Eyes of the Chimera


Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

Here we go!

It's the lean, mean, ninja team

On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things

So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams

Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza Kings

Can't stop these radical dudes

The secret of the ooze made the chosen few

Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves

The good guys win and the bad guys lose

Leonardo's the leader in blue

Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through

Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines

Raphael has the most attitude on the team

Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!

Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need

To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

Y/N stepped out of the house with Casey and her brothers and sisters. Donnie and Timothy were in the barn testing April's powers and Mikey had joined them. Leo joined Y/N and Ethan to spar, while Chloe took a seat on the steps to watch. Raph and Casey headed out into the yard with Sarah. April was wearing a neurotransmitter on her head and had a questionable look on her face.)

"Uhm, Donnie, Timothy. Is this thing safe?" April asked.

"Absolutely" Donnie assured.

"Now, let me adjust the straps and plug this baby in" Timothy said as he did so and the lights began to flicker.

(And then it stopped. Donnie looked at April with a apologetic grin.)

"I hope you know what you're doing, I'm out" Sarah spoke as she walked out of the barn.

Mikey:(Walks in)Whoa, April. Check you out. Is that a tiara? I love tiaras.

Donnie: It's not a tiara. It's a psychic neurotransmitter.

Mikey: Whoa. That was my second guess.

April: Donnie and Timothy salvaged it from the Kraang ship. He's going to use it to test my psychic powers.

Mikey: Cool.

Timothy: Okay, starting now.

[He starts the machine.]

Donnie: You feel anything?

April: Hmm mmm. Nope.

Donnie: Okay. (Adjusts the machine and hits it) How about now?

April: (Feels something) Oh. That tingles.

Donnie: Okay, April. Now, focus on the card. Close your eyes and tell me what you see.

April: I see... I see... A bird!

Mikey: Ooh, so close. It flies like a-

Timothy: Shh. You'll spoil the test.

[Mikey watches angrily at Timothy, before furiously folding his arms. Donnie picks up the card, which it's the monkey.]

Donnie: Try again.

Mikey: Hmm. I'm gonna say. A fish?

[Mikey mimics monkey]


Mikey: Just trying to help.

Donnie: Well, stop being annoying! [takes out a card of himself] Okay, this one's easy.

April: It's... It's... A worm! Definitely a worm.

[Donnie's eyes went wide and his head turned into a worm. Timothy chuckles a bit.]

Timothy: I think she nailed that one.

Donnie: (Growls at Timothy)

April: No? Really? But these images in my head, they feel so right.

(Cut to Outside)

"Come on, let's get to it! I'm feeling a lot better. Today, I'm taking you both down, even you, Y/N" Leo called as he stabbed his katanas in the ground and did some stretches

"Ha! In your dreams, Leo" Raph scoffed as he twirled his sais.

"Dude, the guy's been down for like ever. Give him some slack, ok?" Casey replied as Y/N agreed.

"Yeah, I just let him for only once."

(Raph and Casey fist-bumped each other, they looked back to see Leo in concentration.)

"Yeah, Leo! I bet you take us all down!" Raph mocked and added. "Casey, anyway."

(They pulled out their weapons as Y/N got into his own position. Leo pulled out his katanas from the ground and looked back at them.)

"Let's find out" Leo grinned.

(He charged at Casey and the two hit their weapons against one another and Leo quickly took Casey down after kicking him off. Y/N charged at Leo and swiped at him with claws and and he quickly backed off. Y/N dodged Leo's attack and made him trip by air-kicking him at his legs. Leo fell over, but got right back onto his feet. Raph jumped in and their katanas and sais clashed against each other and Raph managed to take Leo's katana and throw it to the ground, leaving Leo with only one katana. They both jumped high while fighting and landed onto the ground. However, Leo landed exactly on his injured right knee and it hurts as he yelled in pain and held his knee.)

"No, no, not again!" Leo grunted as the three immediately got concerned.


(Ethan looked over to see Leo on the ground and immediately rushed over. The five of them quickly helped him up and tried to help him walk back inside the house. Chloe helped Leo as Sarah looked at his leg.)

"Just let me down here" Leo said as he sat on the steps of the porch.

"It's hopeless" Leo sighed deeply.

"Oh, come on, Leo. You just need to stretch it out" Raph assured

"You could still spar with us," Casey agreed

"No!" Leo snapped.

(The group of them were a little taken back by Leo's harsh words. Usually, it's Raph's thing. Leo cleared his throat.)

"I mean, I just hold you back. You guys train, I'll... watch. It's all I'm good for anyway" Leo sighed as he frowned and looked down.

"Don't talk yourself down. Nobody expects you to bounce back right away, you need time to heal." Y/N spoke as he tried to lighten the mood.

Leo: I-thanks Y/N.

Sarah: Me and Chloe will stay here with him.

[In the farm]

April: Um, I don't think it's working,

Timothy: Hey, maybe if I make some adjustments.

[Timothy makes some adjustment, but the machine explodes and April screams, with a weird pulse radiating from her.]

Mikey: Whoa!

Donnie: Mikey! 

(Donnie and Timothy look at all the cards that were now floating in the air.)

Mikey: I didn't do that, I swear.

Donnie: Wow. But that means April, you are telekinetically levitating the cards. April? April, you okay? Can you hear me?

[April's eyes are white and the cards floating in the air fall.]

April: Wh..what happened to the barn? Where are we? (April gets up and starts to feel around as if her she was blind and touched the others faces.)

Donnie: Uh, still in the barn.

April: (Walks over to a wall and hits it) What is this? I-is it invisible?

Mikey: Uh, looks pretty visible to me.

Donnie: (Walks over to April) April, where do you think you are? What do you see?

[She sees herself in the air.]

April: Clouds. I think I'm flying.

Mikey: Totally understand. I get that way when I eat pizza.

Timothy: You're seeing things. (Takes off the transmitter) I'm taking this off. Did that help?

April: I'm still in the air soaring. But now I'm heading down.


(While, Ethan, Y/N, Raph and Casey were sparring, Leo was sitting on the porch and being careful with his leg.)

"Stupid leg, I'm never gonna heal" Leo grumbled to himself.

Sarah: (Rubs Leo's head) Hey, don't say that, we all have wounds that heal overtime. But having a pity party won't help.

Leo: (Smiles Warmly) Thanks Mrs. O'Neil.

"Dude, I'm worried about Leo." Casey muttered while fighting Raph.

"Yeah, man. I've never see him so down" Raph said.

Y/N: (Blocks a hit from Ethan) He'll bounce back.

Ethan: Yeah, in the comics, the leader has to go through a write of passage.

(Just then, they heard a loud shriek coming from the air and looked up. They saw a gigantic bird mutant-like creature. It was a combination of a bird, worm and fish. It attacked the group with its beak and worm-like tentacles.)

"What in the farm house is that??" Y/N snapped. "Another mutant?"

"Where'd it come from?" Ethan asked, dodging a tendril, only to get smacked by another one.

(Chloe suited up, running to join the fight alongside. She ducked under a tendril, accumulated a electron baton, and gave it a twirl, sending a bolt of electricity at the creature, which caused it to be stunned for a moment. Sarah ran it as well and-

(Dirk is Sarah)

(The creature got backed up and was even angrier now. Sarah just produced tentacles from her arms as she got ready to fight again.)

"BOOYAKASHAAA!" Mikey slammed his nun-chuck into the mutant as it lunged at Leo, saving him. "Ooh, bird, worm, and fish. Three animals, one body. I know this one. There's like a perfect name for it in mythology."

"Chimera?" Donnie asked, slamming his staff into the mutant, while Timothy kicked it.

"No, turducken." He shrugged. "But chimera works."

"That's a Thanksgiving dish consisting of a deboned chicken stuffed into a deboned duck, which is in turn stuffed into a deboned turkey, hence the title," Timothy corrected, dodging the tentacles and launching his shuriken at the chimera. "It is not from mythology, so not only are you wrong about it's origin, but nowhere in the description does it speak of a fish or a worm."

"Timothy, kindly save the science lesson for later, okay, dude?" Ethan snapped.

Y/N's ears flattened as the chimera screeched. "Yeesh, this thing's loud." he ran up and slid under the chimera as it lunged at her, hitting it with her knuckledusters.

(Donnie used his Bo staff to pole vault up and kick the chimera in the face. Raph hit it from the other side, knocking it to the ground.)

It quickly got back up, and Mikey charged, dodging the tentacles. "In yo' beak!" He jumped up, slamming his nunchuck against the chimera's head and knocking it down again. Chloe launched a net at creature which trapped it for a minute before it broke free.

(Timothy and Casey scattered to avoid being crushed under it. Leo stood there with his katanas as the chimera let out a loud screech and attacked Leo. Leo jumped away, but the chimera hit his leg as Leo yelled out in pain and held his leg. He got whacked away by the chimera and bumped into April as they both fell down, they sat upright.)

"Careful, April, you gotta find cover!" Leo told her.

(He looked at her and saw that April's eyes were white as she held her head.)

"What? Is that me I'm looking at?" April asked as she looked at the chimera, the chimera then charged at them as Leo dragged April away just in time while the mutant slammed its head into the ground and then pulled it out.

"This is my fault, I summoned this thing!" April said as she and Leo took cover.

(The chimera lowered itself to the ground as it stared at the two and shrieked. It almost bite them, but Raph and Y/N threw his ninja-stars at it as they charged at the mutant. But the chimera caught them with its beak and trashed him around as they both screamed. Chloe, Ethan, and Sarah noticed this.)

"Let them go!" Chloe yelled as she shot beams at the chimera, but the Chimera grabbed the three with its tentacles as Chloe couldn't free her arms and struggled.

Ethan: Can't you use your armor to free us?!

Chloe: Sorry, I didn't have time to charge it up, before this!

(Soon, the chimera grabbed Mikey, Timothy and Donnie as they screamed. Meanwhile, Casey got on top of the roof and watched the chimera as he put on his mask.)

"Time to bring the pain!"

Casey charged at the mutant and jumped off with his hockey stick and yelled, "GOONGALA!"

Only to get grabbed by the chimera's tentacles just like everyone else as he yelled,"Your pain! Your pain!"

(The chimera flew off with them as they screamed. Leo was left there and was unable to do anything while April sat there on the ground.)

"NO!" Leo yelled helplessly.

The creature flew away with great speed as Casey hung kept bumping into the trees while Y/N tried to free himself.

"This is not cool- AAHHH!" Casey screamed as the chimera flew towards a very pointy mountain.

"Let us go!" Y/N  yelled as he struggled.

"That's not a- wait, no!" Donnie yelled as he saw how Chloe freed her arm and shot a blast at the chimera, causing it to screech in pain and letting go of them as they yelled.

(They all landed into what looked like a giant nest as they stood up.)

Sarah: Everyone okay?

Ethan: Yeah, I mean, I'm a extremely traumatized and I probably won't sleep tonight, but-yeah, I'll live.

Y/N: I still don't see how they're could be another mutant. I mean the only other mutagen out was the one from-Speed Demon-dang it!

"Phew! That was close, maybe it'll leave us alone now" Mikey sighed in relief.

(Donnie stepped onto something hard as he looked down, he saw dozens of human skeletons scattered around the nest.)

Timothy: Oh dear god.

"Uhm, no. I think we're supposed to be dinner." Donnie gulped as he looked up at the chimera that was circling them.

"What are we waiting for? Let's move!" Raph yelled as they hurried out of the nest and stood on the large branch, trying to hold their balance while Casey and Donnie attacked the chimera.

"We gotta get off this mountain!" Donnie stated as the chimera flew at them.

"Easy, turducken," Mikey said as he swung his nunchucks at it.

Timothy: Doesn't fit! (Kicked a tentacle away)

"We could take this thing!" Casey grunted.

"Not on its turf!" Donnie argued as Sarah kept the chimera at a distance by kicking boulders at it, but she tripped over the smooth surface and managed to grab onto the edge.

Sarah: "Everyone, look-"

(Before she could warn them, the chimera slammed them with its tail as they fell down a giant hole while screaming. Casey nearly fell into what looked like a boiling water pool while Mikey helped Donnie, Y/N got up as he looked up and saw the chimera.)

"Oh, I'm not done with you yet!" Y/N growled as he threw a bunch of kunai it at the chimera, hitting it in its face as it let out a roar of pain. "Chloe!"

Chloe: Eat it! (Fires missiles at the creature who screeched in pain, before flying away)

Timothy: Nice one, Y/N! You too Chloe!

"Don't make it too angry, who knows" Mikey scolded as he was scared it made crawl into the hole.

"You got me, don't worry" Y/N assured as Casey looked up to see the chimera looking down at them and shrieking, but didn't climb down.

"Looks like it doesn't wanna climb down, I think we're safe." Sarah spoke as Donnie turned to her.

"Safe? Dude, we're trapped inside a giant hole!" Donnie exclaimed.


Donnie: (Scared) I mean, Mrs.O'neil.

(Just then, they felt the ground rumble and shake under their feet.)

"Uhm, did you feel something move a little?" Ethan asked as the ground crumbled under his, Mikey, and Donnie's feet and fell down while screaming.

"You guys ok down there?" Raph asked as he threw down his grappling hook for them to climb up while Mikey, Ethan, Donnie got up.

"We're cool!" Donnie called as he gazed at the boiling water and a stone sunk into the water.

"Hot tub time! Alright!" Mikey yelled with excitement, planning to jump into the boiling pool.

"Not alright! That water's boiling at around 200° Fahrenheit. It's under intense pressure" Donnie explained as he, Ethan, and Mikey climbed up.

"I-I think we're stuck in some sort of geyser. It must've been here all the time, that's why the walls are so smooth." Donnie continued as Raph and Y/N pulled them back to safety.

"How long do we got? An hour?" Timothy asked.

"Less, then we're turtle soup" Donnie sighed sadly.

Y/N: With a side of cheetah bisque, smothered human and bunny sauce.

Ethan: Dad!

Y/N: I'm sorry, I'm hungry!

"So, how do we get out?" Sarah asked.

"No problem, we'll tie all our grappling hooks together" Raph assured as Mikey gulped and stood up.

"Ok. One problem, I forgot my grappling hook." Mikey confessed as he whimpered, followed by Donnie

Donnie/Timothy: "Yeah, me too."

Ethan: (Laughs nervously)

(Raph just crossed his arms with annoyance as he looked back at Casey.)

"Some ninjas" Raph sighed.

Casey had his arms crossed as he looked away, Raph already knew Casey forgot his grappling hook as well and Casey just groaned in defeat.

"W-what were the odds we'd be kidnapped by a giant mutant?!" Casey snapped.

"Have you met us? What are the odds we WOULDN'T be kidnapped by a giant mutant?! You need to be prepared for anything!" Raph yelled as he turned to Donnie, pointing at him.

"Why is it always on me?!" Donnie snarked as he slapped Raph's hand away

"You're the scientist!" Raph yelled, followed by Mikey.

"Let's make a giant balloon!"

"Listen to Casey Jones!" Casey screamed

(They continued arguing with each other as Sarah stood there in utter disbelief, they were stuck in a geyser and the first thing they do was arguing?)


(They stopped and turned to look at Sarah who had her hands placed on her hips.)

Sarah: "You need to stop bickering as if there isn't something SERIOUS going on right now! So, here's my plan. Chloe, do you still have power in the suit."

Chloe: Yes ma'am. 

Sarah: Activate your flying!

(Chloe started as beams shot out of her feet and she hovered into the air.)

Sarah: "You guys might wanna hold on when we'll be FLYING our way out."

(The whole group just stared at her with disbelief and felt kind of stupid for not thinking of it before.)

"Alright, let's move!" Raph announced as they held onto Chloe's arms and legs.

"Ready?" Chloe asked as they nodded, Chloe took a deep breath as more stronger beams came out of her feet.

(She was holding a lot of weight as they rose up slowly, they were nearly too heavy for her.)

"What did you guys eat? Bricks?!" N/A grunted

"Can't you go any higher?!" Donnie called.

"Would you like to do it?! I'm just a kid!" Chloe snapped as she was almost at the top.

Sarah: Ignore them sweetheart, your doing great!

"Almost... there." Chloe grunted, only being greeted by the chimera's head as it let out a screech. It charged at Chloe as she lost control and they all fell back into the hole while screaming.

(Raph held onto the edge as he caught Mikey who almost fell right into the boiling pool, only his butt came in contact with the water.)

"Hot! Hot! Hot!" Mikey screamed as he jumped high and rubbed his butt onto the ground.

"My sweet little turtle tush!" Mikey cried as he whimpered.

"Great job, Ch- AHH!" Casey's scolding got interrupted by Sarah hitting his head, she only stopped when she saw the water rising.

"Guys, the water's rising. We're running out of time!" Donnie gasped.

Leo: "Guys, guys! Do you hear me? Are you alright?!"

(They looked up and saw Leo standing above the hole.)

"Leo!" Casey gasped.

"Leo, yes! We're ok!" Raph called

"But we're running out of time!" Timothy yelled as the boiling water continued to rise

(They could hear Leo and April's yelling, along with the shrieking of the chimera. It worried them to the point they may not be saved in time and that two of their friends were in danger as well.)

"They may not get to us in time!" Donnie trembled as he and the others were watching the water, only being interrupted by Mikey's grunting.

"Almost got it! Almost got it!"

They saw Mikey trying to climb up with his nunchucks, but he fell back onto the ground.

"I don't got it!" Mikey groaned.

"Alright, plan B" Sarah spoke as she hit the mountain which made medium-sized boulders that stuck out of the wall, allowing them to climb up.

"Hurry!" Raph yelled as they climbed up, using the boulders Sarah made for them.

(As they reached the top, they stood there as they helped each other get back onto their feet. Y/N looked up and saw the chimera falling down as he and the others jumped away just in time. The chimera got stuck into the hole as the others watched in shock.)

"It plugged the hole?" Raph gasped

"That's good, right?" Casey asked

"No, that's bad! The pressure from below has to escape somehow. If the geyser can't erupt, the whole mountain will explode!" Donnie explained as everyone looked shocked and concerned

April: "Guys! Mom!"

(They turned to see Leo and April walking up to them.)

"Finally! Are we glad to see you guys" Mikey smiled in relief

"Yes! Thanks, Red" Casey thanked April as Sarah approached her after seeing April's white eyes

"April, your eyes! What happened?" Sarah asked concerned as she placed her hands on April's shoulders.

"It's a long story, I'll tell you when we're out of here" April replied as Timothy spoke.

Timothy: "April... your eyes, they're still-"

"Yeah. I can't see anything right now, the creature must be in total darkness" April said as Sarah raised her eyebrow and just questioned what was going on

"Uhm. Exploding mountain, remember?" Raph asked

(At that moment, the mountain began to rumble and shake violently as they all fled away. There was a loud explosion as giant boulders came falling down.)

"Avalanche!" Leo screamed as they all seemed cover.

"Wait! I can see, I can see again!" April yelled as her eyes turned normal.

"This way!" Leo shouted as they all ran to safety, Chloe shielded them by blasting the rocks that were fallling on them.

(Mikey stuck his head out from under the rocks and cheered)

"Yes! Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!"

"We did it! We're alive!" Casey cheered.

(Leo looked back at the group and then turned to help April get back in her feet.)

"April... thanks" Leo thanked.

"Thanks for what?" April asked.

"I'd still be at the farm if not for you, you really inspired me" Leo replied as he smiled.

"Aww" April smiled as she hugged Leo and Leo returned the hug and then pulled back

"You guys were awesome!" Mikey chimed as he high-fived Leo and gave April a fist-bump, he then turned to his older brother and smiled.

"It's good to have you back, bro!"

"It's good to be back" Leo replied with a warm smile.

"Yeah, if you're not leaving, who am I supposed to complain about?"

(Leo turned to see Raph walking up to him with a smirk as they both locked hands. Everyone made it back to the farmhouse. April was on the porch. Donnie brought her some tea.)

Donnie:April. I-I'm really sorry I tested that neurotransmitter on you.

April: I'm not. Without that psychic link, we'd have lost you guys. Plus it was cool to see through someone else's eyes for a change. Even if it was a giant mutant beast. But the link's broken now. The Chimera's finally gone.

[However, The Chimera is still alive and has emerged from the rubble.]

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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