Buried Secrets
April handed Y/N some cleaning supplies and got her own too. "Everyone ready?" she asks.
"Casey Jones was born ready." Said male slides down his mask as they all ready their stances.
"Let's do this." Raph commences the charge.
(All of them run with a battle cry to do their chores. Based on their skill types everyone dispersed into sections of the house with different cleaning tools. Raphael cleans the fireplace with feather dusters, Donatello mops the floors upstairs, Michelangelo scrubs the candlelight chandeliers and other high places no one else can get to. Leonardo wipes the windows clean.)
(On the other hand, Y/N set off to a part of the house everyone thought you should do. This part of the house is a 3 person job since several years of grossness is piled up in it.)
Y/N: Ready you two?"
(They firmly nod with a wire sponge and ajax in their hands. Y/N set out with baking soda and dish soap, cleaning the hood over the stove. Y/N carefully climbed the counter to get a better reach, only to inhale a whiff of dust that permeated into his skin pores.)
Y/N: Uck- disgusting."
(Ethan hands Y/N a face mask, then puts on himself and Chloe. A set of murmurs came into the kitchen. Unfortunately for Y/N, all the windows were assigned to Leo. He walked right in, spraying the windows before wiping them down with a towel.)
Leo: Window cleaner on, window cleaner off. Window cleaner on, window cleaner off." H
April heads to the upstairs towards the bathroom everyone uses.
Donatello notices her from the second floor and tries to impress her, spinning his mop without getting wet. "Hey, check me out, April."
However, April paid no mind as her main task was the chores and she wanted to get them done as soon as possible. His shoulders slouch and Donnie accidentally drops the bucket on the floor. April, focusing on her work starts to wash the bathroom and she notices black hair moving in the bathtub. "Looking good, Red." Casey clicks his tongue. "Keep up all the hard work."
"Real funny, Jones." A wet slap hits Casey's face when she threw the dirty sponge. "Now stop slacking off and help out."
Grinning behind the sponge he says, "Anything for you, "mon cherry."
Donatello, hearing this and walks inside. "It's "mon cherie". I can help you, April." He smiles warmly. Casey stands up to confront the interruption of his flirts but Donnie thought of a better idea. He was still jealous though and he uses the mop to smack Casey off balance, causing him to roll out of the bathroom.
He accidentally bumps into Mikey, who falls down the staircase with harsh thuds.
It would have been fine if he hadn't rolled towards Raphael. "You gotta be kid-Whoa!" The two crash hard a the bottom floor.
"Oh, Mikey, I just vacuumed!" Leo retorts limping closer with his crutch.
Raph stands up and throws the bucket far away. "Yeah? Well, I'm about to mop the floor with him."
With a huff, Y/N, Chloe, and Ethan approach, figuring out what caused it. "Figures you'd be slacking off Casey." He sends a playful glare and you stare right back.
Mikey stands back up and to his surprise, he accidentally discovers a hinge under the carpet he tripped over. "Whoa, guys. Check it out!"
"A trap door? I didn't even know we had a basement." April looks to you, thinking you possibly knew about it.
Chloe: "What do you think is down there?"
Mikey instinctively hides behind his older brother in red, while Ethan jumped on the head of Y/N.
Ethan/Mikey: Evil clown. Evil clown!
Y/N: "Raph, I told you Ethan can't handle horror movies!
Said person snorted. "I didn't make him watch he said he could take it."
"That's not true!" Ethan clings to Y/N. "You said if I watched it you'd lend me one of your comics!"
Y/N: "Let's just see what's down there before we continue this conversation." Raph shoves Mikey off him and takes out his sais. He jars the trapdoor open with his weapons.
Donnie: Uh, who's going first?"
All, but Leo yell, "Not it!" Leo groans in disappointment that he couldn't react faster. The gang walks down the steps of the desolate basement after getting flashlights. The creaking wood beneath you was unwelcoming, meaning no other human has been down here in a long time.
Something startles the group as they gasp quietly and huddle together when they spot a familiar object.
"The Kraang," Leo murmurs under his breath,
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
Here we go!
It's the lean, mean, ninja team
On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things
So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams
Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza Kings
Can't stop these radical dudes
The secret of the ooze made the chosen few
Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves
The good guys win and the bad guys lose
Leonardo's the leader in blue
Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through
Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines
Raphael has the most attitude on the team
Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!
Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!
Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need
To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
Everyone was dumbfounded, why was there a Kraang ship underneath the farmhouse? How did they find them? So many questions ran through their heads
"Wow" Mikey breathed
"It's impossible" Raph spoke, followed by Leo
Ethan: "It can't be!"
"It's a Kraang stealth ship" Donnie said
"Wicked!" Casey beamed as Y/N gave him a small glare
"But how- how did they find us?" April asked
"I don't think they did" Donnie replied as he brought a finger onto the ship, taking green algae's off the ship and added. "The ship looks like it's been buried here for years"
"What the heck is a Kraang ship sound underneath my house?" April asked
"Or more importantly, how did it end up here in the first place?" Y/N asked
Donnie accidentally pushed a button and it beeped, causing the door to open and dust to escape
"Only one way to find out" Leo said as they made their way into the ship
(Raph and Timotthy shine their lights for everyone to see and when Raph looked at his left, his eyes widened.)
"Guys, look" Raph gasped
(They turned around to see some sort of capsule and it looked like there was a human inside of it.)
"Is that a person in there?" Timothy asked
"Ok, now it's getting weirder." Chloe gulped and clung to Ethan.
(Donnie got on one knee to take a good look at it, looking for something to open it up.)
"Ok, don't touch anything. I repeat, do not touch anything" Donnie said as he glared at Mikey, Mikey grinned as he stumbled back and accidentally clicked on a button with his elbow
Causing the ship to activate and work.
"Mikey!" Donnie shouted angrily
"Oh, hehe, oops. I promise not to touch anything starting now?" Mikey grinned nervously
(The capsule slowly opened and the cool air escaped immediately, they now saw that there was indeed a person inside of it. April narrowed her eyes as she seemed to recognize the person, then it hit her as she gasped. The woman groaned softly as she opened her eyes.)
"Mom?" April gasped with a trembling voice
"Mom?" Casey and Y/N asked
(The woman known as April's mom stepped out of the capsule and was dizzy, she nearly tripped, but Donnie and Raph helped her to stand up.)
"Take it easy, ma'am" Donnie said, followed by Raph.
Raph: Hold on"
(The woman seemed to be getting more aware of her surroundings and when she saw the turtles, she totally flipped. She screamed as she elbowed Donnie and Raph and tried to run away.)
???: "Mutants!"
(She tripped over her own feet and Casey managed to grab her just in time.)
"Oh, don't worry, Ms. O'Neil. These are good mutants" Casey assured as he helped her up and both looked at the Turtles, Y/N, and Ethan, who waves at her.
"Except for Donnie, he's kind of a jerk" Casey smirked
"Yeah- hey!" Donnie shouted angrily.
Chloe: (Giggles)
Ms. O'Neil: "Where am I? And how do you know my-"
(She turned around to face April who had her hand on her chest and looked at her with wide eyes.)
"A-April?... but. But how? Just a few days ago you were only 6 years old-" Ms. O'Neil grew weak as she fainted from the shock and fell into Casey's arms
"Mom!" April gasped and she too fainted and Timothy caught her.
(Back in the living room, April was pouring tea as her mother sat on the chair
The brothers just stared at her, not knowing what to think. Ms. O'Neil just shrunk back into the chair as April walked up to her with a cup of tea.)
"Here you go, mom, just relax" April smiled as she handed her the cup of tea
"Thank you, April. I'm still a little shaky" Ms. O'Neil thanked as she took a sip of the tea and spoke
"I know this is hard to believe, but... the Kraang ship has been here for years. It was your great-grandfather who discovered it, he made the mistake of awakening the Kraang. They paid him back by experimenting on him and his entire bloodline, they knew we were the key to unlocking their precious mutagen. We were their guinea pigs"
"Aw, guinea pigs are so cute!" Mikey smiled, interrupting Ms. O'Neil's story
"I told you not to be stupid, you moron" Raph replied as he poked Mikey's face and he just whimpered and Ms. O'Neil continued her story
"After you were born, it was clear you were very special. We knew it was only a matter of time before the Kraang came for you, we escaped... Kirby fled with you to the city, I was recaptured and put into staces"
(Everyone looked at her with an open mouth with a mix of confusion, shock and disbelief.)
"All these years, I never knew what happened to you, I never knew what to think. Dad would never tell me" April sighed sadly as she and her mother stood up, her mother holding her hands
"Now you know and now we never have to be apart again, where is Kirby anyway?" Ms. O'Neil asked
"Kirby? Oh, he got turned into a wicked Kraang-headed mutant-" Casey replied as Raph elbowed him pretty hard, causing Casey to spill the tea.
"You had to pull a Mikey, didn't you?" Raph sneered
"Ha, you pulled a Mikey!" Mikey smiled, but quickly faded by seeing their unamused faces.
"He's just kidding, Ms. O'Neil. Kirby is, uh, on a... safari! In Puerto Rico, he won't be back for a while" Leo spoke as he tried to change the subject and took a sip of his tea.
Timothty: (Sarcastic) Smooth.
"I'm just so glad to have my April back" Ms. O'Neil smiled
(April smiled as they both embraced each other, everyone looked happy at their reunion. But Mikey felt that something was off, he couldn't help it.)
"Is it me or seems April's mom a little bit off?" Mikey asked Raph.
"Ha! Like you're on to talk" Raph smirked.
"I'm serious, dude! I got those ninja vibes, yo... I don't trust her" Mikey whispered.
Ethan: Mikey's right, she is a little weird.
Timothy: How come?
Ethan: I mean she comes out of an alien pod and suddenly she's perfectly fine? Anyone find that a little suspicious?
Timothy: Yeah, I guess you're right. (Whispers) How about a little stakeout?
Ethan/Chloe: (Nod with excitement)
[Later outside at the night...April and his mom sitting at the bench.]
Mrs. O'Neil:Remember how we used to sit out here in the summertime and look up at the stars?
April: Like it was yesterday. But so much has happened. So much time has passed.
Mrs. O'Neil:And that's exactly what it is. The past. We're together again. [both hug]
April:Oh, mom.
Mikey: Something's not right here.
Mrs. O'Neil: We can start over. We can be a family again.
April: If only dad were here.
[Silence. But then Mikey attacks!]
Mikey: Booyakasha!
[Mikey is about to assault Mrs O'Neil, but April pins him.]
April: Mikey! What are you doing?
Mikey:Get away from April! I'm warning you!
[Mrs O'Neil runs away crying in fear, Mikey goes after her, but an enraged April grabs him.]
April:[enraged] What the heck is wrong with you? Have you lost your mind? Don't bother answering that. [runs after her mother]
Mikey: April, wait! I can explain! [runs after April]
Mikey:April, hold on!
[Mikey tries to go after her, but Raph comes in, then the light turns black.}
Timothy thought she'd take April on a walk to soothe her nerves and were walking through the forest.
After some time, April has calmed down and said, "I don't know what got into him, but I'm not going to talk to him!" April growled under her breath
"Ok, ok. Take it easy, he's not here" Timothy shushed as he was doubting if he should tell April what to think.
"Uhm, April?" Timothy started as April looked at her and waited for her to talk
"I'm sorry I have to say this, but... I think Mikey's right, there IS something wrong with her" Timothy blurred out.
(April's eyes widened in disbelief and took a step back.)
"How can you even say that?! You don't even know her!" April snapped and Timothy just argued
"And you do? She came straight out of a Kraang ship and-"
"And what?!" April snapped
"April, please! Just listen-"
April has already reached her peak and pushed Timothy roughly into a tree, causing Timothy to wheeze.
"No, you listen! You have no idea to lose someone and have them finally come back into your life!" April yelled angrily.
Timothy:..................What about you?
April: (Gasped)
(She just ran back to the farmhouse, leaving Timothy behind with tears in his eyes.)
"Hello, Timothy."
(He froze up by the creepy, monotone voice from behind her, it was April's mom.)
"I am so sorry for what April said, it's horrible. How bout a hug?"
(Timothy couldn't move, he felt too many emotions at the same time as Ms. O'Neil placed both of her hands on her shoulders.)
"Aw, sweetheart. Come to mommy."
(And in the blink of an eye, the thing that was April's mom, attacked Timothy.)
[Light appears and scares Mikey. His infuriated brothers, Y/N and Casey are standing right in front of him, indicating they are incredibly furious at him for attacking April's mother. But not as furious as Donnie, who confronts him about it.]
Donnie inches closer to his younger brother with a glare. "You. Attacked. April's. MOTHER?!?!?!?!"
Raph: "Mikey, have you completely cracked your shell?"
"I don't trust her." The turtle in orange speaks his mind. "She's all kinds of wrong. You guys got to believe me." Mikey's eyes seemed to have watered with great humility. He wasn't goofing off this time.
"Oh, just like the time tiny elves stole your nunchucks and replaced 'em with mozzarella sticks?"Leo questioned.
Mikey: "Yes!"
Leo rolled his eyes but he then jolted feeling your tail on his shoulder. Leaving a cold shudder to crawl up his shell.
Y/N inquires once more, losing faith in Mikey. "Or the time you and ice cream kitty entered a break dancing contest?"
Mikey: "Exactly!"
Casey: Stop it, Mikey. Do you have any idea how much this means to April? If you ruin this for her-
"Fine!" Mikey snaps back twice as loud as Casey was. "If you don't believe me, I'll prove it." Mikey promplty leaves the barn.
(The brothers look at each other, unsure of what to do with Mikey anymore but instead let him be.)
(Cut to Y/N who looks and sees Ethan on the roof, which confuses him, Chloe, in her armour, flies and lands on the roof.)
Ethan: Any sign of him?
Chloe: No, I'm starting to get worried.
Y/N: (Leaps onto the roof) What are you two doing?
Ethan: We've been looking for Timothy. He went for a walk with April and we haven't seen him anywhere.
Y/N: Well, I'm sure he's around somewhere. Come inside, you two need to calm down.
(Chloe and Ethan reluctanly were about follow Y/N inside the house, until they saw April Raph run out of the house, scared.)
(Raph stopped as he tried to catch his breath while April and Casey stood up with confusion.)
"Raph, what is it?" April asked
"It's your mother! She's not... Mikey was right, she's some kind of creature and she's done... something to the others!" Raph replied with pure shock in his eyes.
(Y/N, Ethan, and Chloe jumped down to meet the others.)
Y/N: Say what?!
No... no, you're wrong!" April refused to believe it as Casey stepped in.
Casey: Oh, come on, Raph! Not you too"
"She's not what you think she is?" Raph replied.
Ethan: What do you mean?
Mrs. O'Neil: April!"
(They turned around and saw Ms. O'Neil standing on the porch with an angry face.)
"April, I told you to pack your bags." Ms. O'Neil said angrily as she walked towards the group.
"Stay back!" Raph shouted, but she kept walking towards them.
"What did you do to my brothers?!" Raph yelled as he took out his sais.
Mrs. O'Neil: April, now!"
"I said stay back, mom... thing?" Raph stammered as he pointed his sai at her.
(April pushed him aside and stood right in front of her mom.)
"Stop it, Raph! Stop it, right now" April hissed, when Ms. O'Neil grabbed her wrist tightly.
April: Ow!"
"That's it!"
"Mom?" April asked
"We're leaving, now!" Her mom shouted as she dragged April with her.
"What's going on?" April asked as she pulled back.
"I'm your MOTHER!"
(Her mother now had the face of some sort of a Kraang-creature and it looked hideous as April screamed and looked at her wrist that was being held by a tentacle. Raph had wide eyes and Casey gasped.)
Ethan: the-
Y/N: F**K!
Raph: "What the heck? Let her go!"
(Raph sliced the tentacle in half, freeing April as the mom-thing screeched in pain and trashed its tentacles around. And it soon began to transform into its hideous form, it had a abnormally long neck and walked like a spider.)
"Oh, my gosh!" April gasped in horror.
"I think I'm gonna puke." Casey agreed while gagging
(The giant creature towered over them and looked down at the group.)
"Move!" Raph shouted as they sprinted to the barn with the thing behind them.
Casey ran to the tree trunk to try and pull the axe out as Raph shouted.
Y/N: "Hurry! Hurry! Casey, come on!"
(Casey took the axe and they all ran inside the barn and quickly closed the door, the thing was screeching and punching in the door and then it grew silent.)
Chloe: Guys, I scanned that thing and something is off, like really off?
Y/N: Ya think?!
Chloe: No, my scanners say that thing is a monster, but it also says that it has DNA, human DNA.
April: Wait, are you saying-
Chloe: That thing is your mother, but the mutant has overwhelmed her, like she's being-
Y/N: Controlled.
(The thing came from under the ground and they screamed. The thing split its head in half and they all scrunched up their faces in disgust and shock. One of the tentacles shot out and pinned April to the wall as Y/N cut off the tentacle. Chloe flew around and blasted at the thing with her repulsors, but they did little to no damage. Then one of the tentacles smacked her out of the air, which made her crash into a table. Ethan kept slicing tentacles with his kunai, but one soon grabbed him and threw him into Y/N. Casey tried to attack it with the axe, but he got grabbed and thrown into the attack with hay. The mom-thing climbed up to the ceiling and shot green slime out of its holes, Raph managed to dodge them just in time.)
"There's no way to stop this thing!" Raph said
Chloe: (Looking at her scanners) I see it, the mind controlled chip is in her head!
Ethan: How can we deactivate it?
"We don't, we fry it." Casey spoke as he slid underneath the monster.
"Time for Casey Jones to place some off ends, goongala!" Casey shouted as he tried to lure the mom-thing to the power box.
(The thing screeched as it sprinted to Casey, Casey quickly opened the power box and jumped back. The mom-clone's hand touched it and got electrocuted. Everything was quiet, smoke came off of the thing and they thought they defeated her. But unfortunately, it turned around and growled at them.
"Ok, that didn't work" Raph said
"We just gotta hack it to pieces!" Casey yelled as they jumped to attack, but Y/N stopped him.
Y/N: That thing is April's mom, we are not-
(A giant tentacle came out of the hole from its back and grabbed them, they squirmed and tried to get free, but it was no use.)
"Get your slimy sucker off of me!" Raph shouted
"Casey! Y/N! Raph! No, no!" April screamed as the tentacle sucked them into the hole and they disappeared.
"This is not happening, it's not! It's not!" April yelled as she had a firm grip on her head, when she heard a raspy voice saying.
"April, we can be together. No more pain, no more sorrow"
Then, the heads of Mikey, Donnie and Leo came out of her chest with wide eyes and they kept saying the same thing, along with the monster.
"One of us, one of us"
"Stop it! No, no!" April shouted as she attempted to run away, but quickly got grabbed by a tentacle. Two od the tentacles than grabbed Ethan and Chloe.
"We will be a family again, it's all we ever wanted." the thing spoke
(And just before it could suck her into the hole, April let out a scream as her powers kicked in and sent powerful waves, destroying the mind control chip, which made the mom mutant drop April, Chloe, and Ethan. It also made her puke up the other and slowly turn back to normal, until all that was left was a naked Mrs. O'Neil.)
April:Are you guys okay?
Donnie: Let me put it to you this way. I'm pretty sure I swallowed about 15 pounds of slime.
Mikey: I feel like if puke could puke, it would be us.[vomits.]
Leo: Thanks, April.
(April smiles and approaches her naked mother, Timothy comes in with a blanket and covers her.)
Chloe: (Scanned Mrs.O'Neil) Yep, the mind control device is deactivated.
Mrs.O'Neil: (Slowly wakes up and looks around)
April: Mom?
Mrs. O'Neil: (Smiles) Hello, my little April.
April: (Cries and hugs her mother)
Y/N: So Mikey, what is your ninja Vibes telling you?
Mikey: She's cool.
Raph: ......Works for me.
(Back in the Kraang stealth ship.)
Donnie:So when I downloaded the data from the Kraang ship, I discovered the creature was April's mom. But they changed her.
Raph: So what did they do?
Donnie: Some sort of early infiltration experiment that utilized a combination of Mrs. o'Neil's DNA and Kraang DNA, but it was too dangerous.
Raph: So the Kraang put her in a deep freeze. It all makes sense.
Leo: Guys, do we have to talk about this right now?
Mrs.O'Neil: It's okay, I have a lot to catch up on, but talking about will help get through it. It just feels weird, I feel like......................a freak. (Looks down somberly)
Y/N: Awwwwww, don't feel bad.
(Mrs.O'Neil looks at the smiling group.)
Y/N: We're all freaks here.
Mrs.O'Neil: (Smiles)
Timothy: Well at least we won't have to deal with any threats out here.
Donnie:Hold up. Didn't you mention something about mutagen being spilled in the woods?
Mikey:Uh Yeah.
Raph:Well, do you remember where it was?
Mikey:Mm Nope.
Mrs.O'Neil: Neither can I
Leo:Oh, no. You know what this means, right?
[It is revealed that the mutagen spilled on the frogs, indicating that there will be new mutants: Punk Frogs]
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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