Cockroach Terminator

Mikey: Let's go, Leo! I'm starving!

(One wouldn't think that Leo could cook, but... he could. If making instant noodles counted as cooking. But whatever the case, it was good. Leo scooped some noodles into two bowls, and walked over to the table, where Mikey was waiting excitedly, and Y/N and Raph were already eating.)

Mikey: Yeah, boy! Ramen!

(Y/N looked up excitedly, chopsticks halfway to his mouth, as Leo and Mikey started slurping their noodles. Then, he cast a quick eye over his brothers.)

Y/N: Hey, where's Donnie?

(Raph didn't reply, glued to his comic, and Mikey and Leo shrugged. Also shrugging, Y/N went back to his ramen. After a minute or so, something small and brown caught his eye.) 

Y/N: Ugh... 

(He quickly scooted his stool back, drawing his bowl protectively closer. The cockroach, which had some kind of gadget attached to its body, simply moved along to Raph. Raph was about to put the chopsticks in his mouth, then stopped dead, staring at the cockroach casually sitting on his chopsticks. Raph leapt back, letting out a very girly scream. The roach also leapt back, about as surprised as a roach could be.)

Rpah: Roach! Roach!

Y/N: Bro, relax. Its probably now way more afraid of you than you are of it.

(Raph didn't reply, staring at the roach with wide eyes, slowly reaching behind his shell for his sai. With a yell that was way too high to sound threatening, Raph leapt forward, onto the table, trying to stab the roach which just managed to scurry out of the way. Mikey had pulled his ramen off the table, and he, Leo and Y/N just stared at their hotheaded brother as he tried to stab a two inch long insect with his weapon. The cockroach scurried off the table, and Raph lunged at it, throwing his sai, which just missed squashing the terrified insect. Quickly getting to his feet, Raph drew his other sai, and chased after the roach, yelling all the way. Y/N and Mikey just managed to duck to avoid a flying bowl, when Donnie ran in, holding his laptop computer, looking frantic.) 

Donnie: Stop! Stop, you'll smash him!

Raph: Well, that's the idea!

(Raph was still on the floor, still lunging for the roach. Donnie bent down, holding out his hand, and the cockroach quickly scurried into it. Donnie quickly stood straight, his other hand cupped protectively over the cockroach, just when Raph ran up to him threateningly.)

Donnie: You can't smash this roach, ok? (He peeked into his cupped hands, and smiled, uncovering the roach.) He's... special. (He pet the roach, and allowed it to touch his face. Seeing his siblings' skeptical looks, Donnie held out the roach, smiling.) Really special...

(Raph cringed, and Y/N raised an eye ridge, lip curling a little.) 

Leo: Ok. I'm gonna regret this, but... why is he special, Donnie?

Donnie: Because. (Donnie smiled proudly.) I outfitted him with a remote controlled camera helmet!

Leo: Well, that explains why you're special. (Leo crossed his arms, grinning.) 

Y/N: Why?

Donnie: We can send him into TCRI and spy on the Kraang! The camera allows us to see whatever the cockroach sees!

(The brothers gathered around Donnie's computer, and Donnie played back a recording of Raph screaming after seeing the cockroach. Raph was the only one who didn't look amused. Y/N leaned on Donnie, chuckling, while Mikey laughed openly.) 

Mikey: That is awesome! Big, tough Raph is scared of cockroaches.

Raph: I am not!

Mikey: Oh, really? Then let's go to the video...(He rewound the recording.) This is my favorite part right here! (He paused at Raph's scream face.) Donnie, can I get this on a T-shirt?

Raph: Wanna see my favorite part? (Raph seized Mikey by the arms, and threw him over the counter. The rest of his siblings winced.) 

Donnie: We're going to spy on the Kraang... with a cockroach! (Donnie held the cockroach in the air proudly.)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

Here we go!

It's the lean, mean, ninja team
On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things
So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams
Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza Kings
Can't stop these radical dudes
The secret of the ooze made the chosen few
Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves
The good guys win and the bad guys lose

Leonardo's the leader in blue
Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through
Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines
Raphael has the most attitude on the team
Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!

Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need
To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

(They were all gathered in the Shellraiser, parked nearby TCRI, where the roach had already infiltrated. Donnie was controlling the roach via joystick, and they were all gathered around Donnie's station, watching the roach's progress on the screen.)

Donnie: C'mon, Roach number one, make papa proud.

Y/N: Roach number one? What is this, the start of some cockroach army? (He was obviously joking, but there was a weird sound that came from Raph.) 

Mikey: (Teasingly.) You got a problem with that, Raph? 

Raph: No! 

(Raph smacked him on the head. Using a mini saw, the cockroach was inside one of the rooms. A few blue Kraang-droids were discussing something or other.) 

Kraang: Kraang as been on the diet known as 'gluten free'. Kraang has already lost thirteen Kraang units of... 

(The cockroach moved on. As of yet, there was nothing interesting, until the cockroach crawled onto a beam, and looked down at two other Kraang-droids, and a screen that seemed to be featuring a laser drill, drilling into something.) 

Leo: Wait, what are those guys talking about? Can you get closer? 

(Donnie maneuvered the cockroach, and zoomed the camera in.) 

Kraang: That which is known as the next phase of the Kraang invasion to the planet known as 'earth' will soon begin.

Leo: Next phase. (Leo exchanges a look with Donnie.)That doesn't sound good.

Y/N: (Sarcastically) Yeah, because the last phase didn't warn us enough. (Leo narrowed his eyes at him.) 

Kraang: That which is the laser drill will drill a hole in the planet known as 'earth'. That is a hole that is thirty miles deep in the earth. 

(Donnie had been working on the keyboard, and now plugged in his T-Phone, downloading the laser drill picture onto it.) 

Raph: Woah. 

Donnie: Woah. They're going to bore a hole into earth?

Leo: I'm guessing that's bad. 

Donnie: Unless you think the city needs a giant lava fountain. 

Y/N: Yep. That's bad.

Raph: Goodbye harsh winters. 

Mikey: Lava surfing rules!

Leo: I definitely doesn't, Mikey. We have to stop this!

Y/N: No shit, Sherlock! 

Leo: Y/N, what is your problem!?

Y/N: Sorry, I guess I'm just a little angry since a certain leader, sniched about my fucking Cat-Nip! (Y/N turned back to the computer screen.)

Donnie: Shh!

Kraang: To execute the plan, Kraang needs to be possessing that which is known as the 'diamond lens' to make work the drilling of the laser drill.

Raph: What does that mean? 

Donnie: They need a diamond lens to make their laser drill work. Now shhh!

Kraang: Kraang is already on the way to that which is called the laboratory that is having the lens that is needed by Kraang.

Raph: (Clueless.) What? 

Donnie: (Sighed impatiently.) One of them is going to a lab to get it! 

Raph: But which lab?

Donnie: Maybe if we listen they'll tell us!

IDonnie spread his arms in frustration. This rattled the joystick, and the cockroach went hurtling off the beam. Y/N gasped as the screen burst into static.) 

Donnie: Oh, thanks a lot, Raph! We lost the signal!

(After a short argument, Donnie turned to the laser drill picture. He spent a couple minutes examining it.)

Donnie: Ah ha! I think I found the diamond map! Now, it's a bit blurry, but I maybe we can follow it to the laboratory!

Leo: We don't have much time before the Kraang drill fires! (He ran to the driver's seat.) Let's go!

(Everybody else quickly got to their stations. As Leo started driving, Y/N was walking towards his seat, and suddenly the Shellraiser went over a very large bump. Y/N screamed, hitting the side of the battle station, bumping off the door, tripping over his feet, and falling on his face.) 

Donnie: Ka-thump? That's a very bad sound.

Y/N: (Groaned, crawling forward.) That might've been my head...

Mikey: It sounded more like a 'ba-dump. 

Raph: I heard a 'flap'. 

Donnie/Mikey: Flap? 

(Donnie and Mikey said at the same time. Raph smacked both his younger brothers across the face with a single movement.) 

Raph: Flap.

(All the brothers climbed out of the Shellraiser, going to check on whatever the heck Leo just ran over. Donnie knelt next to the thing, examining it closely, while his siblings stood behind him.)

Leo: (Disgust) What is that?

(Y/N had an automatic description of the thing.) 

Y/N: That... is the butt ugliest thing I've ever seen.

Mikey: Ugh, it smells like a butt sandwich. 

(Y/N shot his youngest brother a disgusted look, and Raph sounded as though he was about to throw up. Donnie poked the thing, which was enormous, brown, and had cords and stuff attached to it.) 

Donnie: Oh, dear. (He pulled out a pencil, and continued poking the thing in the armor.) Would you look at that? Hideous... and beautiful.(He poked an unidentifiable grey piece, allowing pus to squeeze out.) 

Y/N: Ugh, I think I'm gonna be sick. 

(Donnie tapped the pencil on his mouth, then retched in disgust as some of the pus attached to it got in his mouth. Raph still looked as though he was gonna hurl.) 

Leo: So, what is it Donnie?

(Donnie wiped his mouth, and stuck his tongue out in disgust, before replying.) 

Donnie: It's my Spy-Roach. (He picks up one of the cords.) 

Raph: Your, what? Your, what?! 

Y/N: Man, seriously, relax! (Y/N puts a hand on Raph's shoulder.) 

Donnie: It must've been exposed to some mutagen! (Donnie's eyes were wide as he continued to examine his mutated Spy-Roach.) You see how the nav-helmet merged with his exoskeleton? We have never seen organic and inorganic fuse i-i-in such an amaz-

Raph: That's great Donnie! (He was beside the Shellraiser, looking frantic.) We can discuss this some more when we're driving way at a thousand miles an hour!

Mikey: C'mon, you big baby!

Raph: (Glared at him.) 

Mikey: What're you worried about? We creamed it with a van! It's not like its gonna get up and come after us!

Donnie: Uh, guys...

(The four other brothers turned at Donnie's words, to see that the Spy-Roach had gotten up, and had Donnie pinned to the ground with one claw. Donnie yelled as Spy-Roach lifted him into the air by his shoulder belt, the roach's red spy eye narrowing and widening as it stared at the other turtles. Y/N let out a squeak.) 

Mikey: Or maybe it would...

(Raph let out a scream of terror. The roach's red eye narrowed, and it threw Donnie aside, stalking towards the four other turtles. Y/N, Mikey and Leo ran, but Raph stood frozen, until he seemed to quickly snap out of it, and ran for cover into the Shellraiser. Spy-Roach seemed intent on getting to the red clad turtle, but didn't seem to notice as Y/N, Leo, Donnie and Mikey jumped at him, wielding their weapons with a yell. Donnie had his staff around Spy-Roach's throat, trying to pull him backwards, Leo was pushing at the roach's chest with his swords, Mikey had his kusarigama wrapped around the Spy-Roach's legs, and Y/N stood on his shoulders, claws hooked around them, trying to pull him onto his back. Spy-Roach seemed to pause, before continuing to walk forward.) 

Leo: This thing's tough!

Donnie: Naturally, (Straining his bo staff.) Cockroaches are among the most resilient life-forms on the planet!

Mikey: And the grossest. 

(The Spy-Roach smacked him clear across the road, where he landed in a trash can.)

Mikey: Sensitive roach...

Y/N: Ok, we need help. 

(Y/N tried to slash the roach, but he was grabbed by the and thrown next to Donnie.) 

Leo: Where's Raph?

(Y/N got up from the ground.) 

Y/N: Raphael! We need your help!

Raph: Eat hot manhole cover!

(Raph was in the manhole shooter, glaring at Spy-Roach, and promptly shot at the thing. Leo and Donnie just managed to dodge before the cover smacked into the roach. But that didn't seem to do anything, much to Raph's obvious consternation. So, he shot half a dozen or so more, before finally, one manhole smacked into the Spy-Roach's face, and it fell back, unconscious. Raph sighed a little. The Spy-Roach twitched.) 

Raph: Oh, no...!

(The red clad turtle continued shooting at the unconscious roach, without actually hitting it.)

Leo: Woah, woah! Ease up, Raph! I think you got him!

(Raph nodded, sounding breathless.) 

Y/N: Ok... ok...(Y/N walked over to his brothers.) Raph, seriously- 

(He cut off, just managing to move one step aside as another manhole cover was shot, the cover hitting the roach between the legs.) 

Y/N: Raph!

Raph: Sorry. 

(Y/N's eyes widened a little in surprise, and he exchanged a look with Mikey. Raph hardly ever said sorry.) 

Raph: What do we do with it?

Leo: Forget the roach! (Leo impatiently, walked back to the Shellraiser.) We gotta stop the Kraang before they destroy the earth!

Raph: Leo's right. 

(Y/N, right behind him, stopped dead, staring at the back of his head.) 

Raph: We gotta go. 

Mikey: (He spun around, pointing an accusing finger.) You just wanna get away from that thing.

Raph: Is that so wrong? (Raph gestured back towards the roach. 

Y/N: (Y/N looked behind him.) Guys...

Raph: (He turned to look.) Oh, no... It's gone!

(Y/N yelped as Raph grabbed him and Mikey, quickly pushing them into the Shellraiser.) 

Donnie: C'mon, guys, we gotta move!

Donnie: There's the van!

(Leo stopped the Shellraiser, and Y/N stood up, checking the screens, where one could see the Kraang were loading a case into one of their vans.) 

Donnie: They must've picked up the lens. 

Raph: Ram that sucker! (Leo hit the accelerator.) 

(The Kraang's van took a barrel roll, and as the Kraang-droids crawled from the wreckage, they were faced with four ninja mutants, with weapons drawn (Raph was getting the case containing the diamond lens).) 

Leo: Halt Kraang!

Kraang: The halting of Kraang is not a thing that the ones who are turtles will be doing to Kraang. 

Leo: Wrong! The halting of Kraang is exactly the thing that the ones who are- Oh, just halt!

Y/N: (He pressed a hand to his forehead, shaking his head.) 

Donnie: (Irritatedly.) What should we save first? The world or the English language? 

Y/N: I hope both.

Raph: (He came up to his siblings, dragging the case with him.) I got the lens!

(Then, a giant mutant cockroach landed among the Kraang-droids. The Kraang seemed as surprised as Kraang could be, and Raph yelled, jumping behind his siblings. The Spy-Roach cracked its neck, aimed a Kraang gun, and fired. The Kraang and roach seemed occupied with each other, but it stood to reason that the roach would win out eventually, and the five turtles needed a game plan for the outcome. And in fact, the roach did win, shooting down the Kraang with their own weapon, and hardly getting hurt as the Kraang shot at him. The roach jumped down from on top of the overturned van, and turned to the brothers.) 

Leo:Mikey, Donnie. You take the roach. Raph and Y/N, you're coming with me. 

Y/N: (Glanced behind him.) Um, where is Raph?

Leo: (Also looked behind.) Raph?

Y/N: Ugh, dude, now really isn't the time!

Leo: Raph! 

(The two brothers glanced around quickly for their brother, but didn't spot him.) 

Leo: Ugh, we don't have time for this! 

(He and his brother grabbed either side of the case containing the diamond lens, and they started back towards the Shellraiser. Y/N looked quickly over his shoulder when he heard the sound of about a half a dozen flying things, and yelped, seeing a few flying Kraang-droids heading purposefully towards him and Leo.) 

LEo: Y/N, watch it! 

(Leo dropped the case, and pulled his brother out of the way as laser fire peppered around them, both the brothers landing hard on the tarmac. A flying Kraang-droid landed in front of them, and Y/N scrambled to his feet, pulling Leo up with his by his shoulder belt. The two of them ran and the rest of the droids flew after them.) 

Mikey: Oh, no! The Kraang have the lens again!

Leo: Raph, where are you?

(The Kraang-droid still in hot pursuit behind them.)

Y/N: We need help! Raph! Are you hearing me? Raph!

(Y/N groaned in frustration, turned quickly, and let some of the drones come to him.) 

Y/N: It stands to reason that Raph has had cockroach-a-phobia for awhile!

Leo: (Sarcastically) Really, you think? (He throws his tanto blade.) 

(Y/N sees multiple flying kraang coming at him.)

(It took a little while, due to the droids advantage in air superiority, but Y/N and Leo were soon walking back towards the Shellraiser, leaving Kraang-droid parts behind them. When they got there, Donnie was celebrating because of something or other. Maybe the remains of an explosion had something to do with it.) 

Donnie: Yeah! Whoo-hoo! (He turned to Raph, who had just emerged from behind the Shellraiser.) Now where's the diamond?

Raph: (He rubbed the back of his head.) Uh...

Leo: Raph lost it.

(Raph turned, seeing a ticked off Leo, and Y/N, who was rubbing his shoulder.) 

Leo: Raph, (Leo points his katana at his younger brother.) Where were you?

Raph: I was busy! 

Leo: (He removed a droid head from his katana.) Busy cowering in terror! (Raph turned away at Leo's words.) We gotta find the drill before the Kraang cracks open Manhattan like an egg!

(Donnie and Mikey followed Leo into the Shellraiser. Y/N looked at Raph. He didn't really show concern for Raph outside whenever he got hurt in a fight, but this was different. All the same, he walked slowly back into the Shellraiser without saying anything.) 

Raph: You blew it, Raph.

Y/N: Leo...

Leo: No, Y/N, seriously. We could've gotten killed. Raph, you gotta get your head together. (He glances back at Raph.) 

Raph: I know, this stupid phobia's gonna end up getting the whole team killed. Listen, I'm... I'm sorry, Leo.

Y/N: (Sighs) 

(This entire night, Raph had not been acting like himself. Scared, saying sorry... that wasn't Raph.) 

Donnie: Guys. Ok, here's a map of known Kraang facilities.

(Y/N glanced at the screen, where Donnie was showing a map, with several points highlighted.)

Donnie: And here's a map of the fault lines in New York City. (A different map popped up.) Now, if the Kraang are gonna drill into the earth's crust, then this is where they'd do it. 

(A certain point where two fault lines crisscrossed was highlighted. Leo looked in a much better mood.) 

Leo: Alright then, guys. We've got a little more time left before the Kraang start drilling.

(As Leo drove towards the point on the map, after a few minutes, something bumped the van. Then, there was what sounded like something sawing.) 

Raph: What's that sound?

Donnie: I don't see anything outside. Then: "Uh, oh... He's back.

Y/N: The roach? 

Raph: What? (Raph's voice had hit a pretty high octave as he got in Donnie's face.) "Where? (He had jumped out of his seat, and was glancing around frantically.) Where the heck is he? 

(Y/N checked the screens, and pursed his lips.) 

Raph: He's underneath the van! He's underneath the van! (He held Donnie about the neck in his panic.) 

Y/N: Raph, relax! (Y/N stands up.) 

(Suddenly, there was the sound of something snapping, and Y/N fell into the weapons station as the Shellraiser skidded to a stop.) 

Raph: He cut the drive shaft?!

(Donnie pushed him out of his station, and Raph landed on Y/N.) 

Leo: (Frustrated )How does he keep finding us?

(Y/N pushed Raph off himself. Donnie sat back down at his station, tapping a finger on his lips in a thoughtful manner.) 

Donnie: Hm... Well, he could be using the homing signal I set up so Spy-Roach could find its way back to the van. (His station was instantly surrounded by his incredulous siblings.) 

Leo: There's a homing signal?!

Y/N: Donnie, what the heck?

Mikey: Dude, even I woulda turned that off. 

Donnie: Excuse me, Mikey, I've been a little distracted. 

Y/N: Ok, Donnie. (Y/N slowly pressed his hand to his forehead.) The thing was useful when Spy-Roach wasn't a killing machine. Is there anything useful about it now?

Donnie: (He got that eureka look.) Actually, yes. (He started clacking on his keyboard.) Maybe, I can use the signal to tap into his camera, to see what he's seeing.

Y/N: Ok,(Y/N crosses his arms.) My dear Donnie, you are awesome.

Raph: None of this makes sense. Why is he so mad at us?

Y/N: Well, we did run him over with a van. 

Donnie: And... got it! 

(Donnie clicked the last key. A video of Raph trying to stab the roach with his sai early that evening played over and over again, on every screen. Raph's response was understandable.) 

Raph: Oh, crud...

Y/N: Ooh. 

Donnie: I don't think he's mad at us. (He turned to Raph.) I think he's mad at you.

Raph: (Stiffened.) 

Mikey: Wow, that stinks for someone who's afraid of roaches!

Raph: Irony, got it, thanks. So are there anymore surprises?"

(That was when a buzzsaw cut through the floor of the Shellraiser, exactly where Raph was nanoseconds before.) 

Raph: He has a saw!? (He ducked and dodged as the saw tried to cut him in half again, and Y/N pulled him out of the way and to his feet.) The cockroach has a saw!

(Leo pushed his brothers aside, and promptly sliced the saw free from its cord. The sawing sound gradually stopped, though the saw kept moving for awhile, and a black goo squirted out of the cord.) 

Leo: Not anymore! (He turned to Donnie.) Donnie, the rest of us will keep the roach busy...

Raph: We will?

Leo: (He seized his brother by the plastron.) Yes!

( Y/N, Leo and Mikey headed out of the Shellraiser, Leo dragging Raph along with him.) 

Leo: You've gotta fix the Shellraiser fast. Like... yesterday fast!

Y/N: No pressure!

(Outside, Raph gripped Leo's wrist hard with both hands, glancing around anxiously. Y/N put a hand on Raph's shoulder.) 

Y/N: Any ideas?

(There was a clatter behind them, coming from underneath the Shellraiser.) 

Y/N: I mean, besides sending one of us underneath the van to get him.

Leo: Hey, Spy-Roach! Raph's out here! Come and get him!

Raph: (Stared up at his older brother.) Really? You're using me as bait Yep. It worked, anyhow.

(Spy-Roach emerged from underneath the Shellraiser. His red eye narrowed, and he stalked towards them (or Raph). Leo and Mikey ran, each of them keeping a hold on Raph's arms, Raph yelling all the way. Y/N drew his claws, remaining behind as his brothers turned the corner and disappeared. He narrowed his eyes, and charged, leaping into the air, and bringing his claws down with a shout. He was knocked back within seconds. Raph yelled in alarm as Spy-Roach turned the corner and approached him. Mikey and Leo were quick to trap the mutant roach in a trash can. They were also knocked back.)

(Raph turned and ran, yelling in terror all the way. By the time Y/N, Leo and Mikey caught up to their brother, he was crouching in the alley, having not noticed that the Spy-Roach was now encased in evidently quick drying cement.) 

Raph: I'm sorry I tried to smash you, ok?

(Mikey, taking advantage of the situation stomped up behind him.) 

Raph: I'm sorry. I learned a very important lesson! I'll never be cruel again, just please, leave me alone!

Mikey: (Low Voice) On one condition. 

Raph: (He yelled in alarm, most likely not having expected the 'roach' to have spoken.) Ah! Anything!

Mikay: (Low Voice) Be good to Michelangelo!

(It took Raph a moment to realize what was just said.) 

Raph: What?

Mikey: Let him read your comics once in awhile!

(Raph turned, and saw who it was. Y/N had never seen him so angry.) 

Raph: Mikey! (Raph kicked his little brother in the shell, and Mikey instantly took shelter behind his brother and Leo, the two of them stopping Raph before he could attack Mikey again.) 

Mikey: Ow!

Y/N: Woah, simmer down, Raph. (He pulls Mikey back a little.) 

Mikey: (Sulkily) So much for learning your lesson. 

Leo: Nice job, Raph. (Leo grinns and pats Raph on the shoulder.) 

Raph: What're you talking about? Where's the bug?

Leo: (He glanced over his shoulder, where the roach was encased in cement.) 

Y/N: When people say don't pass the yellow tape. They mean it.

(Of course, now that the thing wasn't a threat, Raph was just as confident as ever.) 

Raph: Ah, stuck, huh? (He tapped its head with his sai.) Not so tough now, are ya Roach-y? You're just a- (The head fell off, revealing nothing inside.) -hollow shell...

(The cement crumbled, and the hollow Spy-Roach statue collapsed.) 

Raph: What the...?

Y/N: Ok. (Y/N kneels next to Mikey.) That's a little disturbing.

Leo: He must've molted. (He rubs the back of his neck.) 

Raph: They molt?

(Y/N glanced up at his brothers, and caught something in his peripheral vision that made him stiffen.) 

Leo: Yeah. Roaches shed their skins when... they get... bigger.

(He also saw the object of Y/N's attention.) 

Mikey: Dude...(Mikey also noticed it.) You're not kidding.

(Raph spun around. The most disgusting mutant Y/N had seen by far, and that might've been saying a lot. The cockroach had molted into a slimy, white something, with a big mouth, enormous bug eyes, and wings with tech patterns on them. While it had been no taller than at least Mikey when it first got mutated, now it was a good deal taller. It screeched.) 

Raph: A cockroach... Why did it have to be a cockroach?

(Then, the thing spread its wings, and took to the air.) 

Raph: And it flies...

Y/N: We're screwed. 

Leo" Run!

(No one argued with Leo as they all turned tail and ran fast and hard for the Shellraiser. They were all freaking out, but there was no doubt that Raph was truly freaking out. He still had his sai drawn, but Y/N could tell he was beyond the fight option in fight or flight. Weirdly enough, though, he tripped. And new mutant Spy-Roach was instantly on top of him, grabbing him and lifting him into the air.)

Y/N: Raph! (Y/N halts) 

Leo: There! (Leo pointed upwards, at Spy-Roach and Raph.) C'mon!

(Surprisingly, Y/N couldn't hear Raph freaking out. But he did come falling from the sky as the Spy-Roach suddenly released him.) 

Leo: Raph's over there! 

(The three of them skidded to a stop, but not before they crashed into the Shellraiser.) 

Y/N: Raph!

(Y/N forces the door open. Raph could be heard screaming in a panic as he came running from the alley he'd landed in.) 

Y/N: Raph, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon...!

Raph: Start the engine! Start the engine!

(They quickly piled into the van, Leo instantly jumping into the driver's seat.) 

Leo: Donnie, did you get this thing working?

Donnie: We've got bigger problems. We gotta stop that drill! 

Y/N: (Checked the screens.) Oh, gross! Raph, slimy is back! 

(Raph was already in the weapons station, and he exclaimed in disgust, seeing Spy-Roach hovering above the Shellraiser onscreen. He started shouting furiously as he shot the cannon fast and furious. Unfortunately, this seemed to do absolutely nothing as the balls of compressed garbage bounced off the mutated roach.) 

Raph: What the-?

Y/N: Oh, crud...

(Y/N screamed suddenly as the Shellraiser door was forced open, and in came slimy. Mikey kicked the thing back in the face.) 

Mikey: Ha! Take that!

Y/N: Donnie...!

(With a shout, Donnie hit the control panel with a gas tank, and the Shellraiser went roaring off. The five brothers took a moment to catch their breath. Soon, though, Raph started beating himself up.) 

Raph: I had my chance, and I couldn't face him. I just... couldn't do it!

Y/N: Hey, bro, (Y/N walks towards the back and putting a hand on his shoulder.) That thing was the scariest thing we've ever seen...(Raph moved out of the battle station, where Y/N replaced him, and went to slump in the front seat.) you can't just blame yourself.

Mikey: Look on the bright side! In fifteen minutes we could all melt in the fountain of lava!


Mikey: Ok, that sounded brighter in my head. 

Donnie: (He spoke up from his computer.) The laser drill is just past the front gate. With Kraang-droids everywhere. Hope you have a good plan. 

Leo: I'm gonna ram through the gate and we'll go from there. 

Y/N: Works for me!

(Y/N leaned out in the weapon's station, looking at Raph. He looked more depressed and sad than Y/N had seen him for a very long time, and Raph exchanged a look with a very stern Leo, before hiding his face in his arms.) 

Donnie: Uh, oh. (The alarm went off.) We got company... Again!

(Y/N stood up sharply as something banged against the Shellraiser. Raph had also jumped to his feet, and was looking around tensely.) 

Raph: What was that? Where is it?

(The ninjas waited tensely as the bangs continued. Suddenly, the hatch was forced open, and the roach reach its slimy hand in. Y/N spun around just when Mikey was grabbed and pulled out of the Shellraiser. Donnie lunged for Mikey's seat, but it was too late. 

Donnie: It's got Mikey!

(On screen, Mikey was screaming frantically as he was lifted into the air.) 

Leo: We've gotta do something!

Y/N: Heck, yeah, we gotta do something! (He drew his claws, getting ready to climb out of the hatch.) I'm going after him!

Raph: No. 

(Y/N turned to stare in surprise at Raph, who was looking determined for the first time tonight.)

Raph: I'll stop him.

Leo: You don't have to do this just to prove you're not afraid. 

Raph: I am afraid...And that's why I have to do this.(He opened the hatch to the stealth-bike.) I'm coming, Mikey. No six foot tall cockroach is gonna eat my brother !He jumped in and closed the hatch. 

(And with that, he leapt down beneath the van, closing the latch behind him. Leo did a super sharp turn so that he was facing the roach. He yanked on a lever, and the Stealth-Cycle expelled out into the street, Raph driving it. Once the roach saw Raph he tossed Mikey, who landed on the roof of the van.) 

Y/N: Mikey, get in! 

(Mikey leapt through the hatch on the roof and shut it before Leo pressed on the gas, and we headed for the Kraang's laser drill.) 

Y/N: Go, go, go, go, go!"

(Leo hit the accelerator, leaving Raphael behind with a giant, slimy mutated version of his phobia. Things were tense in the Shellraiser as Leo pushed it to its limits, racing towards the Kraang facility with the laser drill. It was right in front of them, and the Kraang-droids were already getting ready to guard the gates, which were slowly closing.) 

Leo: Alright guys, get ready! We're going in!

(The Kraang's laser guns weren't doing much good against the Shellraiser, and whatever Y/N wasn't shooting down with the garbage cannon was being run over. But that all would mean nothing if they didn't get through those gates. They were all thrown forward painfully as the Shellraiser just crashed halfway through the gates.) 

Mikey: Are we in?

(They were stuck in between the metal gates, and Kraang-droids were still shooting at them.)

Y/N: No!

Leo: (He quickly dialed his T-Phone.) Raph! We're stuck! It's up to you! Get the drill! 

Raph: I'm on it! 

(He sped up, approaching the facility as fast as his bike could take him. Suddenly, giant, stupid roach seemed to fall from the freaking sky and landed right in front of the stuck Shellraiser. It saw Raph coming near him and screeched.) 

Raph: This is either gonna be really cool, or really painful.

(He pressed a button on one of the handle bars, and the bike instantly sped up. The deformed roach stood his ground, screeching as it reached out. The next thing Raph knew he had run up over the roach and was now shooting over the wall of the facility. Raph yelled as he soon came crashing down, knocking over several Kraang-droids in the process. The bike skidded on its side for a moment before stopping. Raph groaned in pain as he awkwardly pushed myself out of the bike seat.) 

Raph: Okay, It was both...

(The roach looked up as he got up to his feet. Raph could see the drill from here. It looked like a giant ball with legs. He ran up to a droid that was standing next to a chart and punched him, knocking him down. He looked at the chart that showed how close the drill was getting through the earth's crust.) 

Kraang: That laser drill is at 400 meters from the earth core. 

Raph: Not for long! 

(Without hesitating Raph sprinted over to the laser drill, leaping over any obstacles in his way. Once he was there, he looked around to see if any Kraang were around before leaping up and climbing up the giant metal ball. Raph pushed himself up to his feet as he reached the top. But, before he could do anything there was a loud bang from behind me and the ball shook slightly. he whipped around. It was the roach.) 

Raph: Ugh! You gotta be kidding me! (Throwing his arms down. He turned back to glare at the bug.) Alright, insect! You think I'm scared of you? I kicked your butt twice already, you wanna go for number 3, huh? Do yah? Come and get me! 

(Raph snatched off his football helmet and threw it at the roach, only for it to bounce off his head and shoot up into the sky. He screeched at Raph before the latter leapt up and landed on his head. He screeched as we went up into the sky. Raph leaned back and started punching him in the face as hard as he could. The bug hissed before they landed back on the ball and Raph jumped off of it. At the same time, the legs on the ball seemed to be moving, and so was the ball itself.)

(Raph ran up to the bug and grabbed him, attempting to punch him again. But, he head-butted him and knocked him down. The roach kicked Raph while he was down, but the latter grabbed his leg and bit down on it hard. He squealed as Raph reached up and punched him in his face, knocking him back. Raph stood up, shaking his head and spitting slim out of his mouth. What Raph assumed was the Roach's fist came up and hit Raph in his face. Raph punched the roach in the face again, and when he went to punch him, he blocked it.) 

(The bug screeched in Raph's face, spit flying everywhere as it glared at him with empty black eyes. Raph snapped. Yelling with furry, he shoved his fist into the roach's gut, making him keel over in pain. Growling, Raph reared his other hand back and threw it forward in a punch that sent the roach flying off the drill, crashing into the concrete. Not wasting any time, Raph withdrew his sais as he ran back across the ball. Raph leapt up and spun in midair, ramming his sais into the ball and causing it to spin. He yanked out his sais and ran with the ball until the part with the actual laser came up.) 

(Raph stopped the ball and ran up to the laser, shoved his sais into each side, and yanked it out, its cord still leading into the ball. HE turned around and looked down at the ground, right at the stupid bug.) 

Raph: Drill this!

(Raph aimed the laser right at the bug, and a few seconds later it exploded in a mass of light and slime. Raph grunted as he lifted the laser higher and aimed it down at the ball's legs. He sliced off one of the legs and the thing came crashing down. The laser started to power down and he yanked his sais out. Raph looked up at the sky, and he saw his helmet shooting right back towards him. He jumped up into the air and caught it as it came to him. Raph shoved the helmet back on his head as he landed on the ground next to his bike. He flipped it back onto its wheels before jumping it and quickly starting up, racing away from the drill. As he neared the gate he saw that the Shellraiser was still stuck, and the Kraang were firing at it. He turned the throttle and sped up, running over all the droids nearest the van. The doors slid open and the van quickly started to back up. He drove out and sped back underneath the Shellraiser until the bike was back inside. Raph lowered his hands and sighed as leaned his head back.)

(Raph was the hero of tonight, there was no doubt about that. He had taken down mutated Spy-Roach with the freaking laser drill, not to mention stopped New York destruction by destroying the laser drill with its own laser. Now, was down time back at the lair. Raph was punching the dummy, Donnie was drawing (or writing) with Leo watching him, Mikey was playing pinball, and Y/N was licking his paw.) 

Leo: Well, Raph. You faced your fear, and saved the city! Not bad for a Wednesday.

(Y/N tipped his head back to grin at Raph, who turned on them, looking ecstatic.)

Raph: Faced my fear? I conquered my fear! (He grabbed Mikey.) I looked my fear in the eye, and I zapped it into oblivion! 

(He blew on his sai blade, like a gun, while Mikey let out a sound of admiring awe. Raph dropped Mikey, who quickly got up and threw an arm over his shoulder.) 

Mikey: So you're not afraid of cockroaches anymore, huh?

Raph: (He shook his head, smirking.) Nope.

Mikey: Good, good... (Mikey looked really sneaky.) Then you won't mind the one I just slipped into your shell...?

(Raph stiffened, eye twitching, before taking off around the lair, screaming frantically. Y/N rolled his eyes in amusement.)

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

A/N: New Fan-Fic Coming at YA Soon!

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