Enemy of my Enemy

(It had been awhile since the TCRI break in, and the Kraang had yet to use their portal. Which didn't help with the anticipation. But, as time went on, spying on TCRI had become a long, unnecessary, and extremely boring routine.)

(Until that night.)

(Leo peered through the spyglass at the TCRI high rise.)

Leo: Nothing happening at TCRI. (Putting down the spyglass.)

Y/N: Were we supposed to expect anything more? (Y/N stands beside his brother.) It's been more than a week since they got that portal up and running again, and they still haven't released their apocalypse stuff yet.

Donnie: Yet.

Mikey: (Had his sights on something else.) This game is awesome! (Playing on his T-Phone.) The combat is so realistic!

Raph: (He stood over him, looking ticked off, as was usual.) Do you want me to make it more realistic?

Leo: Guys! Stop messing around!"

Donnie: According to the Kraang storage device that I decrypted. (Donnie reffered to a storage device Mikey had stolen when they'd broken into TCRI.) "Some kinda scouting ship is coming through the Kraang portal, tonight."

Y/N: (Snapped his fingers.) I knew we were here for more than just a boring stakeout."

Leo: (Turned on Mikey, who was still playing his game.) "So we all have to stay alert.

Karai: Yeah, you never know what could sneak up on you."

Rika: How's my little mutants?

(Y/N spun around, a glare already forming on his face. Indeed, Karai and Karai, the Foot kunoichis, were standing on top of the water tank, looking smug. They jumped down, and landed in front of the turtles.)

(Y/N drew his claws growling, but Leo put a hand on his wrist. He turned to Karai, letting out a short, sarcastic laugh.) 

Leo: Cute, Karai. But I'm not in the mood."

(Rika and Karai, evidently, were in the mood, because they drew their weapons, and charged. Leo pushed Y/N back, and drew his katanas, blocking Karai's swing, and stepping away from his siblings. Rika went for Y/N and he immediately got into a fighting stance.)

Leo: We don't have time for this. Guys!"

(Instantly, Raph, Mikey and Donnie charged the Foot kunoichi.)


(Y/N swung his claws, which Rika dodged, swinging her bow back at the cheetah. The cheetah back stepped, and swung his other claws. Karai dodged again, and Y/N somersaulted over her and landed behind her. He attempted to hit her again, but-)

(Y/N flew back and hit the edge of the building.) 

Y/N: It seems someone's been training.

Rika: Impressed?

Y/N:  (Shrug) Gonna have to show me more than that.

Rika: Okay. (Rushes forward as Y/N does the name)

(Y/N and Rika kept fighting, while Donnie took a swing at Karai. Karai just blocked Donnie's staff, before jumping on top of his shell, and jumping aside as Mikey and Raph both swung at her.)

Karai: Booyakasha?" (She laughed patronizingly.) "What does that even mean?"

Mikey: I dunno. But it's fun to yell. (He threw his kusarigama chain, which Karai knocked aside with her tantō, and allowed it to wrap around her body. She stepped down hard on the chain, pulling Mikey forward, and kicking him aside.)

(Meanwhile, Y/N jumped down from on top of the water tank with a shout, and Rika was just able to block both ninja claws.) 

Y/N: Look, we don't really want you here, sister. (He unhooked one of his claws from around the tantō, and swiped at Rika's chest plate.)

(Rika backflipped, but landed to earn a kick to the chest from Y/N.) 

Y/N: So scram. (Y/N crossed his claws.)

Rika: Why don't you make us?

(Leo darted forward, bringing down both katanas, which were blocked by Karai.) 

Karai: You really know how to make a girl feel welcome. (Flashing that smug smirk. She forced both katanas aside, and Leo backed away, letting out a small sound of frustration.) I heard the scrawny one mention the Kraang. (Karai pointed her tantō at Donnie.) What's going on?"

LeoL None of your business. (Leo stepped forward again.)

Donnie: And I'm not scrawny! I'm svelte!"

(Leo exchanged a few more swings with Karai before she jumped aside, both Mikey and Donnie swinging their weapons at her. Raph swung his sai at her, and she dodged a few times, before locking her tantō in one of his sai, and pushing him back. Y/N tries a spinning claw slash, but Rika dodged with a back flip.)

(Landed next to Karai)

Karai: Aw, c'mon, let us in on the fun!

Raph: Look, we're a little busy trying to stop the beginning of an alien invasion here. So do us a favor and get lost!"

Karai: An alien invasion?

Rika: Are you serious?"

(At that convenient moment, thunder rumbled, and lightning flash around TCRI, indicating that some sort of rift was being torn between dimensions. Then, a door opened on the top of the building.)

Y/N: Yes.

(A freaky weird ship came floating out of the building.) 

Leo: This can't be good. 

(Even Rika and Karai stared wide eyed at the thing as the ship came closer and closer.)

Mikey: Um, guys. "I think I need to change my shell."


Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

Here we go!

It's the lean, mean, ninja team
On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things
So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams
Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza Kings
Can't stop these radical dudes
The secret of the ooze made the chosen few
Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves
The good guys win and the bad guys lose

Leonardo's the leader in blue
Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through
Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines
Raphael has the most attitude on the team
Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!

Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need
To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

(The ship maneuvered from its aimless course, and came floating straight towards them.)

Karai: I hope you have a plan for fighting that thing. (She, Rika, and the brothers stepped back warily.)

Leo: (Laughed nervously.) "Of course I do. Step one..." (The ship fired pink lightning at them.) Run!

Rika: (Sarcastically) Great plan!

(The ninjas and kunoichis ran frantically as the ship pursued them, barely jumping off the building they were standing on as the ship fired again. As soon as they were on the ground, they were hidden by the shadows and other buildings, but that didn't stop the ship from scanning the ground with pink lasers.)

Rika: What the heck was that? (RIka glanced over her shoulder as they continued running.)

Y/N: I don't know. "But off the top of my head, I'd say they use it for flying and shooting at things.

(The thing had found them again, and continued its pursuit. Mikey shouted something Y/N couldn't hear as the ship nearly incinerated him. Y/N panted. he was no stranger to running, but the panic mixed with the running wasn't doing any favors for his lungs.)

Leo: Guys, over here! (Leo suddenly dodged into an alley, crouching by a car that was parked there.)

(All five of the brothers hid, and waited tensely as the ship slowly hovered by.)

Y/N: Where's Rika & Karai?

Raph: I don't think she's really worth worrying about right now.

Mikey: Do you think it knows where we are? (Referred to the scouting ship.)

Leo: Yeah. Maybe."

(Suddenly, they were bathed in a pink light, and the car they were taking refuge by was lifted into the air by the Kraang ship's tentacles. The brothers stood frozen, before screaming, just managing to jump away as the ship dropped the car down on them.)

Donnie: Man, we gotta get underground!" said Donnie, holding his side.

Leo: (Drew his katanas.) I'll draw their fire! (He darted forward, in full view of the Kraang ship.)

Y/N: Are you crazy?

Y/N: Don't argue! Now go!

Y/N: Fine, just be careful!

(As the Kraang ship was occupied with trying to incinerate Leo, the other turtles searched for a sewer entrance. Y/N could hear Leo taunting the ship ("Over here, cyclops!") as he and his brothers found a manhole. Raph lifted the cover, Mikey and Donnie jumping in first.)

Raph: come on, Y/N. (Raph snapped, as his brother hesitated.) Leo, come on! (Y/N relented and jumped into the sewer.)

(Very soon, Raph and Leo were right next to their brothers, Leo covering the manhole. Taking a couple deep breaths, the teenaged ninjas watched tensely through the sidewalk grate as the Kraang ship hesitated. Then, it flickered, and disappeared.)

Rpah: (Sarcastically) Oh, great. Cause it wasn't scary enough when we could see it.

(The brothers retreated into the depths of the sewer tunnels just when the helicopters and police cars arrived on scene.)

(Raph threw his sai, which whirled through the air, hitting the punching dummy. Y/N watched Leo pace agitatedly as he scratched his scratching post.)

Leo: (Sighed, halting.) That Kraang ship is incredibly dangerous. "We've gotta figure out what its doing here.

Raph: Or-(Raph, pulled his sai out of the dummy, and whirled them in hand.) We could just skip to the part where we destroy it. (He stabbed his sai into the dummy, knocking it down.)

Mikey: (He knelt down next to the dummy.) You're pretty tough when they can't hit you back. (He yelped, holding up the dummy as a shield when Raph raised a fist threateningly.)

Y/N: (Stopped scratching his post) I believe it's a scouting ship. I'm guessing it's here to scout... Maybe make crop circles so their buddies know exactly where to hit and when.

Mikey: knew it!"

Y/N: I was joking.

(Raph gave Mikey a look, before turning back to Leo.) 

Raph: So what are we waiting for? Let's load up the Shellraiser, and challenge that thing to a rematch!

Leo: First, we need a way to find a ship that's invisible.

Raph: I know. (Raph rolled his eyes.) Let's shoot into the air until we hit it."

Y/N: That... doesn't sound too smart.

Mikey: Yeah, Raph.Not too smart, buddy. (He yelped again as Raph raised another fist.)

Donnie: Actually, Raph's got something there. (Donnie, came out of his lab.)

Mikey: Yeah, Leo. Raph's got something there. (Leo gave him a look.)

Y/N: Really? (Y/N came to stand with his brothers.)

Donnie: Yes. But instead of shooting objects, we'll shoot waves of electromagnetic radiation. In other words... (He took out a mini satellite.) ...radar. I built some radar beacons we can set up around town. If the ship gets near us, I'll get an alarm on my T-Phone."

Leo: Good work, Donnie! C'mon, guys. Let's split up and place those beacons."

(Donnie and Y/N followed Leo, while Raph punched the dummy out of Mikey's hands, and then followed. Mikey crouched down, and lifted the dummy in his hands.)

Mikey: You'll get him next time, buddy.

Leo: Mikey!"

Mikey: (He dropped the dummy, running after his siblings.) "Loosen your knee pads, Leo!"

(It seemed like that they would go through a relatively normal night, in the broadest sense possible, after putting up the beacons.)

Y/N: You almost done, Leo?

Leo: Almost got it.

(Y/N: stood on top of the large vent as Leo continued to attach a beacon to it. They had all split up; Raph went with Mikey, Y/N stayed with Leo, and Donnie had gone off by himself.)

Leo: There.

Y/N: (Bent over comically and looked at the little satellite thing.) "Looks good to me."

Leo: (Took out his T-Phone and presses a button.) "Tri-beca beacon installed." "That's the last of 'em," said Donnie's voice. "Raph and Mikey are finished, too. See you back at the lair." 

Y/N: (Glanced up behind Leo, and gasped.) Leo, watch out! (Got into a fighting stance.)

(Before he could do anything Y/N pulled out his claws, blocked the incoming arrow,  lunged out in front of him, and  blocked the tanto blade that nearly collided with Leo's head. Y/N looked over the blades to see the smug face of Karai.)

 You make sneaking up on people difficult. That's cool. I like a challenge."

(Y/N grunted as he shoved her away, quickly pulling his other clae before charging at her. Y/N was interrupted by Rika who attacked him with his bow. Y/N spun around and aimed at her other side, and she blocked that too.)

(Karai leapt up over Rika and Y/N turned and ran at Leo. The blue clad turtle took out his katanas and blocked her oncoming blow.)

Leo: This is getting old, Karai.

(Y/N looked up at Karai's face, and was surprised to see that her smirk had been replaced with a grin.)

Karai: We wanna help you fight the Kraang.

Y/N: (Blinked.) "What?

Rika: You heard us. (Karai brought her tanto down and placed it back in its holster. We wanna help you.

Leo: (Surprised) Really?

(Y/N slowly put away his claws, wondering whether or not the two sisters had gone crazy. Leo looked at her, stunned for a moment, then his face fell as he put away his katanas.) 

Leo: No, of course not. (He raised his fingers as he marked off.) We're enemies, you wanna destroy us, you're both loyal to Shredder... should I keep going?"

Y/N: He's gotcha there. (Folded his arms as he walked over to stand next to Leo.) 

Karai: Look, if the Kraang win, we don't have a planet anymore. (She and Rika walked up to the two brothers.) 

Rika: That makes our little fight seem pretty pointless, doesn't it?

Leo: I doubt Shredder would agree. 

Y/N: Yeah, what does he gotta say about this?

Karai: He won't even think about it. Shredder is stubborn and shortsighted, he drives me crazy! His stupid vendetta is gonna take us all down! 

Rika: He might not be able to see that, but we know you guys do. Soooo.....

(Y/N glanced up at her, looked into her eyes, and froze. There was something there that Y/N could believe Y/N was seeing, and Y/N wasn't sure if Y/N wanted to see it.) 

Karai: (She grinned again, and then raised her hand towards Leo.) What do you say? Work together for now? (Y/N glanced down at her hand and then over at Leo.

Leo: (He looked at her hand for a moment, then shook his head.) Sorry sisters, but we're not-

Y/N: Hold it, Leo. (Leo looked over at Y/N, looking confused. Y/N looked over at Karai and Rika, who was looking at me with curiosity.) "Give us a sec?

(They both nodded. Y/N put a hand on Leo's shoulder and pulled him a little ways away from the sisters.) 

Leo: Y/N, what is it?

Y/N: Call me crazy, Leo. But I think they're telling the truth.

Leo: What?

Y/N: I know, it sounds weird, but I think they're being for real now.

Leo: Really, Y/N? After everything they've done, you wanna trust them? Especially Rika, who tried to shoot you with an arrow and ambushed you. 

Y/N: (He glared at him.) Says the guy who was so keen on trusting her before in the first place. (Raises his eye brows.)

(Leo blinked and stared at Y/N before glancing at the ground.)

Y/N: Look, Leo, I don't know if I trust them either, but I think they really want to help this time. Besides, you can't honestly tell me you don't think Karai's telling the truth.

Leo: (He looked up at me for a moment, then sighed and nodded.) You're right. (He turned and walked back over to Rika & Karai, and Y/N followed him.)

Rika: Well? (Leo and Y/N looked at each other, then at Karai.) 

Leo: We'll... think about it. 

Karai: (Smirked.) Fair enough. 

Rika: We'll be seeing you two around, then. (And then they turned and ran across the rooftop, leapt over the edge, and out of sight.)

(It was the next day, and we were all sitting in the dojo. Leo and Y/N had gotten the others, Splinter and April together and told them about what happened, and what they had told Karai and Rika.)

Raph: Are you guys nuts?! 

Y/N: We didn't say that we would do anything yet, Raph. We just told her we would think about it.

Raph: Why would you even think about it?

Leo: I know we shouldn't trust Karai or her sister. But, still! We just got the sense that she really is fed up with Shredder.

Y/N: Really fed up, judging by the way they were acting. 

Raph: That's probably just what they want you to think. 

Leo: I know! But, eh... (Leo shook his head and looked up at Splinter.) Sensei, is there any chance that either of them are for real?

Splinter: It is possible. Loyalties have been known to shift. But, the kunoichi is trained to use deception to her advantage. Nevertheless, you cannot be sure what she will do."

Leo: So, she either will or won't betray us?

Splinter: Correct. You must trust your instincts. (Turned and headed towards his room.) But, beware the trap of believing something to be true simply because you wish it to be so.

Y/N: So, we should trust are instincts... unless are instincts are wrong?

Splinter: Correct.

Leo: (He stared after him for a moment, then sighed.) Thanks, Sensei...

Mikey: Wow, (Mikey breathed.) You know its good advice when you're still confused afterwards!

Y/N: It's not that confusing. 

Raph: Guys, seriously. An alliance with Karai? No way! Why are we even talking about this?

Y/N: We told them we would think on it, Raph. And now we have.

Donnie: It's too bad we can't trust them. It would be nice to have a kunoichi on our side.

April: Um, hello! What about me?

(They all looked around to see April standing over them, hands on her hips. He bit his bottom lip as he looked over at Donnie, who looked suddenly nervous.)

Donnie: No, I mean a real kunoichi. I-I mean, not that you're not a real one, just that Karai's... better? I-I mean-mean, not- not better, just- more experienced, eh... Is it hot in here?  

Y/N: (Snorted.) Nope, just you, dude.

April: (Sarcastically) It's okay, I get it. She's your mortal enemy, but hey! She's purtty!

Donnie: No, she's not! You're way prettier! I-I mean-!"

(Y/N cleared his throat and nudged Raph's shoulder to get his attention. He looked over at Y/N and he nodded over at Donnie. He nodded. At the same time Y/N and him stood up, walked over to Donnie and we each grabbed an arm, Raph covering Donnie's mouth. Donnie's voice was muffled as he stared at his brothers in confusion.) 

Raph: Don't fight it. You'll thank us later.

Y/N: We're doing you a favor, bro. 

(Donnie sighed and hung his head in embarrassment.)

(Later, the brothers were patrolling New York in the Shellraiser this time, and Donnie suddenly spoke up, looking at his T-Phone.) 

Donnie: Guys! I think I've got something...!

(Y/N twisted in his seat to look at his brother in the back.) 

Donnie: Doesn't match any authorized flight patterns. It's gotta be the Kraang ship!

Mikey: (Enthusiastically.) Or Santa!

(Leo twisted the wheel to turn the corner, and halted, the scouting ship floating above them in all its glory.)

Mikey: Nope, it's the Kraang ship. (Mikey groaned disappointedly.) That's a bummer."

Y/N: Full reverse! (The Kraang ship powered its lightning gun.)

(Leo did as he was told, going full reverse until he could turn the Shellraiser around and drive away in orthodox manner. The Kraang ship flew after them, its lightning gun always barely missing them.)

Raph: Move it, Leo! (Raph shooted the garbage cannon at the ship.)

Leo: Hang onto your shells! 

Y/N: Hmph!

Leo: Or fur.

(Leo twisted the wheel, turning a sharp corner. The Shellraiser twisted and turned through alleys and roads, but the Kraang ship wasn't letting them go.)

Donnie: I think I've figured out its mission.  Us!

Y/N: And right now, the part where we destroy it isn't really going through so well!

Leo: Mikey! We need an escape route!"

(Mikey was silent for a second as he scanned the map.)

Mikey: Take the alley on the right!"

Leo:  (He did as he was told, and hit the brake as they came up against a wall.) It's a dead end...!

(Another moment of silence.) 

Mikey: Don't take the alley on the right!"

Y/N: Guys...It's got us, and we're trapped.

(The Kraang ship slowly came up behind the Shellraiser, and fired.)

(The brothers shouted in a panic as the alarm beeped, and their equipment blinking.) 

Y/N: I'm no mechanic! But I don't think that the Shellraiser is gonna protect us for long!

Leo: Any ideas, guys?

Raph: Just one...(Raph got up from the weapons station and started hitting Mikey on the shell.)

(Suddenly, Y/N could see onscreen a figure launching their motorcycle off the roof, and landing on the Kraang ship. The ship stopped its lighting fire, and spun around, like a horse trying to throw its rider. The ship went flying off, with the figure on it.)

Leo: That was Karai!

Y/N: What?!

(Leo suddenly put the van out of the park, swerved it around and started speeding off after the ship that still had Karai on it.) 

Y/N: What's the plan?

Leo: We've gotta go back and help her!

Raph: (He ran up to the front next to Y/N.) She can take care of herself. Let's put some distance between that thing and us!

Leo: No!

Donnie: But the Shellraiser can't take another onslaught right now! 

Leo: Then I'll do it myself! (He unbuckled his seatbelt and jumped out of his seat.) "Drive!"

(The whole van swerved for a moment before Raph quickly got in the seat and grabbed the wheel. Leo ran past Y/N and opened the hatch that led to the Stealth Bike.) 

Leo: I'll meet you back underground. 

Raph: Hey! The Stealth Bike's my thing!"

Leo: Now your thing is sucking it up. (Leo snapped before leaping down the hatch and closing the door.) 

Donnie: Hey, that's my thing!

Y/N: When have you ever said that, dude? (He looked up at one of the screens and watched as the Stealth Bike shot out from the Shellraiser and sped towards the Kraang ship. Now all they could do is head back under and wait for Leo to come back.)

(Y/N sat at the weapons station, glaring at the screen. They were waiting for Leo inside the old subway tunnels, and so far, he had been a no show.)

Y/N: I wonder where Rika is. (Hears a knock from above) Leo? (The hatch opens and Rika drops in, the brother immediately gets into a fighting stance frp, this. She puts her hand up defensively.)

Y/N: What are you doing here?

Rika: Relax, when I saw what my siste was doing, I decided to wait with you guys until she comes here.

Y/N: You really think Leo would just0

(The Stealth Bike hatch opened and Leo came out with Karai behind him.)

Leo: We're back.

Rika: (Smiles smugly) You were saying.

Raph: You brought her inside? Dude! She'll see all our gear!"

Karai: (Climbed out of the Stealth Bike, and looked around appraisingly.) Yeah. Cause if Shredder finds out you have an ice cream lamp... it is over!

Rika: (Chuckling)

(Raph growled, gripping the steering wheel.)

Rika: Karai! (Runs over and hugs her sister, who reciprocates it.) 

Y/N: Alright, I can understand helping her. (Y/N walked over next to Leo.) But why bring her in here?

Leo: Karai just risked her life to save us. She's earned a little trust. Let's hear them out.

Raph: You're the boss. (Raph pushed down the throttle and the Shellraiser powered down. Y/N looked at Leo for a moment, then at Rika. She was standing there, next to Karai, arms folded, not looking at any of us.) 

Y/N: (Sighs) Alright, so what exactly is your plan?

Karai: (Looked at the brothers) You guys need my help. You really think you can shoot down an alien ship with garbage?

Donnie: Compressed garbage. 

Mikey: And manhole covers. 

Rika: (Rolled her eyes slightly.) Yeah,  look my point is, to take out a ship like that you need a real weapon.

Raph: Oh, yeah? Like what?"

Karai: (Narrowed her eyes slightly.) What if we got you a shoulder fired missile launcher? 

Raph: (He stared at her for a moment before looking at Leo) I'm startin' to like her.

Y/N: Big surprise.

Donnie: Where are you gonna get a shoulder fired missile launcher?

Rika: Shredder, of course. 

Y/N: (Raised his eyebrows.) Say what?

Rika: You heard me. 

Mikey: Uh, we're talking about the same Shredder, right? Big dude, lots of blades, really hates us?

Raph: Yeah, something tells me he's not gonna wanna share his toys with us.

Karai: He won't know about it. He's buying a big shipment of weapons at the docks tomorrow night. All we need to do is sneak in and help ourselves. 

Y/N: (He thought it over.) Sounds simple enough...

RapH: A little too simple. "Anyone else smell a trap?

Mikey: Sorry, that was me...

Karai: Why would we trap you? You're the only ones who know what the Kraang are up to. 

Donnie: True. But, you don't really have the best track record.

Y/N: After what you've done, you can't blame them for being suspicious. 

Rika: (Narrowed her eyes at Y/N.) Well, what about you, kitty cat?

Y/N: (He glared at her slightly at the name-calling. Y/N looked around at the others, and they were all staring at him intently.) "Here's how this works. Either all of us go, or none of us go. And seeing as how none of them are keen on going, I guess I won't be going either.

Karai: (Stared at the scene for a moment before turning away.) Fine! we'll get you the missile launcher myself! 

Leo: You're really willing to steal from Shredder? 

Karai: Look, these things have to be stopped. If Shredder's not gonna do something about it, then we will, with your help or without it!"

(Karai and Leo shared an intense gaze before he looked around at the others. Mikey and Donnie both nodded, and Raph raised his hands in a gesture of surrender. Leo then looked over at Y/N, as though asking him his opinion. Y/N looked over at Rika, who was looking at him patiently. Y/N thought about everything that she had said, everything that she was willing to do, and then, Y/N don't know why, he found himself grinning at Rika. She grinned back. Y/N looked over at Leo and gave a firm nod.)

Leo: Alright, here's the deal. (Leo stepped towards Karai.) You get us the missile launcher, and we'll team up.

(Karai smirked approvingly at Leo, who offered her a small smile. Then, at the same time, they both raised their hands and shook them. Karai smirked, and Leo allowed himself a small grin. Hamato and Foot shook hands.)

(Back in the dojo, everything was set. Tonight was the night that Karai and Rika was going to sneak the missile launcher away from Shredder and back to the team. " Mikey and Raph played on the pinball machine.)

Mikey: Stoked! I can't believe we're getting' a missile launcher! What should we blow up first?" 

Raph: Uh... the Kraang ship?

Mikey: Oh, right. What should we blow up second?"

Y/N:  I'm sure we'll find some use for it later, Mikey. (He walked up to him and leaned his elbow on his shoulder.) But, right now we need to get it and destroy the Kraang Ship.

Leo: If Karai can pull it off.

(Y/N turned and looked at him. Leo had been acting strict and tense all day, and it had only gotten worse as the night progressed. He was currently practicing on the dummy, punching and kicking it a little more forcefully than usual.) 

Y/N: You cool, Leo?

Leo: I'm fine. (He gave the dummy another hard kick.)

Donnie: (Teasingly) Are you worried about your girlfriend? I see why you guys do that now, it's kinda fun.

(Y/N chuckled as Leo glared at Donnie, but he could not hide the fact that his cheeks had gone slightly pink.) 

Leo: It isn't gonna be easy. "Shredder's gonna be there, too.

Y/N: C'mon, Leo. If there's one person who can figure out how to get past Shredder, it's those sisters.

Raph: Hey... Leo's right!" (Raph suddenly turned away from the machine and walked over towards Leo.) "For once, we know where Shredder's gonna be ahead of time! Which means... we could set a trap for him!"

Leo: What?" (Leo shook his head.) Look, we already made a deal with Karai, we can't just go behind her back. This is about that Kraang ship; they wanna take us out!

Raph: So does Shredder. "This may be our only chance to take him by surprise, are we really gonna pass that up?

(Y/N rolled my eyes. He looked over at Leo, expecting him to be shaking head and saying 'no'. What he saw instead was him staring at the floor, clearly in thought.) 

Y/N: Oh, no... Leo, you're not seriously considering this, are you?"

Leo: (Looked up at Y/M.) Well... it's an idea...

Y/N: An idea?" No. We made a deal with Karai and Rika, we can't go back on it. We have to focus on the Kraang.

Raph: We do this, and we can get Shredder out of the way for good. 

Y/N: Okay! (He whipped around and glared at Raph.) Here's how it is; on one hand, you've got the Shredder, who wants to destroy us. On the other hand, you've got the Kraang, who want to destroy us, and take over the world! Tell me, which one is worse?!"

Raph: (Narrowed his eyes at Y/N before walking up towards our brother.) "Leo, c'mon. If Karai or that Rika chick had an opportunity like this to go after Splinter, she'd take it. Why shouldn't we?" 

(Leo looked at his brother, then over at Y/N, then looked off into space, thinking it over. )'

Y/N: Please Leo, don't...' 

Leo: Alright, guys. Let's take down the Shredder."

(Y/N blinked as he stared at Leo in surprise.)

Donnie: Well, if we're doing this then we might wanna go now. She said that Shredder was gonna be at the docks around now, we need to get there before he leaves."

Raph: (Enthusiastically) Alright, let's go! (He ran around Leo and towards the exit.) 

Mikey: Aw, man. So much for getting a missile launcher.

Leo: Let's move it, guys. C'mon, Y/N." 

(Leo went towards the exit as well, and Mikey and Donnie followed him. Y/N, however, didn't move. He stood there and watched as the guys all went closer and closer to the exit. Leo must have noticed because he stopped walking and looked behind him at him.)

Leo: Y/N, we're leaving. (He turned around and started walking again.)

Y/N: (He glared at the back of his head and took a deep breath.) No.

(Leo stopped again, and this time so did the other three. Leo turned around to look at Y/N, and he stared at him in confusion.)

Leo: What?

Y/N: You heard me. (Folds his arms.) You guys wanna break our deal, fine, I can't stop you. But I won't be a part of it. (He turned around, marched over to the pit, and sat down on the edge.) 

(For a moment there was silence, a tense and slightly awkward one. There was silence for a solid minute before I heard movement behind me. Y/N turned his head slightly and looked back. Raph was standing next to Leo, a hand on his shoulder. He gave a stiff nod, then Leo sighed.) 

Leo: Let's go. 

(Y/N heard footsteps as the others finally continued walking. A moment later he heard the door of the Shellraiser slam shut, and the engine came to life. Y/N heard the sound of it driving off on the rusty subway tracks, and then it was gone.)

Y/N: (Sighs) What am I doing?

(Later, the time read 9:47. The boys have been gone for 3 hours and there still hasn't been any word back. Y/N hasn't moved an inch since they left.)

(Y/N sighed as he leaned over and buried my face in his hands. His paws pressed against my eyes and little stars appeared.)

Splinter: Y/N, where are your brothers? 

(Y/N raised his head and turned it head around. Splinter was standing there, looking slightly confused.)

Y/N: They're probably down at the docks by now. (Turned back around.) 

Splinter: Really? I was under the impression that they were to wait for Karai."

Y/N: They were. But... they had a change of plans. They decided to go after Shredder instead, father.

(There was a moment of silence. Splinter walked closer towards Y/N.) 

Splinter: And you did not accompany them?" (Y/N shook his head.) "Why is that?

Y/N: Because... Because... (Y/N sighed and hung his head.) "I don't know. (Splinter sat down next to Y/N.)

Splinter: Y/N, we both know that that is not the true answer. 

Y/N: (Looks up into space) We made a deal with Karai and Rika, father. We made a deal with them. Don't get me wrong, they're not my favorite people in the world, but... Father, if I went back on a deal with anyone, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. And the fact that the boys did it without any problems is. I just don't know. Father, if I had gone out with them, I'd be going against what I believe in. I'd be going against myself, and I couldn't... couldn't bare that..."

Y/N: (Lays head on his Splinter's shoulder)

Splinter: (Pats Y/N's head) I understand, my son. There are some things we simply cannot do in this world. Some are more sever, others are simpler, but they all weigh the same in our hearts. It is how we deal with them that show how deeply we care about what is right and what is wrong."

Y/N: Splinter, do you... do you think I made the right choice?

Splinter: (Sighed as he put a hand on my back) I am afraid the only one who can answer that is you, Y/N.

Y/N: (Nodded.) I figured you'd say that."

Splinter: But, whatever answer you come to, know this; there will be some days when you will have to put your ideals aside and look at what is best for you and the ones who work with you, especially if it involves your enemy. You must tread carefully, my son. You cannot afford any errors.

Y/N: Yes, father."

(Suddenly, from behind them, they heard the sound of a distant engine, and the thudding of wheels against metal. Both sat up and turned around.)

Splinter: I believe your brothers have returned." 

(Within minutes the noises got louder and louder until finally, the Shellraiser appeared by the exit. It skidded to a halt by the turnstiles and then powered down.)

(The van dinged as the doors opened, and the boys started shuffling out. )

(Leo was the first to come through. As he did he glanced up, saw Y/N and father, and then stopped in his tracks. The others came up next to him and stopped too. Y/N glared and growled at them. Splinter stoop up and then begin to walk towards the turtles.)

Splinter: Welcome back, my sons. Did everything go as planned? 

Leo: Well, Sensei....It... um...

Splinter: Oh wait, I forgot. You came up with a rash and dangerous new plan and decided to go on that instead. How did that go?" (Splinter was standing in front of the boys, and Leo standing before him, rubbing the back of his neck.) 

Leo: Uh, about that...You see... we just, um...

Y/N: Look, did you take out the Shredder or not?!" 

(Leo and the others all looked at Y/N, surprised. Leo was the first to recover. He sighed, hung his head, and shook it. Y/N glared at them for a moment before Y/N stood up and walked over to them, my arms still folded. Leo looked up at him, then looked away.) 

Leo: You were right. We shouldn't have gone out.

Y/N: You're right about that.

Donnie: At least we destroyed the Kraang ship. 

Y/N: What?

Leo: It showed up at the docks when we were fighting Shredder.  I was able to get the missile launcher and destroy it. It exploded and then fell in the ocean.

Raph: And we nearly got blown up along with it. Thanks to Rika.

Y/N: After the stunt you guys pulled, what did you expect her to do?

Donnie: You've got every right to be mad, Y/N. We shouldn't have done it, but...

Mikey: Y/N, you're not that mad, are you?

Y/N: You know I could never stay mad at you guys. but... what you did tonight was stupid! And you almost got killed for it!

Splinter: Y/N is right. "I am highly disappointed in you all. What you did tonight was foolish and disorderly.

Leo: We're sorry, Sensei. Really." (The other three nodded.) 

Y/N: Dad, If it's okay, I'd like to go out for a bit. I'd like to be alone.

(Splinter looked down at Y/N, then at the boys. Then nodded.)

Splinter: Very well. But, be careful, Y/N." (Y/N bowed to him.) 

Y/N: I will, dad. Y/N turned from him and started to walk around the others.)

(Then Leo ran up and grabbed Y/N's arm.) 

Leo: Y/N, wait. Don't go by yourself. It's dangerous." 

Y/N: (He reached over and took his hand off his arm.) Leo. Just don't. (Y/N turned leapt over the turnstile.)

Y/N has been out for about 30 minutes now and is sitting on the edge of a building.

Y/N: (Sighs) Should I have been there?

(Then, he heard something move behind.)

Y/N: I'm not in the mood, so just come on out!"

Rika: You're more observant than I thought." 

Y/N: Rika... T

(A figure leapt down and landed on the ground in front of Y/N. The figure straightened up, and he recognized her immediately. It was Rika. Y/N took a few steps back and pulled out his claws.)

Y/N: Look, Rika, I'm really not in the mood for this. So, if you wanna fight, fine. Let's just get it over with.

Rika: Really? I come out and you think I wanna start a fight?

Y/N: You saying you don't wanna fight?

Rika: Maybe, maybe not."

Y/N: (Scoffed) Yeah, right! After the stunt my brothers pulled tonight, I wouldn't be surprised if you tried to kill me out of spite!

Rika: Hmm... Hadn't thought about that actually. (Folded her arms and leaned against the wall.) "That's definitely an idea though. Mind if I use it?"



Rija: Oh relax, kitty aat! It was a joke!" (She straightened up off the wall.) I didn't come to fight you.

Y/N: Oh yeah? Why are you here then?"

Rika: (She unfolded her arms and took a few steps toward me.) I came to talk.

Y/N: You wanna talk?

Rika: Yes."

Y/N: (Looked at her for a moment) How do I know this isn't some kinda trick?

Rika: Look in my eyes, you tell me. 

Y/N: You just wanna talk?

Rika: (Nodded.) 

(They continued to stand there, staring at each other for a few moments. Then, Y/N let out a soft sigh, and sheaths his claws.) 

Y/N: Alright, fine. (Sits down on the ledge of building.) You wanna talk? Talk.

Rika: (Narrowed her eyes at Y/N before folding her arms and turning away.) Why?" 

Y/N: Why what?

Rika: Why weren't you there?

Y/N: At the docks? The docks...?

Rika: The turtles were all there. (Karai walked forward, not looking at Y/N.) "They went back on their word and they went after the Shredder. They stabbed me and my sister in the back and they didn't even blink an eye!"

Rika: But, you..." (Rika turned to look at me.) "You didn't... you weren't even there. You probably didn't even leave your lair, did you? 

Y/N: (Shook my head.) Why?" I take it you're not disappointed that at least one of us kept our bargain?

Rika: Of course not, but I'm confused. (She unfolded her arms.) Your brothers went after the Shredder, but you didn't. He's your enemy too, yet you stayed behind... Why?"

Y?N: Of all things, do you really-?

Rika: Y/N, I need to know... please. 

Y/N: I already know what you're gonna say, but I guess I'll still tell you. I didn't go with the guys because... I didn't agree with what they were doing. They were going back on their word, and I didn't want any part in it.

Rika: (Eyes widened slightly.) What?

Y/N: We made a deal with you and Karai, and I was gonna stick by it, even if the others weren't. Look, I don't know about you, but I take my deals and my promises very seriously. If I went back on our deal it wouldn't just be bad to you, I'd be going against myself, too."

Rika: (Slowly unfolded her arms as she stared at Y?N.) You didn't go because... because it went against your moral code?

Y/N: (He rolled his eyes and turned his head away.) Go ahead, say it. It's a stupid and ridiculous reason, and if I had any sense I would've just gone off with them.

Rika: No.

Y/N: (He blinked and looked up at Karai.) Huh?

Karai: It's not a stupid reason. (Rika walked over and sat next to Y/N.) In fact, of all the reasons that I had thought of, yours is probably better.

Y/N: You... don't think it's ridiculous? 

Rika:  (Shook her head.) No. In fact, I think your reason is quite admirable. A bit foolish, but admirable.

Y/N: Oh...(Glanced down.) Well... thanks. 

(There was a tense and awkward pause as they sat there in silence.) 

Y/N: Erm... for what it's worth. I did try to stop them from doing it. I tried to keep them from going, but they wouldn't listen to me."

Rika: (She looked at Y/N for a second, then shrugged.) I guess I don't really blame them. (Smirks) I'd probably do the same thing.

Y/N: (Chuckles a bit) Figured you'd say that. (Rika chuckles as well)

(Curious, Y/N looked over at Rika, and at the same time she looked over at him. Her mouth twitched, and Y/N saw her smile. And Y/N smiled back.)

Rika: You know... Technically, the deal isn't completely broken.

Y/N: How so?

Rika: Well... you didn't go back on our deal, so when you think about it, it's still on between you and me at least.

Y/N: (Raised his eyebrow.) Go on..."

RIka: Well, seeing as how you kept your word, I think it's only right that we keep the deal going, just between you and me.

Y/N: How so?

RIka: If, by any chance, we stumble on the Kraang- like, at a secret base or lab or whatever- then we would... go take care of it."

Y/N: And I'm guessing no one will know about this?

RIka: Of course not.

Y/N: (Narrowed his eyes.) How do I know you won't end up trapping me instead?"

Rika: (Glared at Y/N slightly.) Just because the deal between your brothers and me is off, doesn't mean I've stopped wanting to fight the Kraang. I want them gone just as much as you do, and I'm willing to do so by any means. So.. (Rika turned to face Y/N completely and raised her hand up to the cheetah.) What do you say, kitty cat? Work together, at least for now?

Y/N: (He raised his hand slightly towards Rika's, then paused.) Just to be clear. None of this matters if we have to fight each other when we're not fighting the Kraang.

Rika: (Nodded.) Yeah. We're still enemies, right? 

Y/N: Right. So, if we see each other when we're not dealing with the Kraang, I will have to fight you.

Rija: I know."

Y/N: Okay. (Her gaspes her hand, and shakes it.)

(Their hands separate and they both just sit there in silence as they watch the night.)

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!

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