Casey vs The Underworld

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

Here we go!

It's the lean, mean, ninja team

On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things

So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams

Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza Kings

Can't stop these radical dudes

The secret of the ooze made the chosen few

Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves

The good guys win and the bad guys lose

Leonardo's the leader in blue

Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through

Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines

Raphael has the most attitude on the team

Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!

Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need

To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

(The lights in the lair turned on to illuminate the lair as Donnie and Timothy managed to restore power. Y/N's ears angled back at the sight. Riki and Chloe was there to help them.)

"What a disaster," Leo said, looking around. "The Kraang really trashed this place."

"Indeed, but this is our home," Sensei stated. "We will clean and set things right once more."

"I hate cleaning," Mike groaned. Ice Cream Kitty let out a meow from within her cooler. "I call the kitchen!"

"We'll get this place cleaned up in no time," Riki said, helping Leo push the pinball machine back upright, though it didn't turn back on.

(They all started cleaning up the room...well, except Mikey, who was goofing off in the kitchen. Leo swept, Raph and Chloe mopped, Donnie and Timothy cleaned up their lab. Y/N and Ethan dusted while Riki cleared out some Kraang parts.)

(Casey walked into the lair looking angry about something. He kicked a droid head across the room.)

"Well, look what the cat dragged in," Raph said. "Where have you been, Jones?"

"Doing what you should be--helping the city, stopping crime!" Casey snapped.

"Whoa, hold up," Chloe started. "In case you haven't noticed, we kinda just got back here."

"Yeah, we just happened to stop a little thing called a massive alien invasion," Donnie added.

"Yeah, dude, we deserve a little downtime," Mikey agreed, eating some Chee-Z balls.

"Evil never takes downtime," Casey argued. "I just took on the Purple Dragons."

"Ooh," the boys taunted sarcastically. Riki's ears twitched.

Raph laughed. "So, how bad you beat 'em?"

"Well, at least I stopped 'em from getting away with the cash."

"Wait, you didn't beat the Purple Dragons?" Ethan asked.

(Casey didn't respond, looking away and making his answer quite obvious. Everyone except Riki burst out laughing.)

"You don't want to help? Fine!" Casey snapped. He turned to walk out of the lair. "I don't need you guys. Casey Jones can protect the city alone."

"Good luck with that!" Timothy called after them.

"Come on, guys, seriously?" Riki complained. "That wasn't cool, dudes."

"He couldn't even stop the Purple Dragons, and they're idiots," Raph retorted.

"I'm sure there was a reason for that," Riki said. "I'm going after him. To make sure he doesn't get himself killed." She jumped over the turnstiles and took off down the subway. 

Y/N: (Teasing) And because you want to be alone with him?

Riki: (Blushes in embarrassment)

(It wasn't hard to find Casey. She spotted him slamming open the door to a stairwell and skating across a rooftop in full vigilante gear. Riki jumped onto the vents ahead of him.)

He skidded to a halt."Riki?"

Riki grinned. "Hey, dude. Want some help?"

"I can do this myself."

"Yeah, no doubt you can," Riki agreed, "but it's more fun kicking bad guys' butts when you have company, don't you think? What's the plan, Jones?"

"Track down the stupid Dragons and pound their new leader in his lame head."

Riki's ears swiveled. "Shh! Hear that?" She turned toward the noise to see Foot members drive by on motorbikes. "The Foot? Guess the Dragons will have to wait."

(They made their way down the fire escape and into the alley, hiding behind the wall to spy on the Foot. Riki growled as she noticed Fishface and Tigerclaw, along with a particular person.)

"Shredder," Casey said. They watched as the Clan entered some kind of restaurant. "Things just got interesting."

(Riki pulled up her hood and flattened her ears, tucking her tail out of sight as best she could. They ran out of the alley with Casey and snuck into the place through the back kitchen entrance. Riki glanced through the doors to see Shredder sitting at a table.)

Riki growled. "That's Don Vizioso. An Italian mob boss who controls the organized crime in New York."

"You know him?" Casey asked lowly.

"Shredder did business with him a few times while I was still in the Foot. Took me with him to meet with Vizioso. Your stereotypical gangster leader, acting all calm and self assured most of the time, but he's vicious when need be."

Casey: (Snorted) "Well, then isn't it fitting that 'Vizioso' means 'Vicious' in Italian?"

Riki: Wow, looks like someone is starting to pay attention in class, good job. But you're right,  Vizioso's arrogant, tyrannical, pompous, chiding, seriously, I could go on and on about how this guy's a jerk. He openly discriminates against mutants, considers them less than humans. Casey, you think you could get close enough to do some recon? You're the only one of us who can go out there without being recognized."

Casey nodded. "Definitely, dude."

"Maybe ditch the gear, first," Riki suggested. While Casey removed his mask, weapons, and face paint, Riki rummaged through the cabinets until she found a bottle of wine. She tossed it to Casey to catch and then handed him an apron. "Act like a waiter, dude. Go out, refill their glasses, and figure out whatever you can. I got your back if you get in trouble."

(Casey nodded and pushed through the doors, starting for the table. Riki lingered at the doorway, ears pricked to catch the conversation.)

"...trying to say, Shredder?" Vizioso asked.

"Must I spell it out?" Shredder snapped.

(Vizioso's goons immediately drew their weapons, Fishface and Tigerclaw reacting swiftly to do the same.)

"Yeah, I don't read so good," Vizioso responded.

Shredder lifted his hand and the mutants put away their weapons, prompting the goons to do the same. "I already control the Russian mob through Steranko, the Asian gangs via Hun, and the South Americans through Xever, so either declare your allegiance to me, or..." In the blink of an eye, Shredder cut through the candles on the table and the meatball Vizioso was about to eat, retracting his blades swiftly.

"How might I be of service?" Vizioso asked.

"Access to certain chemicals for a project I'm working on," Shredder responded.

"Well, I already told you about the shipment at the docks. What more do you--"

Vizioso cut off as Shredder grabbed Casey, who had been quietly refilling their glasses. Shredder slammed Casey against the table, his blades sliding out of their holsters to aim at Casey's face.

"Who sent you, spy?" Shredder snapped.

(Riki tried to go step in, but stopped herself as she saw Casey lie.)

"I'm--I'm just a busboy," Casey responded quickly.

Shredder stared at him for a few moments and Riki's ears twitched as she picked up the rapid thumps of Casey's heartbeat. Shredder growled. "Very well, but do not let me see your face ever again."

(He released Casey and the boy was quick to retreat back into the kitchen. The two of them bolted out the back door and into the alley)

"That was close. Too close," Casey said. "Oh, man, my heart's pounding so fast. That was so cool!"

"Cool?" Riki yelped. "Are you crazy? Shredder nearly stabbed a blade through your head, dude!"

Casey ignored her, pulling out his phone. "Wait till Raph hears about this."

(Back in the lair)

Raph tossed a few Kraang heads and a bag of trash into a pile. "Oh, man. Need a break." He flopped down on the couch.

"No doubt," Leo agreed. He tossed the sponge he'd been using to clean the floors into a nearby bucket, leaning against the couch. "Cleaning up is way harder than training."

"Yeah, but at least this place looks pretty normal again," Chloe said, wiping some sweat from her brow.

"Come on, it's not that hard," Y/N teased.

They turned their attention to Mikey as he crawled around the floor, panicking for some reason. "Wait, no. No, no. No, no, no, no!"

Donnie smacked his youngest brother with a broom. "What are you looking for, Mikey?"

"The TV remote, duh!" Mikey responded, crawling around some more to continue his search. "Where are you?"

Raph pulled out his T-phone as he felt it buzz, checking the message. "Got a text from Casey. Oh, no. He and Riki are on some kind of crazy mission." He got up and started to walk off. "I got to go handle this."

"Want some help?" Leo asked.

"I'm sure it's nothing to worry about," Raph responded, jumping over the turnstiles and exiting the lair.

"No. It's gone forever," Mikey whined. "Farewell sweet TV-controlling device. You made our lives so much better. You were a true friend in times of--" He cut off when Ethan tapped his arm, the rabbit holding up the remote for him. "You found it!" Mikey hugged her. "You're the best, little nephew!"

Mikey took the remote from the gray-haired kunoichi, turning on the TV to an episode of Crognard. 

(Casey and Riki hid behind some sea cans at the docks.)

"Xever, let's get those robot legs moving," Razar snapped.

"Back off, man," Fishface snapped back. Riki heard the van doors open. "We talked about this. You are not the boss of me."

"Technically, I'm field commander when Tigerclaw's not around, which means I am your boss," the dog corrected.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

"Just wait 'till the others hear about this." Casey flipped down his mask, skating out from behind the sea can. Riki drew her weapons and ran after him as he charged the mutants. "Goongala!" He slammed his bat into Fishface, sending the fish flying into a sea can. "The class is Pain 101. Your instructor is Casey Jones."

"Did you really just say that, kid?" Razar questioned.

"I thought it was a pretty good line," Riki commented.

(Razar charged at them and Riki raised her bow to block a second too late. Razar slammed into her, knocking her against the van. He lunged at her, claws extended, but she dropped low and somersaulted between his legs. His claws hit the door's window instead, shattering it, and the dog jumped on top of the van as Riki sprang up to face him.)

"Doggie, fetch!" Casey slammed his hockey stick into a puck bomb, sending it into Razar, and the dog caught it in his mouth. The bomb exploded, sending the mutant flying back to crash into the dog.

Riki had reached the case and grabbed the handle. "Ugh, what is in this thing? Heavier than it looks."

"Riki, look out!" Casey warned as Fishface ran at the wolf.

(Riki turned her head but she couldn't do anything. Fishface kicked her into the air and into Casey. They crashed into a stack of crates, which collapsed around them, trapping them.)

"I grow tired of you--"

Fishface cut off as Razar pushed him aside. "I'm gonna enjoy taking these kids apart piece by piece."

"Bring it on, freaks!" Casey retorted, pushing his way out of the crates. The three of them got their feet, weapons ready. "I ain't going down without busting a few fangs."

"Only way I bust a fang is if I'm chewing on your mask." A crate suddenly landed on top of Razar.

Raph jumped down from the crane, kicking Fishface to the ground. "Come on."

"Hold up." Riki bolted for the case, attempting to lift it. "Little help, guys?"

(Raph growled in annoyance, running over and helping Riki lift the case. They took off from the docks, heading for the nearest manhole.)

"Have you taken too many pucks to the head, Jones? You're lucky Riki were with you. No way can you beat those two alone," Raph said.

Riki dropped her end of the case and Raph dropped his. "Hey, we stopped them from stealing this case, didn't we?"

"What's so important that you two would risk your stupid lives for?" Raph snapped.

Casey flipped up his mask. "I don't know," he snapped back. "Let's find out." He opened the case, revealing four canisters and a warning sticker.

"Dangerous chemicals. Good thing we were flinging this case around," the hothead said sarcastically as Casey closed the case.

"We'll take it back to Donnie and Timothy. They'll know what they are. Come on." Raph grabbed the case.

"No way," Casey responded, starting to walk off. "You take it to Donnie and Tim. I'm going after Shredder."

Raph whipped around, dropping the case. "Are you crazy?" he snapped. "No, let me rephrase that: you're crazy! Have you lost your mind? Shredder is a dangerous assassin. You don't stand a chance!" I mean, not even the slightest chance, the tiniest, tiniest, ittiest, bittiest--"

"I get it!" Casey shouted, anger boiling over as he cut Raph off. "Go take your little case to Donnie and Timothy. Casey Jones works better alone." He flipped down his mask and stalked away.

"Alone--Are you serious?" Raph snarled. "Casey, wait! Casey!"

(To the lair)

"Are you crazy?" Leo snapped. "You just let Casey go off on his own??" He was in the lab with the others, Donnie and Timothy studying the chemicals Raph had brought back.

"Let him?" Raph retorted. "What were we supposed to do, chain him to a wall? I told him not go, and Riki went for backup." He slammed his hand on a desk, almost knocking over a piece of equipment.

"HEY!" Timothy grabbed it, keeping it from falling over. Heglared at them. "For real, you guys?"

"My bad."

"Sorry, Timothy."

"Well, I'm stumped." Donnie sighed, looking over to the others. "I have no idea what this chemical is. It's not mutagen-based. Maybe it is an explosive. The thing is, we've seen Stockman's lab, and he doesn't have the equipment to synthesize these chemicals. Only mutagen."

"Mm, what kind of place would have equipment like that?" Mikey asked, once again eating Chee-Z balls.

"Don't talk with your mouth full," Ethan chided. "And eating Chee-Z balls? Do you even know what's in that?"

"Now you question what he eats?" Y/N demanded. "He's like a garbage disposal."

"It's all natural, brah," Mikey responded, looking at the list of ingredients on the can. "De-enriched corn husks, hydrogenated styrodextrin, red dye 42--Mmm. Tri-nucleonized--what?"

Timothy took the can, looking at the ingredients with a gasp. "It's not all-natural, Mikey. Not in the slightest." He sniffed the can and winced. "In fact, it's probably slightly radioactive."

Mikey was downing two containers of Chee-Z balls as she spoke.

"I don't think he heard ya," Chloe commented.

Leo took the can from his brother, studying the label. "Manufactured by Auman Chemicals, New York. Wait a sec, that place is in Chinatown, right?"

Donnie typed the name into the computer, bringing up a mark on the map currently on screen. "It is. It's the biggest chemical manufacturing plant in the city."

"And if it's in Chinatown, that means it's controlled by the Purple Dragons, right?" Raph asked.

"Yeah, that's their turf," Y/N responded.

"Chee-Z balls for the win!" Mikey cheered, laughing.

(At the factory, Riki shifted slightly in the shadows of the rafters of the Auman Chemicals factory, eavesdropping on Shredder, Lobo, Razar, Tigerclaw, and their new friend, Hun. She hadn't seen Casey yet, but she could smell him somewhere here.)

"Everything you need, Master Shredder, from mixing vats, extrusion machines, kilns, bottling facilities--you name it," Hun listed, guiding Shredder along the factory's catwalk.

"You've done well to bring this factory to my attention, Hun," Shredder said. "It will be adequate for my plans."

"I have one request," Hun started, stopping on the catwalk. "Since this factory is on Dragon territory, perhaps I should be in charge."

"So be it. Success is to be rewarded, as failure is to be punished."

(Razar started sniffing the air and Y/N's ears pricked at a sound. Razar looked down as puck bombs landed by his feet. The small firecrackers exploded and Razar jumped out of the way before it could hit him. A smoke cloud shielded the catwalk from view for a moment, and when it cleared, Casey stood before them.)

"Looking for me?" he taunted.

Shredder narrowed his eyes with a growl, staring him down. "I will make your end swift, boy." His blades slid out.

Casey chuckled, holding up two bats. "I ain't afraid of you!" Shredder sliced both bats in half and grabbed him by the collar. Casey chuckled nervously. "Okay. I might be a little afraid of you."

Shredder pulled Casey to him, lifting the mask to see who he was. "You? Now I will end this game and your insignificant--" Casey slid out his taser, thrusting it against Shredder to electrocute him. Shredder yelled in pain, tossing Casey away as he fell to his knees. Casey slammed into the railing before falling to the floor. Once the shock subsided, Shredder was immediately back on his feet, kicking Casey toward the wall. "You have spirit, boy, but I tire of this game!"

(Casey scrambled back, back hitting the door as Shredder slid out his blades. Riki jumped off the rafter and down toward Shredder. She kicked him in the chest, pushing off and flipping backward to land between him and Casey.)

"Whiskers! That was so cool!" Casey yelled.

Riki glared at Shredder as he stumbled back, catching his balance. She flashed Casey a grin over his shoulder. "I know, right?"


(Casey stared at Riki as she saw her smirk and his heart began to beat loudly.)


"You! You insolent girl! I will make you pay for that!" Shredder charged her and she drew her swords. But before he could strike, Leo and Y/N dropped down out of nowhere, kicking him in the chest before landing on the railings to either side of Riki. "What?" Shredder glared at Leo and Y/N, the brunette giving him a mock salute.

"Took you guys long enough," Riki teased as the others jumped down behind Shredder, Chloe hovering in the air.

"Aw, yeah!" Mikey cheered.

"Destroy them!" Shredder ordered. "Do not let them near that vat!"

"I don't need you guys," Casey snapped. "I had this."

"I think otherwise!" Y/N retorted, grabbing Casey to pull him out of the way as Tigerclaw shot at them.

"And I have you," the tiger said.

(Leo growled, advancing on Shredder with his blades raised. Mikey had Razar covered as he activated some of the machinery. Y/N was going head to head with Lobo Casey was handling Hun with Riki. Ethan, Raph, and Chloe were taking care of Tigerclaw, and Timothy and Donnie were focused on Fishface. Shredder was Leo's.)

(He struck out at him and he blocked easily with his swords, their blades clashing with a shower of sparks. He kicked him in the gut and knocked him back. Grabbing him by the pommel, he attempted to throw he over the railing, but Leo grabbed his wrist and pulled him with him. He lost him hold on him in midair and he managed to grab another catwalk while he crashed onto one below him. Leo pushed himself back to his feet as Shredder jumped down to meet him, readying his swords in front of him.)

"This is it, Shredder," Leo snarled. "You're not gonna walk away from this."

"I have no time for idle threats, Turtle" Shredder retorted.

He charged at him and he ran to meet him, their blades clashing and locking together. Y/N kick Lobo into the wall.

His ears pricked at Casey and Riki's voices. "They shoot." He turned his head to see a container of chemicals land in the vat. "They score!"

"No! You fools!" Shredder shouted.

"What is that gunk, Donnie?" Raph asked.

"It's the secret ingredient in Mikey's Chee-Z balls," Donnie responded.

"Yeah!" Mikey cheered, before pausing. "Wait, what?"

"Let's get out of here!" Timothy shouted.

(They quickly made their escape as the vat exploded behind them.)

(Back in the lair.)

"Got to hand it to you, Casey," Raph started, back at the lair. "You kind of saved the day."

"Not to mention you took on Shredder, and you're still in one piece," Chloe added.

"Aw, yeah, Casey! High-three!" Mikey cheered, high-fiving the boy as he walked past. He climbed down the couch and onto the floor, pizza box in hand.

"You guys are the best," Casey said. "I couldn't have done it without you, but don't think I'm 100% a team player, 'cause Casey Jones is still a solo vigilante of the night, a mysterious lone hero in a world of evil."

Riki rolled her eyes. "Whatever."

Casey: (Puts her hand on Riki's shoulders) But thanks, Riki, for always having my back.

(Riki smiled and blushed as the two stared lovingly at each other. This was cut short as Y/N coughed into his hands and looked at both of them suspiciously.)

Riki: (Embarrassed) Well, I better head back to the Mighty Mutanimals! (Runs off) See ya Jones!

Casey: See ya! (Turns and sees Y/N glaring at him) Uhhh..

Y/N: You break her heart and I break you.

Casey: What?

Leo turned his head as the doors to Donnie's lab slid open ahead of them. "Guys, this is even worse than I thought," Donnie started. "Shredder's mixture--it's not an explosive."

Ethan arched a brow. "Isn't that good? He's not armed with explosive chemicals?"

Timothy shook his head as he stepped up beside Donnie. "It's not good if what he has is worse than an explosive."

"So what is it?" Chloe asked.

Donnie: "I think he's working on a mind-control formula. If it works, he could use it on Karai or us or every single person in New York City!"

[The brothers, Ethan, Chloe, and Casey yell in distraught, cut to Donnie, he watches at the chemical, he was holding with an ominous and horrified expression on his face as the episode ends.]

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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