Post 7
Okay hear me out!
Turtle Tot crossover!
Rise! Boys are either regular turtle tots that were playing in the lair one and older turtles pass through it as in between to where they actually want to go.
They all watch the older turtles walking into a different portal and they wave and the tots get excited and smile.
Once in a while they would show up again to talk and play without letting Splinter see them.
Hiding from Splinter is hard. The tots would excitedly chatter about them to Splinter.
One day the tots managed to follow them through the portal and end up scattering or something and now the older turtles scrabble to get them all back before Splinter finds out.
Turtle Tot kidnapping adoption almost happens on several occasions.
The Rise boys are summoned to help defeat an enemy (this a spin on that one post- you know the one with PJ Leo) but they were turned into tots before before being summoned and now the older turtles have to protect them and let them run a round the lair.
The boys have their memories and scars so the older turtles are crying like- why are you hatchlings hurt? Who hurt you?
"Their gone now!"
They have nightmares and ptsd and just-
Leo happily munches on his celery and casually says, "No body wants me.", munch time is no longer happy.
Raph is bitey. He bitey your hand and the others follow suit- on the same person at the same time.
"Get them off!"
"Don't hurt them!"
They talk about their Splinter and Draxum. The older turtles HATE Draxum.
"They're babies???"
They talk about their big sister April and about grangran Karai.
Donnie gets into things- the others help. The unassuming tots defeat the enemy because no one thought to check if they could or would be able to do anything.
There was a reason they were summoned.
That reason was violence.
Time for them to go home.
The next time they get a visit from their inter dimensional extended family and they are shocked.
The last time they saw them- they were babies!! Tots!! They grow up so fast!! Too soon!!
"What? But we were always young teens, we just got turned into babies before you summoned us."
They were still hatchlings in the older turtles eyes.
What do you think is the turtles favorite holiday?
Other Holidays
Birthdays/ Mutantiondays
I'm not the only one to have come up with a Turtle Tot crossover right?
We all want a turtle Tot full episode or series.... Because babies are cute and cute adventures exploring (obviously glossing over how they meet April and cameos of other characters) (in regards to rise)
But like...
Little tots looking up and making grabby hands to an older Raph and he just...
Bends to their little wills and picks them up-
12 Leo crying about how cute little Mikey is and he—
He holds them all
"I can't protect them!"
He sobs harder when they give him kisses
Oh my gosh
Turtle tot kisses!!!!!!
They munch and baby pictures!!!
Matching onesies!!!!
Baby with a gun sword!
Baby with uranium!
Baby in the kitchen yelling about lamb sauce!
What about a little April setting everything on fire-
Okay so I had this scenario of little April Arsonist:
Little April told everyone that if anything bad happens to her baby brothers, she would burn them all to the ground and watch them scream.
Oh would you look at that, little Raphie got hurt protecting his baby brothers.
She made a promise and she follows through with that promise. She spares no one.
Don't know how she did it, but shredders base up in flames as she calmly walks a way.
"You. I made a promise. If anything bad happens to my little brothers you would burn and you are. Now scream. Scream for me, as I laugh.", she lights a match and let's it drop.
There was gas on the ground.
I'm thinking she had Donnie help her make bombs and stuff while she goes to place them and set them off. She was always going to burn them, she was simply hoping they could protect her family better.
Raphie is okay, his just scraped his knee when he and the others where whisked a way.
He cried though, so she detonated the bombs early.
"Don't mess with a Hamato. We protect our young, got it?", she smiled with wide eyes full of violence.
"Can we keep her? And the others for that matter?", asked 12 Raph.
"Not if we get them first!", said 07 Donnie.
I don't know, something like that!
What do you think?
Little April strikes fear into her enemies. She's not playing.
Rise! Boys doing online school to learn things since they can't go to actual school.
How does Bay Turtles deal with April being Megan Fox?
The other turtles keep confusing them.
Imagine if the turtles gave into their cannibalistic nature on occasion. Here is a crossover scenario that I think is funny.
The Rise boys were having lunch in the lair as a portal opens and other turtles pop in to invite them over to help them.
That's when one of them notice what each boy was eating and almost threw up.
They look at them in quiet horror.
"What? Do you know what kind of turtles we are? It's in our nature to occasionally eat each other. It's a nice little treat.", said Raph as he ate his burger.
"I have got to say little bro, this red eared slider kabob is the bomb!", said Leo.
"Yeah, this soft shell soup is to die for! It's the perfect balance of delicate flavor and- just, can I have more?", praised Donnie.
"Awe, thanks guys! I've been practicing on that for months!", said Mikey.
"You nailed it!", complimented Raph.
They noticed the other turtles were gone and so was the portal. They shrugged and went back to talking about their food. Mikey soaked up the praise with a smile.
Later, Leo had Donnie trace where the portal lead. They scared the turtles they met earlier. Who wouldn't explain why they were so terrified of these young and silly teen turtles.
"I don't get why you don't trust them? They seem nice.", asked a turtle
"You don't want to know!", one puked.
That's when one of the rise boys stroll in with a bag of questionable content.
"What are you eating?", asked a turtle as another begs them not to say anything.
"Jerky.", they said.
"Can I-", they were interrupted.
"Don't eat that!", screamed a turtle.
"Why not? It's great!", they pulled more out to eat.
"What is it?", asked another turtle.
"Turtle.", they said as they finished the bag.
More silent horror.
"What? You guys act you never thought about eating your brothers before!"
"Really? You're missing out."
An enemy (maybe a shredder) had them sitting at a table of food. Telling them it was turtle soup and stuff. They ate without hesitation and complimented the food.
"You have got to try this guys!"
"Hxll no!"
"Suit your self!"
"Oh raph, know what this reminds me of?"
"The time master Splinter thought I finally ate Leo? Yeah, he cried big time."
"Still can't believe you guys think Leo would taste better than me! I'm a soft shell turtle! Literally the type of turtle we're eating right now."
"Eh, what can I say? I'm delicious."
Shredder was not prepared for this. After they finished their meal, they fought shredder.
Finally April and Master Splinter are told of this and
They laughed.
"Why are you laughing?"
"Dude, they're messing with you!"
Everyone freezes, even the villains in the room.
"What?", said a very lost voice.
"They eat turtle substitutes! Not actual turtles!"
A few laughed as they collapsed onto the ground to cry.
"Except Raph.", April smiled as she wiped a tear out of her eyes.
They all slowly looked over at Raph chewing on Donnie, who looked particularly pleased.
"In your face, Leon! Ralph's going to eat me first!"
"Boo! You're a sore winner."
"You're okay with this?"
"My sons are domesticated turtles in a small home. No matter how big I try to make it, they have the urge and Snapping turtles sometimes make their brothers their main protein. So if they want to eat something other than pizza, who am I to judge? After all, at least they aren't eating each other", said Splinter.
They all gesture to Raph literally chewing on Donnie- then moved on to Leo as Donnie huffed and pouted.
"Eh, he know better. Besides it's either them or me and well...I still have scars from when he was just a tot."
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