Follow the Leader

(The brothers were now in an alleyway, searching for mutagen canisters.)

Leo: Anything yet?"

Y/N: Not yet. (He responded as he looked underneath decomposing boxes.) There's bound to be something. Donnie's scanner lead us here, right? Donnie?" 

(Donnie wasn't paying attention to anyone, or even his scanner. He seemed to be focused on something in his other hand. Raph marched over to him and snatched the object out of his hand. It was his phone. He looked down at it and gave Donnie an almost pitying look.)

Raph: You're texting April again, dude.

Donnie: I know I know, I just... ugh..." 

(Raph gave his brother his phone back before going back to where he had been looking before. Y/N gave Donnie a sad look. He understood what he was feeling. They all did.)

Raph: C'mon Donnie, don't get so bent outta shape about April. She'll come around.

Donnie: (He messed around on his mutagen scanner for a moment as he sighed.) Yeah, guess you're right...

Mikey: No sign of any mutagen. (Mikey popped up from inside the dumpster.) But you're not gonna believe what I found!

Y/N: Another trash-to-treasure related item?

Mikey: Yep! An iguana wearing a top hat!"

(That made Y/N turn his head. Sure enough, Mikey was holding a huge, stuffed iguana wearing a top hat and a dirty monocle.) 

Mikey: Isn't that cool?! I mean, why would you throw this out?" (Mikey giggled and started to move the iguana's limbs like a puppet.) "'Ello, gov'nor! How do you like my minocle?" "

Donnie: Monocle." 

Mikey: Whatever.

Raph: You realize that could be a distant cousin?

Y/N: And he's stuffed with sawdust.

(Mikey immediately cringed as he leapt out of the dumpster and tossed the iguana out towards the back of the alley.) 

Mikey: Ugh! Sick!

Y/N: You just bathed yourself in a dumpster full of garbage and that disgusts you?

Donnie: Quiet guys! My ooze scanner is going crazy again! I told you there was mutagen close by." 

Raph: (Rolled his eyes.) Ah, your scanner is about as useless as a trench coat on a Mutant.

Y/N:  (Stuffed his hands in his pockets.)  Not much of a fashion statement, either.

Leo: Just give it a chance, guys. It's our fault that those containers went missing, we gotta find them before some random Joe ends up mutated.

Donnie: This way!"

(The brothers followed Donnie's directions up to the building by their right. Once they reached the roof he told us to start looking everywhere. They searched for probably 2 minutes before they all heard Mikey shout.) 

Mikey: Found it!" (He held the full mutagen canister up above his head, smirking.) "How many does that bring us up to?" 

Donnie: (Looked up.) One... and a half." (The brothers all groaned irritably.) But, look on the bright side- only 63 more to go!" 

(They all turned their heads towards him, giving him deadpanned looks. He frowned, embarrassed.)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

Here we go!

It's the lean, mean, ninja team

On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things

So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams

Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza KingsCan't stop these radical dudes

The secret of the ooze made the chosen few

Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves

The good guys win and the bad guys lose

Leonardo's the leader in blue

Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through

Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines

Raphael has the most attitude on the teamMichelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!

Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need

To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

(Once they made sure no other mutagen was on the roof they continued their search. Two more solid hours of looking and they still hadn't come close to anything. It was already getting late and it was obvious that the others were starting to get tired. As much as Y/N had faith in Donnie, his tired and irritated mind wanted to take his scanner and toss it into the street for being so useless as of late.)

Mikey: We've been looking for mutagen for days now, dudes! This is so boring, I'm gonna scream." (At once, Mikey opened his mouth and began letting out an annoying, ear-piercing scream that was so loud it could have woken up Jersey. Y/N whipped around and ran up to him, slapping his hand over his mouth as they all shouted.) 


Leo: Okay, OKAY! We get it! We'll take a little break and do something fun. Cool? 

(Y/N removed his hand from Mikey's mouth as they all yelped happily. Leo grinned as well.) 

Leo: Training session! Yes!

(At once their moods changed and they all let out a disappointed "Aw". Leo's smile fell too as he looked down at them.)

Leo: Guys, Sensei wants me to train you, and that's what I'm gonna do." 

(They all glared at him, but he didn't see. He was too busy looking around, apparently finding something to help us train.) 

Leo: You see that dragon gate over there?"

(Y/N stood up to see what he was pointing at. It was the gate entrance into Chinatown.) 

Y/N: Yeah?

Leo: I'm gonna defend it, like... king of the mountain, okay? 

Y/N: Is 'King of the Hill' copyrighted?" 

(Leo gave Y/N a stern look. Y/N held back his giggles as he shrugged.)

Leo: Anyways... the only way you can get past me is to use traditional close quarters fighting. Got it?" 

Raph: (Frowned) Whatever you say, Fearless Leader. Let's just get it over with.

(Leo jumped off the roof and they followed. He started to lead them towards Chinatown with them just feet behind him. Once they reached the other side of the buildings, Raph stopped them in their tracks.)

Raph: (Whispering) Guys, I've got an idea. (Whispers to his other brothers)

(A few minutes later they were all on the opposite side of the Chinatown gate. Leo took out one of his katanas and stepped out onto the long wires connecting the gate to the roof they were on. He stopped halfway through and stood there, waiting. Y/N elbowed Mikey, and when he turned he held out the T-Pod and some headphones to him. Mikey grinned before taking them. The others smirked and winked at him as he walked out to the edge. He popped the earbuds into his head before he started to walk out onto the wires.)

Mikey: What's up, ninja? HA!" 

Leo: What are you doing, Mikey?" 

(Mikey didn't respond. He continued to listen to his music as he started dancing on top of the wires, looking like he had not a care in the world. Leo frowned as he advanced on him with his katana. Mikey opened his eyes just in time to block his attack, and also lay down a few of his own, knocking Leo back a few feet. He continued to dance as he did so, as well.) 

Leo: Real funny. Come on!"

(Mikey grinned widely at his brother. Then, he bounced onto the wire, flew up in the air over Leo, and landed perfectly onto the gate on the other side.)

Mikey: Made it! HA! WOO!

Leo: That's not fair! That was not a real fight!" 

(Donnie fisted bumped Raph and Y/N before simply walking onto the wire himself. Leo turned to look at him, and grinned.) 

Leo: Ah, okay..." 

(Donnie reached behind him and pulled out a throwing star. Y/N could almost see the wheels turning and the calculations being made in his head as he focused in on his brother. Then, without hesitation, he immediately started throwing star after star at all corners around him. Some went straight for Leo, others bounced off buildings towards him, and Leo was forced to block each one with his katana.)

Leo: Are you kidding me, Donnie?" 

(Leo was so occupied with having to stop the stars that Donnie was able to easily maneuver past him and join Mikey on the other side on the gate. By the time Leo was able to finally catch his breath Donnie was already celebrating with Mikey.) 

Donnie: Ow! King of the mountain, baby

Mikey: Ha! That's my ninja!" 

(Leo turned and started fuming at them. Raph and Y/N grinned at each other. He gestured outward, allowing me to go first. Y/N grinned as he walked to the edge. Y/N waited until Leo had turned before he started to walk out onto the line.)

Leo: Alright, shouldn't have any problems with you, huh?

Y/N: Normally, you'd be right.  But... I'm feeling like having a little fun tonight." (Y/N adopts a primal stance.)

(Y/N prowls at Leo. who tries to slash him, but the cheetah manages to dodge and double kick him in the chest. Y/N continues to hit Leo, while having a cheetah stance. Finally he kicks Leo over the wires and sprinted forward across the wires until he finally reaches the edge.)

Y/N: Woo!" You guys may be the Kings of the mountain, but king of the jungle, haha! 

(Mikey raised his hand and he reached up for a high-three. Donnie came up behind me, raising his fist, which Y/N met with his own. He turned to see Leo had managed to climb his way back onto the wires, clutching his katana tightly. He was breathing heavily, now looking very irritated. He slowly turned back towards the opposite building, where Raph was still sitting.)

Leo: So what's your trick gonna be?

Raph: Tricks? What're you guys talking about? 

(And then he reached down and pulled out one of his sais, tossing it directly at Leo. Leo held up his katana to block it, and it fell to the ground below.) 

Raph: Hey! Ninjas never throw their weapons!" 

(Raph sprung up from his spot and ran forward on the wires at full speed. He hunched down and ran smack dab into Leo, knocking him off balance and making him fall down to the ground. Y/N gasped, his sibling instincts immediately kicking in as he leapt down below and ran over to him.)

Y/N: Leo, are you alright?" 

Leo: (Groaned in response) 

(There was a sudden clang as his other katana fell directly in front of him. Raph had taken his and marked on it the word 'Lame-o-nardo' in the dust on the metal. The other three had jumped from the gate and landed in a huddle. They all whooped and hollered as they high-threed each other. Y/N ignored them as he went to put a hand on Leo's shell.) 

Y/N: Bro, are you hurt-?" 

(But he smacked Y/N's hand away as he got to his feet. He turned to glare at all of them as he pointed a shaking finger.) 

Leo: Why do you always undermine my training?!"

Raph: You just want us to fight exactly like you fight! But the whole point is to make it to the dragon gate any way we can, right?" 

Y/N: He's got a point, Leo. I mean, in a life or death situation, anyway we can get by is-" 

Leo: Oh, of course you agree with him!" (Turned towards Y/N) You were up there playing tricks like the rest of them!

Raph: Don't you start on him!" (Take a few steps forward.) 

Y/N: Guys, stop it! (Y/N quickly got between them, holding his arms out.)

(Leo groaned angrily, turning away from them. Y/N looked over at Raph, who had stopped walking when he had spoken up.) 

Raph: Whatever. C'mon guys. (Turning back to the others.) Coming Y/N?

(Y/N looked over at Leo, who had been looking over at him, but immediately turned away as he looked at him. Y/N felt a huge pang in his stomach.) 

Y/N: Yeah... I'm coming.

(Y/N stuffed his hands in his pockets as he followed the others, leaving Leo behind.)

(Later It had been two nights since the training incident. Leo has been relatively quiet during that time. Not like he didn't talk at all, he just didn't say much if it wasn't related to training or patrol. Y/N still felt bad about how training ended up the other night. He really thought that them having some fun might have lightened him up a little bit. But, even as they rode out on patrol for more mutagen, he remained silent.)

(Mikey, who seemed to be the only one other than me who felt bad, decided to ask first.) 

Mikey: You're not mad at us, are you Leo? I'll give you Mutant Puss Monsters 23 if you're not mad.

(Y/N turned his head from his station as he heard, seeing Mikey holding up one of his many comics. Leo looked at his brother for a moment, frown still on his face. However, the stoic expression seemed to soften as he looked at Mikey's worried little eyes. Leo lowered the comic from his face.)

Leo: I'm not mad. I just think you guys need to be a little better at following my orders.

Raph: Aww... it's too bad I can't play my violin while I drive. 

(Y/N frowned at him as Leo glared.) 

Leo: What's your problem lately, Raph? You still jealous you're not leading the team-

Donnie: Stop the Shellraiser!" (Donnie perked his head up, his scanner suddenly beeping loud and fast.) "Scanner's picked up another mutagen canister nearby!"

(Leo stopped talking as Raph quickly put the van in park. So quickly in fact, that the Shellraiser skidded to a sharp halt, causing them all to jolt forward. Since Y/N had his seatbelt he just slammed back into his seat. Mikey, however, flew several feet forward and landed on the floor and Donnie smacked his head against his computer screen.) 

Y/N: And that's why you wear your seatbelt. (Rubbed his chest as he unbuckled.)

(They all exited the van and stepped out. It was very late, and the only source of light was a nearby street lamp. Donnie led the way with his scanner as they all followed close behind.) 

Donnie: We're close, guys. Signal's coming from the basement.

Leo: Okay. Let's not make any sudden moves before I give the-  (He was cut off by a loud screech of metal. The other three had moved forward, despite his instructions, and had moved the large metal grate and gone into the chute.) ... orders."

Y/N: At least they didn't do anything crazy. (Ran forward and hopped down into the chute.) 

(Donnie continued to lead them in the basement. So far, all that they saw were dusty walls and hundreds of wooden crates.) 

Y/N: You guys see anything?"  (Y/N shifted a few boxes to the side.) 

Leo: Not yet.

Donnie: It's really close guys.

(There was a minute of silence, then...) 

Mikey: Oh yeah! Found it! (Y/N turned his head to see Mikey marching into a room, where a full, intact canister lay in the center of the floor in plain view.)

Mikey: Go Ninja, go ninja, go!" (Mikey knelt by the canister and grabbed it, looking very proud of himself.) 

Leo: Don't! 

(But Mikey had already picked it up. There were several loud bangs that echoed around the room. I looked up to see metal doors slamming shut on all of the exits.) 

Leo: See! If you would listen to me-

Karai: Easier than I thought." 

Rika: I knew it would be this easy

(They all froze. Y/N groaned as he turned. Sure enough, standing on a tower of crates, looking very proud and full of them, was...)

Leo: Karai!" 

Y/N: (Gritted teeth) Rika!

Karai: Long time, eh Leo?

Rika: (Waving) Hey, kitty.

Y/N: (Growls)

(Before they could respond there was movement from all sides. Y/N whipped around as he pulled out his claws. At least a dozen Foot Soldiers seemed to have appeared out of thin air and had surrounded them from all sides.) 

Donnie: Your lady friends is getting really good at setting ambushes. 

Raph: Ha! They're just Foot Soldiers. Won't even break a sweat!"

(Raph leapt forward first, and then so did the others. Y/N went straight for the two in front of him. They both swung their katanas at him, but he ducked backwards, sliding forward on his legs.)

(Y/N immediately spun around in the air, kicking them both in the head as he swung his claws out. It slashed across their faces before. The Foot Soldiers looked like they were off balance for a moment. Then, their heads shot up to look at Y/N, and their eyes suddenly started to light up red.) 

Y/N: What the-"

(They snapped up and started running at Y/N again. He ran forward and at the last minute he jumped into the air, somersaulted and brought his foot down to hit the right one's head. But at that moment, it reached up and grabbed his ankle. He gasped as he was slammed forward onto the ground and had a huge foot pressed down onto his back.) 

Mikey: They armored up or something? 

(Y/N looked up. From what he could see, the others were having just as much trouble as he was. Y/N flipped himself around and tripped the Foot Soldier that was on top of him off. After getting to his feet He immediately backed away to get closer to his bros, and they seemed to have the same idea.) 

Leo: Everybody, fall back!" 

Raph:  What?! We're running away?

Leo: It's not running, it's a tactical retreat. Move!" 

(Leo immediately turned and began running towards an old, opened elevator shaft nearby. Y/N was about to turn and follow when he noticed none of the others did.)

Raph: I don't care what Leo says. I don't run from the Foot." (He then leapt forward and swung at a group of ninjas. They each laid one blow on him before he was on the ground in front of them again.) 

(The looks on the others faces showed that they were no longer in favor of staying.) 

Y/N: This way!" 

(They all finally headed in Leo's direction. After slipping through the broken doors Y/N grabbed onto the metal beams on the side and began to climb upwards, the others following close behind him. The Foot Soldiers began following them up the shaft as well, and were gaining on us. Y/N heard a yell and saw that a ninja had grabbed Mikey and was hanging by his ankle.) 

Mikey: Get off me, creep!"

(Leo jumped forward and jumped off the ninja's head, causing him to fall while Leo landed back on the wall. They watched the ninja fall until he reached the bottom. Then, we saw his head suddenly pop off like a bottle cap, and power sparks started shooting out of his head.) 

Donnie: Those guys are robots?" 

Leo: Move your shell, Donnie! Go!" 

(Raph was the first to reach the next level. Once there he reached down and helped Mikey, Donnie and Y/N out onto the floor. Y/N sat there catching his breath as Raph remained at the edge.) 

Raph: Hurry Leo!

(Y/N got up quickly to look in, and he saw that all of the soldiers started to gang up on him. They were grabbing him, clinging to him, doing whatever they could to keep him from getting up. One of Leo's hands remained attached to the wall, the other reached out for Raph's hand. Y/N reached behind him to get some ninja stars to throw at the Foot, but just as he did Leo's hand slipped. His body seemed to slowly fade into the darkness slowly as he fell down, the soldiers falling with him as he yelled all the way down.)

Raph: Leo!

Y/N: No! 

(Y/N leaned forward, but Raph stood up and pulled him back away from the ledge. He struggled for a moment before allowing him to move him and gently set him down on the ground.) 

Donnie: What happened?" 

(Y/N felt close to tears as Raph straightened up.) 

Raph: Leo's gone... and it's all my fault.

(Leo now was hanging in a cage in bradford's dojo.) 

Karai: You know, I bet I'd make a small fortune if I sold you to a science lab. (Waves his katanas around aimlessly as she paced around the room.) "Could you imagine the press? 

Rika: 'Talking Ninja Turtle Found in Sewer'." (Giggles)

Leo: (Sighed) Sweet. Captured and now totally humiliated. Awesome day, Leo. Awesome day.

Karai: You deserve everything you're getting, Leo. After you betrayed us last time." 

(There was the sound of heavy footsteps and Leo looked down through the cage bars. There were several more of the Foot soldier robots from before. They were all walking further into the room and forming a circle all around him on the floor.) 

Karai: Don't you love it? My new robotic Foot Bots follow my orders to a T. No arguing, no prodding. They do whatever I want. Cool, right?"

Leo: Yeah, convenient. Nice.

Rika: (Uncomfortable) Yeah, nice.

Karai: (Looks at her sister, before looking back at Leo.) I've been teaching the Foot Bots new skills. (Smirked) But, now I'm turning the training over to someone new. 

(She took out a knife and tossed it forward. It cut the rope of the cage and Leo fell down heavily. This caused the cage to break and fall apart off of me. Leo looked up to see Karai step in front of him before she tossed his katanas down on the floor.) 

Rika: Foot Bots. De-shell him.

(Y/N gasped and instantly swiped up his katanas, slicing at the first bot that swung at him. The others looked at him before advancing. Leo dodged several pairs of throwing stars before circling around the room. He cut through the bots that were in his way until he reached the other side of the room and turned. He blocked an oncoming attack with his blades, but he was soon kicked in the side and backed into a corner.)

(Leo looked up in time to see them charging at him again. They just kept coming! He managed to cut up two who advanced, but one managed to kick him hard so that he was back in the middle of the bots again. Leo raised his katanas up just in time to block a set of blades from coming down on his head.)

Karai: You spend years learning a fighting style, and my robots learn it in seconds-from you. Fighting just improves their skills."

(It wasn't long before each of the bots were on Leo. They knocked him off balance and took his katanas, pinning him to the ground so hard it felt like his plastron might crack. Leo struggled as best as he could, glancing up to see Karai standing there, staring at him.) 

Leo: Karai!" 

Karai: I never got to know my mother, because your rodent master took her away from me!

Leo: Splinter...?" (Shook his head as he managed to push the Foot Bots off of him. He jumped to his feet and ran up to her, several more bots stopping him in his tracks.) That's a lie!

Karai: (Glared at Leo) Get him out of my sight."

(The Foot Bots started to drag him away. Leo fought against them, not taking his eyes off of Karai as she turned away from him.) 

Leo: Karai, listen to me! Splinter would never hurt your mother." 

(Karai seemed to turn her head slightly before walking away. The Foot Bots pulled Leo further way, and he could feel tape being slapped across his mouth.)

(The other brothers were back in the sewer trying to find Leo.)

Donnie: Okay, so I hacked into some security footage. (Donnie zoomed in on the little screens on his computer.) There! It's Karai's van.

Mikey: They took Leo to the Bradford Dojo!

Y/N: Why would Karai and Rika go there of all places?

Raph: It doesn't matter why. What matters is that we know where Leo is. Let's do this!

Mikey: Wait, so you're leader now?

Donnie: Whoa whoa whoa, hold up. I'm the smartest so-"

Y/N: Guys! (This makes them all turn to stare at Y/N.) Now is not the time to be playing Hot Potato with Leo's leadership. We don't have any idea what Karai or Rika are doing, so we need to go get Leo back now before they does something bad to him!

Raph: She's right. (Raph stood up.) Leo needs us. And listen, this time we fight how Leo wanted us to fight-the way he fights.

(They wasted no more time as they left the dojo in a rush. It felt like seconds before they had reached the rooftops on the surface. Mikey was up in front with Raph since he remembered how to get there, while Donnie and Y/N brought up the rear. Not many words were spoken between them. They all wanted to remain as undetectable as possible.)

(Soon enough they reached the right building. Getting up top was easy enough, but they had to make sure that they wouldn't be spotted getting in there.) 

Donnie: (Whispering) We can't sneak in. Security camera.

Raph: No sweat, I got this." (Raph reached around, and suddenly pulled out a small pigeon. It sat in his palm, it's crooked eyes staring blankly as its head twitched. After getting over the surprise of the bird's appearance, Y/N: was about to ask how he got the pigeon when Donnie shook his head.)

Donnie: It's not just one. The entire roof is bracketed by surveillance."

(Raph just smiled as he gently stroked the pigeon's head. Y/N could've sworn he heard him mumble something before he lifted his hand and the pigeon flew up and landed on the skylight. It started cooing and calling loudly, and after a second several more pigeons came by. Then some more. The entire roof was flooded with pigeons, more than enough to cover the cameras.) 

Raph: Let's go.

(Raph quickly walked towards the skylight and opened the hatch. Donnie crawled inside and Mikey did after. Y/N stopped in front of it to grin at Raph.) 

Y/N: You know, if this whole ninja thing doesn't work out, I heard they're holding tryouts for the next Disney princess, if you're interested. 

(Raph's eyes glared at him, but he could tell from his expression that he wanted to laugh.) 

Raph: Shut up and get in there.

(Y/N nodded and hopped right in. Y/N saw him give the pigeons a thumbs up before climbing in and shutting the hatch.)

(Things were immediately serious again. They all carefully snuck across the beams up by the ceiling, not opening their mouths for anything. It took them a minute before they found the room where Leo was. He was tied up to a chair and had duct tape on his mouth. Several of the Foot Bots from before surrounded him, clearly guarding him.)

(Leo didn't notice his brothers until they were on the beams directly above him. But when he looked up and saw them, he didn't look happy or relieved. He looked shocked and flustered. He started grunting and making noises, shaking his head wildly at them.) 

Y/N: (Blinked) Hey, guys...

(But the other three had already jumped down, knocking down the Foot Bots. Y/N rolled his eyes and leapt down in front of Leo. He continued to thrash his head around and attempted to speak through the tape on his mouth.) 

Y/N: Calm down, bro, let me get this off of you. 

(Y/N walked around him as he took out one of his kunais and cut the ropes. As soon as he was free he yanked the tape off of his mouth and suddenly shouted.)

Leo: It's a trap!

(Before they could respond, what seemed like a dozen Foot Bots suddenly flooded into the room. There was the sound of doors sliding open, and Y/N turned his head to see Karai and Rika standing behind them with even more Foot Bots beside the sisters. Both had a huge smirk on their faces that he was tempted to smack right off.) 

Mikey: Nice, Leo! You could've said something!

Y/N: (Annoyingly) Uh, Mikey. I think that's what Leo's been trying to tell us.

Raph: You got two choices, sweethearts. (Grabs onto his sais.) Let us go, or walk away from this inside sandwich bags.

Karai: Sorry, Raphael. Can't let you go. (Karai stepped down from the desk she had been standing on and sat down in her chair, while Rika still stood their.) It's not really that personal with the rest of you-I just need you for bait.

Leo: She wants Splinter.

Rika: Your sensei will eventually track you here, and when he shows up, Splinter will know what it's like to truly suffer. 

Karai: (She snapped her fingers.) Restrain them.

(Y/N instantly pulled out his claws as the boys took out their weapons. The Foot Bots attacked them without hesitation, and Y/N narrowly missed getting his neck hit with a shikoro before blocking it.) 

Raph: Let's smash some robots! (Raph sliced through the two bots nearest him.) 

Donnie: They're only 1000 times better at fighting than regular Foot. (Donnie struggled to fight the two around him.)

(Y/N shoved the bot away from his throat and tossed one of his fang claws at him, hitting him in the head. He ran out and grabbed it just as another bot stuck its foot out and tripped him. Y/N had barely gotten himself back up before he looked up and saw two bots throwing their own kamas at him. Y/N had to flatten myself out and roll away to avoid them.) 

Karai: Our Foot Bots know every move. Every skill. Every attack.

Donnie: We're out of real-estate.

(Y/N sat up and looked at the advancing Foot Bots, feeling a little lost as to what to do next. Then Leo suddenly slid in-between them and the bots, holding his katanas up.) 

Leo: If I order you to run away, will you guys listen this time?

Mikey: Heck yeah! And we can still call it a tactical retreat, if you want." 

(They all got up and immediately started to climb up towards the ceiling. Y/N looked down to make sure Leo was following them before continuing to climb up to the hatch on the skylight.)

Karai: Foot Bots! Don't let them escape!" 

(Y/N didn't even bother looking back as they reached the roof and immediately started running across, trying to get as much distance between us and the bots as possible.) 

Raph: Our moves are useless!" 

Y/N: What do we do, Leo?" (Ran up to Leo) 

Leo: I don't know. They know every move I can make. Every fighting style, every skill, every- Wait a second..." (He stopped talking, a look of realization on his face.) Remember King of the Mountain?"

Mikey: Yeah, sure.

Y/N: What about it?"

(They all jumped down from the last roof and landed into a small park. Just as the bots following them landed in the park too, Leo shouted loudly to get their attention, tossing one of his katanas into the air. Y/N stared in confusion just as he tossed his other katana at the bots, who had all been staring up at the katana in the air. The other one went straight through the head of one of the bots, and the others charged forward as Leo caught the katana out of the air.) 

Donnie: Oh, I get what you're saying! Be unpredictable. Do our thing!"




(Y/N turned his head as he looked at the group of bots coming his way. He got into a crouching stance.)

Y/N: (Roars)

(Y/N is Beast)

Y/N: We might actually have a chance now." (He heard a high pitched yell, and he looked up to the building next to him. Leo and Karai were both standing on the edge, swinging their weapons at each other, Rika was advancing to get Leo in the back.)

 Y/N: (Glared) I don't think so. (He ran towards the building and leapt onto the fire escape, climbing up as fast as he could. As soon as he reached the top he blocked Rika's attack and kicked her back.) 

Rika: (Grunts and glares at Y/N) Looks like kitty finally wants to play

Y/N: (Growls and begins to walk toward her)

Rika: Wow, you've been less than chatty lately.

Y/N: You kidnap my friend, threaten my father, my family, and even worse, you put a claw mark on my kid's face. (Sheaths claws and goes to knuckle duster mode.) So, this is going to hurt and I'm going to enjoy it.

Rika: (She fires arrow after arrow to hit Y/N, but the latter just either dodges or catches it and throws it away. She puts up her bow.) Okay, let's do this the hard-way.

(Y/N is Five, while Rika is Lila)

(Rika tries to rush back at Y/N, but the latter just-)

(Y/N is Spider-Man)

Y/N: (Gets a phone call from Leo and picks it up.) Yeah?

Leo: (On Phone) We're done here, let's head back to the lair.

Y/N: You and the guys go ahead. "I'll catch up.

Leo: (On Phone) Got it. 

Y/N: (Hangs up) You can get up now." 

(Rika glared as she quickly stood up, brushing dirt off of her armor.) 

Y/N: What's the matter with you, Rika?

Rika: Excuse me-

Y/N: Don't pretend,. "You think I don't know how you got those bots? Geez, you're willingly working with the Kraang now?! Who was the one who wanted them off the planet just as much as we did? Who was the one who came to me for help?"

Rika: (Folded her arms.) Times change, kitty. (Smirked) What? You didn't actually start to trust me, did you? I thought you knew who I was.

Y/N: I thought I did, too. I thought you were better than Shredder. I thought you had enough sense to know that he puts his stupid vendetta above everything else, including you. But, no! Like father, like daughter! You two are just the same; you two won't stop at nothing until you get want and that's by getting your revenge!

Rika: I'm not even his daughter, I'm adopted!

Y/N:........................So, you have no idea-you have no idea, what you're doing is right or not.

Rika: (Opens her mouth to respond, but couldn't come up with the words.)

Y/N: I didn't stay behind to fight, so don't even bother." 

Rika: We had our fun, kitty. But now it's time to be serious about this. This can only end one way, with one of our masters and their apprentices dead. Only then will the fighting stop." 

Y/N: (Shook his head) "Whatever you say, Rika."

Y/N: (Took a step back to head back to the lair, but paused and looked back at her.) "I don't know what Shredder has told you, but he is lying. And Leo's right. Unlike your master, my father isn't evil enough to hurt an innocent person, no matter what.

Rika: (Snorted) And what proof do you have of that, might I ask?

Y/N: Think about it, Rika. If my father is evil enough to hurt someone you love, why would he raise the turtles as his own? Why would he train them if he thought the Shredder was dead? Why would he save me if he was so evil?"

Rika: (Frowned) You're adopted as well? 

Y/N: (Nods) That doesn't matter. What matters is that you need to figure out your vendetta against us, and you need to realize that Shredder is using you, before you get yourself killed."

(Rika folded her arms and looked away from Y/N, looking stubborn and irritated. He shook his head before turning away from her.)

Y/N: (Kinder and Softer) Please, believe me, Rika. It's not too late. You can still save yourself before Shredder takes you down with him." (Ran off) 

Rika: (Hesistant) Wait? (Y/N stops and looks back) I'm sorry for what I did to you're son, he gets his ferciousness from his father.

Y/N: (Smiles) If it means anything, you're forgiven.

(Things were much better once the brothers got back to the lair. Once they had a moment to relax they all started to take turns on the pinball machine. Try as hard as they did, they just couldn't beat their own high scores. They didn't even bother trying to beat Leo's, none of us could do that. Heck, it took Mikey a total of 5 tries to surpass his own personal high score.) 

Donnie: You guys wanna play?" 

Leo: I'm good. You guys have fun. 

(Leo and Raph turned and walked into the pit, Leo grinning and Raph frowning. Y/N watched as Raph suddenly slung his arm around Leo's shoulders and brought him in for a tight hug. Leo groaned at the added weight as Raph spoke up.)

Raph: It's good to have yah back, Leo. I mean it, brother." 

Leo: (Smiled as he pushed himself up) Thanks, Raph." 

(They both raised their fists and did a small hand shake before Raph went back to the pinball machine, challenging the other two for the best high score. Y/N grinned at him. He was about to say something to Leo when he noticed he wasn't there anymore. Y/N turned his head around the room until he spotted him on the other side, going into the dojo. Y/N looked at the others to make sure they were distracted by their game before swiftly walking up to the dojo's entrance. He peeked in and saw Leo sitting next to Splinter, who must have been meditating before.)

Leo: I need to ask you some questions. About Karai...

Splinter: It is late, Leonardo. (Stood up) These questions will have to wait for another time." 

Leo: (Stood up, too.) She said... you took her mother away from her. I know it's not true, right?" 

(Y/N froze, staring at the back of Splinter's head. 

Y/N: (Thoughts) Her mother?! That's who Karai thought father had killed? But why? 

Splinter: No. It is not true. But the truth is... almost as difficult.

Leo: Please, Sensei. "Tell me... trust me."

(Splinter, who had been making his way to his room, stopped in his tracks. Y/N thought he was just going to tell Leo sternly that it was late and that he could explain later. But, as he turned around Y/N knew that that was not what he was about to say. A moment later, he said four little words that made his heart stop.) 

Splinter: Karai... is my daughter."

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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