Wondercolts Meet the Shadowbolts

The next day, it was the day where Starswirl Academy have the welcome party for the Shadowbolts since tomorrow will be the day of the Friendship Games. Meanwhile at the band room, the girls were practicing their music and after they are done they look at each other and they all smile at each other.

"I hope the Friendship Games have a music competition, because we would totally rock it!" Said Rainbow Dash as she strum her guitar.

"Um, don't we even know what second event for the Friendship Games will be, remember?" Said Sunset Shimmer much to Rainbow Dash's disappointment.

"Easier said than done, darling. I'm sure we will figure out what the second event of the Friendship Games will be." Said Rarity as she smiles at her friends." And while we think, I've been working on what to put in!"

"Rarity, what'd you go on and do?" Asked Applejack.

"Well, I had a little time on my hands, and since we don't know what the Friendship Games' events are, I made a few options for uniforms!" Said Rarity as she show all the outfits she made.

"You really didn't have to do that." Said Rainbow Dash.

"I know." Said Rarity as she smiles.

"No." Said Applejack as she looks at the uniforms." You really didn't have to."

"I know!" Said Rarity as she giggled a bit.

"Uh, Rarity, these outfits are great, but why would you put so much time and effort into clothes we might not even wear?" Asked Twilight." You're gonna exhaust yourself before the games even start.

"Don't be silly, darling! Putting effort into clothes is what I live for, and spending time on my friends fills me with energy!" Said Rarity as she started to glow in a purple aura and she float a bit from the floor.

That got the girls to get really surprised and shock a bit that Rarity is starting to glow a bit just like how Rainbow Dash did during the rally. Then Rarity stop glowing and started to landed on the floor and Applejack started to go to her.

"Whoa, how did you do that Rarity?" Asked Applejack.

"I have no idea darling, I kinda started to feel really generous, and then I started to feel a bit magical inside." Said Rarity looking really shock as well.

"Well, whatever happen, let's just put it aside, right now let's all get ready girls." Said Sunset Shimmer.

"Oh right today is the day of the welcome party for the Shadowbolts." Said Pinkie Pie." I just really hope that we don't have to talk to Flash Se try again because I am telling you he is annoying."

"I had to agree with Pinkie Pie here." Said Fluttershy as she feels nervous.

"Now there darling, let's not think about that right now." Said Rarity as she smiles." Come on girls, I made us some outfits for the party."

So the girls have all started to get ready for the party. Meanwhile outside of the school, Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna are outside welcoming the students of Crystal Prep Academy. Then two women have both started to go to Celestia and Luna.

The first women has dark purple plum hair, light pink eyes, she is wearing a blue shirt with a orange pendant on the middle, a blue jacket on, dark blue skirt, red legging, and blue heels. She also has a pair of red glasses, her name is Principal Cinch, and she is the principal of Crystal Prep Academy.

The second women next to Cinch has moderate violet hair with moderate rise and pale gold streaks, has light purple eyes, wears a light blue shirt, blue jacket, bluish green skirt, and yellow heels. Her name is Cadence and she is the Dean of Crystal Prep Academy. Then Principal Celestia started to go to Principal Cinch.

"Hello Principal Cinch, I'm Principal Celestia, I'm the Principal of Starswirl Academy." Said Principal Celestia as she smiles." And this is my sister, Vice Principal Luna."

"Ah yes, it nice to meet you too, this is Dean Cadence, she is the Dean of Crystal Prep Academy." Said Principal Cinch not smiling.

"It's really nice to finally meet you." Said Dean Cadence as she smiles.

"Vice Principal Luna can help your students get settled if you'd like me to show you around, Principal Cinch." Said Principal Celestia as she smiles." As you can see, we have been like a different kind of school."

"Oh, yes, Principal Celestia. I'm sure that would be fascinating." Said Principal Cinch not looking impressed.

"Oh, it's really such a pleasure to meet you, Dean Cadance. Even if it means we get defeat." Said Vice Principal Luna as she smiles.

"Thank you, Vice Principal Luna, but I hear it's not going to be so easy this time since we heard a lot about your school." Said Dean Cadence as she smiles.

Meanwhile walking down to Starswirl Academy, the Hamato Siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, and Casey were all going to Starswirl Academy for the welcome party for the Shadowbolts.

"I can't believe that we are going to see the Shadowbolts, I'm telling you, I feel like I'm going to get sick." Said Oliver as he frowns a bit.

"I know you Oliver, but the girls have invited all of us so we should all be there for them." Said Slash as he looks at his little brother.

"Slash is right, I mean I know that we all don't like the Shadowbolts, but at least we get to be with the girls." Said Leo as he smiles.

"Yeah, and besides I really like to see Juniper." Said Leatherhead as he smiles and blushes a bit.

Then as the Hamato Siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, and Casey arrived at Starswirl Academy, they all see buses in front of the school meaning that the Shadowbolts and the Crystal Prep Academy students have all arrived and they all started to go inside.

"Well, it kinda looks like the Shadowbolts are here." Said April.

"Yeah, it does seem that they look like they are ready to beat another school." Said Leo as he look at the Shadowbolts.

"Comin' through!" Shouted Indigo Zap as she pushes Leo to the ground.

"Leo are you okay?" Asked Raph as he helped Leo up.

"Seriously? Are you that clumsy?" Asked Sunny Flare as she smirk at Leo.

"Hey, your friend have pushed my brother!" Said Miwa as she glared at Sunny Flare.

"Whatever." Said Sunny Flare as she walks away.

"Oh you know, you really are a sweetie." Said Sour Sweet sweetly and then glared." More like a bit of a loser to my eyes."

The Sour Sweet have started to walk away to Sunny Flare and then Carrie started to speak.

"Man, I swear the girl may look sweet, but she is really sour, and that's coming from her name." Said Carrie as she frowns.

"Tell me about." Said Ophelia as she agrees.

Then as Mikey was about to walk into Starswirl Academy, Lemon Zest started to come out of the bus as she listen to some music in her headphones and then as she got of, Sugarcoat started to come out and looks at Mikey.

"You are kinda being a doormat right now." Said Sugarcoat as she looks at Mikey and walks away.

"Okay, now that was just really hurtful." Said Mikey as he felt a bit upset.

"Don't listen to her Michelangelo, she's a bit of a downer if you ask me." Said Leatherhead as he lay his hand on his shoulder.

Then all of a sudden, Flash Sentry have started to come out of the bus and then he started to look at Leo and glared.

"Well well well, hello Lamearnado, what are you and your friends doing here?" Asked Flash as he glared at Leo.

"We all got invited by the girls." Said Leo as he glared back at Leo.

"I can't believe that my Twilight Sparkle is hanging out with you." Said Flash as he glared at Leo.

"Um excuse me, if we remember correctly the other day, Twilight said that she dump you." Said Miwa as she glared at Flash Sentry.

"Whatever." Said Flash Sentry as he rolled his eyes and walk away.

"Okay, that guy is a really pain in the neck." Said Mikey as he frown.

"I know right, well let's all go inside the school." Said Marcus.

So the Hamato siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, and Casey have all started to go inside of the gym to where the party is. Meanwhile the girls were all dressed for the party and were about to meet the Hamato siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, and Casey. The outfits that Rarity made, she call it School Spirit.

Twilight is wearing a pink button shirt, magenta vest on, a purple and yellow plaid skirt on, and magenta strap heels on. She also had her hair tied up into a ponytail.

Sunset Shimmer is wearing a magenta color shirt, magenta color skirt with suns on it, and magenta color heels.

Rarity is wearing a blue dress that has diamonds on one half of the skirt, two golden bracelets on her wrists, and bluish purple heels.

Pinkie Pie is wearing a white shirt with light blue stripes, wears a blue tie, dark blue skirts with balloons around it, blue leggings on, and magenta colored heels on.

Applejack wears a light green shirt, a brown short sleeve jacket on, orange skirt with apples around, a brown belt around the waist, dark brown leggings on, and short cowgirl boots with green frills around the top.

Fluttershy is wearing a sea green dress with white butterflies and pink ribbons on it, and pink heels.

And Rainbow Dash is wearing a orange shirt with a rainbow lighting bolt on, blue shirt sleeve jacket, a green, yellow, and blue skirt on, and blue shoes on.

"My, we all look really amazing in these outfits." Said Rarity as she smiles.

"It was a great idea for you to make these Rarity, it's shows us that we have school spirit." Said Twilight as she smiles.

"Yeah, we look so cool in these outfits." Said Rainbow Dash as she smiles." Hey, look there are the others."

So the girls have all started to go to the Hamato siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, and Casey and as they arrived, they all look at the girls and they are all amazed at how they dressed even the boys blush at how beautiful they are.

"Hey guys." Said Rainbow Dash as she smiles.

"Hey girls, wow you look really amazing in those outfits you have on!" Said Miwa as she smiles.

"Thank you darling, I made them all by myself, I called them "School Spirit" because we like to show spirit." Said Rarity as she smiles.

"Wow, you are really creative Rarity." Said Donnie as he blushes.

"Why thank you darling." Said Rarity as she smiles.

"Well, let's get to the gym." Said Pinkie as she smiles.

So everyone have started to go to the gym. Meanwhile at the main gym, the Starswirl Academy and the Crystal Prep Academy students are at the gym having the party. Bon Bon and Lyra were smiling at some of the Crystal Prep Academy.

Sour Sweet smile sweetly but then she frowns, the she crushes the plastic cup in her hair and then she stomp it which got Bon Bon and Lyra to glare at her. Then the Mane 7, Hamato siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, and Casey have enter the main gym.

"Well, the Crystal Prep Academy students are here, now I'm starting to get really nervous about this." Said Sunset Shimmer." Hey, there are Juniper, Starlight, and Trixie."

So they all went to where Juniper, Starlight, and Trixie are and they started to speak.

"Hey guys, how are you doing?" Asked Starlight as she smiles.

"We're doing okay, though to be honest, we don't like seeing the Shadowbolts again but you guys did invite us." Said Donnie as he smiles.

"Hi Leatherhead." Said Juniper as she smiles.

"Hi Juniper." Said Leatherhead as he blushes.

Then as Twilight look around she accidentally bump into someone and that person is none other than Flash Sentry and she doesn't look happy to see him.

"Well hello there Twilight, I can see that you like to bump into me." Said Flash as he smiles.

"Ugh, Flash What do you want and what are you up to now?" Asked Twilight as she glared at him.

Flash Sentry was about to answer Twilights question till Indigo Zap came out of nowhere and started to glare at Twilight.

"Who wants to know?!" Said Indigo Zap as se glared at Twilight which scared her.

"Um, we do." Said Rainbow Dash as she pushes Indigo away from her friend and Twilight started to hide behind Leo.

"All right, everyone." Said Applejack as she splits the two girls." Let's not get too competitive before the games even start."

"The games aren't really competitive since we've never lost." Said Sugarcoat.

"That's not a very nice thing to say." Said Flutershy.

"Sorry, dearie, but these games aren't about being nice." Said Sunny Flare as she smirks.

"Well, you might use a little tact." Said Rarity.

Then Pinkie started to walk away from them, which got Mikey to get concerned and then he started to go to Pinkie Pie.

"Hey Pinkie Pie, are you okay?" Asked Mikey.

"Yeah, I'm just a bit nervous, you were right about the Shadowbolts, all they ever care about is winning." Said Pinkie Pie.

"Like the party Mikey?" Asked Pinkie as she smiles.

"Yeah, though it doesn't look like much of a party to me." Said Mikey as he looks around.

Most of the Crystal Prep Academy students and the Starswirl Academy students are just eating, sitting down and not even talk to each other.

"I know, something is definitely missing." Said Pinkie Pie as she got and idea and grab Mikey's arm." Come on!"

"Aah!" Said Mikey as Pinkie Pie Drag him.

"Hello, everyone! I'd like to take this opportunity to greet all of our visitors from Crystal Prep Academy and welcome them to Starswirl Academy." Said Principal Celestia as she smiles.

"Man Pinkie Pie, how many party cannons do you have?" Asked Mikey.

"I have plenty, of course!" Said Pinkie Pie as she smiles.

"And lastly, I would like to recognize the fourteen students that Starswirl Academy has elected to compete." Said Principal Celestia as she looks at the Mane 7, and the other 7 members." I don't think we could have chosen a better group to represent the excellence, sportsmanship, and friendship the games stand for."

"Congratulation Twilight, I knew that you would be great." Said Leo as he smiles at Twilight.

"Thanks Leo, that's really sweet of you to say." Said Twilight as she smiles at Leo.

Then Flash have started to see Twilight with Leo and he glared at how happy they are with each other. Meanwhile Pinkie Pie and Mikey have switch the food with cupcakes and brownies, Mikey have switch of the lights and disco ball shine, Pinkie Pie give Vinyl a CD and she plays the music.

As the music plays, everyone started to dance, having some cupcakes and brownies, and talk to each other meaning that they are having a great time even the Hamato siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, Casey, the Mane 7, Starlight, Trixie, and Juniper are having a great time.

"Man, this is a really great party, let's dance!" Said Marcus in excitement.

So the Hamato siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, Casey, the Mane 6, Starlight, Trixie, and Juniper all started to dance as everyone else dance. Raph and Sunset are dancing together, Rarity and Donnie are dancing together, Slash and Flutershy are dancing together, and Leatherhead and Juniper are dancing together while the others dance with each other. Then Leo starts to look at Twilight.

"May I have this dance please?" Asked Leo.

"Sure Leo, I love to dance with you." Said Twilight as she smiles.

then Pinkie Pie move the big boxes revealing the party cannons.

"Hey Mikey, you want to help me?" Asked Pinkie Pie

"Um, are you sure this is a good idea?" Asked Mikey.

"Absolutely!" Said Pinkie Pie as she smiles.

So Mikey grab the string of one cannon while Pinkie Pie hold the other and they pull the strings and many confetti's and streamers all started to fall in the ground and everyone started to have fun as they keep on dancing.

That got Pinkie Pie to smile so brightly that all of a sudden, Pinkie Pie started to glow in a pink aura around her then she floated a bit, and her pigtails started to go loose and her hair started to wave around her which got Mikey to really shock and surprised.

"Ooh, floaty!" Said Pinkie Pie as she smiles.

Then as Pinkie Pie smiles, the pink aura started to disappear, she almost fell to the floor, but she landed on Miley's arms and they blush at the position they are.

"Sorry about that." Said Pinkie as she blushes.

"That's okay, I kinda like the position we are in right now." Said Mikey as he smiles." And you know, I really like you hair like that, it makes you look so beautiful."

"Oh thanks Mikey." Said Pinkie Pie as she smiles.

Then as everyone kept on having fun, someone started to thump on the microphone, which got everyone's attention, the music have stop. Principal Cinch was at the stage and she started to speak.

"I'd like to thank Principal Celestia for her unconventional welcome. It's been years since the last Friendship Games, but it feels as though nothing has changed." Said Principal Cinch as she speaks. "Many school continues to pick its competitors in a popularity contest and Crystal Prep continues to field its top fourteen students."

When Principal Cinch said that, the Crystal Prep Academy have started to stop having fun, some put some uneaten cupcakes back and they go to the separate part of the gym from the Starswirl Academy students as Principal Cinch continue speak.

"It is a comfort to know that even after so many years of losses from other schools, your school remains committed to its ideals, however misguided they may be." Said Principal Cinch which cause Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna to glared at her." I wish you all the best of luck, regardless of the inevitable outcome."

After Principal Cinch finished speaking, the Crystal Prep Academy students glared at the Starswirl Academy students and then they glared back. Then Pinkie Pie and Mikey have walk to the others and Pinkie Pie started to feel upset.

"Oh." Said Pinkie Pie.

"I'm sorry, Pinkie. I thought your party additions were really swell." Said Applejack as she puts her hands at her shoulder.

"Yeah that was like the most amazing party I have ever had fun!" Said Marcus as he smiles.

"They definitely broke the ice." Said Fluttershy as she smiles.

"Yes. If only that Principal Cinch hadn't frozen it again." Said Jack as he frowns.

"Yeah, she's awful." Said Pinkie Pie.

"Who is that lady anyway?" Asked Rainbow Dash.

"That's Principal Cinch, she's the principal of Crystal Prep Academy, all she cares about is winning and her reputation." Said Ophelia as she rolls her eyes.

"Man, she doesn't seem like the happy type to me." Said Sunset Shimmer.

"Well, we better get ready for tomorrow, you guys will be there right?" Asked Juniper.

"Of course will be there, we won't miss it for the world." Said Carrie as she smiles.

"Well, we better get back home, will see you girls tomorrow." Said Leo as he smiles.

"Will see you tomorrow." Said Twilight as she smiles.

So the Hamato siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, and Casey have all started to go back home while the girls have started to cleanup the gym while the Crystal Prep Academy students go back to Crystal Prep Academy. But little did the girls know is that they might be the ones who will win the Friendship Games.

My Little Pony Belongs to Hasbro

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles belongs to Nickelodeon

Jack, Oliver, Carrie, Thomas, Marcus, and Ophelia all belong to me

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