City at War
"It's been weeks since we saved Earth and stopped the Black Hole Generator. Things have finally been cooling down. No more Triceratons. No more Kraang. And best of all, no more Shredder and his goons. They've completely disappeared from the city. So tonight, the night of the full moon, Splinter and Mother are performing a very special initiation."
(Leo and his siblings knelt in a line in the dojo, April, Ethan, and Timothy kneeling in front of them before Splinter and Shen. Casey stayed to the side, watching.)
"April O'Neil...Ethan Hamato.....Timothy Yuki" Splinter started, before shifting into Japanese. All three bowed and Father picked up a sheathed blade and placed it in April's hands, a sheathed kunai into Ethan's hands, and a ninja axe into Timothy's. "This tanto represents the Dragon: Strong, fierce, intelligent." April unsheathed the tanto, studying the blade. "A dragon not only relies on its physical strength, but its keen intellect as well."
"Be at one in spirit and body," Father said. "Be like the dragon."
April bowed her head. "Hai, Sensei."
Ethan's Weapon and Ninja suit:
"Ethan, my Grandchild-" Shen said as Ethan observed his giant blade. "This Kubikiribōchō represents the shark. Ferocious and Resilient. You are like the Shark, let nothing, not even the ocean stop you." Ethan smiled widely.
"Hai, Sensei."
"Timothy, you started out as someone would call a joke, but now you've shown great promise." Timothy looked at the ax with pride in his eyes. "You are like the tortoise, you have wisdom, patience, and steadiness."
"Hai, Sensei"
April, Timothy, and Ethan smiled. "Arigato gozaimasu."
"You three are now ninjas and kunoichi of the Hamato Clan."
(They all cheered as Donnie pulled April up to her feet, Y/N put Ethan on his shoulders, and Raph grabbed Timothy and gave him a noogie. Casey walked over.)
"Oh, yeah, celebration time!"
"Congrats, April."
"You deserve it."
"You did great."
"Thanks, guys!" April responded, hugging Donnie. "You're the best!"
(All grab the three new ninjas and throw them up to the air.]
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
Here we go!
It's the lean, mean, ninja team
On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things
So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams
Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza Kings
Can't stop these radical dudes
The secret of the ooze made the chosen few
Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves
The good guys win and the bad guys lose
Leonardo's the leader in blue
Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through
Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines
Raphael has the most attitude on the team
Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!
Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!
Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need
To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
(It wasn't long until they were jumping across the rooftops, although Casey had gone home.)
"Oh, man, remember when I had a hard time keeping up with you guys?" April laughed. They came to a stop as April jumped down to them. "Can't believe I'm finally a full-fledged ninja."
Timothy: (Jumped down with Ethan jumping off his shoulder) This is the best day of our lives!
Ethan: Ditto!
Raph crossed his arms over his plastron. "Sure, you made it to the third dan, but there's still seven more grades, each with different levels, so..."
"Don't rain on their ninja parade, Raph," Donnie chided. "It's amazing you made it to the ninja level, you three. Ignore everything Raph just said."
Mikey shoved Raph out of the way. "Yeah, I always do. Makes life way simpler." The hothead grabbed him in a headlock and started giving him a noogie.
Leo rolled her eyes. "Come on, ninjas," she called. "Let's call it a night."
"Let go!" Mikey whined. "It hurts!"
Chloe jumped onto another roof, moving to its edge and looking down at the busy street below. "City's quiet," she said, looking back at the others as they joined her. "For now."
"I'm sure that'll change soon," Ethan sighed. "With Shredder gone, there's gonna be a ton of gangsters and super villains moving in on his turf."
Y/N looked over at April. "April, are you alright?" he asked. "What's wrong?"
April glanced over at the Aussie. "I'm pretty certain someone is following us." A nearby water tower caught her attention, a gasp leaving her at the odd shadow that covered it. The shadow turned out to below to a black cat.
"Aww, look at you!" Mikey cooed. "Coochie woochie woochie!"
(The cat turned and disappeared into the shadows of the water tower. A moment later, fog started seeping out across the rooftop.)
"Okay, this is weird," Donnie said.
Y/N: Even for us?
Laughter echoed as a figure moved through the shadows.
"Um, hello?" Raph called.
The shadowy figure spread her arms, her cape following to look like bat wings as bats flew out around her. "Let's play a game," she said, letting her cape fall down over her again. She kept her gaze down, her hat hiding her face. "Give me one your weapons...or I'll take something precious...your shells and tails."
"Alright, sister, play time's over." Raph tried to grab her, but she dodged, threw down a blinding bomb, and kicked Raph across the roof.
"My name is Shinigami," the girl said as the others surrounded her, drawing their weapons. "Do you know what my name means?"
(Shinigami kicked Donnie and Timothy down, moving aside as Leo tried to attack her, making him run into April. She grabbed Mikey, throwing him into Chloe. Y/N ran at her, trying to sweep her feet. Shinigami tried to jump over his foot, only for Y/N to switch the angle of his kick to nail her in the chest, sending her to the ground and knocking off her hat.She's got golden eyes, black eyeshadow, purple lipstick and an attractive face.)
"I can't believe you'd hit a lady." She got back to her feet. "So you really are real, living breathing mutants." She chuckled, taking out a kusarigama. "So cute."
(He threw it as Leo ran at her, the chain wrapping around him, knocking her into Y/N before pulling him toward Shinigami, who slammed him foot into her, knocking him off the roof.)
Shinigami turned her attention to April, Ethan, Timothy as they grabbed their new weapons. "My sensei doesn't need a mutant weapon. Your tessen, sword, and axe will do."
April unsheathed her tanto, pulling out her tessen at the same time. "You're gonna have to get it from us, witch."
Ethan: Let's show her what ninjas can do!
(Shinigami chuckled, pulling out another blade similar to the one at the end of her kusarigama as she and the three charged, weapons clashing. Locked together, Shinigami laughed, shoving April back with her shoulder before jumping back onto a water tower. Ethan swung his blade at her, but she put her hand threw the hole on it and kicked Ethan off the tower and onto the ground. Timothy tries to kick her, but she sweeps his leg an takes the axe.)
"A dragon tanto, Shark Sword, and ninja axe?" the dark-haired kunoichi questioned, holding up the stolen tanto. "You must have just become full fledged ninjas. This will do nicely." She sheathed it, giving a farewell in Japanese before disappearing in a puff of smoke and bats.
"I can't believe that crazy girl took us to school on a Sunday," Raph growled.
"She just threw us off," Leo said. "Now we know her tricks."
Y/N: (Love-Struck) I don't know, she was pretty awesome.
"Yeah, awesome," Ethan grumbled.
(They made their way back to the lair. Ethan, Timothy, Leo, and April were in the kitchen with Splinter and Shen while the others had gone to the lab. Leo turned off the stove as the kettle started to whistle, taking the kettle and pouring out cups of tea.)
"I mean, getting out butts kicked the night we become ninjas." April sighed as she took the cup Leo handed her.
Timothy: "It's like the whole universe is saying it's not meant to be."
Ethan: Yeah and we just saw the universe.
"That is not the universe speaking," Father responded. "That is the self-doubt of three ninjas speaking."
Leo: I've been there, April. Doubting everything, it's poison. Believe in yourself.
"I just feel like a failure," Ethan responded dejectedly.
"There is no such thing as failure until you give up," Shen hugs Ethan from behind and stated. "That is when you fail."
The red-head thought for a moment. "Thank you, all of you."
Father opened the freezer, taking out a cheesicle. "You must uncover the identity and allegiance of this new assassin. Claiming your weapon as a prize, that is an initiation into a ninja clan." He turned to them. "Be warned. It seems this new assassin may be working for...the Shredder."
"Donnie,. You got anything at all?" Leo asked, walking into the lab with Ethan, Timothy, and April.
Donnie picked up the book the lay open on the desk, holding it up for everyone to se. "Well, the Shinigami are powerful gods in Japanese mythos that bring death and destruction."
"So, we got something in common," Raph said.
Y/N: That girl, she was beautiful. Her dimple, golden eyes-Maybe we can make her come to our side.
Leo: She just tried to kill us.
Y/N: Didn't Karai try to kill you?
" Fair enough. We gotta find her first," Leo said. "Let's split up and see if we can track her. Maybe we can draw her out."
Y/N: I'll call Riki, more people means we can cover more ground.
(So, they went topside and split up. Leo took the Party Wagon, Raph and Y/N the Shellraiser, Mikey and Riki the docks, Chloe scouted from the air, and everyone else spread out over the rooftops.)
"No sign of any activity," Leo said over the phone. "Got anything, Donnie?
"Still searching," Donnie responded. "Nothing so far."
"Raph, Y/N, you got anything?" Donnie asked.
"We got nada," Raph responded. "Streets are clean. What do you got, Mikey, Riki?"
"Mmm. I got pizza," Mikey said. "Mmm, mmm."
"What he means is, nothing," Riki elaborated. "Chloe? How's air patrol going?"
"I can't see anything out of the ordinary," the red-head responded. "What about you, Three Musketeers?" No response. "Guys?"
"Guys, we just spotted Shinigami," April called. "I had a weird vibe that something was happening at Shredder's old lair."
"Shredder's back?" Leo questioned. "But the lair was abandoned."
"Not anymore."
"Don't do anything until we get there," Leo warned, taking off across the roofs.
April: Thanks for the vote of confidence.
Timothy: We can do this on our own.
Ethan: Yeah.
[They look inside the old church and saw someone on the throne.]
April: Is that Shredder?
Ethan: (Sniffs)Actually it smells like-
[When the figure stands up...but to our shock and complete surprise. It is revealed that the figure turns out to be none other than...Karai?!)
Ethan: Karai.
Shini: Karai, I bring you the red-haired girl's tanto blade. (Jams Ethan's sword into the ground) The bunny's shark blade. (Places Timothy's axes on the ground) And the big one's ninja axe.
Karai: So Splinter finally made April a Kunoichi and the two vigilantes ninjas? Kind of a shock.
Shini: Yes, the girl seems so frail and clumsy when you first look at her and the two are so uncoordinated. Like silly birds.
(When they got to Shredder's old church, meeting up with the rest of the group along the way, Leo wasn't particularly surprised to see that the new ninjas hadn't waited and had already entered the church.)
"Well, this kunoichi and ninjas tracked your butt down, Karai," April was saying as Leo and the others got to the throne room doors.
Timothy: What're you doing, anyway?"
"None of your business," Karai snapped back. "Just go."
"We'd like to know what's going on here, too," Leo's voice called out as she and the others walked into the throne room.
"Leo, calm down," Karai said quickly, getting back to her feet. "The brain worm that was controlling me is gone. I'm not your enemy."
(Riki rushed up and hugged Karai as she was relieved that her sister was free. Karai hugged her back.)
Riki: I'm so glad you're okay.
"Oh?" Raph retorted. "So then why did your crazy friend attack us?"
(Riki jumped back to the others.)
Riki: Yeah, I have the same question.
"It was only a test to see her skills." Karai glanced at Shinigami when the kunoichi moved to stand beside her, arm slung over her shoulder. "Shinigami's an old friend from Japan." She crossed her arms. "She was never gonna hurt you."
"At least not permanently," Shinigami giggled.
Riki: Wait, that's the Shinigami you told me about back then, you told me she was a dark spirit who appears out thin ai-ohhhhhhh.
Raph growled, though April held out a hand, focusing her power on Karai. "She's telling the truth. That brain worm thing is gone. They're not after us. They're after..."
"Shredder," Timothy finished.
"So what's up with the headgear, Princess?" Raph growled. "Daddy issues?"
Karai grabbed the sides of the helmet, pulling it off her head. "I wanna rebuild the Foot," she explained. "Bring back honor to a clan that Shredder poisoned for almost two decades. And when I finish, I'll destroy Oroku Saki and his empire once and for all."
Mikey: Life isn't about revenge, sis. Come back to the lair with us. Master Splinter and Mother would love to see you.
"No," Karai said firmly. "I have to carve out my own destiny."
Donnie glared at her. "Fine, we're leaving."
"First, I want our weapons back," April said. "Now."
Karai smirked. "Hmm, if you want it back, take it from her. I mean, shouldn't be hard for a kunoichi and a couple ninjas, right?"
The red-head returned the smirk. "Fine by me. We wanted a rematch anyway."
Ethan: Bring it!
(Karai held out the tanto to Shinigami, the other kunoichi grabbing it from her. Shinigami kicked the sword and axe onto the floor. Shinigami slid down onto the floor April, Ethan, and Timothy stood on, the others backing away from the three as the kunoichi advanced on them.)
April: Spread out.
(Ethan and Timothy nod as they run away into the shadows.)
(The two girls started to circle each other, neither one making a move.)
(Shinigami held out the tanto to April, the red-head quick to try and take it. The kunoichi quickly pulled the weapon back, ducking under April's kick before kicking the red-head back.)
"Why you little..." April growled, running back to the kunoichi to continue the fight. Only, she couldn't land a hit. Shinigami wasn't even fighting back, just dodging April's attacks.
(Shinigami took off her hat and threw it at April, temporarily blinding her. She took the opportunity to slam her elbow into the red-head, knocking her to the floor. The kunoichi laughed as she retrieved her hat, moving back toward the throne.)
April: Now!
Ethan: Dang it!
(Ethan is Naruto)
(Ethan goes flying into the glass wall)
Timothy: Ethan!
(Timothy gets up and tries to hit her again, but Shinigami just kicks him next to April)
Donnie's eyes narrowed as he moved to help April. "I'm stopping this ri-"
Raph held out his arm, stopping him from moving forward. "Let them fight their own battles."
(April pushed herself to her hands and knees, her anger finally reaching a breaking point. Her necklace started to glow as she growled. She got back to her feet, taking a few steps toward Shinigami before throwing out her hand, sending a large psychic blast at the kunoichi. Shinigami flipped out of the way, her eyes widening as the large glass case behind her shattered completely, glass scattering across the floor. Timothy glowed green as he moved faster and kept trying to his Shinigami with hit glowing fists, but she dodged.)
(Shinigami dashed through the room as April sent psychic attacks at her, the glass cases cracking from the attacks. The kunoichi jumped over April so she was in front of her, slamming the sheathed tanto back into April's stomach before hitting it against her back, making her fall to the floor. Timothy tried to grab her, but Shinigami grabbed the bottom of his axe used to trip him.)
"Silly birds," the kunoichi chuckled.
"Alright, that's enough, Shini," Karai said. "Give them their weapons back."
(Shinigami raised an eyebrow, dropping the tanto in front of April. The red-head was quick to grab the blade, pushing herself to her knees as she grabbed its handle, making a motion to unsheathe it. Timothy grabbed his axe, but instead of looking angry, he was disappointed in himself. Ethan got up and grabbed his shark sword and dragged it away as he was upset. Y/N tried to comfort him, but he just shrugged him off and kept walking out.)
Donnie: [calming her down] Easy, April. Don't let that weirdo get to you. Calm down.
"Come on, this place is lame anyway," Mikey said as the others started to leave. "We're going to an awesome place. The sewers! Booyakasha!"
(Donnie helped April back to her feet, while Leo helped Timothy, the two following behind the others as they started back toward the lair, Mikey bringing up the lair. Shinigami stuck her tongue out with the turtle, she and Karai watching them leave.)
"Not only that, she's taken over Shredder's old lair. She's even wearing a version of his helmet," Leo said, recounting the tale to Splinter and Shen.
"This is most disconcerting, but her choices are her own," Shen said. A quiet sigh caught their attention and they both turned toward where April, Timothy, Ethan, sat. "April, Timothy, Ethan? What troubles you?"
"I think we're pretty much ready to revoke the ninja titles, Sensei," the red-head responded.
Timothy: Maybe we need more training."
Father walked over to April. "Come. Perhaps it is time I taught you an advanced move called 'The Dragon's Tail'."
April stood, following Father toward the dojo. "I'll try anything."
Shen: (Grabs Ethan and Timothy) It's time I show you the shark fist and the tortoise stance.
Mikey jumped into the pit, carrying Ice Cream Kitty in her cooler. "Dudes, you know what time it is, right?" he called, prompting the others to gather on the couch. "Time for Chris Bradford."
A(bove ground, Karai and Shinigami were driving through the streets on a motercycle. They came to a stop, getting off the bike and removing their helmets. Karai picked the lock of the martial arts store they had stopped in front of, the two of them entering the building.)
(They took the elevator down to the hidden warehouse and stepped inside. The two of them ducked into hiding as more people entered the shop. Karai shut off the light as the elevator doors opened, Tigerclaw, Razar, Lobo, and Fishface stepping out into the warehouse.)
"Foolish child, I can still see in the dark," Tigerclaw hissed.
"So can I," Razar added.
"Ditto," Lobo said
"I cannot, so this is kind of upsetting," Fishface complained.
"Tell your master I'm taking the city back, Tigerclaw," Karai shouted from hiding. "Piece by piece."
Razar jumped toward her voice, only to notice she wasn't behind the crates as he'd thought. "Where'd she go?"
(A kusarigama chain shot from the darkness, wrapping around Fishface and dragging him into the shadows, Razar and Lobo chasing him. Feeling a presence behind him, Tigerclaw turned quickly, aiming his gun at Shinigami.)
The kunoichi removed her hat, pulling out a strange golden sphere on a chain from it, a golden glass eye embedded in it, facing the tiger mutant. "Here, kitty, kitty."
"What's this?" Tigerclaw growled.
(Shinigami chuckled, swinging the eye back and forth, pulling Tigerclaw into a hypnotic trance. She suddenly threw her hat aside, the glass eye attached to her kusarigama chain. She kicked the gun from Tigerclaw's hand and forced him back, the mutant dodging her attacks with the blade at the end of her weapon.)
(He soon drew his sword, making Shinigami jump back to dodge, the kunoichi laughing. She spun the eye end of her chain, throwing the metal ball to Tigerclaw, though the mutant dodged aside and the ball slammed into the ground hard enough to crack the cement.)
(Shinigami pulled the ball back to her and kicked it forward. Tigerclaw, distracted by a crate the ball had broken, was unable to dodge. The ball hit him square in the chest and threw him back onto the floor.)
(Shinigami raised her hand as Tigerclaw got back to his feet, throwing down a smoke bomb as he attacked. His blade missed her, which he quickly realized among the smoke. Shinigami jumped through the smoke to attack, though Tigerclaw dodged.)
Shinigami was kicked back and pulled out the claws in her gloves. "I have claws, too!" She managed to knock the sword out of his grasp, but he grabbed her and used his jetpack to slam her into the ceiling, letting her fall to the floor, unconscious.
Meanwhile, Karai had Fishface dangling from the ceiling and tied up while she was fighting Razar and Lobo.
"I like you, Karai," Razar taunted. "Let me finish you quick. Tigerclaw won't make things so easy for you."
Karai rolled her eyes. "Whatever, Bradford." She aimed the naginata she held at the dog mutant. "I plan on taking you all down."
"Karai!" Tigerclaw's voice caught her attention. Her eyes widened she saw he had Shinigami in one hand, his blade in the other.
"No, Shini!"
"Surrender," Tigerclaw commanded, aiming his blade at Shinigami. "Now."
Karai sighed, dropping her weapon. "You win, Tigerclaw." What the mutants hadn't noticed was that she had pulled out her phone, sending off a message to Leo.
(Lobo, Tigerclaw, Fishface, and Razar tied up Karai and Shinigami from the ceiling, their wrists bound together by the rope.)
"So now that we have them, what should we do with them?" Fishface asked, he and Razar watching Karai struggle against the bonds.
"I vote eat them," Razar responded. "You can never go wrong with eating them."
"No!" Lobo snapped. "We wait for their friends." He stalked forward to stand in front of Karai. "Karai called the mutants minutes ago."
"You knew all along?" Karai growled.
"Do you take us for fools?" Tigerclaw grabbed her phone, reading the message she had sent. "There is not help for you." He laughed, crushing the phone in his hand.
"Where is Shredder!?" Karai shouted. "Where is that coward hiding!?"
"You do not get to make demands, girl," Fishface snapped.
"Oh?" A blade slid out of Karai's boot as she flipped herself up, using the hidden blade to cut herself free from the rope. She flipped back with the momentum, landing and pushing off of some naginatas.
"Ay caramba!"
(Karai slammed her foot into Fishface, knocking him onto the floor.)
"Clever girl," Tigerclaw growled, unsheathing his claws. "But cleverness only gets you so far." He ran at the kunoichi.
"Take that brat down, Tigerclaw," Lobo called.
(Tigerclaw managed to back Karai up against some crates, the kunoichi grabbing a naginata from behind her and holding it out to block Tigerclaw's attack. The naginata snapped in half, and the kunoichi dodged his attack.)
(Tigerclaw overpowered her and threw her onto the floor, her back hitting some crates. She threw a couple of shurikens at him, but he simply knocked them away.)
He grabbed her arm, lifting her into the air despite her struggles. "I always thought you were a spoiled, petulant child." He aimed his sword at her. "This world will not mourn you when you are gone." He laughed.
"Tigerclaw!" A shuriken ricocheted off his sword, providing enough distraction for Karai to punch him in the eye, making him release her.
She dropped to the floor, rolling back to the crates that Leo and the others stood on. "Always have to wait till the last minute, guys?"
"Tigerclaw, I thought you and Shredder left town," Leo snapped. "You know, after we defeated you and all."
"We will never leave until you and Splinter are put to rest," Lobo retorted.
"Team, take 'em down!" Leo ordered.
(Y/N threw his shuriken, the blade slicing through Shinigami's bindings as she came to. She landed on her feet and tore away the ropes around her wrists. She straightened with a laugh and ran at Razar, jumping up to attack. He blocked her kick with his arm and she flipped back to land on her feet. Mikey joined in. The four of them threw their chains or whip and cord around Razar's.
"Got you, Razar," Y/N said as the three of them pulled Razar down onto the floor.
"Let's play 'walk the dog'!" Shinigami smirked.
Y/N looked over at her. "Whoa, that's exactly what I was gonna say. We're, like, so similar, Shinigami."
(Razar dove forward, running around the room and dragging them behind him by their chains.)
(Donnie and April were occupying Fishface while Riki, Timothy, Ethan, and Chloe took care of Lobo. He managed to knock Donnie and Timothy.)
April: "Back off, Fishface."
(Riki and Chloe are thrown into crates as Ethan and Timothy take on Lobo.)
Ethan: Spirit of the Shark!
(Channeling the spirit of the shark, Ethan unleashes the Shark-Kick! With lightning speed, he launches himself towards Lobo, his leg slicing through the air with the precision of a predator on the hunt. The force of the kick connects with Lobo's midsection, sending shockwaves rippling through the arena. Lobo staggers back, caught off guard by the unexpected onslaught. Ethan doesn't let up, following through with a flurry of strikes, each one fueled by the relentless power of the ocean's apex predator. Lobo turns towards Timothy as Ethan jumps back As Lobo charges forward with a thunderous roar, Timothy calmly assumes the Tortoise Stance, lowering his center of gravity and adopting a defensive posture reminiscent of the resilient tortoise. With steady composure, Timothy absorbs Lobo's powerful strikes, using the protective nature of the stance to weather the storm of attacks.)
(As Lobo's relentless assault begins to wane, Timothy senses his moment to strike. With lightning speed, he transitions from defense to offense, launching a swift counterattack fueled by the energy he conserved in the Tortoise Stance. His strikes find their mark with pinpoint accuracy, exploiting openings in Lobo's defense with calculated precision.)
Timothy: Spirit of the Tortoise!
(Lobo goes flying and crashes into multiple crates as Ethan and Timothy fist bump.)
"You're running low on nine lives, Tigerclaw," Raph taunted, fighting him with Leo.
The tiger mutant threw the boys down rather quickly and Karai's mutation came threw as she wrapped Tigerclaw in her snake arms. She jumped onto his back, making him crash into the walls before he grabbed her and slammed her down onto the floor.)
Tigerclaw pulled out a gun and aimed it at them. "You are beaten."
"I don't think so." April threw a smoke bomb right at Tigerclaw's face, blinding him long enough to perform the Dragon's Tail and hit him where the sun doesn't shine, making him collapse to his knees.
"Wow. The Dragon's Tail!" Donnie exclaimed.
"And right in the fur patch," Y/N added with a smirk. "Nice one, April."
"Booyakasha!" Mikey threw down a smoke bomb, allowing them to escape the warehouse.
(After returning to the lair, they hung out in the kitchen and Karai and Shinigami approached April, Timothy, and Ethan bowing to them.)
"April, Timothy, an Ethan" Karai said, catching her attention. "Shini and I want to apologize." They straightened. "Sorry about earlier."
(April smiled, shaking Karai's hand as a silent way of showing her forgiveness. Timothy nodded showing that he forgives her. Ethan hugged Karai and she tenderly hugged him back. Ethan separated from her and looked at Shinigami.)
Ethan: You're pretty cool, Shinigami. (Tries to walk away, but Shinigami grabs and pulls him in for a hug)
Shinigami: Aww, you're so sweet.
(Ethan tries not to like, but he slowly starts to smile.)
Splinter and Shen spoke from the doorway. "Miwa."
Karai turned to him. "Father. Mother"
"Do not take on this burden of fighting Shredder alone," Shen said as Karai approached him. "Ally yourself with your family." She rested a hand on her shoulder. "Let us help you."
"I've grown up, Mother," Karai responded, pulling away from her grasp. "I need to rectify all the wrong deeds Shredder has done my own way."
"You are just seeking vengeance," Father stated. "This anger you carry was inherited from Oroku Saki, not from us "
Karai nodded. "I know. Don't worry, Father and Mother. I'll make you proud of me." She started to walk away, Shinigami following. "Soon."
"We are already proud of you, our daughter." Splinter turned his attention to the three ninjas. "April, Timothy, Ethan, you have proven yourselves true ninjas." He smiled. "I always know you had the Spirit."
"It's all thanks to you, Sensei," April responded before hugging him with the other two joining.
Raph: So what now? We know Shredder's still out there.
"I have a bad feeling things are about to take a turn for the worse," Leo said.
[Somewhere in the woods, there is a mansion, defeated and humiliated, Tiger Claw comes and speaks with the Shredder, who is on a bed, naked and is wounded, recovering from injuries sustained by Splinter at the battle in Earth's Last Stand, is under the care of Baxter.]
Tiger Claw: I don't know if you can hear me, Master, but Karai she is trying to take control of the city, undo everything we have accomplished. She just destroyed our weapons cache, and I believe she's not going to stop there.
[Weakened, Shredder breathes heavily, Tiger Claw watches him in shock. Cut to Shredder, still breathing, then cut to his face as he closes his eyes and speaks.]
Shredder:[weakly.] If it is a war she wants it is a war she will get.........
Call him.
TigerClaw: Master, you can't mean-
Shredder: I will not ask again, do it!
(The moon hung low in the night sky, casting an ethereal glow over the ancient temple grounds deep in the heart of Japan. Amidst the serene tranquility, the clash of steel echoed through the air as a lone figure, Hiroto, swiftly dispatched multiple ninjas with expert precision.)
As the intensity of the battle reached its peak, a foot ninja, adorned in traditional garb, slipped away from the fray to answer a ringing phone. With practiced ease, he retrieved the device and spoke, "It's for you, Hiroto."
Hiroto paused mid-fight, his senses honed to the call's significance. With a nod of gratitude, he accepted the phone, his movements fluid despite the chaos around him. "Hello?" he spoke, his voice calm yet tinged with a hint of anticipation.
There was a brief silence on the other end, followed by a deep, resonant voice that sent a shiver down Hiroto's spine. "Good to hear from you,"
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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