Something There
The next day at the Purple Vipers hideout, Slash was trying to think of a way on how to ask Fluttershy out on a date. You see, he has been hanging out with Fluttershy for so long that he thought that it might be time to ask her out on a date. But somehow he couldn't figure out how to ask her out.
"Okay how about this. . . Yo Fluttershy, you, me, movies Friday?" Said Slash as he tried to act cool." No that won't work, I sound a little to weird."
Then Slash have started to try a french guy tone and tried it.
"You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen." Said Slash in a french accent." No that won't work, I sound a little to weird than the last one."
Then Slash thought to act like a really cool guy with a sweet ride.
"Okay how about this. . . You want to go on a ride on my bike?" Asked Slash acting like biker." No that's sound so ridiculous, ugh, why is it so hard to ask one girl out on a date?"
Then as soon as Slash have said that, the door of bedroom begin to open, then Leatherhead have started to go inside the room, and started to go to Slash.
"Hey Slash, is everything okay in here?" Asked Leatherhead as he looked concerned.
"Not really Leatherhead, I'm a little stress right now." Said Slash as he looked so stressed out.
"What are you so stressed out about Slash?" Asked Leatherhead.
"It's just that, I was planning on asking Fluttershy out on a date, but the problem, I just don't know how." Said Slash as he explains." It's just, she is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and I don't know how to ask her out."
"Well my friend, all joking aside, you need to be yourself if you want to ask Fluttershy out." Said Leatherhead as he smiles.
"I don't know Leatherhead, I mean, I have never been out with a girl before and I'm getting so nervous." Said Slash.
"Slash calm down, I have seen the way Fluttershy have looked at you, and I got a feeling that she likes you." Said Leatherhead as he smiles." So try to be yourself and Fluttershy will say yes."
That got Slash to smile thinking that maybe Leatherhead is right and then he started to thank Leatherhead, and started to go to Starswirl Academy to see Fluttershy. Meanwhile at Starswirl Academy, Fluttershy was at the gym with the cheer squad.
You see, Fluttershy decided that she wanted to join another activity, that she thought that she could join the cheer squad. She is wearing a blue and white shirt that has her school symbol on, a blue skirt on, and blue shoes on, she also has blue and white pompoms with her. Then she started to get into a position.
"Alright Fluttershy, try your very best and have fun." Said Pinkie Pie as she sits down with Bon Bon on her right and Lyra on her left.
"Alright Pinkie Pie." Said Fluttershy as she started her cheering as she dance.
Fluttershy: Wondercolts here we can play
Watch our moves
And you will say
Go Wondercolts
Go go Wondercolts
Go Wondercolts
Go go Wondercolts
Wondercolts are the greatest
Watch the moves
As you will cheer
Go Wondercolts
"Go Wondercolts!" Said Fluttershy as she did a herkie jump and did a ballerina pose with a toe-touch.
All the cheerleaders have all clap for Fluttershy at how amazing she is. Then Pinkie Pie have started to go to her and smile.
"Fluttershy, that was the most amazing moves ever!" Said Pinkie Pie as she smiles." Welcome to the team!"
That got Fluttershy to smile really big that she started to hug Pinkie Pie and Pinkie Pie hugs back. Then after that, Fluttershy was going outside with her cheer outfit still on. Then Slash came to the school and saw Fluttershy.
"Hey there Fluttershy." Said Slash as he smiles.
"Oh hey Slash." Said Fluttershy as she smiles.
"Wow, you look so pretty in that cheerleader outfit." Said Slash as he blush.
"Why thank you Slash, I was trying out for the cheerleading squad, and I have made the squad." Said Fluttershy as she smiles.
"Wow that's so cool Fluttershy, congratulations." Said Slash as he smiles.
"Thank you Slash." Said Fluttershy as she smiles." What are you doing?"
"Well, I was kinda looking for you, because I wanted to ask you something." Said Slash as he looks at Fluttershy blushing.
"Oh really, what is it Slash?" Asked Fluttershy as she smiles.
"I was wondering if you. . . Want to. . . Go out with me?" Asked Slash as he looks nervous." Like on a date?"
That got Fluttershy to get really shock at what Slash have asked her. She have started to smile at Slash and then she started to answer his question.
"Sure Slash, I would love to go out with you." Said Fluttershy as she smiles.
"Really, great, I will pick you up at 6:30." Said Slash as he smiles.
"Okay, see you then." Said Fluttershy as she smiles.
So Slash and Fluttershy have both go to their separate ways to get ready for their date tonight. A few hours later, at the dorm rooms, Fluttershy was getting ready for her date with Slash. She is wearing her sea green dress with white butterflies and pink ribbons on it, and pink heels.
"Okay now Fluttershy, just relax, Slash have just ask you out on a date, and there's nothing to be nervous at all." Said Fluttershy as she fixed her hair and look at the time." Oh look at the time, it's 6:30, meaning that Slash is waiting for me outside."
Then Fluttershy have started to go outside to see Slash waiting for her, and she blush at how handsome he really is in the outfit he is wearing. Slash was wearing a black long sleeved shirt from Gap along, has Gap jeans, and black sneakers on.
"Hey there Slash." Said Fluttershy as she smiles.
"Hey there Twilight." Said Leo as he blush a bit." Wow I've seen the difference between pretty and beautiful, and you are really beautiful in that outfit."
"Why thank you Slash, Rarity made this for me when I told her I'm going out on a date with you." Said Fluttershy as she blush a bit." She made for me, the girls, and herself. So ready to go now?"
"Yeah, first lets get a bite to eat, and then lets go to the movies." Said Slash as he smiles." I heard that they have a new and amazing action movie they are presenting."
"Cool, let's get going Slash." Said Fluttershy as she smiles.
So Slash and Fluttershy have both started to go to a pizza restaurant that is close to them and order a large pepperoni pizza. They both talk about their life's, and how they have been doing in school lately. Then after 2 hours of eating, they both have started to leave for the movies.
"There's the new movie that is out: Avatar, Terra Nova!" Said Slash as he smiles." I heard that this movie is such a amazing movie that many people keep on coming to watch this!"
"I know right, I have always wanted to watch this movie ever since it got out!" Said Fluttershy in excitement." Well lets get in!"
So Fluttershy and Slash started to go to watch the new movie in the theater. As they both have their tickets, they went inside the theater and started to watch the movie. After two hours, Fluttershy and Slash have both started to exit the movie theater and were really excited.
"Oh man, best movie ever Slash!" Said Fluttershy as she was excited." The part where the Jake have stop that herd of stampede from trying to kill one of the Avatars!"
"Yeah and the part where Jake and his mate have use both of their confess all the tribes to fight the other humans!" Slash Leo in excitement as well." Then he got on to the ship and started to blow it up!"
"Yeah and the part where Avatars have won and some humans stay while the other ones have all go back to earth!" Said Fluttersht as she smiles.
"Yeah, and it's really romantic that Jake get to be with his mate and live together." Said Slash as he smiles.
"I know right, best movie ever, so what do you want to do now Slash?" Asked Fluttershy as she smiles.
"I think I got an idea to have so much fun for our date." Said Slash as he smiles.
So Slash and Fluttershy have both started to go up to the rooftops, as they got up to the rooftops, they were really amazed at how amazing at how the lights are bright during the night time.
"Wow Slash, the city looks so pretty at night." Said Fluttershy as she smiles."
"I know right, I always likes to come here whenever I feel a bit stressed out." Said Slash as he smiles.
"I know huh?" Said Fluttershy as she smiles." Say Slash, how come you said that you come up here whenever your stressed?" Asked Fluttershy as she looks at Slash.
"Well, the truth is that, back when I was in middle school, I used to be a bit to other boys who always make fun of me." Said Slash." You see, whenever some boys will push me around or make fun of my friends, I lose control of my angry and sometimes get into fights."
That got Fluttershy to feel a bit shock but felt sorry for Slash that he was made fun of back in middle because of how he look. Then Fluttershy have started to hold Slash's hand which got him to look at her and she started to speak.
"Slash, I'm really sorry that happen to you back then, but I'll have you know that those bullies are wrong." Said Fluttershy as she smiles." Sure you may look a bit scary, no offense, but you are kind and you always help your friends and little brother."
That got Slash to smile at Fluttershy knowing that she understands him. Then Fluttershy look at her phone and saw that it's 7:30 and needs to be back at the dorm rooms at 8:00.
"Oh Slash, I need to get back to Starswirl Academy, they said I need to be at the dorm rooms at 8:00 sharp." Said Fluttershy as she explains.
"Yeah, I need to get back at my hideout anyway, it's almost time for dinner and the truth is, Marcus is not a great cook." Said Slash as he smiles at Fluttershy." But I really had a great time with you today."
"Yeah I had a really great time with you too Slash." Said Fluttershy as she smiles." I better get going, I really had a great time Slash."
Then before Fluttershy was about to go, she started to lean in to Slash, and kissed him on the cheek. That got Slash to get really shock and blush, then Fluttershy started to leave, and so did Slash.
Then as Fluttershy started to walk to Starswirl Academy, all of a sudden, music have began to play, and then Fluttershy have began to sing as she walks.
Fluttershy: There's something sweet
And almost kind
But he was mean
And he was coarse
And unrefined
And now he's dear
And so unsure
I wonder why
I didn't see it
There before
Meanwhile at the other side of the city, Slash was walking back to his hideout, and while he was walking, he started to sing.
Slash: She glanced this way
I thought I saw
And when we touched
She didn't shudder
At my paw
It can't be
I'll just ignore
But then she's never
Looked at me
That way before
Then when Fluttershy have arrived at her dorm room,
Fluttershy: New
And a bit alarming
Who'd have ever
Thought that
This could be
That he's no
Prince Charming
But there's something
In him that
I simply didn't see
But what Fluttershy and Slash don't know is that the Purple Vipers have been spying on them the whole time when they were on their date, and then they began to sing as well.
Leatherhead: Well who'd have thought
Carrie: Well bless my soul
Marcus: Well who'd have known
Ophelia: Well who indeed
Leatherhead: And who'd have guessed
they'd come together
On their own
Thomas: It's so peculiar
Purple Vipers: Wait and see
Well wait and see
A few days more
There may be something
There that wasn't
There before
Leatherhead: Here's a thought
Perhaps there's something
There that wasn't
There before
Oliver: There may be something
There that wasn't
There before
My Little Pony Belongs to Hasbro
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles belongs to Nickelodeon
Jack, Oliver, Carrie, Thomas, Marcus, and Ophelia all belong to me
The song "Something There" is from the movie "Beauty and the Beast 2017 Movie"
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