Beyond the Known Universe

"Captain's log, star idea. The evil Triceratons, a race of aliens from across the galaxy, invaded Earth. They wanted to wipe out their ancient enemy, the Kraang, so they unleashed a black hole weapon that destroyed both the Kraang and their secret hiding place, Earth. We lost our friends, our allies, even Master Splinter and Mother. We were only saved at the last second by a mysterious robot called the Fugitoid.

Leo watched with the others as Fugitoid walked around the ship, tapping on the consoles and the main screen. 

Donnie sighed and Riki, sitting beside him with her head on his shoulder, whined softly.

Leo turned to the robot, "Alright, Fugitoid, or whatever your name is, what just happened?"

"This has got to be some kind of sick joke, right?" Raph questioned, walking over to Fugitoid. He grabbed the robot and started shaking him. "Right??"

Fugitoid smacked the back of Raph's head, making the hothead release him.

"Calm down, Raphael," Fugitoid ordered. "First things first. I've got a job to do."

Fugitoid walked over to the main console that Casey was sitting on, Timothy on the floor by his feet. Fugitoid made a shooing motion and Casey got off the console. "Now, please. I've got a ship to fly while you all stand about gawking." He got behind the console.

"That's not good enough," April stated. "Where are you taking us?"

"All questions will be answered in time," He responded. Fugitoid hooked himself up to the console and the ship started to power up. "Hold on to something!" The ship started shaking and Y/N yelled as he struggled to stay on his feet. "Oh, no, too late for that. Sorry."

Teenage Mutant Ninja-

Leo: The Evil Triceratons invades Earth, they brought with them the invincible black hole generator that swallowed the entire planet! My family and I escaped, thanks to the mysterious robot called the Fugitoid. Now, we're trying to stop the Triceratons anyway we can!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

Leonardo's the leader in blue

Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through

Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines

Raphael has the most attitude on the team

Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!

Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need

To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

"!" Mikey shouted as everything inside the ship turned white before an array of colors flashed by them. Y/N got down on her knees, hands over her heads until the ship came to a stop.

"What--what just happened?" Chloe questioned, getting back onto her feet. "We're actually alive?"

(They turned their attention to the screen and Y/N's eyes widened upon seeing Earth and its moon, perfectly intact.)

"I think we--we went back in time, about six months, based on where Earth is and its revolution around the sun," Donnie said, everyone getting back up.

"Six months?" Ethan questioned. "Then that means everyone's back? Including Grandpa ?" HIseyes brightened.

"Yes, Ethan , but only for six months, and the Earth is doomed once more," Fugitoid responded. "Apologies."

"I get it," Chloe spoke up. "We stop the Triceratons before they ever get a chance to use the Black Hole on Earth."

Fugitoid nodded. "Yep." He tapped on the screen, bringing up some data on the black hole weapon. "The Triceratons are spending this time searching the universe for the three fragments of the black hole weapon," hestarted to explain. The image changed as he spoke. "Many years ago, the Utroms broke the machine into three pieces, hiding each fragment in the safest part of the galaxy they could find." He turned to them. "We have to find them before the Triceratons find the fragments and reassemble them."

And if we mess up, we just time travel back, right?" Mikey asked.

Fugitoid winced. "No, no, no, no. A Black Hole prevents repeated localized time travel because even time is subject to its attraction. If we fail, Earth is lost forever this time."

"If we fail, we can never go back," Ethan summarized. "Everything is lost forever."

"But on the bright side, who ever gets a second chance?" Fugitoid asked, trying to be positive.

"So why do you care, alien robot dude?" Casey asked.

"Why are you helping us?" Timothy asked.

Y/N nodded. "Yeah. Who are you, anyway?"

"My name is Professor Zayton Honeycutt," Fugitoid responded. "I'm a friend to the Utroms. It was Bishop who sent me. And plus, I've always wanted to see Earth." He sounded rather enthusiastic about that. "Have I mentioned I'm both scientist and a c-c-cyborg?" His voice glitched at the end, but he seemed fine. "Observe." His head opened up, a brain floating up for them to see.


"Dude, I wish I was a robot with a human brain!" Casey said.

"Ooh, what if we had robot brains?" Mikey asked. He and Casey started mimicking a robot's movements. "Bitty-bitty-bitty-bitty-bop."

Raph facepalmed. "I just wish you guys had normal brains."


Fugitoid had been tapping away at the console while the conversation went on and now he hooked up to the main console again. "Everyone hold on to something."

(The ship jumped forward through space, everything outside blurring into an incomprehensible star-scape, before it slowed down to glide through the stars.)

"Wow," Leo said. "It's incredible."

"Look at that." Chloe pointed to the screen. "Are those comets?"

"So awesome!" Mikey said.

"Wondrous, right?" Fugitoid said. "Titanic gas giants, neutron stars on the verge of collapse, swirling cloud nebulas where baby stars are being born."

"Aw, baby stars are so cute," Mikey gushed.

(Something crashed into the ship, shaking it.)

"Um, Professor?" Timothy called as an image of the ship appeared on the screen.

Fugitoid: [groans. annoyed] Wonderful. Could you assist me on damage assessment, my friends? I've plenty of space suits to wear.

Chloe gasped excitedly. "Spacesuits?"

Fugitoid led them into another part of the ship and the room lit up, revealing the suits and weapons within.

"Dudes, I think we just hit a level nine booyakasha!" Mikey cheered.

"No way!" Raph said, running into the room.

"Amazing!" Donnie said as he grabbed a suit. "It's like a full-on geek explosion!"

"Astro-Suits equipped with oxygen convertors, grav boots, and even alien language translators," Fugitoid explained.

Once Leo's suit was on, he put his hands on his hips. "Mr. Crankshaw, set phasers to destruction."

(Mikey accidentally popped out the lasers blades to his tonfa, making him scream and drop the weapons before falling to the floor.)

"Whoa, this old helmet is dope, yo," Casey said, grabbing a helmet. He flipped it over and photon pucks fell out. "Ooh, photon pucks." He picked one up. "They must play hockey in space. Wicked!"

[April is seen wearing a yellow jumpsuit.]

(While Donnie was ogling April, Casey was too busy ogling at Riki.)

April/Riki: You guys are creeping us out!

Riki grinned, wearing a white suit. "Y/N, nice! Yours looks good!"

Y/N was dressed in a black suit and was armed with a black saber-

,Chloe's was pink and she was armed with a pink laserwhip-

,and TImothy's was green and was armed with a bow and arrow-

,and Ethan's was blue and was armed with a laser dagger and blaster-

"Everyone ready?" Fugitoid asked, the door behind him opening as the hallway lit up. "Do not stray too far from the ship. Seriously. This is my stern face. See it?"

(They all stared at the robot for a moment in awkward silence.)

Mikey shot his hand in the air. "I call first!" He made a run for the airlock.

"No way, I'm first!" Raph argued, everyone racing to be the first to go outside.

(They team was soon outside of ship.)

"Cowabunga!" Mikey shouted, jumping out into open space.

"Whoa." Raph gulped, attempting to get a handle on the zero gravity. "Why did I think this would be cool? Please don't hurl. Please don't hurl."

"Woo-hoo!" Casey cheered, flying around. "Yes!"

"Whoa. So amazing!" April said, the red-head looking around in wonder.

"It--It's like a huge black ocean that goes on and on forever!" Y/N exclaimed.

"It's like a dream!" Riki agreed.

A small rock gently tapped against Raph's helmet. "Huh? Oh. I'm gonna hurl again!"

April sighed blissfully, letting herself lean back and float as if on water. "I don't think I ever want to go back into that ship. I just want to float off into the stars."

"Is anyone going to join me in damage assessment?" Fugitoid asked, walking along the hull of the ship and scanning for damage. "You should learn these things, people."

Ethan flew over. "I'm down for learning about advanced tech."

(Donnie and Timothy landed beside him and the three of them walked over to the robot, who were standing around a large hole in the ship.)

Fugitoid: Well, this is pants. I could easily fix the hole, but we've lost too much hyper-charged hydrogen... That, coupled with a tachyonic jump, it looks like we'll have to-[something hit him] Oh no.

Y/N followed his gaze to see a large asteroid field heading toward them. "Uh-oh."

"Asteroids!" Donnie called. "Big...huge...asteroids!"

"Language, Donnie!" Mikey snapped back.

"Look out!" Ethan called as the asteroids began to swarm. He pulled out his gun and shot one of the rocks closest to Riki and Y/N, breaking it into pieces.

"Got you, brah!" Mikey said, grabbing hold of Raph to keep them from getting separated.

The hothead quickly noticed another asteroid heading right for them. "Ah! Behind you!"

Mikey quickly turned, shooting that one into pieces.

"Casey, hold on!" Riki flew over to the vigilante, grabbing hold of him and flying him out of the path of an asteroid, weaving between the rocks as she headed for the ship.

Casey let out a breath. "Thanks. This stupid jetpack keeps quitting out on me!"

"Come on, guys, hurry!" Leo called.

"Into the ship!" Y/N ordered.

(Once safely inside, they all ran back into the main room.)

"Everyone, to their stations!" Fugitoid called.

"What station?" Casey questioned.

"I don't know. Just pick one!"

(They all went to their separate stations.)

"Look out!" Timothy shouted.

"Left, Professor," April called. "Now down! Down!"

Raph looked a bit queasy as the ship wove through the asteroid field. "Ugh, get me off this boat ride already! Ah!"

"Whoa, dude." Y/N grinned. "How about I drive?"

(They all screamed as Fugitoid flew the ship between two asteroids, managing to get away before the rocks collided.)

"That was so metal!" Casey cheered.

(They all screamed as Fugitoid flew the ship between two asteroids, managing to get away before the rocks collided.)

"That was so metal!" Casey cheered.

"Ha, hey..." Fugitoid chuckled. "A couple of near misses with a few dozen planetoids won't deter us! Am I right or am I right?" He smiled cheerfully as he spun his head around.

Leo got to his feet and looked back at him with a glare. "Are you kidding me? We almost bought it back there!"

"Exactly. Almost. 'Almost' is a beautiful phenomenon, isn't it?"

"We still need to refuel, Professor," Donnie pointed out. "What are we gonna do?"

"Drop by an alien spaceport, of course," Fugitoid responded, looking to the screen as a planet showed up on it. "I mean there's one right there. No biggie. Planet Varanon. Varanon's home to space pirates, rogues, thieves, and smugglers." 

"Lovely place," Fugitoid said. "Never been, but I've heard it's gorgeous in the spring."

(They docked the ship at a port on the planet and stepped out.)

"This space port is not a part of the Federation, so do be careful," Fugitoid warned.

Casey grinned, resting a hand on the robot's shoulder. "No problem, Fuge. We're out like Vanilla Ice." He walked off. "Peace!"

"Now this is completely incredible!" April said.

"Alright. Let's split up and check out the place. We'll meet back at the ship in 20 minutes. Cool?" Leo asked. They all split off. 

[They went into separate places. Mikey and Ethan looks and finds a restaurant.]

Mikey: Food, food, food. I need food! Space travel makes me so hungry!

Ethan: What doesn't make you hungry?!

Alien cook: Welcome, my friends. We have many delicacies from across the galaxy. Raw Merusian meat, Ovuuan doughnuts, sweet and sour Viffurisioids.

Ethan: Wow, alien food is so weird!

Mikey: Aww, man. Ooh, pizza! (Pizza is alive and crawls away) Ah, man! So hungry. Ooh, what's this? (Picks up the cake) Looks normal enough.

[He picks one cake and tries to eat it but it roars and attacks.]

Mikey: Whoa! Aah! Face muncher!

Ethan: (Tries to help him) Hold on-

[Meanwhile Raph and Casey found a cool place with weapons.]

Casey: Dude, check out all these wicked weapons.

Robot: Greetings. Please feel free to browse, but do not touch anything. Repeat. Do not touch anything.

Raph: It's like I've died and gone to a giant, beautiful armory in the sky.

Casey: You don't want to mess with this bad boy, Raph. (Picks up a weapon)

Robot: Do not touch anything.

Casey: Flicker, flicker, woop, woop!

Raph: Please. I've got a giant laser ax!

[They started to use the weapons while the robot kept saying. "Do not touch anything." Y/N and Riki were browsing because they didn't want to get into trouble.]

Y/N: Man this place is amazing!

Riki: Yeah, I wonder wha-

(Riki is cutoff as she says a punch of aliens chasing after a weird alien cat.)

Alien: Get back here!

(They quicken their pace and turn the corner to find a group of bizarre-looking aliens chasing after a small alien cat.) 

(The cat lets out a panicked meow as it darts between bushes and under parked cars, narrowly escaping the grasp of the pursuing aliens.)

Y/N: (alarmed) We have to do something!

Riki nods in agreement, his eyes determined. Without hesitation, they spring into action. Y/N grabs a nearby stick while Riki picks up a discarded metal pipe, ready to defend the cat against the alien attackers.

Y/N: (shouting) Hey, leave that cat alone!

(The aliens pause, startled by the sudden intervention. With swift movements, Y/N and Riki engage the aliens in combat, using their weapons to fend them off. The aliens, taken aback by the unexpected resistance, soon find themselves overpowered by the determined duo.)

(As the last of the aliens retreats, Y/N and Riki breathe heavily, adrenaline coursing through their veins. The alien cat cautiously emerges from its hiding spot, eyeing them with gratitude and trust.)

Riki: (smiling) Looks like we've got ourselves a little hero.

Y/N: (chuckling) Yeah, and it seems like we've made a new friend too.

The cat tentatively approaches them, its tail swishing in appreciation. With a gentle nuzzle, it imprints on Y/N and Riki, cementing their bond.

Y/N: (softly) What should we name it?

Riki: (thinking) How about Clunk? It's got a nice ring to it.

Y/N: (nodding) Clunk it is then.

(A/N: I'm not going to do them all, sorry.)

(Together, they scoop up Clunk in their arms, feeling a sense of warmth and fulfillment as they welcome the alien cat into their lives. As Riki and Y/N kept they heard screaming.)

(All three of them looked down the street at screaming to see the others all running toward them, chased by a bunch of aliens.)

"What the heck?" Y/N exclaimed. "We've been here for 10 minutes! How did you all manage to piss someone off?"

Ethan: Sorry, dad! (Sees Clunk) Who's the cat?

Y/N: Meet clunk, our new pet, NOW RUN!

(Riki and Y/N took the lead as they ran down the streets, trying not to get crushed by the giant one during the process.)

"This way!" Y/N exclaimed. "Faster! We can lose them in the plaza!"

(He led them into a crowded plaza and started weaving through the crowd. Aliens began jumping out of her way until he slammed into an alien. Leo tried to skid to a halt, but Mikey slammed into him and sent him sprawling on top of the alien.)

Leo got to his feet. He held out his hand to the alien. "I'm sorry, sir, let me help y--"

(Before he knew what has happened, his fist slammed into him, sending he flying back into Mikey.)

"Do not touch me, sub-creature!"

(Leo shook his head, dazed, and looked up to see a tall, semi-humanoid, semi-insectoid creature with translucent purple skin showing his inner organs. His legs bent backwards with large, three-toed feet and a tail split into two at the tip. His arms were covered in spikes, ending in large, clawed hands, and two green wings adored his back. His head was diamond-shaped with rounded edges, four yellow eyes, a wide, sharp-toothed mouth, two antenna, and two mandibles at the edges of his mouth.)

"Do you fleshlings know who I am?" the alien growled. Everyone shook their heads. "I am Lord Vrinagath Dregg, ruler of Planet Sectoid, Lord of all insect life in the universe, and bringer of your deaths."

"Uh, could you hang on a second?" Raph asked. "I just got a phone call from someone named "I don't give a flying--"

Donnie cut him off. "That's great! Thanks, Raph. Nice diplomacy there."

Casey smirked, walking over to Dregg. "We've taken way tougher dudes than you, bug-head."

Riki winced. "Uh, Casey...that's really not a good idea..."

Dregg quickly grabbed Casey's leg, lifting him into the air. "Then you clearly have never heard of Lord Dregg."

"Casey!" Riki shouted as the alien started lowering the vigilante toward his mouth.

"Let him go, freak!" April yelled, running at Dregg with Raph.

(The red-head slid between Dregg's legs and sliced at the alien's knees with her tessen. Raph jumped up, kicking his arm as Casey slammed his foot into Dregg's face, flipping out of the alien's grip and making him drop what he'd been holding, which shattered on the ground.)

Dregg fell to his knees. "My Maraklovan Star Spice! That was worth 5 million Zemulaks! You... You primitive buffoons!" He snapped, turning toward them. "Vreen! Battle mode."

(The two aliens standing behind Dregg started to shift, the sound of their exoskeletons cracking ringing out through the plaza.)

"Okay," April started. "I sense we're gonna get our butts kicked in a big kind of way."


"Get him!" Leo shouted, drawing his swords.

(Y/N and Riki jumped toward one of the Vreen, only for it to knock them away. Casey attempted an attack from behind, but it knocked him away, to. April ran from the other Vreen, jumping behind a wall and throwing her tessen at it, though it didn't do any damage).

"Ethan, take the head!" Leo told his nephew.

(Ethan nodded and jumped on the Vreen's shoulders, slamming his dagger into its head as Leo stabbed his own laser swords through the torso, effectively killing it.)

(Donnie was thrown to the ground, using his staff to push back against the remaining Vreen as it started powering up its hand blaster. Mikey wrapped his kusarigama chain around the Vreen's arm, pulling it back and making it shoot a building behind it.)

"Eat this, roach!" Timothy snapped, having pulled out his bow and nocked five arrows to the string. He released and the arrows piercing through the Vreen's torso, killing it.

"Aw, yeah!" Casey cheered. "Whoop, whoop!"

"My Vreen...gone! You stupid, arrogant creatures!" Dregg snapped. "I'm not a being who forgives such insolence."

"You weren't gonna forgive us in the first place!" Ethan snapped. "We were defending ourselves, man!"

"Maybe don't tick him off any more," Y/N warned.

(Dregg shrieked. Raph hit his fist against his palm, dashing at Dregg and jumping up to punch him. Dregg caught the hothead's fist, punching him a few times and throwing him into a pile of junk.)

"I will make your end swift!" He stalked toward them.

(Leo and Mikey attacked from behind, but didn't do anything except fuel his anger. Dregg spit venom at Leo, who blocked with his swords. Dregg caught them and slammed them into each other, tossing them aside and shooting insect rockets at Casey and Donnie.)

"Heads up, D!" Casey called, the two of them knocking a few of the rockets away before being hit and landing at the twins' feet.

(Dregg dropped down behind Chloe, April and Ethan, throwing Then away. Chloe sliced her whip across Dregg's face, not doing any damage, and he shoved her aside. Dregg's spider hands wrapped April in their string, making her fall to the ground.)

Dregg pulled her toward him. "What are you, some kind of Terran?" he asked, lifting her up.

"I'm human," she corrected. "On my planet, we squash bugs like you!"

"...I don't think you should have told him that, April," Y/N warned.

"You kill insects?" Dregg snarled, opening his mouth and pulling her toward it.

(April freed herself from his grip and shot him multiple times in the mouth, forcing him to let her go. Ethan swept in to kick him in the face and send him down.)

(They took their chance to bolt for the ship.)

"You cannot escape Lord Dregg!"

"Fugitoid, start the ship! Start the ship!" Leo yelled as they all ran inside.

Fugitoid stared after them, confused, until he noticed Dregg approaching. "Aw, great." He ran into the ship. "I can't believe you ticked off half of the known intelligent races in the entire universe!"

The ship took off.

"He's following us!" Y/N warned.

"Ugh, doesn't this guy know when to quit!?" Chloe groaned.

"Step on it, Fugitoid, come on!" Ethan snapped.

"We need a few nextons for the tachyonic jump," Fugitoid responded.

"What in the three rings of HFIL is a nexton!?" Y/N snapped back.

(They could only watch as Dregg's ship shot at them, releasing something into space.)

"Ugh, I think it just laid some eggs," Raph said.

"Eggs?" Timothy repeated. "Okay. Now things just got really weird."

(The eggs hatched into more Vreen, which flew toward the ship.)

"Don't you got lasers or plasma rockets or something DESTRUCTIVE!?" Casey snapped.

Fugitoid: Well, we do have minor defenses against space pirates.

"Then what are you waiting for?" Raph questioned. "Fire up those minor defenses!"

"I'm on it, dudes!" Mikey said, tapping on his station's console. "I learn quick." The ship's gun came out and shot at a few of the Vreen, though some slammed into the window.

"Leonardo, press the button on your right!" the robot instructed. Leo quickly hit in and the Vreen on the window were tasered, falling off.

(An explosion sounded, shaking the ship.)

"It's inside!" Ethan called.

(The Vreen slid open the doors to the bridge, shrieking. They pulled out their weapons.)

"I got it!" Donnie called, running at the insectoid.

"Try to get around it!" Riki instructed as the Vreen blocked their attacks.

"Booyakasha!" Mikey shouted. He and Raph jumped up to attack, only for the Vreen to knock them down.

"Donnie, look out!" Leo warned. His brother jumped off the Vreen as he sliced off its arm.

"Casey Jones shoots..." Casey slammed his hockey stick into one of his photon pucks, shooting it right into the insectoid's mouth. The puck exploded, along with the Vreen's head. "Aw, yeah! He scores!"

"Brilliant! Everyone, ready for tachyonic warp!" Fugitoid called, hooking himself up to the main console. The ship shot off into space.

"Yes!" Leo shouted, as they all started cheering. "We did it!"

"Um, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but..." Fugitoid trailed off and they all looked out the window at the Triceraton ships surrounding them.

"Aw, space apples."

Ethan: Oh, we're saying that now?

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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