Battle for New York: Part 1
(The night was quiet, everyone sleeping soundly in their temporary home. Everyone but Mikey, who was mixing various things into a beaker in Donnie's and Timothy's makeshift lab, wearing a pair of goggles over his eyes. He picked up the glowing blue mixture he'd created.)
Mikey: Hmm, I do believe this plutonium should react flawlessly with the sodium bicarbonates. "What do you think, Ice Cream Kitty?" (The mutant cat, also wearing a pair of goggles, meowed.)
Mikey: Then perhaps we should add this hyperbole solution to Donnie's and Timothy's retro-mutagen."
(He grabbed the beaker of retro-mutagen. Donnie walked into the room, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, only to notice what his little brother was doing.)
Mikey: Pishposh and tut-tut, my good man!"
Donnie: Timothy and I have been brewing that retro-mutagen for months!" Oh, if you ruined it, I swear I'll--"
Mikey: Hold on, dude, I got this."
(Mikey started to pour his solution into the retro-mutagen, only for Donnie to grab it. They started fighting over it and ended up spilling the solution, making a drop of it fall into the retro-mutagen. The new mixture bubbled for a brief moment before going still.)
Donnie: Phew."
(The mixture started fizzing, yellow steam rising from it as it glowed bright gold.)
Donnie: Oh. Oh no, Mikey!"
(The mixture spilled over the edge of the beaker and released a blast of energy that knocked the boys and Ice Cream Kitty into the wall, Mikey holding onto the cat.)
"It's gonna explode!" Donnie shouted.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
Here we go!
It's the lean, mean, ninja team
On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things
So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams
Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza Kings
Can't stop these radical dudes
The secret of the ooze made the chosen few
Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves
The good guys win and the bad guys lose
Leonardo's the leader in blue
Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through
Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines
Raphael has the most attitude on the team
Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!
Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!
Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need
To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
(The two boys clung to each other as they waited for the expected eruption, only for everything to suddenly stop as though nothing had happened.)
Mikey blinked. "Aw, well, that weak."
(Donnie growled, Ice Cream Kitty jumping away from the boys as Donnie tackled Mikey and they started fighting.)
Donnie: Now, you listen to me!"
Mikey: No! You listen to me!"
Donnie: I am gonna teach you such a lesson! I--!"
Sensei hit both the boys in their pressure points, making them cease the fighting. "What is going on in here?"
April ran into the room to see what the commotion was about, her gaze landing on the sparkling mixture. "Um... Since when did the retro-mutagen start doing that?"
Once things calmed down, Donnie put the new sample under a microscope to study its effects. "Wow! Its bonding rate it phenomenal. Haha, I can't believe it! This will save me and Timothy months of lab work! Okay, let me see." He picked up the slide the mixture was on, sucking it up into a dropper. "One small drop..." He released a single drop into a vial of mutagen, watching as the entire vial turned. "And I'm able to transform an entire vial of mutagen into retro-mutagen!"
Timothy: (laughed.) "Mikey, you're amazing!"
"I know," Mikey responded, then proceeded to hit a slice of pizza against an action figure.
"Wow, did we step into some kinda alternate dimension here?" Raph asked.
Y/N grinned from where she sat beside him on the back of the couch. "Let's test that theory." He punched him in the arm.
"Ow, hey!" Raph punched him back.
(He returned the hit and a moment later, the two of them were on the floor wrestling and laughing. Leo cleared her throat and they stopped mid-attack.)
"Sorry," they both muttered as they returned to their seats.
"An alternate Raph would have been nicer," the cheetah whispered to Raph.
(He glared at him, ready to tackle him again, and Leo gave them a look telling them to knock it off.)
"Okay, what chemicals did you use to help create the rapid cellular bonding?" Timothy inquired excitedly.
Mikey thought for a moment. "Uh, I think I added a bunch of stuff like...urinate, anolite, uh, moronic acid, and some, uh, garlic-cappuccino pizza?" He smashed his action figure and pizza together, giving his brothers a nervous smile.
Raph sighed. "Nope. Same dimension," he commented under his breath.
Donnie and Timothy stared at Mikey. "Are you kidding me?" Timothy demanded.
"You do ONE awesome thing, and you can't even remember how you did it!?" Donnie got in Mikey's face, a crazed expression on his own.
"Donatello, Timothy, be glad that Michelangelo's tomfoolery yielded the gift that it did," Sensei interjected. "Focus on the goal at hand. You must find all of the transformed people of New York and change them back."
"But, Sensei, we don't even know what happened to them," Chloe pointed out.
Sarah: Yeah, it's not like their still in the city otherwise, the boys would have found them by now.
"I think I know," April cut in, sitting on the ground and hugging her knees. "They were taken to Dimension X by the Kraang. I can see them in my dreams, millions of mutated humans trapped there." Her eyes were wide in fright, but they calmed down as Sarah comforted her.
"So we drop into TCRI, break into their portal, and zap ourselves to Dimension X," Raph stated.
"Sounds like a plan, Raph." Ethan grinned.
Mikey stood beside her, making a pose. "Yo, we can do this! We can save New York!"
"And Timothy and I have got the perfect new invention to storm Dimension X!" Donnie exclaimed with a smirk.
Leo stood alongside his siblings, staring up at a--
"A water tower. That's your new invention?" Leo asked.
"Guys, you're slacking here," Y/N stated.
(The others started to laugh, Donnie rolling his eyes. Timothy sighed and Leo gave the two of them a shrug.)
"Wow, that's one giant step for turtlekind, guys," Raph said. "Nice."
"You guys can't be serious about this," Ethan said. "How is a water tower gonna help?"
"It's not exactly what it appears to be," Timothy retorted.
Y/N's ears flicked up at the familiar whirs of a Kraang ship. "Get down!" They took shelter in the shadows of the water tower, watching the Kraang stealth ship fly past, scanning the area. "They're scanning for humans."
A couple of Kraang-droids emerged from a house, dragging a couple of humans with them. "Resistance to Kraang is that which is known as futile." They tossed the humans on the street in front of another droid with a gun hooked up to a mutagen tank.
"Prepare to be mutated by Kraang!"
"Please! No!"
"Don't do it! No!"
(The couple clung to each other. Before the droid could shoot, Timothy threw a handful of her shurikens at it, making it shoot in random directions before collapsing to the pavement. The droid's last shot went just above the two humans, though Leo tackled them out of the way before it could touch them.)
Leo:" Phew! Are you two alright?"
"Aah! Alien turtle!"
The two humans quickly bolted.
"No, that's okay!" Leo called after them. "It's not like we saved your lives or anything!" He took notice of the droids behind him, quickly turning to face them and drawing one of his katanas.
Y/N: Let it go.
"Booyakasha!" Mikey shouted as he and the others jumped onto the droids.
Raph removed his sais from a droid, spinning them in his hands. "Let's kick some Kraang!"
(The Kraang began shooting at them and they found cover in the street. Ethan threw a crate in front of Chloe as the red-head ran at the droids. The crate blocked the lasers until she blasted through it, triggering photon blade and slicing through the droids.)
Chloe: Comin' at you, Ethan!"
(Chloe threw an alien out of one of the droids and Ethan jumped up and punched it, sending it flying into another droid. A Kraang search probe flew up and shot at the teens, making them duck for cover.)
"Stupid probe!" Y/N snapped.
(He picked up a garbage can lid and threw it at the probe, hitting it and stunning it. Mikey jumped up and threw his kusarigama chain around the drone, pulling on the chain as he landed and slamming the probe to the ground. He looked up as the droids started firing at him.)
Mikey: Back up off me, yo!"
(He jumped up and pulled his chain, sending the probe crashing into the droids, though more kept coming.)
"Is that all you got!?" Raph snapped, only for more droids to shoot at him. "Apparently not!"
(They were forced to retreat to avoid the droids, only to find themselves surrounded.)
Mikey glanced back at them. "This isn't good, guys."
(Suddenly, a piece of bread suddenly hit a droid's head. The droid picked it up, staring at it.)
"Oh, bread!" Pigeon Pete suddenly slammed into the droid, pecking at it. Leo and the others stared at him. He turned to look at them as he finally noticed them. "Oh, hiya fellas!"
The droids started shooting at him, only for something to slam into them and destroy them with a roar.)
"Leatherhead!" Mikey shouted.
(The Kraangs' eyes started glowing blue as they suddenly started turning and shooting at each other while a familiar mutant floated into view.)
"Doctor Rockwell?" Donnie questioned.
"Pigeon Pete?" Raph asked, watching the pigeon mutant chase after another piece of bread.
(Suddenly, Y/N noticed as multiple droids for arrows in their heads, and Riki was shown as she landed on one.)
Y/N: Riki?
(A shadowed figure ran past the droids shooting at Pete, cutting them down with ease. Leo's eyes narrowed, a soft growl rumbling in her throat.)
He tightened her hold on her sword. "You!"
"Greetings, mutants!" Slash smirked, resting his mace on his shoulder. "Long time no see."
They relocated to another rooftop, away from the Kraang.
Slash fist-bumped Raph. "Raphael, good to see you brother, and the rest of you. Mutants, meet my team, dedicated to fighting the Kraang. The Mighty Mutanimals! Ya already know my second in command."
Leatherhead climbed onto the roof, Mikey running to him and hugging him. "Leatherhead!"
Leatherhead chuckled, hugging him back. "It's good to see you. All of you."
Slash: (At Riki) Meet our eyes in the sky.
(Y/N, Riki, and Ethan were hugging each other.)
Y/N: Sis, it's great to see you again! I missed you.
Ethan: Same!
Riki: Thanks, I'm glad to see you're all okay. Chloe, you still a good girl?
Chloe: Nope!
Riki: (Rubs her head) That's my girl.
"And what, dear kids, are you staring at?" Rockwell asked, as Donnie and Timothy had been watching him pick things out of his fur.
"Doctor Rockwell?" Donnie asked.
Timothy: Donnie, told me about you and how you were mutated and wen completely feral in the city.
"Indeed!" Rockwell hovered around the two of them. "The Kraang experimented on my mind, giving me psychic powers and accidentally returning my vast intellect in the process!" He hung upside down in front of them and blew a raspberry at them.
"Rockwell's the brains of the team," Slash stated. "And this is the final member of the Mighty Mutanimals." He gestured to a shadow in the distance. Pigeon Pete revealed himself with a few pigeons around him.
"Pigeon Pete? The world's most useless mutant?" Raph asked.
Riki swatted him in the shoulder.
"Hey!" Pete flew up, crash landing on the roof. Riki helped him back to his feet. "Thanks, Riki. I've toughened up a lot since the last time you saw me! I was just a pigeon-boy, now I'm a pigeon-man. I'm the team spy!"
"More like decoy," Leo muttered.
"Ooh, bread!" Pete dove after the bread Slash had thrown, getting the pigeon mutant out of Raph's face.
Leo snorted. "Some leader, Slash," he snapped. "Using your teammates as bait!"
"You got a problem with that, Leo?" Slash demanded.
Leo: You attacked us! You tried to destroy us!
"I wasn't right in the head then," Slash argued, putting a hand to his head. "It was the mutagen!"
"He did help us, and everyone deserves a second chance," Mikey pointed out.
Leatherhead walked over to Slash, resting a hand on the large turtle's shoulder. "We trust him with our lives."
Y/N walked up to his and put a hand on his shoulder. "Bro, sidebar?" He led his out of earshot of the others and lowered his voice. "Look, what's your issue with this guy?"
"I don't trust him!" Leo hissed. "He tried to kill us!"
"So did Karai," Y/N pointed out. "And yet you gave her multiple chances to prove herself. Why's Slash a different case?"
(Leo looked away in deep thought.)
Y/N: (Shook his head with a sigh) "Look, I get it, alright? But Leatherhead said he trusts him. Leatherhead's a good friend of yours, right?"
Leo:(Nodded) "A very good friend."
Y/N: If he's aligned himself with Slash, the guy can't be all bad, am I right? Give him a chance?"
Leo: Why should I?"
Y/N: Look, he said he wasn't right him the head back then. This was after he was first mutated, right?" (At Leo's nod, Y/N continued.) "You of all people should know how much a mutation initially messes with your head. When Karai first got out of the tank, she looked like she was ready to devour us. She wasn't in her right mind. Neither was Slash."
Leo: (Stared at him for a second before letting out a groan.) "I hate it when you make sense."
Y/N: I'm not asking you to like him right off the bat, certainly not trust him, just give him a chance to make up for his mistakes, alright? civil?"
Leo: (Rolled his eyes.) "Fine, yes, alright. I'll be civil."
(He grinned at him and patted his shoulder before walking off back toward the others. Leo sighed and headed after him.)
"Come, mutants," Leatherhead said. "Meet our benefactors. Then you will surely change your mind, Leonardo." He started to walk away with the rest of his team.
Leo: (Groaned) Fine. But if this a trap, your shell is mine, Slash
(They arrived at an abandoned warehouse, and as soon as they did, the Mutanimals disappeared into the darkness. Leo and the others looked around, gasping as bright light turned on and shone in their eyes. They quickly pulled out their weapons, ready to fight as they cast their attention to the shadows in front of them.)
"Greetings, ninjas."
(Leo blinked at the familiar voice. The spotlight turned off as the lights turned on, allowing them to see the two people standing in front of the desk.)
"Kurtzman?" Leo asked.
"Good to see you, guys," Jack said, sitting down on the desk behind him. "Been a long time."
Y/N: "We thought the you got mutated with the rest of New York!"
Jack: I made it through the invasion and tried to find you lot, but you were gone. Fortunately, I tracked down these noble warriors to help keep up the fight against the Kraang."
"I wouldn't exactly call them all noble, Leo remarked, glancing at Slash, who growled at him.
"No one in the outside world knows what's really going on. The military, the media, they're no help. They're all controlled by the Kraang. But now that the team are back, we can stop the invasion, together!" Jack finished.
"What!?" Slash snapped.
"No way!" Leo retorted.
Slash: I'm not teamin' up with him!"
Jack: (Slammed his hands on the desk) "That's enough! We can't afford to waste any more time." (He pulled down a projector screen, turning on a slide projector, which changed between slides to show off the Kraang's plans.) "The Kraang have spent the last few months building a mutagen missile, which they're gonna fire at the earth itself." (The picture changed to a lizard lady, Jack quickly changing it back to the Kraang's plan and clearing his throat.) "Just ignore that."
Timothy: There's enough mutagen in that payload--"
"To mutate the earth into another Dimension X." Rockwell cut Timothy off, much to the his annoyance.
"It's rude to finish other people's sentences, Rockwell," Timothy stated.
"Well, then clearly your friend will have to speak faster, Timothy!" Rockwell retorted.
(That set off an argument amongst the rest of them.)
Slash: If you think I'm gonna work with this scrawny shelled wimp-
Leo: I've had way more experience leading a team than you!
Pete: We should sit and break bread!
Raph: You are the biggest waste of Mutagen ever!
Rockwell :Tiny brained reptile!
Riki: Can we just take a breath?
Y/N: Seriously, you're acting like children! (Turns to Ethan and Chloe) Ethan and Chloe are more mature than you.
(Banging came from one of the doors and a biotroid broke down the door. Kraang-droids swarmed the second floor, aiming their guns at the group.)
"It is the ones called the mutants! And the others calling themselves the Mighty Mutanimals!"
"Get 'em!" Slash shouted, the Mutanimals quick to obey as they darted to the droids.
Mikey jumped down to attack the biotroid, only for the droid to grab him. Leatherhead took notice and started attacking the droid, making it drop Mikey.
(Leo charged a group of droids, sword out, and drop-slid across the floor, cutting through the droids. Ethan sprang to his feet and suddenly felt something pressed against his back, finding himself back-to-back with Chloe.)
"I think we might need to get a little creative here," Chloe stated.
Ethan:(Smirked) "Oh, this'll be fun."
(Ethan sheathed his kunai in exchange for a crowbar. He and Chloe turned to face each other and Chloe crouched, cupping his hands. Ethan used them like a step, allowing his friend to boost him into the air. Chloe took down the closest droids on the floor while Ethan aimed his crowbar at the ones farther away and threw the crowbar which impaled three kraang droids. He landed back beside his friend, dropping into a shoulder roll to absorb the impact before springing back to his feet)
(Y/N spotted Donnie and Timothy running up the stairs to the droids shooting on the second level.)
"Allow me, Donatello and Timothy." Rockwell floated up to the droids and used his psychic powers to lift them, sending them crashing into a wall.
"We had things under control!" Timothy snapped.
Rockwell: Oh, yes, you and your little gauntlets."
The three darted away as a gun fired at them, which turned out to be Pete with no control over the gun he held. "I can't stop it!" He fell over the railing and into some droids.
"Look out, Pete!" Leo shouted, he and Y/N cutting down the last droid near Pete before running after more.
(Pete flew out of the way of Leatherhead and the biotroid, the biotroid kicking the gator away.)
"Darn dirty ape! Aah!" Slash jumped onto the back of the biotroid and the droid pulled out its butt cannons. "Watch out!"
"He's got a hot one in the chamber!" Raph called, dodging the lasers the biotroid was shooting.
(Y/N noticed Jack heading to his computer on the desk and typing on the keyboard. Jack grabbed a UBS flash drive, only for him to get shot by stray lasers.)
(Riki and Y/N quickly bolted over, skidding to a halt as Slash took out the biotroid.)
"Mutanimals, we're leaving!" Slash called, seeing as the Kraang far outnumbered them.
"Ninjas, fall back!" Leo yelled.
(Y/N slung one of Jack's arms around his shoulders. Riki took his other side, both teams fleeing the warehouse.)
(Cut back to the Pizzeria. Casey glanced outside before putting a board back up to hide the inside of the pizzeria. He looked back to Jack, who was lying on the couch, April placing a wet sponge on the man's head.)
"All the intel we have on this Kraang on this drive," Jack said, holding out the drive to Leo, who took it. "You and the Mutanimals have to work together."
"I don't think that's a good idea," Leo said, taking the flash drive.
"We agree on that much," Slash remarked, narrowing his eyes at him.
Kurtzman: Whatever problem is between you, you both have a common purpose. We're running out of time. (Passes out)
Slash: Jack! Is he?
Splinter: No. He is fine. I'm going to need to cauterize the wound.
"We need alcohol, bandages, medicine," April listed.
"I'm on it, red. There's a pharmacy down the street I'll hit for supplies." Casey walked off.
"The three of us will take care of him," Sensei stated. "You must unite and stop that missile before it is too late."
(They all ended up in Donnie's and Timothy's makeshift lab while Donnie typed away at his laptop.)
"I've got it!" he started. "We can disable the guidance system or better yet--"
"Hack in and send the missile somewhere it can't do any harm," Rockwell interrupted, finishing his sentance.
"You stupid psychic chimp," Donnie muttered, the two of them glaring at each other.
"Okay, we ninja in from above, and then we drop down and disarm the missile," Leo said.
"Forget it! I say ground attack," Slash responded. "They won't even know what hit 'em."
"A ground attack is way too risky!" Leo argued.
Raph: (Pushed between them) "I think the only way this mission is gonna work is if we do both."
"Forget it, Raph," Slash said. "Leave this to the Mighty Mutanimals! Come on, guys! We're outta here!" He turned, jumping down into the hole with the Mutanimals following.
"Leatherhead?" Mikey called. "Wait, hold up!"
Leo: (Placed a hand on his shoulder.) "Just let 'em go, Mikey."
Riki: (Following her friends) Sorry, Y/N.
Y/N: Stay safe, Riki.
Riki: (She smiles and leaves)
"We need a way to drop down on that missile," Leo stated. "Donnie? Timothy?"
"We've got something that just might work," Timothy responded.
(Once again, they ended up on the roof with the water tower, making Leo, Raph, Chloe, and Ethan and Y/N groan.)
"Not this again!" Raph grumbled.
"What, are the Kraang allergic to water?" Y/N snapped.
"Are we gonna flood the place?" Mikey asked.
Donnie jumped onto the tower, helping Timothy up to stand beside him. "Not exactly." He twisted a valve and the tower broke as a balloon expanded, showing what the two had really been working on. "I give you...the Turtle Blimp!"
Ethan/Chloe: Cool!
"Uh, what is it?" Mikey asked, confused.
Timothy: A blimp is large aircraft without wings, consisting of a large bag filled with gas that is lighter than air and driven by engines. Now, let's go bust some alien heads!
Ethan: Yeah!
(On the Turtle Blimp, they arrived at the site away from the Kraang's eyes.)
"Guys, check it out," Raph called to his siblings from lookout. "The Mutanimals' ground attack is the perfect distraction. While the Kraang are focusing on them, we'll stop the missile!"
"See, Leo? Maybe we're meant to work together! Huh? Huh? Yeah?" Mikey nudged Leo's arm. Leo crossed her arms without answering.
(Once they got close enough, they descended on their ropes. Y/N and Raph both had extra ropes tied around their waists and they connected the other ends to Timothy and Donnie, letting the two scientists repel down to the controls of the missile.)
"Um, guys?" Chloe asked. "What's worse than regular Kraang?"
(They all looked up to see several Kraang gliding toward them.)
"Flying Kraang!?" Leo exclaimed.
"I got it!" Chloe stepped up and held out a hand, shooting repulser beams at the Kraang-droids' wings and knocking a few out of the sky. The missile rumbled beneath them, making them stumble a bit.
Mikey's eyes widened. "Oh, snap! Dudes!"
"I think this thing's about to launch!" Ethan yelped.
"Hang on!" Leo yelled as the missile took off with all of them on it.
(Leo cut down a couple droids that had managed to land on the missile. Ethan saw more incoming and twirled some kunai, before throwing at the droids which made them fall.)
(Raph tried to dig his sais into the missile to keep from falling, but three droids grabbed onto him and made him lose his grip. He fell, only to be saved by the rope connecting him to Donnie.)
"Donnie! Timothy! Make it quick! We're about to lose the atmosphere!" Y/N yelled.
"Stop pressuring us!" Donnie snapped back.
"Setting the course for the heart of the sun!" Timothy yelled.
(The missile shifted, while Leo and the others clung to it as best they could, while Chloe continued to fly alongside them.)
"Now what the heck do we do!?" Ethan yelled.
Leo:(Looked down for a moment.) "Jump!"
(Leo glanced over her shoulder to see the others jump off the missile. Y/N and Raph cut their ropes, letting themselves plummet toward the earth.)
Leo: Activate Turtle gliders!
(The team activated their glider while Chloe grabbed Ethan. The others continued to glide until they bounced off the balloon and fell, grabbing hold of the railing and ropes to save themselves, while Ethan and Chloe landed on the blimp.)
"Wow," Mikey whimpered. "Too close. I saw my entire life flash before my eyes."
"What did you see?" Timothy asked.
"Pizza. Mostly pizza. It was awesome!"
Ethan: (Rolled his eyes) "At least we stopped the missile."
(They climbed back up onto the blimp and Leo looked through the spyglass to see Pete eating a loaf while Irmabot's head shot at him from behind, hitting him. Slash jumped in front of him, using his shell to protect him from getting hit again before running to the bot and smashing it with his morning star. He turned to check on his teammate.)
"BOOYAKASHA!!" Y/N yelled, shooting at the droids with the blimp's garbage cannon.
"Kraang! Retreat for now! Retreat!" Kraang Sub-prime called out as he escaped with the droids.
Both teams cheered while the blimp landed safely on the ground.
"Leatherhead!" Mikey jumped out of the blimp, running and hugging the gator.
"My friend." Leatherhead hugged him.
"I was so scared I'd never see you again," Mikey said.
"Nice job back there, Pete." Raph held out his hand for a high-five, only to move it away when Pete went for it. "Aw, too slow!"
"You know, uh..." Donnie cleared his throat. "I think there's room enough for three mutant geniuses in this city, Rockwell."
"Ditto," Timothy agreed.
"I concur," Rockwell responded. "Of course, warm-blooded mammals are still considered far more intelligent than inferior, cold-blooded, tiny-brained reptiles."
Timothy: (Snickered) "Burn."
Y/N: (Smiles at Riki) Nice, shooting sis!
Riki: As always.
(They hugged with Chloe and Ethan joining)
Leo grinned at the three of them before approaching Slash. "Gotta admit, Slash, I'm impressed. You stepped up and saved your teammates when they needed you the most."
Slash nodded. "Told ya I changed, Loe. I'm a different kind of turtle now." Leo held out her hand for him to shake, and he did. He looked around at the others. "Alright, fellas, time to storm TCRI!"
Leo: "We go to Dimension X and save the citizens of New York."
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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