End Times

"Yes. Yes! The Master has arisen! Long live the Shredder!" Tigerclaw shouted as the corpse of Oroku Saki emerged from his coffin.

Shredder's shadowed figure slouched, slowly straightening. "I am...cold. Is this truly the Earth? Or another illusion? I have been gone for eons."

"No. Many months, but not eons, Shredder. You need to recover," Tigerclaw informed him."Kavaxas, will he heal?"

"In time," Kavaxas said simply.

"What?!" Tigerclaw turned to face him. "Restore him now! I do not want an excuse to keep you here."

The sound of cracking bones met his ears, and he turned to see Shredder's corpse walking towards him. Worms dropped to the ground where skin used to be, his arms dangling lifelessly at his sides, swinging with each step he took. His glowing eyes fixated on Tigerclaw and Tigerclaw alone.

"Kavaxas stays with us, Tigerclaw. Soon this pitiful world will be ours."

Lobo looks at Shredder with crazy eyes, "At last, I've found it."


"You're missing another classic Space Heroes: The Next Generation, guys!" Mikey shouted, polishing his grappling hook, his attention on the TV.

"We gotta get ready for the recon mission. Like you should be doing," Raph said, irritated, as he walked past.

"Ugh, I gotta collect more data on Hothead," Donnie mumbled to himself, walking in the opposite direction as Raph. "Now that Tigerclaw has all of the pieces that can resurrect Shredder, we don't have much time."

Casey was wrapping tape around his hockey stick. "You do realize Leo is gonna be stupid mad when he finds out you watched Space Heroes without him?"

"Right now, I don't think he cares," Chloe commented.

"Um, where is Leo anyway? And Y/N?" Mikey asked curiously, looking around.

"Where else? Leo's in the dojo, meditating, and Y/N's gone to try and get him out of it. I feel so bad for him. The weight of the world is always on his shoulders," April said, sheathing her tanto, worry in her eyes.

"Anyone seen Ethan?" Chloe asked.

"He's in his room, working on something." Mike answered.


(Leo was sitting in front of Father's shrine, losing himself in his thoughts. About Kavaxas -- how was he supposed to stop him if his whole team couldn't even fight him? Not only that, he'd already killed two people... Not that he cared about Tatsu and Hammer. He growled.)

"I can't do this anymore. It's too much," he growled, staring at the floor.

(He twitched at footsteps right behind him, and suddenly Y/N was kneeling at his side. He hadn't even heard him enter the dojo.)

"You don't have to do this alone, you know. You've got me, you've got our siblings, you've got Ethan and Chloe and April and Casey. It doesn't have to depend only on you, you know."

He sighed. "But I want it to depend on me because that means all the stress isn't on your shoulders. I'm the leader, I'm the one Father left in charge. I'm responsible for looking after all of you, for keeping you safe. But...I-I don't know how to do that this time."

"I felt the same way many times in my life, my children." he looked up to see Splinter walking in front of the shrine. "But we always endure."

"Father?" Y/N asked.

Leo looked over at him. "You can see him? The others all just think I'm talking to myself when they walk in to me speaking with him."

"He's appeared for you before?"

"A couple of times. Why can't you appear more often, Father?"

"Why do you have to leave?" Y/N murmured sadly.

"I have come to tell you, Y/N and Leonardo, that you must be spiritually prepared for what is to come," Father said.

"We're getting ready, Sensei. But it's not the Foot we're worried about," Leo said.

"It's that dragon man. He's even more powerful than the Super Shredder. He could hurt everyone like Super Shredder did...or worse." Y/N's ears flattened.

"Yes. And if he roams free, the Earth will forever be cast in shadow," Splinter said. The two of them exchanged crestfallen looks. "My children. Remember what I told you before: In darkness, look towards the light...together."

"What does that even mean?" Leo sighed. "How can we stop him, Father?" he looked up, but he was already gone.

Y/N put a hand on his shoulder. "It means we stop him together."

The two of them stepped out of the dojo as everyone was preparing. "Team, it's time to go," Leo said.


(They ran into the tunnel where their lair was. They got the door open and Raph went in first. They all slid down a slope and Mikey looked around.)

"So far, so good, guys. No creepy robed Foot dudes anywhere!" he said with a smile.

(Y/N heard chittering as green eyes appeared behind him. Ethan gasped as they looked at them, and Mikey slowly turned his head to look, screaming and falling to the floor when he saw them.)

Raph sighed. "You'd think we'd learn."

"You were saying?" Ethan retorted as Leo pulled out his sword and attacked one. It crashed against the wall and removed its hood, hissing and snarling. It looked very familiar...

"They look like...Shredder freaks," Leo said in surprise.

(More and more of the gremlins emerged from the shadows, surrounding them on all sides.)

"There's too many!" April shouted.

One of them leapt at Y/N, only for Fishface to knock it away, waving a lantern. "Back, you wretched, stinking Shredder beasts!" The gremlins fled from the light, chittering and screeching.

"They have a weakness after all. Fire!" Chloe exclaimed, watching them flee.

"No. Bright light of any kind," Fishface corrected her.

"Alright, trout-mouth, why did you help us? You got three seconds to explain yourself," Raph demanded.

Casey got in front of Fishface, hockey stick in hand. "I'll give him two before I open up a can of sardines!"

"Take it easy. He means well, for once." April had a hand to her temple, staring at him. "I don't think it's a trick."

"Give it a minute." Chloe glowered at him.

"Alright, Fishface, talk." Leo crossed his arms, staring at him.

"You want to know the truth of the Shredder mutants, yes? Well, prepare yourselves for a wild tale. Remember when Shredder fought Splinter? Some of Shredder's experimental mutagen blood spilled i the sewers. Well, not long after, a man roaming the sewers found the green glowing ooze. For some reason, and I do not care to know why, he touched it and transformed into the first of these horrible monsters. He captured more people from the streets, transforming a small army. All possessing random thoughts, memories of Shredder. These clones built an underground shrine to Shredder, and that is when Tigerclaw, hunting for you mutants, found them. He used their power and their dedication to build a new Foot army."

"Man, that is the craziest story I've ever heard. Even weirder than your stories, Mikey," Raph said, looking over at his little brother.

"I really did meet Megan Fox on that rooftop, yo!" Mikey protested.

"The day you meet Megan Fox is the day I turn human again," Alopex retorted.

"Anyway, thanks, Xever. For helping us," Y/N said reluctantly.

"So, are you gonna help us take Kavaxas down?" April questioned seriously.

"Heck no!" Fishface answered in surprise, chuckling. "This is getting to be too much, even for a talking fish. Shredder is back, and he is all gross and undead and disgusting. Ugh."

They gasped at the revelation.

"They already brought Shredder back?" Leo asked, shocked.

"Ah, yes," Fishface sighed. "I want to go back to a nice life of crime, stealing stuff, romancing the ladies, that kind of thing."

"When have you ever romanced anyone?" Chloe asked flatly.

Fishface ignored her. "Later, mutants." He picked up his lantern and walked away.

"Eh, who needs that robo-guppy anyway? Let's do this!" Casey looked toward the entrance.

"Right behind you, Jones," Ethan growled.

"All the way," Alopex agreed.

(They slid inside using the ropes and ran toward the altar. Leo stopped at the steps, gesturing for everyone to follow him. He ran up the stairs, seeing no one. April used her psychic powers.)

"They're here," she whispered.

"They're close," Y/N agreed, scenting the air. His ears pricked up at maniacal laughter echoing through the cavern, and they turned to see Kavaxas land in front of them.

"Welcome, my enemies," he greeted them. They drew their weapons as Foot Cultists closed in. Bebop appeared out of nowhere, chuckling. Rocksteady and Razar followed, growling.

"How many millennia have I waited." A low, rumbling voice reached their ears, and they all looked up at the slouched figure on a throne. "I will send you to the Netherworld to take my place." Their eyes widened as Shredder came forth into the light, revealing his deformed corpse. "Now, I shall have my revenge!"

He looked much more zombie-like, just like Fishface had said. Worms emerged from his skin, his head was nothing more than a skull, sinew, and a pair of glowing green eyes. He waited with an uneven gait, the Kuro Kabuto barely on his head. Blades jutted out of his body, carried over from his Super Shredder appearance.

"Shredder...?" Leo whispered, staring in horror and disgust.

"Booyaka--" Mikey jumped into the air, swinging his nunchucks. Before he could even get close, Shredder held out his hand, stopping Mikey in midair.

Mikey screamed as Shredder threw him back into Casey.

"Get him!" Leo shouted, everyone charging Shredder at once.

(Shredder smacked away April, Chloe, and Raph as though it were nothing. Donnie jumped in the air with his staff raised, but Shredder stopped him mid-air and threw him aside like Mikey. Ethan hurled deadly kunai  at him, but Shredder reversed them in midair to send them back at him. Y/N ran at him, but he knocked him back next to Leo. Alopex attempted to solo him, but he managed to sweep her away like it was nothing.)

(Y/N boosted Leo into the air and he flipped over Shredder, slicing his blades into the back of his head. He spun, slicing his swords through his arm and his neck, cutting through completely. He jumped back, watching his head and arm drop to the ground, the head rolling right to Donnie's feet.)

(He stared down at it until its eyes flashed and it yelled. He screamed in panic and jumped away. Shredder's arm jumped up onto its fingers and approached the body to return to its owner.)

"I've seen very disturbing and scarring things in my life, but that is just sick and wrong!" Alopex yelped.

(The others tried to catch it, but it evaded all of them. Shredder knocked April away again as his arm crawled up to him. Leo tried to attack again, but Shredder struck him away this time. His arm reattached itself, and he grabbed him by the face.)

Mikey managed to snatch the seal from Tigerclaw while he was distracted watching the fight. "Huh? No!" Tigerclaw turned to see him jumping away with the seal in hand.

"Yes! Thanks, Kitty-Claw!" Mikey grinned, but Kavaxas spewed a torrent of flame at him. Mikey held up the seal as the green flames surrounded him.

"MIKEY!" they yelled, panicked.

The fire dissipated, leaving a ring burning on the steps, but Mikey was completely unharmed. "Ah-ha! Alright, Hothead! Attack Zombie Shredder!"

Kavaxas dove at Shredder, tackling him of the altar. "Cannot...disobey!" Kavaxas exclaimed, attacking Shredder as ordered. He stopped on Shredder's check and flew into the air, Mikey using the seal to control him. Y/N looked and saw Lobo heading towards Shredder, he was also reaching for the top of his head. Like he wanted the metal from kuro kabuto head.

"It's just like a video game." He aimed Kavaxas toward Rocksteady, who tried to stop him only to be knocked back. He aimed the seal at Razar, who jumped away from a blast of fire. "Aww, yeah! Level up!" Mikey held the seal in the air, twisting his hips.

Too bad Bebop appeared using his invisibility. "Nice try, turtle." He knocked Mikey to the side. "Heads up, TC." He threw the seal to Tigerclaw, who caught it. Kavaxas flew down beside him.

"You obey only me, your master," Tigerclaw growled.

Donnie's device beeped. "I got the readings I need! Mikey, we need an exit!"

"Booyakabunga!" Mikey threw down a smoke bomb, allowing them to escape.


(Once Donnie finished his invention, they called everyone else into the lab.)

"There. Finished." Donnie turned to reveal a backpack of some sort, powered by popcorn and equipped with a laser gun. "Based on this new data, our spectral blasters will be good to go. These babies are specifically designed to take down supernatural entities.

"Who knew we'd be part-time supernatural hunters?" Y/N muttered.

"Whoa," Mikey breathed, awestruck.

Casey took one of the blasters. "Oh, this is the coolest thing!" He accidentally fired the laser and they all ducked. He smiled sheepishly. "Heh. I'll just put this down right here."

Donnie growled and rolled his eyes. "We've got 10 spectral blasters, one for each of us. Y/N can't can't us one as-you know."

Y/N looked at his missing arm and nodded in agreement. Alopex hugged his friend to comfort him.)

"As for Casey...he won't be getting one."

"What? That's racialist, yo!" Casey shouted, slamming his hands on the table.

"We just don't trust you with anything that shoots anything," Chloe said flatly.

"Especially lasers," Leo added.

"Exhibit A." Raph pointed at the wall where the laser had hit.

"Sorry, Casey." Y/N shrugged with a small smile.

"Ah, weak!" Casey pouted, crossing his arms.

They geared up to go to battle with Kavaxas, or at least, the ones who got the spectral blasters geared up.

"Alright. Let's move out," April said once they were ready.

(A loud, familiar roar echoed down the tunnel and they turned to see Leatherhead running toward them with Karai, Riki, and Timothy, on his shoulders.)

"Leatherhead!" Mikey shouted, running up to him.

"Riki!" Y/N said.

"Tim!" Ethan and Alopex shouted

"Yes! I called for some back-up, dudes!" Mikey declared.

"Karai, I thought I told you to heal up, we'd take care of this," Leo told her.

"Like I was really going to listen to your advice?" Karai crossed her arms. "Come on."

"Yeah, if you're going to take down Shredder again, we want in!" Timothy exclaimed.

"Well, we got the tools, we got the talent. Let's kick some undead Shredder butt, and take Hothead down once and for all," Raph declared.

"Now we're talking, Raph! Let's go!" Y/N grinned.

"Hold on!" Ethan said walking up to his dad. "Dad, I know you've been trying to prove yourself that you don't need both arms to be a ninja. I also know that you don't want to rely on technology." Ethan puts down a case. "So, I made you this."

(Y/N opens the case and comes to face to face with a brand new arm.)

"I know it doesn't look like much, but with a little science and some help from Timothy, this arm will efficient and won't have you relying on technology." Ethan answered.

(Ethan helps Y/N attach the arm to stumps and the latter winces as he feel the needles sink into his skin and connect to his nervous system. Y/N makes a fist and is shocked as he sees blades come out of his wrists.)

"How does it feel?" Leo asked.

"Amazing." Y/N said while tears of joy fell from his face.


As soon as they got to the surface, something was just not right. They stopped, staring at the dozens of ghosts rising from glowing cracks that split open the ground. Kavaxas brought them all here...

"Wow... It's like a real-life paranormal horror movie!" Riki exclaimed.

"You've got to be kidding me," April commented.

"Mutants, aliens, demons, and now ghosts. Anything else you want to throw at at?!" Y/N shouted at the sky.

"I don't play with dead things, yo," Casey said.

"I would hope not, Jones, otherwise I'd be concerned about you..." Ethan deadpanned.

They heard a familiar laugh and turned to see Tatsu on a lamppost.

"Tatsu!" Karai said in surprise.

More annoying laugher as Ho-Chan surfaced.

"Oh no, Ho-Chan?" Ethan groaned.

"Oh, boy. You're doomed!" Ho-Chan sang, shooting lightning from his fingers.

"Y/N, Mikey, Karai, Alopex, and Leatherhead, you're with me. We're going after Kavaxas," Leo ordered. "The rest of you take down these ghosts."

Mikey tossed his spectral blaster to Casey. "I don't need it, Casey. I got Leatherhead." He rubbed the top of the gator's head and followed the other four into the sewers. "Booyakasha!"


(They arrived at the lair to see Razar, Lobo, and Tigerclaw fighting while Bebop and Rocksteady fled. Leo charged his device and fired at Kavaxas, sending him to his knees in pain. Shredder walked up and knocked him off the altar. He drew his swords.)

"In a dimension of suffering, in an age of pain, I ruled on a throne of bone." Kavaxas held up his hand and the entire place started to crumble. "I, Kavaxas, swore one day I would rule all dimensions. The time has come!"

(The cavern shifted as the floor fell away, leaving only pillars for them to stand on. Tigerclaw jumped to a pillar and Razar leapt after him, not quite making it on. Tigerclaw kicked him off and sent him plummeting into the abyss.)


"They just keep coming!" Donnie shouted, firing at the ghosts.

"Oooh! Giant hands!" Ho-Chan shouted, stretching his arms out to grab Casey, squeezing them.

"Pecs. Getting...crushed," Casey grunted.

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size, Ho-Chan?"

Everyone stopped at the familiar voice, turning to see none other than--




"Hamato Yoshi?! Now this really ticks me off to no end," Ho-Chan shouted.

"I will send you back to the Netherworld from where you came, demon!"


(Leatherhead, clinging to the side of a pillar, threw Mikey onto a column. Kavaxas flew around, staff in his hand.)

"Now is the season of evil. Humanity's last cry!" he declared, breathing fire.

Leatherhead swung to the other side of the pillar, evading the flames. "Never." Roaring, he jumped off.


"Your power is waning, wizard," Splinter shouted, effortlessly dodging Ho-Chan's attacks while he screamed and made goofy noises.

(Ho-Chan stretched his arm out to grab Splinter, but he moved aside and touched a pressure point on his hand, eliciting a yell of pain.)

April rolled away from Tatsu's attack, hitting him with the spectral blaster. "Eat hot plasma, Tatsu!" Alopex and Timothy joined in, and the spirit exploded in green goo.

Casey fell backwards onto the ground, staring up in horror as even more ghosts appeared from the ground. "It's endless. I hate. Dead things."


(Leo jumped onto Shredder's back, stabbing his blades into his shoulder. He grabbed his head and threw him off. He looked up to see Tigerclaw firing his blasters at Shredder.)

(Shredder seemed unfazed, using his telekinesis to send Tigerclaw into the abyss. He turned to Leo, but Karai jumped onto his shoulders, stabbing her blades in and leaning her weight to the side to make him lose his balance. Alopex tried to slash Shredder, but she was force choked and pushed to the edge and was holding on for dear life.)


(Just as she was lost her grip, A Tiger hand grabbed her. She looked to it was-)


"I've got you sister!" TigerClaw says as he pulled her back up. Alopex and TigerClaw breathed over their safety and how the their mortal enemy just saved her.


TigerClaw just nods.

(Y/N jumped next to Karai, taking aim. Karai jumped aside as Y/N fired, electrocuting Shredder. A blast and he was sent tumbling into the abyss to meet the same fate as Razar.)

(He turned to look for Kavaxas and saw him breathing fire at Leatherhead until he went down, collapsing onto his back and panting.)

"No! Leatherhead!" Mikey shouted, drawing Kavaxas' attention. The demon dragon threw a couple of fireballs at Mikey's pillar, and Y/N growled, pulling out his claws.

"Hey! Leave my brother alone!" he snarled, sending Kavaxas down with a blast of her plasma.

"Wretched boy! I will end your pitiful life!" he declared.

Y/N growled. "Go ahead and try!"

(Out of the corner of her eye, he spotted Mikey jumping across pillars. Looking toward his target, he saw the seal broken into three pieces. Kavaxas saw it too, and he took off after Mikey. Growling, Y/N used his claws to climb after him.)

(Kavaxas threw more fireballs at Mikey, but Y/N  blasted with a plasma to counter them. Mikey jumped through the pillars, using his grappling hook for the longer jumps, and managed to reach the seal first, protecting it from Kavaxas.)

"What are you doing?" Kavaxas demanded. Mikey spat out bubblegum that he got from who-knows-where, covering the sides of the broken seal. "No!" Mikey stuck the pieces together and held it out. Kavaxas stopped in his tracks, just before he would have knocked Mikey off the pillar. "Impossible! The seal cannot be fixed. How... How is it working?"

"'Cause I'm super dope like that, fool!" Mikey bragged. "Okay, Hothead, you're gonna stop the ghost invasion and make everything normal again! Your new boss, Mikey, commands you!"

"I...must obey!" Kavaxas dropped the staff and held up his hands. Everything rumbled as fire erupted and the invasion was called off. Y/N glanced at Leo, who looked like he was trying to figure something out.

"I get it now," Leo murmured. "Mikey! Force Kavaxas to open up a portal back to the Netherworld!"

"Hurry!" Y/N shouted.

Mikey turned to Kavaxas. "You heard them, Hothead! Open up that portal, now!"

"As you...command...Master!" Kavaxas few up into the air and used his staff to open the portal back, flying towards it. He grabbed the sides, struggling to resist the curse.

Shredder jumped up and held him down. This seemed personal. "We do not belong here, demon." He pushed himself and Kavaxas into the portal and it disappeared.

Y/N sighed in relief.


(Everyone gathered around Splinter on a rooftop, saying their final goodbyes. Y/N and Leo walked up to him as Karai and Shen finally pulled away from him. He smiled down at them before turning to everyone.)

"Goodbye, my family. I love you all."

Shen closed her eyes as he was lifted into the sky and disappeared.

"So long, Master Splinter," Raph said, all of them gathering around Y/N, Shen, Leo, and Karai.

"We've got the seal. We're gonna smash it into dust and spread it over the ocean. That power will never be used again," Leo declared.

"Tigerclaw helped us. He left, declaring a truce," Leatherhead explained.

"Wow. Who would have thought?" Raph asked in surprise.

"He finally had a change of heart for once," Y/N murmured.

"After like years of vengeance," Chloe muttered.

"I guess miracles really can happen." Donnie smiled with a shrug.

Alopex looked at the ground. "I guess so, I spent so long thinking that there was no hope for him."

Timothy put his arm around her, "What do you think now?"

Alopex moved closer to Timothy, "I don't know."

April gasped. "Just like that amazing sunset." They stood at the edge of the roof, looking at it. "I was pretty sure we'd never see one of those again."

"Come on, team. Let's go home." Leo was about to leave, but Shen stopped him.

"Hold on, Leo. I just want to appreciate this moment for a little while longer."

(Y/N smiled as they stood looking at the array of colors across the sky.)

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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