Attack of the Mega-Shredder!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
Here we go!
It's the lean, mean, ninja team
On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things
So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams
Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza Kings
Can't stop these radical dudes
The secret of the ooze made the chosen few
Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves
The good guys win and the bad guys lose
Leonardo's the leader in blue
Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through
Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines
Raphael has the most attitude on the team
Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!
Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!
Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need
To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
[Everyone is in Donnie's lab as Mikey looked.]
"I say full frontal assault. We bash our way in. Take no prisoners!" Raph declared.
"Remember last time?" Leo retorted. "We couldn't even get in the front door!"
Donnie slammed shut the lid of the pizza box acting as a diagram. "All we need is better stealth! Which leads me to present mine and Timothy's latest invention." He pointed over to where a dumpster sat alongside a trashcan and a toilet.
"Guys. You're slacking here," Y/N said, arms folded.
"What's with the mess?" Leo asked.
"That's our latest inventions," Timothy declared. "Experimental All-Terrain Urban Stealth Vehicle."
"You invented a dumpster?" Raph questioned.
"That's the point, Raph," Timothy responded. "It's supposed to blend in perfectly...with, um...the other trash littering New York City. Come on, let's test it out!"
"I thought you were fixing the Turtle Mech," Ethan said. "How's this thing gonna help us?"
"Look, if you wanna break into Shredder's lair, this baby's the thing to use, not a giant lumbering robot they can see coming from a mile away," Donnie said. "The Foot will never see us."
(They exchanged glances.)
"Worst. Invention. Ever."
"Ugh, and I thought this thing smelled bad on the outside," Y/N coughed.
"Okay, guys," Donnie began, having finished making a few adjustments. "Let's do this."
(They started peddling and the stealth vehicle started moving slowly.)
"Remember the plan," Leo started. "We break into Shredder's lair, steal one of those brain worms, Donnie and Timmy reverse-engineer it, and we save Karai."
"Doesn't sound too hard," Raph commented.
"Yeah, I mean, long as I don't actually have to touch the worm," Ethan agreed. "I'd rather not go near one again."
"Any slower and this thing would be in reverse," Raph complained.
"Is it just me, or is this thing getting heavier the more we peddle?" Chloe asked.
"Mikey, check the periscope," Timothy instructed as they stopped.
"Aye, aye, captain." Mikey lowered the periscope and looked through. "We got a stowaway, cap'n. He's eating a choco-log. I love choco-logs."
"What? Give me that!" Timothy took the periscope and looked through briefly before pulling down a lever, effectively getting rid of the stowaway without causing much damage.
(They eventually made it to Shredder's lair and stopped just outside.)
"Firing sausage cannon," Mikey said, launching said cannon. A sausage fired at one of the Footbots guarding the entrance, catching its attention, along with that of the other two.
"Here they come, dude," Mikey said as the Footbots ran over to the stealth vehicle.
(Donnie slammed his fist into a button, shooting water at one of the bots and making it short-circuit.)
"Here comes number two."
"I got this one." Leo pulled a lever and knocked down another bot.
(They took down the next but by using a saw blade to cut its legs, and Raph used his sai to stab the last one as they jumped out of the stealth vehicle.)
"You see? No fuss, no muss." Donnie chuckled, fist-bumping Timothy.
"The perfect city stealth vehicle," Timothy declared.
"Now let's head for Stockman's lab and capture a brain worm," Chloe said.
Leo nodded. "Stealth only, ninjas."
Timothy: My stealth skills have improved.
Ethan: Same.
Y/N: Talk is cheap, show us what you got.
(They nodded and ran for the entrance, only for Mikey to trip over a bot and create an almighty clatter. They all stopped and looked back at him.)
"Whoa! Sorry, sorry. I'm sorry."
(Donnie picked the door's lock and led the way silently through the lair, avoiding the patrolling bots. They jumped down into the circular room with the statues, hiding behind one and scanning the room for anyone.)
"Almost to the lab," Leo said quietly, running out from the statue.
"We're gonna make it this time," Mikey responded quietly, only for Raph to get shot down by a laser.
"Oh, dang!" Bebop jumped down into the room. "We got some tresspassin' mutants up in here." He stepped aside and Rocksteady walked into the room.
"Surprise, mutant freaks! This time we squashes you heads like the blueberries!"
"You had to say something, Mikey" Y/N growled.
"One feline, four turtles, one bunny, and two awesome humans versus two complete morons?" Ethan retorted as he unsheathed his kunai. "Heh. We got this."
"Well, well, well." Tigerclaw and Lobo walked into the room, sword in hand.
Lobo: I see the gathering has just begun."
Leo unsheathed a katana, Y/N locked his blades with Lobo, both locking blades with the tiger and wolf as the others went after Bebop and Rocksteady. "Leonardo, I am going to savor tearing the shell off your body."
"You can try, cat-man," Leo retorted, jumping back and unsheathing his other katana before running back to fight.
"You wanna take on my sweet moves, Bebop?" Mikey taunted. "Bring it on!"
Bebop dodged his attacks. "Ninja, please." He shot Mikey with a laser, knocking him back, only to dodge one of Ethan's kunai.
(Raph, Donnie and Chloe ran through the room, dodging the gun Rocksteady was firing, and jumping up on a statue out of his reach.)
"Anyone ever tell you rhinos have terrible aim?" Raph taunted.
(All this did was make Rocksteady angry as he started shooting rapidly at them and they ducked quickly behind the statue.)
"You just had to tick him off!" Donnie snapped.
"Seriously, do NOT taunt the angry rhino with a gun!" Chloe said.
(Timothy jumped out of hiding to help them, throwing several of his shuriken at Rocksteady and halting his shooting frenzy as he landed on her feet.)
(Ethan noticed something entering the room and turned to look at the door to see the three Shredder mutants Stockman had created.)
"Oh, not these freaks again," Y/N groaned. Kicks Lobo in the stomach and throws him into the wall.
"Guys, there's too many of them," Leo called. "Get out of here!"
"Retreat?" Raph questioned.
"Tactical retreat," Y/N corrected, running to leave.
"Block the doors," Tigerclaw commanded. "Do not let them escape!"
(Just as they were about to run through the gate, Rocksteady slammed into Chloe and Raph, knocking them to the floor.)
"Chloe! Raph!"
(Ethan halted mid-step, whirling around to run back and help his friend and uncle to her feet, pulling her up and helping her stand.)
"Mikey!" Leo ordered.
Mikey jumped over the two kids. "Booyakashaaa!" He threw down a smoke bomb, allowing them to escape.
(Back in the lair, April handed an ice-pack to Donnie for his head while Y/N sat on the crate Chloe was using to prop up her foot, her boot removed.)
"Hold still, you two," the turtle ordered, wrapping a bandage around the child and turtle's ankle. "I think it's sprained. You're gonna have to stay off your feet for a while and heal up."
"I'll heal later," Raph responded. "Right now, I'm down for a little sweet revenge."
Chloe: I second that.
"You proved your foolishness once; there is no need to prove it again," Splinter said, walking into the room with Shen next to him.
"You were all too reckless and nearly got caught," Shen said.
"Sensei, we have to get one of those brain control worms," Leo argued. "It's the only way Donnie and Timothy can create a cure for Karai."
"We appreciate the effort," Splinter responded. "But you must remember your lives are just as important to me, my children."
Shen: "And because of that, no missions until Chloe and Raph's legs heals."
Instant objections.
"Not again!" Mikey whined.
Raph shot to his feet. "Don't sideline the rest of the team 'cause I'm down, Sensei!"
"I have made my decision. Rest and get well, sweet children." Shen kissed Raph and Ch;pe's head, turned, and walked out of the room with Splinter.
Raph sighed, his shoulders slumping. "Sorry, guys."
Y/N shook his head. "Don't worry about it, you two."
"We can't rely on technology to get us in there," Y/N stated.
"There were too many of us," Leo said. "I need to go alone without tech. Solo."
(That night, Ethan lay awake in his bed, ears pricked, waiting for what he knew was bound to happen. Soon enough, a door creaked open in the hallway, shutting softly. Ethan got out of bed and slipped on his shoes, grabbing his kunai and double sword (Yes, he kept it) and slinging them over his shoulder. He hesitated at his door as he heard two other doors open and close softly.)
(Ethan waited a minute to make sure no one else was getting up, then opened his door and slipped out into the hallway, sneaking toward the turnstiles. Leo and whoever else had snuck out were already gone. Ethan jumped the turnstiles and took off through the tunnels.)
He got to the surface quickly and started tracking Leo's scent trail, quickly recognizing the other two scents.
Ethan: (Whisper) Dad and Timothy, huh? Dang. I kinda expected Dad to go along with this but Timothy? Since when is going behind everyone's backs his thing?
(Ethan located the three of them crouched on a rooftop across from Shredder's lair, dressed in their vision gear. Leo did not look pleased that two of his brothers had decided to follow him, but they weren't arguing, so he guessed that they must have already made it clear they were staying.)
(Ethan jumped down onto the billboard behind them, but before he could reveal himself (and probably startle the crap out of all three of them), he saw a familiar figure sneaking up behind them. He cocked a brow.)
Mikey grabbed Y/N, another hand covering her mouth. "Dudes!"
(Y/N let out a muffled yelped and slammed his elbow into Mikey, knocking him back and almost knocking himself off the roof in the process. He managed to catch his balance before falling off the edge, whipping around to glare at Mikey.)
"Mikey, what are you doing here??" he crouched back down on the ledge beside Leo, Timothy on his other side.
"Backing you three up, brah," Mikey responded.
"It's too dangerous," Timothy argued. "It's better if we go alone."
"It's better if I go alone and all three of you go back to the lair," Leo corrected.
"Dude, do we have to go over this again?" Y/N demanded, glaring at him. "You're not doing this alone, no matter what you say, so you may as well resign yourself to the fact that Timothy and I are coming."
"So am I!" Mikey agreed. "I just straight ninja'd you three, son! You had no idea I was up here. "I don't care you you say. I'm going. I'm here for you, dudes!" Mikey said.
Timothy, Y/N, and Leo all stared at him and then traded looks. Y/N rolled his eyes and Timothy shrugged. Leo sighed. "Alright, then. Let's capture a brain worm."
Mikey grinned. "Yes."
"Grandma gonna be so mad at you if she finds out you're doing this. You know that, right?" Ethan called out, jumping down from the billboard.
"Ethan?" Timothy demanded. "Are you serious? Did everyone follow us out??"
Ethan grinned and shook his head. "Nah. I only caught you guys 'cause I knew Uncle Leo was gonna go regardless of what Grandma said, so I waited up."
Y/N snorted and folded his arms. "Well, if you're here to drag us back, save it. Good luck trying to make all four of us go."
He shook his head. "Not here to make you go back. Like I said, I waited up. Because I'm coming. And before you argue, save your breath. I'm staying."
(He moved past them to jump across to the roof of Shredder's lair. A moment later, he heard them land behind him. Leo tied a rope to the roof and dropped the other end into the throne room and they slid down it to land on the walkway. Leo gave them a signal to be quiet, followed by a few other signals with his other hand. Silently, they made their way through the room and to the door. Fishface was asleep in the water with Razar asleep on the walkway.)
(Leo, Y/N, Ethan and Timothy made it past the sleeping mutants without issue. Mikey, however, tripped over Razar and fell to the floor and the mutant dog wrapped an arm around him, pinning him down. Ethan covered his mouth to keep from laughing at the situation and used his soft hands to carefully lift Razar's arm, allowing Mikey to scramble out of reach.)
They made it to the lab without incident and jumped down to the floor, Timothy spotting the brain worms. "There they are." H took out a vial and a pair of tongs and used the tongs to grab one of the worms and place it in the vial, making sure to seal it before putting it back in his belt.
"Caught ya, suckers!" Bebop snapped, making himself visible. Ethan whipped around to see him and Rocksteady--who was once again armed with the giant gun. "I've been losing a lot of beauty sleep 'cause of you mutants!"
"Da!" Rocksteady agreed. "Shredder making us keep the eye out 24/7. Is no fun! Is boring!"
"Easy, fellas," Ethan began, lifting his hands. "Look, we're putting our hands up."
"I say we make the turtle borscht!" Rocksteady said, momentarily activating the flamethrower he held.
Bebop grinned. "Best idea I heard all day. Do your dealio, Steranko."
Rocksteady glanced back to the mutagen vat. "Wait. I thinking maybe mutagen soup instead."
"I love that idea, G."
(Ethan glanced back at the others, seeing his worry reflected in their eyes as the two mutants started laughing.)
Shen paced from one end of the pit to the other, tail swishing anxiously.
"Everyone can relax," Casey said as he entered the lair. "Casey Jones is finally here."
"Ethan, Leo, Mikey, Y/N and Timothy are gone, and they're not picking up their T-phones," April informed him.
"We better check it out."
Raph shoved him out of the way. "We know where they went. Shredder's lair."
"Of course they did," Shen growled. "Because none of them listen."
"You are not going anywhere," Sensei said as he walked into the room. "Where are your brothers and Ethan?"
Raph laughed nervously. "That's a good question, Sensei."
(Ethan peered down at the mutagen vat below him, hanging over it in a cage with Leo, Mikey, Y/N and Timothy.)
Bebop laughed. "You five are gonna make one freaky five-headed mutant turtle-cheetah-human-rabbit. I can't wait to see this."
"What, you just wanna make a turtle-cheetah-himan-rabbit mutant?" Leo retorted. "That's boring! Why not throw more stuff in the mutagen? Create a super mutant!"
"Hmm, I like that idea. Let's add something to spice up the mix. Like shrimpy over there."
Leo glanced back at the Shredder mutants, "Why not add more?"
"Leo, what are you doing?" Mikey snapped quietly.
"Stalling for time," he retorted quietly. "Ethan, get working on that lock."
(Ethan nodded, using a tiny needle and beginning to use it to pick the lock of the cage.)
Ethan: (Glances to Y/N and whispers) And you said those lock picking videos were stupid.
Y/N: (Rolls his eyes playfully)
"Maybe up ante?" Rocksteady said. "We make turtle, cheetah, human, rabbit, shrimp, crab, and lobster mutant!"
Bebop took the lid off a can of sardines, holding it out for the Shredder mutants to see. "Come here, little buddies. It's dinner time, freaks!" He threw the can into the vat and the three mutants dove in after it.
"Oh, we creates the five-star mega-mutant, da!" Rocksteady said, high-fiving Bebop.
(The vat started to glow. Something large slammed into the cage, making it swing wildly. They all grabbed onto the sides to prevent themselves from falling.)
"You messed up big time, Steranko," Bebop said, starting to panic. "I blame you. It was a stupid idea!" He ran off, Rocksteady following.
"Son, how's that lock coming??" Y/N demanded.
He felt the mechanisms in the lock shift. "Got it!" He threw open the cage door and jumped out onto the platform with the other four close behind. "Let's go!"
(They took off out of the lair and onto the street, only for the huge mutant that Bebop and Rocksteady had created to burst out of the ground, roaring.)
"It's some kind of Mega-Shredder!" Mikey said.
Timothy stared up at it. "Dear God, it's hideous."
(Back in the lair)
"Is it a blob thing from outer space or a product of science gone awry? Nobody knows, but one thing is certain; stay in indoors and stay tuned for more on this edition of Grody to the Max."
"Is it just me, or does something about that monster look kind of familiar?" Casey asked, he and the others watching the news on TV.
"A little," Raph agreed.
Chloe groaned. "Why do I feel like Ethan and the others had something to do with this?"
"We got to do something, now!" Donnie stated.
They all looked back at Sensei and mother figure, who thought for a moment. "Go. Find your brothers and nephew. Save the city."
(They all got to their feet and Donnie took the lead as they ran for the entrance, stopping when Chloe and Raph yelped.)
"Chloe, Raph, with your leg, are you up for this?" April asked.
"If I gotta walk on my hands, we are taking that thing down," Raph snapped.
Donnie thought for a moment. "Hm. Maybe we can use something else to help you guys walk."
"We got to distract it away from the people!" Leo said, he and the others hiding in the shadows as they watched the mega-mutant chase the humans on the street.
They ducked when a car crashed into the road beside them and ran out to meet the mutant. "You're going down, Mega Shredder!" Mikey called as they used their grappling hooks to climb up the mutant. "Yeah, boy!"
(Y/N unsheathed his claws and slice it at the mutant, making it punch itself in the face.)
Mikey ran along the mega-mutant, hitting it with his nunchucks. "Booyaka-booyaka-sha!" He moved to swing away, only for it to grab hold of him.
(Ethan looked back at the mutant just in time to see it toss Mikey into its mouth.)
(Leo drew his other katana and ran at the mutant, using his grappling hook to swing around and up, jumping between the mutant's limbs as he attacked with his katanas. Timothy used his own grappling hook to swing down near the road, snatching up Mikey's grapple and using it to propel him back toward the mutant, throwing a handful of his shuriken at it before he fell. He used both grapples to swing away, only for the mutant to grab hold of him.)
(Something exploded on the mutant's back, making it fall and release the vigilante. He rolled to a stop on the pavement and pushed himself up.)
Ethan's attention shifted to whatever had attacked the mutant. "D--!?"
(April, Raph, Donnie, Casey, and Chloe sat in the Turtle Mech as it jumped down onto the street.)
"Yes!" Casey cheered. "Way more awesome than video games."
(The mega-mutant got back onto its feet, turning its attention to the mech. Timothy shot out a grappling hook and swung himself away from the mutant before it crushed her under its feet.)
"Readying more explosives. FIRE!" Donnie called out. April threw a lever forward and a barrel launches at the mutant, exploding in its face.
(Timothy landed on the nearby rooftop alongside Ethan, Leo and Y/N. The vigilante drooped as he looked down at the grappling hook in her hands with Mikey's name engraved on it.)
The mutant shot out its tongue, attacking the mech as the others tried to pull it back.
"WHOA! Arming missile launchers!" Raph yelled, slamming his fist into a button as he repeatedly kicked away the face of the tongue.
(Another barrel launched at the mutant and exploded in its face.)
"Incoming!" Casey shouted, noticing it running at them.
Raph kicked the tongue out and the mech rolled out of the way.
"Donnie, how do we stop that thing!?" Chloe yelled. "What do we do??"
"I don't know!" Donnie responded. "Press more buttons!"
(The mutant kicked the mech up, slamming its tail into it and sending it crashing into a building. The mutant picked up the mech.)
"Get this thing moving! Now!" Casey shouted as the mutant hovered the mech overs its mouth, its tongue attacking again.
"Let's see how he likes a hot mouth." Chloe pressed a button and throwing out her hand. She and the mech both shot flames and repulsors at the inside of the mouth, the mutant quickly throwing the mech onto the pavement. It slid to a stop and the mutant coddled its tongue before putting out the fire on its head.
Timothy's ears perked up. "It's the tongue, guys! The brain is the tongue!"
"I'm on it! Timothy, gimme that grapple."
(Ethan took Mikey's grappling hook from Timothy and swung his way over to the mutant, wrapping one of the grapples around the tongue and sending it crashing onto the pavement with him on its back. The mech shot out its hand, using it as a grappling hook as it pulled to the mutant, kicking it in the face.)
(The tongue broke free from the rope, Leo running to the tongue with Y/N and Timothy. Leo shot it with his hook, making it slam back into the wall. Y/N pulled Ethan back to his feet and the two of them and Timothy got on top of the mech, Leo following them.)
"Now it's worse," April called.
The mutant started running after the mech.
"How do we stop this thing??" Y/N questioned.
"How am I supposed to know??" Timothy yelled back.
(The tongue slammed into mech, the group manage to keep themselves from falling as the tongue grabbed Leo, pulling him back away from the others. The mech grabbed him, trying to pull him back away from the tongue, though it refused to release him and started pulling the mech along with him.)
"Mikey's the kaiju fan," Donnie said. "Where is he??"
The teeth on one of the upper mouths started to break, catching the attention of Leo and the tongue. The teeth shattered, revealing Mikey twirling his nunchucks. "Cowabunga!"
"Mikey!" Leo called, relieved. "I can't believe it!"
"BOOYAKASHA!" Mikey jumped down, slamming his nunchucks into the tongue with the blade out, cutting it off and making it release Leo and the mech.
(The mech slid back across the pavement as Mikey and Leo fell onto the ground, the tongue quickly dying and leaving the mega-mutant without a brain.)
"Now's our chance to finish this thing," Raph called out. "FIRE!"
(The mech launched another barrel into the mutant's mouth, the mega-mutant swallowing it. The barrel exploded along with the mutant and Ethan and the others cheered. Timothy, Y/N and Ethan jumped down off the mech and ran over to Leo and Mikey, Timothy tackling Mikey in a hug.)
"And we even managed to capture a brain worm," Y/N said, fist-bumping Mikey. "Not a bad day after all."
(At Shredder's lair)
Rocksteady: But boss! It was Turtles' faults. They sabotaged mutagen.
Bebop: We tried to stop them, Mr. Shredder. Pig's honor.
Shredder:I tire of this. Tiger Claw, further their education in pain.
Tiger Claw: As you command, Master.
Bebop: Just watch the goggles, cool? It's kind of my thing.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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