Brothers in Time
"Give it up, Leo." Y/N turned at the sound of Raph's voice to see him sitting on the ledge of the roof, watching Leo was looking out across the city. "There's nothing we can do. It's been weeks since we last saw her. When she poisoned us!"
"Yeah, Leo," Donnie agreed. "If I can't find a cure, we might have to let Karai go."
"It's not that easy, Donnie," Leo retorted. "You should know."
"'Cause you're still hung up on April," Mikey teased. "Just a guess."
"Sometimes you don't have a choice," Leo said. "You think about someone. A lot."
"Dudes, I'm never gonna have a crush on a girl. Uh-uh. No way, no sir." He got up off the air vent he'd been sitting on. "This turtle's dedicated to one thing and one thing only."
"Pizza?" Y/N asked.
"Video games?" Chloe added.
"Well...those too, but the main thing" Mikey pulled out his nunchucks and performed a few moves.
"I'm with Mikey," Timothy spoke up, earning a look from Y/N. "I mean, not about the ninja-ing thing, no--that's an incredibly incorrect use of grammar, by the way--but about the never having a crush thing. I mean, romance is overrated anyway."
The door leading the building opened and Raph poked his head out with a grin. "Yo, Mikey. I got a little ninja-ing for you right here." Raph jumped out, holding a hose and turning it water, shooting water at Mikey.
"Whoa!" Mikey laughed, running from the spray. "Raph!"
"Shell soaker!" Raph called, turning the spray on Leo, who jumped away and ran along the ledge away from the water. Raph aimed the hose at Donnie, who held up his hands to try and block the spray, laughing.
Raph turned the water on Ethan, who yelped, laughing as she ran from the spray. "No fair, Raph!"
Y/N hissed, jumping away from the water and shooting a glare at Raph that was more playful and amused than angry. "Don't you dare, brother!"
(They were all laughing by that point, trying to avoid the spray of water (or in Y/N's case, trying to wrestle the hose away from Raph in order to spray him and getting absolutely soaked in the process), but all in all having fun. At least until a light appeared in the sky, opening up into some sort of door, catching their attention. A girl stepped out of the opening, only to realize she was in the air as she started falling. Mikey quickly darted to try and catch her, the girl landing on top of him.)
She sat up, placing a hand on her head. Mikey sat up, too, shaking his head before looking at her. "Whoa, are you okay?" The girl look her hand away from her head and looked up at Mikey, making him gasp.
She looked at Leo and the others. "Whoa. The leader, Leonardo. The young fighter, Ethan. . The warrior, Raphael. The inventor, Donatello. The cute one, Michelangelo. The savage protector, Y/N. The weapon master, Chloe. And the vigilante, Timothy!"
Timothy cocked a brow. "You know us?"
The girl got to her feel. "I found you. I actually found you. The Warriors of Legend. This is so grokking cold!"
"Us? Legends?" Raph questioned. "What the heck are you talking about? Nobody even knows we exist."
"Nobody knows. Yet," the girl responded. "But I come from the future, and--wow. You guys are, like, so famous. Meeting you is WAY more interesting than meeting Genghis Khan or Billy the Kid or Socrates!"
"Please," Donnie began. "You're saying you're from the future and we're important enough to be in history books? You expect us to believe that?"
"Yes," the girl responded. "You save the world. Many times."
"Awesome! High-three!" Donnie yelled, he, Raph, and Leo sharing a high-three together.
"Psh, please," Y/N snorted. "If you're gonna come up with a crazy story, at least make it believable."
"I dunno, dad, she did fall from a glowing door floating in the sky," Ethan argued. "And have you seen her outfit? In what world is that modern? Come on, pops. Mutants, aliens, saving all of New York by traveling to a crazy backwards dimension like a real-life Wonderland? Why is time travel so hard to believe?"
Y/N: Fair enough.
Mikey got to his feet. "Hey, there. The name's Michelangelo. But you can call me Mikey. Angelo is my middle name."
Ethan snorted, leaning over to whisper to Chloe, "Is he...flirting? Wow." He snickered. "So much for never getting a crush on a girl."
"What's yours?" Mikey continued. "Let me guess. Future Girl? Amazonian Princess? Wonder Warrior?"
"Uh, nope," the girl responded. "My name's Renet." She held up the staff she was holding. "I'm a Time Master." She lost her balance, quickly regaining it as she juggled the staff, successfully regaining her hold on it. "Okay. Assistant Time Master in training."
Raph pushed a love-struck Mikey out of the way and pointed at Renet. "More to the point, headdress. Prove to us you're from the future."
"Oh, right. Almost forgot why I came." Renet chuckled. "I was kind of followed by an evil freak from the future who wants to control all of space and time."
"Uh, wait a minute," Chloe said. "Could you repeat that last bit?"
Thunder cracked and they all gasped as they watched another door like the first open in the sky and a mutant step through.
"It's him," Renet said. "Savanti Romero."
Timothy: Why do all the villains have such weird names?
Ethan: Oh my god, someone finally said it!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
Here we go!
It's the lean, mean, ninja team
On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things
So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams
Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza Kings
Can't stop these radical dudes
The secret of the ooze made the chosen few
Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves
The good guys win and the bad guys lose
Leonardo's the leader in blue
Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through
Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines
Raphael has the most attitude on the team
Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!
Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!
Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need
To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
The mutant fell, landing on his feet and studying the area. "How droll. The early 21st century. Why would you pick this era?" His gaze landed on Leo and his siblings, who all quickly drew their weapons as Renet hid behind them. "Oh, I see. The Warriors of Legend. Of course." He laughed. "But you must realize they can't defeat me. Your history is wrong. Gave me the time scepter and I shall let you live."
"Ninjas, let's welcome this freak New York-style!" Leo called out.
(Leo lifted his swords and ran at Savanti, the others close behind. Savanti pressed a button on his gauntlet and a glowing yellow bubble appeared around him. The second Leo touched it, he froze in mid-air alongside hid siblings. Savanti waved his hand, sending them all flying back across the roof.)
"Give it to me, girl!" Savanti snapped, stalking closer to Renet.
"Not this time!" Renet aimed the scepter at him and a blast of golden energy sent Savanti flying through the doorway, the aftershock knocking Renet off her feet. The door closed behind him. "Whew. Wow." Renet got back up. "That was like the most evil Time Master ever, right?" She dropped the scepter, quickly snatching it back up and turning to Leo and the others as they got to their feet. "No worries! I sent him a hundred million years into the past."
"Um, I think I speak for all when I say: WE HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IS GOING ON!" Donnie shouted, starting to lose his cool.
"We got tossed like yesterday's garbage by a demon-looking creature who came through a glowing doorway and wants to take over time and space," Y/N snarked, rubbing his head with a wince. "That's what's going on."
Ethan: The same old, same old.
The others: (Mumbling and agreeing with him)
"Oh, right. Yeah, sorry. Let me explain everything." Renet cleared her throat. "In the future, we Time Masters are the protectors of time, space, and reality itself. I'm apprentice to the top guy in our order: Lord Simultaneous. Last night, someone tried to steal the Time Scepter, a piece of tech so advanced it can not only control time, it can bend reality itself. It was Savanti Romero, the evil mutant Time Master. With the scepter, he could rule all of reality, changing history to suit his cruel whims. So, I took it from him, and I used it to lure him to the one era he could be defeated in: Now, by the famous Warriors of Legend."
"But we didn't defeat him," Leo pointed out. "You did. So history was totally wrong."
The scepter started glowing and Renet stared at it. "Oh, grok. This isn't good. Savanti is making changes in the past. He's trying to wipe us out in the present."
"Excuse me, he's doing what?" Ethan demanded.
"He can do that?" Chloe asked.
"Oh, yeah." Renet nodded. "That happens a lot. I guess I should have let you guys defeat him like history said. Can you help me?"
"Help you?" Raph retorted. "We don't even know you."
"Come on, guys," Mikey started. "One day we're going to be famous for doing great things. This is one of them." He struck a pose with one arm up.
"Not to mention that if we don't do something about this guy, who knows what could happen," Y/N pointed out.
Thunder cracked through the sky and a huge orb of light brightened the sky before a large face appeared. "Renet!"
"Lord Simultaneous?" Renet questioned. "Aw, man. I'm so busted."
"Foolish child, what have you done?"
"We gotta get out of here. Lord S is gonna kill me!" Renet opened another door, jumping off the roof and into it.
"Renet, wait for me!" Mikey called, jumping into the door after her without hesitation. "Booyakasha!"
"Mikey!" Leo yelled, taking off after him.
(The light from the door blinded her as he jumped through, and next thing he knew, he was falling out of the door and landing in the middle of the woods.)
Chloe: (Groaned) "Where the heck are we?"
"More like when are we," Renet responded as she got up.
Donnie looked at some signs. "Avalon. Camelot. The Tower of the Demon? This is not good."
"Um, guys?" Ethan called, gaining their attention. "Look." He pointed to a nearby village looking very...out of date.
Chloe gasped. "We're in Medieval times!"
Ethan/Chloe: (Excited and Giddy) Cool!!!
Renet glanced at the scepter. "England in the year 980 A.D. That is so cold, right? Isn't that what you say in your time? Cold?"
"It's actually 'cool'," Raph corrected. "And no, this is not cool. At all."
"Um, well, I meant to send him back 100 million years. You have to help me stop him."
"It looks like we have no choice, guys," Leo stated. "We gotta save history."
"Yes!" Renet cheered. "You guys are such groovy daddy-os."
Y/N: (Snorted) "Groovy daddy-os? Hate to break it to ya, but we're millions of years past that kind of phrasing."
"Oh, snap." Mikey walked over to the time-traveler. "Renet, I got a rad idea. Check this out." The turtle made a few strange motions and pointed back at Leo and the others.
Renet laughed. "The scepter can do that." Mikey ran back to the others. "It's just a little quantum manipulation."
"Wait, what's a little quantum manipulation?" Chloe asked.
(The scepter started to glow again and Renet flipped it in her hands, pointing it at them before slamming the end to the ground, releasing a flash of light.)
(Y/N blinked as the light cleared, looking himself over to find himself in her LARPing gear.)
"Oh, not again with the costumes," Raph groaned. "Come on!"
Oh, I like this.
Mikey laughed. "We need to blend in, dude. Plus, I want to look extra sweet for Renet. It's the elf ears. Chicks dig 'em."
(Y/N's ears pricked at the sound of hooves growing closer. He turned to see a group of knights approaching on horseback.)
"Halt, strangers," a knight started. "This land belongs to the King. What business have you here?" He did a double take as he registered their appearances. "By my blesses horse, I think the little green ones are orcs."
(One of the horses went right up to Raph, startling him and making him fall.)
"Aye, that's a right ugly one right there, it is," the rider said, pointing his lance at the hothead.
Raph slapped it away. "Who you calling ugly?"
"And look at this one." Another knight stopped in front of Mikey. "The fiercest of the lot. I bet he eats children for dinner, he does."
"I don't eat people, dude," Mikey snapped back. "I'm a pizzatarian."
The knights dismounted. "Do not fret, maiden fair." They drew their swords. "We will free you of your evil orc captors."
Leo raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry, what?"
"Attack the pizzatarians!" The knights charged.
(Leo drew his swords and blocked a knight's attack. He swung his sword low, forcing him to stumble back to avoid it. He lunged at him, slamming his shoulder into him and knocking him off his feet.)
Timothy: All I got is a book!
Leo: Anything can be a weapon in a ninja's hand!
(As the knights closed in, their swords drawn and shields raised, Timothy swung the oversized book with unexpected grace. The heavy tome collided with the first knight's shield, sending him stumbling backward. The impact reverberated through the courtyard, drawing the attention of the other knights. Undeterred, Timothy spun around, using the momentum to strike another knight across the helmet with the book's reinforced spine. The resounding thud echoed through the air as the knight crumpled to the ground. The remaining knights tightened their formation, realizing that they were dealing with an unexpected and formidable opponent. Timothy's eyes glinted with determination as he dodged a swinging sword, retaliating with a powerful swing of the book that caught another knight off guard. The ancient pages fluttered in the night air as the book became an unlikely weapon in Timothy's hands.)
"Aw, man. He's got, like, 50 armor class," Mikey whined, trying to attack him with his nunchucks, only to get knocked down.
Y/N slid in between them, catching the knight's sword against his dagger . "It's cool, big brother. Let's take this guy." She shoved the knight back, lunging at him with Mikey. They knocked the knight over to Renet, who rested the scepter oin the ground and punched the night with her knuckledusters, knocking him out.
"Whoo!" Mikey cheered. "Looking good, Renet!"
(With a swift and fluid motion, Ethan notched an arrow and drew the bowstring, his keen bunny senses anticipating the movements of his adversaries. The first knight charged, sword raised high, but Ethan's arrow found its mark with deadly accuracy. The knight stumbled, the arrow piercing through the narrow opening in his armor. As the other knights hesitated, Ethan leaped gracefully to the side, avoiding a swinging mace. He let loose another arrow, and it found its target with unerring precision, striking the exposed joint of a second knight's armor. The forest echoed with the clash of metal and the knight's grunts of pain. The remaining knights closed in, shields raised, but Ethan danced between the trees, using the natural cover to his advantage. With unparalleled agility, he fired arrows with unmatched speed and accuracy. The forest became a symphony of twanging bowstrings and the thud of arrows finding their marks. Ethan's ears twitched as he sensed an approaching adversary from behind. With a nimble spin, he fired an arrow directly into the path of the knight, who recoiled as the arrow embedded itself in his shield. Seizing the opportunity, Ethan closed the distance, disarming the knight with a swift kick before finishing him off with a point-blank shot. The knights, now frustrated and bewildered by the seemingly elusive bunny archer, regrouped for a final assault. Ethan, undeterred, climbed a nearby tree, gaining a vantage point from which he rained arrows upon his foes. His bunny agility allowed him to move with unmatched speed and precision, making him a formidable adversary.)
(Chloe pulled out a sword. With a swift and decisive move, Chloe dodged the first knight's swing, her small frame proving surprisingly agile. She countered with a precise strike, aiming for the gaps in the knight's armor. The knight staggered back, realizing that Chloe was not to be taken lightly. The other knights attacked in unison, their swords gleaming in the dim light. Chloe, however, relied on her quick reflexes and keen intelligence. She darted between the knights, exploiting their slow movements. As a knight swung a heavy broadsword, Chloe ducked and rolled, her sword slashing against the knight's exposed leg.)
(Leo knocked down another knight, dodging out of the way as the last one tried to run him over on horseback. Leo backed into a nearby horse, mounting it and grabbing a nearby lance.)
He charged the knight atop the horse as the knight rode toward him. "I got this!"
"And now you shall perish," the knight snapped.
(As the two passed each other, Leo slammed his lance into the knight's shield, sending him to the ground.)
"I hate orcs."
"Whoo-hoo!" Ethan cheered. "You show 'em, Uncle Leo!"
(Renet picked up the staff, using it to grab hold of the knights and lift them into the air.)
"Whoa! What magic is this?"
"Please, sir knights," Renet started. "You must understand. These are not orcs. They are friendly goblins from the--uh, Western Realms." She gently set the knights back down.
One knight lifted the face plate of his head. "Oh, I see." Smiling, he walked up to Raph. "Friendly goblin, will you live in my cellar and make shoes?"
"I can make your face into a shoe!" Raph retorted.
Y/N stepped in front of the knight. "Good sir, we are trying to find the tower of Savanti Romero."
The knight gasped. "Egad! You do not want to go there. You don't even want to speak his name, lest you summon him."
"Who?" Mikey asked. "Savanti Romero? That punk? Please. I can take that horn-headed freak in my sleep." Leo turned to face his little brother, blinking in alarm as she noticed Savanti standing right behind him. "He's a chump change. A crump snatcher. I'm not scared of him in the--" He noticed the looks of concern on their faces. "--He's right behind me, isn't he?"
Savanti growled. "Fool!" He slammed his fist into Mikey, knocking him back.
Savanti grabbed the scepter, throwing Renet off and into a tree. "Finally, the scepter is mine!" He laughed.
"'Tis the demon of the tower!" The knights cried as they fled. "Run away! Run away!"
"The Time Scepter will never stop the warriors!" Renet snapped. "So maybe you'll give it back?"
"Never!" Savanti slammed the scepter into the ground. "You shall forever be stuck in the confines of time!" A light shone from the scepter, quickly dying down.
"Get him!" Leo shouted. They ran to attack Savanti, only for the mutant to vanish.
Time reset, and Leo blinked in confusion as he stared at Savanti.
"You shall forever be stuck in the confines of time!"
"Get him!" Leo ordered again. They ran to attack Savanti again and he once more vanished.
(Time reset again, the others taking notice this time.)
"You shall forever be stuck in the confines of time!"
"What the heck is going on?" Y/N asked.
"Yeah, didn't this just happen?" Chloe added.
Timothy thought for a moment. "Savanti must have stuck us in some sort of time loop."
Time reset yet again.
"You shall forever be stuck in the confines of time!"
"Dudes, I'm starting to think we'll be forever stuck in the confines of time," Mikey panicked.
"Well, headdress, you got us into this," Raph said.
(Renet glanced at her knuckledusters before slamming them together, time resetting again.)
"You shall forever be stuck in the con--"
(Renet slammed her knuckleduster into Savanti, shattering the time loop.)
"You punched out the time loop?" Donnie asked.
"That is awesome!" Ethan cheered, hugging Renet.
Renet patted the bunny's head. "Come on, we have to find Savanti." Ethan released her and the time-traveler quickly mounted a horse.
(Leo and the others followed suit, pairing up as they mounted the other horses. Y/N rode by himself since Renet was with Mikey. Leo pulled Ethan into the saddle behind him.)
"Aw, man," Raph groaned. "Turtles on horses. This is just so weird."
Leo scanned the forest. "Let's try that way. Come on!"
(He stared at Raph as his brother darted by on a horse, clearly having no control over the animal. Chloe was in the saddle behind him, arms wrapped around his waist, yelping as she struggled to stay on. Ethan snickered behind as Leo rolled his eyes. He gave his horse a kick with his heels and it set off at a trot through the trees. Ethan yelped, quickly wrapping his arms around his waist to keep from falling off.)
"So, now we're riding a horse together." Y/N's ear flicked back as he heard Mikey talking to Renet. "Is this our first date?"
(Y/N placed a hand over his mouth to muffle his snickers.)
"Mikey, aren't you a little old for me?" Renet asked. "I haven't even been born yet."
(Mikey whimpered and Y/N struggled to keep from laughing. They entered a cemetery through the gate as night fell.)
"Savanti's tower is just past this uber-creepy cemetery," Leo said.
"Can't we go, like, around the uber-creepy cemetery?" Mikey asked.
"Big bad elven prince scared?" Raph teased, starting to laugh, only for his horse to get scared at Savanti's sudden appearance, the stallion throwing the hothead off.
"Fools!" Savanti snapped. "Do you think you can sneak up on the greatest Time Master ever? Savanti Romero rules everything, even death." He lifted the glowing scepter.
(Skeletons began clawing their way out of the ground, causing the horses to panic as they threw off their riders, bolting.)
"Hey, you're supposed to be trained!" Chloe yelled after them.
"Dudes, this is like my worst nightmare times ten," Mikey said, helping Renet to her feet.
"Even worse than a world without pizza?" Donnie asked, Timothy pulling him up.
"Okay, second worst."
(The skeletons closed in and Leo and the others raised their weapons. Leo slammed his blade into a skeleton, breaking it apart. Turning, he blocked the sword of another, their blades locking. He broke away and swung, his sword clashing against its shield. It shoved back with surprising force, knocking him off his feet.)
(Ethan slid in front of him, using his bow as a shield to block the skeleton's blade. He slammed the bow into the skeleton and stabbed through it with an arrow.)
Leo grinned, grabbing his sword and getting back to his feet. "Nice, Ethan."
(Ethan grinned back at him, though their attention was quickly drawn back to the skeletons as they started piecing themselves back together, getting back up to continue the fight.)
Renet punched the head off a skeleton and her knuckledusters powered down. "Well, my Energy Knuckles have burned out. I grok the only weapon I have left is a single entropy dart. One last resort to destroy the scepter."
"Destroy the scepter?" Y/N demanded. "But we'll be trapped here forever!"
"Yeah, I'd rather stay in modern times!" Ethan exclaimed.
(The team kept on fighting until they Leo darted by on a horse, cutting down skeletons as they went.)
"Come on, Warriors of Legend!" he called. "Let's ride!" The other horses ran up, running over some skeletons and stopping in front of them.
(The others mounted their horses. This time, Chloe took the reins of hers and Raph's horse. Renet let out a battlecry and Mikey stared at her with a lovestruck look on his face, clearly falling even more in love. The horses took off out of the cemetery, the skeletons collapsing outside the gates as they tried to follow.)
(Leo pulled his horse to a stop as they arrived at the edge of a cliff over a bunch of thorn bushes. Directly ahead, past the thorns, was Savanti's castle. They dismounted their horses and snuck into the castle, watching Savanti from the rafters.)
"Hm, I suppose I could conquer the 25th century fairly easily. But I want to see the look on the other Time Master's faces when I neutralize them." Savanti laughed. "Come on, attack. I haven't got all the time in the world. Most of it, yes." Leo drew his swords and jumped down from the rafters, the others following him . The scepter glowed golden and suddenly they were frozen in the air. "Toys are such fun." Savanti flicked the scepter and the grains of sand started reversing, sending Leo and the others back to the rafters, just like the time loop before.
"Okay, guys," Leo began. "We'll sneak across on that chandelier chain and--" He paused, whiskers twitching. "Wait, didn't we just do this?"
"Ugh! He's messing with time again!" Chloe complained.
"Get him!" Raph shouted, and everyone but Ethan and Chloe jumped down to attack.
Savanti used the scepter to stop them, trapping them in bubbles. "You make it all so easy." He laughed, getting up from his throne and walking around the room to look at each of them, beginning to wonder aloud what to do with them.
(Y/N glanced at the two kids and motioned for them to come up with a plan. Chloe worked her way across the rafters to the other side of the room.)
"Primal sludge doesn't sound so bad," Mikey said.
"Primal sludge is real bad, Mikey," Renet responded. "At least I have my entropy dart." She aimed the dart at the scepter as Savanti sat back on his throne.
"I think I'll simply wipe you out of existence."
"Don't use it," Donnie said quickly and Renet lowered her arm. "We'll never get home."
(Chloe paused at the other side of the rafters, looking up and locking eyes with her bunny friend. She nodded at him and the two of them began to climb down silently. Savanti was still distracted with his whole monologue about how to handle them and he'd yet to notice he was missing two of them. Chloe and Ethan approached from either side, keeping out of his sightline.)
(Ethan grabbed one of his arrows and glanced at Chloe. She nodded and the two of them charged, Chloe drawingher swords.)
"What?!" Savanti noticed Chloe as she closed in and aimed the scepter at her, yelling in pain when Ethan stabbed an arrow into his back. Chloe lunged at Savanti and flipped her sword around, slamming the pommel into Savanti's face.
(Renet lifted her arm and took aim at Mikey's bubble before shooting, freeing herself and him. Savanti tried to grab Chloe, looking down when a chain wrapped around his torso, restraining his arms and making him drop the scepter.)
"Aw, yeah!"
(The bubbles around the others burst and Renet ran for the scepter.)
"No!" Savanti roared, flames forming inside his mouth. The clock tower they were in began to tremble as the cogs and wheels began to separate and move, making them lose their footing. The floor opened and Renet dropped the scepter as they fell onto the moving gears below.
"Oh, no!" Renet jumped down to where to scepter was. Savanti jumped down, knocking her down with the scepter.
Mikey jumped down in front of him. "Forget it, freakjob!" He kicked Savanti in the face, only for the mutant to grab him and throw him into Donnie, the two of them falling off the gear.
Savanti put up a protective bubble as Chloe, Leo, Raph, and Y/N ran to attack. He threw out his hands, breaking the bubble and sending them flying back.
Raph grabbed a gear before he could fall off. "He's invulnerable!"
(Ethan charged Savanti, who knocked him aside and into a sideways cog. Savanti shot fire from his mouth as Y/N closed in, and he used his long cloak to block the flames and keep them from reaching his skin. He charged Savanti, only for him to grab his tail and throw him off the edge of the cog. He used a dagger to stab into a gear and catch himself, he then used it to bring himself back up the cog.)
(Ethan dropped down onto Savanti's shoulders from a higher cog. He yelled in anger and hesnickered. He threw her aside, but he landed on his feet and charged, slamming the point of her bow into his stomach. Savanti grabbed the shoto and forced it aside, headbutting Ethan and knocking him down.)
(Savanti jumped down, breathing fire at Renet and knocking her off the gear with the scepter. He chased after her as the time-traveler attempted to retrieve the scepter, Leoand the others chasing Savanti.)
(Renet reached for the scepter and Savanti threw her away. Renet grabbed hold of the gear to stop herself from falling farther. Savanti reached for the scepter, only to stop as Timothy's shurikens landed in the gear near his hand, blocking him. Mikey and Chloe jumped down onto the gear, attacking Savanti and dodging his fire breath as he put up a shield to protect himself. Savanti grabbed Mikey, throwing him into Chloe and knocking them into another gear.)
Timothy jumped down, reaching for the scepter. "We just need to--" Savanti picked him up by the coat , readying his fire breath.
"Need to do this!" Raph yelled, slamming his axe into one of Savanti's guantlets, while Y/N slammed the weight of his claws into the other, breaking them and depriving him of his powers. The gears froze.
"Oh, dear."
Ethan: (Running at Savanti) Hey Savanti!
Savanti: Huh?!
Ethan: (Leaps into the air) Booyakasha!!!!
(Spidey is Ethan)
(The kick knocks him off the gear and onto another one below.)
"It's the blue button, Timothy!" Renet said quickly, the vigilante having picked up the scepter.
"Let's see how this thing works." Timothy activated the scepter, aiming it at Savanti below.
"Rabbit, let's talk before you make any rash decisions," Savanti said.
Y/N: (Snorted) "I think you've talked enough."
(Timothy shot him with the scepter, knocking him back into a time door, which closed quickly once he was through.)
"So, are you sure this time?" Raph asked Renet. "Is he gone for good?"
"Absolutely," she responded. "Sort of. 96% certain?"
Lord Simultaneous' face suddenly appeared, startling them. "Renet! You must come back to the future now. You are grounded."
"Oh, grok," Renet groaned. "On my way, Lord Simultaneous. Just got to drop off the Warriors first."
"Oh! The Warriors of Legend. Very cold," Lord Simultaneous verified. He looked at Y/N. "I hope you succeed where they failed." He disappears.
Y/N: What?
Ethan: What was he talking about Dad?
Y/N: I have no idea.
"Okay, everybody. Let's go home."
"Renet, um, can we kick it in the future together?" Mikey asked. "Just you and me? For a little while?"
"Aw, I would love that, Mikey. Maybe someday." Renet kissed Mikey's cheek and he fell to the floor in a fit of laughter. "Let's go home, heroes." The time-traveler took the scepter from Timothy, opening a door for them.
Mikey grabbed Renet's hand. "Cowabunga!" He ran into the door with her.
(Y/N grinned, rolling his eyes at his brother as he entered the door behind them. He blinked, his grin falling as he looked around. This is not New York. They were in some kind of black void, lightening crashing around them.)
"Oh, no! Time interference! Something's wrong." Y/N felt something pulling him back and looked back to see everyone else getting pulled back, too. "Guys!" Renet activated the scepter, trying to freeze them in place and keep them with her, only to have a hole appear in the darkness, sucking them all in.
"Renet!" Mikey shouted, trying to reach for her.
(Y/N groaned as he hit the ground face-first, pushing herself back to her feet and taking in the scenery.)
"There has got to be a better way to time travel," Chloe complained, rubbing her head.
"Where the heck are we now?" Ethan demanded.
"The tie stream must've been messed with," Leo said, adjusting his helmet. "Now we're in..."
"Japan?" Donnie finished as they walked to the edge of a cliff overlooking a city.
"What time period are we in, though?" Timothy asked.
"Looks modern...but we can't know for sure just yet," Y/N said.
Y/N's ear flicked back at the sound of something whistling through the air. "Look out!"
(He spun around and pulled Ethan back just as three arrows lodged in the ground right where he'd been standing. They all jumped back, pulling out their weapons. Ninjas in red uniforms jumped down from the trees, surrounding them.)
"Dudes. Ninjas," Mikey said.
Leo: "I think we're in...deep trouble."
Y/N: Agreed.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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