Baxter's Gambit

(Kraang tracking night. Five mutant brothers hid on the roof, watching the Kraang load a new weapon into their van.) 

Donnie: Woah! (Donnie looks through their telescope.) That's a subspacial endoparticle disrupter!

Y/N: A what now?

Leo: Gonna have to explain if that's 'oh no' or 'yay'. 

(Donnie turned back to his siblings.) 

Donnie: In the hands of the Kraang, it's a definite 'oh no'.

Mikey: Why? What does it do?

Donnie: The disrupter can desynchronize subatomic resonances,". Which invert polymolecular structures, causing them to implode! 

(Y/N understood the last word, but Mikey didn't understand any of it, and it was obvious on his face.) 

Raph: It makes things go 'boom. 

Donnie: Technically, it makes things go 'zweeee-chooo! Pop!'  

(His brothers stared at him.) 

Donnie: It's important to be accurate.

(Y/N walked over next to Donnie near the edge of the rooftop, looking down on the Kraang.) 

Y/N: Ok, so don't get hit by that thing. Got it.

(Leo stood next to Y/N.) 

Leo: Ok, guys. We'll make this short and sharp. Go in, destroy a couple droids, grab the disrupter, and leave. That's it. Got it?

(Y/N leaned his elbows on the roof ledge, pouting a little.) 

Raph: Whatever you say, your leaderness.Fine.

(Standing in a line, Leo started the countdown.) 

Leo: Ok, guys... Get in position. 

(Y/N crouched on the roof ledge, eyes narrowing.)

Leo: Ready...

Raph: Let's just do this!

Y/N: Go!

(Y/N and they jumped down from the roof, landing in a crouch. The Kraang turned to look at them. When the turtles stood up, they saw at the end of the road there was none other than...)

Y/N: You gotta be kidding me.

(Fishface, Dogpound, Rika, and the Foot ninjas stood up and stared at them with equal surprise.)

Raph: Kraang and Fishface and Dogpound and that weird chick? I must be dreaming, pinch me!

(Mikey reached over and pinched his cheek.) 

Raph: Ow! (Raph smacked him on the head.) 

Mikey: Ow! You said!

(The Foot ninjas charged. It was short out chaos next. The Kraang shot at both the Foot and the turtles, while the turtles dealt with both the Kraang and the Foot. The Foot were taking down the Kraang, while attacking the turtles.) 

(A nice triad of havoc. Y/N rolled to the side to avoid the laser fire, and drew his claws, quickly jumping to his feet and taking down the Kraang who'd shot at him. He bent back as a Foot ninja tried to slice his face off, catching the sword between the blades of his claws and kicking the ninja away in the chest. Taking the sword in his hand, Y/N threw it directly into the barrel of a Kraang gun before it could fire at him.)

Rika: (Charging at Y/N) Hey, kitty boy!

Y/N: Here we go again....

(The Wall is a car door)

Y/N: So, how's it going? You seem to have gotten stronger.

Rika: Same with you.

(Rika is the one with the red scar, while Y/N is the one in all black)

(Rika attempts to leg sweep Y/N, but he dodges it with a jump and delivers a kick to her face, which makes her fly back and crash into a car.)

Rika: (Groans in pain) Not bad.

Y/N: That's one for me. (Runs to help his brothers.)

(Y/N was aware of Leo approaching the back of the Kraang van, reaching for the disrupter. He instantly dropped it, ready to fight Dogpound, who had just smashed away a Kraang-droid who had been about to slice Leo in half with its gun saw. Dogpound smacked the younger ninja aside, and Leo quickly recovered, bouncing off the wall and kicking the mutant dog in the face.)

(With Raph occupied with Fishface, Mikey and Donnie occupied with a majority of the Foot and Kraang, Y/N sheathed his claws and ran towards the van. he stopped just beside the van as a few Foot soldiers blocked his way. Y/N smirked, drawing his weapons.)

(As two of them brought down their swords on him, Y/N somersaulted over them landing behind. he quickly kicked away one, and blocked the swift attack of the other. Forcing the block downward, Y/N thrust his head forward, heading butting the ninja, who collapsed.) 

Y/N: Ha! 

(He ducked to avoid another sword, and swept his claws at the feet of a Foot ninja who had been reaching into the van for the disrupter. Moving quickly, Y/N swept out his leg to floor the first Foot ninja who had slashed the sword at him. Standing up, he nodded in satisfaction. Until he heard the wirring behind him.)

(Spinning around, he saw that a Kraang-droid had grabbed the disrupter, and was already powering it up, pointing it directly at him. With a surprised yelp, Y/N dove aside. Leaving the beam to be aimed at Mikey.)

Y/N: Mikey!

(Mikey noticed too late that he was in danger, and the beam was shot. Kraang scattered, and just before the beam could hit Mikey, Donnie shoved him to the ground. The beam hit a car. With a zweeee-chooo! Pop! the thing grew smaller and disappeared for good. Mikey and Donnie picked themselves up.) 

Mikey: Woah...! (Mikey looked at his older brother.) Donnie, you totally called it bro.

(The last Foot ninja was kicked away, and the Kraang, still retaining their disrupter, quickly shut the van and drove away. Dogpound and Rika, who had been fighting Mikey and Y/N, realizing there was nothing left to fight for at the moment, turned tail and left.)

Leo: Guys! We gotta move! (He turned to Raph and Fishface, who were still locked in a vicious battle.) Raph! Now!

(Fishface stepped back, breathing heavily, but smirking.)

Fishface: Yes. Run along now, boy. (Turning, Fishface ran away.)

Raph: This isn't over, Fishface!" 

(The five brothers also left, leaving no trace that there had been a fight.)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

Here we go!

It's the lean, mean, ninja team
On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things
So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams
Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza Kings
Can't stop these radical dudes
The secret of the ooze made the chosen few
Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves
The good guys win and the bad guys lose

Leonardo's the leader in blue
Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through
Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines
Raphael has the most attitude on the team
Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!

Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need
To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

(There was complete silence in the dojo as Master Splinter moved behind Donnie, who narrowed his eyes in anticipation. Splinter raised the wooden sword above his own head, ready to bring it down on Donnie's.)

(Donatello moved just a little too late as the sword swung downward, and succeeded in delivering a painful blow.) 

Donnie: Aw, man... (Donnie rubbed his head, and moved back into the kneeling position, a sulky look on his face.)

(Mikey, who had been grinning, stiffened as Master Splinter moved on to him. The mutant rat raised the wooden sword. Mikey was especially high strung, flinching forward every second, and glancing behind anxiously. Soon, he said, "Just so we're clear, Sensei, you are planning on swinging right- Augh!" He cut off as the wood whacked him sharply on top of the head.)

(As Mikey rubbed his head, Splinter moved over to Y/N, who breathed out slowly, relaxing his body. he heard the sword lift into the air. After a few seconds,he heard wood cutting air and-)

(He moves out of the way, but unfortunately his tail is hit by it and his eyes go wide.)

(He falls back to the floor as his brothers laugh at him.)

Y/N: (Sarcastically) Ha, Ha.

(Splinter moved on to Raph, who didn't move a muscle. Raph glanced behind, shoulders tensing, just when the sword swung down.)

Raph: Ow!

(Leo was next, and he stayed relaxed as their Sensei lifted the sword. The sword swung downward, and Leo just managed to step and roll to the side.) 

Leo: Yes! (The blue clad ninja fist pumped happily.)

(Y/N stuck his tongue out at him, a little sore at him overly high strung performance.) 

Raph: What is the point of this anyway?

Splinter: Evading a sword you cannot see demonstrates an ability to sense your enemy's intentions.

Raph: I already know my enemy's intention, Sensei. To take me down.

Splinter: Knowing that your enemy will strike is a given. But sensing when he will strike can mean the difference between victory and defeat.

Raph: Hai Sensei. (He looks at the carpet. The five students bowed as their Sensei exited the dojo.)

(Patrol night again, and the ninjas leapt across the rooftops, keeping their eyes sharp for any signs of trouble.)

Donnie: Hey guys! (His siblings came over.) I got eyes on one giant dog a fish, six o' clock.

Mikey: Where? (He slumped.) Aw, man. It's just Fishface and Dogpound. Also that weird girl Y/N is always fighting.

Leo: What are they doing out in the open like this? I think we should proceed with caution, guys." His eyes widened. Guys? (He did a quick turn around, heard the sounds of fighting down below, and scowled.) Ugh, man...

Y/N: You coming?! 

(Y/N, who had been watching his immediate brother with a bit of amusement, drew his claws, and leapt down into the fray.)

(It was over way too quick. Dog-pound's blows were slow and sloppy, his blocks pathetic. After some quick trash talk, Y/N managed to Judo Flip Rika, and Raph had taken down Fishface way easier than was possible, while Dogpound was knocked down next to his partner in crime.)

Leo: (He was on top of Dogpound in an instant, pointing his katanas threateningly. Stay... Good dog! 

(Dogpound growled furiously, but instead of attacking, he dashed the sword aside and ran after Fishface and Rika, who were already running.)

Mikey: Look! We got 'em on the run!

Raph: Oh, they aren't getting off that easy! (Raph went after them, Y/N nearly falling on his face as he tried to grab his shoulder.)

Leo: Raph, wait! Something's not right!

Raph: Yeah! You talking, while they're getting away!

Y/N: Raph! (Y/N chased after him, his other brothers alongside him.)

Raph: This way!

(They tracked Rika, Fishface, and Dogpound all the way to an empty warehouse. Very empty warehouse. The five brothers halted, and glanced around warily.)

Dog-Pound: Alright...(He, Rika, and Fishface emerged from behind some supports.) You got us.

Y/N: Really? That's it?

Rika:  Yep, you got us.

Leo: This is way too easy.

Raph: Why are you always worrying? 

(They all stiffened as something powered up. Red lasers made a circle around the turtles, Fishface, Rika and Dogpound, and the floor lowered into a disorientating black and white room.)

Raph: Oh, I see.

(Dogpound and Fishface were grinning widely, Rika was smirking, and Y/N's shoulders raised a little, his eyes narrowing.)

Mikey: Careful guys, this may be a trap.

Y/N: I don't think you invited us here for a friendly talk, Rika. What is this? (He instantly covered his ears as feedback whined in unseen speakers.) 

Baxter: Welcome contestants! I'm so glad you could join us tonight!

Leo: Blister Stockboy?

Baxter: It's Baxter. Stockman! I'm your arch nemesis!

Mikey: (He winked at Donnie.) I could totally think of five nemeses way archer than him.

Y/N: What's up this time, Stockman? (Y/N narrows his eyes at the ceiling.) You want another dumpster treatment?

Stockman: No... This time I'm gonna be returning the favor! You'll be playing for the ultimate prize: your lives! In the all new, family-friendly, incredibly deadly... Maze of Doom!

(The ninjas had been listening with skeptical boredom. Until fire balls came raining down on them.)

Y/N: Incoming! 

(Y/N jumped aside, almost tripping over Raph, as they all scrambled to avoid the flaming balls of death. Dogpound, Rika, and Fishface were looking amused as they watched the teens rush for safety, until they themselves nearly got fried.)

Rika: What the?!

Fishface: You fool! What are you doing?

Baxter: I'm sick'a you freaks. You treat me like dirt, threaten me. Baxter Stockman doesn't take threats.

Rika: You son of a bitch!

Fishface: Have you gone mad?

Baxter: Mad? (There was a psychotic cackle.) I'm full-on-mega crazy!

Rika/Y/N: This man has lost his mind.

Dogpund: You traitor! (Shakes a furry fist at the infinite looking ceiling.)

Stockman: And even if you make it through my maze alive. You'll still have to face my... Monster of-

Leo: Doom? Is it a Monster of Doom?"

Baxter: No...! Uh, Monster of... Uh... Uh... Oh, the heck with it!

(With that final frustrated outburst, the floor beneath them disappeared, and all mutants went falling, screaming and flailing, into an infinite pit.)

(Actually, it wasn't quite so infinite, but it really hurt as they landed in what looked like an un-slanted black and white checkerboard chute. As the brothers struggled to pick themselves up, Dogpound and Fishface also came crashing in.)

(Dogpound quickly got up, shaking his giant head, and turning to look at the brothers.) 

Dogpound: Where were we?

Fishface: Total turtle and cheetah takedown!

Rika: Let's get them!

(Raph dodged two blows by Dogpound, before going to advance on Fishface. Dogpound grabbed Leo in midair as the latter tried jumping him, and threw him aside, before dealing with Mikey and Donnie, Raph rushing Fishface, while Y/N went head-to-head with Rika.)

(Suddenly, something that sounded like lasers powering up almost caused Y/N a concussion, as Rika aimed a blow to his head while he was distracted.)

Leo: What is...? (He faltered.) 

(Red light axes were coming down on the chute, swinging back and forth.)

(Y/N ducked the blow to his head , and he and Raph punched the mutant koi away. The two of them glanced warily at the light axes.)

Leo: Uh, oh. This can't be good...

Y/N: You can say that again.

(Y/n and Raph almost didn't notice Fishface and Rika stalking towards himself and Y/N, though the latter readied himself for the attack.) 

Raph: Watch out! (Raph grabbed Fishface while Y/N grabbed Rika, driving both into the ground, a light axe shaving just where they had been standing nanoseconds before.)

(Rika scrambled backwards, breathing heavily, staring at the axe with wide eyes. Raphael and Fishface shared a surprised glance while Y/N just looked at Rika somberly.)

Rpah: I saved you... why, Calamari-boy?

Rika: I didn't need your help! But...........thanks.

Y/N: Don't mention it.

(Y/N got to his feet, glancing behind, where Mikey and Donnie had frozen their fight with Dogpound.) 

Leo: Everyone. I suggest a fight raincheck."

Dogpund: Never! (Dogpound lunged and Don and Mikey, both dodging aside as he smashed his enormous fists at them.) We do this now! (The mutant dog froze, and turned just in time to see a light axe swinging towards him.)

(Leo threw his tanto blade at the axe generator as Y/N lunged to push the mutant dog to the ground. When Y/N opened his eyes and got to his feet, that confirmed he hadn't just sacrificed himself to save a jerk. The jerk in question twitched as one of the tips of his shoulder spikes chipped off, having been shaved by the axe, which was now out of commission thanks to Leo.)

Y/N: Think you dumb dog!

Leo: If we keep fighting we are never gonna get out of here alive!

Donnie: The exit! (Donnie pointed towards the end of the chute hall, where a light shone.) There!

Dodpound: Follow me! (Dogpound pushed himself forward roughly, presumably talking to Fishface and Rika, who did follow.)

(The turtles followed close behind, timing their runs past the axes carefully. It was like a crazy, life threatening game of Wipeout. Y/N took up the rear, somersaulting with every axe pass.)


(Grunting in worry of every dodge)

Raph: Leo, you don't think we can trust them, do you? (He and Leo just missed having their faces shaved off.)

Leo: It's our only option.

Raph: Well, what do we do when they turn on us? Because, they will turn on us!

Leo: We'll just have to trust that we'll see it coming first. (Leo ran ahead, leaving Raph behind to shake his head skeptically.)

Y/N: Really makes you wish you hadn't been whacked by that sword, huh? (Y/N rushed past his red clad brother.)

(They had finally reached a point past the axes, where they could catch their breath, and glance at their 'former' opponents distrustfully. Most of the glances were actually made by Fishface, Rika, and Dogpound, who took the front. Honestly, Y/N felt safer with he and his brothers in the rear. Any unexpected Stockman surprises would be absorbed by Dogpound and Fishface.)

Fishface: I have my eye on you, turtles.

Y/N: Who exactly do they think is gonna be doing the backstabbing here?

Rika: I heard that!

Y/N: Good!

(The group of mutants soon walked past the exit, and into a round, black and white room, much like the one they had entered the maze in. Dogpound sniffed the air.)

Dogpung: Fresh air. (He jerked his head forward.) Coming from that direction.

(Leo stopped and looked at Fishface warily, noticing that neither he nor Dogpound were making to move forward. Y/N and Rika rolled their eyes at them.)

Fishface: Uh, please, after you.

Leo: (laughed, sounding just as patronizing.) No, no... You go ahead. I insist.

Fishface: What's the matter? You don't trust me?

Y/N: (Muttering) Like we trust the Kraang.

Raph: If you think we're gonna turn our backs to you, you're nuts!

Mikey: (Has been surprisingly silent for a long while, spoke up.) I know! We go like this... Turtle turtle cheetah, jerk, turtle turtle, jerk. Wait, no... Jerk, turtle, jerk jerk- Nah, too many jerks...

Y/N/Rika: I don't think this is going to work out.

(As the youngest turtle had been talking, a few large, shiny ball bearings came popping out of the ceiling, and floating there.) 

Leo: Balls! Of... Doom..."

Dogpound: What're those?

(The balls suddenly had red light spikes spinning on them, and began descending down on the unlikely team.)

Y/N/Rika: Nope. (Both begin to run away.)

Leo: Not good! Let's move it!

Fishface: Me first! (Fishface was already running for the exit.)

Leo: Doom balls! Run!

(The balls were so small and evasive that it was hard to actually get at them, though Mikey whacked one of the balls into the room exit with his nunchuks. Donnie did manage to whack one ball with his staff, but it ended up sticking there, and the purple clad turtle just decided to run as one of the ball's buddies made chase.)

(Y/N waved one of his claws at one of the balls, which ducked. If he hadn't backflipped out of the way, the ball would've embedded in his plastron. Rika slid under a ball and soon joined Y/N as his side. Leo swiped his katana at one of the balls, which evaded, and all the mutants went running frantically for the exit. They pushed and grabbed at each other like little kids in a race. At the last moment, Raph turned, and threw a couple shurikens. The balls exploded on impact, and the mutants went tumbling through the exit.)

(Donnie sighed with relief, before letting out a yelp, glancing at his staff. Gingerly, he removed the ball stuck there, and tossed it aside.)

(It took nothing to say that all of them were exhausted as they walked wearily through the black and white checkered tunnel.)

Dogpound: Wait...(Dogpound sniffed the air.) We've been here before!

Donnie: He's right. We've been going in circles!

Raph: Donnie are you sure-? 

(Raph's skepticism was cut off as a metal wall suddenly came between him and the rest of the team. Fishface was with him.)

Y/N: Hey! (Y/N could hear Raph pounding the wall on the other side.)

(Feedback whined.) 

Stockman: Time to split you boys up!

Rika: I'm a girl, idiot!

Y/N: Raph! Raphael!

Rika: Xever!

(Leo was slashing at the wall with his katanas, as feedback whined again.) 

Baxter: You're wasting your time, Leonardo! These doors are magnetically sealed!

(Leo slumped, panting heavily. Y/N and Rika shouted in frustration, kicking the door.)

Y/N/Rika: Ow! (The held his throbbing foot, hopping up and down on the other.) Damn it, Stockman!

(Donnie suddenly took out his T-Phone, and began dialing something.)

Leo: I tried that already, Donnie. There's no signal.

Y/N: Like Master Splinter and April could really do much for us at this rate. (Y/N puts down his foot and stares up at the ceiling.)

Donnie: I know there's no signal. (Donnie beckons for Leo to come closer.) I'm reconfiguring the T-Phone's internal magnets so that it can detect ambient AC current. We can use it to trace our way back to Baxter.

Y/N: My dear Donatello, you're awesome.

Rika: I guess we know who the smart one is. 

Leo: You two. Keep Stinkman talking.

Mikey: No problemo! (He shouted at the ceiling.) Hey, Baxtin!

Bacter: (Feedback whined.) It's Bax-ter.

(Donnie walked on, keeping an eye on his T-Phone, his finger tracing symbols through the air, his siblings and Dogpound following.) 

Mikey: So, I was wondering, what made you interested in a career of super-villainy?

Baxter: Well, since you won't be around to read my autobiography, I'll tell you. I was a frail, and delicately sensitive young child...

Dogpound/Rika: (Muttering) Well, there's a surprise. Mikey groaned, already bored out of his shell.

Baxter: That's when I decided to develop my greatest power: my technological genius!

Mikey: Oh, good grief...!

Rika: (Whispering to Y/N) This is going to be annoying.

Y/N: On that, we agree.

(Stockman continued his 'spoken autobiography', which was now sounding as irritating as the buzzing of flies. Y/N and Rika groaned low, moving a hand across their faces.)

Baxter: And I built a science fair volcano! But with actual molten lava! Burnt down the whole gymnasium! I was expelled. And I vowed revenge on those who wronged me!"

Mikey: You poor, poor man.

Y/N: You really had to ask, didn't you? (Y/N said, nudging his youngest brother.)

(Suddenly, a gun popped out of the ground. The small mutant group gasped.) 

Rika: That's not good. 

(Suddenly, the gun fired a bright red laser beam that nearly incinerated all of them, had they not dodged. Moving quickly, Leo ran towards the giant laser gun, unsheathing his katanas. With a shout, he brought both swords down, destroying it, just when his brothers, Rika, and Dogpound ran up to him.)

(Then, the rest of the black checkerboard squares lifted out of the ground and ceiling revealing more laser guns. And as if that weren't enough, all of the squares in the tube started moving, some rotating left, others rotating right.)

Y/N: You gotta be kidding me.

(When the floor beneath them started rotating as well, that was when they knew they had to move. Then the guns started shooting. Quickly adapting to the new floor situation, the four turtles narrowed their eyes, and drew their weapons.)

Y/N: Let's get down! Rika, help me with this!

Rika: Okay!

(Y/N and Rika plunged among the guns. They sliced off the muzzle of two guns, before somersaulting forward, and riding on one of the rotating floors, slicing down two other guns. Backflipping to avoid a laser beam, Both threw a few shurikens, destroying another few guns.)

(Smoke was floating through the air, via now broken down guns. Y/N stumbled a little as he panted, exhausted. His brothers also panted, and even Dogpound looked as though he were about to collapse. Rika was about to fall to the floor, Y/N quickly picked her up and carried her bridal style. Leo yelped as another gun popped up right next to him, and quickly sliced the thing in half.)

Dogpound: (He stood up, growling furiously.) Stockman! I know you're in here somewhere! (He began tearing squares off the floors and walls (which weren't moving anymore).

(Suddenly, part of the wall was kicked open. Standing on the other side was Fishface and Raph. Remarkably, they didn't seem to have killed each other.) 

Y/N: Raph! (His brothers sheath their weapons.)

Leo: (Teasingly.) You enjoy your play date? 

Raph: Huh. Very funny. 

(Y/N nudged his shoulder playfully, grinning, and he pushed his back.)

Rika: (Nuzzles against Y/N's chest.) MMmmmm....

Y/N: (Confused Face)

(Donnie had taken out his T-Phone again, and knelt down next to a dysfunctional gun.)

Donnie: A strong ambient AC current is coming from underneath this canno. (Dogpound moved forward, and tore the gun out of the ground.)

(Everyone moved forward to look into the void. The floor collapsed from under them, and they all fell for the second time that night.)

(They hit solid ground surprisingly soon, Y/N landed on his feet and everyone else quickly got to their feet when red light bathed the area around them. Said light was coming from the underside of a UFO looking hover pad, on which stood an incredibly frustrated Baxter Stockman.) 

Baxter: No! You were supposed to destroy each other, not work together! No matter... You may have made it to the end of my maze, but now it's time for-

Mikey: The bonus round?

Baxter: Yes. The Bonus Round... of Doom! (An enormous, extremely familiar, suit of armor, stomped towards the group of mutants.) Kneel before the awesome power of my... Monster...!

Mutants: Of Doom...

Baxter: You all think you're so clever. (Stockman was now through a screen on the giant suit of armor, where his face would actually be if he was wearing it.) Let's see how clever you are when you're hit by my Missiles of Do- (He cut off, trying to avoid the cliché title.) When... you're hit by my missiles!

Y/N: Weak, man. (Sets Rika down behind a crate and than joins the others.) Weak.

(That's when the armor started shooting its missiles. The mutants dodged, and Y/N ran as a missile chased after him.) 

Y/N: Ok, not so weak...! (Spinning around, he somersaulted over the missile, which hit the wall, and drew his claws, heading directly for the Monster.)

(The ninja mutants all dodged as the Monster shot at them, rapid fire. Dogpound barely avoided getting pounded himself, blocking as one of the extendable arms of the monster nearly flattened him. The Monster straightened, and shot out what Y/N at first took to be more missiles.)

(Nope. They were Mousers.)

(Y/N leapt forward with a yell, slicing two Mousers in half, and delivering a spinning back kick to another. he and Leo then exchanged a glance, and they nodded. Together, the two brothers charged towards the Monster, which extended two bird beak like guns, and began shooting at them. Both ninjas dodged the laser shots, and Y/N ran past his brother. Dodging as one bird gun tried to clamp him, Y/N jumped onto the flexible metal bar attaching the gun to the Monster, and somersaulted onto the top of it. The Monster flailed as Y/N embedded his claws blades into the armor and pulled hard. Leo, using the same technique as Y/N, jumped onto the gun bars as they tried to clamp him, and with shout, stabbed his katana into the screen where Stockman's face was.

(The Monster paused, and suddenly let off a giant, red shockwave that knocked everybody back. Y/N yelped as one of the guns clamped his arm and threw his hard into the wall.)

Dogpound: How do we stop this thing?

(Leo narrowed his eyes as he assessed the situation.)Mikey, Dogpound... Draw it under Baxter.

(Both mutants instantly responded, running for Stockman's UFO, which floated away just before they could catch it.) 

Baxter: Ha! Nice try! But you'll have to be faster than that!"

(Dogpound and Mikey exchanged a smirk, before turning.) 

Mikey: Yoohoo! Monster of Doom! We're over here!

(The Monster had been occupied with trying to destroy Donnie and Y/N, but then turned, and answered the call, running straight towards Mikey and the dog mutant.)

(Leo had run to Raph and Fishface, who were occupied with the remaining Mousers.) 

Leo: Raph! Fishface! There! (Leo pointed to Baxter's UFO.)

(Evidently understanding Leo's plan, Fishface and Raph glanced at each other, and nodded. Fishface ran towards the Monster first, Raph close behind. Almost at the last moment, Fishface slid on his back, robotic legs in the air, and Raph jumped atop them, giving the impression of a launching pad.)

Fishface: Ready?

Raph: (Gave him a quick nod.) Three. Two. One!

(Fishface kicked his legs upwards, launching Raphael into the air, allowing the mutant turtle to go straight through the middle of Stockman's hover pad.)

Baxter: No! Stop helping each other!"

(The pad landed on the Monster, and both went up in a smokey red explosion. Y/N stared in shock at the destruction. Had they killed him? But as the smoke cleared, they saw nothing.)

Mikey: Where's Dexter?

Baxter: Fools! (Looking up, the mutants saw the pink shirted man hovering in the air, his helmet having a propeller on it.) You haven't seen the last of Dexter- Ugh! Baxter Stockman!

(With that, he went flying out the open skylight.)

Y/N: Who wants to bet that guy is a virgin? (All mutants raise their hands.)

(Finally, they were all officially out into the open air. Surprisingly, it was still nighttime. As soon as the group of mutants walked out, they all collapsed to their knees, exhausted. Y/N was carrying Rika, again, bus still panting.)

Fishface: (First to look up.) The truce... is over...

Dogpound: (Got up.) Let's finish...! This...

(The turtles wearily drew their weapons, facing the now opposing mutants.)

Mikey: (He stepped forward first, waving his nunchaku.) Booyaka- (He cut off, falling to his knees with a wide yawn.)

(Y/N looked between Donnie, Raph, Leo and Mikey, and back up at Dogpound and Fishface. he could sense and see that neither of the teams were prepared for a fight.)

Dogpound: Oh, forget it. Next time. (He and Fishface turned and walked away.)

Y/N: Hey, idiots! (The two turn back.) You forgot something!

(Dogpound walks over and holds his giant for Y/N to put Rika down in. Y/N tries to at first, but sees he can't as Rika is clinging to him.)

Rika: (Sleepily) No, don't go....

Y/N: Geez, just let go!

(Y/N got a little more forceful and managed to remove her from his chest, but yelped as he saw that she left a scratch on his chest. Dogpound hoisted her over his shoulder and walks away again with Fishface.)

(The four turtles watched them go, mildly surprised. Y/N rubs his chest, and looked at his brothers.) 

Y/N: Can we please just go home now?

(Leo nodded, and they turned, walking in the opposite direction of the Foot mutants. )

Mikey: You know, Raph. You and Fishface actually made a pretty good team back there.

Raph: He's still our enemy, Mikey. And he'll take us out the first chance he gets.

(Suddenly, Raph's sai flashed right by Leo's head, and the next thing they knew, they were staring in shock at the Ball of Doom embedded in Raph's sai tip. It had barely missed killing Leo.)

Raph: Trust your senses. (They all turned to watch Fishface and Dogpound.) You'll see him coming.

(Fishface sent Raph an impressed smirk, before turning away for the last time.)

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!

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