Rally Assembly
A few days later, at Starswirl Academy, in the student lounge, the Mane 7 were sitting down looking a bit nervous and worried. The day when they told the Hamato siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, and Casey they are competing in event called the Friendship Games, they haven't been a bit happy about it.
You see, the Hamato siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, and Casey have explained that the Friendship Games aren't really exciting because they will be competing against the Shadowbolts of Crystal Prep Academy, the most undefeated team ever.
"Man guys, I'm starting to get a little bit nervous right now." Said Fluttershy as she felt a bit scared.
"I know what you mean Fluttershy, we are going to be competing against the Crystal Prep Academy, the same school that Flash Sentry goes to now." Said Applejack as she frowns.
The mention of Flash Sentry's name have made Twilight really upset. She never expected that she will see her ex boyfriend again and she made a promise to herself that she never wanted to see him again because back during middle school, he did something that so horrible back then, that it made Twilight and the girls to never talk about it.
"Twilight, are you okay?" Asked Sunset Shimmer looking worried." I know that you aren't really happy to see your ex boyfriend but you have been quiet, and it's also making Leo worried."
"I'm sorry girls, it's just that I promise myself that I will never see that guy ever again." Said Twilight as she felt upset." But not only did I see him again but now we are going to compete against him at the Friendship Games."
"I know, but I'm a little worried about the Shadowbolts, I mean you guys remember what the Hamato siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, and Casey have said about them." Said Rainbow Dash.
"Yeah, and I'm a bit nervous about it." Said Rarity.
Then a few minutes later, the door of the student lounge have began to open, and then Starlight, Juniper, and Trixie have enter the room and they started to go to the girls.
"Hey girls, how are you doing?" Asked Juniper as she looks at the girls and then at Twilight." Hey Twilight, are you okay, you seem a bit upset right now."
"We were hanging out with the Hamato siblings, the Purple Vipers, April, and Casey the other day, and you will never guess who we just saw." Said Pinkie Pie.
"Who did you girls see?" Asked Starlight.
"Flash Sentry." Said Sunset Shimmer as she frowns.
"What?!" Said Starlight, Juniper, and Trixie in shock.
"Flash Sentry is back?!" Asked Starlight in shock.
"Yeah, we saw him again." Said Rarity as she frowns.
"Oh god, I hated that jerk, do you girls remember what he did to the other students back at middle school?" Said Juniper as she frowns.
"Yeah we do remember, he was so mean to everyone back then, even to us." Said Fluttershy as she frowns.
"I know huh, he did some horrible things to all of us, and don't forget about our friend Wallflower Blush." Said Starlight as she frowns." I mean what he did to her was so horrible."
Wallflower Blush is the girls other best friend. Back when they were in middle school, Flash Sentry have bullied Wallflower so much that it made her feel invisible that nobody even knows that she existed, till the Mane 7, Starlight, Juniper, and Trixie become her friends and everyone finally knows her.
"Yeah, what he did to her was so unforgivable." Said Trixie as she frowns." If the Great and Powerful Trixie could never forgive him."
"And that's not even the worst part, the worst part is that we are competing against him during the Friendship Games." Said Applejack as she feels a bit nervous.
"Oh boy, we kinda did heard about the Friendship Games and I'm getting a bit nervous about it." Said Juniper as she looks nervous.
"I'm guessing that you know about the Friendship Games huh?" Asked Twilight.
"Yeah the other day, we were hanging out with one of the students of Roosevelt High School and they've told us all about the Friendship Games." Said Starlight as she felt a bit upset." I mean, with the Friendship Games starting in three days, they will totally beat us."
"I'm guessing you guys know why right?" Said Rarity as she looks at the three girls.
"Yeah, apparently they told us that the Shadowbolts would totally prank us." Said Trixie.
"Why would the students from Roosevelt High School day that?" Asked Twilight.
"Because the Crystal Prep Shadowbolts will be our biggest rivals." Said Juniper.
"Because that's just what the students at Crystal Prep would do." Said Trixie as she looks at the girls.
"Seems kinda silly to me." Said Sunset Shimmer as she rolled her eyes.
"Silly?!" Said the girls as they look at Sunset Shimmer.
"So I guess you think the Friendship Games are silly, too." Said Rainbow Dash as she looks at Sunset.
"Well, it's not like we'll be fighting the powers of bad guys." Said Sunset Shimmer.
"No." Said Fluttershy as she looks at Sunset." We'll be fighting against a school full of meanies, not everything has to be important."
"You're right. I'm sorry. I know it's a big deal." Said Sunset Shimmer.
"That's putting it mildly, darling. They're still revamping the playing field in preparation." Said Rarity as she looks at her nails.
Then all of a sudden, the door of the student lounge began to open and then Sandalwood and Micro Chip have enter the room.
"Hey girls, how are you doing?" Asked Sandalwood.
"We're fine, we are just thinking about the Friendship Games." Said Pinkie Pie.
"Oh boy, now that you mention that, we are getting really nervous about that event now." Said Sandalwood looking nervous.
"Oh I'm guessing that you also heard about that don't you?" Asked Twilight.
"Yeah, apparently we kinda heard that the Friendship Games are not that exciting because of the Shadowbolts." Said Micro Chip as he pushes his glasses up." You know, to be honest, I don't know why Crystal Prep Academy only cares about winning."
"You know, now that you think about that, I don't understand why Crystal Prep Academy only cares about winning." Said Starlight looking confused.
"Yeah you know, I just don't understand why there's this big rivalry at every school that goes against Crystal Prep Academy." Said Juniper." Aren't the "Friendship Games" supposed to be about two schools getting along?"
"Well, its like what April told us, it's kinda hard to get along with someone who beats you at everything." Said Applejack as she looks at the girls.
"Not anymore!" Said Rainbow Dash as she smiles." This time, things are gonna be different."
When Rainbow Dash have said that, it got the girls, Sandalwood, and Micro Chip to get a bit confused when she said that.
"What do you mean, Rainbow Dash?" Asked Sunset Shimmer.
"Oh, you'll find out." Said Rainbow Dash as she smirks.
A few minutes later, everyone was at the main gym because of the assembly that Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna have hosted. The two women were at the stage and Principal Celestia is talking at a microphone
"As I am sure you all know, in three days, Starswirl Academy will be hosting our fellow students from Crystal Prep Academy as we join together in the spirit of excellence, sportsmanship, and fidelity to compete in the Friendship Games." Said Principal Celestia as she smiles.
Then after when Principal Celestia said that, the students have began to clap lightly and cheer softly because they all seen a bit nervous about the Friendship Games.
"Since I know that this is our first time that we are participating the Friendship Games." Said Principal Celestia as she continue to speak." And since the games only happen every four years, I'm sure you're all curious what goes on."
"You mean other than any other school losing to Crystal Prep Academy?!" Asked Sandalwood.
"And that is exactly why I've asked Rainbow Dash to come up and give you all a little, um... context." Said Principal Celestia as she gives the microphone to Rainbow Dash.
"Thank you, Principal Celestia." Said Rainbow Dash as she clears her throat." I know that all of you have heard from the Roosevelt High School students that the Shadowbolts are the most undefeated team ever."
"Yeah, apparently they say that the Shadowbolts are so good that they haven't lose a single Friendship Game." Said Mystery Mint.
"Yes, thank you Mystery Mint." Said Rainbow Dash as she continued to speak." I know a lot of you might think there's no way we can beat a fancy school like Crystal Prep at anything."
"Unless it's a "losing to Crystal Prep" competition! 'Cause I'm guessing will be good at that!" Said Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash groan.
"And I know that every school here has never won the Friendship Games even once." Said Rainbow Dash.
"Oh, dear. I hope this speech isn't meant to be motivational." Said Rarity as she looks at her friends.
Then as Rainbow Dash continues to speak, music have began to play.
"Crystal Prep students are super athletic, super smart, and super motivated. But there's one thing they aren't. They aren't Wondercolts!" Said Rainbow Dash and then she started to sing.
Rainbow Dash: We've fought magic
More than once
And come out on top
There's other schools
But none can make those claims
Together we are Canterlot
Come and cheer our name
This will be our year
To win these games
We'll always be
Wondercolts forever
And now our time
Has finally arrived
'Cause we believe in
The magic of friendship
And you know
At the end of the day
It is we who survive
Students: Hey
Rainbow Dash: We're not the school
We were before
Students: Before
Rainbow Dash: Yeah
We're different now
Students: Hey
Rainbow Dash: We overcame the
Obstacles we faced
Students: Overcame the obstacles
We faced
Rainbow Dash: We're Canterlot united
Students: Unite
Rainbow Dash: And we'll never bow
Students: Hey
Rainbow Dash:So get ready to see
Us in first place
Everyone:We'll always be
Wondercolts forever
And now our time
Has finally arrived
Our time is now
'Cause we believe in
The magic of friendship
And you know
At the end of the day
It is we who survive
At the end of the day
It is we who survive
Students: Na
Wondercolts united together
Wondercolts united forever
Rainbow Dash: We'll always be
Wondercolts forever
Students: Na
Wondercolts united together
Rainbow Dash: And now our time
Has finally arrived
Students: Na
Wondercolts united forever
Rainbow Dash:'Cause we believe in
The magic of friendship
Students: Na, na, na-na-na-na
Wondercolts united together
Then as Rainbow Dash kept on singing, all of a sudden, she began to glow in a blue color aura around and she almost float a bit which got her friends to get really shock and amazed. And then she continue to sing.
Rainbow Dash: And you know
Everyone: At the end of the day
It is we who survive
At the end of the day
It is we who survive
After Rainbow Dash finished her song, the aura around her began to disappear and she landed at the ground and everyone have started to cheer for her. Then after Rainbow Dash leave the stage, the girls started to go to her.
"Rainbow Dash, that was amazing!" Said Fluttershy in excitement." Even I feel like we can win!"
"I feel like my school pride is at an all-time high!" Said Rarity as she felt so excited.
"Is anybody else wonderin' how Dash started to glow and floated a bit?" Asked Applejack looking a confused.
"I know, right?" Said Rainbow Dash in excitement." Apparently I feel so loyal when I have me speech and then I felt a bit of spark inside of me and I'm totally awesome!"
"Maybe." Said Sunset Shimmer as she looks at Rainbow Dash." I mean, you are awesome, but there's gotta be more to it than that, right? I mean this has never happen before to any of us.".
"Well, it would be nice if you girls could get a handle on it." Said Vice Principal Luna." But I want to let you girls know that no matter what happens during the Friendship Games, I like you to do your best and have fun."
Then the girls have all nodded their heads
"Okay, anybody have any guesses what the events are gonna be?" Asked Rainbow Dash.
Pie eating? Cake eating?" Asked Pinkie Pie as she gasp." Pie-cake eating?!"
"They won't even let us see what they're doin' to the field." Said Applejack." You think they'd at least tell competitors what they're competing in."
"It could be anything." Said Fluttershy looking nervous.
"Anything?!" Said Rarity as she panicked a bit." How will I ever pick the right outfit?!"
"More importantly, how are we going to figure out how are we supposed to play in the second event?" Asked Twilight looking confused.
"Well it kinda looks like that we might want to practice in case, Principal Celestia Said that the suggestion any kind of sports we are good at." Said Sunset Shimmer.
"Yeah, we should all get to practice." Said Pinkie Pie." You know girls, something tells me that we might have a chance on winning the Friendship Games."
Then the girls have started to go to practice for the second event for the Friendship Games. But as they all go, little did they know, is that Pinkie Pie is right, they would be the first ever school that wins the Friendship Games.
My Little Pony Belongs to Hasbro
The song "Rally Song" is from the movie My Little Pony: Equestria Girls Friendship Games
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