is!" (Points down)
(The team gets themselves down and we rush to still turtle.)
Y/N: Leo."
(The brothers crouch over him.)
"Oh, no. Leo. Dude." Mikey says. "Speak to me, bro. Do you need mouth-to-mouth?" Leo's hand smacks against Mikeys face pushing him away.
"Absolutely....not." he sits up. "You're all okay?"
"Whatever you did, you saved us." Raph starts. "All of us. Thanks, man."
"No problem." Donnie helps Leo up while Mikey takes care of his swords.
(They make their way back to the lair, together. Casey and Raph sit next to each other putting on music on a boombox.)
Casey: And then I started seeing crazy rats everywhere. The demon rat. They were coming out of-
(April was sitting next to Donnie, he had an ice pack over his head.)
April: And then you turned into a giant bat and tried to hug me."
(Timothy and Ethan were all on the floor talking.)
Timothy: Than Lobo lunged at me-
(Leo and Splinter were talking to each other.)
Leo: And then the sunlight destroyed him and his little mushroom freaks."
"Impressive." Splinter compliments. "And would you say you mastered your fear?"
Leo: No. I-I just faced it, Sensei."
Splinter: And that, Leonardo, is why you are a great leader.
"Yeah, boy!" Mikey ringed out as he came from the staircase. "Check it out." he swung down landing in the middle of the living room. "An extra-large pizza with anchovies, pepperoni, and" he opens the box. "extra mushrooms!"
Others: Mikey!
Donnie: You can't be serious.
April: Okay, that is just wrong.
Leo: Mushrooms...
(Mikey picked up a piece to eat it, but a mushroom suddenly stood up and danced.)
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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