Strange Magic

The next day at Roosevelt High School, Raph was at his locker looking a bit mad while his brothers Leo, Donnie, and Mikey got their stuff and saw that their brother is really mad about something.

"Hey Raph, are you okay, you seem a bit really angry as usual." Said Mikey as he was a bit concern.

"You guys are not going to believe this, do you remember about my science with the different types of gems?" Asked Raph looking at his brothers.

"Oh yeah, you and a partner have to talk about and write down 20 different types of gems." Said Leo as he smiles.

"Yeah what about it?" Asked Donnie.

"I had to do it again." Said Raph as he growl a bit.

"What happen about your last project?" Asked Mikey." I thought you did it great with your partner."

"That's the thing, I did the project by myself because my partner is none other than Derek." Said Raph as he growls." Apparently Derek told me to do project all on my own because he has his own schedule."

Derek is a boy who use to be Raph's best friend but one day he bully Mikey by punching him so hard, he had a black eye and Raph was really angry about it. That was the day he stop being Derek's friend.

"Ugh Derek, I always hated that guy." Said Mikey in anger." He gave a black eye that was so bad, I had to wear sunglasses."

"I know, and I felt really awful that he did that to you Mikey." Said Raph as he looks at his baby brother.

"It wasn't your fault Raph, I understand that day." Said Mikey as he smile." But what's this gotta do with your project?"

"Apparently when the teacher realized about what happen to our project, the teacher almost fail but then he realized that I did all the work and fail Derek." Said Raph as he frown." But apparently he want me to do the project all over again but with 20 different gems and I don't know either of them."

"Sorry about that Raph, I wish I could help you help you but I had to help Mikey with his math homework because he has a test in 3 days." Said Donnie as he looks at Raph." And I need to finish up my history project that is due in two days."

"And I need to study for a quiz tomorrow for reading class." Said Leo.

"That's okay you guys, I'll try to find someone who could help with my science project." Said Raph as he grabs his backpack.' I really hope that I could find someone who could help me.'

Meanwhile back at Starswirl Academy, Sunset Shimmer was at the yearbook club trying to figure out which picture to put in. But she couldn't figure it out how to. Then Principal Celestia have started to enter the classroom.

"Ah Sunset Shimmer, what are you doing dear?" Asked Principal Celestia.

"Oh hi Principal Celestia, I was just trying to work on the yearbook, but I'm really having a hard time with it." Said Sunset Shimmer as she feels stress." And now I'm really getting really stressed out."

"Why don't you take a break Sunset Shimmer, you have been working on it for three days." Said Principal Celestia.

"I guess you are right." Said Sunset Shimmer as she smiles.

So Sunset Shimmer have started to go to explore a bit at New York City and was amazed at how beautiful it is. Then when she wasn't looking where she was going, she have bump into someone and that someone is none other than Raph himself.

"Oh Raph, I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there." Said Sunset Shimmer as she panic a bit.

"Oh no that's okay Sunset Shimmer, I wasn't looking where I was going either." Said Raph as he smiles." What are doing here?"

"Oh I was just exploring a bit around the city and I have to say that New York is a really nice city." Said Sunset Shimmer as she smiles.

"I'm really glad that you like New York City, it's really great city because it has many great buildings and museums." Said Raph as he smiles.

Then Sunset Shimmer have started to see the science project paper at Raph's hand and got really curious about it because she really loves different types of gems.

"Wow I see that you got a paper assignment about gems Raph." Said Sunset as she looks at Raph.

"Yeah apparently my science teacher is making me doing this science project alone since my partner didn't help me." Said Raph as he frowns a bit." This project was supposed to be in partners but my partner didn't help and these are really hard gems.

"Well, I'm really great at science class, and I got a A for solving the hardest gems on what types they are." Said Sunset Shimmer as she smiles.

That got Raph to get really shock and surprised. Sunset Shimmer got an A on science for solving some of the hardest gem and realized that she must be really smart. Then Raph have realized that he need help with his science homework so decided to ask Sunset Shimmer for help.

"Um hey Sunset, I had this science project homework that is due tomorrow so I was wondering if you can help me with it?" Asked Raph a bit nervously.

"Oh sure Raph, I would really love to help you with your science homework." Said Sunset Shimmer as she smiles." How about I meet you at your house in 20 minutes?"

"Sure Sunset, I'll see you then." Said Raph as he smiles.

So Raph have started to head back to his home to prepare for his study date with Sunset Shimmer, the girl he have started to fall in love with. Then after 20 minutes, Raph was waiting for Sunset Shimmer when Tang Shen came in to see why was he nervous.

"My son, are you alright, you seem a bit nervous for 20 minutes." Said Tang Shen with concern.

"Oh sorry mom, it's just that I ask Sunset Shimmer's to help me with my science homework and I'm really nervous about it." Said Raph as he felt really nervous." I mean ever since me and my siblings save the girls, I have this strange feeling towards Sunset."

"Oh my son, I believe that you have a crush on Sunset Shimmer." Said Tang Shen." Raphael, you can't be nervous I mean you are really brave and you always say that you wanted to find the right girl."

"Well I know that mom, but Sunset Shimmer really makes me nervous, how will I know that she is the right girl for me?" Asked Raph.

"You will know that Sunset Shimmer is the right girl for you when you feel it in your heart." Said Tang Shen as she smiles.

"Thanks mom." Said Raph as he smiles.

Then Tang Shen smile at her son and started to go to Yoshi. Then the door started to knock and Raph knew that it was Sunset Shimmer and he started to open the door. Sunset Shimmer was standing outside smiling.

"Hey there Raph." Said Sunset as she walks in.

"Hey there Sunset Shimmer, I'm really glad that you came." Said Raph as he blush a bit."

"So where are we going to study so I can help you with your science homework?" Said Sunset as she blush.

"Well my dad say we can study in my room as long as my door is open, my dad say that we aren't suppose to do something ridiculous." Said Raph and Sunset look confused." Long story, you know what why don't we just do my science now?"

So Raph and Sunset Shimmer have both started to go Raph's room to study on Raph's science homework. Sunset and Raph have both started to talk about the different types of gems and Raph was getting really good at it.

"Alright now Raph, lets if you got the correction of these gems." Said Sunset as she smiles." Now, what's a pearl?"

"A pearl is a hard, lustrous spherical mass, typically white or bluish-gray, formed within the shell of a pearl oyster or other bivalve mollusk and highly prized as a gem." Said Raph as he got it correct.

"That's right Raph, what's a ruby?" Asked Sunset.

"A ruby is a precious stone consisting of corundum in color varieties varying from deep crimson or purple to pale rose." Said Raph.

"That's right, what's a aquamarine gem?" Asked Sunset.

"A aquamarine is a precious stone consisting of a light bluish-green variety of beryl. Its also the birthstone for the month of March." Said Raph as he smiles.

"That's correct Raph, just three more and you're almost done." Said Sunset as she smiles." Now then, what's a emerald gem?"

"A emerald is a bright green precious stone consisting of a chromium-rich variety of beryl by trace amounts of chromium and sometimes vanadium." Said Raph as he writes that down at his paper.

"Amethyst is a precious stone consisting of a violet or purple variety of quartz." Said Raph as he continues to write." It is the purple variety of the mineral Quartz, and its most valuable and prized variety."

"That's correct Raph, now here's the last one, what is a sapphire gem?" Asked Sunset Shimmer as she smiles.

"A sapphire is a a transparent precious stone, typically blue, that is a variety of corundum." Said Raph as he finish." But they are more than just blue, they can be pink, purple, or yellow."

"That's correct, you did it Raph, you got all of them right!" Said Sunset as she smiles.

"I did it, I can't believe I really did it, I'm going to get a good grade at science class tomorrow." Said Raph as he smiles." Thought to be honest, I really wish that Derek wasn't in my class."

"I knew you could do it Raph, I'm really happy for you." Said Sunset as she smiles.

"Thanks Sunset Shimmer." Said Raph as he smiles then got an idea." Say Sunset, since we still have a half hour, do you want to hangout with me outside at the rooftops?"

That causes Sunset Shimmer to blush really red. Raphael, the boy she have started to have a crush on wanted her to hangout with him. Then she started to smile at him.

"Sure Raph, I would love to hangout with you." Said Sunset Shimmer as she smiles and blush.

That got Raph to smile. So Raph and Sunset Shimmer have both started to go outside to the rooftops and then they both have started to sit down. Then as they both have got outside, they have both started to talk and laugh about their life's and what things they have in common.

"So let me guess Raph, whenever someone or one of your brother's said something that got you to push your button you suddenly lost your temper?" Asked Sunset as she and Raph are sitting at the rooftops.

"Yeah you see I always let my temper get the best of me whenever I tried to show my true emotions." Said Raph as he shrugged." Sometimes I let me temper out whenever I get jealous of my brother Leo."

"Wow that's just like me too, sometimes I always let my temper get the best of me too and get jealous of someone I used to know." Said Sunset as she convinced herself." But I did that because I always wanted to protect my friends and make the bad guys pay for what they did to them."

"Wow, that's just like me but I always wanted to protect my family and friends." Said Raph in shock." I can't believe that you and I have so much in common Sunset Shimmer."

"Yeah, I can't believe it either Raph." Said Sunset Shimmer as she smiles at him." You know something Raph, whenever I'm with you, I feel this strange magic around to two of us."

"Yeah I know that feels Sunset." Said Raph as he smiles at her." Sometimes I always feel this strange around the both of us whenever we are together."

That got Sunset Shimmer to smile at him and blush a bit. Then all of a sudden, as soon as Raph have just said that, music have begin to play and then Sunset Shimmer have began to sing as the music play.

Sunset: You're walking
Meadows in my mind
Making waves across my time
Oh no, oh no
I got a strange magic
Oh, what a

Then Raph smile at Sunset and he started to sing alone with Sunset.

Raph and Sunset: Strange magic
Oh, it's a strange magic
Got a strange magic
Got a strange magic

Raph: You're sailing softly through the sun

Sunset: Softly through the sun

Raph: Of a land I always know
You fly

Sunset: You fly

Raph: So high

Sunset: So high

Raph and Sunset: I get a strange magic
Oh, what a strange magic
Oh, it's a strange magic
Got a strange magic
Got a strange magic

Sunset: Oh, I'm

Raph: Oh I'm

Raph and Sunset: Never gonna be the same again

Sunset: Now I've seen the way it's got to end

Raph: Got to end

Sunset: Sweet dream

Raph: Sweet dream

Raph and Sunset: I got a strange magic
Oh, what a strange magic
Oh, it's a strange magic
Got a strange magic
Got a strange magic

Sunset: It's magic,

Raph: It's magic

Sunset: It's magic

Raph: It's magic

Sunset: It's magic

After they both stop singing, they both look at each other and they were shock and surprised.

"Wow Raph, that was really an amazing voice you have there." Said Sunset as she blush a little on how great Raph's singing voice is.

"Really, well thanks Sunset that's kind of you to say." Said Raph as he started to blush really red." And you have the most beautiful singing voice I have ever heard."

"Really, thank you Raph that's very kind of you to say." Said Sunset as she blushes.

"Your welcome, oh but please don't tell my brothers and friends that I know how to sing it will make them laugh me." Said Raph as he blushes in embarrassment.

"Okay Raph, your secret is safe with me." Said Sunset as she giggles a bit.

Then as Sunset Shimmer smile at Raph, she started to look at the clock tower and realize that it's getting really late and know that she has to head back to Starswirl Academy in 10 minutes.

"Oh look what time it is, I had to get back to get back to Starswirl Academy." Said Sunset Shimmer as she started to get up." Because tomorrow me and the girls have to this science project for our science class tomorrow and we abs to be prepare."

"Yeah I understand Sunset Shimmer, I have to go back home anyway." Said Raph as he realized about his history test tomorrow." I need to get some goodnight sleep so I can return my science project homework tomorrow, thanks again for helping me Sunset Shimmer."

"Your welcome Raph, I'm just very happy to help you with your homework." Said Sunset Shimmer as she is about to leave." Oh, before I go back to Starswirl Academy, I got something for you Raph."

"Really, what is it Sunset?" Asked Raph as he started to get really curious for what Sunset is going to do.

"This Raph." Said Sunset Shimmer as she smiles.

Then all of a sudden, Sunset have started to do something that Raph never thought she will do. She started to kiss Raph right at the cheek which causes Raph's eyes widen and he started to blush really red. Then Sunset Shimmer finished her kiss and giggles at Raph's reaction and then she started to leave the rooftops.

"See ya tomorrow Raph." Said Sunset Shimmer as she smiles and waves at Raph.

"Uh yeah, see ya tomorrow Sunset." Said Raph as he wave back still blushing and seeing Sunset Shimmer leave.

So as Raph started to walk he started to touch his cheek where Sunset Shimmer have kissed him and he smile.

"I can't believe, Sunset Shimmer have kissed me right at the cheek!" Said Raph as he smile and blush." Man, I really wish that I have the courage to tell Sunset Shimmer how I really feel about her!"

And as Raph goes back to his home, little did Sunset and Raph have know is that there might be a bit of strange magic inside of them in the future.

My Little Pony Belongs to Hasbro

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles belongs to Nickelodeon

The song "Strange Magic" is from the movie "Strange Magic"

Credit goes to TMNT_fangirl13 for the most amazing idea she gives

Picture belongs to @kiana1506

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