A Chinatown Ghost Story

(Riki jumped over another rooftop ahead of April, ears pricked. She paused at the edge as she waited for the red-head to catch up and sniffed the air. The two of them were on a patrol to find Karai, though so far, they weren't having much luck.)

"That is not true." Donnie's voice broke into her thoughts, and she turned to see him and Casey running over the opposite roof. "I've gone through years of intense physical training. Ninjas are some of the most skilled athletes on the planet." He jumped off the roof, bouncing off the overhang below, and flipped his way up the fire escape before landing in front of April, giving her a passionate smile.

"You're just, like, flipping around, dude. Now, this is how Casey Jones crosses rooftops." Casey flipped out his skates, using them to slide down an electrical wire. He jumped onto the roof, spinning around before slowing to a stop in front of April on one knee.

Donnie folded his arms. "Lame."

"Oh. Will you two keep it down?" April scolded. "We're supposed to be looking for Karai!"

Donnie sighed. "Sorry, April. I-I didn't mean to--"

Casey shoved him away. "My bad, red, kitty. Casey Jones apologizes. Peace hug?" He hugged the red-head and Riki, much to Donnie's annoyance. April only rolled her eyes, while Riki blushed and purred, Donnie tried to shove them apart.

Riki rolled her eyes, then her ears pricked. She turned her head to see the Purple Dragons heading inside a museum. "Guys," she called. "We got some Purple Dragons."

"Peace hug's over. Let's go!" Donnie grabbed April's hand, running toward the museum.

(Riki sighed and followed behind them. They snuck in through the door the Dragons had left unlocked to see the three of them standing in front of a glass case with an old dagger inside.)

"Wow. Steranko's gonna pay through the roof. We hit the motherlode!" Goatee said.

"Yeah?" Casey started. "Well, you're about to get hit by a motherlode of Casey Jones."

Donnie shoved him out of the way. "And a motherlode of Donnie, too."

"What the--?"

"And April and Riki."

(Riki traded a look with the red-head as they both drew their weapons. Mustache threw a vase at them, and Casey pushed Donnie aside to catch it against his glove. The vase shattered into pieces and Casey ran at Mustache, breaking another vase as he swung his hockey stick. Donnie went after Goatee, and Bulky came after Riki and April.)

(The two of them broke away and Bulky swung for April. She ducked under his fist and Riki grabbed his arm. April delivered a punch to him and swung with her tessen, and Riki used her tail to knock him off his feet.)

(From the corner of her eye, she saw Goatee swinging at Donnie with some ancient pot. Donnie kicked him away and caught the pot on his staff. Casey, meanwhile, was hurling pucks into a statue with Mustache hidden behind it. The statue's head toppled backwards and smacked Mustache in the head.)

(Donnie and Goatee knocked over a glass case, and Donnie used his staff to send Goatee over another case. Goatee leapt back over the case and jumped at Donnie, but Casey shoved him aside and smacked Goatee with his hockey stick.)

"I had him." Donnie got back to his feet. "Why'd you do that?"

"I saved you from a kick in the head," Casey retorted.

Donnie: Oh, you were just trying to impress April, and I--"

"Nice job, guys," April interrupted. "Great. You let them get away."

"What did they even want with a museum?" Riki wondered aloud.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

Here we go!

It's the lean, mean, ninja team

On the scene, cool teens doin' ninja things

So extreme, out the sewer, like laser beams

Get rocked with the Shell-shocked Pizza Kings

Can't stop these radical dudes

The secret of the ooze made the chosen few

Emerge from the shadows, to make their moves

The good guys win and the bad guys lose

Leonardo's the leader in blue

Does anything it takes to get his ninjas through

Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines

Raphael has the most attitude on the team

Michelangelo, he's one of a kind, And you know just where to find him when it's party time!

Y/N, he's a roaring cat, and he'll protect what, he loves, and that's a fact!

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need

To be one lean, mean, green, incredible team!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Teenage Mutant Ninja Brothers

Heroes in the shadows

Ninja Power!

(After they fled the museum (which had been thoroughly trashed during the fight), the four of them rendezvoused with the others on the rooftops.)

"You guys have any luck?" Leo asked.

"Eh, no sign of Karai, but we just had a crazy run-in with the Purple Dragon Gang," Donnie responded.

"Oh, man, you beat 'em up without me?" Raph questioned. "What kind of friends are you?"

"We almost had them, until these two goofballs let 'em get away," April stated.

"Ah, it's no big deal, April," Timothy said. "Those guys are like a level-one boss battle."

"Yeah, who cares about the Purple Dragons, anyway," Mikey agreed.

(Cut to the team returned to the lair with her siblings, while Casey and April went to the ice-rink.)

Donnie sighed. "Guys, we've been at this for a week straight. Maybe Karai is gone for good."

"Okay, dudes, let's use our awesome deduction skills," Mikey started, getting up. "Where do snakes hang out? Swamps, deserts, forests, pizzerias, ice cream parlors, the arcade, a--"

He paused when Leo stood, looking toward the dojo. "He's been like that for days."

(Sensei had been meditating in the dojo all week. Y/N couldn't say he blamed him. Seeing your own flesh and blood mutate into a mindless creature must be heartbreaking.)

"Karai's mutation really messed him up," Raph stated.

"Sensei's not messed up," Y/N argued. "He's just healing his spirit."

Mikey sat back down. "I don't like to see him like this. Let's keep searching."

"We could really use Casey's and April's help," Chloe said.

"I think they're hanging out at the ice rink," Riki said, jealous.

Donnie stood quickly. "That's a great idea! We could break them up! I-I mean, split them up. I mean, split them up into two teams."

(Cut to the rink, they were at the rink, and apparently the Purple Dragons had come in and captured April and her friend Irma. To say the least, Donnie was not happy with Casey.)

"You're saying you just let them take April?" Donnie shouted.

"Listen, these dudes got powers, yo," Casey explained.

"Powers?" Donnie retorted, grabbing Casey's collar and leaning in. "They're just a gang of third-class wannabes!"

Casey: No, I'm telling you. They were all throwing lightning bolts and--and blasting wind."

"Like me after I eat broccoli," Mikey said. "Ha!"

Chloe/Ethan: Ew.

Timothy shoved Casey and Donnie away from each other. "Okay, does it matter what the heck happened? Maybe Casey's right, maybe not. Either way, we gotta save April and Irma."

"Maybe we can let them keep Irma in exchange for April?" Casey suggested.

"Classy, Jones," Y/N snorted sarcastically. "Let's go."

(At the old fortune cookie factory (aka, the Purple Dragon headquarters), Leo stopped a corner to see the Purple Dragons standing guard outside.

"I don't like the looks of this," Leo whispered.

"Me neither," Y/N agreed.

"I like the looks of those hats. They're awesome," Mikey whispered.

"They're only loser Purple Dragons," Chloe said with a roll of her eyes. "How tough could they be?"

"Goongala!" Casey rode past them on a bike, pulling out his hockey stick. Mustache blasted a gust of of wind at him, sending him sprawling past the others.

"Okay, they're a little tougher than I thought," Chloe conceded.

"Here they come, guys!" Ethan warned.

Timothy: Well, they're not the only one with power. 

The Dragons levitated above them. Goatee shot out a blast of lightning from his palms, and the teens scattered. Donnie and Timothy jumped to attack Mustache, but he threw them away. Timothy recovered and threw balls of green energy at Goatee, but he diffused them and hit the former with a blast of lightning. Bulky flew at Mikey and Riki, who dodged him. Mikey smacked him with his nunchucks and Raya kicked him away. Y/N and Leo jumped away from Goatee, who zapped at them with his lightning. Chloe sent a beam at him. Maybe not the best idea, considering that the collision of the beam with Goatee's lightning resulted in an explosion. But it knocked Goatee back and sent him crashing into Mustache.)

"Now, let's get the girls," Ethan said.

(Before they could run into the factory, a tall, blue spirit appeared behind them, dressed like a Shang Dynasty emperor.)

"Ah, behold..." The spirit paused, studying the teens. "Tortoise warriors. It is said that the great turtle helped the god Pangu create the world. Ha!" He hit Leo, Raph, and Mikey with his magic, stripping away the powers he'd given the Dragons and giving it to them instead. "Fitting that these turtles should help Ho Chan rule it."

"But, master, why?" Goatee asked.

"Because you're losers," the spirit snapped. He started shooting lightning at the Dragons, who fled. "Get out of my sight before I send you to the abyss of infinite morons."

"Guys..." Donnie said.

"Your guys are my guys," the spirit replied. "Bye-bye for now." He vanished.

"Guys, what do we do?" Riki asked as the boys hovered over them.

"We gotta go!" Timothy shouted.

(They bolted for the Shellraiser. Y/N took his seat and started the engine. She swerved down the street, dodging to dodge the boys' attacks and lose them at the same time.)

"Let me take over!" Casey said, trying to take the wheel.

"Are you crazy?!" Donnie shouted.

"Down the alley!" Chloe urged.

(Y/N made a sharp turn straight into an alley, parking in a darker area and turning off the headlights. The boys flew past, not noticing them. Y/N turned off the engine as they got out.)

"Aw, they're gone!" Casey groaned.

"Yeah, but there's somebody else here," Y/N said, sniffing the air.

(Riki lifted the lid of a dumpster to reveal the Dragons hiding inside. She and Chloe threw the Dragons against the alley's wall and glared down at them.)

"You better start talking, punk," Casey commanded.

"He came out of an ancient Chinese dagger, like a spirit," Goatee explained. He held out the sheath of said dagger and Donnie took it. "He promised us great power, but once we had it, he had the power to control us. All I know is his name...Ho Chan."

"Ho Chan?" a familiar voice echoed from above. "I thought he was just a myth." Y/N dropped down in front of them.

Riki: You know what they're talking about?

"He's an ancient sorcerer who goes back to the Shang Dynasty," Y/N started.

"Oh, snap! He's 'Shangy'," Casey said.

"The only thing that can defeat Ho Chan is the mystic dagger," Y/N continued. "The same dagger that sealed his spirit away. He had full control over all of Asia in his prime." He folded his arms. "Until a shaman leader of a resistance group used his mystical influence to curse Ho Chan without flesh and sealed him within his own dagger. The Jade Dagger. Of course, the story was never clearly translated by American archeologists. Ancient Chinese was never easy to translate, so everyone who looks the guy up reads the incorrect translation put online: that the Emperor paid a group of other sorcerers to lure and entrap Ho Chan."

Riki arched a brow. "You seem to know a lot about this."

"I should." He hesitated, and then said, "The shaman was of the Hamato Clan before it was founded. I, uh, did some research on our clan."

"What about stopping the guys?" Casey asked.

Y/N: (Shook his head) I don't know.

(Timothy turned to look at Donnie, and knew they were thinking the same thing. He grinned.)

(Y/N parked the Shellraiser around a corner, just outside the Fortune Cookie Factory. Y/N left the van first. He scented the air, then nodded as the others exited behind him.)

"Coast is clear." He turned to Ethan and Chloe. "Is the manhole cover cannon completely loaded?"

"Yep," Chloe replied.

Casey drew his hockey stick. "You distract them, and I'll go rescue April."

Donnie stopped him. "No way. I'll rescue April. You distract them."

Y/N sighed, rolling his eyes, "They're fighting over a girl? Now!?"

(The sound of thunder made ice crawl through his veins. Y/N looked up to see a huge storm cloud forming over their heads.)

"Uh, guys?" He called to Donnie and Casey.

They turned to look. "What?"

Y/N: "I think we all just distracted them."

(The boys followed his gaze, and in a flash of blue lightning, Leo, Raph, and Mikey appeared in front of them. The wind surged into a gust at their presence. Riki wrapped her arrow rope around a lamppost, trying to hold on as the boys combined their influence over the three storm elements, creating a tornado. Y/N and the others started to get pulled in. Chloe, Ethan, Timothy, and Riki grabbed onto each other, and Riki's arrow rope keeping them anchored to the post. Donnie tried to hold onto the Shellraiser, and Casey tried to anchor himself to it with his hockey stick, but they both got pulled into the storm.)

(Y/N grabbed ahold of the Shellraiser, trying to hold on. Timothy summoned his green enrgy and  he let out  a fierce surge, knocking his brothers back. The tornado calmed as Timothy's energy canceled it out, and Donnie and Casey were flung out of the storm and onto the street. Donnie landed in front of Y/N, while Casey ended up inside the Shellraiser. Y/N took a defensive stance as Leo, Raph, and Mikey hovered in front of her and Donnie. Ready for round two.)

Casey aimed the manhole cover cannon at the boys and fired. "Oh, yeah! Goongala!"

(The cannon fired three pepperoni pizzas at the boys and landed on the ground. The three of them sniffed the air.)

"Pizza?" Leo asked.

Mikey started twitching. "Cannot resist the urge."

(The boys dived down. Mikey grabbed one, but Leo shocked him with his lightning bolts.)

Leo: Keep away from it!"

Raph knocked Leo away with a blast of thunder. "It belongs to me."

(Y/N grinned, helping Donnie to his feet. Riki, Casey, and the others joined them.)

"How'd you know that would work?" Riki asked Y/N.

Y/N grinned at her, fangs flashing. "I know our brothers. Ever since they discovered the stuff, pizza's pretty much all the boys eat. If it can wake Mikey up from a concussion, it should distract them long enough for us to rescue April. Now come on!"

(They made their way into the factory. The room was lit by a ghostly blue hue and echoed with strange, Asian, gibberish muttering coming from the second floor balcony. The eight of them snuck up the stairs to see April and Irma floating in front of the Shang spirit from before.)

"Why don't we just go up there and smack him while his eyes are closed?" Chloe whispered, grabbing her cord.

"I don't think that's a good idea," Timothy said.

Ethan: Why?"

Timothy: 'Cause I think he's listening to you."

Ho Chan turned to them and exclaimed, "Smack me? You don't smack a 2,000-year-old master. You beg for mercy and then you--"

April woke up, spotting them and shouting over Ho Chan, "Guys, watch out! Get out of here!"

Ho Chan continued speaking. "I will call my servants to put an end to your physical existence, while I finish regaining mine." He made a hand symbol and clicking noises with his teeth and tongue. But nothing happened. He opened his eyes and gasped. "Strange. They do not respond." He looked at them. "It's as if some power greater than my own holds them outside."

Y/N smirked. "My bros may be stronger than the Dragons, but they're still teenagers. And teenagers love junk food." He rolled his eyes. "Plus, they're terrible at taking orders.

Suddenly, Timothy body started glowing with the blue hue, and he was yanked forcefully toward Ho Chan.

"Hey!" Timothy exclaimed. "Let me go!"

Ho Chan lifted him to eye level. He met their eyes and gasped. "You! You also have power." He gestured to April and Irma. "Powers that, individually, are stronger than these two combined, and together...who knows what you could do with it! And yet, "you have barely breached the surface of your power. I must know what it is!"

"Get away from him!" Casey shouted. He drew his bat and charged. "Goongala!" He jumped into the air, aiming at Ho Chan. However, the bat phased right through the emporer's head. "What?"

Ho Chan laughed as Casey collided with the wall. "You missed." He whacked Donnie and the others over the balcony. He continued his ritual with April. She tried to fight back, but her struggle was in vain as Ho Chan fired a beam of energy at her and absorbed some of her energy. He smiled, noticing his spectral form phasing in out of the blue hue and his normal colors. "I think it's working."

"Good!" Casey shouted, smacking Ho Chan with his stick.

Ho Chan stepped back with a yelp. "Ow!" He noticed what he'd just said and looked at his arm. "Oh?" He smiled and cheered. "Pain! Oh, for the first time in centuries, I feel something." Casey continued attacking him, though Ho Chan dodged and continued speaking. "Ho Chan is almost human once more."

Casey chased Ho Chan to the main floor of the factory. Ho Chan struck back and used a technique known as 'The Giant Hands' to pin Casey against the wall. Donnie tried to reach the the Jade Dagger in Ho Chan's obi, but Ho Chan saw him coming and used the same technique on him.

"Giant Hands. My contribution to the ancient arts." Ho Chan laughed and cheered. "Everybody loves Giant Hands. Yes, Giant Hands!"

"Let gim go!" Ethan growled, leaping to attack him with the others. But Ho Chan fired a beam of energy at them and bound them with his magic.

(The spectral grip on Timothy, April, and Irma was released and they fell to the ground. Irma was out cold. The other three crawled over to look past the railing. Donnie had hold of the dagger.)

"Donnie, go for it," Casey encouraged.

Ho Chan tightened his grip on Casey. "I will crush the loud one first."

"Hold on, Casey!" Donnie shouted.

He threw the dagger at Ho Chan, who caught it before it hit him. "No magic necessary. It's all in the reflexes," Ho Chan gloated, repeatedly tossing the dagger up and down. However, he released Donnie and left himself wide open.

April took the opportunity to leap over the Chinese sorcerer, catching the dagger as he tossed it again. She landed in front of him.

He gasped. "What?" Before he could move, she plunged the dagger into his chest. Ho Chan started glowing, crying in pain, "No!"

"Too bad your reflexes aren't as quick as mine," April declared.

Ho Chan screamed in pain as the building was enveloped by his energy. "Nooo!"

Once sealed, the dagger fell. Donnie wasted no time in jumping over, grabbing the dagger, and sheathing it.

"Whoa. That was Shangy," Casey said as others joined the three of them. "Awesome job, Donatello. High-three!"

The other three boys arrived, back to normal.

"Hey, everybody. Sorry we're late, but some people were trying to hog all the pizza," Mikey said, lightly glaring at Raph.

"So who was the big hero? Donnie? Casey?" Raph asked.

The two boys exchanged looks and smiled. "It wasn't us," Casey started.

"It was all April," Donnie finished. "Peace hug!"

The two of them threw their arms around the red-head.

Riki: (Grumbles with Jealously)

"Uh, okay, okay. I'm getting kind of squashed here," April said, though she was smiling.

(They all heard a low groaning coming from the second floor and looked to see an exhausted Irma slowly walking down the stairs. Leo and his siblings fled, leaving April and Casey to take care of their friend. On the roof, Donnie looked at the dagger.)

DONNIE: Hold on, fellas. I just have to take care of one last thing.

(Cut to the docks)

HO CHAN: "Please, I can make you powerful, rich, whatever you desire, seriously! Nooo!"

[Donatello throws the dagger to the ocean, with Ho Chan in it.]

HO CHAN: "I will return!"

[Donnie turns to his brothers and smiles to them, giving them a thumb up, ending the episode.]

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

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