A Foot Too Big
[The episode opens late at night. Stalking through the woods, a hunter is on the hunt for a creature he has been after for years.]
Finger:I got a bad feeling, mama. "You be careful, boy. Don't get yourself hurt none. " Don't worry your pretty little head, mama. Ain't nothing gonna happen to "The Finger". "Don't get cocky. You know he's out there". "He's watching you. " Don't nag me, mama! I ain't no little kid no more.
[Suddenly, a monster comes out as the explosion comes out from forest.]
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
Here we go!
It's the lean, mean, ninja team
On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things
So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams
Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza Kings
Can't stop these radical dudes
The secret of the ooze made the chosen few
Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves
The good guys win and the bad guys lose
Leonardo's the leader in blue
Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through
Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines
Raphael has the most attitude on the team
Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!
Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!
Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need
To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers
Heroes in the shadows
Ninja Power!
(Y/N leaned up against the doorframe, watching April run away from Donnie as if Donnie meant nothing to her. Donnie had handmade her a music box, and had given it to her, but she didn't like it, and found it embracing, and weird. Donnie frowned, and lowered his head. Raph came up to Y/N, and stood beside him.)
"I can't even imagine how you're feeling right now." Mikey said, peering over the couch.
"Devastated." Donnie replied.
"Aw man! I was totally going to say "devastated!" I should have just went for it. I got to learn to trust my instincts," Mikey said. Donnie put his hand on Mikey's face to shut him up. "I mean that's rough, bro." He said. Donnie pulled Mikey to the ground, and sighed despair.
Y/N: Dude, you have got to stop with the music boxes. Just tell her how you feel. (Walking up to the purple banded turtle.)
Donnie: Easy for you to say, April is affectionate towards you!
Y/N: That's because I'm designed to provide comfort to people.
Donnie: Oh, you think you're being cute!
Y/N: Dude, I'm adorable.
"You know what you need? Huh? Huh, buddy? You know what you need?" Raph asked, punching Donnie's arm over, and over.
"You and Y/N to leave?" Donnie asked.
"A little forest ninja training. Sounds like fun, right?" Y/N asked, as he put him in a chokehold, and gave him a noogie.
(Donnie whimpered, as Y/N and Raph smiled at each other, knowing that getting his mind off of April will be a piece of cake. They took Donnie outside for some training to cheer him up from April.)
(Y/N jumped into the air, and stuck my leg out in an attempt to kick them to the ground.)
Y/N: Oh, you guys are going down!
"No, we're-" Donnie tried to get up and run, but ran right into a tree. Mikey did the same, and they both fell to the ground.
(Raph laughed, and appeared beside Y/N, looking down at his younger brothers.)
"You're not in the city anymore. You need to get used to this new environment. No buildings, no subways," Raph smiled. He noticed Mikey was standing up, so he acted as if he was going to hit him, which made Mikey run into the tree again, making him fall back to the ground. "Lots of trees."
"Ugh, tell me about it." Mikey groaned.
Y/N: (Turned to Leo, and smiled.) "Well, what do you think?"
"Hmmm," Leo hummed. "Turtle hunt." He replied.
"Turtle hunt." Me and Raph smiled.
"Turtle hunt?!" Mikey and Donnie cried with a bit of panic.
"You want to help out, Leo?" I asked.
"Yeah, I-" Leo started, and try to stand on his hurt leg, but groaned painfully, and retreated. "Sorry. I guess I'm still not up to it. Enjoy your little hunt, guys." Leo said, before walking back to the farmhouse.
"Dude!" Mikey scoffed.
"What do you mean by "turtle hunt?" Donnie questioned.
Raph turned around, and began to stretch. "You guys are going to head into the forest. Me and Y/N will give you a 5 minute head start, then we hunt you down. If you can't stay hidden for at least an hour, you have to..." He trailed off.
Y/N: "Clean out the chicken coop."
"No way!" Donnie exclaimed.
"Not the chicken coop, man!" Mikey cried.
"It smells like cheese fossils!" Donnie added.
"It's got spider so big, they play the banjo!"
"We can't clean that thing!" Donnie protested.
"Then get moving." Y/N said, bares his fangs. "Because the hunt is on."
(5 minutes later, they headed into the forest to look for the two brothers. Y/N heard them screaming, and turned around to see them running straight towards them.)
"Come on, you guys aren't even trying to hide!" Y/N said.
"Bigfoot!" They yelled, running straight past them.
"Yeah, right. If you think you're going to get out of cleaning that coop by-" Raph started. Donnie went over to Raph grabbed him by his shoulders, and turned him around. Y/N also looked behind him, and saw a 10 foot tall shadow. Bigfoot punched a tree so hard, it snapped in half, while growing at them. Y/N's mouth fell open, as he looked at the legendary sasquatch.
Raph: Looks like we're going to get some real training."
Y/N: (Unsheated his claws)
(Y/N could tell Donnie and Mikey were a nervous wreck, but as for Y/N and Raph, they were happy about the new punching bag. Y/N ran at Bigfoot with full speed, and tried to hit the hairy beast with his claw. The creature knocked him off of his feet, which in turn caused Raph to attack. Bigfoot looked around, and pulled off two tree branches two times bigger than Raph's sais. The creature managed to throw the weapons out of the mutant's hands, which made his mouth fall open.)
"Bigfoot got some skills." Raph commented, as he moved out of the way before he was hit.
(Y/N got up, and rubbed his head, just in time to see Mikey jump on top of Bigfoot, and land on the ape's shoulders. He smacked Bigfoot in the head with his nunchucks repeatedly. Bigfoot stumbled, trying to get the younger mutant off of him. Mikey slammed into a low-hanging branch, which caused him to let go, and fall to the ground.)
(Donnie let out a battle cry, as he jumped into the air, bo staff in hand. Donnie ended up latching onto the hairy beast's arm. Bigfoot tried to shake Donnie off, but to no avail.)
(Bigfoot picked Mikey up by his head, and held him above the ground. Y/N went for another strike.)
Donnie: "Stop! Guys, he's hurt!"
(Y/N looked up at the 8 foot tall creature, who looked at them with fear. Mikey was struggling, his screams were muffled by Bigfoot's giant hand.)
Donnie: "I don't think he wants to fight us. I think he's just scared." He added, putting away his bow staff.
Bigfoot whimpered. "Scared."
"He can talk?" Raph questioned.
"Look at that sagittal crest. It could be..." Donnie began to talk his smart talk, which made me groan.
Y/N: "English, Don."
"A hominad long thought extinct!" Donnie snapped.
"Can't breathe..." Mikey said, his voice muffled from Bigfoot's gaint hand.
"Okay, okay, easy now... Easy," Donnie reassured, trying to calm the creature down. "I can fix your arm if you let me." He offered. Bigfoot whimpered, and pulled away. "It's okay. I want to help." He added, taking Bigfoot's arm in a comforting way. "It's not bad, but I'd like to take you home where we can clean it up and bandage it. Is that okay?" Donnie asked.
Bigfoot whimpered, hesitating on Donnie's offer.
"Hello? Anybody?" Mikey asked, his face still buried in Bigfoot's hand. The ape dropped the youngest turtle on the ground, who was dizzy from lack of oxygen.
"No way! We can't bring a gaint ape-man home with us!" Raph protested.
"Of course we can! Mikey?" Donnie asked.
Mikey stood up, and looked at Bigfoot. "Injured woodland creature? Bring him home." He smiled.
"What about you, Y/N?" Donnie asked.
Y/N: "Yeah, sure. Why not?"
"3 to 1, Raph. Sorry," Donnie said. Raph rolled his eyes. "Hi. I'm Donnie. This is Raph, this is Y/N, and this is Mikey." Donnie introduced us one by one.
"I." Bigfoot said.
"I? Okay, your name is I." Donnie said.
"I... No name." Bigfoot said.
Y/N: "Of course you have a name. You're Bigfoot."
Bigfoot held up the large foot, and smiled. "Bigfoot." The ape-man laughed at the name. "Bigfoot."
"Will you come with us?" Donnie asked.
(Bigfoot whimpered. Y/N squinted his eyes, and turned his head a bit when Y/N noticed he was looking behind them. Bigfoot seemed scared. Really scared.)
"It's okay. You're gonna be safe with us." Donnie reassured, leading Bigfoot back to the farmhouse.
"Why would he be scared of us?" Raph asked.
(Y/N started to follow Bigfoot, and the guys went back to the farmhouse, but stopped when he felt like there was someone watching him. Watching them. Watching Bigfoot. Y/N turned around to the trees behind him, and saw nothing. He looked around himself for a minute before following the others back to the farmhouse.)
(Once they stepped foot on the doorstep, Y/N knew that they were in for it once they brought the hairy ape into the house.)
Donnie opened the door, and stuck his head inside. "Hello?! Anybody home?! We got company!" He yelled.
"What? You can't let anyone in." Leo gasped. Y/N squeezed myself past Bigfoot, and stumbled into the house. "Why is the doorway full of hair?" He questioned.
(Mikey pulled on the ape-man, trying to pull him into the house.)
"And a giant butt?" Casey added.
Ethan/Chloe: Ewww!
"Come on, it's okay." Donnie reassured.
(Mikey finally pulled Bigfoot all the way in, who landed on the wooden floor. Y/N backed away before he was crushed.)
"It's Bigfoot!" My brother gasped, pointing to the creature.
Ethan/Chloe: Awesome!
"You brought Bigfoot home?" Leo asked in disbelief.
"Why everyone know Bigfoot name?" Bigfoot asked, looking at Y/N.
"Bigfoot, this is Leo, Casey, Ethan, Chloe, and April." Donnie said, introducing the others.
"He's hurt! Let me get the first aid kit." April said, walking away towards the bathroom.
"You can't just bring home Bigfoot!" Leo scolded. Mikey stood beside him, and mocked him. Leo glared at him, which made Mikey chuckle nervously.
Y/N: "Calm down, Mother Hen."
"Come on, let's get that wound cleaned up." April said, taking Bigfoot's hand, and leading him into the living room.
"Sure, but when I wanted to have a dog, you guys were like, "No way!" Casey mocked, walking down the stairs.
"You guys don't get it. Bigfoot is the missing genetic link between humans and the ape. This discovery will change the face of science itself." Donnie said.
My brother walked up to Donnie. "So it's bigger than talking turtles?" Casey teased, tapping his chin.
Donnie walked into the living room where April was cleaning Bigfoot's wound, followed by Casey, Raph, and Mikey.
Leo hobbled over to me on his cane. "You let them bring home Bigfoot? You're supposed to be the responsible one." Leo said.
"Like I said before, calm down. Besides, what could happen?" Y/N asked.
My question was answered when I saw Bigfoot kiss Donnie on the cheek, and pull him into a hug. "Love Donnie!" He said, pulling Donnie closer.
"But, but, but-" Donnie stuttered.
"Bigfoot am lady." Bigfoot smiled, rubbing his hairy cheek on Donnie's face.
"That... Is... Great?" Donnie said, clearly weirded out.
"That is great!" Casey said.
Ethan: When's the wedding?!
(All of them burst into laughter, as Y/N snapped a picture on his T-Phone. If it wasn't for the fact that Donnie was mutant, and for the fact there is no wifi here, this would be on the internet right now. A few days later, Y/N walked up the stairs, and saw Bigfoot come out of the bathroom.)
"Bigfoot make waste." Bigfoot said, as she passed me.
(Y/N raised my brow in confusion, watching the hairy female walk down the stairs.)
"Uh, make waste?" Y/N questioned. Out of curiosity, he opened the bathroom door, and peered inside. Y/N saw the toilet was spotless, so clean it sparkled from the sunlight coming through the window.
But if the toilet seat is clean...
Then where did...?
Oh no...
Then it hit me. Y/N gulped, looked over at the bathtub, where he saw IT. The toilet may have been spotless, but the tub was a totally different story. I screamed at the sight, and slammed the door shut. "BIGFOOT!"
(Later on that day, Y/N was in the woods with Donnie, Ethan, Mikey, and Bigfoot. Bigfoot was going to teach Donnie and Mikey how to blend in, since they sucked at turtle hunting. They could blend in the city, but the forest is a whole new thing.)
"Okay, Bigfoot. Donnie and Mikey need to learn how to blend in. Kind of like forest stealth," Y/N explained. "If you're going to stay you can at least help out, so just show them whatever you do to blend in."
"Why don't you join us, Dad. We all know you love the forest." Ethan offered.
"Thanks, but I can't. I got to go clean out the tub." Y/N said.
(Y/N put my gas mask over my face, and picked up the mop, and a bucket of water Y/N had gotten from the river. Y/N have done some pretty weird things, but cleaning out the tub from the legendary Bigfoot was something he was never going to live down.)
(Y/N leaned over the couch, watching Raph and Leo play against each other in a wrestling game. So far, Raph was beating Leo, which isn't surprising.)
"Come on, Leo, give me your best!" Raph said.
"You'll gain no ground." Leo said.
Mikey came into the living room, happy, and excited as he usually is. "Awe, man! Bigfoot is amazeballs with the forest-self stuff." He said.
"Bigfoot scared," Bigfoot said. Y/N gave Raph a fist bump when he beat Leo at the game. "Finger bad!" She yelled.
"Right. Fingers are bad," Raph smiled. "Hey, Donnie, wanna play the winner?" He asked.
(Y/N looked over at Bigfoot, noticing that she was looking out the window, and had that same fearful look on her face. Y/N was starting to get concerned.)
(Later that night, Y/N was in the barn with Casey, Ethan, and Leo. They noticed how Bigfoot was changing since she got here. She's wearing makeup now, and making food for Donnie. April told me how to meet in the soup had fur, and all Y/N could do was smile.)
"So she's wearing makeup now, and she keeps making soup for Donnie." Leo chuckled.
Casey laughed. "Do you think she's his type?" He asked.
"Maybe after a shave." Leo smiled.
(The two laughed while Y/N frowned, and Ethan got an idea. He smiled, and went over to a haystack, and began to roll around in the hay, as it stuck to him. Ethan jumped up, and jumped from behind the truck.)
"Me Bigfoot. Me love Donnie. Me want Donnie. Me make soup for Donnie." Ethan mocked, walking around like a zombie. Leo and Casey were laughing hysterically the entire time while Y/N just chuckled a bit.
(That's when Y/N heard whimpers coming from the barn door. Y/N looked over, and saw Bigfoot standing right outside. She had heard the entire conversation. The ape-woman cried, and ran off.)
"Bigfoot, wait!" Leo cried.
Ethan: Wait, I'm sorry.
(Ethan, Y/N, Leo, and Casey followed Bigfoot just in time to see her run into the woods. Mikey and Donnie were standing at the edge, looking into the darkness as Bigfoot ran away.)
"What is wrong with you guys?" Mikey asked, infuriated.
Ethan: I'm sorry, it was just a joke!
"Bigfoot! Wait up!" Donnie, Y/N, Ethan, and Mikey run into the woods, after Bigfoot.
(Bigfoot however got captured, and when the teens and kid when to find her, they got knocked out by a trap.)
"Puppies... Too many puppies... Mikey suddenly screams; waking up, only to find that he and Donnie were tied up and hanging from a rope,
Y/N and Ethan was tied up to a tree. "Donnie, I just had the worst dream about-"
"I'm not sympathetic right now, Mikey. Donnie interrupts him. "The Finger has been debating whether to pickle us or stuff us.
"Ooh, pickle! Pickles taste so good!" Mikey responds, making Y/N sigh.
The Finger picked up a shrunken head that hung around his neck and began talking to it. "Ain't got no room for these two on the cart, mama.
"Looks like The Finger's gonna have to stuff 'em right here."
"I've got an idea." Donnie says. "Follow my lead. Hey, Finger! Your mama looks like a raisin!"
The Finger holds up the shrunken head, giving it a voice. "What'd he say about me, The Finger?"
"Uh... Your mama's so wrinkly; she looks like one of those little dogs... with all the wrinkles." Mikey says.
"A shar-pei?" The Finger questions.
"U-um... your mama's so old, that Jesus would pick her up from school every day!" Ethan calls out.
"Don't insult mama like that!" The Finger growls.
"Your mama's- uh, your mama's a shrunken head!" Donnie shouts.
"Shut up!" The Finger snaps. He holds up the shrunken head, speaking for it again. "Destroy them." He shoots a crossbow bolt, Donnie managing to twist himself around to the bolt cut him free.
"Bad move, The Finger." Donnie states as he picks up his staff, the turtle quickly cutting Mikey and Y/N and Ethan free.
(The two quickly grabbed their weapons, fighting against The Finger while dodging the explosive arrows he was shooting at them. The Finger soon got enraged and started pummeling the team.)
"You can't beat The Finger! He's too strong for you!" The Finger states.
"Hey, Finger! How many more explosive bolts you got in the quiver?" Donnie asks, holding up one of the explosive bolts he managed to steal.
Y/N chuckles. "That is the meaning of life."
(Donnie throws the bolt at his quiver, the bolt exploding. This made the other bolts explode, The Finger being flung into the trees and then into the air, making fireworks before falling back onto the forest floor.)
The teens surround the soot-covered Finger as he lifts up his crossbow. "If The Finger's going down, he's taking Bigfoot with him!"
(Bigfoot managed to pop her head out of the net, giving a whimper.)
The Finger blinks, dropping his crossbow. "Bigfoot- Bigfoot's a lady? The Finger can't shoot no lady!" He holds up his shrunken head. "The
Finger's sorry, mama! He didn't know! He would never hurt no lady!" He then started to cry.
Bigfoot walks over to The Finger. "There, there..." She picks him up. "It am be okay." The two stare at each other for a moment, then Bigfoot hugs The Finger. "Bigfoot take care of sad mans."
(Bigfoot walks away with The Finger, leaving Donnie, Mikey, Ethan and Y/N to look to each other with confusion.)
Y/N: What just happened?"
The next morning, April was outside, practicing.
Donnie:Hey, April.
April:What's up, Donnie?
Donnie:I, um Well, I just wanted to let you know I won't be bothering you with music boxes anymore.
April:I get it now. Donnie is to April as Bigfoot was to Donnie.
Donnie: I'm just A mutant.
April:You're not just a mutant, Donnie. You're my mutant.
[April kisses him and walks away.]
Donnie:I understand nothing.
[Episode ends.]
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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