Battle for New York Part 2

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

Here we go!

It's the lean, mean, ninja team

On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things

So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams

Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza Kings

Can't stop these radical dudes

The secret of the ooze made the chosen few

Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves

The good guys win and the bad guys lose

Leonardo's the leader in blue

Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through

Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines

Raphael has the most attitude on the team

Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!

Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need

To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

(Y/N leaned against the railing of the blimp, looking toward TCRI. The Mighty Mutanimals would be breaking inside at the moment, ready to get the portal up and running. And then they'd be back to Dimension X, back to the absolute weirdest place in any universe.)

"So, do we even have a real plan here or are we just winging it for laughs?" Raph asked.

"It's all on the Mighty Mutanimals," Donnie responded. "First, they break into TCRI, then Doc Rockwell activates the portal."

"And then it's back to Dimension X," Y/N finished.

"Yeah, boy!" Mikey cheered, hanging upside down from the top of the blimp. "I get to smart again."

"What's Dimension X like, anyways?" Ethan questioned.

"Crazy backwards land. It's like Wonderland, actually, but with more alien robots and less furry, talking animals," Y/N commented. "You'd be the Mad Hatter, Mikey."

"Awesome!" he said excitedly. 

"I get the first part. Makes sense. It's the 'save millions of mutated New Yorkers' part I don't get," Raph said.

"Well, Donnie and Timothy have their super retro-mutagen stuff," Leo pointed out. "That'll work. Uh, right, guys?"

"Heck, yeah!" Timothy grinned excitedly, looking back at them with the improved retro-mutagen canister in hand. "And once we change all the humans back, Rockwell will hone in on us with the Kraang portal and, theoretically, teleport us all back to Earth... Hopefully... Maybe."

"Very reassuring, Timothy," Ethan said skeptically.

"Yup. We're doomed," Raph commented.

Chloe: (Chuckled) "Come on, guys, it's an awesome plan. Dimension X, here we come!"

"I just hope the Mutanimals don't screw this up," Leo said. "If they can't get that portal open..."

(He trailed off uncertainly. But there was no need for him to finish the sentence, because they all knew the answer. April would never see her father again, Sarah would never see her husband, the people of New York would be trapped in Dimension X, not to mention the entire planet would be doomed.)

(The Mutanimals burst through the wall, drawing the attention of every droid in the room.)

"Aw, Kraang."

"Mutanimals, ho!" Slash called as they charged into the room to begin their attack.

(Slash slammed one droid with his mace and Rockwell blasted another with his psychic powers. He jumped aside as a droid approached from behind, but Leatherhead quickly took care of it. Riki show multiple arrows at Kraang droids heads. The gator grabbed two droids by their heads and roared, slamming them into a third droid. Slash kicked a droid away, turning and smashing two more with his mace. Rockwell saved him from a blast from behind by blasting the droid with his powers.)

"Doc, get that portal up pronto!" Slash ordered.

Rockwell headed for the control grid, jumping on the droid at the panel and kicking it off the ledge. He turned to the grip and started typing. "Hacking in now."

"Doc, hurry it up!" Slash called. He threw a piece of bread at a droid and the robot caught it.

"Bread! Give me bread!" Pete dove at the droid, knocking it to the floor and pecking at it.

Rockwell finished his hacking, powering up the portal. "The portal is up!"

(A purple beam shot from the top of TCRI, the portal to Dimension X activated.)

Mikey grinned. "Yes! They did it!"

Leo blinked. "Unbelievable."

"Hoist the mizzenmast, lads and lassies!" Raph called in a pirate voice. "This pirate ship's about to jack Dimension X!"

"Ready your oxygen converters, guys," Donnie said as they all put on their filtration units while Chloe activated her suit.

"BOOYAKASHA!" Mikey shouted as flew up into the portal.

(They were pulled through the portal and arrived on the other side, the blimp upside down and backwards.)

"Okay..." Leo started. "Welcome back to Dimension X."

"Freaky..." Chloe commented, staring around.

Donnie righted the blimp. "Phew. Well, that's 23% better."

"And I got a way of making it a thousand times better." Mikey hung down between Y/N and Raph before lifting himself back up. "Booyakasha." He jumped onto the rails of the catwalk and threw down a smoke bomb, making them all cough.


The smoke cleared to reveal Mikey sporting his gear from their last visit to Dimension X. "Savage Mikey of Dimension X returns!" He struck a pose.

"Again with the costumes?!" Raph yelled, looking ready to tackle him.

Y/N: (Chuckled and shook his head) "Lighten up, bro. Savage Mikey's really useful, remember?"

Leo sighed. "Let's just go with it." He cleared his throat. "Great 'Savage Mikey'. So, uh, where do you think the Kraang are keeping all those mutated humans?"

"Hold on." Mikey put his thumb in his mouth before moving it to his forehead, his finger pointed upward. "I can sense them with my organic antenna." He started wiggling his fingers and doing a little dance, making strange noises as he made his way around the blimp. Finally, he gasped, standing on top of it. "That way!" He pointed in the direction they were already headed.

Chloe: (Placed a hand on her hip.) "You heard the man, Donnie. Full speed ahead!"

(With the Mutanimals)

"We gotta keep that portal open for the sake of the city!" Slash stated, knocking a droid into the air with his mace. Leatherhead caught the droid in his jaws and rolled over another group.

"It's impossible!" Pete responded, dodging the lasers being fired at him. "They just keep coming! And we're getting low on sourdough!"

Riki: (Flips one bot onto the floor) Remember, don't give up!

The elevator doors opened and Mrs. Campbell stepped out with a couple of biotroids. "Biotroids. Irmabots."

Rockwell's eyes widened. "We are in a staggeringly phenomenal amount of danger."

Riki: Oh, crap baskets.

"Destroy the mutants!" Mrs. Campbell cracked a whip and the droids charged the group.

"Mutanimals, don't let 'em near Rockwell!" Slash called out.

The group charged the droids, though Pete got pinned down by a bunch of Irmabots. "Aah! Help, fellas!"

(Slash ran to his aid, knocking aside a couple of Irmabots, only for a biotroid to slam into him and send him crashing into a wall. Riki tried to shoot the biodroid, but it grabbed her bow and crushed it. Rockwell used his powers to pick up a couple of guns and shoot at the droids. Several of the Irmabots made a pyramid, allowing Mrs. Campbell to jump up. She threw her whip and slammed it into Rockwell.)

He fell to the floor, his helmet rolling away. "My psychic amplifier!" A biotroid climbed up onto the platform and grabbed him.

(With Dimension X Team)

"So, where are all the people?" Y/N asked, looking through the telescope. 

"Feels like we've been searching forever," Chloe commented.

"We probably have been," Timothy stated. "Remember the time differential? Let's just hope the others can distract the Kraang long enough to get this over with."

"You got any idea where we're going, Mikey? For real?" Raph leaned over the side to look down at his little brother.

"Of course I do, dude!" Mikey responded. Y/N and Ethan's ears flicked up at a loud roar and they looked up to see a Kraathatrogon in front of the blimp. "But there are always surprises along the way," Mikey added quickly, holding tight to the ladder with a nervous laugh.

"It's a Kraathatrogon!" Donnie shouted through his speaker. "Man the defenses!"

(Y/N moved to their cannons and started firing garbage at the Kraang worm. It didn't in the least faze it, and it charged straight for them. Y/N rolled aside just in time for the worm to fly straight through the balloon.)

"I wish I'd stayed in New York..." Ethan groaned.

(Everyone screamed as the blimp flew out of control and crash landed on one of the floating islands. They were all sent flying out of the blimp and into the crystal trees, while just flew and landed safely.)

"Chloe, dude, you couldn't have stopped our landing?" Ethan demanded.

"My armour isn't at full power in this place," Chloe retorted.

He rolled his eyes. "Oh, sure, now's a good time to mention that."

Chloe: "You were the only one who didn't know!"

Mikey groaned. "Uh, I think I broke my brain."

"Ha, what brain?" Raph got back to his feet, drawing his sais. "I'm taking this freaky space worm down myself!"

(Y/N looked up at the worm heading right for him and Raph. He rolled out of the way just in time for the worm to come up behind Raph and use its butt-face to slap Raph right off the edge of the platform. He flailed his arms and screamed as he descended into the abyss.)

(Ethan ran for the edge of the platform to help him, sliding to a halt as they heard screaming above. Leo looked up and stepped away from Y/N as Raph crashed down on top of him.)

Ethan: (Did a double-take, eyes wide.) "What the heck?"

"Go with it, dude, it's Dimension X physics," Timothy explained. "Whoa!" He tackled Ethan to the floor as the Kraathatrogon flew over their heads.

"We got this, guys!" Chloe said, running off with Mikey.

(The two of them jumped up a crystal tree, Chloe breaking off a piece while Mikey grabbed one of the grapple worms. He aimed at the alien worm and shot. It latched onto the creature and Chloe threw the crystal piece to Mikey as he swung onto the worm, catching the rock.)

(Mikey ran along the Kraathatrogon's back and jumped off, throwing the crushed crystal shards at the worm's butt-face. The crystal exploded and it fled.)

Mikey landed on a crystal tree. "FYI, guys, Kraang worms' weak spot are their butt-faces. Got that?"

"Guys, look!" Y/N called, pointing at another island.

Leo took out his telescope, looking to the island. "This just keeps getting worse and worse and worse."

Mikey jumped down to them. "Let me guess. The humans that got Kraangitized have been turned into servants and are mining energy crystals for the Kraang."

They all stared at him.

Y/N: (Blinked) "Mikey, you never cease to amaze me." 

"I'm sweet like that, dude."

"So, we figure out a way to turn the humans back--" Raph started.

"And then the Mutanimals figure out a way to bring us all home," Donnie finished.

"It doesn't seem possible," Leo said.

"Dude, it's the Mighty Mutanimals, the operative word being 'mighty'. They got it all under control!" Mikey said with a grin.

Y/N: Mikey!

Mikey: What?

Y/N: Don't jinx them!

(The Mutanimals were struggling against the added forces of the Kraang.)

Slash kicked down a biotroid, only to notice Rockwell being restrained by another. "Rockwell!" He got pinned down by another biotroid. "Leatherhead, take down that robot now!"

(Leatherhead looked at Rockwell, noticing the situation. He roared and dashed for the platform. An Irmabot stood in his way and he grabbed it in his jaws, snapping it in half. He jumped onto the platform, though before he could fully climb up, two biotroids grabbed him and threw him back.)

(He landed on all fours, grabbing a droid and running at the biotroids. Using the droid, he knocked one aside and the other against the wall, slamming the droid into it repeatedly. A biotroid grabbed him, restraining his arms.)

"Let me go, beast!"

Riki: Leatherhead! (Punched into the wall, which knocks her unconscious)

(The biotroids pinned her and Leatherhead to the floor. Slash threw off his own biotroid, getting back up and knocking away a couple Irmabots. He surveyed the area, noticing the predicament his teammates were in.)

Slash: "No. My team."

"Give up, mutant, or your friends will perish," Mrs. Campbell ordered, aiming her rocket at Rockwell.

"Slash!" Rockwell called. "You can't let them deactivate the portal! Leo and the others will be trapped in Dimension X!"

(Slash growled, glancing at the biotroids surrounding him. Left with no other option, he threw down his mace in an act of surrender. Mrs. Campbell pressed a button and the portal closed.)

Slash: My friends. No!"

(With Leo's team)

"It looks like the Kraang have human hybrids on those three islands," Leo stated, putting his telescope away.

"Those islands are huge, man!" Y/N said. "I mean, how are we gonna turn all those mutants back into people?"

"You forget, Y/N. We just need to find a massive amount of mutagen and convert it into retro-mutagen with this." Timothy held up her canister of retro-mutagen.

"Oh, is that all? A massive amount of mutagen? Let me just milk a few thousand Kraang worms!" Raph retorted sarcastically.

"I bet that thing has a ton of mutagen inside of it!" Mikey said, pointing to a ship above them.

"A Technodrome?" Leo questioned. "Mikey--"

"Don't say it. I know. I'm a genius," Mikey said.

"I was gonna say you're crazy!" Leo snapped. "Steal a Technodrome!?"

"And how would we even get there?" Raph added. "The blimp's a wreck and Chloe can't fly all of us."

"Or, we could borrow one of those stealth ships parked over there," Donnie said, pointing at said ships not too far away. "Just sayin'."

Raph smirked. "This is so crazy I'm starting to like this plan."

"Welcome to Dimension X. Where the crazies are non-stop," Y/N said with a grin.

"Alright, guys. Stay frosty. And keep quiet," Mikey instructed. "And all those other Leo-isms Leo likes to say."

(They ran for the edge of the island and jumped for the platform. They were suddenly pulled upwards and into the air, only to somehow end up at the other island from below.)

"This place is so weird..." Ethan muttered.

"Okay, team, when I give the signal--" Leo began.

"It'll be this!" Mikey interrupted. "Ca-caw! Ca-caw! Snd then we sneak inside the ship."

"That sounds like a great idea!" Subprime appeared from behind them, landing on the island.

"Not this guy again," Chloe groaned.

"That's right, mutant freaks!" The Irmabot opened up to reveal Subprime in the center. "Kraang Subprime returns!" He began flexing a tentacle. "You like that, don't ya?" He flexed both tentacles, showing off the abnormal and disproportional muscle. "Do you like this? Yeah, you like that. Now come quietly or I vaporize ya." He went to take a step, stopping when Ethan threw several crystals at him. He dodged them, smirking at the wolf. "Ha! You missed!"

(Ethan didn't say a word, only smirked as he glanced at the Irmabot's feet. Subprime followed her gaze to notice the crystals planted there. The bunny gave a high-pitched shriek and the crystals reacted to the sound, exploding and blasting Subprime off the island.)

"You did it, nephew!" Raph cheered.

"That's cause he's suh-suh-suh-sweet," Mikey responded, high-fiving Ethan.

(They made for the stealth ship and dropped into the control room.)

"Get this baby moving, D!" Mikey said.

Donnie started typing at the console. "I'm starting it. I'm starting it!" The ship came online, lighting up.

"So, you really know how to fly this thing?" Leo asked.

Donnie: Um, sort of. I kinda did it before. Not exactly."

"Just get this bird in the air already!" Raph snapped.

(Y/N felt the ship lift into the air, though a moment later it crashed into a nearby wall, sending them all to the floor.)

Y/N: (Shook his head) "Forward might be nice!" 

"Oh, let me handle it." Mikey got to his feet and took the controls, typing into the console. The ship took off and he placed his hands on the orb in the middle of the console to steer.

"So, what are we gonna do when we reach the Technodrome, huh?" Raph asked. "Anyone thought that far ahead?"

"Um, not really?" Timothy responded.

"Uh, guys," Ethan started. "I think we've got bigger, badder problems. Look!" He pointed at the screen as a large, two-headed dragon-like droid flew straight at them.

"Brave yo-selves!" Mikey called as the droid shot bolts of electricity at the ship. He swerved to dodge them and maneuvered the ship around floating islands and toward a bunch of long pillars. "Strap your shells on tight, guys." He hit a button and the ship sped up. He wove through the pillars, emerging on the other side and aimed at the Technodrome. "Booyakasha!"

"Left! Go left!" Raph instructed as the droid caught up. Mikey swerved left to dodge the lightning bolt.

"No, go right! Right!" Leo ordered.

Donnie: "Look out!"

(They all screamed as the ship hurtled toward the Technodrome before crashing into it in an explosion of smoke.)

(With the Mutanimals)

"Let us out!" Slash snapped, slamming his fists against the glass cage they were kept in. "I swear, once I break these walls down, I'll--"

Leatherhead grabbed Slash's shoulder, pulling him away from the glass. "It is useless, my friend."

Slash sat down on the floor, shell against the glass. "It's my fault we got captured. Maybe Leo was right. Maybe I'm not fit to lead this team."

Riki: (Knelt before the turtle.) "I have seen you save humans from the Kraang, rescue your fellow mutants. You are a good soul, Slash. Heck, you let me join despite me working for Shredder in the past."

Slash sighed. "Thank you, sister. But if we can't save :ep and the others, then all of the humans in New York are doomed. We failed."

Pete started to panic. "I'm--I'm losing it, guys. The walls. Too cramped! I have to go to the bathroom!"

Rockwell slapped him. "Calm down, man! I'm trying to focus!" He sat down, closing his eyes and taking a meditative stance. "Ohm. Ohm."

(With Dimension X Team)

(Leo opened the hatch of the stealth ship to see several Kraang-droids below. He drew her swords and dropped down, taking them down before they could shoot. His family dropped down behind him as more droids began to shoot at them.)

"This way!" Chloe called, flying for a door. Leo and the others followed the child, running into the room. Raph spun his sai and stabbed it into the controls, making it malfunction and the doors slide shut.

"We made it! Wow, that was easy," Raph commented.

"Uh, Raph?" Y/N said, motioning the room ahead.

(In the center of the room was a huge tube of mutagen surrounded by huge blades spinning above and below Leo and the others. Kraang were scattered around, both in their floating pods and their droid bodies.)

"Aw, Kraang..." Raph muttered.

"You really need to learn when to say stuff like that," Ethan mentioned.

"Guys, attack!" Leo ordered, running along the catwalk and toward the droids.

"Leo, I'm leader in Dimension X!" Mikey called back, jumping onto one of the floating pink aliens and using them as platforms. He threw his kusarigama chain around the mutagen tube. One end of the chain hit the gun of the droid captain while Mikey slammed into him, catching the blaster.

"Then figure out a way to take out all these Kraang-droids!" Leo responded, cutting down a droid.

(Leo used her swords to deflect the gunshots. Y/N ran for the tube of mutagen and jumped up, twisting around to kick off the tube. He landed on one of the spinning blades, tail swishing to steady herself as he caught his balance. He sheathed his claws in exchange for some kunai as he spotted several floating Kraang flying at him. He threw the kunai at them which made spin out of control and smack right into the mutagen tube.)

"Oh, yeah! Check me out!" Mikey cheered. Leo turned his head to see him with a Kraang floating device on each foot, a pair of guns in hand as he shot at the droids. He laughed, clearly having the time of his life as he took out the droids before lowering himself to the catwalk.

"Mikey, that was amazing!" Raph said.

"Dimension X plus years of video games equals Mikey awesomeness!" Mikey responded.

Leo: (Jumped off the blade she stood on, landing on the catwalk.) "Great, get this thing moving. Donnie and Tim, what have we got?"

"Good news. It looks like we have access to their mutagen supply through this fuel tube," Timothy began as Mikey started typing on a control console. "Not only do they use mutagen to terraform, they use it to power the ship. We've got a massive supply! Like--like this much!" He turned from the tube, spreading his arms to emphasize.

Mikey was aimlessly smacking his hands over the controls. With a touch of his foot, he brought up the Technodrome's controls and started it up. "Yes! She's moving!" He grabbed one of the yolk controls. "Let's save New York!"

(With the Mutanimals)

"What's Rockwell doing, Leatherhead?" Slash asked.

"Focusing," the gator responded. "Without his psychic amplifier, his power is greatly diminished."

(Rockwell focused, taking hold of a droid head and bringing it up to the cage.)

"It's working!" Pete cheered. "I-It's working! Joy, joy!"

(Rockwell brought it up to the scanner, releasing them from their glass prison.)

Slash smirked. "You did good, Doc!"

"Freedom!" Leatherhead shouted, the Mutanimals jumping from their prison.

 They quickly set off after the droids shooting at them.

"We still have to reactivate that portal!" Rockwell called.

(With Leo's Team)

"We have a visual on the human hybrids, Donatello and Timothy," Ethan stated. "We need that portal ready to go."

"Give me two seconds," Timothy responded. "I gotta add the retro-mutagen."

(He placed the canister against the tube's console and the retro-mutagen emptied from the vial. The lights started flashing and the spinning blades stopping as the Technodrome ground to a halt, nearly making everyone fall.)

"Something's wrong," Leo said. "What's going on, guys?? Report!"

Donnie started typing on the controls. "I told you, the Technodrome runs on mutagen. Aah!" The console started smoking in his face as an alarm went off. "The engines just can't take retro-mutagen, captain!"

"Not necessarily," Mikey said. "I just need to alter the ship's fuel convertors, tweak the quantum defibilitrons, and...viola!" He pressed one last button and the power came back on as the retro-mutagen surged through the ship.

Y/N: Mikey, you're--"

"A genius, I know," he cut Y/N off.

"Wasting time!" Y/N snapped. "Get this thing moving! We have to save the humans already!"

"Guys!" Chloe called, staring at the door where a saw was grinding through, shedding sparks.

The saw pulled back and Kraang Subrpime appeared through the gap. "Here's Kraangy!"

"Did...did he just make a reference to 'The Shining'?" Ethan asked.

Chloe: When did he even see that movie? Didn't it come out like in the 80s? Wait, are Kraang immortal?!

Y/N: Questions for later guys, questions for later!

"Okay, Donnie, we need that portal open!" Leo said. "Call up the Mutanimals!"

Donnie pulled out his phone. "Come in, Doctor Rockwell? Doc? You there? Anybody!?"

"Great," Raph said. "If the Mutanimals can't transport us back, cancel the entire rescue mission."

"And us going home," Timothy.

"Have faith, guys. I know my sister and I know them. They won't let us down. We just have to give them some time," Y/N said.

(The Mutanimals were back to kicking butt.)

Slash cut down a couple Irmabots. "Just do it already!"

Pete flew Rockwell up onto the platform and the scientist began typing into the console. "Now, if we can transform the portal into a three-dimensional coordinate locked beam--" Rockwell cut off as Mrs. Campbell landed beside him, aiming her rockets at him.

(Rockwell turned and covered his head as the droid prepared to fire. Riki threw an arrow at Campbell which pinned her arm to the wall, while Slash threw his mace at the droid, knocking her against the wall and off the platform.)

Rockwell hit one last button. "Yes! The portal is a go!" The portal shot up, open once again.

"We did it!" Riki cheered.

"Donatello, we are back online. 30 seconds before we teleport you home," Rockwell announced through the T-phone.

"Sending coordinates now, adjusting for fifth dimensional space," Timothy responded, typing into the console.

"There they are!" Mikey said. "The hybrids. Aw, man, look at them! They're forced to work like Kravarian ant-people."

"Well, not much longer," Leo said. "You ready with that retro-mutagen, Chloe?"

The girl smirked, taking the controls. "Locked and loaded."

"Fire!" Leo and Mikey ordered together.

(Chloe fired the retro-mutagen right at the island with the hybrids, transforming them back to normal.)

"I'm just getting started, mutants!" Subprime snapped. "I'm coming for your sweet shells and skin!"

Timothy: (Tossed a shuriken at the door, startling him.) "Shut up, you stupid squid."

"Donnie, we need those humans teleported out, now!" Leo ordered, seeing the humans struggling to breathe.

"I'm on it!" Donnie typed into the console and pushed a few buttons. In a matter of seconds the suffocating people were teleported back to New York. He began geeking out excitedly. "We did it! We turned a multi-dimensional transmat device into a mass-displacement teleporter!"

"I have no idea what you just said, but, hooray?" Raph said.

Mikey chuckled. "That's how we're going home, Raph. Teleportation, y'all."

"Just like Space Heroes!" Leo said excitedly.

"No way!" Raph snapped. "Forget it. You're not beaming my particles!"

The door exploded and Subprime entered with several other droids. "Surprise! Forget about me, mutants?"

Y/N: (Snorte) "With that voice? How can we?"

(Raph took Chloe's place at the console as the girl pulled out her laserehip and ran at the droids with her, Y/N, Ethan, and Leo following close behind.)

"Okay, let's start beaming particles, Donnie!" Raph said quickly.

"You've gotta hold 'em off, guys!" Mikey called to the others. "I've gotta pilot this thing!"

"What do you think we're trying to do??" Timothy snapped, launching her shuriken at the droids.

"Hold 'em off? How!?" Leo asked.

"Yeah, that's a real good question, greenie," Subprime said. He fired a laser cannon at them and they ducked to avoid it.

(Ethan and Y/N cut down two of the droids, knocking them off the catwalk.)

Timothy: Time for a little science! I give you the Hi-Tech Shuriken!

(Timothy twirled one of his Hi-Tech shurikens, taking aim at Subprime's laser cannon. He released the shuriken just as the alien made to shoot again. The shuriken pierced the cannon and Timothy activated the taser effect. The cannon malfunctioned and shot upward instead, knocking free one of the spinning blades. It ricocheted into the wall and landed in front of the entrance, blocking more droids from entering.)

(Leo led Subprime up onto the blades overhead, trying to fend him off while Y/N and the others handled the droids. Y/N stabbed through one of the droids, spinning around and kicking another off the catwalk. He glanced up as he saw Subprime knock Leo off one of the blades.)

"Leo!" Ethan grabbed his arm before he could fall into the blades below, pulling him back onto the catwalk. Donnie, Mikey, and Raph ran across to join them as Chloe dealt with the last droid.

"You're finished, mutant scum! Finished!" Subprime laughed, jumping down to attack them, only for them to teleport away and back to New York.

(They fall onto a rooftop with grunts and yelps of surprise. Leo groaned, sitting up and looking down into the street to see the humans coming back while the Kraang vanished. The humans cheered and clapped and Leo grinned, looking over her city with a sigh of relief.)

"We did it," Leo said. "Somehow, we did it!"

"We're the best!" Mikey cheered. "Go, ninja! Go, ninja, go!"

"Woo-hoo!" Ethan and Chloe cheered.

Y/N: (Pumped a fist in the air, fangs flashing.) "Take that, Kraang!"

"Finally, everything is gonna go back to normal," Donnie said.

"Well, as normal as this city can get, anyway," Timothy said, hands on his hips.

"I hope so," Chloe said, makes her helmet fall down "I could use a break after all that."

"Yeah, but what about the Mighty Mutanimals?" Raph asked.

"What about us?" Leo turned at Leatherhead's voice to see the Mighty Mutanimals standing on the roof behind them.

"Leatherhead!" Mikey exclaimed, running to hug the gator. "My big green buddy!"

"We made it, my friend," Leatherhead said, hugging him back.

Y/N: Riki! (Hugs her as she hugs back)

"Looks like our plan worked, Doctor," Donnie said to Rockwell.

"Yes, and teleporting the Kraang back to Dimension X was a stroke of genius," Rockwell responded.

"You gotta admit, Leo," Raph started. "We couldn't have done this without Slash and his team."

Leo nodded, looking up at the big turtle. "You did great, Slash. I'm sorry I doubted you."

Y/N: (Knocked their shoulders together teasingly.) "So, was I right or was I right?"

Leo: (Rolled his eyes) "You were right." (He held out a hand to Slash.) "Everyone deserves a second chance."

Slash grinned, taking his hand and shaking it. "I just tried to model myself after the best leader I ever knew. You." He smiled at him.

Leo smiled back. They broke away and Leo turned to the groups. "Ninjas. Mutanimals. It's time to celebrate!"

Everyone: "Booyakasha!"

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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