Annihilation: Earth! Part 2
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
Here we go!
It's the lean, mean, ninja team
On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things
So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams
Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza Kings
Can't stop these radical dudes
The secret of the ooze made the chosen few
Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves
The good guys win and the bad guys lose
Leonardo's the leader in blue
Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through
Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines
Raphael has the most attitude on the team
Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!
Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!
Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need
To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
(Shurikens hit the weapon and Mikey ducked as it exploded. Leo turned to where the shuriken had come from to see Sensei and Shen standing on a streetlight.)
"We heard you might need some assitance."
(Rockwell and Pete came up beside him.)
"Splinter!" Leo called, grinning.
"And reinforcements," Y/N added. "Yes!"
(A car was thrown into the air and landed on a Triceraton. April came into view with Slash, Leatherhead, Muckman, and Mondo Gecko.)
"Casey!" April ran to the vigilante, throwing her arms around him in a hug.
"Guys, um, you do realize we're still in extraordinarily horrendous trouble, right?" Donnie called.
"So, what do we do?" April asked.
"We kick their Jurassic," Mikey responded. "COWABUNGA!"
(Leo grinned. No one was running from this fight. Everyone was making a stand.)
(Bishop managed to squirm his way out of his robotic body. Chloe got thrown down and Leo ran to help her, only to get grabbed and tossed onto Bishop's droid.)
"GOONGALA!" Casey shouted, shooting puck bombs at the Triceratons, only proving to anger them. "Maybe I need an upgrade."
"Casey!" April yelled. He picked up a fallen Triceraton gun and shot, the recoil sending her to the ground, but hitting the Triceraton chasing Casey in the face.
Casey rolled to a stop beside her. "Awesome save, red. Thanks."
"Cowabunga!" Mondo skated between them. "It's time for Mondo Gecko to open a can of--" He rammed into a Triceraton leg, falling to the ground. The Triceratons started stomping on him. "Oh--big feet."
"Mondo! Stay away from my pal, you alien freak!" Muckman lifted garbage to attack, only to get shown down by more Triceratons.
Shen jumped over three of the dinosaurs, taking them down with her claw. "We must stop the black-hole weapon from being triggered."
"Slash and Leatherhead, take that machine down now!" Leo called.
Leatherhead rammed one of the dinosaurs and the two pushed against each other. "You destroy the weapon," the gator called to Slash.
Slash ran for the weapon, knocking out one of the Triceraton scientists. He hit the machine with his mace. "Not even a scratch." He slammed his mace repeatedly against one of the control mechanisms.
Rockwell slammed a car into dinosaur coming up behind Slash. "Great Scott." He put his hands to his more. "More are about to beam down." A Triceraton beamed down right behind the chimp, grabbing him and throwing him down onto the pavement, knocking off his helmet. "No! You vile, extinct--" Rockwell gasped when Mozar threw something at him, trapping him a bubble. "Oh, drat."
More Triceratons beamed own as Mozar threw another device near Slash, capturing him in a bubble as well. "No! Dino-freaks!"
"This battle is over," Mozar stated. "You have all lost."
Leatherhead roared and dashed at the Triceraton, only to get caught as well.
Mikey and Riki both called out and ran to aid the gator, only for Mozar to grab them both. "Foolish little ones. You are coming with me." He beamed away, taking the two with him.
(More Triceratons beamed down and Casey ran to get away from them, only to get trapped in a bubble.)
"NO!" Chloe tackled April down, stopping her from getting to Casey.
"I'll come back for you!" the redhead called as Chloe pulled her back to cover just as more Triceratons beamed down.
"We gotta go, Splinter, Mother!" Leo called.
"Retreat. Everyone, retreat!" Sensei shouted, everyone running off.
(Mikey and Riki yelled as they were beamed onto the Triceraton ship, both of them now in bubbles. Riki stared around the ship, taking in the new surroundings. She could see more Triceratons below, saluting Mozar as he walked across the platform. Thumb forward, middle finger down. Forming their horns with their hands.)
"Captain Mozar, sir, you have captures Earth creatures," one of the Triceratons said.
"Mutant species of some kind, rare to the planet," Mozar responded, holding out the bubbles.
"I used to think dinosaurs were cool, but not you guys," Mikey snapped. "Why are you doing this, dino-dude? Why can't you leave Earth alone?"
"Why?" Mozar retorted. "Because of the Kraang. We will not let them take this planet. They want it as a hiding place from Dimension X, a back door where we Triceratons cannot detect them. So we will simply destroy your planet and all of the Kraang hiding there."
"But we don't want the Kraang here, either," Riki argued. "Can't we just coexist?"
"No," Mozar responded firmly. "The decision has been made by the Triceraton Emperor. It cannot be changed."
(Mikey punched through his bubble, breaking it and Riki's as they fell to the floor. They got back up quickly, Riki pulling out her arrows, She and Mikey jumped at Mozar, but the other Triceraton grabbed them both, restraining them.)
"Get off of me, dorksasarus!" Mikey snapped, trying to struggle free to no avail.
"Should I take them to the brig, sir?" the dinosaur asked.
"No, ready the Psionic Extractor," Mozar ordered.
"Psionic Extractor? But, sir...we only use it on our greatest war criminals. It is too horrible and cruel even for the likes of--"
"SILENCE!" Mozar snapped. "Do as I command."
(The Triceraton growled but obeyed, and images appeared on the screen.)
"Wow," Riki chuckled, tail tucking. "That looks like it's really gonna hurt."
"More than you can possibly imagine, creature," Mozar responded.
(Mikey chuckled awkwardly and Riki whined.)
"We got to go back for them, Sensei," Leo said as they all made their way stealthily across the rooftops. "We can't just leave them there."
"And what about Mikey?" Raph added. "And Riki? What are they gonna do to them up there in that freaky ship--probe them?"
"First we must destroy the black-hole machine," Sensei stated. "This is the priority. If we cannot stop this weapon, the entire world is doomed."
"Sensei, I think it's gonna take some time for the Triceratons to fix all the damage Slash caused," Timothy said.
"We got to go after Mikey and Riki," Y/N said. "Even if we stop the generator, we still have to get them back."
Sensei nodded. "Go, then. Save your brother and sister. April and I will stop the Triceratons and rescue our friends."
"Uh, by ourselves?" April questioned. "Uh, you're, uh, kidding, right, Sensei?"
Sensei glanced back at her. "We will ally ourselves with someone even more powerful than the Mighty Mutanimals."
"...Who, Yoshi?" Shen asked, having a feeling she already knew.
"The Shredder."
(They all stared for a moment before Ethan broke the stunned silence.)
"You're--You're gonna ask Shredder for help? Why would he do that?"
"The world could end," Shen pointed out. "He's gotta care about that, right? I mean, he's crazy but he wouldn't seriously watch the end of the world, right?"
"He teamed up with the Kraang for the end of the world," Y/N pointed out. "Of course he would."
Shen hesitated, conflicted, something telling her to go with Sensei and April. "I'm going with you two," she stated.
Y/N whipped around to face him. "You're not serious? It's bad enough that he knows that you're alive, you'd rather go and see the man you hate most than rescue them?"
"I know you guys won't let anything happen to Mikey and Riki if you can help it. And I think I know a way to convince Shredder to help us."
(Cut back to the ship)
"Is the Terran ready for psionic extraction?" Mozar asked.
Mikey whimpered, strapped to some sort of chair while Riki was held by a nearby Triceraton. "Hold up, dino-dudes. Let's talk about this. For reals, though."
"This machine will drain all of your knowledge of Earth and the Kraang," a Triceraton explained.
"And in the process, your psyche will be sliced, diced, chopped, and removed from your puny brain," Mozar added.
"I don't have the biggest psycho, but I like what I got," Mikey protested.
"Activate the Extractor!"
Mikey whimpered and closed his eyes as the machine turned on. He soon started laughing. "Wow, yeah, so cool. Look at that. It's like a triple rainbow, brah. Whoo, yeah! My teeth feel like batteries. I'm faster than light."
"Turn it off! Turn it off now!" Mozar ordered, the machine shutting down.
Mikey gasped as he was released from the chair, getting up. "Dude, why did you stop? That was better than, like, 100 million rollercoaster rides in outer space! Can I do again? Can I? Please?"
(Riki stared at his little brother. That was...unexpected.)
"Shut up. Shut up. Shut up!" Mozar snapped. "What knowledge did you extract??"
"Very little useful information, Captain," a Triceraton responded. "The only thought the creature seems to have is for a substance called pizza."
"Destroy the pathetic alien," Mozar ordered. He grabbed Riki, popping her bubble in the process. "We will use her instead."
The Triceratons grabbed Mikey and threw him against the wall, aiming their guns at him. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold up," Mikey said quickly as Riki was thrown into the chair, locks clicking into place around her arms. "I know stuff."
"You know nothing," Mozar retorted. "Activate the Extractor!"
"Wait!" Mikey shouted quickly. "I know all the secret bases where the Kraang hide in Dimension X!"
(Shen and April made their way silently to the front entrance of Shredder's lair, keeping to the shadows. The front door opened and they stared at it before exchanging glances.)
(They snuck into the lair and made it through to the throne room. They started quietly through the room, stopping at a warthog's snort, and drew their weapons.)
Bebop slammed April into the floor, grabbing Shen's wrists to stop her from attacking, and made himself visible. "Hey, girl, who do you think opened that door for you?"
Sensei jumped down, slamming his cane into Bebop's head, knocking him out. Shen offered April a hand, helping the red-head to her feet.
"Bad move, rat," Tigerclaw growled, pulling out his gun and aiming it at them.
Lobo jumped out of the shadows. "Breaking in here, are you desperate...or just fools?"
(TigerClaw started shooting and they scattered to avoid his ice shots.)
"We're not here to--Whoa!" April cut off as she backed into another mutant.
"Ha! Is Rocksteady late for party time?" The rhino tried to grab April and she rolled out of the way. He tried to attack but she ran and Shen ran to help her.
"We have not come to fight you!" Sensei snapped. Lobo tried to slice at him, but Splinter knocked him into the wall. He hit Tigerclaw with the cane and the two of them fought until they were locked together.
"Foolish move, bringing a cub and someone you care for," the mutant tiger stated.
(Shen and April were holding their own pretty well until Bebop grabbed their ankles, allowing Rocksteady to pick them up in both hands.)
Sensei shoved Tigerclaw back. "April! Shen!"
Tigerclaw aimed his gun at him, powering it up to shoot.
"STOP!" Shredder's voice rang out from where he stood behind Sensei. "I wish to know why Hamato Yoshi has come here." He unsheathed his tekko-kagi. "Perhaps to end his miserable existence?"
"Our feud is meaningless in the face of this invasion, Saki," Sensei stated. "The world will soon be destroyed." He turned to Shredder. "Will you sit by and watch? Or will you help us save it?"
Shredder aimed his blades at Sensei. "What have you done with Karai?"
"We searched for her, but she is gone. Alive, but vanished from the city."
"You lie!"
"He's telling the truth, Shredder," April said. "Karai's still out there somewhere."
"And if the Earth blows up, guess what?" Shen snarled. "You'll never see her again." Shen broke out of Rocksteady's group.
Shredder: (Shocked) S-Shen? Lobo was right, you're alive.
Shen: No thanks to you.
Shen: Save it, I did not come here to rehash the past nor did I come here for you. I came for my children and the world. Ka-Miwa is still out there so, maybe you can do the right thing for once in your miserable, evil life, even be a hero for a change. "You claim to have loved Me. You Claim to love daughter. Well, then help us save the Earth. That is, Saki, if you ever really cared about her at all."
(Cut to the rescue team)
Ethan peered through a car window with the others, spotting the ship Mikey had crashed, stuck between two buildings.
"See? Told ya it would be here. Right where we left it," Timothy stated.
"Wow. Not a bad park job either," Donnie commented.
(The humans still inside the car started screaming, startling Leo and the others and making them scream too. The humans quickly got out of the car and started running.)
"More aliens! Run!"
"Ugh. Humans are so annoying sometimes," Raph muttered.
"Hey, you're not the friendliest mutant out there, Raph," Chloe commented.
(Raph rolled his eyes at the mech girl as they move toward the stealth ship. Leo took the controls as it powered up.)
"The mothership is approximately 100,000 miles from Earth, roughly half the distance of the Earth to the moon," Donnie said.
"Alright, I think I'm getting the hang of this," Leo said as the ship started to ascend. It crashed back down onto the pavement, rolling on its side.
"I think you need a little more practice, bro," Y/N muttered.
(Leo chuckled nervously as he released the console.)
"Of course both of the people who actually know how to drive these things are the ones we're trying to rescue," Chloe complained. "Let me try. I drove the one Donnie, April, Riki and I used to escape the Technodrome."
(Chloe managed to get the ship up into the air, although the ascension was shaky. She steered it toward the mothership, and soon enough, they'd officially left Earth's atmosphere and were in space, floating around the ship due to the lack of gravity.)
Raph apparently did not take the zero gravity very well. "Blech. Turtles were definitely not meant to go to space." He ended up throwing up.
Y/N's ears flattened and he kicked off the wall to get away from him. "Ew! Gross, dude!"
"Hold on. Let me turn on the artificial gravity," Donnie said, typing on the console.
(The gravity turned on and they all fell. Ethan managed to land on his feet, though most of the others ended up face-planting. Donnie started laughing until Raph's vomit fell on his head. He started yelling, trying to wipe the stuff away while everyone else got back up.)
"Guys, I see it," Ethan said, approaching the console and staring out the window at the giant ship before them. "The mothership."
"Okay, but where's Mikey and Riki?" Raph asked.
"I'm detecting two unique life signatures coming from the closest craft," Timothy responded. "It's got to be them." She started typing on the console. "And check it out--I think I finally figured out the cloak on this baby." She laughed as the ship went invisible. "They'll never find us now."
"Unless their technology is just as advanced," Y/N muttered. "Or we cloak right in front of them!"
(Triceraton ships began detaching from the sides of the larger crafts and coming right at them.)
"Okay," Donnie started. "Um, this is disturbing."
"Ugh, don't make me throw up again," Raph groaned.
"I think the Triceratons are locking on to us with their weapons. Floor it, Chloe. Go, go, go, go!"
(Chloe slammed her hand onto the orb and the ship rapidly picked up speed as the Triceraton ships started to attack. Chloe steered them right past the ships, which doubled back and kept firing at them.)
"How can they see us, Timothy??" Leo asked.
"Let me text them and find out," Donnie snarked back. "I HAVE NO IDEA!"
"Advanced alien technology!" Y/N yelled.
They all jolted as one of the ships crashed into them. Chloe slammed the stealth ship into another ship, though it didn't do much. "Raph, man the defenses!"
"I'm on it."
(Raph took control of the console and started shooting at the ships. They dodged the attacks and one landed a hit on the stealth ship. Raph took over the controls and slammed the stealth ship into the same ship that had shot them, making the stealth ship cling to it. He started punching the console, making the ship punch the Triceraton ship. Another ship hit them with lasers and Raph fired up the stealth ship's weapon, zapping and exploding the ship.)
(The little victory was short lived as more ships blasted them with lasers. Chloe turned the ship to head back toward them.)
"Look out, Chloe!" Ethan said as more ships slammed into them. "Left, left!"
"Ugh! Would you let me drive??" Chloe snapped, pushing the ship to continue toward the mothership.
"We're not gonna make it," Donnie said quickly. "There's just too many of 'em, Captain."
(Chloe pushed the ship forward, determined. They stared at the mothership as a port opened and the large ship turned a cannon on them, the other ships fleeing.)
(The cannon powered up and let loose a blast. Y/N closed his eyes and screamed, feeling one of the others grab him. For a moment, the ground disappeared from under him and then reappeared. Curious, Ethan opened his eyes to see what he guessed was the inside of the mothership.)
"We're alive!" Leo exclaimed.
"You snagged a teleporter?" Raph questioned, staring at the object in Donnie's hands. "You mean we could've just beamed here!?"
"There's only one charge and I--" Donnie cut off at the click of a gun. Raph's head snapped up to take in the Triceratons around them, guns aimed at them. "Oh, man, we're in trouble."
Mozar walked into view, holding up Mikey and Riki.
"Guys, that was awesome!" Mikey said excitedly. "Thanks for the sweet rescue. So who's gonna rescue us next-- April, Casey?"
(Shen watched from a fair distance away as Bebop appeared on a water tower, making stupid noises to gain the attention of the Triceraton below. Once he had, he started doing a stupid dance, making the Triceraton laugh. The dinosaur failed to notice Rocksteady, who slammed into him and knocked him off the roof.)
(Another Triceraton noticed the other fall into a truck, and Sensei jumped off his head. The Triceraton went to shoot, only for Shredder to slice through his gun, cutting off the end of it. Shredder punched the dinosaur continuously before kicking him down onto the pavement.)
(They arrived quickly at Washington Square and took cover in the shadows, watching the Triceratons.)
"Um, whatever we do, we better do it fast," April said.
"The timer is repaired," one Triceraton said. "This planet has mere nextons to live."
"Well, you heard him," Shen said. "They've repaired the timer and we have mere nextons to shut it down. Whatever the hell that means."
"We must not waste time, Master," Tigerclaw stated. "We must--Oh, no."
(Shen's eyes widened in horror as more Triceratons were beamed down.)
(Raph grunted as a Triceraton pushed him. Ethan and the others knelt in a line before the Triceratons.)
"Captain Mozar, please," Timothy pleaded, ears drooping. "Don't destroy the Earth. Our world has so much potential."
"The humans of your world are as thoughtless as the Kraang," Mozar retorted. "They pollute the planet, erode its ozone willingly, and they don't even need mutagen to do it."
"That's where you're wrong, Mozar!" Riki snapped. "There are hundreds of humans fighting to save the planet. Yeah, there are some bad people, but there are good people, too! All you stupid aliens ever think about are the bad things that humans do when you don't even bother to see the good in them! You're the ones who are just as bad as the Kraang for trying to destroy us instead of trying to live in peace!"
Mozar looked taken aback for a moment before he narrowed his eyes. "Escort them to the airlock and be done with them."
"You can destroy us, Mozar," Leo stated. "That's okay."
(They all turned to stare at him.)
"Excuse me?" Y/N demanded.
"It is?" Mikey questioned.
"But I'm asking you one last time before I take this whole ship down--let the Earth survive or be destroyed."
"Empty threats," Mozar responded.
(Leo grabbed the wrist of the Triceraton behind him, jumping over his arm and grabbing the teleporter on his belt.)
"What's this? No, stop!"
(Leo activated the teleporter and threw it at the window, making a hole and letting everything begin to be sucked out of it.)
(Ethan used two grapple guns, throwing one end around one of the consoles and the other end around Leo, keeping him from flying through the hole. Ethan kept a tight hold on his whip as the others grabbed onto each other to stay inside the ship. He glanced back to see Mozar knock into Mikey on his way by, grabbing hold of him and blocking the hole.)
(Chloe threw one end of her cord toward him, letting him grab on. Mikey snatched Mozar's teleporter as another Triceraton slammed into him, throwing both of them into space.)
"Guys, check it out!" Mikey activated the teleporter. "Booyaka--" the next thing Ethan knew, they were back in New York, falling out of the sky, "--sha!"
(Ethan landed hard on top of a car with the others, bouncing and rolling into the street. He groaned, sitting up and letting his ice whip disappear while Chloe collected the length of her cord.)
(A high-powered laser shot through the truck behind them just as they were getting back to their feet, forcing them to duck to avoid getting hit as the laser seared a hole in the truck.)
"What the...?" Y/N peeked through the hole, eyes widening. "No way. They actually did it."
"What?" Ethan looked through the hole beside the brunette, spotting Shredder's minions in the square fighting the other Triceratons. "Dude, seriously? How did they...?" He narrowed his eyes, spotting Splinter, April and Shen fighting alongside. Shen was in the mix as well, double-ended axe in hand.
"Come on. We gotta help them," Y/N said, running around the truck. Ethan followed close behind, drawing his katanas.
"I said let me go!" Bebop kicked the Triceraton holding him in the face, knocking the dinosaur down as he flipped onto his feet. "I'm okay."
(Slash and Casey both called to the red-head as she ran over.)
I knew you wouldn't leave us behind."
"I'll get you guys out in no time." April grabbed one of the devices, slamming it repeatedly against the ground. "Come on."
The device broke and Casey's bubble popped. "Yes! Thanks, April, you rule."
"I'm getting the rest of you out."
"No, there's no time," Rockwell argued.
"Just go, April," Slash said.
(A Triceraton ran at the teens, but Tigerclaw's ice gun stopped him before he could shoot. The dinosaur fell to the ground. Lobo slashed a few more before turning to them.)
"Quickly, run!" Lobo called.
(Timothy threw a handful of his shuriken at the dinosaurs while Casey and April bolted. Sensei and Shredder were fighting together, taking down the Triceratons with ease with their combined strength and skill.)
"Hurry, Saki! We have no time!"
(Shen spotted Sensei running for the black hole device with Shredder close behind.)
(Shen heard a yell from her Husband and turned back around, only to freeze in her tracks. Sensei had his hand outstretched toward the black hole device, Shredder's blades pierced through his stomach. Shredder pulled the blades back and Sensei collapsed.)
(Shen heard a scream and for a moment, didn't register it as her own. She took off across the square as she heard her children screaming. April let out her own scream that sent Shredder flying away from Shredder with a telepathic shock.)
(An alarm started going off as Shen reached her husband's body. The ground around the weapon started cracking as it lifted into the air, sucking up the area around it. The weapon expanded, creating a giant black hole that began sucking in everything. The Triceratons fled quickly, teleporting away.)
"Shredder, what have you done!?" Tigerclaw snapped.
"Hamato Yoshi is finished," Shredder responded. "The Earth can be destroyed, for all I care. I have finally won."
Shen snarled furiously, her vision blurring. "You'll be finished when I'm done with you!" she spat.
Ethan grabbed her arms, keeping her from attacking Shredder. "Bigger problems, Grandma."
(The others had arrived beside her, kneeling beside Sensei's body. Leo pulled Sensei's head into his lap and Mikey hugged him as he started crying. Riki had a hand pressed to her muzzle, ears flat.)
(Y/N's feet started sliding as he felt the pull of the black hole. He and Ethan quickly used blades to stick themselves to the ground, flinging the ends around whatever solid object they could reach and letting the others hold on to keep from being pulled in. As Y/N stared up at the black hole, she felt like a bunch of rocks were sinking in his chest.)
(It was over. They'd lost.)
(A bright light suddenly shone down on them as a white spaceship descended from the sky to land before them. A ramp lowered and the door opened to reveal the silhouette someone or something.)
"Hurry!" ??? called. "We haven't much time!"
"Can we trust him?" Timothy asked.
"Do we have a choice?" Y/N retorted, taking off for the ship, Timothy close behind.
(The others followed Halfway there, Y/N realized someone was missing and turned to scan the square. Shen was floating in the air, being sucked toward the black hole, watching her.)
"Mother!" Y/N yelled. Shen gave her a sad smile and gestured for him to go. She took a step toward her but Ethan grabbed hold of her.
"Father, come on, we have to go!"
"No, not without Mother!"
(Ethan pulled him toward the ship and Y/N went reluctantly, running into the ship. It blasted off into space and stopped, the black hole trying to pull them back.)
"Everyone, hold on," the robot that had saved them said. He threw on the boosters and escaped the black hole's pull.
(Leo stood at the window with his siblings, Ethan, Chloe, Timothy, April and Casey, watching in despair as Earth was pulled into the black hole. It collapsed once Earth was gone, sending out a blast that slammed into the ship, sending them to the floor. Once the blast passed, they pushed themselves back up.)
"Did that just happen?" April asked.
Leo stared at the screen. "The Earth, Splinter, Mother, everyone, everything."
"Gone...lost forever in an infinite gravitational singularity," Donnie finished.
"Holy Shenoni," Mikey said.
"Watching your entire world vanish into the quantum singularity of a black hole is rather distressing," the robot admitted. "Bloop, bleep." He held out a mug to Mikey. "Can I offer you some hot cocoa?"
Mikey took the mug and sniffed it before lifting his gaze to the robot. "Dude, who are you?"
"My name is Professor Zayton Honeycutt, and you, my friends, are about to embark on a wondrous adventure."
Casey grinned. "This is...awesome!"
Hope you enjoyed the season!!!
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