Earth's Last Stand

"Oh, look at it," Timothy gasped, his eyes perking up at the image of the Milky Way Galaxy appearing on the screen as the ship gradually approached.

"The Milky all of her ineffable glory," Donnie agreed.

"Yes!" Casey cheered. "We're heading back to Earth!"

"Master Splinter, New York City, pizza, Ice Cream Kitty!" Mikey cheered. "Whoo-hoo-hoo! Yeah!"

"I'll finally get to see Mom and Dad again." April sighed. "Feels like it's been a lifetime."

"Um, guys, this isn't a celebration just yet," Leo cautioned. "We've got one last shot to stop the Triceratons, or we're not gonna have a home to go back to."

"Leonardo are correct," Fugitoid chimed. "This is our final chance to capture the Black Hole Generator. We cannot travel back in time again. If we fail, Earth is doomed."

"We'll do whatever it takes to stop them, even if it means sacrificing our lives," Raph said. Chompy chirped from his shoulder. "Ah, don't worry, little guy. I'm not going anywhere."

"We're gonna go mad crazy on these alien freaks, right?" Casey asked.

"For Earth!"

"Heck yeah!"

"Say it, brother!"

"Let's do this!"

"Yeah, boy!"

Teenage Mutant Ninja-

Leo: The Evil Triceratons invaded Earth, they brought with them the invincible black hole generator that swallowed the entire planet! My family and I escaped, thanks to the mysterious robot called the Fugitoid. Now, we're trying to stop the Triceratons anyway we can!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

Leonardo's the leader in blue

Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through

Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines

Raphael has the most attitude on the team

Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!

Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need

To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

" are we gonna take down the Black Hole Generator if it's invulnerable to everything?" Raph asked.

"There is a way," Fugitoid responded, catching their attention. "But the Heart of Darkness must be destroyed. Not a single piece must remain."

[April looks at Fugitoid.]

April: What's wrong, Professor? I can sense you want to tell us something.

Fugitoid turned away from them. "My friends, I must confess something to you, something I couldn't reveal until you got to know me better as a"

"What are you talking about, Fugidude?" Casey asked.

"You see, it was not the Kraang who invented the Black Hole Generator," Fugitoid confessed. "It was...I who created it."


"It can't be!"

"No way!"

"That doesn't make sense!"

Fugitoid gave a small sigh. "I originally developed the Black Hole Generator as an energy source," he began. "But when Kraang Subprime offered me a huge price to buy it, I gave in. I was greedy. I didn't care what they wanted to use it for. It was all about money, all about financing my research. And then I realized what a terrible decision I had made. I mean, seriously, come on. They're the Kraang!"

(Silence rang through the bridge. Ethan squeezed onto Clunk tight as he was shocked by the truth.)

"...That is messed up, yo!" Casey growled, looking away angrily.

"Fugitoid, how could you?" Leo snapped, moving toward the robot. "You--you lied to us. Everything was a lie!"

"Whoa, hold up, Leo!" Donnie said quickly, grabbing Leo to keep him from doing anything rash. Leo shoved him off, but stayed put. "The Professor's saved our lives over and over--"

"And he gave us another chance," Y/N agreed.

"His heart's in the right place," April said.

"He doesn't have a heart," Raph argued. "He's a robot!"

"Earth wouldn't have been destroyed; this insane space chase wouldn't be happening if you didn't build that thing in the first place!" Leo snapped.

"I-I was a different humanoid all those centuries ago," the robot responded. "I've changed. I'm trying to make up for my mistakes."


"Calm down, bro." Mikey quickly got between them, pushing Leo away from Fugitoid. "Give Fugitoid a chance. Isn't that something we've all learned by now? To give someone a second chance?"

"I don't want to be a part of Fugitoid's plans anymore." Leo pushed past Mikey. "I'll come up with my own plan to take down the Triceratons." He left the room.

(Everyone else remained in the bridge, trying to come up with a plan to retrieve the Heart of Darkness. A plan that Fugitoid and the twins disagreed with.)

"Don't you understand?" the robot asked as the Ulixes approached the Triceraton mothership. "A direct assault is futile! And odds are we'll be the ones assaulted!"

"We got no choice, Fugitoid," Ethan said.

"Yeah," Casey agreed. "Thanks to you."

"I...understand," the robot agreed dejectedly, lowering his head.

(They never made it to the mothership. A group of Raptor ships came after them, shooting at and damaging the Ulixes.)

Realization suddenly hit Donnie. "Leo? He never came back!"

"Leo, come in," April said, activating the communications system. "After your comm!" Silence was her response. "Oh no, he's about to do something really stupid."

Timothy brought up the cameras to see him getting inside the scout ship. "Leo! Don't do this!"

"Yeah, we need you up here, bro!" Mikey agreed.

Leo put on his helmet. "Don't you guys get it? Fugitoid's just using us to get his black hole machine. I know what needs to be done." The scout ship detached from the Ulixes and headed for the mothership.

"Leo, think rationally," Y/N said. "You can't bring down their mothership with the scout ship."

(Leo turned off the comm. Y/N and the others watched through the window as the scout ship flew full speed toward the mothership, weaving through the Raptor ships as they shot at him. He shot back at the Raptors and destroyed them, weaving ahead of the next set before turning the ship around and shooting, destroying more of the ships.)

(The scout craft flew along the mothership, shooting at it and causing small explosions. The Triceratons retaliated quickly, activating their ship's defenses and firing lasers at the scout craft. None of them hit, but the craft spun out of control for a bit, though Leo managed to level it out.)

(The ship flew over the top of the mothership and more Raptor ships flew in from the other direction to intercept it. The Raptors fired, hitting the craft and sending it shooting away from the mothership. The craft exploded, ejecting Leo into space. Y/N's ears flattened in horror as she saw Leo's helmet crack and shatter.)



"After him!" Y/Nshouted. "Quick!"

"Rock rockets coming in fast," Fugitoid called. "Full power to shields! Brace for impact!"

(The rockets collided with the ship, sending it spiraling out of control toward Mars.)

Raph started hitting his fists against his console. "Ah, come on! Work!"

"We gotta save Leo!" Mikey called out.

"Professor, do something!" Samirah shouted.

"Don't you think I'm trying?" the robot snapped. "Or do you think I enjoy plummeting straight for the surface of Mars!?"

"Oh no," Donnie mumbled. "Controls are frozen!"

Fugitoid started typing into the main console, looking over the damage. "Dark matter convertors failing. Power depleting. Brain spinning!"

"Leo was right," Casey growled. "He's useless."

"Activating secondary systems. Overriding controls." Fugitoid hooked himself up to the main console. "Sending dark matter to the thrusters!" The ship pulled up just before it crashed into the surface of Mars, flying back up into space.

"Yes!" April shouted excitedly. "You did it, Professor!"

"Now come on!" Ethan said. "We got to save Leo!"

(They grabbed Leo in the ship's tractor beam, pulling him inside. Everyone was immediately at his side while Donnie scanned him.)

"Do something, Donnie!"

"His heart... Stand back!" Donnie hooked Leo up to his staff before sending an electrical shock through him.

"Ugghh..." Leo looked disoriented as everyone gathered around him.

"You got to chill out, man," Raph said. "Enough with the crazy one-person missions! Leaders are called leaders because they're supposed to lead a team!"

"Sorry...ugh...guys," Leo said.

Raph practically tackled him in a hug. "Just don't do that again."

"Yeah," Y/N agreed, arms crossed. "Or I'll kill you myself."

Ethan snorted. "Wouldn't that defeat your whole purpose?"

Donnie hugged Leo from the other side. "I'm just glad you're alive, bro."

"Come on," Leo said, causing them to break away. "No time." Donnie and Raph helped him to his feet. "Help me get to the bridge. Still got to stop...Mozar."

"The Triceratons have probably made it Earth as we speak," Timothy said.


(Back on Earth, the past versions of the group made their way silently forward, not wanting to alert the aliens. Unfortunately, Mikey managed to step on the tail of one of the guards, making their presence known.)

"Earth creatures! Attack!"

(The Triceratons started shooting and Leo and the others split up, running and jumping to dodge.)

"Take out their weapons," Bishop ordered.

(Leo, Timothy and Mikey jumped up and threw shuriken at the dinosaur's guns, making them short circuit. Casey shot puck bombs at the aliens and one of the dinosaurs rammed into him, sending him crashing into Raph and Chloe. Riki ran to help them, only for a Triceraton to slam his hand into her, knocking her down.)

(Y/N used a trash can as a shield to defend him and Ethan from the Triceratons' blasts and Ethan used explosives to torch their guns.)

(Mikey ducked when a Triceraton got close and Bishop shot the alien down. Mikey grinned at him, only for the droid to be repeatedly shot, body shutting down as he fell to the ground.)

"Bishop! No!"

(Mikey turned around to face the dinosaur as it aimed the gun at him.)

(Shurikens hit the weapon and Mikey ducked as it exploded. Leo turned to where the shuriken had come from to see Sensei and Shen standing on a streetlight.)

"We heard you might need some assitance."

(Rockwell and Pete came up beside him.)

"Splinter!" Leo called, grinning.

"And reinforcements," Y/N added. "Yes!"

(A car was thrown into the air and landed on a Triceraton. April came into view with Slash, Leatherhead, Muckman, and Mondo Gecko.)

"Casey!" April ran to the vigilante, throwing her arms around him in a hug.

"Guys, um, you do realize we're still in extraordinarily horrendous trouble, right?" Donnie called.

"So, what do we do?" April asked.

"We kick their Jurassic," Mikey responded. "COWABUNGA!"

(Leo grinned. No one was running from this fight. Everyone was making a stand.)

(Bishop managed to squirm his way out of his robotic body. Chloe got thrown down and Leo ran to help her, only to get grabbed and tossed onto Bishop's droid.)

"GOONGALA!" Casey shouted, shooting puck bombs at the Triceratons, only proving to anger them. "Maybe I need an upgrade."

"Casey!" April yelled. He picked up a fallen Triceraton gun and shot, the recoil sending her to the ground, but hitting the Triceraton chasing Casey in the face.

Casey rolled to a stop beside her. "Awesome save, red. Thanks."

"Cowabunga!" Mondo skated between them. "It's time for Mondo Gecko to open a can of--" He rammed into a Triceraton leg, falling to the ground. The Triceratons started stomping on him. "Oh--big feet."

"Mondo! Stay away from my pal, you alien freak!" Muckman lifted garbage to attack, only to get shown down by more Triceratons.

Shen jumped over three of the dinosaurs, taking them down with her claw. "We must stop the black-hole weapon from being triggered."

"Slash and Leatherhead, take that machine down now!" Leo called.

Leatherhead rammed one of the dinosaurs and the two pushed against each other. "You destroy the weapon," the gator called to Slash.

Slash ran for the weapon, knocking out one of the Triceraton scientists. He hit the machine with his mace. "Not even a scratch." He slammed his mace repeatedly against one of the control mechanisms.

Rockwell slammed a car into dinosaur coming up behind Slash. "Great Scott." He put his hands to his more. "More are about to beam down." A Triceraton beamed down right behind the chimp, grabbing him and throwing him down onto the pavement, knocking off his helmet. "No! You vile, extinct--" Rockwell gasped when Mozar threw something at him, trapping him a bubble. "Oh, drat."

More Triceratons beamed own as Mozar threw another device near Slash, capturing him in a bubble as well. "No! Dino-freaks!"

"This battle is over," Mozar stated. "You have all lost."

Leatherhead roared and dashed at the Triceraton, only to get caught as well.


Mikey and Riki both called out and ran to aid the gator, only for Mozar to grab them both. "Foolish little ones. You are coming with me." He beamed away, taking the two with him.





"There's still a chance we can stop the Triceratons, right?" Casey asked.

"Well, we will arrive on Earth approximately five minutes sooner than the last time we arrived," Fugitoid responded. "Mm, five minutes ain't bad."

"Are you crazy?" Leo questioned. "That's not enough time. I don't get it. We had those generator fragments." He glared at Fugitoid. "Why didn't we just drop them into a star when we had the chance??"

Fugitoid: [offended] I designed the generator so it is only vulnerable to a combination of fusion and dark matter. So if you will calm down and allow me to-

"Um, guys?" Donnie called, gaining their attention. "Look." He started typing into his console. "I'm tapping into Earth's satellite footage." A video feed appeared on the screen, showing the Triceratons setting up the Heart of Darkness. "The Triceratons are ready to set off the Black Hole Generator again!"

"Dudes, look at this," Mikey said, typing into his console. "I'm zooming in. That's you guys, right? In the stealth ship, coming to rescue me and Riki? You remember that?" The stealth ship suddenly blew up, making Mikey scream. "You guys blowed up! Ahh!"

Raph slapped him repeatedly to get him to snap out of it. "Mikey, calm down. We had a teleporter."


(The cannon powered up and let loose a blast. Y/N closed his eyes and screamed, feeling one of the others grab him. For a moment, the ground disappeared from under him and then reappeared. Curious, Ethan opened his eyes to see what he guessed was the inside of the mothership.)

"We're alive!" Leo exclaimed.

"You snagged a teleporter?" Raph questioned, staring at the object in Donnie's hands. "You mean we could've just beamed here!?"

"There's only one charge and I--" Donnie cut off at the click of a gun. Raph's head snapped up to take in the Triceratons around them, guns aimed at them. "Oh, man, we're in trouble."

Mozar walked into view, holding up Mikey and Riki.

"Guys, that was awesome!" Mikey said excitedly. "Thanks for the sweet rescue. So who's gonna rescue us next-- April, Casey?"

"The little ones do not seem to recognize me," Mozar mused. "Let me ask you a question. Do you mutants know me?"

"Actually, no."

"Never seen you before."



"No, why?"

"Should we?"

"Fascinating," Mozar said, looking between them. "It looks like I must eliminate all of the mutants to be done with you."


"Here is my plan," Fugitoid began. "While the eight of you aid your past selves with the twins in stopping the Triceraton guards, I will capture the Black Hole Generator with my tractor beam."

"So you drop us off on Earth and fly off with the generator alone?" Leo questioned. "Forget it!"

"I can sense you're hiding something from us, Professor. You're lying to us," April said.

"Cough it up, Fuge!" Casey snapped. "What's the deal, yo?"

Fugitoid: There is no deal. It is imperative that you all follow my exact plan without question!

Donnie: We can't make that promise, Professor.

"We're going to Earth, alright, and you're coming with us," Raph growled.

"No, I am not," Fugitoid sternly reaffirmed. "And if you will not implement my plan, then you are no longer wanted on this ship."

(An alarm started blaring and the floor beneath all of them suddenly opened up. They screamed as they fell and were ejected by the ship, plummeting toward the New York streets. They were caught in the Ulixes' tractor beam, which caught them before they hit the ground.)

"Whoa!" Casey said, staring wide-eyed at the pavement. "Tractor beam, dude." The beam shut off and they fell to the pavement unharmed.

"Fugitoid saved us," Mikey gasped.

"No," Leo responded. "He just felt guilty. You just wait." The ship took off, disappearing from sight. "He's gonna steal the black hole weapon before the day is done."


(Leo ran into Washington Square to see the past versions of himself and the others already fighting. He pulled out his swords and ran to join the fight.)

"Guacamole!" Past Mikey shouted, watching the other versions of themselves join in the battle.

"Those guys" Past Raph questioned.

(Y/N caught sight of Father running for the Black Hole Generator with Shredder right behind him.)

"FATHER, NO!" Y/N shouted.

They all gasped as Shredder struck, only for Father to catch his hand. "What's this?" Father snapped, twisting out Shredder's arm when he attempted to strike with his other arm before throwing him away. He kicked up his sword, catching it in his hand. "I knew you were a snake, but stopping me from saving the world?"

"It is because of you Karai is gone and Shen is a monster!" Shredder shouted back, the two dashing in to begin their own fight.

(The timer on the generator started beeping. As it hit the last second, Leo jumped over it and blasted it with his gun, landing back on his feet. The timer exploded, buying them some time.)

"Yes!" Donnie cheered. "The timer is down! We're gonna win!" Mozar teleported down behind him. "Uh oh."

Mozar threw Donnie away from him, the present ninjas and their past selves jumped down behind them. "So you time-traveled back to save your world, which means I destroyed it the first time around, did I not?" the Triceraton questioned. "Now Mozar will win the second round." He started shooting at them.

"Dudes, I get it," Past Mikey said as the future counterparts moved to dodge. "Those guys are us...from the future!"

"No, dudes," Mikey said as he ran to his past self. "You're us in the past." They bolted when Mozar threw Past Leo away with his horns and started shooting again.

(The two groups started fighting against Mozar, trying to get the upper hand, though Mozar was bigger and stronger than them, easily throwing them back and shooting. He stepped toward Mikey, aiming his weapon, but blinked when Leo shot it and destroyed it.)

"No matter," Mozar growled. "I only need these." He tossed the gun away and cracked his knuckles. He continued his attack on them, and even without his gun he still had the upper hand, until both Donnies worked together to attack him.


Shredder and Splinter continued their fight, their weapons clashing in showers of sparks. Shredder managed to grab Splinter, throwing him into one of the pillars. Splinter pushed himself back to his feet, refusing to give up this fight.

Shredder dragged his tekko-kagi across the pavement as he walked toward Splinter before thrusting it forward, the rat sidestepping the attack.

"I will rid the world of a vile monster."

(The weapon got stuck in the pillar and Shredder tried to attack with his free arm, Splinter quickly blocking it before punching his elbow and throwing him back. Shredder played dirty and threw a smoke bomb which blinded Splinter and was bout to stab until Shen intervened and kicked him back.)

"The only monster here is you, Saki," Shen retorted as Shredder stumbled back, clutching his arm.

"Shen, he took our daughter-"

"She was never your daughter."

(Shen ran at him, hitting his pressure points when the Foot Clan leader tried to attack before throwing him back.)

(Shredder landed on his feet before falling to his knees. Shen walked over, grabbing his head and throwing him back. Shredder crashed against the pavement, losing his helmet.)

"Master Shredder!" Tigerclaw ran to Shredder's side, growling as he picked up his master in his arms. "You have won this time, but don't count the Foot out for long," he snarled at Splinter as the female rat helped the other rat walk away.

Shen: Takeshi, Zever, Bradford, Ryu (Lobo).

(Tiger Claw stopped as he heard his real name. He looked back as he saw him and the other mutants looking at her. She just said four words-)

Shen: He doesn't deserve you.

(He continued to walking away.)


(Leo and the others finally managed to gain the upper hand, fighting together with their counterparts to take down Mozar.)

"Hey, you're not too bad for a time cone," Past Casey said, he and Casey skating circles around Mozar, who was trying to fend off both Raphs. "Goongala!" He shot explosive pucks at Mozar, the two Raphs jumping off of him as the pucks hit and exploded in his face.

Mozar stumbled, looking between the two groups. "This is not over!" he snarled, teleporting away along with the rest of the Triceratons.





(Leo and his siblings all ran and threw their arms around Splinter and Shen. He looked down at them, hugging them as best he could, despite his injuries with Shen doing it with no delay. The reunion was short-lived, however, as the Ulixes' tractor beam started up, drawing in the Heart of Darkness.)

"Oh no!" Leo gasped. "Fugitoid's got the generator." The generator secure, the ship flew off. "It's what he wanted all along!"

"I get it now," Timothy said as the ship flew toward the Triceraton mothership. "He said the only way to destroy the Black Hole Generator is a combination of fusion and dark matter."

"Which means?" Casey asked.

"The ship uses dark matter, and Fugitoid is powered by a fusion core," Donnie answered.

Leo: That's why he wanted us off the ship. He didn't want to steal it. He's ...sacrificing himself.

"No!" Mikey shouted. "Fugitoid, don't do it!"

(The ship exploded and they all shielded their eyes with their arms to keep from being blinded by the light. It died down until it faded, and the only sound left was the car alarms the explosion set off and the police sirens.)

(They could only stare at where the ship had been, saddened by the loss of their friend. Their past selves didn't know the weight of what had just happened, but they looked sad as well.)

Father approached behind them nd they turned to him as he began to speak. "I do not fully understand what transpired here this evening, but I thank my sons and daughters, both present and future."

"So, uh, what are we gonna do about this?" Past Casey asked his present self. "The Earth isn't big enough for two Casey Joneses."

Casey shoved his counterpart. "Hey, back off, punk."

"I don't know," April said. "I always kind of wanted a twin sister."

"Wow! Me too!" Past April responded. "This is actually kind of cool."

The sound of a ship caught their attention and they watched the Ulixes fly into view.

"What?" Chloe asked. "Fugitoid? He's back?"

"Wait," Donnie started. "If there are two sets of us in this universe, then there would be two Fugitoids as well."

The ship landed and the hatch opened. "Hello, my dear friends," a familiar voice greeted them as Fugitoid stepped in view. "My name is Professor Zayton Honeycutt. How would you like to go on a wondrous adventure?"

(That quickly caught the attention of the past teens and kids, exciting them.)

Leo smiled. "Space is awesome, guys, and if there's one person in the universe you can trust, it's the Professor."

"Thank you, Leonardo," Fugitoid chirped. "Perhaps we'll meet the future."

(The past ninjas said a quick goodbye to Father and Mother before running onto the ship, Past April running after them with Past Casey.)

"I think we must talk about this," Splinter tried to call about them, but Shen just grabbed him.

"They'll be fine."

"Later!" Y/N shouted as the ship began to leave, the present teens waving goodbye to their past selves.

"Don't eat the Vanarian muffins!" Mikey called out, the ship disappearing quickly into space.

Slash walked over to them. "Got to say, I've seen a lot of weird days, but this has got to be one of the weirdest."

Riki laughed. "Boy, have we got some stories for you."

"I would like to hear some stories as well, my children," Father said.

Ethan yawned. "Would it be alright if we told them first thing tomorrow, Grandpa? Tonight, I think we all need some sleep."

[All leave. Back in the orbit, Fugitoid's head reactivates, indicating that he survived...]

(A/N: If you're wondering how about the Ninja Turtles that went to space. It's going to be a time loop type of deal. They will go back and have the same adventures and it will just keep going around and around. If you got a problem that, Fight me.)

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